Bremerton (JP 🇯🇵: ブレマヌトン, CN 🇹🇌: 垃莱默顿)
Ship IDNo. 443Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time02:00:00
AcquisitionEvent: Microlayer Medley
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENMarch 26, 2020
KRMarch 26, 2020
CNMarch 26, 2020
JPMarch 26, 2020
Voice actressYuiko Tatsumi
Bremerton Description
Baltimore-class heavy cruiser – Bremerton, Hull Number CA-130.
Scorching-Hot TrainingDescription
*pant*... *pant*... Man, it's so sunny today... Commander, or should I say, "Coach," could ya lend me your parasol? I'm starting to feel my brains melting away...
Kung Fu CruiserDescription
Stop right there, evildoers! You've managed to evade justice all this time, but the hour of judgment is finally upon you! ...Hmmm, making the perfect flashy debut is pretty tough, isn't it?
HP834 Reload68
Firepower49 Torpedo0
Evasion9 Anti-air50
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck55
HP3535 Reload130
Firepower136 Torpedo0
Evasion56 Anti-air188
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck58
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser105%/110%/120%/125%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun65%/65%/65%/70%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun135%/135%/135%/140%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 203mm Advanced Main Gun
3Twin 20mm AA Oerlikon Design
Fleet Tech
T8 Heavy Cruiser: Baltimore-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock15 +1
Max LimitBreak30
Lv.12023 +1
Blazing Burst Wings1) When this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to increase this ship's Main Gun DMG to 130.0% for 3s (this buff has a 5s cooldown between activations.) 2) When this ship fires its Main Guns: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special HE barrage (this barrage has a 10s cooldown between activations.) Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.Default Unlocked
One for the TeamAt the start of the battle, if this ship is in the frontmost position of your Vanguard: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (20.0%) for 30s; If not in this position, increases this ship's AA by 15.0% (25.0%) until the end of the battle.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Baltimore Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description巎尔的摩级重巡掋舰—垃莱默顿舷号CA-130ボルチモア玚重巡掋艊「ブレマヌトン」CA-130Baltimore-class heavy cruiser – Bremerton, Hull Number CA-130.
Biography䞍少巎尔的摩级舰船诞生的时候那场倧战已经接近尟声了所以没有什么掻跃的机䌚就像我䞀样。䞍过我可是䞀盎保持着最䜳战倇状态的呢尜管攟心地䟝赖我吧~アタシも含めお、ボルチモア玚の倚くの子はカンレキ的にかの倧戊の末期に建造されたから、あんた掻躍できるチャンスなかったの。でも今はい぀でもスタンバむOKだから、安心しお任せお頂戎We Baltimore-class girls, me included, hardly got any chances to shine in combat since we were built near the end of the war. This time 'round, though, we're always on standby! You need somethin' done, hit me up!
Acquisition哟~久等啊~癜鹰所属、巡掋舰垃莱默顿向䜠报道请倚关照~啊对了对了顺䟿胜把䜠的名字生日喜奜也告诉我吗お・た・た・せナニオン所属、重巡掋艊のブレマヌトンよよろしくあ、そうそう、名前誕生日奜きなもの、よかったら教えおくれないHere! I! Am! I'm Bremerton, the Eagle Union heavy cruiser! The pleasure's mine! Oh, by the way, mind telling me your name, birthday, and favorite thing?
Login指挥官欢迎回来今倩的目标是 唔皍等让我先曎新䞋今倩的的状态~指揮官、おかえり今日の䜜戊目暙は ずその前に、指揮官が準備しおる間に艊船通信を曎新曎新っずNice seeing ya, Commander! I'll list off today's mission objectives... but first, I've gotta make a post to my Juustagram!
Details皍等䞀䞋让我回倍䞀䞪信息  奜了我匀了䞀䞪甚来解决倧家烊恌的莊号时䞍时䌚收到这样那样的问题呢。指挥官呢也有烊恌芁咚询我吗圓面问的话也是欢迎的哊ちょい埅ち、今これ返信しおから  よし実はアタシ、母枯のお悩み盞談宀みたいなのをやっおお、時々こうしお盞談されおるよ。指揮官はなにかお悩みずかない曞き蟌むの面倒なら、盎接話しおくれおもいいよOne sec, gotta finish this message... There we go! You see, I offer this like, counseling service thing, so sometimes I get people messaging me like this. You need any counseling, Commander? Typing all the time's a chore, so just hit me up in-person.
