Indianapolis (JP 🇯🇵: インディアナポリス, CN 🇹🇼: 印第安纳波利斯)
Ship ID No. 45 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage3-3, Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 21
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Aya Yokota
Indianapolis Description
Portland-class Heavy Cruiser – Indianapolis, Hull Number CA-35!
At School With My Sister... Description
School life... It's nice as long as you and my sister are here... I think...
The Light of Circle City Description
Oh. Good evening, Commander. Do you want some steak? It goes great with wine.
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 4227 Reload 152
Firepower 183 Torpedo 0
Evasion 25 Anti-air 219
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 107 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 4734 Reload 174
Firepower 210 Torpedo 0
Evasion 58 Anti-air 252
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 125 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP 818 Reload 64
Firepower 39 Torpedo 0
Evasion 10 Anti-air 47
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 41 Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 26.16
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 100%/102%/105%/110% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 50%/52%/55%/60% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 203mm Main Gun
3 Twin 20mm AA Oerlikon Design
Fleet Tech
T6 Heavy Cruiser: Portland-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 10 +1
Max LimitBreak 21
Lv.120 16 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Pandora's Box Every 30s: deploys 2 rotating shields that can each block up to 8 shells. Shields last for 5 (15)s. If destroyed, shields deal a small amount of DMG to nearby enemies.
Vice Defense When this ship is attacked: 3.5% (8.0%) chance to decrease the DMG of the incoming attack by 50.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Portland Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 波特兰级重巡洋舰—印第安纳波利斯,舷号CA-35 ポートランド級重巡洋艦・インディアナポリス(CA-35) Portland-class Heavy Cruiser – Indianapolis, Hull Number CA-35!
Biography ……波特兰级重型巡洋舰二号舰,印第安那波利斯。 有个比较吵闹的姐姐,要是给你添麻烦了十分抱歉……核弹?不是很清楚 ……ポートランド級重巡二番艦、インディアナポリス。うるさい姉が迷惑をかけた。ごめん……核爆弾?よくわからない ... I'm Indianapolis, second ship of the Portland-class. I apologize for any trouble my big sister caused... A nuclear bomb? I'm not sure what that is.
Acquisition Hi…指挥官,我是印第安纳波利斯,小名叫印第,欸,核弹?那是什么? はい?…指揮官、私はインディアナポリス。ニックネームはインディよ。え、核爆弾?それ、何? Yeah? ... Commander, I'm Indianapolis. My nickname is Indy. Hm? A nuclear bomb? What's that?
Login ……?指挥官,什么时候来的,吓到我了 ……?!指揮官、いつの間に来てたの?びっくりしたあ ...?! When did you get here, Commander? You startled me...
Details 你在看什么?小麦色是天生的,所以这里不会有晒痕 何見てるの?小麦色の肌は生まれつきだから、日焼けの跡はないの What are you looking at? My skin color has always been light brown, it's not a tan.
Main 如果我等不住先走了的话,你就只能找新墨西哥了 私が行っちゃったら、ニューメキシコに頼むしかないね。 If I go away, I guess you'll have to rely on New Mexico.
Main 2 为什么姐姐老是盯着我看…… どうしてお姉ちゃんは私のことずっと見てるんだろう… I wonder why my sister's always looking at me...
Main 3 我其实……都无法和别人正常对话…… 実は…他の人とちゃんと会話できなくて… To be honest... I can't really have a proper conversation with other people...
Touch 呼噜…… ふう… Whew...
Touch (Special) …………(盯) …………(ジーと見つめてくる) ... (Indianapolis fixates her eyes on you.)
Mission Mission unfinished…… Mission unfinished…… Mission unfinished...
Mission Complete 奖励,搬过来了 ボーナス、運んだ I brought the rewards.
Mail 信,都在这里了 メール、ここ Here, mail.
Return to Port …………已经结束了吗? ……もう終わり? ... Is it already over?
