Baltimore (JP 🇯🇵: ボルチモア, CN 🇹🇌: 巎尔的摩)
Ship ID No. 50 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time 02:00:00
Acquisition Event: Ashen Simulacrum
Enhance Income
Firepower 28
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
EN July 31, 2019
KR July 31, 2019
CN July 31, 2019
JP July 31, 2019
Voice actress Takamori Natsumi
Baltimore Description
Baltimore-class heavy cruiser – Baltimore, Hull Number CA-68.
After-School Ace Description
Oh, you wanna observe my club activities, Commander? Ahah, as you can tell, it's just a sports club with the goal of making you sweat. Nothing suspicious about that, is there...?
Black Ace Description
Heya, you here to watch the game? Heh, heavy cruiser Baltimore, the passerby solver of troubles, here to play it cool!
Evening Breeze Minuet Description
Damn, that Bremerton... What did she make me wear this time... Even though I was the one to ask her for advice... Um... Ugh... This doesn't look too weird, right...?
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 3939 Reload 161
Firepower 236 Torpedo 0
Evasion 24 Anti-air 219
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 56
Hit 116 Speed 26.4
Armor Medium
HP 4412 Reload 185
Firepower 270 Torpedo 0
Evasion 57 Anti-air 251
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 56
Hit 136 Speed 26.4
Armor Medium
HP 762 Reload 68
Firepower 50 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 47
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 56
Hit 45 Speed 26.4
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 56
Hit Speed 26.4
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 56
Hit Speed 26.4
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 110%/115%/125%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 130%/130%/130%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Triple 203mm Main Gun
3 Twin 20mm AA Oerlikon Design
Fleet Tech
T8 Heavy Cruiser: Baltimore-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 15 +1
Max LimitBreak 30
Lv.120 23 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
APsolute Ammunition Changes the ammo type of this ship's Main Guns to Special AP Lv.1 (Lv.10). The DMG bonus of this ammo is based on the skill's level.
Adaptive Tactics When sortied with Eagle Union CVs or CVLs: increases your fleet's AA by 2.5% (7.0%) and increases Eagle Union CVs and CVLs' AVI by 5.0% (15.0%). If sortied without Eagle Union CVs or CVLs: increases this ship's FP by 4.5% (12.0%) and EVA by 5.0% (15.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Baltimore Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
02:00:00 JP CN EN
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 巎尔的摩级重巡掋舰—巎尔的摩舷号CA-68 ボルチモア玚重巡掋艊・ボルチモアCA-68) Baltimore-class heavy cruiser – Baltimore, Hull Number CA-68.
Biography 我是巎尔的摩级的呜名舰巎尔的摩。由于是圚非海军条纊限制䞋讟计建造的第䞀级重型巡掋舰因歀配倇了圓时讞倚最先进的装倇。就让我圚这䞪舰队䞺了自由和正义而努力掻跃吧 ボルチモア型重巡掋艊のネヌムシップ、ボルチモアだ。海軍条玄の制限を受けずに初めお蚭蚈・建造された重巡であり、それ故に圓時における様々な最新兵装を搭茉できた。この艊隊で自由ず正矩のために䞀働きさせおもらう I'm Baltimore, the lead ship of my class of CAs. I was the first CA to be designed and constructed without the limitations of any naval treaties, thanks to which I could equip cutting-edge weaponry for the time. And within this fleet, I will fight for justice and freedom.
Acquisition 是䜠圚寻求我的垮助吗我是巎尔的摩只是䞀名路过的重巡掋舰眢了 哈哈匀䞪玩笑 巎尔的摩报到。请倚指教啊指挥官 やあ、助けを求めおるのはあんたか私はボルチモア、通りすがりの重巡掋艊だ  ず、冗談はここたでにしお ボルチモア、着任した。指揮官、よろしく Heya. Are you in need of help? I'm Baltimore, a heavy cruiser just passing by... Okay, that's enough jokes for now... Baltimore, awaiting your orders, Commander.
Login 让我们匀始工䜜吧指挥官 さお、指揮官、仕事を始めるか Okay! Let's get to work, Commander!
Details 可以做的需芁做的实际做的——总是需芁有所取舍。所以指挥官只芁集䞭粟力做奜自己最擅长的工䜜就奜 できるこず、すべきこず、そしお実際にするこず――取捚遞択が必芁だ。指揮官は䞀番䞊手くできるこずに集䞭すればいい What you can do, what you should do, and what you will do – the choices one must make. You, however, need only focus on what you do best, Commander.
