Acasta (JP 🇯🇵: アカスタ, CN 🇹🇼: 阿卡司塔)
Ship IDNo. 82Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time00:19:00
AcquisitionEvent: Glorious Final Battle
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJune 20, 2019
CNOctober 26, 2017
JPMay 18, 2018
Voice actressKaya Okuno
A-class destroyer – Acasta, Hull Number H09.
Fashionable Outing Description
Hm? Guess we're both about to head out... Don't stare at me like that... Even I go outdoors sometimes... Since we're both, uh, headed the same way... maybe we could... walk there together?
Lights of the Lantern FestivalDescription
I heard you're supposed to hang lanterns up everywhere during the Spring Festival... so Ardent and I gave it a try! What do you think? Pretty cute, right? Um... I was talking about the lanterns...
Acasta (Retrofit) Description
Ardent told me I "gotta stop looking so tired" and I "gotta be more girly," so I did it while I was retrofitting... Do you recognise me, Commander? ... Umm, I'm Acasta, okay?
HP221 Reload71
Firepower13 Torpedo68
Evasion78 Anti-air29
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW42 Luck43
HP1028 Reload136
Firepower34 Torpedo182
Evasion261 Anti-air109
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW105 Luck45
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun105%/110%/110%/115%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/105%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 120mm Main Gun
2Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Destroyer: A-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock3 +1
Max LimitBreak7
Lv.1205 +1
Death RaidWhile this ship is the last one afloat in your Vanguard: increases its DMG by 20.0% (50.0%) but increases the DMG it takes by 8.0% (20.0%) .Default Unlocked
SmokescreenAfter the battle begins and 15.0% (30.0%) chance every 15s after that: deploys a smokescreen that increases Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) for all your ships in it. Does not stack with other smokescreen skills. Smokescreen lasts 5s.Default Unlocked
Flagship CoverWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Flagship takes by 15.0% (25.0%) .Retrofit
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: A Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionA级驱逐舰—阿卡司塔,舷号H09A級実験駆逐艦・アカスタ(H09)A-class destroyer – Acasta, Hull Number H09.
Biography我是阿卡司塔……A型的一员。英勇的话,多少有些过誉了,我只是做了我应该做的事而已……虽然不是很强,不过指挥官有需要的话,我也会好好加油的アカスタ……A型の一員。勇敢なんて、ちょっと褒め過ぎたかな。ただやるべきことをやっただけ……そんなに強くないけど、指揮官が必要というのなら、ちゃんと頑張るよ。I'm Acasta... part of the A-class. Calling me "brave" would be flattery. I was just doing my job... I'm not all that strong, but I'll do my best if you need me to.
Acquisition喔……阿卡司塔的说,你好はい……アカスタっていうの。こんにちはRight... I'm Acasta. Good day.
LoginZzzz……啊,指挥官你回来了Zzzz……あ、指揮官、おかえりZzzz... Ah, Commander. Welcome back
Details我的脸上有什么吗?顔には何かがあるのかな?Is there something on my face?
Main我……不爱说话吗?——喔,其实是因为总是有点困あ……あまりしゃべらない?ーーはぁ…いつも眠そうにしているせいかな…Hmm? Not very talkative...? *Yawn*... I guess it's because I'm always so sleepy...
Main 2欸?我睡着了么。天气不错所以……ほぇ?…落ちたかな。いい天気だからつい……Wha...? Guess I fell asleep. With weather this fine, I couldn't help it...
Main 3指挥官变得和我一样不爱说话了,听起来很棒指揮官も私と同じあまり喋らなくなった。いいね…You don't talk much, just like me, Commander. How nice...
TouchzzzZZ……唔……让我睡会儿……别摸……zzzZZ……ぐぅ……少し寝るから……触らないで……Zzzzz... Ugh... I'm trying to sleep... don't poke me like that...
Touch (Special)那个……被看到了你会被抓起来的哦あの……見られたら捕まっちゃうよ?Uhh... if anyone sees us, you'll get arrested.
Mission是不是需要查看一下任务记录?ミッションログも確認したほうがいいかな?Maybe you should take a look at the mission log?
Mission Complete喔,奖励送来了……はぁ、ボーナスが届いたかな……*Yawn*... Maybe the rewards are here now...
Mail有你的信……指挥官メール……指揮官宛かな。Got some mail... Wonder if it's for you.
Return to Port欢迎回来,呼啊……(打哈欠),困了……おかえり、はぁ……(あくび)、眠いかな……Welcome back... *Yawn*... Guess I'm a little sleepy...
