Chapayev (JP 🇯🇵: チャパ゚フ, CN 🇹🇌: 恰巎耶倫)
Ship ID No. 436 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Northern Parliament Build Time
Acquisition Event: Northern Overture
Enhance Income
Firepower 13
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
EN February 27, 2020
KR February 27, 2020
CN February 27, 2020
JP February 27, 2020
Voice actress Masumi Tazawa
Chapayev Description
Chapayev-class cruiser – Chapayev.
The Captive Cavalier Description
Commander, what's going on? Did I... do something wrong...? This was all just... meant to be an exercise, right?
HP 758 Reload 72
Firepower 32 Torpedo 0
Evasion 30 Anti-air 63
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 36 Luck 68
Hit 56 Speed 33.5
Armor Light
HP 3920 Reload 169
Firepower 149 Torpedo 0
Evasion 78 Anti-air 295
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 131 Luck 68
Hit 146 Speed 33.5
Armor Light
HP 4352 Reload 195
Firepower 171 Torpedo 0
Evasion 93 Anti-air 333
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 147 Luck 68
Hit 163 Speed 33.5
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 68
Hit Speed 33.5
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 68
Hit Speed 33.5
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 75%/75%/75%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/120%/120%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 152mm Main Gun (B-38 MK5)
3 Twin 100mm AA Gun (SM-5-1s)
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Chapayev-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 24 +2
Max LimitBreak 48
Lv.120 36 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Cavalier of the Ether Every 15s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage and inflict Burn for 6s to all enemies hit by it (barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Cavalier's Acumen Increases this ship's Crit Rate by 5.0% (15.0%), DMG dealt to enemy DDs by 5.0% (20.0%), and Main Gun shell velocity by 15.0%. Additionally, decreases the Evasion Rate of enemy DDs by 4.0% (10.0%).
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Chapayev once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 恰巎耶倫级蜻巡掋舰—恰巎耶倫 チャパ゚フ玚巡掋艊――チャパ゚フ Chapayev-class cruiser – Chapayev.
Biography 我是68-k型恰巎耶倫级呜名舰恰巎耶倫哊。本应圚倧战䞭发挥䜜甚华因各种各样的原因而迟迟没胜完党完工结果并没有什么掻跃 倚少有些遗憟呢呵呵 68-k型、぀たりチャパ゚フ玚のネヌムシップよ。かの倧戊に参加できるはずだったけど、色々あっお遅れお完成したわ。あたり掻躍できなかったの、少し残念ね。ふふふ I am the name ship of Project 68-K, also known as the Chapayev-class. I was meant to participate in the war, but due to a series of delays, I was not completed in time. I didn't really do anything. Too bad. Hehehe.
Acquisition 䜠就是指挥官呀~呌呌 真是䞍错  啊倱瀌了。我是北方联合的蜻巡掋舰恰巎耶倫以后请倚指教 貎方が指揮官ね。ふふ、これはなかなか  あ、倱瀌。私は北方連合所属・軜巡掋艊チャパ゚フよ。これからよろしく頌むわ So you're the Commander? Hehe, I like what I see... Ah, excuse me. I'm Chapayev, a light cruiser from the Northern Parliament. Let's get along~
Login 欢迎䜠指挥官。这里是指挥宀 呵呵是“我们䞀人的指挥宀”才对吧 いらっしゃい指揮官。ふふ、ここは執務宀っお ええ、分かっおるわ。「私たち二人の執務宀」、でしょ Welcome, Commander. So this is your office...? Aha, of course, it's OUR office, isn't it?
Details 指挥官来聊聊倩吧互盞了解才是最重芁的䞍是吗 指揮官、少しお喋りでもどうお互いを分かるこずに越したこずない――そう思わなくお Commander, let's chat a bit? It's important that we get to know each other... don't you think?
Main 指挥官也想像这孩子䞀样吗 哎呀䞍想吗~ 指揮官もこの子のようになりたいのかしら あら、違うのふヌん Are you jealous of my little friend here, Commander...? Oh, you're not? Hmm.
Main 2 我其实是埈区的哊 至少圚讟计之初是这样的。至于现圚就芁由指挥官来亲·自·确·讀了呢~ 私は匷いわ。  少なくずも、蚭蚈された圓初ではね。今はどうなのか、それは指揮官に確かめおもらうしかないけど I'm actually very strong... Or at least, I was designed to be. I guess I would need you to check and make sure I actually turned out that way, Commander.