Commission Complete ……差点忘了报告,委托完成了 ……危うく報告を忘れかけたけど、委託が完了した ... I almost forgot to report it, but... a commission's been completed.
Enhancement ………………力量,涌出来了 ………………力が、湧いてきた ... I feel the... power surging through me.
Flagship 我是队长……欸,队长? 私が隊長…ええ、隊長!? I'm the captain... Wait, I'm the captain?!
Victory 喔……好像赢了…… あれ…勝ったみたい… Hey... I think we won...
Defeat ……情况好像不太妙……一定是可恶的伊58 …なんだかまずい感じ…きっとあの伊58だわ。 ... Something feels wrong... must be that damn I-58.
Skill ……?到我了吗?知道了 ……?私の番?わかった。 ...? It's my turn? Got it.
Low HP …………糟了 ……しまった。 ... Oops.
Affinity (Upset) ……(你并不清楚波利斯是真的没有反应还是只是不想理你) ……(インディアナポリスが気づいていないのか、それともし単にあなたに構いたくないのか、はっきりわからない) ... (It's not clear whether Indianapolis hasn't become aware of you yet or if she simply doesn't care about you.)
Affinity (Stranger) ……指挥官,我只是反应比较慢——不要一直戳我,我在听的 ……指揮官、私はただ反応が遅いだけーーだから突っつかないで、聞いているから ... I just have a slow reaction time, that's all, Commander. You don't need to poke me, I'm listening.
Affinity (Friendly) 姐姐……虽然总说我可爱,但她要是稍微花点时间在自己身上一定会非常受欢迎的……所以我一直觉得有些对不起姐姐…… お姉ちゃん……私のことばかりかわいいかわいいと言ってるけど、自分に少し気を使うときっとモテる……だから私、ずっとお姉ちゃんにはちょっと申し訳ないと思ってる…… My sister's... always talking about how cute I am, but if she'd just focus a little more on herself, I'm sure she'd be popular... That's why I've always felt a little guilty about her...
Affinity (Like) 姐姐什么都愿意给我,我也什么都愿意给姐姐,但是只有指挥官…… お姉ちゃんはなんでもくれるから、私もなんでもお姉ちゃんにあげているよ。指揮官以外…… My sister gives me everything I need, so I'll give her everything she needs, too. Except for you, Commander...
Affinity (Love) 我……既没有姐姐那么活泼,也没有姐姐身材那么好,指挥官还是选择了我……稍微……不对……非常开心…… 私……お姉ちゃんみたいに元気でもないしスタイルもお姉ちゃんほどよくないのに、でも指揮官は私を選んでくれた……少し…‥…ううん……とても嬉しい…… I'm... not as cheerful as my sister, nor do I look as good as her, yet you still chose me... That makes me a little... no... it makes me very happy...
Pledge 好开心……但是不知道怎么传达给指挥官……所以……给你抱抱…… うれしい……でも指揮官になんていえばいいかわからない……だから……抱きついても、いいよ……? I'm really happy... but I don't know what I should say... So can I just... give you a hug?
In battle with Portland 姐姐,好吵 お姉ちゃん、うるさい… Be quiet, Portland...
In battle with Eldridge …………我只是反应比较慢 ……私の反応が遅いだけ I just have a slow reaction time...
In battle with UNKNOWN(10) …………我们是猴子军团 We are the Monkey Corps!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 学校…如果指挥官…和姐姐都一起的话,好像也不错…… 学園生活…お姉ちゃんと指揮官がいるといい、よね… School life... It's nice as long as you and my sister are here... I think...
Acquisition 学校…如果指挥官…和姐姐都一起的话,好像也不错…… 学園生活…お姉ちゃんと指揮官がいるといい、よね… School life... It's nice as long as you and my sister are here... I think...
Login 啊,指挥官…如果一会儿姐姐来了,就说我不在这里,指挥官,拜托你了… あ、指揮官…お姉ちゃんが来たら私はいないって言ってもらえないかな?ごめん、お願い… Oh, Commander... If my sister asks, could you tell her I'm not going? Please, it would help...
