Downes (JP 🇯🇵: ダウンズ, CN 🇹🇼: 唐斯)
Ship ID No. 6 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Common
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage1-3, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Ayano Niina
Downes Description
Mahan-class destroyer - Downes, Hull Number DD-375!
Downes (Retrofit) Description
Rawr! I'm Tiger Downes! What do you think, Commander? I feel great now! Faster. Stronger! Let's head out to sea and cause some trouble!
Firepower C
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 1446 Reload 165
Firepower 66 Torpedo 248
Evasion 156 Anti-air 146
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 162 Luck 63
Hit 174 Speed 44.4
Armor Light
HP 1735 Reload 190
Firepower 76 Torpedo 283
Evasion 162 Anti-air 168
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 181 Luck 63
Hit 182 Speed 44.4
Armor Light
HP 280 Reload 70
Firepower 14 Torpedo 53
Evasion 60 Anti-air 31
Aviation 0 Cost 1
ASW 44 Luck 63
Hit 67 Speed 44.4
Armor Light
HP 1611 Reload 185
Firepower 91 Torpedo 258
Evasion 181 Anti-air 146
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 162 Luck 63
Hit 174 Speed 47.4
Armor Light
HP 1900 Reload 210
Firepower 101 Torpedo 293
Evasion 187 Anti-air 168
Aviation 0 Cost 7
ASW 181 Luck 63
Hit 182 Speed 47.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 110%/112%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 127mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: Mahan-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 2 +1
Max LimitBreak 5
Lv.120 4 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Baptismal Flames Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 20.0%: restores 15.0% (25.0%) of its max HP.
Quick Reload Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Mahan Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 马汉级驱逐舰—唐斯,舷号DD-375 マハン級駆逐艦・ダウンズ(DD-375) Mahan-class destroyer - Downes, Hull Number DD-375!
Biography Yaho!马汉级驱逐舰——唐斯!住珍珠港的时候由于某些原因被迫更换了大半个身体,但是这也丝毫不会影响我在战场上的活跃。敬请期待吧 ヤッホー!マハン級駆逐艦ーーダウンズだ。パールハーバーにいた頃、訳あって体の殆どが入れ替わったが、戦場で活躍するのに関係ないさ!期待してな! Yahoo! I'm the Mahan-class destroyer Downes! I've had to undergo some pretty serious repairs, and have had to replace half my body! I'm stronger than I ever was now! I promise, you won't be disappointed!
Acquisition 嘿!你就是指挥官吗~我是唐斯,以后就请多多关照了~ へい!あんたが指揮官かい?あたいはダウンズって言うんだ。よろしくな! Hey! Are you the commander? I'm Downes. Nice meeting you!
Login Yo~!指挥官,今天海风不错,要和唐斯一起去给对面的那些喂点鱼雷吗? よっと!指揮官、今日は風がいいね!ダウンズと一緒に、あいつらに魚雷でも食らわせてやんない? Yo~! Commander, the wind is nice today. Want to go with me and feed our enemies some torpedoes?
Details 什么啊,指挥官喜欢我这种有点肌肉的女孩子嘛? なんだ、あたいのようなちょっち筋肉のついた女の子が好きかい? Oh? Do you fancy girls with a bit of muscle? Girls like me?
Main 啧!无聊得想出海玩爆炸了 ちぇ!暇じゃん~海にでも出てなんか爆発させちまおうぜ! Tsk! I'm so bored~ I wanna blow something up!
Main 2 弹药位置太暴露了?没事,反正早晚会爆炸的 弾薬庫が撃たれやすい?大丈夫、どうせ遅かれ早かれ爆発するさ! My magazine's too easy to hit? It's fine, one day or another it'll blow up anyway!
Main 3 哦对指挥官,“我只有一半是原来的自己”,这设定听起来是不是超哲学的! そういや指揮官、「あたい、元の自分が半分しかないんだ」ーーこの設定、なんかテツガクテキじゃない? Oh, Commander, what do you think of the phrase, "I'm only half the person I used to be"? Sounds kinda philosophical, doesn't it?
Touch 哎,对就这里,帮我揉揉~ あ、そうそう、ここ揉んでぇ~ Ah, that's the spot, right there~
Touch (Special) <(-︿-)>你就不怕我咬你? <(-︿-)>噛むぜ? You looking to get bitten?