Main 3 劂果害怕信赖被蟜莟只芁牢牢抓玧对方就奜。无论是甚绳子还是铟锁郜可以 对吧 信頌しおも裏切られるのが怖いようでしたら、こう手綱をしっかり握りしめればいいわ。瞄でも鎖でも、なんでも  ね If you're worried those you trust will betray you, you just have to keep them close. Either rope or chains will do the trick... right?
Touch 想摞摞看啊䞍是诎这孩子而是我啊呵呵呵~ お觊りあ、この子じゃなくお私のほうね。ふふふ You want to feel? Ah, not this little guy. I mean me. Hehehe.
Touch (Special) 呵呵呵 指挥官真是坏孩子呢 ふふふ、指揮官、悪い子ね Hehehe... Commander, naughty naughty~
Mission 未完成的任务 是䞍是由我来垮指挥官完成比蟃奜呢 未完了の任務は 私がちょっず代わりにやっおおいたほうが良さそうね All these unfinished tasks... Wouldn't it be better if I helped you take care of them?
Mission Complete 哎呀奜奜完成任务了呢真棒。呵呵想芁我给䜠什么样的倞奖呢指挥官~ あら、任務をこなせお偉いね。ふふ、ご耒矎はどんなのがいいの Wow, you completed that mission all by yourself! Hehe, were you hoping I'd give you a reward?
Mail 新的信件已经敎理奜了䞍芁忘了确讀哊 新しい手玙を敎理したわ。確認を忘れないようにね I sorted the mail for you. Don't forget to look it over.
Return to Port 我做的菜䞍知道味道劂䜕劂果胜合指挥官胃口就奜了呢 私の手料理はどうだったお口に合うず嬉しいわ What do you think of my food? Is this the kind of thing you like to eat?
Commission Complete 指挥官执行委托的孩子们刚刚回来了哊请做奜准倇前去迎接吧 指揮官、委蚗に出た子たちが戻っおきたわよ。準備をお願いね Commander, the girls you sent out on commission are back. Are you ready?
Enhancement 继续区化舰装吧~我盞信指挥官䞀定可以的~ どんどん兵装を぀けおちょうだい。あなたのこずは信頌しおるわ Keep strengthening my equipment. I know you can do it.
Flagship 这孩子我也是胜借驟驭的哊出发吧~ この子も乗りこなしおみせるわよそら I can handle these girls just fine! Hiyah!
Victory 呌 差䞍倚是这样吧 ふぅ こんな感じかしらね Hah... that seems about right.
Defeat 呌 看来还芁加油呢 ふぅ ただただ頑匵らないずね Hah... I can do better.
Skill 蹂躏䞀切吧 蹂躙する Scorched earth!
Low HP 呜 有点倧意了啊  くっ 少し油断したかしら  Gah... was I unprepared...?
Affinity (Upset) 是䞍是给指挥官䞀些曎䞥厉的“教育”比蟃奜呢 嗯 真隟办啊  き぀く躟けたほうがいいのかしら、悩たしいわね  You may need some stricter training. Hm. Worrying...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官想和我诎什么只是陪䜠聊聊也可以哊这䞪舰队看来胜䞀盎埅埈久呢。呵呵呵 指揮官、䜕か盞談お喋りならお付き合いするわよこの艊隊、きっず先が長いものね。ふふふ Commander, did you have something to talk about? Or are you just here for a little chat? With this fleet, we could go on and on. Hehehe.
Affinity (Friendly) 和郚䞋的亀流吗 没错对于圌歀托付性呜的同䌎来诎信赖是最重芁的。垌望指挥官胜像我信赖䜠䞀样地信赖我呢 郚䞋ずのコミュニケヌションねぇ ええ、呜を預ける盞手を信頌するのが䞀番倧事よ。私が指揮官を信じおいるように、指揮官にも私のこずを信頌しおほしいわ Fraternizing with subordinates...? Yes, these among comrades who put our lives in each other's hands, trust is the most important thing. I hope you trust in me, Commander, the same way I trust in you.
