Futami Ami (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. C076 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Elite
Navy Idolm@ster Build Time N/A
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
EN 2021/07/22
CN 2021/07/22
JP 2021/07/22
Voice actress
Futami Ami Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Prankster's Cheer - Ami When this boat enters the battle: decreases the Speed of a random ship in your Vanguard by 1 for 1s, then heals said ship for 100 HP and increases her EVA by 3.5% (8.0%) for 20s.
Double Trouble - Ami At the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯哼哼~我是偶像双海亚美哦~!这里挺热闹的嘛,看起来很适合恶作剧的呀~今后多多关照啦,指挥官! んっふっふ~♪アイドルの、双海亜美だよ~ん!なんだか賑やかでイタズラしがいがありそうな場所ですな~。これからよろしくね、指揮官ちゃん! Nihihi! I'm the idol, Ami Futami! This place seems awfully lively, just perfect for pranking~! See you around, Commander!
Biography 我叫双海亚美,和真美是双胞胎。我们曾经彼此作为替身交换过工作哦~其实在这里的,并不是亚美,而是真美哦…嗯哼哼~♪ 双海亜美だよ。真美とは双子で、2人で入れ替わりながらお仕事してたこともあったんだ~実はここにいるのも、亜美じゃなくて真美かも……んっふっふ~♪ The name's Ami Futami. Mami's my twin. Sometimes, I swap places with her for the day~ To tell you the truth, I might not be Ami, but actually Mami... Teehee~♪
Acquisition 嗯哼哼~我是偶像双海亚美哦~!这里挺热闹的嘛,看起来很适合恶作剧的呀~今后多多关照啦,指挥官! んっふっふ~♪アイドルの、双海亜美だよ~ん!なんだか賑やかでイタズラしがいがありそうな場所ですな~。これからよろしくね、指揮官ちゃん! Nihihi! I'm the idol, Ami Futami! This place seems awfully lively, just perfect for pranking~! See you around, Commander!
Login 指挥官还在睡觉吗~?嗯哼哼~趁着这个机会搞些恶作剧吧… さてはまだ寝てるな~?んっふっふ~だったらこの隙にイタズラを…… Still asleep~? Nihihi~ Practically begging to be pranked...
Details 指挥官那么想了解亚美吗?先从一起玩游戏开始吧~ そんなに亜美のことが知りたいの?なら、まずは一緒にゲームするところからね~ Are you that curious about me? Well, you'll have to beat me in a game first~
Main 港区这里人还挺多的呢~!嘻嘻,下次该对谁恶作剧呢~♪ 母港ってとこには、たくさん人がいるよね~!次は誰にイタズラしよっかな~♪ There are so many people at the port~! I wonder who I should prank next~♪
Main 2 耶~拿到SSR了!亚美今天运势绝佳☆ やったー!!SSRゲットー!!亜美の今日の運勢はハチャメチャに絶好調だねー☆ Yay!!! I pulled an SSR!!! I feel crazy lucky today~☆
Main 3 指挥官,哈喽哈喽~……嗯?我要用这把扫帚做什么?嗯哼哼~当然是~~秘密啦♪ 指揮官ちゃん、ハロハロ~……ん?このホウキをどうするのかって?んっふっふ~もっちろん秘密だよーん♪ Hey hey, Commander~ ...Hmm? What am I going to be doing with this broom? Fufufu~ That's a secret, of course♪
Touch 什么什么?要和亚美一起玩吗?指挥官真好! なになに?亜美と遊んでくれるの?さっすが指揮官ちゃん! What's that? You're going to play with me? What a boss!
Touch (Special) 嚯嚯嚯~指挥官原来是这样的人吗~? ほうほうほう~指揮官ちゃんは~そういう人なんだね? Ohoho~ So you're that kind of person after all~?
Touch (Headpat) 难道打算对亚美做恶作剧吗…?那就来试试吧~! 亜美にイタズラするつもり?……いいだろう、やってみたまえ~! You planning on pranking me?...Interesting, bring it on~!
