Hai Tien (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 531 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 %/%/%/% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Hai Chi-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Scrollbearer of Turbulent Seas When the battle starts: increases this ship's EVA by 10.0% (25.0%); if there are other Dragon Empery ships in your fleet: also increases this ship's DMG dealt by 4.5% (12.0%). Every 3rd time this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and increases your Dragon Empery ships' FP and TRP by 4.5% (12.0%) for 8s.
Wanderer of Azure Mists While this ship is inside a smokescreen: decreases this ship's SPD by 8, and increases DMG dealt by 4.5% (12.0%); While this ship is not inside a smokescreen, decreases this ship's DMG taken by 4.5% (12.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Hai Tien-class once every 24 times the Secondary Guns are fired.
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 海倩级防技巡掋舰—海倩 海倩玚防護巡掋艊・海倩 Hai Tien-class protected cruiser – Hai Tien.
Biography 我是来自䞜煌的海倩级防技巡掋舰海倩。关于我的过去 倚少有些䞀蚀隟尜。我想“时运䞍济”䟿是最合适的诠释了吧—— 東煌所属、海倩玚防護巡掋艊の海倩です。過去に関しおは、倚少蚀い衚せないずころがありたしお 倚分、「時勢に恵たれず」ずいう衚珟が劥圓でしょう I am Hai Tien, a Hai Tien-class protected cruiser from the Dragon Empery. There's not much to say about my past except perhaps... that fate was unkind to me.
Acquisition 䜠奜指挥官。我是海倩䞜煌的海倩。小女子初来乍到对歀倄尚䞍熟悉若有倱瀌之倄还请倚倚包涵了。 初めたしお、指揮官さん。東煌所属、海倩ハむテンず申したす。右も巊もわからない新参者なので、倱瀌があればご容赊くださいたせ Pleased to meet you, Commander. I am Hai Tien of the Dragon Empery. As a newcomer who knows not the customs of this place, please bear with me should I make any blunders.
Login 䞀寞光阎䞀寞金指挥官若再䞍匀始工䜜今倩可就芁䞀事无成了。 「光陰䞀瞬、寞金䞀封」――指揮官さん、そろそろ仕事を始めないず、今日を無為に過ごしおしたいたすよ "Time is worth its measure in gold." Commander, if you don't start your work by now, you'll end up wasting the entire day.
Details 比起矀芳争艳的矎奜癟花凋零的萧瑟䞎悲䌀䌌乎曎容易让人共情 也讞是我过于感性了吧。 「劍を競う芳華はなの艶やかしさを愛すも、凋み萜぀萜花はなの寂しさに心打たれる」 感性が豊すぎる、ですか "It is easier to relate with the despair of a wilting flower than the beauty of a blooming flower." ...Do you think I'm being too sentimental?
Main 海圻还是那么粟神奕奕的呢她没有给指挥官添什么麻烊吧 海圻ハむチ―は盞倉わらず元気なようですね。あっ 指揮官さんにご迷惑をおかけしおいたせんか Looks like Hai Chi is just as energetic as always. Oh... Is she a bother to you, Commander?
Main 2 我圚办公宀攟了䞀些诗词抄本指挥官若是闲暇之时也䞍劚看看吧。 執務宀に詩の写本を眮いおおきたした。指揮官さんにはお手すきの際にでも、ご䞀読いただきたく I left a manuscript of poetry on your desk, Commander. If you would please peruse it when you have the time.
Main 3 晚䞊吃什么奜呢 芁䞍 我做䞪麻婆豆腐 倕选はいかがしたしょうそうですね マヌボヌ豆腐でもどうでしょう What shall we do for dinner? Hmm... How about some mapo tofu?
Touch 啊抱歉圚回味刚才看的诗集内容皍埮有些走神 有什么事吗 あっ。申し蚳ありたせん さっき読んた詩の本のこずを考えおいたした。はい、なんでしょうか Oh, my apologies... I was thinking about the book of poems I was reading earlier. What can I do for you?
Touch (Special) 䞍、䞍知廉耻 れ、瀌儀を知らない方には っ H-how shameless of you...!
Touch (Headpat) 嗯我的身䜓无恙哊 あら 䜓に䞍調はありたせんよ Hm? I feel perfectly fine though?
Mission 指挥官今倩的任务也芁坚持完成哊。 指揮官さん、今日の任務も忘れずやり通しおくださいね Commander, please make sure you remember to complete all your missions today.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。嗯想必这次也䌚有䞍错的收获吧。 任務が完了したした。今回もきっずよい報酬ずなるでしょう Good work completing your missions. I'm sure the rewards will be great as well.
Mail 萜于纞䞊的䞀字䞀句郜是来自远方的深切思念  玙に曞き留められた䞀字䞀句、圌方より䌝えられし深き思い  Every word and letter written on this paper is a deep thought from far away...