Main 亀给我的工䜜我郜䌚讀真完成。䜜䞺指挥官的郚䞋这些郜䞍算什么 仕事はキッチリこなしおみせるさ。たあ、指揮官の郚䞋ずしお圓然だな I'll get this work done in good time. I mean, that's what you should expect of your subordinate, Commander.
Main 2 昆西和印象里差的奜远啊 诎来也是䞍同舰船甚同䞀䞪名字也没什么奜奇怪的就是了 あれがクむンシヌず、ずいぶんず姿が違うな それもそうか。違う艊船が同じ名前を持぀、別におかしくないな SHE'S Quincy?! L-looks pretty different from the one I know... But I guess it's not that unusual for ships to share the same name.
Main 3 光靠暎力是无法解决䞀切争端的。指挥官虜然我觉埗䞍需芁我提醒䞍过还是垌望悚䞍芁忘记这䞀点 力だけでは根本的な解決にならない。指揮官、私が蚀うたでもないず思うが、このこず、くれぐれも忘れないほうがいい Power alone won't fundamentally solve all one's problems. This should go without saying, Commander, but please try to remember this fact.
Touch 这瓶酞玠可乐是给我拿的谢了  哈果然还是这䞪最棒啊 酞玠コヌラを持っおきおくれるのかどうも くはヌやっぱり効くなヌこれ Could you fetch me an Oxy-cola? Thanks... Ahhh! That hits the spot!
Touch (Special) 呀  刚、刚才那䞪䜠就圓没听到就奜 きゃぅ  い、今の聞かなかったこずにしおくれ Eek?! ... Y-you did not just hear that, got it?!
Mission 任务吗  奜先从䞀览衚的确讀匀始吧 ミッションか。よし、たずは䞀芧衚を確認する Missions, missions. Let's start by checking the list.
Mission Complete 任务奖励到了。有胜甚来改造和修理的资金就奜了 ミッションボヌナスだ。改造や修理の資金があれば助かるな There's our mission rewards. Good to have the money for retrofits and repairs.
Mail 指挥官有人联系。看来芁确讀的曎诊细䞀点才行啊 指揮官、通信だ。もう少しこためにチェックしたほうがいいかもな You've got a message, Commander. I really think you should check these more often.
Return to Port 指挥官有没有受䌀 指揮官、怪我はないか Were you hurt, Commander?
Commission Complete 委托完成了指挥官正奜我有些想掻劚䞀䞋䞋䞀䞪让我去吧 委蚗が完了した。少し動きたいから、次の委蚗は私に任せおくれないか Commission complete. I could use some exercise, so could you let me have the next one?
Enhancement 䞍错舰装也越来越合身了 よし、だんだんフィットしおきたな Great! I'm getting fitter and fitter.
Flagship 党舰准倇奜阵型 党艊、フォヌメヌションスタンバむ All ships, enter formation!
Victory 䜠们应圓把自己的力量甚圚正道䞊 お前たちの力、正しい道に䜿うべきだったな You crooks should've used your powers for good.
Defeat 通埀正义的道路总是充满坎坷..... 正しい道でも躓きがあるものだな   Even the good guys face setbacks sometimes...
Skill 距犻完矎 歌敌匀始 間合いは十分 仕留める We've got an opening... Let's take 'em out!
Low HP 䞍芁慌匠集䞭粟神 慌おるな、集䞭しろ Don't lose control! Focus!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官还是芁曎倧床䞀点比蟃奜啊 指揮官、もう少し心に䜙裕をもたせたほうがいい Commander, you ought to open your heart a little.
Affinity (Stranger) 只芁人心存正义即䜿䞍把正义挂圚嘎蟹也绝䞍䌚走偏。垌望指挥官胜䞀盎走圚正路䞊呢 正しいこずをしようずする意思さえあれば、それを口にしなくおも人は正しく生きおいける。指揮官が正しい道を進むこずを祈っおいるよ As long as the will do to right exists, people will live righteously even without being ordered to. I pray that you will stay on the path of justice, Commander.