Commission CompleteZzzzzz……嗯?指挥官,是委托完成的时间了Zzzzzz……うん?指揮官、委託完了の時間かな?Zzzzzz... Hmm? Commander, shouldn't that commission be done by now?
Enhancement变强了……期待我的努力吧強くなった……努力を期待しててね。I've gotten stronger... I'll work harder, so look forward to that.
Flagship各位……请保持冷静,抓准机会痛击敌人みんな……落ち着いて、チャンスを掴んで敵を痛打してね。Everyone... calm down. Seize the chance and hit the enemy where it hurts.
Victory赢了,面子上算是过得去吧勝った。まあ顔だけは立てれたかなWe won. Well, at least I didn't make a fool of myself, I guess.
Defeat这结果真是让人兴奋不起来啊……この結果じゃいい気にはなれないかな……I figure this outcome isn't something to celebrate...
Skill稍微努力一下吧……少し頑張ろうかな……Guess I should put in a little more effort...?
Affinity (Upset)能稍微安静点吗……少し静かにしてよ……Keep it down, will you...
Affinity (Stranger)有点没干劲……睡一会儿好了……やる気が出ない…寝ようかな……I just can't be bothered... Maybe I should go to sleep...
Affinity (Friendly)我有一个可以睡觉的好地方呢……指挥官要一起来偷懒吗?寝るにはちょうどいいとこを知ってるよ……指揮官も一緒にサボるってのはどうかな?I know just the place to take a nap... You wanna come along and play hooky with me, Commander?
Affinity (Like)指挥官你……最好慎重考虑一下吧,和我在一起可能会有点无聊指揮官……ちゃんと考えてね。私と一緒にいるとつまらないよ…?Commander... give this some thought: isn't it boring, being with me...?
Affinity (Love)虽然不怎么说话……但是我们之间已经用不到语言交流了……对吧?私あまりしゃべらないけど……でも私たち、もう言葉交わさなくても分かり合えるよね……そうよね?I'm not all that talkative... but we don't even need words to understand each other... do we?
Pledge……………………抱歉,太高兴了不知道该说什么才好……我会好好保管的…………………ごめん…嬉しすぎてもう何を話したらいいかわからない……大事にする……... Sorry... I'm just so happy that I don't even know what to say... I'll take good care of this...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description啊,指挥官也出门吗?…不要用那种眼光看我嘛,我多少也是会出门的…顺路的话…要一起吗?うん?指揮官もお出かけなのかな。…そんな目で見ないで…私だってお出かけぐらい…ええと、目的地…途中まででも一緒に歩こう…かな? Hm? Guess we're both about to head out... Don't stare at me like that... Even I go outdoors sometimes... Since we're both, uh, headed the same way... maybe we could... walk there together?
Acquisition啊,指挥官也出门吗?…不要用那种眼光看我嘛,我多少也是会出门的…顺路的话…要一起吗?うん?指揮官もお出かけなのかな。…そんな目で見ないで…私だってお出かけぐらい…ええと、目的地…途中まででも一緒に歩こう…かな?Hm? Guess we're both about to head out... Don't stare at me like that... Even I go outdoors sometimes... Since we're both, uh, headed the same way... maybe we could... walk there together?
Details就算是我…也是会有所谓的“外出模式”的啦…虽然这样其实挺累的就是了…私だってこういう「お出かけスタイル」は……疲れるけど、ね……Even I go on these "fashionable outings"... They do wear me out, though...
Main为了防止突然要出击的状况,我也随身带了武装哦緊急の出撃に備えて、基本的な兵装はいつも持っているかなI always bring some weapons with me, in case I'm needed for a sudden sortie, I guess.
Main 2最近常被大家说“阿卡司塔,你打扮起来真好看耶”,心情稍微有点微妙……「アカスタ、やっぱりオシャレすると可愛いよね」って最近良く言われる……うぅ、ちょっと微妙かな……Recently, I've gotten a lot of compliments like "see, a little fashion could make you cute after all"... *Sigh*, it feels kinda odd, I guess...
Main 3指挥官,暂时不忙的话我睡会儿哦?指揮官が忙しくないなら私、ちょっと寝ようかな…?Commander, think I could take a nap if you're busy with that stuff...?
Touch嗯…是不是换回原来的衣服比较好呢…うぅ……元の服に戻したほうがいいかな…*Sigh*... Maybe I should swap back to my old clothes...