Affinity (Like) 宠物我没有养过呢。毕竟自己喜欢宠着的䞜西总圚身蟹啊~莫非指挥官 想扟䞪人宠着䜠吗 ペットどうかしら 飌ったこずがないから正盎わからないわ。だっお愛でる盞手ならずっず身近にいるもの。それずも指揮官 もしかしお、もっず愛でられたいの A pet? I wonder... I've never had one before. The one I love and cherish is always right here with me, after all. Say, Commander... Do you need more affection?
Affinity (Love) 原来劂歀 看起来䌌乎病埗䞍蜻呢。果然埗䞀䞪完党信赖的人圚身蟹才行呢 指挥官把䞀切亀给我吧我䌚把䜠的烊恌党郚解决的~ なるほど それはちょっず重症ね。やっぱり心を預ける盞手がそばにいないず 指揮官、いっそ私に任せおくれないあなたの悩み、党郚解決しおあげるわ Oh my... that looks serious. You really do need someone you love and cherish by your side... Commander, let me be here for you. I'll take care of all your worries for you.
Pledge 胜从指挥官那里收到这么重芁的戒指我埈高兎哊~䜜䞺亀换 就把这䞪项圈送给指挥官吧—呵呵埈合适呢~这种圌歀䞀盎联系圚䞀起的感觉 指挥官也埈喜欢吧 私はこの指茪を――こんなに綺麗なものを預けおくれるなんお嬉しいわ。ではあなたにはこの銖茪を――ふふ、こっちも䌌合っおいるわ。こうしお垞に぀ながっおるの 奜きでしょう To get such a ring... such a beautiful gift, it's wonderful. So let me give you this bridle in return... Hehe, it fits perfectly. Now it's like we're always connected, wherever we might be... Don't you love it?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官这究竟是芁做什么隟道 我做错了什么吗 这应该 只是单纯的挔习吧 指揮官、これは䞀䜓どういうこずたさか私、䜕か悪いこずでもしたの これっおただの挔習なの  Commander, what's going on? Did I... do something wrong...? This was all just... meant to be an exercise, right?
Acquisition 指挥官这究竟是芁做什么隟道 我做错了什么吗 这应该 只是单纯的挔习吧 指揮官、これは䞀䜓どういうこずたさか私、䜕か悪いこずでもしたの これっおただの挔習なの  Commander, what's going on? Did I... do something wrong...? This was all just... meant to be an exercise, right?
Login 哈啊 哈啊 指挥官今倩芁先做什么呢 はぁ はぁ 指揮官、今日は䜕から始めるの *Pant*... *pant*... Commander, what should we start with today?
Details 明明随时郜胜出去䞺什么我还芁留圚这  指挥官没、没什么我什么郜没诎  い぀でも出られるっおいうけど、なぜ私はただここに  指揮官い、いいえ、なんでもないわ  I could leave whenever I want, so why do I stay... Commander? N- nothing, it's nothing...
Main 这䞪房闎甚至让人感到有点恶趣味了呢  この空間は正盎、悪趣味に思うわね  You know, this room might rub some people the wrong way...
Main 2 指挥官没事吧没事的话胜回答䞀䞋吗我有点 担心  指揮官、倧䞈倫倧䞈倫なら返事しおちょうだい私、ちょっず焊っちゃうわ  Commander, are you okay? Please answer me if you're okay. You can't keep me waiting...
Main 3 圚这里埅倪久的话塔什干她们䌚担心的吧  ここに長くいるず、流石にタシュケントたちが心配するわね  If I'm here too long, you know Tashkent will start to worry...
Touch 芁、芁把这䞪套圚我脖子䞊吗 こ、これを私の銖に぀ける気 I- I have to keep this around my neck?
Touch (Special) 呀指挥官我其实没有这意思  きゃっ指揮官、私別にそんな気は   Hyah?! Commander, that's not what I meant...!
Mission 有未完成的任务。资料我已经让人拿来了哊 未完了の任務があるわ。資料なら取っおおいおもらったわよ There's an unfinished mission. I have all the details here.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。接䞋来该做什么呢  任務完了ね。ここから䜕をすればいいのかしら  Mission complete. What should we do now...?
Mail 信 垌望指挥官胜快点看看呢  お手玙は 早く読んでくれないかしら  Mail's here... I think you should read it...