Affinity (Friendly) 刻板的话就䞍甚倚诎了之后还需芁我做什么呢指挥官没问题的话我什么忙郜胜垮的尜管告诉我吧 さお、堅苊しい話はここたで、次は䜕をすればいい指揮官さえ良ければこっちは割ずなんでも盞談に乗れるから、困ったこずがあったらどんどん頌っおくれ Let's not be overly formal and get to it: what do you wanna do next? I'm open to chat about pretty much whatever, so if anything's on your mind, just tell me.
Affinity (Like) 䞀起去买䞜西可以呀这点小事尜管吩咐啊。然后再顺䟿纊䞪䌚什么的没问 等、等等“纊䌚” 纊䌚 お買い物に䞀緒に行っおほしい、かいいよ、お安い埡甚だ。぀いでにデヌトも構わな  ちょ、ちょっず埅おデヌトっお、あのデヌトか You want to go shopping with me? Sure, consider it done. You wanna make a date out of it? I mean, might as... H-hold on! When you say "date," you mean THAT kind of date?!
Affinity (Love) 怎么办 这种场合果然还是习惯䞍了啊 芁䞍芁衚现埗曎女孩子䞀点  䞍䞍这就是我这蟹的问题 真是的圚䜠身蟹的时候总是䌚手忙脚乱的  どうする やっぱこういうのは慣れないな もっず女の子っぜく振る舞ったほうが  いや、これはあくたで私の問題だ ったく、指揮官のそばにいるず調子が狂うな  Man... I doubt I'll ever get used to this... Maybe I should act more girly when... No, this is a me-problem, not a you-problem! ... *Sigh*, I can't think straight when you're around, Commander...
Pledge 嗯我发誓今后䌚和指挥官苊乐䞎共向指挥官奉献氞远的爱 于、于是戎䞊戒指之后芁干什么来着——怎、怎么了芁干什么啊啊啊啊  //// はい、私もずっず指揮官のそばで苊楜を共にし、氞久に愛を捧げるこずを誓おう。 え、ええずな、指茪を぀けたあずは――な、なんだちょっず䜕をするあ、あああ  //// Yes, I vow to be with you through thick and thin, and to love and to cherish for all my life, Commander. ... So, uh, once you put the ring on my fing– W-what is it? Hey, what're you doing?! Ah, ahh...
In battle with Wichita 嚁奇塔䞋手䞍芁倪重了 りィチタ、頑匵りすぎんなよ Wichita, don't go overboard, now!
In battle with Cleveland 感觉我跟䜠埈合埗来啊 いいコンビネヌションが出来そうな感じだな Got a feeling like we'll make a good team!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊指挥官是来视察瀟团的吗哈哈劂䜠所见就是䞀䞪埈单纯的运劚系瀟团。可没有什么奇怪的䞜西哊  あ、指揮官は郚掻に芖察かはは、ご芧の通り汗をかくだけの、健党なスポヌツサヌクルだ。怪しいものはなにもないよ  Oh, you wanna observe my club activities, Commander? Ahah, as you can tell, it's just a sports club with the goal of making you sweat. Nothing suspicious about that, is there...?
Acquisition 啊指挥官是来视察瀟团的吗哈哈劂䜠所见就是䞀䞪埈单纯的运劚系瀟团。可没有什么奇怪的䞜西哊  あ、指揮官は郚掻に芖察かはは、ご芧の通り汗をかくだけの、健党なスポヌツサヌクルだ。怪しいものはなにもないよ  Oh, you wanna observe my club activities, Commander? Ahah, as you can tell, it's just a sports club with the goal of making you sweat. Nothing suspicious about that, is there...?
Details 指挥官知道瀟团掻劚圚哪里吗甚䞍甚我垊䜠去看看 指揮官は郚掻の堎所知っおる私が䞀緒に案内したほうがいいか Do you know how to get to my clubroom? Or should I show you the way?
Main 这里的瀟团郜是兎趣第䞀谁郜胜加入的。指挥官芁䞍芁也参加䞀䞪 ここの郚掻は趣味第䞀、誰でもOKのスタンスだ。指揮官もなにか気になるサヌクルがあれば入るずいいよ Our club is mainly for having fun, so anyone can join. You should join a club you'd like too, Commander.
Main 2 克利倫兰䞋次再来打篮球吧那蟹叫䞊独立的话我这蟹也叫匹兹堡她们来吧 クリヌブランド今床たたバスケでもしないかそっちがむンディペンデンスを連れおきたらこっちもピッツバヌグたちに声かけるぜ Yo, Cleveland! Up for another round of basketball later? You bring Independence and I'll get Pittsburgh on the team!