Main我看䜠奜像没什么粟神啊芁䞍我去垮䜠买点饮料なんか元気ないね あっ、飲み物でも買っお来おほしいっおカンゞYou look kinda moody... Wait, is that my cue to like, go buy you a drink?
Main 2我圚想工䜜之倖的指挥官䌚是什么样子的呢诎䞍定工䜜䞥谚的指挥官平时华意倖地埈冒倱仕事以倖の指揮官はどんなカンゞだろうもしかしお普段たじめなのに意倖ずドゞっ子だったりしおWhat are you like when you're not working, Commander? Maybe you're one of those serious-on-the-outside, klutz-on-the-inside people?
Main 3对我的服装埈圚意吗那䞍劂~指挥官亲自来确讀䞋劂䜕指揮官はこの栌奜、結構気になるっおカンゞ ふふ、じゃあ、確かめおみおもいいよIs my outfit tickling your fancy, Commander? Heheh, if you wanna get a closer look, go ahead.
Touch哈~嗯  正奜肩膀有些酞了呢。指挥官垮我捏捏肩啊。くぅ  肩こっちゃうなこれ指揮官ごめん、マッサヌゞを頌んでいいOof... My shoulders are killing me! Yo, Commander, mind giving me a massage?
Touch (Special)再这么随䟿摞的话我芁给䜠惩眚了哊もうたたこんな事したらオシオキしちゃうぞDo that again and you'll regret it real bad, you hear?
Mission有任务把䜠隟䜏了让我看看我胜䞍胜垮䞊些什么。任務が難しいのんヌアタシもなんか手䌝えるこずないかチェックしようかなAre these missions tough stuff? Hmm... Maybe I'll take a look, see if there's anything I can help with.
Mission Complete任务是完成了䜆是奖励䜠奜像还没领取呢。奜啊赶玧去拿吧任務は完了した。でも報酬の受取はただしおないっず。はい、早く受け取っおきおMission's been completed. We haven't claimed the rewards yet, though. Come on, head out and get 'em!
Mail指挥官䜠的信。䞍是什么重芁内容的话我就垮䜠回了吧指揮官ぞの手玙よ。倧したこずじゃなさそうならアタシがチェックしお返そうかGot a letter for you here. If it's nothing important, I could read it for ya.
Return to Port呌 啊指挥官是䞍是想偷懒了嘿嘿没问题啊有秘乊舰䞀起圚的话反正也䞍䌚有人发现的~ふぅ あっ、指揮官今、サボろうず思っおたでしょぞぞ、別にいいよ。秘曞艊のアタシも䞀緒ならしばらく誰も気づかないっしょPhew... Hey, Commander, you're thinking about skippin' work, aren't you? Hah, I'm fine with that. It'll just be you and me taking a short break, nobody'll notice.
Commission Complete委托的倧家回来了去吧指挥官这是展瀺䜠魅力的奜机䌚委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよはい指揮官、セルフアピヌルチャンスThat commission team's come back! This is your chance to charm 'em, Commander!
Enhancement哇哊我奜像有了䞀些变化䜆是到底是哪里呢  なんか倉わった気がする  あれ、倉わったのはどこだっけ Hooray! It feels like I've grown in some way! Or somewhere, but I dunno where that'd be...
Flagship奜准倇䞊了!よしやるわよAll right! Let's do this!
Victory哌哌我可是巎尔的摩级这种战斗蜻蜻束束啊ふふん、これでもボルチモア玚だから、この皋床の敵なら楜勝よHeheh! Lookit or not, I'm a Baltimore-class, so these chumps were easy-peasy!
Defeat哎呀 我奜像把事情搞砞了呢あっ ちょっずアタシ、やらかしちゃったっぜい Oops... Uhh, I think I messed up somewhere...
Skill再见啊んじゃ、さいならSay goodnight!
Low HP哎呀有些倧意了呢 ちょっず、油断しすぎたかも I mighta been a bit too careless...
Affinity (Upset)快点扟回原来的䜠吧。芁䞍我把胞口借给䜠哭着发泄䞀䞋早く元の指揮官に戻った戻ったヌ。    蟛いなら、アタシの胞の䞭で泣いちゃっおもいいよCome back to your normal self already, Commander... If you really need it, you can cry into my chest and let it all out.
Affinity (Stranger)欢迎来到垃莱默顿的谈心小屋今倩又有什么烊恌了吗欞只是随䟿聊聊 嗯~隟道䞍是烊恌自己没有可以聊倩的人ブレマヌトンのお悩み盞談宀ぞようこそで、今日は䜕を悩んでいるのかなえ、り゜ただの雑談 んヌそれっお雑談盞手がほしいっおカンゞじゃなくおWelcome to Bremerton's counseling corner! So, whatcha got on your mind? ...Hang on, what? You just wanna chat? So... you want counseling on how to find a chat buddy, basically?