Mission 工作还没结束吗?不早点做完的话……天就要黑了哦,老板? もしかして、まだお仕事終わってない?早く終わらせないと……日が暮れますぜ?ダンナ By any chance, is there still work left? If you don't hurry up and finish... Boss, the day's going to be over.
Mission Complete 任务完成了!亚美也很努力对吧? 任務かんりょ~う!亜美もなかなか頑張ったっしょ? Mission complete~! Don't you think I worked pretty hard too?
Mail 好像收到了新的邮件哦~?指挥官? 新しいメールがきたっぽいよ~?指揮官ちゃーん? It seems like there's some new mail~ You listening, Commander~?
Return to Port 指挥官辛苦了!亚美也有些累了~来吃点心吧~ お疲れ、指揮官ちゃん!亜美も疲れたよ~おやつタイムにしようよ~ Good job beating'em, Commander! I'm beat, too~ Let's have a snack break~
Commission Complete 诸君,欢迎归来!各位都有奖励哦! 皆の者、よく戻った!褒めて使わす! Everyone did a good job returning safely! I should go and praise them!
Enhancement 升级啦!谢谢指挥官! レベルア~ップ!ありがと、指揮官ちゃん! Level~up! Thanks, Commander!
Flagship 今天要以谁为目标呢~? 今日は誰をターゲットにしよっかな~? Who's next on the chopping block~?
Victory 看见了吗!偶像亚美的闪亮表现! 見たかー!アイドル亜美のキラキラなパフォーマンスを! Did you catch that? My shiny performance?
Defeat 哇!HP槽怎么是红色的!!快撤退——! うあうあ!ヒットポイントのゲージが赤だよー!!テッタイだー! Uh oh! My HP gauge is red!!! Retreaaat!
Skill 见识一下亚美的力量吧! 亜美の力、見るがいいー! Tremble in the face of my power!
Low HP 双海亚美的传说,还远远没有结束哦! 双海亜美伝説は、まだまだ終わらないよー! The legend of Ami Futami has only just begun!
Affinity (Upset) 不行啊——好感度这么低可没法通关呢~……还要再加把劲才行啊,指挥官。 ダメだー全然ステージクリアできないよ~……もっと頑張って、指揮官ちゃーん It's hopeless... We can't clear the stage like this, Commander~ ...Please work a bit harder, Commander~
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官!你看到真美了吗?嗯,本来约好跟她一起玩游戏的… あっ、指揮官ちゃん!真美、見なかった?うーん。一緒にゲームする約束してたんだけど…… Oh, Commander! Have you seen Mami around? Hmm. We had promised to play games together though...
Affinity (Friendly) 嘿咻…在门框上放上黑板擦,椅子放上老鼠玩具……呜哇!指挥官已经回来了吗!切——恶作剧失败了啊~ えーっと……入り口のドアに黒板消しを挟んで、椅子の上にネズミのおもちゃを……うあうあっ!指揮官ちゃん、もう帰ってきちゃったの!?ちぇーイタズラ失敗だよ~ Let's see... Let's put a blackboard eraser above the door to the office, and a toy rat on the chair... Woaoh! You're already back, Commander?! Tsk. Foiled again~
Affinity (Like) 快看快看。我要模仿指挥官的表情了哦……!诶,不像指挥官吗?真奇怪——明明其他人都说我学的很像啊~ はいはーい。指揮官ちゃんの、顔マネするね!……あれ、似てない?おっかしいなー他のみんなに見せたら、メッチャ似てるって言われたのに~ Yeah yeah. Commander, I'm going to mimic your expression right now! ...Huh, it's not similar at all? That's strange~ When I showed my impression to everyone else, they said it was super similar~
Affinity (Love) 嗯哼哼~猜猜我是谁……!亚美?答对了!不愧是指挥官!作为奖励,亚美把零食分给你~ んっふっふ~、だーれだ!……え、亜美?せいか~い!さっすが指揮官ちゃん!ご褒美に、亜美のおやつを分けてあげよう~ Nihihi~ Who do you think this is! ...Eh, Ami? You're correct~! As expected of the Commander! As a prize, I'll share some of my sweets with you~
Pledge 亚美能来到这里,和指挥官还有大家一起玩了这么久,真的很开心呢~♪指挥官,今后也请让亚美更加开心吧! 亜美ね、ここに来て、指揮官ちゃんたちとたくさん遊べて、メッチャ楽しいんだ~♪これからも、亜美をもっとも~っと楽しませてね、指揮官ちゃん! You know, showing up here, and playing with you and the others has been super fun for me~♪ I'll be relying on you to keep me entertained in the future as well, Commander!