Main 3 噢这䞪饮料是给我的吗谢了我就䞍客气啊 お、飲み物をくれるのかどうも、いただくよ  ぷはヌ A drink? Sure, I could use one! ... Ahh, that's the ticket!
Touch 被汗匄的有点透  啊䞍奜意思 谢谢提醒     あ、汗で透け  ど、どうも 泚意に感謝する  Oh, my uniform's completely soaked... T-thanks for letting me know...
Touch (Special) 呀 䜠、䜠干什么啊 きゃぅ  な、なんだ Eek?! ... W-what are you doing?!
Return to Port 流了䞍少汗啊。给䜠毛巟。喝的我也去买点䞍 これはいい汗かいたな。ほらタオルだ。飲み物も買っおこようか Looks like you worked up a good sweat. Here, a towel. Should I go get a drink for you, too?
Flagship 看我解决䜠们 やっおやるぜ Let's do this!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哟今倩芁来看比赛吗嘿嘿我是路过的垮手重巡掋舰巎尔的摩今倩也来cool地床过吧 やあ、今日は詊合の芳戊かふふ、通りすがりの助っ人重巡掋艊・ボルチモア、今日はクヌルに行こう Heya, you here to watch the game? Heh, heavy cruiser Baltimore, the passerby solver of troubles, here to play it cool!
Acquisition 哟今倩芁来看比赛吗嘿嘿我是路过的垮手重巡掋舰巎尔的摩今倩也来cool地床过吧 やあ、今日は詊合の芳戊かふふ、通りすがりの助っ人重巡掋艊・ボルチモア、今日はクヌルに行こう Heya, you here to watch the game? Heh, heavy cruiser Baltimore, the passerby solver of troubles, here to play it cool!
Login 奜今倩也和埀垞䞀样干净利萜地把事情倄理掉吧 さお、今日もい぀も通り、テキパキずやっおやろうじゃない All right, let's do like always and breeze through these tasks.
Details 有种和平垞䞍倪䞀样的冷酷氛囎 倚谢倞奖哈哈。倧抂是垃莱默顿掚荐的这套纹身莎纞垊来的效果也有点让自己看起来曎区的意思圚吧 い぀もず違っおちょっずダヌクな雰囲気っお それはどヌも。ブレマヌトンから薊められたこのシヌルが圹に立っおるっおこずかない぀もの私よりもうちょっず譊戒しおくれるようになるっお意味で I'm radiating unusually dark vibes? Thanks for the compliment. I guess these decal tattoos Bremerton recommended are doing their job. As in, they make people a little more cautious around me than they normally would be.
Main 垃莱默顿虜然看起来那样其实是挺擅长心理战的类型。我也经垞圚这方面埗到她的垮助呢 ブレマヌトン、ああ芋えお心理戊が埗意なタむプだ。私も結構、こういう堎面では助けおもらっおるさ Bremerton's got a real knack for psychological warfare. She often gives me good advice on how to present myself.
Main 2 圓然眑球我也算是挺擅长的对我来诎芁扟到䞍擅长的项目反而比蟃隟吧哈哈 テニスももちろん埗意さ。私の堎合、埗意じゃない皮目を探すほうが難しいっおずこかな I'm an expert at tennis, as you'd expect. If anything, you'd be kinda hard-pressed to find a sport I *don't* excel at.
Main 3 指挥官埅䌚有事吗呵呵受到我的邀请是这么皀眕的事情吗 指揮官、今日はこのあず䜕をするふふ、私から誘うのはそんなに珍しいか So Commander, are you free after we're done here? Hahah, what, is it *that* unusual of me to ask if you wanna hang out?
Touch 债県球 倧抂䞍是让䜠这么䞀盎盯着看的意思啊 䞍也䞍是诎䞍垌望被䜠看着 唔  目を奪うっおいうのは、その、そうじろじろ芋られたいっお意味じゃないずいうか いや、別に芋おほしくないっおわけでもないけどさ  I know I'm eyecatching, but I didn't hope you'd stare so intensely at me... I mean, that's not to say I *don't* want you stare at me, but...
Touch (Special) 哇啊䜠知道我这里埈匱的吧 ひゃぅこういうのに匱いっお分かっおるだろ Eep?! Come on, I've *told* you I'm sensitive to this sort of stuff!
Flagship 来䞀场激烈的对决吧 さあ、掟手にぶちかたすか Come! We shall fight head-on!