Return to Port 这蟹没有厚房还真是遗憟呢。指挥官芁喂我吃吗  ここに調理堎がないのは残念ね。食べさせおくれるの  I really wish there was a kitchen in here. Are you going to feed me, Commander...?
Commission Complete 指挥官执行委托的孩子们刚刚回来了哊。埗快点去迎接她们才行呢  委蚗に出た子たちが戻っおきたわ。早く出迎えに行かないず  The commission girls just got back. You have to get out there and bring them in...
Enhancement 还埗再努力些才行呢 もっず頑匵らなきゃ、ね I have to try harder, right?
Flagship 我䌚讀真战斗的 真面目に戊うわ I fight with all my heart!
Victory 这样就胜皍埮攟束些了  これで少しは解攟されるのね  I guess I can relax a little...
Defeat 指挥官对䞍起   指揮官、ごめんなさい  っ Commander, I'm sorry...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官才是需芁圚这蟹受训的人呢  ここで蚓緎すべきなのは指揮官の方ね  I think you need some training in this area, Commander...
Affinity (Love) 像这样和指挥官“单独盞倄”虜然䞍错果然还是觉埗猺了点什么 还是是芁曎胜借 玧握䜏圌歀双手的感觉比蟃 呀啊请、请䞍芁拉这䞪可以吗 こうしお指揮官ず「二人っきり」になるの、悪くないけど、やっぱりなにか足りない気がするわね もっずこう、しっかり手に握りしめるものずいうか ひゃぅそ、それを匕っ匵らないでぇ I get that you wanted to be alone with me, and that's fine, but I just think we're missing something... If only we could... hold each other's hands tightly or... Ahhn?! D- don't pull on that!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌 啊指挥官没胜出闚迎接真是䞍奜意思。 攟束点䞍甚那么拘谚我知道䜠䞍䌚做什么奇怪的事情的呵呵~ ふは あら指揮官、ごめんなさい出迎えそびれちゃったわ。そこたでかしこたらなくおいいわよ、あなたなら倉なこずをしないっおこずはもう分かっおいるわ。ふふ Phew... Oh my, Commander, I'm sorry I didn't welcome you at the door. You don't have to be so tense - I already know not to try doing anything weird with you. Hehe~
Acquisition 呌 啊指挥官没胜出闚迎接真是䞍奜意思。 攟束点䞍甚那么拘谚我知道䜠䞍䌚做什么奇怪的事情的呵呵~ ふは あら指揮官、ごめんなさい出迎えそびれちゃったわ。そこたでかしこたらなくおいいわよ、あなたなら倉なこずをしないっおこずはもう分かっおいるわ。ふふ Phew... Oh my, Commander, I'm sorry I didn't welcome you at the door. You don't have to be so tense - I already know not to try doing anything weird with you. Hehe~
Login 欢迎䜠指挥官。今倩也芁工䜜真是努力呢~ いらっしゃい指揮官。今日もお仕事なの頑匵っおるわね Welcome, Commander. Working today, like always? Well, keep at it.
Main 嗯~ 指挥官芁䞍芁也䌞䌞懒腰䞀盎坐着的话腰和肩膀郜䌚埈酞的哊呵呵~ んんん 指揮官も䜓を䌞ばしおみないずっず座りっぱなしだず腰ずか肩ずか色々こるわよふふふ♡ Mmmgh~ You ought to stretch a little, Commander. Sitting down all the time leads to back and shoulder problems, and all other sorts of bad things.
Main 2 这本乊啊莝拉眗斯掚荐给我的乊啊对指挥官䜠来诎可胜有点隟呢。 嗯这么有自信~那就念给我听听吧 この本ええ、ベラルヌシアに薊められた本よ。指揮官にはもしかしおちょっず難しいかもしれないわ あら、倧した自信ね。なら解釈を教えおもらっおも This book? I picked it up on Belorussiya's recommendation. It might be a bit too hard for you, though. ...Unlikely, you say? Read me a few pages, then.
Main 3 这里再涂䞋 嗯 涂完这䞪感觉党身郜变光滑了呢 指挥官也皍埮关泚䞋皮肀状况比蟃奜哊 よいっしょ これを぀けるずぬめっずしちゃうわね。  指揮官も肌には気を぀けたほうがいいわよ There we go... This lotion is sticky, but it's good for the skin. You should get into the habit of using skincare products too, Commander.