Affinity (Friendly)战斗以倖喜欢做的事情我每倩郜和倧家打招呌圚瀟亀眑络䞊解决倧家的烊恌 这样想的话倧抂是人际亀埀啊又有新消息了呢我先回倍䞀䞋~戊闘以倖で奜きなこずは 挚拶ずか友達ずの亀際ずか、皆の盞談をなヌんでも聞いおあげるこず――んヌ぀たりお付き合いっおカンゞかなあ、今艊船通信に曞き蟌たれた、ちょっず埅っおおThings I like besides fighting? I chat people up all the time and give counseling over social media, sooo... I guess I like hanging out with people? Oh, hang on, gotta check this Juustagram message. One sec...
Affinity (Like)平时郜是指挥官听倧家借诉烊恌䞍过圚我面前的话指挥官可以尜情向我借诉没关系的哊。啊劂果觉埗䞍奜意思甚文字的方匏发我也是可以的哊普段は指揮官がみんなの盞談に乗っおるけど、アタシの前では指揮官がどんどん盞談しおくれおいいわよ。あっ、恥ずかしいなら別に艊船通信でDMしおくれおもいいよI know you're used to listening to everyone else's troubles, but you can talk to me about whatever's on your mind. Oh, if you wanna talk through text instead, you can always DM me over Juustagram.
Affinity (Love)指挥官收到我发的信息了吗毕竟䜠䞀盎没什么衚现所以我只胜出歀䞋策了。我可是䞀——盎圚䞺䌚收到怎么样的回倍而烊恌呢~指挥官聪明劂䜠应该明癜的吧指揮官、アタシのDM確認しおくれたもう既読スルヌしちゃうんだから~アタシさ、どんな返しされるの、ちょっず えヌず、ちょっずドキドキしおるよ指揮官なら䞊手い返し方、わかるよねえぞぞDid you read my DM, Commander? Don't go ghosting me; it says you've seen it~ I'm waiting for your reply with, like... Butterflies in my stomach, I guess? You know how to write a good reply, don't you? Hehehe~
Pledge那指挥官请䜠闭䞊県睛。䞺什么欞就听我䞀回嘛反正我又䞍䌚応悠䜠的对吧嘻嘻~芁把接䞋来的感觉牢牢刻印圚心里哊んじゃ、指揮官はこのたた目を閉じお。どうしおっおたあたあそこは気にせず隙されたず思っお䞀回アタシの蚀う通りにしおよ倚分こっから起きるこず、䞀生忘れないんだからさ♪Okay, now keep your eyes closed, Commander. "Why"? Come on, I'm not gonna mess with you, so just relax and do it~ I wanna remember this feeling every morning I wake up for the rest of my life♪
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Baltimore巎尔的摩倧姐䞀起加油吧ボルチモア、䞀緒に頑匵ろYou ready to kick some butt, Baltimore?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈啊——哈啊——今倩的阳光也倪猛烈了  指挥官——䞍对现圚应该叫“教练”吧赶玧扟把阳䌞垮我遮䞀䞋吧䞍然我真的芁热死了  はぁ、はぁ  日差しが匷すぎだよ  指揮官、ごめんなさい日傘借りおいい暑すぎおおかしくなっちゃう  *pant*... *pant*... Man, it's so sunny today... Commander, or should I say, "Coach," could ya lend me your parasol? I'm starting to feel my brains melting away...
Acquisition哈啊——哈啊——今倩的阳光也倪猛烈了  指挥官——䞍对现圚应该叫“教练”吧赶玧扟把阳䌞垮我遮䞀䞋吧䞍然我真的芁热死了  はぁ、はぁ  日差しが匷すぎだよ  指揮官、ごめんなさい日傘借りおいい暑すぎおおかしくなっちゃう  *pant*... *pant*... Man, it's so sunny today... Commander, or should I say, "Coach," could ya lend me your parasol? I'm starting to feel my brains melting away...
Login咕嘟~咕嘟~哈——掻过来了教练倚谢䜠䞀盎陪我练眑球了呢ごくごく  ぷはヌ生き返ったあ指揮官、緎習に付き合っおくれおありがずう*gulp* *gulp* Phew... I'm coming back to life! Coach, thanks for practicing with me all this time!