Touch (Special)那个…乱碰的话会走火哦…あの……不用意に触ったら爆発しちゃうよ?Uhh... something might blow up if you poke me so casually.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description唔…听说东煌的”元宵节“就是要像这样挂满灯笼…在热心的怂恿下试着弄了下…怎么样,好看吗?…当然是说灯笼了…「元宵節(げんしょうせつ)」は灯籠を飾る、みたい…アーデントと一緒にやってみた。どうかな?かわいいかな?…こ、この灯籠のことだよ…?I heard you're supposed to hang lanterns up everywhere during the Spring Festival... so Ardent and I gave it a try! What do you think? Pretty cute, right? Um... I was talking about the lanterns...
Acquisition唔…听说东煌的“元宵节”就是要像这样挂满灯笼…在热心的怂恿下试着弄了下…怎么样,好看吗?…当然是说灯笼了…「元宵節(げんしょうせつ)」は灯籠を飾る、みたい…アーデントと一緒にやってみた。どうかな?かわいいかな?…こ、この灯籠のことだよ…?I heard you're supposed to hang lanterns up everywhere during the Spring Festival... so Ardent and I gave it a try! What do you think? Pretty cute, right? Um... I was talking about the lanterns...
Details装饰这些灯姑且还是花费了不少精力呢…要好好欣赏哦?これを飾るの、結構大変だった…ちゃんと見てほしい、かな…?It was no easy feat hanging up all these lanterns... Make sure to take it all in, okay...?
Main这些灯下面挂的红色便签…是叫灯谜来着…东煌还真是总有些挺有意思的活动的呢…この赤い便箋?は…クイズ、かな。東煌って面白い行事が結構あるのかな…These red strips hanging from the lanterns? ...They're probably riddles of some sort? The Dragon Empery sure knows how to put on some interesting events...
Main 2Zzzz…哈啊…!不小心睡着了…毕竟天色也不早了呢Zzzz…しまった、寝かけてた…はぁあ…もうこんな時間だからかな…Zzzz... Shoot, I dozed off... *sigh*... It's already this late...
Main 3穿成这样,是不是稍微更女孩子一点了呢…?この格好だとちょっとは女の子っぽく見える…かな…?I wonder if this outfit... brings out my girlish side...
Touch指挥官,这种时候不用说话,静静欣赏这些灯笼就好……我才不会睡着啦…大概指揮官、こういう時は何も言わずに、静かに景色を眺めたほうがいいよ。……寝ないよ…多分Commander, just hush and enjoy the lanterns. I'm totally... not dozing off...
Return to Port灯光还挺柔和的…嗯,似乎很催眠呢Zzzz…優しい光…眠くなりそう…かな……What a gentle glow... I think I'm... getting sleepy...
Affinity (Love)也就只有对指挥官,我才能鼓起干劲做这些装饰灯笼之类的麻烦事情了吧…唔?很好看?那就好…下次的节日,就换指挥官装饰给我看吧…私、指揮官のためだけで、ここまで頑張れるのかな?……きれいだし、よくやったって…?う、うん…良かった……でも次は、指揮官にやってもらおう…かな…I've only been able to work so hard because of you, Commander... Everything's so pretty, so you'd say it's a job well done, right...? Th-thanks... But next year, I'm going to make you do the hard work... probably...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description热心老说我太懒散了,要更女孩子一点,于是趁着改造…指挥官,还认得我吗,我是阿卡司塔哦?「いつも眠そうにしてるのはよくなーい」「もっと女のコっぽくしたほうがいーよ」ってアーデントに言われたから、改造ついでに…指揮官は私が誰かって分かるかな…ええと、アカスタだよ?Ardent told me I "gotta stop looking so tired" and I "gotta be more girly," so I did it while I was retrofitting... Do you recognise me, Commander? ... Umm, I'm Acasta, okay?
Acquisition热心老说我太懒散了,要更女孩子一点,于是趁着改造…指挥官,还认得我吗,我是阿卡司塔哦?「いつも眠そうにしてるのはよくなーい」「もっと女のコっぽくしたほうがいーよ」ってアーデントに言われたから、改造ついでに…指揮官は私が誰かって分かるかな…ええと、アカスタだよ?Ardent told me I "gotta stop looking so tired" and I "gotta be more girly," so I did it while I was retrofitting... Do you recognise me, Commander? ... Umm, I'm Acasta, okay?
Login感觉改造后干劲没有一点提升呢……改造してもやる気でないよね…I just can't be bothered even after retrofitting...
Details虽然样子改变了,不过指挥官对我还是和以前一样,太好了……見た目は変わっても、指揮官は相変わらず優しくしてくれてる…よかった……I'm dressing differently, but you're still just as nice to me... Thank goodness...