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了指挥官我准倇了滋补的银耳汀䞍嫌匃的话请甚——欞倪甜了  指揮官さん、出撃お疲れ様です。滋逊ある癜キクラゲのスヌプを甚意したしたけど、よければぜひお召し䞊がりに あら甘過ぎたした  Commander, good work in your operation. I have prepared some nutritious tremella lotus soup for you. Please dig in... Um, did I make it too sweet...?
Commission Complete 委托组已经顺利園来可䞍芁忘了给远行園来的她们䞀些慰劳呢。 委蚗組の皆さんが無事垰っおきたしたよ。戻っおきた圌女たちをちゃんず劎っおあげおくださいね It looks like the girls have returned from their commissions. Make sure you show them your gratitude.
Enhancement 工欲善其事必先利其噚 非垞感谢指挥官。 「工、その事をよくせんず欲せば、必ずその噚を利ずす」――ありがずうございたす、指揮官さん "To do a good job, a craftman must first have the right tools." Thank you very much, Commander.
Flagship 唯有以战止战了吗  戊いくさを以お戊を止めるしかないのでしょうか  Is the only way to end war... through more war?
Victory 赀地千里硝云匹雚䜕时才胜眢战息兵   「赀地千里、匟雚硝煙」  終戊息兵、い぀叶うのかしら  "War stains the land for a thousand miles, bullets salting the earth in its wake." ...When will the flames of war finally be snuffed out?
Defeat 马倱前蹄 了呢。 「優駿も倱脚す」 ですね I see... "Even horses can stumble."
Skill 粟诚所至金石䞺匀 「粟誠至れば、金石阻たれるこずなく」―― "Even mountains will move before an unbreakable spirit!"
Low HP 起雟了 霧が  The fog's rolling in...?!
Affinity (Upset) 请䞍芁打扰我让我䞀䞪人静静吧。 どうか話し掛けないで、䞀人にしおください Please do not talk to me. I wish to be alone.
Affinity (Stranger) 诗词之矎䞍仅圚于抌韵䞎对仗曎圚于其寥寥数语闎抒发的䞇千情感。指挥官对于诗词之道也感兎趣吗 詩の矎しきたるは、抌韻や察句だけでなく、行間に朜む䞇感の思いにあり 指揮官さんは詩の道に興味はありたすか The beautiful part about poems is not only their rhymes and coupling, but also the many thoughts hidden between the lines... Do you have an interest in the path of poetry, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly) 诗词风栌䞇䞇千千既有豪迈䞍矁的壮阔波柜也有枩婉含蓄的小家碧玉。指挥官曎喜欢哪种呢 千差䞇別な䜜颚に、豪胆䞍敵に波瀟䞇䞈を匕き起こすこずもあれば、情緒纏綿じょうしょおんめんで悠悠自適に抑え蟌むこずも 指揮官さんの奜みはどちらでしょう There are many forms of poetry, including the bold and uninhibited "Boundless Waves" style, as well as the gentle and reserved "Country Jade" style. Which do you prefer, Commander?
Affinity (Like) 呌 啊抱歉指挥官我没什么事的。只是 最近读到了几銖写埗非垞奜的关于的“思念”的诗有些共情而已䞍必攟圚心䞊。 ふぅ あ、ごめんなさい指揮官さん。倧したこずではありたせん。ただ  最近読んだ「偲ぶこず」に぀いおの詩には些か共感したずいうか どうぞお気になさらず。はぁ  *Sigh*... Oh, my apologies, Commander. I'm perfectly fine. It's just that... I recently read some excellently-composed poems about "reminiscence." I suppose I found them to be... extremely relatable.
Affinity (Love) 䜜䞺指挥官也讞有朝䞀日悚䞍埗䞍埁战远方 无论悚将来去埀䜕方每圓倜幕降䞎时请䞍芁忘记我总圚这里䞎悚共赏䞀蜮明月。 指揮官さんがい぀か氎平線の向こうに埁く日も蚪れるこずでしょう どんなに遠く離れおいようず、海倩がここにいるこずをお忘れなきよう――「海倩䞀色、月䞋同酌」、どうか  As a commander, the winds of war may one day take you far, far away... But no matter where you are, please remember –– we will always be together under the same night sky.
Pledge 胜圚时闎的长河䞭觅埗䞀知音䟿是人生最倧的幞事了。 䞍止是知音欞 那、那䞪 我也埈乐意 䞍 啊 请、请皍等片刻让我皍埮敎理䞀䞋思绪片刻就奜 「流るる時の川、導きの知己埗れば憟たず」――知己にずどたらない、ずすれば え、ええず 喜ばしきも あ、いいえ、すみたせん、心の敎理をさせおください ちょ、ちょっずだけです/// "Being able to find one's soulmate in the flowing river of time is the greatest blessing in life." Wait, um, that means we're more than just good friends.... Err, umm, I'm okay with that too... I mean, wait, give me a second to sort out my thoughts... P-please, just a moment!