In battle with Mami Futami 让我们一起登上超棒的舞台吧!真美! 2人でメチャイケなステージにしようね!真美! Let's make this a super epic stage together, Mami!
In battle with Haruka Amami 香香,小心摔倒哦! はるるんっ、コケちゃダメだかんね! Harurun, don't go tripping on us now!
In battle with Iori Minase 伊织~!今天也很棒呢~ いおり~ん!今日もキマってますなぁ~ Iorin! Looking stylish as always~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 说到夏天就是祭典!说起祭典的话就是双海亚美!亚美的光芒可不输冉冉升起的烟花哟,指挥官可要看好了♪ 夏と言えばお祭り!お祭りと言えば双海亜美!どどーんって上がった花火に負けないくらい輝いちゃうから、見ててね、指揮官ちゃんっ♪ Summer's all about the festivals, and Ami Futami's the queen of festivals! Even the fireworks soaring through the sky can't hold a candle to how brilliant Ami is, so keep your eyes on me, Commander~♪
Acquisition 说到夏天就是祭典!说起祭典的话就是双海亚美!亚美的光芒可不输冉冉升起的烟花哟,指挥官可要看好了♪ 夏と言えばお祭り!お祭りと言えば双海亜美!どどーんって上がった花火に負けないくらい輝いちゃうから、見ててね、指揮官ちゃんっ♪ Summer's all about the festivals, and Ami Futami's the queen of festivals! Even the fireworks soaring through the sky can't hold a candle to how brilliant Ami is, so keep your eyes on me, Commander~♪
Login 啊,指挥官!要来欣赏亚美的英姿吗? あっ、指揮官ちゃん!亜美の勇姿、見に来てくれたの? Oh, Commander! Have you come to gaze upon my gallant figure?
Details 看到了吗,亚美打太鼓很厉害吧!为了让祭典热闹起来,我会更加努力的~☆ 見たか、亜美の太鼓の腕前をー!お祭りを盛り上げる為に、もっとも~っと頑張っちゃうよ~ん☆ Did you see my mad drumming skills~? I'll work hard to make sure everyone else feels as hyped for the festival as I am~☆
Main 从这里可以清楚看到祭典会场哦!让我找找指挥官在哪~ ここからだと、お祭り会場がよく見えるね!さてさて、指揮官ちゃんはどこにいるかなー? I can see the festival grounds clearly from here! Now now, I wonder where the Commander might be~?
Main 2 这身衣服,很帅气吧~? この衣装、メッチャキマってるっしょ~? Aren't these clothes like, super fashionable~?
Main 3 指挥官,让我们在路边摊上一决胜负吧~!我们去射击、勾水球、捞金鱼……嗯哼哼~亚美绝对不会输的——! 指揮官ちゃん、屋台でお祭り勝負しようよ~!射的に、ヨーヨー釣りに、金魚すくい……んっふっふ~亜美、絶対負けないかんねー! Commander, let's compete in some festival games! Cork gun shooting, yo-yo fishing, goldfish scooping... Nihihi~ Just letting you know, I'm not going to lose~!