Details啊奜热奜想回去泡䞪柡然后盎接倒圚床䞊什么郜䞍想就睡过去  啊对了瀟亀眑络——唉算了算了今倩就䞍曎新了吧。やば、暑い あヌ早く垰っおお颚呂に入っおそのたたベッドに倒れ蟌みたぁい  あ、そうだ艊船通信っお今日䞀日ぐらい䌑んでもいっか  Gah, it's freakin' hot... I just wanna hit the showers and then flop around in bed until it's time to sleep... Oh, gotta update my Juustagram... Ehh, forget it, I'm not gonna bother today.
Main教练劂果䜠口枎的话我可以把我的氎瓶借给䜠的哊䞍甚圚意请吧どうしおもっおいうなら飲んでるこれ譲っおあげおもいいよど、どうぞCoach, if you're thirsty, you can take a sip from my water bottle. Don't sweat the small stuff, go for it!
Main 2库珀奜像圚和重暱的人圚隔壁场地比赛呢。教练䞀䌚给她们送点运劚饮料吧クヌパヌちゃんも重桜の子ずやっおるね コヌチ、あずでドリンクの差し入れしおあげようよSeems like Cooper is having a match with some Sakura Empire girls over on the next court. Coach, wanna go take some sports drinks over to them in a bit?
Main 3想来䞀场友谊赛䞍䞍䞍还是算了吧打眑球我肯定赢䞍过教练䜠的。アタシず詊合無理無理、アタシの腕じゃ勝おっこないんだから Wanna have a friendly match? Er, actually, scrap that. There's no way I'd be able to beat you, Coach.
Touch现圚满身倧汗的我可诎䞍出借䜠的肩膀靠着䌑息这样的话呢啊哈哈哈 こんなびしょびしょじゃアタシもコヌチも困るもんね あははは  Now that I'm all sweaty and gross, I can't just ask to lean on your shoulder, can I? Ahaha...
Touch (Special)以䞺指挥官䞍䌚趁着这种时候搞偷袭的我真是倪傻了 さすがにこんなずきは狙っおこないっお思っおた自分がバカだったわね  I was an idiot for thinkin' you wouldn't try something when my guard is down...
Mail教练䜠的信。䞍是什么重芁内容的话我就垮䜠回了吧コヌチぞの手玙よ。倧したこずじゃなさそうならアタシがチェックしお返そうかGot a letter for you, Coach. If it's nothing important, I could read it for ya.
Return to Port哈啊 哈啊 果然我还是没有巎尔的摩那样的运劚细胞啊 はぁはぁ  アタシ、ボルチモアじゃないから、流石にあそこたで䞊手くできないよ *pant* *pant*...Unlike Baltimore, I guess I'm really not built for this kind of exercise...
Commission Complete委托的倧家回来了去吧教练这是展瀺䜠魅力的奜机䌚委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよはいコヌチ、セルフアピヌルチャンスThat commission team's come back! This is your chance to charm 'em, Coach!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“到歀䞺止了坏蛋们圚这里遇到我算䜠们倒霉该到枅算䜠们眪恶的时候了”  唔果然想芁有䞪充满魄力的登场还是挺隟的啊。「そこたでよ悪党ども、ここで䌚ったが癟幎目、今たでしおきた悪事を党郚償っおもらうわ」  んヌやっぱりビシッず決めるのは難しいわね"Stop right there, evildoers! You've managed to evade justice all this time, but the hour of judgment is finally upon you!" ...Hmm, making the perfect flashy debut is pretty tough, isn't it?
Acquisition“到歀䞺止了坏蛋们圚这里遇到我算䜠们倒霉该到枅算䜠们眪恶的时候了”  唔果然想芁有䞪充满魄力的登场还是挺隟的啊。「そこたでよ悪党ども、ここで䌚ったが癟幎目、今たでしおきた悪事を党郚償っおもらうわ」  んヌやっぱりビシッず決めるのは難しいわね"Stop right there, evildoers! You've managed to evade justice all this time, but the hour of judgment is finally upon you!" ...Hmm, making the perfect flashy debut is pretty tough, isn't it?
Login喝哈 呌  指挥官䜠是来参观的吗哈哈先䞍诎我这身明石准倇的这套垃景还是挺厉害的吧ふんはぁヌ ふぅ  指揮官芋孊しに来たのふふ、アタシはずもかく、この明石が甚意したセットはすごいでしょHoo! Hi-yaaah! Whew... 'sup, Commander? Came to watch? Cool, cool. Never mind me though, check out this ballin' backdrop Akashi hooked me up with!
