Amagi (JP 🇯🇵: 天城, CN 🇹🇼: 天城)
Ship ID No. 367 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 4:25:00
Acquisition Limited Build from Crimson Echoes
Enhance Income
Firepower 53
Torpedo 4
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
EN January 10, 2019
KR December 27, 2018
CN December 27, 2018
JP December 27, 2018
Voice actress Miyuki Sawashiro
Name 麻痹的小日子
Amagi Description
1st Ship of the Amagi-class Battlecruisers, Amagi
Wending Waters, Serene Lotus Description
Commander, are you here to pay me a visit? ...Ah, there is no need to be concerned about me. I made a promise to both you and Akagi that I would be mindful of my health.
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air D
HP 6514 Reload 129
Firepower 379 Torpedo 186
Evasion 24 Anti-air 162
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 55 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 7654 Reload 148
Firepower 421 Torpedo 213
Evasion 41 Anti-air 187
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 68 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP 1260 Reload 54
Firepower 80 Torpedo 39
Evasion 9 Anti-air 35
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 23
Hit 21 Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 23
Hit Speed 30
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main Gun Base +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Secondary Gun Base +2 / Main Gun Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main Gun Base +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 105%/110%/120%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 180%/180%/180%/180% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 90%/90%/90%/90% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 140mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Battlecruiser: Amagi-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 20 +1
Max LimitBreak 40
Lv.120 30 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Ageless Phoenix While this ship is afloat: decreases the FP, TRP, and AVI of all enemy ships by 3.0% (9.0%).
Efficacious Planning While this ship is afloat: decreases the Burn DMG your Main Fleet takes by 5.0% (15.0%) and increases their Evasion Rate by 4.0% (10.0%).
Crippling Strike When this ship fires a Salvo: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level. If your fleet contains 4 or more Sakura Empire ships: the loading time of this ship's first Salvo is decreased by 25.0% (45.0%).
4:25:00 JP CN EN
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 天城级战列巡洋舰一番舰—天城 天城型巡洋戦艦一番艦・天城 1st Ship of the Amagi-class Battlecruisers, Amagi
Biography 天城级战列巡洋舰首舰·天城,原本预定要和妹妹赤城一起接受改造成为航母…可惜我不幸在那场地震中倒下…咳咳…如您所见,我的身体不是很好,不过还请不要有所顾虑 天城型巡洋戦艦のネームシップ、天城です。元々は赤城とともに空母に改装される予定でしたけど…あの天災で倒れておりました。げほげほ…はい、見ての通り体があまり丈夫ではありませんが、何卒お気遣いなさらず… I am the nameship of the Amagi-class battlecruisers, Amagi. Along with Akagi, I was originally supposed to be converted into an aircraft carrier, but that plan was scrapped after a certain natural disaster. *cough* *cough* ... As you can see, my body is not in a great condition, but please do not worry about me too much.
Acquisition 咳咳…战列巡洋舰、天城,前来拜见。这里似乎能让我稍微发挥一下本领呢…主上,能为在下介绍一下我们的敌人吗? げほげほ…巡洋戦艦天城、参りました。ここなら私も力を発揮できそう…指揮官様、まず私の敵についてご説明をお願いできますか? *cough* *cough* Battlecruiser Amagi, reporting in. It looks like I should be able to fully utilize my abilities here. Commander, would you please brief me on our enemies?
Login 主上,今日的作战方案已经放在桌上了,请过目 指揮官様、今日の作戦要綱を机に置いておきました。ご確認ください Commander, I've left today's combat operation plans on the table. Please take a look.
Details 不想让大家受伤吗……呵呵,主上给我出了个难题呢,不过就让我试试吧 みんなを傷つけたくない、ですか……指揮官様も無理難題を仰いますね…ふふ、工夫は致しますわ Don't let anyone get injured? Commander, that's quite the tall order, but I'm up for the challenge.
Main 通往理想的道路虽然艰险,但也因此才有挑战的价值不是吗? 道のりは険しいと言われますが、だからこそ挑戦する価値があると思いますわ The road ahead of us is perilous, but I believe that is also what makes the journey worthwhile.
Main 2 无须畏惧失败,主上。有我在,所有挫折和失败都将化为胜利的食粮 指揮官様、失敗を恐れる必要はありませんわ。この天城がいるかぎり、失敗も挫折も次の勝利への糧にして差し上げます Commander, there is no need to fear failure. As long as I am here, all setbacks are but fodder for our victories.