In battle with Hai Chi 䞍甚担心我的哊。 私の心配はしなくおも倧䞈倫ですよ Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 真是巧遇呢指挥官。我正准倇扟倄奜地方欣赏这些诗词抄本。盞遇即是有猘指挥官若是有空䞍劚䞎小女子同行䞀阵 指揮官さん、奇遇ですね。ちょうど詩の写本をゆっくり読み蟌める堎所を探しおいたした。「出䌚いは瞁の導き」、お時間がありたしたら少しご䞀緒にいかがでしょうか What a serendipitous meeting this is, Commander. I was simply searching for a place where I could leisurely enjoy my poetry manuscript. Since fate has brought both of us here, why don't we accompany each other for a while?
Acquisition 真是巧遇呢指挥官。我正准倇扟倄奜地方欣赏这些诗词抄本。盞遇即是有猘指挥官若是有空䞍劚䞎小女子同行䞀阵 指揮官さん、奇遇ですね。ちょうど詩の写本をゆっくり読み蟌める堎所を探しおいたした。「出䌚いは瞁の導き」、お時間がありたしたら少しご䞀緒にいかがでしょうか What a serendipitous meeting this is, Commander. I was simply searching for a place where I could leisurely enjoy my poetry manuscript. Since fate has brought both of us here, why don't we accompany each other for a while?
Login 指挥官䜠来了呢。时闎还早䞍劂就圚亭台蟹䞊皍埮坐䌚吧。 指揮官さん、来たしたのね。ただ日が早いですし、しばし䌑んではいかがでしょう Good morning, Commander. It's still early in the morning; why not rest a bit more?
Main 各色的鲀鱌圚池塘䞭掻跃的样子生机勃勃充满掻力让人䞍犁心情郜愉快了几分。 池で生き生きずしおいる鯉の様子を芋おいるず、なんだかこちらたで嬉しくなっおきたすね Just looking at all the carp in the pool, full of vigor and vitality, seems to uplift my spirit as well.
Main 2 春联已经构思奜亀给应瑞誊写了。她奜像还诎“这样䞍就䞍奜麻烊肇和了嘛”。看来她们姐効俩关系䞍错呢~ 春節の察聯、考案は枈んでおりたしお、今応瑞が曞く手筈ずなっおいたす。䜕やら圌女、「肇和に任せずに枈んだ」ず蚀っおいるようで 姉効仲睊たじいこずです I finished writing my couplet for the Lunar New Year, and Ying Swei is preparing to transcribe it. She even said, "We made it through without relying on Chao Ho." Looks like the two get along well.
Main 3 春节的晚宎 我也来准倇几道奜菜吧嗯~糖醋鱌、红烧肘子䞜坡肉 奜像郜挺䞍错的呢~ 春節の宎、私もずっおおきの料理を甚意したしょう。魚の甘酢あんかけ、豚もも肉のしょうゆ煮、東坡肉 うヌん、どれも良さそうですね I've prepared some splendid dishes for the upcoming Spring Festival banquet. Sweet and sour fish, braised pork feet, and dongpo pork... Yep, they all look good!
Touch 芁垮我拿着这些吗那就恭敬䞍劂从呜了。 これを持っおくださるのですかではお蚀葉に甘えおお願いしたす You'll hold this for me? Why, thank you very much.
Touch (Special) “醉翁之意䞍圚酒”呢~ あら、「酔翁(すいおう)の意は酒にあらず」ですね My, it looks like this drunkard has set their sights on something other than alcohol.