Mission 好像有任务没做完欸! 完了していない任務があるようだぜ! Looks like you've got some unfinished missions!
Mission Complete 走,去领奖励先 よぉし、ボーナスでも受け取りに行こうか! Alright, let's go fetch those rewards!
Mail Yo!有邮件哦! よ!新しいメールが来たぜ! Yo! You've got mail!
Return to Port 大家都回来了!我们什么时候再出发? みんな帰ってきたな!いつ再出発する? Everyone is back! When are we taking off again?
Commission Complete 有委托完成了啊……我说,有没有什么爆破委托啊 委託が完了したようだ。あのさ、爆破の委託とかないか? A commission has been completed... Hey, are there any commissions where we can blow stuff up?
Enhancement 嘿,我现在超想炸点什么! へい、今猛烈になんか爆発させたいぜ! Hey, I really want to make something violently explode right now!
Flagship 上啊姐妹们,给这些家伙点颜色看看! みんな行けぇ!こいつらに目にものを見せてやれ Let's go, girls! Show them what we've got!
Victory 杂鱼们,见识唐斯大人的厉害了吗? 雑魚ども、このダウンズ様の力を見たか! Weaklings, do you know Downes' power now?
Defeat 疼…居然把本大人的弹药库给…… いててて…よくもこのダウンズ様の弾薬庫を… Ow ow ow... My magazine's been...
Skill 尝尝这个! これでもくらえ! Eat this!
Affinity (Upset) 我最讨厌无精打采的人了! いつもしょんぼりするやつは大嫌ぇなんだい! There's nothing I hate more than the listless!
Affinity (Stranger) 嘿,指挥官,没精打采的可不行,要跟我一起去炸鱼吗? へい、指揮官、何しょんぼりしてんのさ~あたいと一緒にダイナマイト漁でもやんない? Hey, Commander, don't be such a slouch! How about going blast fishing with me?
Affinity (Friendly) 身体?不用在意啦,只不过是换了半个身体而已,能吃能睡,没什么不对! 体?そう気にすんなって!たかが半分交換しただけさ。食うのも寝るのもどんなもんだ!問題なし! My body? Don't pay it any attention. I've only had half of it replaced. I can still eat and sleep just fine. Nothing's wrong!
Affinity (Like) 虽然自己不会在意,不过果然会担心喜欢的人会不会接受这样的自己啊,哈啊——诶?指挥官,你什么时候来的,没什么,只,只是自言自语而已啦! 一人の時は気にしていなかったけど、好きな人がこんなあたいを受け入れてくれるかはやっぱりちょっと心配だよなぁ…はあ…って、えええ!?指揮官いつの間に!?…な、なんでもないよ!独り言だよ! Although I really shouldn't care... I still worry if my love will accept me like this... Huh?! Commander! When did you get here? No, it's nothing. I was just... t-t... talking to myself!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,那个……怎么说呢……我……虽然身体有过残缺,但是我的心是完整的……全、全部都给你…… 指揮官、あの……なんていうか……あ、あたいの身体はどこか欠けてるかもしれないけど、心は欠けてるとこないよ?ぜ、全部あんたにあげるからね…… Commander, um... what should I say... I... my body may... be full of holes... but my heart is whole... and I give it all... to you...
Pledge ……没想到我也会有从指挥官那里收到这个的一天……啊不是不相信指挥官,是不相信自己……不过我再也不会担心这种事了,谢谢! ……まさか指揮官からこれをもらえるとは思わなかったわ……ああ、指揮官を信じていないんじゃなくて、自分に自信がなくってさ……でももうそんなこともなくなったぜ、ありがとな! ...... I never thought I would see the day when I would receive this from you... It's not that I don't believe in you, Commander, it's that I don't believe... in myself. But now I can live without worries! Thank you, Commander!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description Yaho!我听说今天便利店里会有另一个帮手,原来就是指挥官你呀!…你说我在做什么?因为有些闲着无聊嘛,就…嘿嘿~ 売店にもうひとり手伝いが来るって聞いてたけど、まさかの指揮官だったとは!あたいが何をしてるかって?あはは、ちょっと手が空いてたからつい…なんて♪ I heard another person was coming to help out at the store, but I never thought it'd be you, Commander! What am I doing here? Ahaha, well uh, I had a little bit of free time on my hands... right~♪
Acquisition Yaho!我听说今天便利店里会有另一个帮手,原来就是指挥官你呀!…你说我在做什么?因为有些闲着无聊嘛,就…嘿嘿~ 売店にもうひとり手伝いが来るって聞いてたけど、まさかの指揮官だったとは!あたいが何をしてるかって?あはは、ちょっと手が空いてたからつい…なんて♪ I heard another person was coming to help out at the store, but I never thought it'd be you, Commander! What am I doing here? Ahaha, well uh, I had a little bit of free time on my hands... right~♪
Login Yo~!指挥官来得挺早的呀。来和我一起摆罐头吧? よっと!指揮官、今日は早いな!あたいと一緒に缶の品出しを頑張ろうか Yo! Talk about being early! C'mere and gimme a hand stocking these shelves.