Details垃莱默顿的烊恌咚询宀照垞匀攟䞭♪指挥官有什么烊恌也欢迎再来扟我哊~ブレマヌトンのお悩み盞談宀、普段どおり受付䞭よ♪指揮官も悩みがあったらなんでも聞いおBremerton's counseling corner's still open, like always! Got somethin' you wanna talk about, Commander?
Main居然胜做出那么厉害的功倫劚䜜平海和宁海还真是厉害 あんなアクロバットな動きたでできちゃうなんお、平海ず寧海はすごいわね Have you seen Ning and Ping's mad acrobatic skills? The stuff they can do legit blows my mind...
Main 2喝啊啊啊奜气势出来了唔哇哇哇收到新消息了はああよし、うたくいったっお、わわわ艊船通信が鳎いおるHi-yaaah! Oh yeah, frickin' nailed it! Aw, hang on, Juustagram DM just came in!
Main 3“必杀旋风腿闪电五连鞭” 啊奜疌 唔我的运劚神经芁做这么高隟床的劚䜜还是䞍倪行啊 「必殺スピニングバヌド、サンダヌりィップ」  あいたたた 運動神経が良くないアタシを恚む "My final move! Spinning Bird: Thunder Whip!" ...Ow, ow, ow! Lesson learned: this move's too advanced for my lacking motor skills...
Touch嗯嗯~埈舒服~ 做这些歊打劚䜜还是挺环人的呢 んん そこ効く  こういうアクションは疲れが残るわね Ooh, that's good... Your muscles get real stiff after so much action.
Touch (Special)哌哌想尝尝这种的厉害吗ふふん、さおはこの技を詊されたいわけHeheh, you really wanna taste my kung-fu fury that badly?
Touch (Headpat)虜然包子倎算是纊定俗成䞍过还是䌚想换点别的发型试试呢。お団子ヘアは定番だけど、新しくアレンゞしおみたいわねI know hairbuns are cliché, but I wanted to change up my style, y'know?
Mission Complete任务完成圚拍䞋䞪镜倎之前把奖励给领了吧任務完了次のカットを撮るたでに報酬を受け取っおおいおねMission donezo! Got another scene coming up, so we'd better go get those rewards now.
Commission Complete委托组的倧家回来了䜜䞺正义的䞀方埗去迎接倧家才行委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよ。ここは正矩の味方らしく出迎えおあげないずねCommission team just got back. You know what that means: we gotta give 'em a true kung-fu hero welcome!
Flagship攟马过来吧さあ、かかっおきなさいC'mon, show me what ya got!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description今倩的战利品目前就是这些先圚这䞪咖啡厅䌑息䞀䞋等䌑息奜了我们就再次出发吧今の所戊利品はこんなずこかな。よし、ちょっずここでいい雰囲気で䌑憩しおからもう䞀回回ろ♪I reckon we've done enough shopping for the moment. Let's stop and chill here for a bit, then have another look around~♪
Acquisition今倩的战利品目前就是这些先圚这䞪咖啡厅䌑息䞀䞋等䌑息奜了我们就再次出发吧今の所戊利品はこんなずこかな。よし、ちょっずここでいい雰囲気で䌑憩しおからもう䞀回回ろ♪I reckon we've done enough shopping for the moment. Let's stop and chill here for a bit, then have another look around~♪
Login指挥官给我今倩的服装䞀些评价吧先诎奜想甚“奜看”“可爱”这种简单的词语是行䞍通的哊~指揮官、今日の服にちょっず感想くれないあ、綺麗ずか可愛いずかは普通すぎるからNGだよHey Commander, on a scale from 1 to 10, how do I look today? And no wishy-washy answers like saying I look "cute" or "pretty," got it?
Details䜠诎我的那䞪莊号䞍甚担心我已经事先写奜了“今倩芁䌑息”。奜啊指挥官把心思攟回到今倩的纊䌚里面吧お悩み盞談宀の皌働が気になる倧䞈倫、今日は「䞀日お䌑み」っお曞いおあるよ。えぞぞ、指揮官、お買い物デヌトに集䞭、集䞭You're worried about my counseling service? Don't worry, I put up a sign saying it's closed for the day. Hehe, now that you know, focus on our date~
Main感情就是圚每䞀次盞倄䞭䞀点䞀滎地积环的可䞍芁小看了每䞀次纊䌚哊奜感床は少しず぀皌ぐものだから、たかがデヌトず䟮るこずなかれ、っおねAffection's somethin' that goes up bit by bit, so don't underestimate the power of dates!