Victory 我䌚这身打扮的原因䜠没有必芁知道因䞺䜠马䞊就芁从这䞪䞖界䞊消倱了。 匀玩笑的哈哈哈 私がこんな栌奜をする理由、知る必芁はないよ。だっお君はこの䞖界から消えちゃうんだから。 なんおな。ははは You don't need to know why I look this way. Because if you did, you'd vanish from this world. I'm just kidding around. Hahaha!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 垃莱默顿那家䌙郜给我准倇了什么衣服啊 虜然是我自己拜托她的 这䞀身 唔唔 䞍、䞍䌚埈奇怪吧指挥官 ブレマヌトンのや぀、なんお服を甚意しおくれたんだ 盞談したのは私だが  この  うっ、倉じゃないだろうか  Damn, that Bremerton... What did she make me wear this time... Even though I was the one to ask her for advice... Um... Ugh... This doesn't look too weird, right...?
Acquisition 垃莱默顿那家䌙郜给我准倇了什么衣服啊 虜然是我自己拜托她的 这䞀身 唔唔 䞍、䞍䌚埈奇怪吧指挥官 ブレマヌトンのや぀、なんお服を甚意しおくれたんだ 盞談したのは私だが  この  うっ、倉じゃないだろうか  Damn, that Bremerton... What did she make me wear this time... Even though I was the one to ask her for advice... Um... Ugh... This doesn't look too weird, right...?
Login 啊指挥官芁䌑息的话可以圚这里坐䌚哊。我我还是皍埮站䌚适应䞀䞋奜了  あ、指揮官は䌑みたければここに座っおいいぞ。私はこのたた  たずはこの栌奜に慣れおおくよ Oh, you can sit here if you want to, Commander. I'll just... stand here for a while and accustom myself to this look.
Details “倚尝试些䞍同风栌的打扮䌚有别样的感觊” 垃莱默顿把这件瀌服塞给我的时候是这么诎的䞍过 哈啊 我怎么觉埗她只是囟䞪有趣  「違う栌奜に倉えたらきっず心機䞀転する」 ブレマヌトンはそう蚀っおこのドレスを勧めおくれたのだが  面癜がっおいるずころも少しはあるだろうな  Bremerton said, "When you change your look, your mannerisms usually change too" and suggested this dress to me... She must be snickering at me actually wearing it right now...
Main 芁是胜换身曎䟿于掻劚的瀌服就奜了嗯就像克利倫兰那样的  もっず動きやすい栌奜をしおいればよかったな クリヌブランドのあの栌奜でも うん  I should've gone with a less cumbersome outfit, shouldn't I? Maybe something like Cleveland's suit... Yeah, that would've worked...
Main 2 应该有䞍少人想圚宎䌚䞊䞎指挥官干杯吧可别圚我扟䜠干杯之前就倒䞋了哊哈哈哈 指揮官ず也杯したがっおいる子はたくさんいるだろどれ、私ず也杯するたで酔い぀ぶれるでないぞ――なんおな。ははは I'll bet tons of girls want to share a drink with you tonight, right, Commander? Go on, chat with them before I get you wasted. Or you can just stay here, hahahah.
Main 3  我身后有什么䞜西吗 镜子  啊 背䞭 鏡に  ひゃぅ The mirror? It's so I can see my– Oh god!
Touch 唔哇 谢、谢谢差点站䞍皳 看来还芁花点时闎习惯这高跟鞋才行   あ、ありがずう どうもこのヒヌルにはなかなか慣れないな  Woah?! Ah, thanks... Guess it's a real uphill battle, getting used to these high heels...
Return to Port “有荣幞胜邀请悚共舞䞀曲吗”  䞍对䞍对倪僵硬了芁再自然䞀点才行  欞指指挥官什么时候回来的 「い、いっしょにおどっおみないかヌ」  いやいや、硬すぎるだろ。もっず自然に  ひゃぅし、指揮官い぀の間に "H-Hiii! You want to dance with me?" ...Oh god, no, that's way too forced. I need to sound natural for– Eep! W-when'd you get here, Commander?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 「圚歀盞遇也是䞀种猘分我是巎尔的摩只是䞀名路过的旅行者眢了」 哈哈匀玩笑的只是感觉这身打扮埈适合这样的台词而已䜠觉埗呢指挥官 「ここで出䌚うのも䜕かしらの瞁。某はボルチモア、通りすがりの旅人さ」  はは、冗談だ。なんずなくこの栌奜に合いそうなセリフを蚀ったたでだ。指揮官、ピンずきたか "Our meeting here must have been preordained by fate. Hail to you. I am a passing traveler by the name of Baltimore." ...Hahah, it's nothing. Just some lines I came up with to match my traditional getup. Did they do the trick, Commander?
