Glowworm (JP 🇯🇵: グローウォーム, CN 🇹🇼: 萤火虫)
Ship ID No. 94 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage5-2, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 23
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Hiromi Igarashi
Glowworm Description
G-class destroyer ー Glowworm, Hull Number H92!
Jokey Adjudicator Description
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1177 Reload 175
Firepower 69 Torpedo 330
Evasion 204 Anti-air 143
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 195 Luck 36
Hit 177 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1412 Reload 201
Firepower 79 Torpedo 370
Evasion 210 Anti-air 164
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 215 Luck 36
Hit 186 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 228 Reload 74
Firepower 15 Torpedo 70
Evasion 78 Anti-air 31
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 53 Luck 36
Hit 68 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 36
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 36
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 110%/115%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/130%/130%/135% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: G-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 11
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Meteor Slam Increases your Vanguard's Ramming DMG by 50.0% (100.0%) and decreases the Ramming DMG it takes by 20.0% (30.0%).
Emergency Maneuvers Every 20s: 15.0% (30.0%) chance for this ship to evade all enemy attacks for 6s.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Glowworm once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description G级驱逐舰—萤火虫,舷号H92 G級駆逐艦・グローウォーム(H92) G-class destroyer ー Glowworm, Hull Number H92!
Biography 我是G级驱逐舰,萤火虫!虽然大家总说我不好接近,但其实我很喜欢和别人亲密接触的哦~指挥官指挥官,萤火虫的活力,可是用不完的—哎呀! 私はGクラスの駆逐艦、グローウォーム!近寄り難いと言われるけど、実はわたしスキンシップが好きなんだ~!指揮官、指揮官、グローウォームの元気は尽きないんだから!う、うわあ! I am G class' Glowworm! People say it's hard getting near me, but I actually like skinship engagements~! Commander, Commander, I am always energetic! W-whaa!
Acquisition HELLO~我是皇家舰队G型驱逐舰,萤火虫哦!呀吼~指挥官,今天也要元气满满的和萤火虫一起玩哟~我可是很会躲猫猫的! ハロー!わたしがロイヤルネイビーGクラスの駆逐艦、グローウォームよ!ヤホー指揮官さん!今日も元気いっぱいにグローウォームと遊んでね!わたし、かくれんぼは得意だから! Hello! I am the Royal Navy's G-class destroyer, Glowworm! Commander, want to play with me today? I'm pretty good at hide and seek!
Login 指挥官指挥官~你好慢哦,这么久才过来!快点快点~我们出发去玩吧! 指揮官指揮官~来るのがおっそいよ!早く出発して~遊びにいこうよ~! Commander, Commander, you're so slow! What took you so long? Hurry up, let's go have some fun!
Details 指挥官指挥官,快看快看,我怎么转都不会晕哦,是不是很厉害?快夸我! 指揮官指揮官、見て見て、わたし何周ぐるぐるしても酔わないよ!すごい?褒めて褒めて~! Commander, watch me, watch me! I don't become dizzy no matter how many times I spin myself! Amazing, right? Praise me, praise me~!
Main HOLA~指挥官看起来没有防备!吃我大萤火虫CQC!呜哇!撞、撞到脚趾了…… ほーら、無防備な指揮官、このグローウォームのCQCをくらえ!うにゃあ!あ、足ぶつけちゃった…… Hey there, you defenseless commander, eat my Glowworm CQC! Unya! Ah, I stubbed my toe...
Main 2 别动,汽水好像会溢出来,所以我在用嘴压住它 じっとしてて、ソーダが溢れちゃうから、押さえてあげる!(ガブッ Stay still, the cola is going to overflow. I'm gonna drink it before it makes a mess! *chugs*
Main 3 指挥官,如果在水里回旋的话,会不会引起水龙卷? 指揮官、水の中でぐるぐるしたら、竜巻ができちゃうかな? Commander, do you think we can make a whirlpool if we spin on the water fast enough?
Touch 嘻嘻~好痒喔,萤火虫也要摸摸指挥官~ えへへ~くすぐったいよぉ~グローウォームも指揮官を触りたぁい~ Hehe... That tickles! I'm going to tickle you back, Commander!
Touch (Special) 唔姆姆!!!hentai指挥官!吃我头槌! むむむ!ヘンタイ指揮官め!ヘッドスマッシュをくらえ! Nnngggh! Damn you, perverted Commander! I'm gonna headbutt you! *donk*
Mission 喔吼吼,指挥官~任务任务任务! おははは!指揮官~任務任務任務! Ohoho, Commander! Mission, mission, mission!
Mission Complete YAHO!~这么多的奖励,那我就不客气咯! やっほぉ!~こんなにたくさん!遠慮なくもらうよ! Yahoo! So many rewards! Don't mind if we do!
Mail 指挥官吼,邮件邮件邮件~ 指揮官ほい!メール、メール、メール! Commander, catch! Mail mail mail!
Return to Port Dala~♪来个爱意满满的拥抱吧 ジャジャーン!はい、抱っこして☆ Tadaa! Now, give me a big hug!
Commission Complete 委托组好像给萤火虫大人带回了贡品! 委託チームから、このグローウォーム様に貢ぎ物を進呈~っと! I, Glowworm, have received tribute from the commission team!
Enhancement 萤火虫大人变得更强啦! グローウォーム様がもっともっと強くなったよ! I, Glowworm, have become even stronger!
Flagship 冲(zhuang)啊~第一个倒下的要接受惩罚游戏喔~☆ つっこめ~!一番先に倒れるやつはあとで罰ゲームだよぉ~☆ Let's ram~! The first one to fall will play the punishment game later~
Victory 喔呵呵~愚蠢的敌人哟,我的勇气是无法被击败的~ 敵も馬鹿だなぁ~わたしの勇気は負けないんだから! The enemies were idiots~ My courage is second to none, after all!