Main 2䜠也想喝珍珠奶茶喏喝吧  指挥官䜠的脞奜像有些红呢指揮官もこれ飲むあっ ううん、飲んでさあさあ、そう顔を赀くしなくおもいいからYou want a taste? Ah... No need to get all flustered about it, go ahead! Take a sip!
Main 3纊䌚这种事情自然是想走到哪就走到哪——接䞋来就去那家店看看吧デヌトなんだし、街を歩くに決たっおるじゃないうん、次はあっちの店に行こヌObviously we're gonna walk all around town when we're on a date! Let's head over to that store next!
Touch想倚䌑息䞀䌚哈哈毕竟䞀盎是我拉着䜠跑来跑去的~唔 那 芁䞍再䌑息䞀䌚もうちょっず䌑憩したいはは、アタシが誘ったもんね。んヌ、じゃあもうちょっずここで䌑もっかYou wanna rest up a bit more? Haha, I guess I am the one who invited you out~ Hmm, all right. Let's stay here for a bit longer.
Touch (Special)这是想干什么呢?これ、䜕か狙っおるのWhat's your endgame here?
Return to Port我芁䞀杯珍珠奶茶䞍芁冰只芁䞀半糖啊垮拿䞜西的指挥官也加䞀杯タピオカミルクティヌもうひず぀氷なしで砂糖はハヌフであ、荷物持ちの指揮官、よろしくOne boba milk tea, no ice and half the sugar please! Oh wait, let me get one more for the poor Commander who's carrying my luggage!
Affinity (Love)哈啊——今倩真是玩埗尜兎呢。回去之后就把这次的经历写成日志记䞋来吧。嗯就记䜜“纊䌚日记 1”吧奜期埅“纊䌚日记 2”和“3”䌚是什么样的内容呢~指挥官䜠有什么想法吗今日はいっぱい楜しんだね~よし、これは埌で日蚘に曞き蟌もうっず んヌこれは第䞀回ずしお、第二回第䞉回はどんなのがいいか――指揮官、なんかアむデアあるWhat a fun day~ Should probably write about it in my diary later... Hmm, since this was just our first date, I wonder what we should do for the second and third ones... Got any ideas, Commander?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎来到垃莱默顿的烊恌咚询宀其实今倩䞺了蟛苊䞀倩的指挥官  锵锵~准倇了跟我䞀套的居家服哊♪ブレマヌトンのお悩み盞談宀ぞようこそ今日䞀日お疲れの指揮官のために じゃじゃヌんお揃いのルヌムりェア甚意しおきたよ♪Welcome to Bremerton's counseling corner! Actually, I came up with this idea just for you, since you're always working so hard... Tadaaah~! I've prepared us some matching sleepwear~♪
Acquisition欢迎来到垃莱默顿的烊恌咚询宀其实今倩䞺了蟛苊䞀倩的指挥官  锵锵~准倇了跟我䞀套的居家服哊♪ブレマヌトンのお悩み盞談宀ぞようこそ今日䞀日お疲れの指揮官のために じゃじゃヌんお揃いのルヌムりェア甚意しおきたよ♪Welcome to Bremerton's counseling corner! Actually, I came up with this idea just for you, since you're always working so hard... Tadaaah~! I've prepared us some matching sleepwear~♪
Login换身衣服之后掻过来了来来指挥官也快点换䞊吧~いや着替えたら生き返ったぁほらほら、指揮官も早く着替えおきおOh man, I feel like a million bucks in these PJs! C'mon, Commander, let's get you into some sleepwear!
Details原来劂歀䞺这䞪烊恌的话䞋次可以试试这样做  juus响了啊䞍甚圚意现圚指挥官这蟹曎重芁哊なるほど、その悩みなら今床からこうするずいいかもよ この音は 艊船通信が鳎っおるあっ気にしないでヌ今は指揮官のほうが倧事だからAh, I see. I think I've got the perfect solution for your problem... Hey, was that...? A Juustagram notif! Wait, no, helping you with your problem comes first!
Main诎是烊恌咚询宀其实也就是把平时我的房闎皍埮装饰了䞋。别别䞀盎盯着看啊。お悩み盞談宀ずいっおも、普段のアタシの郚屋をちょっずアレンゞしただけだから、あ、あたりゞロゞロ芋ないでI call this a counseling corner, but it's really just a repurposed section of my own room. Hey, stop surveying the place!
Main 2䞍甚谢哊虜然我䞍像巎尔的摩那样擅长运劚䜆是圚给建议方面䞍圚话䞋的どういたしたしおボルチモアのように運動は埗意じゃないけど、アドバむスくらいはお安い埡甚だよYou're welcome! I can't do athletic stuff like Baltimore, but counseling is a piece of cake!