Return to Port “枅池荷花云蒞雟绕有䞀飞仙秉琎乐舞” 呵呵海圻的舞蹈还挺奜看的呢指挥官若是感兎趣就䞀起去看看吧。 「枅い池に蓮咲きたり、霧雲たなびきたる。仙人空より降りお、楜曲に䌎ひお舞ふ」 ふふ、海圻の舞いはなかなかのものですよ。指揮官さんもしご興味ありたしたら、共に芋に行きたしょう "Lotus flowers blooming in a clear pond, clouds flowing through the air, a sage descends from their dwelling, playing music and dancing about." ...Hehe, Hai Chi's dance is something worth appreciating. If that sounds interesting to you, why don't we go watch her together?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 绫眗飞圩飘然欲仙  只是䞀点现孊现卖䞍知指挥官觉埗劂䜕劂果悚胜喜欢的话也就䞍枉海圻䞎我的䞀番功倫了。 綟矅錊繍、倩女の劂く舞い立぀ 少々孊んだばかりのものですが、いかがでしたかお気に召しおいただけたのなら、海圻も私も頑匵った甲斐がありたした Through dance of gossamer silk, the apsaras' grace soars... Oh, I'm simply reciting something I just happened to pick up on. What do you think, Commander? If I've captured your attention, I suppose this was worth our while~
Acquisition 绫眗飞圩飘然欲仙  只是䞀点现孊现卖䞍知指挥官觉埗劂䜕劂果悚胜喜欢的话也就䞍枉海圻䞎我的䞀番功倫了。 綟矅錊繍、倩女の劂く舞い立぀ 少々孊んだばかりのものですが、いかがでしたかお気に召しおいただけたのなら、海圻も私も頑匵った甲斐がありたした Through dance of gossamer silk, the apsaras' grace soars... Oh, I'm simply reciting something I just happened to pick up on. What do you think, Commander? If I've captured your attention, I suppose this was worth our while~
Login 指挥官那䞪接䞋来请让小女子䞺悚献舞䞀曲  抱歉还还是感觉攟䞍倪匀   指揮官さん、その、次は私が䞀曲螊らせおいただきたく すみたせん、た、ただちょっず緊匵しお  Commander, umm... Next, I would like to humbly offer you a dance... Sorry, but, umm... I'm still a bit nervous about this...
Details 我对琵琶算是略知䞀二吧。䞍过芁保持这䞪姿势匹的话还是有点隟  而䞔埈害矞   琵琶なら少しかじったこずがありたす。しかし、この䜓勢のたた匟き続けるのはちょっず難しくお  小声恥ずかしいですね   I know a thing or two about playing the pipa, but holding this position is rather difficult... not to mention, embarrassing...
Main 欞还还胜做到这䞪劚䜜吗呜海圻䜆对我来诎实圚是力䞍从心  芁䞍还是换䞪简单点的吧 えそ、そんな動きもできるのですかうぅ、海圻、さすがにそれは無理ですよ...もっず簡単なものにしたせんか Huh? Y-you want me to try making this pose as well? Um, Hai Chi, I'm not sure about that... Can't we go with something a bit easier?
Main 2 芁是海倩胜像真的仙子䞀样自由飞翔就奜了。嗯  也讞“飞机”就是圚这样的执念䞋诞生的 本物の倩女のように自由に空を飛べたら  あっ、もしかするず「飛行機」はそういう願いの元に生たれたのかもしれたせんね If only I were a real apsaras who could fly freely through the skies... Hmm, maybe those are the kinds of wishes that gave birth to airplanes.
Main 3 阿嚏~呜怎么䌚突然有冷风偷袭  仔细想想这仙子的服饰也挺“枅凉”呢  /// ぞ、ぞっくしゅんうぅ、急に颚が...よくよく考えたらこの倩女の衣装はなかなか「颚通しがいい」ですね.../// Eep! Why'd the wind pick up all of a sudden?! ...Come to think of it, this apsaras outfit is rather... breezy... *blushes*
Touch 啊没事的我还䞍环。劂果指挥官讀同海倩䞍是匱女子就暂时顺应䞀䞋我的任性吧。 あ、倧䞈倫、ただ平気ですよ。海倩をか匱い子ではないず認めおくださるのでしたら、このたた少しだけ海倩のわがたたに付き合っおくださいね Umm, I'll be alright. I can endure this. If you agree that I'm not a weak little girl, please put up with my wilfulness a bit longer.
Touch (Special) 趁趁人之危可䞍是君子所䞺   よ、匱みに぀け蟌むのは君子の行いではありたせん  I-it's not very courteous of you to take advantage of another's vulnerability...
Touch (Headpat) 发饰也是花了䞍少心思才匄奜的哊。奜看吗 髪食りにもかなり手を加えたんですよ。綺麗 ですか I put quite a bit of time and effort into making these hair ornaments. They're pretty, aren't they?
Return to Port 海圻的“舞蹈速成班”应该还是有点效果的吧。指挥官悚觉埗呢 海圻の「舞螊特蚓」、少しは成果が出おいればよいのですが。指揮官さんはどう思いたすか Hai Chi's special dance lessons should've helped out a little bit... What do you think, Commander?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 让悚久等了。准倇衣服和灯笌花了䞀些时闎  嗯悚诎芁“倜枞”我䟿仿照着叀人做了䞀点点准倇。我们出发吧 お埅たせしたした。服ず提灯を甚意するのに少し時間がかかりたした  ええ、「倜遊び」ず仰っおいたしたので、先人に倣っお少しばかり準備をしたした。ええず、もう出発したしょうか Sorry to keep you waiting. It took quite some time to prepare my dress as well as this lantern... Yes, when you said we would go on a "night stroll," I made some preparations in accordance to what my ancestors once did. Now then, shall we set off?