Main 3 赤城…成长得稍微有些超乎想象呢 ああ、赤城……変な育ち方をしちゃいましたね…… Akagi turned out... a bit differently from what I expected.
Touch 呵呵呵……啊,主上,我只是在想,点心吃点什么好呢? フフフフ……指揮官様、今お菓子は何にするか、思案していたところですわ Ehehe... Oh, Commander, I was just thinking about what snacks I'd like to eat.
Touch (Special) 主上…我正在想事情呢… んっ…指揮官様…今ほかのことについて思案中だったのですが…… Oh, Commander... I was contemplating some other things...
Mission 下一个任务是…… 次の任務は……… The next mission is...
Mission Complete 任务报酬…要投入到最合适的地方才行呢… 任務報酬…一番有効な使い方にしておかないと Mission rewards... we should think of the most efficient way to utilize them.
Mail 主上,有信件,是新的情报吗? 指揮官様、お手紙があります。新しい情報でしょうか? Commander, you have new mail. Might it be new intel?
Return to Port 主上,我的计策可有发挥用途? 指揮官様、私の作戦はお役に立てたのでしょうか? Commander, were you able to make use of my strategic plans?
Commission Complete 主上,委托完成了,另外,关于接下来的人选我有些建议—— 指揮官様、委託が完了しましたわ。次に出撃する人選について僭越ながらご提案が―― Commander, a commission has been completed. Also, I have some suggestions for potential candidates to send on the next-
Enhancement 感觉身体状况…似乎好了点 体の調子がだいぶ良くなってきました My health... seems to have improved a bit.
Flagship 那么,按照计划行事吧,诸位 では、計画通りに参りますわ All right, let's proceed as planned.
Victory 那么…要如何活用这场胜利呢… では…この勝利をどう利用するか…… Now then, how can we make further use of this victory?
Defeat 计算…出错了吗… 計算を…間違えたのでしょうか… Did I... make a miscalculation...?
Skill 呵呵呵…… フフフフ…… Ahahaha...
Low HP 需要改变一下战术了呢… 策を改める必要がありますね…… Perhaps a change of plans is in order...
Affinity (Upset) 明主难寻呢…… 伯楽(はくらく)とはなかなか見つかりにくいものですわ Swineherds like you are quite hard to find these days.
Affinity (Stranger) 对于策士来说最重要的东西就是情报,知道的比对方多,就已经赢了一半 策を用いるためには情報が要…「能く上智を以て間者と為し、三軍の恃みて動く所なり」、ということになりましょう Information is a tactician's most valuable asset. Knowing more than your enemy is already half the battle.
Affinity (Friendly) 策略只能弥补有限的实力之差,所以…咳咳…让自己变强才是最重要的,主上 奇を以って勝つといえど、正を以って合わねば戦を制すことなかれ…げほげほ、指揮官様、自ら力を鍛えることこそ肝心ですわ Superior tactics can only make up for differences in strength to a limited extent... *cough* *cough* ...That is why becoming stronger is still of paramount importance, Commander.
Affinity (Like) 咳咳…主上是令天城都心悦诚服之人,再自信一些也无妨哟? げほげほ…指揮官様はこの天城をも認めさせた方ですから、もう少し自信を持ったほうがいいですわ *cough* *cough*... Commander, you've already earned my acknowledgment. Why not have a little more confidence in yourself?
Affinity (Love) 主上如果真的关心天城,就请全力向前迈进吧…您的胜利与笑容,对我来说就是最好的特效药 げほげほ…天城のことをご心配なさるのでしたら、全力で前へお進みください…指揮官様の勝利、そして笑顔こそ、私への特効薬ですわ Commander, if you truly care about me, *cough* then please keep moving forward with all your might. Your gallant victories and smiling face are the best medicine for me.
Pledge 主上…选择了我吗?本想若是为了主公之大业,即便此身殒落也在所不惜…这下看来,不得不稍微注意一下自己的身体了呢… 指揮官様…この天城をお選びになったのですね?ふふ、元より指揮官様のために身を捧げる覚悟ですが…選んでいただいたからには、自らの健康にも少し気を使った方がいいですわね Commander... so you've chosen me, then? Hehe... From the beginning, I was prepared to lay my life down for your ambitions. But with this being the case, perhaps I should take better care of my body.