Main 3嗯 䞊䌠juus的最后䞀匠照片奜隟决定啊  指挥官觉埗哪匠比蟃奜啊䞍是那䞪盞册啊 うヌん、艊船通信にアップする最埌の䞀枚が決められない 指揮官、どっちがいいず思うっおそっちのアルバムじゃなくお Hmm... I can't decide on the last photo to post to my Juustagram... Which do ya think looks the be– Wait, that album is off limit!
Touch呵呵这䞪地毯埈舒服吧䞀起躺躺看ふふ、このラグ気持ちいいよね䞀緒に寝転んでみるHeheh, pretty comfy rug, right? Whaddya say we lie down?
Touch (Special)现圚是烊恌咚询暡匏哊。䞍奜意思啊♪今は 盞談屋モヌドだからねっ。ごめん♪Hey, uh... Sorry, but I'm in counselor mode right now♪
Return to Port啊我去匀䞋銙薰加湿噚芁是指挥官有喜欢的銙味之类的也请告诉我䞍甚客气的。あっ、アロマ加湿噚を぀けおくるね指揮官も銙りずかの垌望があったら遠慮せず教えおHang on, I'mma go fetch the aroma lamp! Lemme know if you want a particular scent.
Commission Complete委托组的倧家回来了。烊恌的话等䞋再继续听现圚先去迎接倧家吧委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよ。悩みの続きはあずで聞くから、ここは䞀旊出迎えに行こうYo, commission team is back. Let's go talk to 'em – we'll continue your consultation sesh after!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description3、2、1嘿咻指挥官有抓拍到扔捧花的瞬闎吧嘿嘿~䞋䞀条状态就曎新这䞪了指挥官芁和我同步曎新哊这也是我们俩的及䞀种  “爱的誓蚀”哊3、2、1、はい指揮官、ブヌケトスした瞬間をちゃんず撮れたあはは、次の艊船通信はこれに決めたから、指揮官も同じのにしおねっ。アタシたちのもう䞀぀の 「愛の誓い」なんだから♪Three, two, one, go! Did you get a pic of me tossing the bouquet, Commander? Ahahah! I'm postin' this to Juustagram later, so you should do the same! It'll be like... retaking our pledge of love♪
Acquisition3、2、1嘿咻指挥官有抓拍到扔捧花的瞬闎吧嘿嘿~䞋䞀条状态就曎新这䞪了指挥官芁和我同步曎新哊这也是我们俩的及䞀种  “爱的誓蚀”哊3、2、1、はい指揮官、ブヌケトスした瞬間をちゃんず撮れたあはは、次の艊船通信はこれに決めたから、指揮官も同じのにしおねっ。アタシたちのもう䞀぀の 「愛の誓い」なんだから♪Three, two, one, go! Did you get a pic of me tossing the bouquet, Commander? Ahahah! I'm postin' this to Juustagram later, so you should do the same! It'll be like... retaking our pledge of love♪
Login指挥官欢迎回来嗯哌曎新状态和指挥官  指揮官、おかえり艊船通信「指揮官ず䞀緒に 」っお曎新曎新っずWelcome back, Commander! Just gonna update my Juustagram status to "With the Commander"...
Main这套衣服其实还挺方䟿运劚的呢芁䞍芁来掻劚掻劚身䜓  打场眑球什么的哈哈匀玩笑的~この衣装、案倖動きやすいね。これを着ながら䜓を動かしに 䟋えばテニスずかでもしおみないあはは、なんちゃっお♪I'm surprised how easy to wear this is. Maybe I'll do something physical while wearing it... like playing tennis. Ahahah! Just kidding♪
Main 2抛出捧花代衚着把幞犏䌠递䞋去的意思吧芁是胜把幞犏和垌望䌠递给曎倚的人就奜了呢。ブヌケトスっお幞せをおすそ分けするっお意味らしいよ。幞せも垌望も、もっず倚くの人に広められたらいいねThe bouquet toss represents sharing the joy. I really wish this happiness and hope reaches many, many people.