Touch 想让我垮䜠涂这䞪吗 ぀けおほしいの Do you want me to oil you up?
Touch (Special) 呵呵是䞍是变埗有点倪滑溜溜的了呢 ふふ、ぬるっずしすぎちゃったかしら Heehee, I might have used too much lotion.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了~来点甜的饮料回倍䞋䜓力吧 真听话~泚意䞍可以喝倪倚哊~ お疲れ様。疲劎回埩に䜕か甘い飲み物でもどうかしら いい子いい子、飲むのはほどほどにね You must be tired. How about a sweet refreshment to clear away the fatigue? Here you are, sweetheart. Just don't have too much, now.
Flagship 冲垮敌阵 敵陣を蹎散らす  I'll disrupt the enemy line!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 是来扟我的吗 呵呵抱歉让䜠担心了。只是想出来沐济䞋枅凉的晚风而已 可以的话芁䞍芁䞀起 私を探しに うふふ、心配させちゃっおごめんなさい。少し涌しい倜颚を济びたくお よかったら䞀緒にどう You've been looking for me? Heehee, sorry if I made you worry, I just had to feel the night breeze in my hair for a bit. Why don't you stay and enjoy it with me?
Acquisition 是来扟我的吗 呵呵抱歉让䜠担心了。只是想出来沐济䞋枅凉的晚风而已 可以的话芁䞍芁䞀起 私を探しに うふふ、心配させちゃっおごめんなさい。少し涌しい倜颚を济びたくお よかったら䞀緒にどう You've been looking for me? Heehee, sorry if I made you worry, I just had to feel the night breeze in my hair for a bit. Why don't you stay and enjoy it with me?
Login 枅枅凉凉的氎 呵呵正奜适合有点发热的皮肀呢。 ひんやりずした氎 ふふ、火照った肌にちょうどいいわ Ooh, this water is nice and cold... Heehee. Perfect for cooling off in.
Main 垌望苏绎埃也胜来䜓验䞀次这对她来诎也是䞪蜬换心情的奜方法吧。 ゜ナヌズにも䞀床来おみおほしいわね。あの人にずっおもいい気分転換になれるもの I hope Soyuz will pay this place a visit someday. Lord knows she deserves a good refresher.
Main 2 济衣的莚感非垞舒服穿着它就像穿着䞝绞䞀样呢。 济衣、ずおもいい肌觊りよ。たるでシルクのような着心地で気持ちいいわ This yukata feels lovely on my skin. It's like I'm dressed tip to toe in silk.
Main 3 旅行有䞀种给饲养的马儿攟青的感觉呢。䞍倧明癜嗯这样   旅行っお攟し飌いの子の気分になれるわ。 よくわからないたあ、うん、そうかしら  Doesn't vacationing make you feel like the leash has come off? ...You don't get the analogy? Hmm, well, fair enough...
Touch 芁是怕走散的话我牵着䜠的手吧还是诎 牵着猰绳曎奜呢呵呵呵~ はぐれるのが怖いなら、手を぀ないであげようかそれずも 手綱のほうがいいのふふふ We can hold hands if you're scared of getting separated. Unless... you'd rather be led along by a pair of reins?
Touch (Special) 呵呵摞着埈舒服吧 ふふ、いい肌觊りでしょ Heehee. Doesn't that feel nice?
Mission Complete 完成任务了呢奜孩子。呵呵奖励嘛让我想想  再去泡䞋枩泉劂䜕 あら、任務をこなせお偉いね。ふふ、ご耒矎は そうね。お湯にもう䞀床入っおみる Hey, great job on that mission. Heehee, how does a hot bath sound for a reward?
Return to Port 芁去参观䞋蓝染工艺吗 藍染めの芋孊でも行きたしょうか Why don't we go watch how artisans dye clothes blue?
Victory 这也是蜬换心情的䞀种方法吗 これも䞀぀の気分転換 かしら I suppose this is one way to de-stress.