In battle with Graf Zeppelin 赤城…?哎呀,似乎认错了呢 赤城…?あら、人違いでしたか… Akagi...? Oh my, I have the wrong person...
In battle with Akagi 赤城,听好了,是主上的命令哦? 赤城、指揮官様のご命令はちゃんと聞くのですよ? Akagi, follow the commander's orders, okay?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 主上来这里…莫非是为了视察?…啊,请不用担心天城的健康,我会遵照与主上您以及赤城的约定,好好照顾自己的,呵呵~ 指揮官様、ここにいらっしゃったのはもしやご視察のためですか?…ああ、天城のことでしたらご心配に及びません。指揮官様と赤城の約束通り、養生させていただいております。ふふふ Commander, are you here to pay me a visit? ...Ah, there is no need to be concerned about me. I made a promise to both you and Akagi that I would be mindful of my health.
Acquisition 主上来这里…莫非是为了视察?…啊,请不用担心天城的健康,我会遵照与主上您以及赤城的约定,好好照顾自己的,呵呵~ 指揮官様、ここにいらっしゃったのはもしやご視察のためですか?…ああ、天城のことでしたらご心配に及びません。指揮官様と赤城の約束通り、養生させていただいております。ふふふ Commander, are you here to pay me a visit? ...Ah, there is no need to be concerned about me. I made a promise to both you and Akagi that I would be mindful of my health.
Login 主上,您不去海边玩吗?不用担心我,和大家一起去玩吧。 指揮官様、海に行かないのですか?私のことは気にせずみんなと楽しんでいらっしゃいませ Commander, are you not going to head down to the ocean? There is no need to worry about me, so please enjoy your time with the others.
Details 有话要转达给赤城?若主上希望,我自然愿意转达,不过由您自己去跟她说或许,效果会更好呢。而且,对您来说,这样也更有意思…不对吗?呵呵呵 赤城に伝言ですか?ええ、仰ってくださればあの子に何でもお伝えしますが、指揮官様ご自身がお伝えしたほうが効果的だと思いますわ。指揮官様もそのほうが楽しめるかと…違いますか?フフフ Is there anything I would like to tell Akagi? Of course, I have many things I would like to impart with her, but perhaps it would be more appropriate that she hears those words from you, Commander. And perhaps, that would be the more interesting way of doing things... Don't you agree? Hehe~
Main 加贺的妹妹,果然很擅长画画呢…我家赤城…嗯,赤城也是挺可爱的呢 加賀の妹、相変わらず絵が上手で…うちの赤城は…ううん、赤城も赤城で可愛げがありますわ Kaga's younger sister is quite skilled at drawing... As for my sister, well... Akagi has her own charming points~
Main 2 这不善运动的身体给您多添麻烦了,主上…谢谢您能这么陪着我 元々運動に不得手な体のせいでご迷惑を…指揮官様、お付き合いいただきお礼申し上げます I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you due to my less than ideal health, but I would like to say... Commander, you have my deepest gratitude for looking after me all this time.
Main 3 要吃点什么吗?这是我和加贺她们准备的小点,想着主上一定会来就餐,也一并让大家准备了您喜欢的食物。呵呵呵 軽食でもお召し上がりになりますか?加賀たちと準備していたものがございます。指揮官様がいらっしゃることを想定してお好みの献立も用意させております。フフフ Would a light meal be to your liking, Commander? Kaga, Akagi, and I worked together to make this. We chose our dishes assuming that you would also be here to partake in our cooking. Hehe~
Touch 我是不会漂走的。因为主上您和赤城都是如此期望的啊 どこにも行きませんわ。指揮官様と赤城がそう望んでいますもの I'm not going anywhere, Commander. That's what you and Akagi wished for, after all.
Touch (Special) 主上,在做这种事之前,还是先注意下周遭的视线比较好哦 指揮官様、これはいささか人目に気を配っておくべきかと Commander, I would advise you to pay closer attention to your surroundings before doing things like this...
Touch (Headpat) 您这是… これはこれは… Oh my, what's this...?
Mission 任务就交给天城吧 任務は天城におまかせくださいませ Please entrust this assignment to Amagi.