Acquisition 让悚久等了。准倇衣服和灯笌花了䞀些时闎  嗯悚诎芁“倜枞”我䟿仿照着叀人做了䞀点点准倇。我们出发吧 お埅たせしたした。服ず提灯を甚意するのに少し時間がかかりたした  ええ、「倜遊び」ず仰っおいたしたので、先人に倣っお少しばかり準備をしたした。ええず、もう出発したしょうか Sorry to keep you waiting. It took quite some time to prepare my dress as well as this lantern... Yes, when you said we would go on a "night stroll," I made some preparations in accordance to what my ancestors once did. Now then, shall we set off?
Login 今倜景色䞍错呢。趁着枯区那蟹热闹非凡之时我们二人出来独享枅闲  有、有种幜䌚的感觉 今宵の颚景は玠晎らしいですね。母枯の賑わいから離れお、二人で静かな時間を楜しむ たるで、「あいびき」のような感じだず思いたせんか  The scenery tonight is wonderful, is it not? The two of us sneaking off under the hustle and bustle of the festivities to enjoy some alone time... Doesn't it feel a bit like a tryst?
Details “䌠闻圚林䞭出现了䞀癜衣女鬌四倄飘荡䌎有诡匂的风声。”真是奇怪的䌠闻  那䞪指挥官悚䞺什么䞀盎盯着我 「林の䞭に癜い服の女のおばけがあちこち浮いおいお、それに劙な颚の音も 」倉な噂 。その、指揮官さん、どうしおじっず芋぀めおいるのですか  Strange rumors seem to have surfaced that "a ghostly woman has appeared in the forest, floating upon a strange-sounding wind"... Um, Commander, why are you staring at me like that...?
Main “氎䞭藻荇亀暪盖竹柏圱也。”䞍论鬌神之事胜圚劂歀倜晚出枞本身就是隟埗的䜓验。曎䜕况是䞎悚䞀起   「亀錯する藻なんぞや、竹柏の圱以倖䜕もなし」鬌神の話はさおおき、こうしお倜䞭に散策するこず自䜓が貎重な䜓隓です。たしおや、指揮官さんず䞀緒だなんお  "Upon the water's surface, algae intersects with shadows of bamboo and cypress." Gods and ghosts aside, an outing during a night like this is certainly an experience to remember. And what's more, you're here too...
Main 2 吞血鬌、科孊怪人、还有女巫  无论是䜕倄关于鬌怪的䌠诎郜劂歀䞰富真有趣呢。 吞血鬌、フランケンシュタむン、魔女 どこにいっおも、この手の志怪しかいは豊富で面癜いですね Vampires, Frankenstein, and witches... No matter where you go, there will always be so many legends of oddities and monsters. Isn't that interesting?
Main 3 悚的意思是劂果那些孩子们对我诎“䞍给糖就捣蛋”的话我就把这些糖分给她们吗我明癜了  烧饌可以么 「お菓子をくれないずむタズラしちゃうよ」ず蚀われたら、これらのお菓子を分け䞎えるずいう意味ですねわかりたした  焌逅シャオビンでも倧䞈倫ですか So basically, if the kids say "trick or treat" to me, I have to give them candy? I see... Do you think these shaobing will suffice?
Touch 芁、芁挜着手吗  手、手を繋ぐんですか  H-hold hands...?
Touch (Special) 该该䞍䌚这才是悚的真正目的吧 し、指揮官さんの真の狙いはこれだったのですか  S-so this is what you were after the entire time, Commander?!
Mission 既然是纵情欢闹之日任务皍埮搁眮䞀䞋也无劚吧 矜根を䌞ばす日なんですから、任務は少し埌回しにしおも倧䞈倫ですよ Today is a day to rest our weary wings, so why don't we set aside work for the time being?
Return to Port 指挥官芁补充些䜓力吗这里有些之前顺手做的烧饌——欞倪甜了  指揮官さん、䜓力補充はいかがですか先皋䜜っおおいた焌逅シャオビンが——あ、甘すぎたしたか  Commander, need a little pick-me-up? I happened to make some extra shaobing earlier–– Oh, they're too sweet?
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Ship Description 欢迎悚回来指挥官。我特意䞺悚准倇了矎味的糕饌哊。欞悚想芁我怀里这䞪这、这䞪䞍是可食甚版本啊。 おかえりなさいたせ、指揮官さん。矎味しい糕逅ガオビンを甚意したしたよ。 え海倩の胞の䞭のがいいっおこ、これは違いたすよ Welcome back, Commander. I made some tasty pastries for you. ...Huh? You want the one in my chest? Th-that doesn't count.
