Ardent (JP 🇯🇵: アーデント, CN 🇹🇼: 热心)
Ship ID No. 83 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 00:19:00
Acquisition Event: Glorious Final Battle
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 22
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN June 20, 2019
CN October 26, 2017
JP May 18, 2018
Voice actress Mami Kamikura
Ardent Description
A-class destroyer – Ardent, Hull Number H41.
Ardent Valentine Description
Ehehe~ What do you think, Commander? If you're just going to say "cute," I won't know if you're talking about my school uniform or the chocolate I made...
Ardent (Retrofit) Description
New outfit, new rigging, same ardent spirit! Ahaha, I'm serious~! Commander, thanks a lot~!
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1142 Reload 168
Firepower 59 Torpedo 320
Evasion 203 Anti-air 134
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 155 Luck 35
Hit 164 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 1370 Reload 193
Firepower 68 Torpedo 360
Evasion 209 Anti-air 154
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 173 Luck 35
Hit 172 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 221 Reload 71
Firepower 13 Torpedo 68
Evasion 78 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 42 Luck 35
Hit 63 Speed 42
Armor Light
HP 1307 Reload 168
Firepower 59 Torpedo 360
Evasion 238 Anti-air 149
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 155 Luck 35
Hit 164 Speed 45
Armor Light
HP 1535 Reload 193
Firepower 68 Torpedo 400
Evasion 244 Anti-air 169
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 173 Luck 35
Hit 172 Speed 45
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 105%/105%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/135%/140% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Destroyer: A-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Carrier Escort While this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG all Carriers in your fleet take by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Interference Every 20s: 25.0% chance to pick one enemy at random (prioritizes humanoid enemies) and decrease their Fire Rate and DMG for 5.0 (10.0)s. Does not stack with the same skill.
Air Raid Assistance While this ship is afloat: increases the DMG of all Carriers in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: A Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:19:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description A级驱逐舰—热心,舷号H41 A級実験駆逐艦・アーデント(H41) A-class destroyer – Ardent, Hull Number H41.
Biography 我是热心,A型驱逐的三号舰,嗯……除了和光荣姐姐的事迹并没有特别值得一提的地方呢,不过那一次我也是尽力了呢。总而言之,能认识指挥官很开心,希望能一直相处下去~ 私はアーデント、A型駆逐艦の三番艦、うーん……グロリアス姉様の話以外は特に言うことないよね。でもあの時は頑張ったよ?まあそういうことで、指揮官に出会えてよかった!これからずっと仲良くしようね? I am Ardent, the third ship of the A class destroyers. Hmm... I don't have much to say other than things about Glorious. But I worked during that time, you know? Well, with that out of the way, I'm happy that I got you meet you, Commander! I hope we can get along from now on, ok?
Acquisition 从今天开始我就要搬到指挥官这里了呢~请多指教咯~ 指揮官のところに今日引っ越してきたよ~よろしくね~ I'm moving over to your place today, Commander~ Take good care of me~
Login 指挥官,要吃点心吗,我给你留了一些哦 指揮官、おやつ食べる?少しだけ残しておいたよ Want some snacks, Commander? I saved some for you.
Details 那个……分明都住在这里还是不习惯这样被看着呢……很奇怪吧?嘿嘿…… あの……もうここに住んでいるのに、まだ見られるのに慣れてないの……私、かわってるね?あはは… Um... even though I've been living here, I'm still not used to being watched by you... Am I... weird? Ahaha...
Main 指挥官饿了吗?要不要一起吃饭?~ 指揮官お腹減った?一緒にごはん食べる? Are you hungry, Commander? Let's have a lunch together?
Main 2 喔,那个,指挥官,你这儿有备用零件吗,我可能需要常规检查下~ あ、その、指揮官、余分なパーツある?ちょっと定期検査したいけど~ Uh, C-Commander, are there spare parts? I want to do a bit of periodic checking~
Main 3 那个,有在听吗?呜……果然指挥官总见到我觉得厌烦了——开玩笑啦~ あの、聞いてる?うぅ……やはり指揮官は私を見飽きちゃったかなーー冗談だよ~ Uh, have you heard about it? Ugh... so you've gotten bored of me... Just kidding~
Touch 那个……别人看我们走的这么近会误会的…… あの……そんなに近づいたらほかの人に誤解されちゃうよ…… Umm... if we walk so close together, people might misunderstand...