Defeat 啊~太…太过分啦!我的战斗才刚开始!I Shall Return! ああ~!ちょ、ちょっと!わたしの戦いがまだこれからだから!I Shall Return! Ah~! W-wait a minute! My fighting has just begun! I shall return!
Skill 百万头槌!我撞! ミリオンヘッドスマッシュ!くらえー! Eat these Million Headbutts!
Low HP 只能撞了! ぶつけるしかない! No choice but to ram!
Affinity (Upset) 就算是宽容的萤火虫大人,对笨蛋也是绝不宽容的! 寛容なグローウォーム様もバカには寛大じゃないのだ! Even as the magnanimous Glowworm, I will not be giving any quarter to idiots!
Affinity (Stranger) 萤火虫大人可是最强的! グローウォーム様は最強だよ☆ The great Glowworm is the strongest!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官~~会被你攻略的是笨~蛋~笨——蛋!! 指揮官になんて攻略されないよーばーかばーか! I'm not gonna be 'cleared' by you Commander. Stupid, stu-pid!
Affinity (Like) 最近做梦老想到指挥官……可不能被他知道…… 最近は夢にも指揮官が出てくるようになっちゃった……これは知られてはいけないよね… Recently the Commander has been popping up in my dreams... I can't let him find out about this...
Affinity (Love) 放弃了!喜欢喜欢喜欢~!被当做笨蛋也不管了!(萤火虫 使用了 头槌)感到荣幸吧! 諦めたー!好き好き好き!バカにされてもいいからありがたく思うのだー! I give up! I like you lots and lots! I don't care if I'm made fun of (Glowworm headbutts you), so be thankful!
Pledge 不能反悔哦?就算反悔也已经晚了哦!……嘿嘿,嘿嘿嘿嘿,那你说一遍,萤火虫最可爱!……再来几遍,多来几遍! 後悔しないでね?後悔してももう遅いよ!……えへへ、えへへへ、じゃあグローウォームがいっちばーんカワイイって言って!……もっと、もっと言って! You won't regret this, right? It's too late if you want to! ... Ehehe, hehehe. Then, say 'Glowworm is the cutest'! ...Say it. Say it even more!
In battle with Omaha, San Diego 笨蛋三枪手,冲呀! バカ三銃士、いっくよー! Three Musketeers, charge!
In battle with UNKNOWN(4) 番茄大队,跟我撞~ Tomato Squad, ramming speed!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哦呵呵!我便是正义的判官,萤火虫!干坏事的家伙,萤火虫大人一个也不会放过!让你们见识下我正义的头槌! わっはっはっ!正義の大判事、グローウォーム様のお通りだー!悪いことしたやつは、このグローウォーム様が許さない!ヘッドスマッシュをおみまいするのだ! Ahahaha! It is I, Glowworm, the impartial and absolute judge! Any wrongdoers will have me to answer to! Guilty verdicts will result in headbutts!
Acquisition 哦呵呵!我便是正义的判官,萤火虫!干坏事的家伙,萤火虫大人一个也不会放过!让你们见识下我正义的头槌! わっはっはっ!正義の大判事、グローウォーム様のお通りだー!悪いことしたやつは、このグローウォーム様が許さない!ヘッドスマッシュをおみまいするのだ! Ahahaha! It is I, Glowworm, the impartial and absolute judge! Any wrongdoers will have me to answer to! Guilty verdicts will result in headbutts!
Login 呣呣,居然让本大人等这么久…指挥官是坏蛋!惩罚你陪我多玩一会! むむ、わたしを待たせるとは…指揮官は悪い人!罰として遊びに付き合ってもらうよ! Hrrm, you have kept Her Honour Judge Glowworm waiting... guilty Commander! Your sentence is to hang out with me more!
Details 指挥官,是不是干了什么坏事呀~老实交代!不然的话…欸?下次陪我玩?呣呣,真拿你没办法啊~今天就放过你吧! 指揮官、何か悪いことしたでしょ~素直に白状するのだ!さもないと…えっ、今度遊んでくれるの?むむ、しょうがないな~今日はこれで勘弁してやる~! Commander, you did something bad, didn't you~ Confess your crimes! Or else... Eh? You'll spend the day with me? Hmm, well then~ I guess I'll let you off the hook!
Main 奥马哈!圣地亚哥!把坏蛋都抓起来!首先就是…指挥官! オマハ!サンディエゴ!悪いやつを捕まえてにいくのだ!まずは…指揮官だ! Omaha! San Diego! Bring the bad guys to me! First up is... the Commander!
Main 2 希佩尔~来~玩~嘛~不陪我玩的话,就处以头槌之刑! ヒッパ―ちゃーん、あーそーぼー!遊んでくれないと、ヘッドスマッシュの刑だぞ! Hipper! Come play with meee! Or I sentence you to a headbutting!
Main 3 看我正义的头槌攻击!…好疼,撞到墙了呜呜…… くらえ、正義のヘッドスマッシュ!…いでっ!壁にぶつかったぁ…… Behold my headbutt of justice! ...Oof, I hit the wall. Waahh...
Touch 坏孩子在哪里呀~!欸,不是这么说的吗? 悪い子はいねぇがー!えっ、違う? Where are the naughty girls?! Huh? Phrasing?
Touch (Special) 哇啊!?指、指挥官…罪恶会得到应有的审判的! わあっ!?こ、このヘンタイ指揮官め…悪は成敗だー! Augh?! C-Commander! Don't you know, crime doesn't pay!