Mission Complete 这里是任务报酬,请您过目 任務報酬です。ご確認くださいませ The mission rewards have arrived. Please look over them.
Mail 新的信件——是好消息。不用担心 新しいお手紙――いい情報でございます。どうか心配なさらず New mail has arrived — yes, it's good news. You need not be concerned.
Return to Port 主上平安无事就好。港区的伙伴们都在盼着您的归来呢 ご無事でなによりです。母港の仲間たちも指揮官様の帰還を心待ちにしておりました Thank goodness you're back. Everyone here at port was waiting for your safe return, Commander.
Commission Complete 主上,委托完成了。要不要让她们准备好就直接来这边? 指揮官様、委託が完了しましたわ。支度が終わり次第、委託の子たちを直接こちらにお呼びしましょうか Commander, a commission has been completed. Shall I summon the returnees here once they are finished with their preparations?
Flagship 先开始构筑阵型吧 まずは陣形を構築しましょう First, let us assemble our formation.
Defeat 咳咳…稍微有点着凉了吗… げほげほ…少し風に当たりすぎたのかしら… *cough* *cough*... I wonder if I am coming down with a cold...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 咬…啊。主上,宴会还没结束,怎么来这里了?主角偷偷溜出来,替您控场的伙伴估计要困扰了…呵呵,倒也没说不行哦? はむっ…あ。指揮官様、宴会の途中なのにどうしてここに?主賓がこっそり抜け出しては会場を仕切る子が困りましょう…ふふふ、ダメ、というわけではございませんよ? *munch*... Ah. Commander, the banquet isn't over yet. What brings you here? When a host sneaks out, that causes trouble for the person cleaning up after them... Heehee, I didn't say NOT to, now, did I?
Acquisition 咬…啊。主上,宴会还没结束,怎么来这里了?主角偷偷溜出来,替您控场的伙伴估计要困扰了…呵呵,倒也没说不行哦? はむっ…あ。指揮官様、宴会の途中なのにどうしてここに?主賓がこっそり抜け出しては会場を仕切る子が困りましょう…ふふふ、ダメ、というわけではございませんよ? *munch*... Ah. Commander, the banquet isn't over yet. What brings you here? When a host sneaks out, that causes trouble for the person cleaning up after them... Heehee, I didn't say NOT to, now, did I?
Login 主上也来一个吗?比叡她们准备的重樱点心,一不小心就想伸手一探…呵呵,又要被赤城她们担心了呢 指揮官様も一個いかがです?比叡たちが用意した重桜菓子、ついつい手を伸ばしてしまって…ふふふ、赤城たちにまた心配されてしまいますね Care for some Sakura confections, Commander? Hiei and the others made a whole bunch, and I just can't stop myself... Heehee, I'm sure Akagi will be worried about me again.
Details 和赤城已经见过面了?呵呵,那就好。那孩子只要主上不在就静不下来…不是说那孩子比较容易认死理,而是她说不定和长门一样,总是想背负整个重樱。因此主上,请好好引导赤城吧。 赤城とはもう会いました?ふふふ、ならよかったです。あの子は指揮官様がいないとどうにも落ち着かないようで…いえ、思い込みやすいところじゃありませんわ。あの子はおそらく長門様と同じように重桜を背負おうとしているのかもしれません。指揮官様、赤城のことを…ちゃんと導いてあげて Have you already seen Akagi? Heehee, good. She can never settle down unless you're around... No, it's not that she overthinks. I think she's a lot like Nagato, in that she tries to carry all of Sakura Empire on her back. Commander... Make sure you correct her course when she does.
Main 听说古时候的撒丁有躺着享受的宴会,主上也试着效仿一次如何?呵呵~ 古のサディアでは横になって楽しむ宴会があったと聞き及んでおりますが、指揮官様も一度それを見習ってみてはいかがです?ふふふ I've heard that in Sardegna, they have banquets where you eat lying down. Why don't you try it out, Commander? Heehee!
Main 2 葛城,一次性说太多主上只会觉得困扰哦?至少分成一半…不,按这个分量,应该分4、5次传达比较好… 葛城、あまりに長く喋り続けては指揮官様が困惑するだけですよ?せめて今の半分…いいえ、4、5回に分けて伝えたほうがいいですね… Katsuragi, prattling on for too long will only bother the Commander. At least divide your monologue into two... No, four or five segments would be better...