Touch (Special) 咿!这种事……至少到家里再说呀! きゃっ!こういうの……おうちに着いてからにしようよ! Whaa! This kind of thing... At least wait until you're at home!
Mission 有任务要做了哟,正好见到你了跟你说一下 任務だよ?ちょうど見ていたから、今教えたんだ。 You have a mission, you know? Good timing. I'm now letting you know what it is.
Mission Complete 任务奖励送来了呢,要我帮你拿么? ボーナスが届いたよ?持ってってもいい? The reward is here, you know? Can I take it?
Mail 啊,你刚才不在,我帮你把信拿了——给~ あ、ついさっきいなかったから、手紙貰ってきちゃったーーはい Ah, you were just gone. A letter came by– Here.
Return to Port 哈……指挥官也回来了呢 はぁ……指揮官も戻ったね Huh... You're back as well, Commander
Commission Complete 指挥官,我看到完成委托的姐妹们了哦,去接她们吧 指揮官、委託を完了した娘たちを見かけたよ。迎えに行こ? Commander, I can see the girls who have finished the commissions. Let's go greet them, shall we?
Enhancement 好开心呀,被指挥官重视着 指揮官に大切されていて、嬉しいなぁ I feel happy to have been given your attention, Commander.
Flagship 敌人来了!各位小心不要着火哟~ 敵が来た!火事には気を付けてね! The enemy is here! Be careful of fire hazards!
Victory 真是很经济实惠的一场比试啊~ コスパのいい戦闘だよね~ That was a good battle, cost performance wise~
Defeat 好烫!不快点撤退降温的话我会中暑的! わっ!早く撤退しないと熱中症になっちゃう! Wha! Hurry and retreat, or else we'll get heatstroke!
Skill 再努力一点……! もうちょっと頑張って…! Just a little more...!
Affinity (Upset) 原来熟悉只是错觉吗……抱歉 仲がいいのは私の誤解だったよね……ごめん… I was mistaken for being so friendly with you... I'm sorry...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官有没有和我一见如故呀,嗯~我觉得指挥官就像个老朋友呢 指揮官さ、私とすっごく気が合うと思わない?うんうん♪ 私も、指揮官のことをすっごく親しい友達みたいだと思うんだ♪ Say, Commander, do you think we get along with each other very well? Yes, yes! I too, think that you are very much like a close friend!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,要吃东西吗?我给你做哦~放心吧,你喜欢什么我都记下了 指揮官、何か食べない?私が作ってあげる♪大丈夫、好きな料理は全部覚えてるんだから。 Commander, wanna eat something? I'll make it for you~ Don't worry, I know every food you like
Affinity (Like) 感觉……老夫老妻模式也不是不行呢,不过……每天都这么平淡真的不要紧吗? 私的に、亭主関白っていうのもいいよね……でも……こうして毎日淡々と過ごしていくのって、指揮官的に本当にいいの? For me, being old and grey together is fine... but... are you really fine with living such mild days yourself, Commander?
Affinity (Love) 生活大概就是这样吧,没有什么起伏……所以,就这样一直在一起吧? 日常って多分こんな感じかな…波もなくて、ただ淡々と過ごしていくの。だから指揮官、これからもずっとこんな感じで過ごしましょ? This is probably what daily life feels like, I think... Nothing too intense, just living on normally. So Commander, shall we continue to live our days just like this?
Pledge 生活还很漫长呢,不过即使平淡如水,只要指挥官在身边,也就不会觉得空虚了,嘻嘻 ケッコンしても、人生はまだ長いよね…でも何事もない日常も、指揮官さえいればつまらなくはないよ?えへへ♪ Even though we're married, we still have long times ahead... But even in days where things don't happen, as long as you are here, Commander, things won't get boring. Ehehe~
In battle with Acasta 阿卡斯塔,加油! アカスタ、頑張って! Keep at it, Acasta!
In battle with Glorious 哇哇,光荣小姐,敌人在那边呀! あわわ、グロリアス姉様、敵はあっちだよ! Umm, Miss Glorious, the enemy is over THERE!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欸嘿嘿,怎么样,指挥官?热心的制服和热心做的巧克力——光说“可爱”的话不知道是在说哪个啦… えへへ、どうかな指揮官?制服姿のアーデントと、アーデントの作ったチョコレート――「可愛い」だけだとどっちなのかわからないよ… Ehehe~ What do you think, Commander? If you're just going to say "cute," I won't know if you're talking about my school uniform or the chocolate I made...