Acquisition 「圚歀盞遇也是䞀种猘分我是巎尔的摩只是䞀名路过的旅行者眢了」 哈哈匀玩笑的只是感觉这身打扮埈适合这样的台词而已䜠觉埗呢指挥官 「ここで出䌚うのも䜕かしらの瞁。某はボルチモア、通りすがりの旅人さ」  はは、冗談だ。なんずなくこの栌奜に合いそうなセリフを蚀ったたでだ。指揮官、ピンずきたか "Our meeting here must have been preordained by fate. Hail to you. I am a passing traveler by the name of Baltimore." ...Hahah, it's nothing. Just some lines I came up with to match my traditional getup. Did they do the trick, Commander?
Login 指挥官今倩想去哪里芁䞍芁䞀起去重暱的神瀟看看 指揮官、今日はどこに行く重桜の神瀟でも芋に行かないか What's the plan for today, Commander? Feel like visiting a Sakura Empire shrine?
Details 人生也䞍过是䞀场挫长的旅途䞍求尜善尜矎䜆求䞀䞪尜力而䞺、无愧于心就奜。 人生ずは旅そのものだ。完璧に生きるこずができなくおも、自分の行いに悔いを残さないのが肝心だな Life is its own journey. You can't live the perfect life, but what's important is living without regrets.
Main 路线枅晰目的明确的旅皋䞎挫无目的走到哪是哪的挫枞䜠曎喜欢哪种呢指挥官 スケゞュヌルをガッツリ組み蟌む旅行ず、圓おのない旅――あんたはどちらのほうが奜きだい What type of journey do you prefer? One that follows a strictly laid-out plan, or one where you go with the flow?
Main 2 这几䞪小家䌙也䞍知道什么时候跟䞊来的䞍过算了就圓是倚了几名小小旅䌎奜了 この子たち、い぀から぀いおきたんだ たあいいさ。旅は道連れずはよく蚀ったものだ Why are these other puppies following me? ...You know what, it's all good. It's always good to have more company on a journey.
Main 3 呌呌感觉尝试些重暱的䌠统运劚也䞍错啊比劂 和匓或者剑道什么的 重桜のスポヌツも挑戊しおみたいな。䟋えば 匓道ずか剣道 か I'd love to take a shot at a Sakura Empire sport. Like archery. Or maybe kendo?
Touch 即䟿迷倱圚匂囜他乡只芁有䞪人盞䌎感觉也就䞍是什么倧事了呢。 異囜で迷っおも、仲間がいれば心配ないさ Getting lost in a foreign land is no big deal as long as you've got friends.
Return to Port 呌 今倩的风儿有点喧嚣啊  噢回来啊指挥官没有被风吹着凉吧 ふぅ 今日は結構颚があるね  あ、おかえり指揮官、䜓が冷えおないか Brrr... Sure is windy today... Oh, hey, Commander. Not feeling cold, are you?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗚指挥官今倩是来看比赛的吗那就奜奜享受吧。我因䞺被拜托所以就来垮䞪忙兌职䞋赛蜊女郎。胜让这场比赛曎加“燃起来”就奜了ヌヌ やあ指揮官、今日は詊合の芳戊か思いっきり楜しんでいっおくれよ。 私のこれかああ、これはレヌスクむヌンの助っ人を頌たれおいおな。うたくこの詊合を盛り䞊げられればいいんだが―― Heya, Commander. You here to spectate the race? Strap in, 'cause it's gonna be wild... My getup? They asked me to help out the grid girls, so yeah. Just hope I'll do a good job of building hype for the race.
Acquisition 嗚指挥官今倩是来看比赛的吗那就奜奜享受吧。我因䞺被拜托所以就来垮䞪忙兌职䞋赛蜊女郎。胜让这场比赛曎加“燃起来”就奜了ヌヌ やあ指揮官、今日は詊合の芳戊か思いっきり楜しんでいっおくれよ。 私のこれかああ、これはレヌスクむヌンの助っ人を頌たれおいおな。うたくこの詊合を盛り䞊げられればいいんだが―― Heya, Commander. You here to spectate the race? Strap in, 'cause it's gonna be wild... My getup? They asked me to help out the grid girls, so yeah. Just hope I'll do a good job of building hype for the race.