Acquisition 欢迎悚回来指挥官。我特意䞺悚准倇了矎味的糕饌哊。欞悚想芁我怀里这䞪这、这䞪䞍是可食甚版本啊。 おかえりなさいたせ、指揮官さん。矎味しい糕逅ガオビンを甚意したしたよ。 え海倩の胞の䞭のがいいっおこ、これは違いたすよ Welcome back, Commander. I made some tasty pastries for you. ...Huh? You want the one in my chest? Th-that doesn't count.
Login 今倩的䞋午茶就甚酥脆矎味的糕饌配䞊煎茶法䞺悚沏的绿茶呌~已经匀始期埅了呢。 午埌のお茶の時間は、サクサクで矎味しい糕逅ず煎茶法で淹れた緑茶を䞀緒に  ふぅ、今から楜しみです Today's afternoon tea time will combine crispy pastries and sencha-brewed green tea... Phew, I'm already excited for it.
Main 指挥官正所谓“食䞍厌粟脍䞍厌细”所以䞍光是日垞饮食吃糕饌也芁以健康、粟细的䞺䞻才行哊~ 「食いいは粟なるを厭わず、膟なたすは现きを厭わず」――普段の献立だけではなく、糕逅もできるだけ健康的で、手の蟌んだものにするのが望たしいです The old philosophers tell us to eat finely ground grain and finely chopped meat. In other words, all foods – including pastries – should be healthy and intricate.
Main 2 听诎对甜点的最高评价之䞀是“这䞪没那么甜”䞍知道这次的糕饌指挥官感觉合口味吗 「甘すぎないこず」は甘味ぞの最高の評䟡の䞀぀でもありたすが、ご存知でしたかふふふ、今回の糕逅は指揮官さんのお口に合いたしたか Did you know that being "not TOO sweet" is one of the highest praises for sweets? Heehee, do my pastries suit your palate, Commander?
Main 3 “莫欺零萜残牙少曟吃红绫饌退来”呵呵  果然喜奜矎食这点从叀至今郜䞍曟变过呢。 「歯がわずかになっおも隠さずに玅綟逅を食す」 矎味しい食べ物が奜き、ずいうのは今も昔も倉わりたせんね "Even if your teeth fall out, eat pastries without reserve." Never be ashamed to enjoy what you like, Commander.
Touch 哎呀又饿了吗 あら たたお腹が空いたのですか Oh... Are you still hungry?
Touch (Special) 这、这䞪䞍是饌   こ、これは逅ではありたせんよ   Th-that isn't mochi...
Touch (Headpat) 唔䞍芁像是揉面团䞀样啊。 ええず、生地をこねこねするのずは違いたすよ  Umm, you're not supposed to knead me like I'm dough...
Mission 任务还没完成哊努力完成的话我也来奖励指挥官䞀䞋吧~ 任務がただ完了しおいたせんよ頑匵っおこなせば、海倩からもご耒矎をお出ししたしょう You have unfinished missions, you know. Do your best to finish them, and I'll give you a reward.
Mission Complete 嗯嗯~指挥官埈努力完成任务了呢那么这䞪新口味的糕饌也喂给指挥官吃~ ふふふ、頑匵っお任務をこなしたのですね。では、この新しい味の糕逅も食べさせおさしあげたす♪ Heehee, you did your missions! How about I feed you my newest pastry in return?♪
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊啊这是慰劳甚的糕饌请甚。嗯——这次甜床正合适倪奜了。 指揮官さん、お疲れ様です。差し入れの糕逅をどうぞ。 はい、ちょうどいい甘さでしたそれはよかったです♪ Thanks for your hard work today, Commander. I brought pastries. ...Oh? The sweetness level is perfect? I'm glad to hear that♪
Affinity (Love) 矎食虜垞有知己华隟觅曎遑论歀刻胜䞎心䞊人共床良蟰。嗯指挥官的衚情  啊看来小女子的䞀番心意已悉数䌠蟟到了呢。 「矎食は倚く出逢えれど、知己は芋぀かりがたし。想い人ず共に良蟰を過ごせるこずは尚曎 」ん指揮官さんのお顔  ふふふ、海倩の気持ち、すべお届いたみたいですね "Delicious foods are common, but a true friend is rare. Even more, a lover you can spend the good times with..." Hm? That look on your face... Heehee, it looks like you understand how I feel.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “净髻金泥垊韙纹玉掌梳”  久等了指挥官。没想到梊里的场景也䌚变成现实呢  今后也请让小女子长长久久地陪䌎圚䜠身蟹。那么按照记蜜接䞋来的步骀应该就是“合卺”了吧  /// 「髻を結ぶは金鳳の垯、髪を梳くは韍王の櫛」 お埅たせしたした、指揮官さん。か぀お倢芋たこの情景が本圓になるなんお これからも、末氞くお傍にいさせおください。で、では、しきたりに埓っお、次は合卺 (ごうきん)の時間になるかず  /// "Dragon-shaped jade comb in hand, tied is her hair with gold ribbons and phoenix's hairpin" ...Thank you for waiting for me, Commander. Long have I dreamt for this moment to come true... Please allow me to remain by your side forevermore. N-now then, I believe the next thing for us to do is... c-consumate... *blushes*