Main唔,用炮挡住,这样指挥官就不会看到我悄悄打哈欠了吧……ふは……主砲で隠したから…今のあくび、見られていない、かな…*Yawn*... Nobody'll see me yawning... if I cover it up with my turret... I think...
Main 2……哈!好、好险,差点睡过去了,指挥官没有发现吧…………!あ、危ない、寝落ちするところだった…指揮官にはバレてないかな……Zzz... Oh, shoot! I almost fell asleep... I hope the Commander didn't notice...
Main 3指挥官希望我有女子力一些,还是像现在这样就好呢?指揮官、アカスタはもっと女のコっぽくなったほうがいいのかな……それとも今のままでいいのかな…?Commander, do you wish I'd be even girlier than this...? Or am I fine the way I am now...?
Touch都怪热心说什么女孩子太懒散是会被喜欢的人讨厌的……欸,指挥官!?唔……刚才的,你没听到吧?気だるくしすぎると好きな人に嫌われちゃうって、アーデントが……あれ、指揮官!?うぅ……今のは聞こえてなかったかな…Ardent warned me about my sweetheart growing to dislike me if I'm too passive... Huh?! Commander? Jeez... I hope you didn't hear that...
Return to Port指挥官辛苦了,要小睡一会儿吗?指揮官お疲れ様、少し寝てみようかな?Nice work, Commander. Now, how about getting some sleep?
Commission Complete委托完成了吗……唔,指挥官,一起……去一趟港口吧?委託が完了したのかな……えっと、指揮官、一緒に…一緒に港にいこ?Wonder if that commission's done yet... Um, Commander, let's... let's head to the harbour together.
Victory这样的胜利指挥官还满意吗?これで指揮官は満足かな……Hope this'll be enough to satisfy the Commander...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description好啦,别乱跑,乖乖待着……唔,指挥官?我在照看这些兔子们,口渴了…唔,我一会再给你弄喝的。よしよし、ここでいい子にしてくれるかな?……あっ、指揮官?ええと、今この子たちのお世話をしてて…喉が乾いた?うん、あとで持っていく…Come on, stop running around and behave already... Ah, Commander? Umm, I'm currently looking after these rabbits... Hm, you're thirsty? Um, give me a moment and I'll whip something up for you...
Acquisition好啦,别乱跑,乖乖待着……唔,指挥官?我在照看这些兔子们,口渴了…唔,我一会再给你弄喝的。よしよし、ここでいい子にしてくれるかな?……あっ、指揮官?ええと、今この子たちのお世話をしてて…喉が乾いた?うん、あとで持っていく…Come on, stop running around and behave already... Ah, Commander? Umm, I'm currently looking after these rabbits... Hm, you're thirsty? Um, give me a moment and I'll whip something up for you...
Login指挥官,茶还要一会……欸,是来看我的吗?唔…指揮官、お茶はまだ……私の様子を見に来たの?んー…Commander, the tea's not ready yet... Hm, you're just here to watch me? Hrmm...
Details照顾兔子,要比到处跑轻松呢……而且看着可爱的小生物,自己也会有种被治愈的感觉……うさぎの世話をするのって、歩いたりするよりずっと楽かな…かわいい子を見ていると癒やされる気がするっていうのかな…Looking after rabbits is a lot more enjoyable than running around doing errands... There might be something therapeutic about looking after these cuties...
Main要是你不从杯子里出来的话,我就没办法倒茶了……カップから出てくれないかな…お茶を注げない…If you don't get out of that teacup, I won't be able to pour the tea...
Main 2摸摸可爱的兔子耳朵——啊,我,我的不行啦……かわいいウサミミをさわさわすると……あぅ…私、もうダメかもしれないかな…As soon as I touch these cute little bunny ears... Haau, it's cuteness overload...
Main 3热心,那个,不能拿我们吃的零食去喂兔子的……アーデント、ダメ、私達の食べ物をうさぎにあげちゃ…Ardent, stop! You can't feed our snacks to the bunnies...
TouchZzzzz……啊!差点就跟这些兔子们一起睡着了……ふぅ……うぅ…あ!今うさぎたちと一緒に寝てしまうところだったかな…Zzz... Hnn... Oh! It seemed like I was taking a nap with the rabbits, huh...
Return to Port刚刚光荣姐看到我的时候,表情好像有点奇怪……グロリアス姉さま、今の目はちょっとヘンというか…Glorious was shooting strange glances at me just earlier...