Acquisition 欸嘿嘿,怎么样,指挥官?热心的制服和热心做的巧克力——光说“可爱”的话不知道是在说哪个啦… えへへ、どうかな指揮官?制服姿のアーデントと、アーデントの作ったチョコレート――「可愛い」だけだとどっちなのかわからないよ… Ehehe~ What do you think, Commander? If you're just going to say "cute," I won't know if you're talking about my school uniform or the chocolate I made...
Login 指挥官早安,今天也到天台一块吃午饭吧~? 指揮官おはよう、今日も屋上で一緒にお昼食べましょう? Good day, Commander. Let's go have lunch on the rooftop today?
Details 光荣小姐和阿卡司塔的便当…很好,两个人都带了便当呢。指挥官也没忘记带了吧? グロリアス姉さまとアカスタのお弁当は…よし、二人とも今日は忘れていないよねっ。指揮官もちゃんとお弁当持ってきてる? Glorious and Acasta seem to have their lunchboxes... Good, I'm glad they didn't forget today. Commander, did you remember to bring yours as well?
Main 阿卡司塔,送巧克力的时候要靠到对方身边去,然后在耳边轻语…这样对方才会更有心动的感觉哦? アカスタ、チョコを贈るときはこう近くまで持っていって、耳元で囁いたほうがときめかせられるよ? Acasta, when you're giving out chocolate, you have to lean up against the other person and whisper in their ear. Don't you think it's more heart-pounding that way?
Main 2 皇家方舟小姐也给我们发巧克力了!和光荣小姐不一样,皇家方舟小姐非常心灵手巧呢…啊哈哈哈…… アーク・ロイヤルさんからチョコもらった!グロリアス姉さまと違ってすごく手先が器用でいいよね…あははは… Ark Royal gave me some chocolate! Unlike Glorious, she seems to be pretty good with her hands... Ahaha
Main 3 为了皇家的荣耀,今天也要努力学习!开玩笑的~今天要和指挥官在一起呢♪ ロイヤルの栄光のために、今日も勉強頑張るよー!なんちゃって♪今日は指揮官と一緒にいたいよね♪ I'll study hard for the glory of the Royal— Who am I kidding~♪ I just want to be with you today, Commander~
Touch 又想吃巧克力了?嗯嗯,一会就做给你哦~ チョコの注文?うんうん、あとで作ってあげるね Did you want some chocolate? Mm, okay. I'll go make some for you.
Mail 邮件和情书我都放到抽屉里了哦 メールもラブレターも引き出しに入れたよ I put everything in the drawer. Both the mail and the love letters.
Return to Port 指挥官,要不要吃巧克力呢?嘿嘿,反正也没有规定说一天只能送一次巧克力嘛! 指揮官、チョコでもどう?えへへ、別に一日に一度しかチョコを贈れないって決まりはないからね! Would you like some chocolate, Commander? Ehehe, there's no hard and fast rule that you can only give chocolate one day of the year!
Defeat 哇哇!巧克力要融化了! わわ!チョコが溶けちゃうよ! Woah! The chocolate's going to melt!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 欢迎来到热心的桌游小屋,我是给大家提供各种游戏的热心~虽然大部分游戏都是在边玩边学就是了呢~ アーデントのゲームハウスへようこそ~皆に素晴らしいゲームの時間を提供するアーデントだよー…えへへ、実は私も、遊びながら勉強しているんだけどね♪ Welcome to Ardent's game house~! I'm here to provide fun and excitement for everyone as the GM– ...Ehehe, actually, I'm still learning as a play~♪
Acquisition 欢迎来到热心的桌游小屋,我是给大家提供各种游戏的热心~虽然大部分游戏都是在边玩边学就是了呢~ アーデントのゲームハウスへようこそ~皆に素晴らしいゲームの時間を提供するアーデントだよー…えへへ、実は私も、遊びながら勉強しているんだけどね♪ Welcome to Ardent's game house~! I'm here to provide fun and excitement for everyone as the GM– ...Ehehe, actually, I'm still learning as a play~♪
Login 欢迎指挥官,今天想玩什么吗?是玩简单轻松的聚会游戏,还是来点讲究策略的? こんにちは指揮官、今日は何を遊ぶの?ええと、カジュアルなパーティーゲーム、それともストラテジー性のあるのがいいかな? Welcome, Commander. What would you like to play today? A casual party game, or something more strategic?