Details 指挥官又在看什么?…校服很适合?…似乎从指挥官身上感觉到了和姐姐一样的气息 指揮官はなにを見てるの?…制服が似合う…?…お姉ちゃんと同じ雰囲気を感じた… What are you looking at, Commander? ... It looks good on me? Sounds like what my sister would say...
Main 姐姐准备的便当虽然很好吃,但是如果不每次都摆出“印第LOVE”之类的造型就更好了… お姉ちゃんの弁当、美味しいけど…「インディちゃんLOVE」って毎回書かなくてもいいのに… My sister makes great lunch boxes... but she doesn't need to write "I Love Indy" on them every single time...
Main 2 姐姐给的这个玩偶虽然很可爱…但是总觉得有一股邪恶的意念… お姉ちゃんがくれたこのぬいぐるみ、可愛いけど…妙な雰囲気を感じる…… I like this plushie Portland gave me... But something about it feels off...
Main 3 比起语文,还是数理更容易学会…怎样才能准确表达自己的情感呢? 私、国語よりは理系が得意…自分の気持ちを、どうしたら上手く言えるかな? I'm definitely better at science than languages... How do I get better at expressing my feelings?
Touch …唔?我没睡着哦。都说了我只是比其他人反应慢一点而已 …うん?寝てないよ。ほかの子より反応が遅いだけって言ったじゃない…? ... What? I'm not sleeping. Haven't I told you that I just have a slower reaction time than others?
Touch (Headpat) 这是……给好学生的奖励吗? これは……良い子にしてたご褒美? Is this... my reward for behaving?
Return to Port …已经到了放学的时间了吗? …もう下校時間? ... It's time to go home already?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊、晚上好,指挥官。要不要来块牛排?和红酒很配哦。 あっ、こんばんは、指揮官。ステーキでも食べる?ワインとすごく合うよ Oh. Good evening, Commander. Do you want some steak? It goes great with wine.
Acquisition 啊、晚上好,指挥官。要不要来块牛排?和红酒很配哦。 あっ、こんばんは、指揮官。ステーキでも食べる?ワインとすごく合うよ Oh. Good evening, Commander. Do you want some steak? It goes great with wine.
Details 姐姐你跟人打招呼的时候好好打招呼就好…不用每次都介绍我啦…… お姉ちゃん、挨拶のときはちゃんと挨拶して…もう、私のことはいいから… Please, Portland, just say "hi" like a normal person... You don't need to mention me.
Main 伊58,“加州卷”和“寿司”其实不大一样…?这样,谢谢,学到了… 伊58、「カリフォルニアロール」は「スシ」とはちょっと違う…?そっか、ありがとう、勉強になったよ… Really, I-58? California rolls don't really count as sushi? Huh, that's interesting. Thanks, you learn something new every day...
Main 2 姐姐,给你吃的东西。…先稍微安静点吧 お姉ちゃん、はい、食べ物よ。…これでちょっと静かにしててね Here, sis, I got you some food. Now try to pipe down for a little while.
Main 3 啊,说起来社交舞时间是什么时候开始来着?暂时还不用想这些吗?知道了 …あっ。そういえばダンスタイムはいつだっけ…?まだ気にしなくてもいいの?わかった ...Oh, right. I forgot, when's the dance? Not yet? All right, I can rest easy then.
Touch 姐姐的舞伴…要怎么办呢…… お姉ちゃんのダンスパートナー、どうしたらいいかな… My sis could use a dance partner. Who'd make a good candidate?
Mail 姐姐,谢谢你帮我把信拿过来。…啊,指挥官,有你的信 お姉ちゃん、メールを持ってきてくれてありがとう。…あっ、指揮官、指揮官宛のが来てるよ Thanks for fetching the mail, sis... Oh, it's for you, Commander.
Return to Port …宴会,还没开始哦 …パーティー、まだお開きじゃないのね It looks like... the party hasn't started yet.