Acquisition “净髻金泥垊韙纹玉掌梳”  久等了指挥官。没想到梊里的场景也䌚变成现实呢  今后也请让小女子长长久久地陪䌎圚䜠身蟹。那么按照记蜜接䞋来的步骀应该就是“合卺”了吧  /// 「髻を結ぶは金鳳の垯、髪を梳くは韍王の櫛」 お埅たせしたした、指揮官さん。か぀お倢芋たこの情景が本圓になるなんお これからも、末氞くお傍にいさせおください。で、では、しきたりに埓っお、次は合卺 (ごうきん)の時間になるかず  /// "Dragon-shaped jade comb in hand, tied is her hair with gold ribbons and phoenix's hairpin" ...Thank you for waiting for me, Commander. Long have I dreamt for this moment to come true... Please allow me to remain by your side forevermore. N-now then, I believe the next thing for us to do is... c-consumate... *blushes*
Login 指挥官䜠来了。䞺了笊合这䞪氛囎  我准倇了䞀些喜饌皍后请䜠品尝䞀䞋吧。 指揮官さん、来たのですね。めでたい日に合わせお、囍逅シヌビンを少々ご甚意いたしたした。よかったらぜひ召し䞊がっおくださいたせ You're here, Commander. To commemorate this auspicious day, I've brought some mutual-joy cakes. I hope you find them to your liking.
Details 䞍知从䜕时起只芁䞎指挥官盞守我的内心䟿觉埗被幞犏填满。也讞这就是“宜蚀饮酒䞎子偕老琎瑟圚埡莫䞍静奜“的真谛吧。 い぀からか、指揮官さんのそばにいるず海倩、幞せでいっぱいになりたす。こういうの、「酒肎しゅこうを䌎っお語らい、手を執りお共に老いん。琎瑟盞和すきんし぀あいわす、月日睊たじく流る」ず蚀うべきでしょうか At some point, I started to find myself filled with happiness whenever I was around you. Perhaps this is the true essence of "sharing drinks, holding hands, growing old together, so that the years flow by harmoniously."
Main 指挥官晚䞊有什么想吃的吗  欞我来提议吗  那銖先是以滋补䞺䞻的牡蛎、矊肉  之类的吧 指揮官さん、晩埡飯の献立になにかご垌望は え海倩のおすすめ、ですか では滋逊匷壮的に牡蠣やラム肉 でいかがでしょうか Commander, is there anything you'd like for dinner? ...Hm? You'll go with my recommendation? Well, umm... How about something nourishing, like oysters, or mutton?
Main 2 那、那䞪  我最近写了䞀䞪小故事  䞻角就是我和指挥官哊  芁读读看吗 そ、その 最近ちょっずした物語を曞いおみたのですが 指揮官さんず海倩が䞻人公で よければご芧になりたすか Umm... I r-recently wrote a short story, and the main characters are the two of us... W-would you like to give it a read?
Main 3 “晓看倩色暮看云行也思君坐也思君。”  啊解  解释就是  我无时无刻䞍想着䜠啊   「暁光の刻より宵の入りぬるたで、空の圌方に想いを銳せ。行かば坐せば、想うはただ君のこずのみ」 い、意味ですかその い぀いかなる時も、あなたのこずを思っおいる、ずいうこずですよ /// "At dawn I gaze at the sky and at dusk, the clouds. Whether in motion or at rest, I find your countenance on my mind." ...Huh? A t-translation? Oh, umm... it means, that I, umm... that I'm thinking about you at all times! *blushes*
Touch 指挥官是想牵牵手吗  嗯  那就请牢牢牵䜏我吧 手を繋ぎたいのですか はい、ではしっかりず海倩の手を取っおくださいたせ You want to hold hands with me? Then, umm... Please do so, firmly.
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官我已经准倇奜了哊   し、指揮官さん、準備ならもう  C-Commander, I, I'm ready for this...!
Touch (Headpat) 呌  指挥官今倩看起来奜高倧䌟岞哊  是因䞺犻我特别近吗 ふぅ 指揮官さん、今日はやけに勇たしく立掟に芋えお は、海倩がそばにいるからでしょうか  Hmm... Commander, I wonder why you look so brave and gallant today... P-perhaps it is because I am at your side?
Mission 指挥官芁记埗完成任务哊我也䌚来垮忙的。 指揮官さん、任務は忘れずこなしおくださいね。海倩もお手䌝いしたす Commander, don't forget to finish your work. I'll be right here to help you.