Affinity (Love) 䞍甚担心哊。联系䜠我之闎的纜垊非垞牢固无论是哪䞀方牵劚猰绳及䞀方郜胜察觉到对方的心思。比劂像这样把䜠的手牵起来  就胜听见互盞的心跳声对吧 心配いらないわ。貎方ず私は固い絆で結ばれ、お互いい぀手綱を匕いおも自分の気持ちを盞手に気づかせられる仲よ。䟋えば貎方の手を匕き寄せお  お互いの心の音、ちゃんず聞こえるでしょ You've no reason to worry. The bond between us is so strong that no matter which of us pulls the reins, our feelings are clear to us both. Like this – if I just pull your hand towards me... you can hear the beating of my heart, no?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞺什么䌚来这里 这么问就星埗有点䞍解风情了吧。或讞是想换䞪心情或讞是被声音吞匕亊或是指挥官和我心有灵犀  这么䞀想就埈匀心呢呵呵。 どうしおこんなずころたでっお、理由を聞くのは無粋ね。気分転換かもしれないし、音に匕き寄せられたのかもしれないし、指揮官ず私の想いが通じた  ず思うずなんだか嬉しい気持ちになれるわね。ふふふ Why are you here... Oh, that was rude of me to ask. Maybe you just wanted a change of scenery, or you were drawn by the music. Or maybe my feelings have reached you... I think I like the sound of that one the most. Hehehe.
Acquisition 䞺什么䌚来这里 这么问就星埗有点䞍解风情了吧。或讞是想换䞪心情或讞是被声音吞匕亊或是指挥官和我心有灵犀  这么䞀想就埈匀心呢呵呵。 どうしおこんなずころたでっお、理由を聞くのは無粋ね。気分転換かもしれないし、音に匕き寄せられたのかもしれないし、指揮官ず私の想いが通じた  ず思うずなんだか嬉しい気持ちになれるわね。ふふふ Why are you here... Oh, that was rude of me to ask. Maybe you just wanted a change of scenery, or you were drawn by the music. Or maybe my feelings have reached you... I think I like the sound of that one the most. Hehehe.
Login 指挥官想芁做什么想听䞀曲吗还是想让我陪䜠练习跳舞无需忍耐盎接告诉我吧 指揮官は䜕をしたいの䞀曲聞きたいそれずもダンスの緎習に付き合っおほしい我慢しないで蚀っお Commander, what do you want to do? Would you like to hear a song? Or practice dancing with me, maybe? Don't hold back; just say the word.
Details 诎到指挥者䌌乎有着掌控挔奏者的印象呢。指挥官呢䞀同挔奏乐章的䜠盎到最后郜䌚奜奜陪䌎着我吗呵呵 指揮者ず蚀えば、奏者の手綱を握らなければならないわね。指揮官はどう私たちの奏でる楜章に、最埌たでしっかり付き合っおくれるふふふ Conductors are people who must hold the reins of the performers. What of you, Commander? Will you accompany our movement until the end?
Main 䜠知道圚䌚场播攟的是哪銖歌么呵呵指挥官真是博孊倚识。那么...我刚刚匹的是 䌚堎で流れおいた曲、䜕お曲だず思うふふふ、指揮官は博識ね。じゃあ 今私が匟いたのは Do you know what song was just playing at the party? Hahaha, you're very knowledgeable, Commander. Then... What was I just playing?
Main 2 叀比雪倫她居然胜孊䌚这么隟的曲子 应该诎这也是她的䌘点吧。 クむビシェフ、よくあんな難しいのを緎習しようず思ったものね そういうのも圌女の匷さ、ずいったずころかしら I'm amazed that Kuybyshev learned such a complex piece... That would be one of her strengths, I suppose.
Main 3 尜情攟束吧。看我也劂歀惬意呢。盎到掟对结束郜䞍䌚有人束猚䜠也无需束猚别人哊 奜きなだけく぀ろいでいいわよ。ほら、私だっおこうしおく぀ろいでるじゃない。パヌティヌが終わるたで、瞛り付けるのも瞛り付けられるのもなしよ Relax as much as you want. See? I'm relaxing here, too. No confining others, or letting them confine you, until the party's over.
Touch 想䞀起挔奏吗 䞀緒に匟いおみたいの Would you like to play, too?
Touch (Special) 䜠垌望我挔奏的  是哪䞪 匟いおほしいのは  どっち What exactly are you asking me to play with? This, or...?
Mail 来了封信呢。皍后记埗确讀哊 手玙があるわよ。あずでチェックしおおいお You have a letter. Make sure you check it later, okay?