Main 3 主上,即使宴会的菜单再怎么豪华,也要注意别吃太多哦?嗯,这就算是…经验之谈吧。呵呵 指揮官様、宴会の献立がいくら素晴らしかろうと食べすぎないよう注意してくださいませ。ええ、これはそうですね…経験者の助言として受け取っていただければと。ふふふ Commander, I know the feast is bountiful, but try not to eat too much, okay? Call it... advice from an expert. Hahaha!
Touch (Special) 嗯…主上的所思所想,我已经摸得一清二楚了哦。呵呵~ んっ…指揮官様の手の内胸の内、既に探り終わっていますよ。フフフ Mm... I already know what you're thinking and feeling, Commander. Heehee!
Mission 主上,下次任务也能让我一起吗? 指揮官様、次の任務もご一緒してよろしいですか? Commander, may I accompany you on your next mission?
Mission Complete 任务报酬送到了。嗯,像这样的努力也反应到了宴会丰富的菜单上呢。 任務報酬が届いています。ええ、こうした努力も宴の献立の充実に反映されるでしょう Your mission rewards are here. Yes, I think the fruits of our efforts ought to be reflected in the coming banquet.
Return to Port 不愧是主上,恰如计划地归来了呢。呵呵,天城的作战能帮上忙,真是太好了。 計算通りの帰還ですね。さすがです。ふふふ、天城の作戦がお役に立ててなによりですわ You returned right on time. How punctual of you, Commander. Hahaha, I'm just happy that my strategies could help.
Commission Complete 委托结束了。主上,请放松休息吧。 委託が完了しましたわ。指揮官様、ごゆっくりお寛ぎくださいませ The commission is complete. Take it easy and relax, Commander.
Victory 为了慰劳大家,我想举办祝贺胜利的宴会,主上。 皆への労いとして、勝利の宴といきたいところです。指揮官様 I'd love to hold a banquet to celebrate everyone's victory. Your thoughts, Commander?
Affinity (Love) 咳咳…啊,主上,请不要露出这幅表情。这并不是你所想的那样——谢谢。递给我的不是药而是茶,说明主上已经很了解天城了呢。呵呵 げほげほ…あ、指揮官様、そのような顔をなさらないでください。これは違うんですっ――ありがとうございます。お薬ではなくお茶をくださったのは、指揮官様が既に天城のことを察してくださっていたからなのですね。ふふふ *cough* *cough*... Ah. Commander, I'm just fine. It's not what you think—Oh, thank you. That you've given me tea rather than medicine is proof that you know me well, hehehe.
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Login 主上,今天的作战方案,请过目~ 指揮官様、本日の作戦要項になります。お目通しをお願いしますね。フフフ Commander, I've prepared today's operational itinerary. Please take a look, heehee~
Main 主上,请用。这是凤翔给我的点心,真是……太可爱了。 指揮官様、どうぞお召し上がりください。鳳翔からの差し入れのお菓子です――ふふ、本当に……可愛らしいお菓子ですよね Commander, please enjoy these snacks that Houshou brought over. Heehee, don't you think they're... a bit too cute?
Main 2 谋定而后动,知止而有得。主上,您又会如何决定舍与得呢? 謀定まった後に動き、止むことを知って得となす――指揮官様なら、どんな取捨選択をするのでしょうか? Plan carefully before taking action, and know what your limits are. I do wonder, Commander—what sort of decisions will you ultimately make?
Touch (Special) 主上,这样的话天城的身体会…… 指揮官様、これでは天城の体は…… Commander, if you do this, my body will...
Low HP 主上……还在等着胜利的消息! 指揮官様は…まだ勝利の知らせをお待ちになっています…! Commander... is still waiting for news of our victory!
Affinity (Love) 看着主上的脸,感觉就连病痛都减弱了不少……咳,呼……就算是为了主上,天城都会多支撑一段时间的。 お顔を見ていると、病の辛さも和らいだような気がします。ゲホゲホ…ふぅ……ふふふ、指揮官様のためにも天城、精一杯生き永らえないといけませんね When I see your face, it feels as if even illness cannot knock me down. *cough* *cough*... Heh... Heehee~ For your sake, Commander, I will do everything in my power to live on.