Mission Complete 任务完成了这次的报酬我䌚垮指挥官仔细记圕䞋来哊。 任務完了ですか今回の報酬、海倩がきちんず曞き留めおおきたす Have you finished your missions? I'll help you record down the rewards.
Return to Port 欢迎回来我的指挥官。我给悚准倇了山药枞杞子汀听诎有埈奜的滋补效果  这次应该是悚胜接受的甜床哊 お垰りなさいたせ、指揮官さん。ダム芋ず枞杞子クコシの薬湯が倧倉滋逊があるず聞いお、甚意させおいただきたした 今床こそ飲んでもらえる甘さのはず Welcome back, Commander. I've prepared a nutritious medicinal decoction of mountain yam and goji berries for you... but this time, I made it sweet enough to suit your tastes!
Flagship 以戈止战虜非良策䜆若䞺守技挚爱之人   「戊を以お戊を止める」  良策にあらずずも愛するヒトのためなら "A war to end all wars" ...Even if this idea is futile, it is all I can do to protect the people I love!
Victory 干戈终息匭四海尜升平。我䞀定胜见证指挥官所期埅的明倩   「干戈かんかいずれ止み、四海昇平しかいしょうぞいに至らん」――指揮官さんが望む未来は、必ずやこの目で芋届けたす "An end to all wars, when peace prevails over the seas." The future you desire will come to pass, and I shall witness it with you.
Defeat 我已经  䞍䌚再攟匃了。 もう 諊めたりしたせんっ I already promised... to never give up.
Affinity (Love) “怜猱绻惜幎光。地老䞎倩荒。愿共䌊生生䞖䞖比翌成双。”  指挥官小女子的心声䜠可明癜 「鎛鎊えんおうの劂く流るる歳月を惜しみ、倩地が荒れ果おようず生生䞖䞖しょうじょうせぜ、比翌連理の契りを結ばん」  指揮官さん、海倩の想い、ちゃんず届いたでしょうか "Pity unto the mandarin ducks, cherished are the years. The earth aged, the skies desolate. Yet nevertheless, life after life, together they come, to fly as a pair." ...Commander, do you understand the meaning of my words?
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Login 今日事今日毕我们芁䞀起努力成䞺䞍䟝赖明倩的人哊指挥官。 「今日のこず、明日には持ち越さず」――指揮官さん、共に明日に頌らない人間に目指したしょう Let what should be done today not burden you tomorrow. Commander, let's both strive to reject procrastination.
Main 䞜煌讞倚描绘爱情的诗句亊产生了像“红豆”“鞳鞯”等等矎奜的意向 呌呌芁䞍芁䞀起来读几銖情诗呢指挥官 東煌には恋を描く詩が数倚く、盞思を衚す「小豆」や名高い「鎛鎊」のような、矎しい願いの名䜜もたた倚く 共に恋の詩を詠っおみたせんか指揮官さん The Dragon Empery has produced countless beautiful works that evoke the imagery of love, such as red beans symbolizing fidelity, and the ever-famous mandarin ducks... Hehe, maybe we should recite some love poem together, Commander?
Touch 无论是䞀起品诗还是只是闲聊我郜可以哊~ 詩の鑑賞でもただの雑談でも、お盞手いたしたすよ Whether you'd like to discuss some poetry or simply chat for a bit, I'd love to spend some time with you.
Touch (Special) 至至少给我䞀点心理准倇   せ、せめお心の準備だけはさせおください  Ah, um, at least let me prepare myself...
Touch (Headpat) 呣 我已经䞍是小孩子了呀  むぅ もう子䟛ではありたせんのに  Hmph... I'm not a child anymore...
Victory 倚少有些“春风埗意“的感觉了呢呵呵~ 「順颚満垆、意気揚々」ずいうようには、少し浮かれおいるのでしょう。ふふふ It would appear that the winds of fortune favor us today. Hehe~
Affinity (Love) 我的气色看起来䞍错那是自然。盞思之人就圚身旁我的心䞭早已满溢着幞犏了䜕须愁眉苊脞呢垌望指挥官圚我身蟹时也胜保持笑容满面~ 海倩の気色がよく芋えるのは至極圓然です。思い人が隣で寄り添っおくださっおいお幞せが溢れんばかり、苊い顔を䜜るこずなどあるはずもなく。指揮官さんも私が傍にいる限り、ずっず笑顔のたたでいおくださいたせ♪ It is quite natural for me to be in high spirits. After all, my beloved is by my side, your warmth imbuing me with a happiness that overflows without cessation. What cause could I possibly have to be displeased? And just like me, I hope that as long as I remain by your side, your precious smile will never fade away~♪