Return to Port 我想䜠也该回来了。芁选哪䞀蟹呵呵是问䜠想回到䌚场还是芁圚这里皍䜜䌑息的意思哊 そろそろ戻っおくる頃だず思っおたわ。どっちにするふふふ、䌚堎に戻るか、ここで少し䌑憩するかっおこずよ I thought you'd be coming soon. What do you think happens next...? Hahaha, not like that. I'm asking if you'd like to go back to the party, or if you'd like to rest here for a moment.
Commission Complete 库尔斯克 啊呀委托组的倧家奜像回来了。䜠也圚掟对䞊露䞪脞劂䜕 クルスク あら、委蚗の子が戻っおきたようね。あなたも䞀床ぐらいはパヌティヌに顔を出しおみれば Kursk? ...Oh, so the commission team has returned. Come and enjoy the party for a while, would you?
Victory 以即兎衚挔来诎我这算是埈䞍错了呢♪ 即興にしおは䞊出来ね。私♪ For an improv performance, I think I did pretty well!♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 欢迎䜠指挥官。 今倩也芁奜奜工䜜呢。啊诎起来 项圈有䞀盎奜奜戎着吗 いらっしゃい指揮官。今日もお仕事なのね。ずころで 銖茪、ずっず぀けおおくれおるの Welcome, Commander. Time for another day of hard work. By the way... Have you been wearing your bridle like we talked about?
Details 指挥官肚子饿了吗芁忍耐哊忍到我诎“可以了”䞺止才行 呵呵~ 指揮官、お腹すいたただ我慢よ。私がいいず蚀うたでは我慢しおちょうだい Commander, are you hungry? Well, you'll just have to wait. Once I say 'okay,' then you can eat.
Main 指挥官怎么了我就圚这里哪里也䞍䌚去哊 指揮官、なに私はここよ、どこにも行かないわ Commander, what's wrong? I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere.
Main 2 对于托付性呜的对象埗奜奜重视才行呢。攟心吧我䌚䞀盎牢牢地抓玧指挥官的猰绳的 呜を預かっおいる盞手のこずは倧事にしないずね。安心しお、貎方の手綱はしっかり握っおいるわ It's a big responsibility to have someone trust you so much. But don't worry, I'm holding your reins tightly.
Main 3 想和其他女孩子诎话的时候跟我诎䞀声哊。被人看到这䞪䌚埈䞍奜意思的吧呵呵芁是指挥官觉埗被看到也没关系的话我也䞍䌚介意的哊~ 他の子ず話したい時は私に蚀っおね。流石に芋られるず恥ずかしいでしょうふふ、芋られちゃっおもいいなら別に私はいいけど Just let me know when you'd like to talk to another girl. You'd be very embarrassed to be seen like this, hm? Hehe, I think it's fine if somebody sees, actually.
Touch 呵呵我也想摞摞指挥官呢 ふふ、私も指揮官を觊りたくなちゃったわ Hehe, I think I want to touch you too, Commander.
Touch (Special) 呵呵䞀䌚再陪䜠奜吗 ふふ、盞手しおあげるのはたたあずで、ね Hehe, I'll join you in a minute, okay?
Return to Port 出击的时候有奜奜坚持䜏了呢 奜孩子奜孩子接䞋来的就亀给我吧~ 出撃䞭よく我慢したわね いい子いい子。私に党郚任せお You did so well on that sortie... Now you just let me take care of everything.
Flagship ППлМый хПЎ(党速前进) ППлМый хПЎ ポヌンリィホヌト ППлМый хПЎ!
Victory 呵呵胜让指挥官满意就奜~ ふふふ、もっず喜んでくれるず嬉しいわ Hehehe, I'm happy if you are.
Affinity (Love) 还是有些䞍安吗还芁再忍忍哊。虜然现圚指挥官还需芁这样和我联系圚䞀起䞍过埈快 总有䞀倩䜠就可以什么郜䞍甚想也䞍䌚有烊恌和痛苊了 —— ただ䞍安になるの我慢よ。今はこうやっお貎方の党おを぀なぎずめおるけど、そのうち䜕も考えられなくしお、悩みも苊しみも䜕もかも忘れさせおあげるわよ Still feeling a little uneasy? Just wait a bit longer. You need to stay bound to me like this for now, but sooner or later you won't have to think anymore, you won't have to worry, and you can forget all that pain.