Details 对服装比较在意…?兔女郎DM!嘿嘿~不是显得有创意一点嘛? ダンジョンマスターのバニーさん!えへへ、なんだか新鮮な気分になるでしょ? I'm the Dungeon Master Bunny! Ehehe, it's a refreshing twist on a classic theme, right?
Main 嗯嗯,光荣小姐,这里只要投掷这个20面骰子就好了哦。 うんうん、グロリアス姉様、ここはこの20面ダイスをロールすればいいんですよ Mmhmm, Glorious, all you have to do is toss this D20.
Main 2 啊,稍等一下,这里我要看看说明书……有些不熟练让大家见笑了。 あ、ちょっと待て、ええとルールブックでは……まだ色々分かってなくてごめんね Err, wait a sec, what does the rulebook say...? ...Sorry, there's still a lot I need to learn.
Main 3 那个…指挥官?轮到你了哦?不要发呆啦~ あの…指揮官の番だよ?もう、ぼーっとしないでよ~ Um... Commander, it's your turn. Goodness, please stop spacing out already~!
Touch 有哪里不清楚规则的吗?我来讲解给你听吧~ よく分からないルールでもある?ふふん、アーデントが教えてあげるよー Do you have a question about the rules? Heheh~ Allow me to teach you what you need to know~
Touch (Special) 呀!刚刚的是不小心的吧…? あぅ?!い、いまのは事故…だよね? Hauuu?! Y-you didn't do that on purpose... did you?
Return to Port 给大家准备了一点果汁。指挥官,不用客气的哦~ みんなのためにジュースを用意したよ。指揮官も遠慮なく♪ I brought juice for everyone! No need to be shy, Commander~♪
Defeat 呜,这下要接受惩罚游戏了… これはペナルティーついちゃうよね… There's going to be a penalty round for sure now...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新的衣服,新的武装,不变的是热情的内心!啊哈哈,是真的哦~指挥官,谢谢啦 服と艤装は新しいものになってるけど、アーデントの心は変わらないよ!えへへ、本当だよ♪ 指揮官、ありがとね~ New outfit, new rigging, same ardent spirit! Ahaha, I'm serious~! Commander, thanks a lot~!
Acquisition 新的衣服,新的武装,不变的是热情的内心!啊哈哈,是真的哦~指挥官,谢谢啦 服と艦装は新しいものになってるけど、アーデントの心は変わらないよ!えへへ、本当だよ♪指揮官、ありがとね~ New outfit, new rigging, same ardent spirit! Ahaha, I'm serious~! Commander, thanks a lot~!
Login 指挥官,想念我的厨艺了吗?稍等,马上就好哦 指揮官、私の作った料理また食べたくなった?ちょっと待っててね~今作ってあげる! Commander, did you miss my cooking? Hold on just a second~ it's coming right up!
Details 指挥官也觉得改造后我的衣服要可爱了许多对吧? 指揮官も私の服が可愛くなったって思うよね? Commander, don't you also think that these clothes are way cuter?
Main 指挥官,我发现了几个约会的好地方耶,什么时候一起去吧? 指揮官、とっておきのデートスポットを見つけたから、今度一緒に行こ? Commander, I've found some hot date spots, wanna come with me some time?
Main 2 指挥官,明天的便当想要吃什么口味的? 指揮官、明日のお弁当のおかずは何がいい? Commander, what kind of lunch would you like me to pack you for tomorrow?
Main 3 说起来,指挥官你不觉得,阿卡司塔要是稍微打扮一下也很可爱嘛? そういえば指揮官、アカスタってオシャレさせるとすごく可愛くなると思わない? Hey, Commander, don't you think Acasta would be super cute if she got dolled up a bit?
Touch 在指挥官身边久了,感觉连我都对舰队事务熟悉了起来耶,这部分就放心交给我吧~ 指揮官と長くいると艦隊のことも分かってくるよね~うんうん、安心して私に任せていいよ Commander, just being around you has taught me a lot about how the fleet works. That's right~ you can just sit back and leave it to me~!
Mission 新的任务已经整理好了哦,不要忘了确认~ 新しい任務の資料は整理したよ。確認を忘れないでね I've finished organising the new missions. Don't forget to check them~!
Return to Port 那么,为了犒劳在外辛苦的指挥官,热心准备了怎么样的美食呢?答案马上揭晓~ 疲れた指揮官のために、私、アーデントはどんな料理を用意したのか――このあとすぐ! Good work out there, Commander! What culinary creation did Ardent come up with today? You'll find out soon enough!