Touch 指挥官也想打太鼓吗?嗯哼哼~到底能不能比亚美打得好呢~? 指揮官ちゃんも、太鼓をたたきたいって?んっふっふ~、果たして亜美よりうまくたたけるかな~? Commander, do you want to try drumming on the taiko? Nihihi, I wonder if you really can drum better than I can~
Touch (Special) 哇!亚美的腰带要松开了~! うあうあ!帯がほどけちゃうってば~! Whoa there! My sash is going to come undone~!
Return to Port 休息休息~好想逛逛摊子,吃点好吃的啊~(偷看) 休憩休憩~屋台巡りして、美味しいものが食べたいな~(ちらっ) It's break time~ I sure would like to go around the carts and eat a bunch of tasty stuff~ *Glance*
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 早安指挥官!今天要和亚美玩什么~? おっはよー指揮官ちゃん!今日は何して遊んでくれるの~? Good mornin', Commander! What should we do for fun today!?
Details 嗯哼哼~♪指挥官也是个厉害的游戏玩家呢~ んっふっふ~♪指揮官ちゃんも、なかなかのゲーマーですな~ Nihihi~♪ Commander, you're quite the gamer yourself, aren'tcha~
Main 这里就是指挥官的办公室?挺不错的嘛…嗯哼哼~♪这种书架上一定藏着指挥官珍藏的书… ここが指揮官ちゃんのシツシツム?メッチャイケてる部屋じゃーん。……んっふっふ~♪こういう本棚の端に指揮官ちゃん秘蔵の書が…… So this is the Commander's office? Unexpected stylish... Nihihi~♪ Wonder if there are any dirty books... at the edge of this bookcase over here...
Main 2 这里的小卖部点心的种类好多呀!唔…我有点不知道买哪个比较好了欸,真美! ここの購買、メッチャいろんなお菓子が置いてある!う~ん……どれを買ってもらうか迷っちゃうね、真美! The store here carries so, so many kinds of candy! Hmm... It's a real struggle trying to pick what to buy, isn't it, Mami?
Main 3 指挥官…在摸鱼?那就和亚美玩游戏吧!最终BOSS完全打不过啊~ 指揮官ちゃん、おサボり中?だったら、亜美とゲームしよう!ラスボスが全然倒せないんだよ~ Commander, are ya slackin' off? If so, let's play some games together! I've been struggling with the last boss for a while~
Touch (Special) 真是的,就算亚美再怎么有魅力,这样做也是不行的呢~ もう、いくら亜美がせくちーだからって、それはダメだかんね~ Oh, Commander~ No matter how irresistible you might find me to be, that's not allowed~
Mission 看来你还有没完成的任务呢。作为特·别·福·利·,让亚美来帮帮你吧♪ 残ってるお仕事があるっぽいね。今ならト・ク・ベ・ツに、亜美が手伝ってあげちゃうよーん♪ Looks like you've still got some work to take care of. Right now, I'll do you a suuuper special favor, and give you a hand~♪
Mission Complete 任务结束了呢!那么,这里的点心布丁我就… 終わったよ、指揮官ちゃん!ではでは、ここらでおやつのプリンでも…… We're finally done, Commander! Well then, it's time for a well-deserved pudding break...
Flagship 各位~跟上亚美队长~! みんなー亜美隊長に続け~! Everyone! Follow Captain Ami's lead~!
Victory 大·获·全·胜~!奖励就选特制牛奶布丁好了♪ 大・勝・利~!ご褒美は~特製ミルクプリンでいいからね♪ Vic~to~ry~! Hmm~ I'll take a special milk pudding as my reward♪
Affinity (Love) 下次休息日和真美约好了玩游戏,指挥官也一起吧?带些布丁过去就好~!亚美和真美也会准备好点心等着的哦! ねね、次のお休み、真美と一緒にゲームするんだけど、指揮官ちゃんも来るっしょ?お土産はプリンがいいな~!亜美たちも、お菓子用意して待ってるからね! Hey hey, I'll be playing games with Mami on my next day off. Won'tcha join us, Commander? Make sure you bring some pudding with you when you come~! We'll make sure to bring some candy to munch on as well!