Details 嘿嘿,我这个“作品”还挺不错的吧?啊,别告诉明石哦? あはは、この「作品」はどうだ?あ、明石には教えんなよ! Hahahah! Whaddya think of my little creation here? Oh, and don't tell Akashi about it!
Main 指挥官,帮我拿一个三角形状的罐头,谢啦! 指揮官、三角形の缶を頼む!…あんがとな! Hey, Commander, pass me that triangular can! Cool, thanks!
Main 2 把店里的材料拿来捣鼓一下的话,说不定能弄出炸药来哦!……哈哈,我只是说说而已啦! 店に置いている素材をちょっといじれたら、もしかしたら爆発物を作れるかもしれないぜ!…い、言ってみただけだって! I reckon I can make an explosive out of stuff lying around the store! ...Look, I'm just saying it's possible!
Main 3 这个罐头好像快过期了耶,要不要问问明石需不需要帮忙“清理库存”?哈哈~ この缶、賞味期限ギリギリになってるな…えへへ、明石に「在庫処理」、頼んでみるか? This fella's almost past its expiration date... Heheh. Should we ask Akashi for permission to do an inventory sweep?
Touch 哎呀,两个人一起干活效率就是高呢~ 二人で一緒にやるとやっぱり捗るな! What'd I tell you – two heads are more productive than one!
Return to Port 这个玻璃瓶子放在……呜哇哇!?…哦!指挥官接得好!差点出大事了… この瓶は……あわわ!?…ナイスキャッチだ指揮官!大変なことになるところだったよ… And this bottle goes ri– Oh crap! ...Phew! Nice catch, Commander! That was a real close one...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嘎哦!我是老虎唐斯!!嘿嘿,指挥官,我这一身怎么样?我现在感觉超好的,快,让我们马上出海去大闹一场吧~ がお!タイガーのダウンズ参上だ!!へへ、指揮官、この一張羅はどうだい?今すっげぇ調子がいいから、ささ、早く海に行ってドンパチ騒ごうぜ! Roar! I'm the tiger, Downes! Hehe, Commander, how do you like me now? I feel super fired up right now, so hurry up and let me at 'em!
Acquisition 嘎哦!我是老虎唐斯!!嘿嘿,指挥官,我这一身怎么样?我现在感觉超好的,快,让我们马上出海去大闹一场吧~ がお!タイガーのダウンズ参上だ!!へへ、指揮官、この一張羅はどうだい?今すっげぇ調子がいいから、ささ、早く海に行ってドンパチ騒ごうぜ! Roar! I'm the tiger, Downes! Hehe, Commander, how do you like me now? I feel super fired up right now, so hurry up and let me at 'em!
Login Yo~!指挥官,今天工作也加油啊,累了的话就喊我搞个爆炸给你提提神吧! よっと!指揮官、今日も頑張ってんな!眠かったらあたいがなんか爆発させてスッキリさしてやろうか? Yo! Commander, let's work hard today as well! If you get tired, I'll raise your spirits with a bang!
Main 出海搞爆炸?当然是等指挥官你也有空的时候啦,我不无聊的~ 海に出てなんか爆発させようぜ?…んまあ、指揮官の好きな時だけでいいぜ。あたいは別に退屈してんじゃないからさ~ Shall we go light things up on the seas? Well, just when you're free, Commander. I'm not that bored yet~
Return to Port 指挥官,我给你按摩一下吧,保~证让你疲劳消失无踪,嘿嘿 指揮官、あたいがマッサージしてやるよ。ぜったいに疲れなんか吹き飛ばしてやんからな!えへへ~ Commander, let me give you a massage! I promise, I'll make all your all your fatigue go away, hehe~