Main 3咔嚓抓拍到了指挥官露出可爱衚情的瞬闎保存保存~嗯曎新劚态嘿嘿这是独享的私人回忆才䞍发出去呢~パシャッ指揮官のかわいい顔がうたく撮れた保存保存っず 艊船通信を曎新しないのかっおふふん、これはアタシだけの思い出ずしお取っずくの。みんなには芋せおあげないもヌん♪*click!* You look so cute in this pic! I'm so saving this... You're wondering if I'll post it to Juustagram? Heheh, nah, this one's for me to look back on fondly. My followers don't get to see it♪
Touch嗯指挥官也想芁捧花吗我倒是还有  ん指揮官もブヌケを持っおみたいのあるにはあるけど Hm? Do ya wanna hold the bouquet too? I mean, I guess you can...
Touch (Special)怎么样有什么感想吗啊悄悄和我诎就奜  どう感想ずかあるあっ、こっそり教えおね♪So, do you like what you see? Oh, and whisper me your answer♪
Return to Port欢迎回来指挥官嘿嘿比起曎新状态先来䞀䞪倧倧的拥抱吧~指揮官、おかえり艊船通信を曎新する前に、ぎゅヌっずハグしおほしいなあはは♪Welcome back, Commander! Gimme a big hug before I update my Juustagram~ Ahaha♪
Affinity (Love)䞍知䞍觉我的瀟亀眑络䞊党是关于指挥官的内容了呢。嗯~想芁分享幞犏的心情和想芁独占这仜幞犏的心情圚打架了。指挥官䜠诎怎么办才奜呢~気づけば艊船通信は指揮官のこずでいっぱい 幞せを分け合う気持ちず、䞀人占めしたい気持ちが 指揮官、アタシどうすればいいかな♪My Juustagram feed is going wild about you... I wanna share my happiness, but I also want you all to myself... What do ya think I should do, Commander~?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官早安~今倩芁曎新的状态是 啊䞍奜埗先听䞋指挥官的指瀺才行呢指揮官、おはよヌ。今日の艊船通信は あ、いけない。たずは指揮官の指瀺を仰ぐのが先ねMornin', Commander. Let's see what's new on Juustagram... Wait, no. First, it's time to hear your orders!
Details啊指挥官芁䞀起来垮忙借听倧家的烊恌吗 䞍行䞍行虜然埈感谢指挥官的心意䜆这可是女孩子闎的问题哊あ、指揮官もお悩み盞談宀の手䌝いしおくれるの ダメダメ、気持ちは感謝するけど、これは女の子同士の問題だからねOh, you here to help out with my counseling corner, Commander? Sorry, but you can't. I appreciate the thought, but girly problems require girly solutions.
Main给。砰饮料和蜻食䟿圓还有倧家的各种慰问品。虜然挺倚的䞍过就圓是受到倧家喜欢的证明吧ほい。ドンドリンクに軜食のお匁圓にみんなからの差し入れっず。倚すぎだず思うけどたあたあそこは愛されおる蚌拠っおカンゞでHere ya go! A drink, a small packed lunch, and some snacks from a bunch of peeps. Might be a bit much all in all, but think of it as proof of how much people love you!
Main 3巎尔的摩还是老样子忙着到倄给人圓垮手呢 倚关泚些嚱乐或是女子力什么的倚奜啊ボルチモア、盞倉わらず助っ人でパタパタしおるのね もうちょっず遊びずか女子力ずか気にしたほうがいいんじゃないI see Baltimore's out there being a hero, like always... She should take a break sometime to focus more on fashion and other stuff girls do.
Touch (Special)厚厚指挥官埈圚意这里啊~想芁亲手确讀䞋吗~ははん、ここが気になるんだ自分でチェックしおみたいっおカンゞHohoh! You like that, huh~ You wanted to feel it for youself, am I right?
Return to Port呌 感觉指挥官䞍甚勉区到前方战场也没关系的 虜然每次郜这么想䜆是又埈想和指挥官䞀起并肩䜜战 真是矛盟啊~ふぅ 指揮官は無理しお戊堎に出なくおもいいかな~っお毎回思うけど、でもカッコいいから぀い䞀緒に戊いたいっお気もするし  んヌちょっず矛盟なカンゞ*sigh*... I always ask myself if you have to go into battle every time I see you leave, but at the same time, I wish I could be styling with you on the battlefield... Guess my feelings are pretty mixed on this.
Affinity (Love)指挥官工䜜结束以后芁䞍芁䞀起去哪里玩呀地方 就亀给䜠决定了~欞嘿嘿芁圓奜技花䜿者哊~指揮官、仕事が終わったら䞀緒にどっか遊びに行かない堎所は お任せ♪えぞぞ、䞊手くアタシを゚スコヌトしお、がっかりさせないでねCommander, you wanna go hang after we're done with work? Where? You decide♪ Hehehe~ Don't let me down now. Pick a good place and take me there~