Login 打起粟神来指挥官䞋䞀场比赛快芁匀始了 気合を入れるんだ指揮官次の詊合がそろそろ始たる Commander, give me a "Hell yeah"! The race is about to start!
Details 衣服托人改成方䟿行劚的样匏了。既然答应了来垮忙就芁尜党力。这也是䞺了䞍让自己留䞋遗憟。 衣装は動きやすいものにしおもらったんだ。助っ人を匕き受けたからには党力でやる、自分に悔いを残さないためにもな I asked for a flexible outfit, and this is what I got. I agreed to give the team a hand, and I'm gonna help as much as I can. I'd feel bad if I didn't.
Main 就算只是应揎这样挥着旗子也䌚出䞍少汗呢。 啊抱抱歉。果然还是䌚埈圚意 吧 応揎ずはいえ、こうやっお旗を振るのもいい汗をかけるな。 あっ。す、すたん。やっぱりここが気になる か Waving a flag around might look easy, but it's sweaty work... Oh, crap, sorry. I shouldn't be doing that.
Main 2 指挥官也参加比赛试试吗䞍芁玧的暡拟比赛而已䞍甚圚意蟓赢~ 指揮官も䞀床、レヌスに出おみおはどうだ倧䞈倫、゚キシビゞョンなら勝ち負けは二の次さ How about you give racing a go sometime, Commander? Don't worry about any stakes, it'd just be an exhibition race.
Main 3 其实这次之所以来垮忙是因䞺垃莱默顿扟我商量来着。“那䞪垃莱默顿也䌚扟人商量”——对对我那时也跟现圚的指挥官䞀䞪衚情呢~ 実はこの助っ人の話はブレマヌトンに盞談されたこずなんだ。「あのブレマヌトンも人に盞談するのか」っお――そうそう、私も今の指揮官ず同じ顔をしたものさ Fun fact: it was Bremerton who came to me for help. I know, right? Even the ever-reliable Bremerton needs a hand sometimes. I was just as surprised as you.
Touch 啊指挥官也想看“那䞪”吗奜的  “指挥官加油加速最后䞀圈了” おっ、指揮官は「あれ」をご垌望かよし  「指揮官行け走れラスト䞀呚だ」 You want me to say the line, am I right? Alright... "Hit it, Commander! Full speed! You're on the final lap!"
Touch (Special) 呀䜠䜠圚摞哪里   きゃぅど、どこを   Eep! D-don't touch me there...
Touch (Headpat) 啊  あっ  Ohh...
Mission 赛蜊  䞍对是任务匀始了指挥官 レヌス じゃなくおミッションスタヌトだ指揮官 The race– I mean, the mission's started, Commander!
Mission Complete 是任务报酬哊。打匀銙槟庆祝吧。 ミッションボヌナスだ。シャンパンを開けお祝おうじゃないか Mission rewards are in. This calls for a bottle of champagne.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了我的应揎也䌠蟟到了吗哈哈只芁䜠胜记埗枯区有倧家圚等着䜠就足借了。 出撃ご苊劎だ指揮官にも私の応揎が届いたのかなははは、母枯で埅っおいる仲間がいるこずを芚えおいおくれれば十分さ Nice job out there! I like to think you heard me cheering for you. Hahahah! All that matters is you remember we're all waiting for you back at port.
Commission Complete 委托完成了芁䞺䌙䌎们送䞊胜利的祝犏才行。 委蚗が完了した仲間たちには勝利の祝犏をしないずな A commission's been completed! The girls definitely deserve a li'l victory gesture.
Flagship 换挡党速匀跑吧 ギアチェンゞだ党速力で走れ Change to top gear! Pedal to the metal!
Victory 比起应揎我还是曎擅长这样掻劚身䜓呢 応揎するより、こうやっお䜓を動かすほうが埗意っおな Hands-on action is more my style than cheerleading is!
Defeat 振䜜起来吧指挥官连䜠郜沮䞧的话那比赛就真的芁结束了。 シャキっずしよう指揮官、あなたたで萜ち蟌んでたらそこで詊合終了だ Keep it together, Commander. It's not over until you throw in the towel.