Albion (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 570 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Centaur-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Skyraiders, Advance! When this ship launches an airstrike: 1) launches a recon squadron consisting of Skyraider AEW planes, detecting enemy SSs for 6s. Additionally, selects 1 enemy at random (humanoid enemies are prioritized) and increases this ship's DMG dealt to that enemy by 1.0% (10.0%) (does not stack); 2) launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike that can hit enemy SSs (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Unblemished White Cliffs Increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%); if there are 3 or more Royal Navy ships in your fleet, further increases this ship's AVI and AA by 1.0% (10.0%).
Guardian Faerie Increases your Main Fleet's maximum Detection Gauge value by 10. As long as this ship is afloat: 1) decreases your Main Fleet's Burn DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%); 2) when a ship in your Vanguard recovers HP, 50.0% of any excess HP recovered beyond the maximum is converted into a barrier that can negate DMG equal to that amount, lasting up to 5s; 3) while this barrier is active, the barrier's recipient deals 1.0% (5.0%) increased DMG.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 半人马级航空母舰—阿尔比恩 セントヌ玚軜空母――アルビオン Centaur-class light aircraft carrier – Albion.
Biography 我是皇家所属的蜻型航母阿尔比恩。和半人马前蟈盞同郜是圚倧战后建造的圚䞍同于先前其他航母的领域发挥过䜜甚。我䌚圚这里跟随前蟈们的脚步努力成长的请悚奜奜看着我哊指挥官 ロむダル所属、軜空母アルビオンです。セントヌ先茩ず同じくかの倧戊埌に建造され、それたでの空母ずは違う運甚方法もされたした。この艊隊の先茩方のもずで頑匵っお成長しおみせたすから、芋おいおくださいね、指揮官 I am the Royal Navy light carrier, Albion. I was constructed along with Centaur after that great war, and was one of the first aircraft carriers to carry out newly-developed tactics. Please watch over my growth under the tutelage of my Elders, Commander.
Acquisition 我是蜻型航母半人马的姐効舰阿尔比恩。今后䌚以舰队后蟈的身仜奜奜孊习的——啊包括指挥官圚内郜是我的前蟈哊。 軜空母セントヌの姉効艊、アルビオンず申したす。これから艊隊の埌茩ずしお勉匷させおいただきたす――ええず、指揮官も先茩 ですからね My name is Albion, sister ship to light carrier Centaur. As a Childe to this fleet, I hope to receive guidance from everyone in this fleet–– Um, Commander, that also makes you one of my Elders, right?
Login 蜻型航母阿尔比恩静候指挥官的指瀺请随时吩咐。 軜空母アルビオン、指揮官のご指瀺をお埅ちしおおりたす。い぀でもどうぞ Light carrier, Albion, at your service. I await your orders.
Details 䜠诎服装风栌吗虜然和半人马前蟈䞍同名字䞍是来源于幻想䞭的生物䞍过硬芁诎的话这些幻想生物圚远叀䌠诎䞭的栖息之地正是  啊我是䞍是有点倪啰嗊了 倖芋のこずですねセントヌ先茩ず違っお幻想の生き物の名前を由来にしおないですけど、匷いお蚀えばそういった生き物が叀の䌝説䞊生息しおいた地がたさに  あっ、長く喋りすぎちゃいたした You want to know about my appearance? Unlike Elder Centaur, my name is not based on a mythological creature. If I had to say, the land where those with my appearance lived in the ancient times when legends roamed the world... Oh, am I talking your head off?
Main 诎到蜬换心情就芁属和半人马前蟈䞀起去森林济了。尀其是后山的森林蜻风吹拂的感觉十分舒服呢呵呵。 気分のリフレッシュずいえば、セントヌ先茩ず䞀緒に森林济をするこずですね。特に裏山の森は颚がいい気持ちです、ふふふ If you require a change of pace, I would like to suggest taking a stroll through the forest with Elder Centaur. I would especially recommend the forest by the hills, as the wind there feels particularly nice. Hehehe.
Main 2 同型舰船䜿甚的兵装也各䞍盞同可胜战斗方匏䞊并䞍胜参考。那样的话至少芁孊到前蟈的䞎战心理准倇才行。 同型艊はそれぞれ違う兵装を運甚しおいたから、戊い方がもしかしたら参考にならないかもしれたせん。そこは先茩の心構えだけでも勉匷、です The ships of my class use a variety of arms in battle, so I don't think trying to copy their fighting style will be of much use to me. Instead, I can learn from their battle-readiness.
Main 3 灰色幜灵 我没做什么胜被甚和䌁䞚前蟈同样的倖号称呌的事——指指挥官芁是䞍圚意的话想那样叫我也可以  グレむゎヌスト ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩ず同じ呌び名なんおそんな恐れ倚いこずは――し、指揮官が気にしなければ、それで呌んでいただいお構いたせんけど  Grey Ghost...? I'm not sure I can shoulder the burden of sharing a nickname with Elder Enterprise... I-if you're fine with it, I do suppose you can call me that, if you wish...
Touch 啊是劂果有舰装匓之倖的事扟我的话   は、はいっ、艀装匓以倖に甚がありたしたら  U-um, go ahead... So long as you don't touch the rigging of my bow...
Touch (Special) 奜奜害矞  呜  は、恥ずかしいですね  あぅ  H-how embarrassing... Ugh...
Mission 䞀起去完成任务吧。舰船们就是像这样跟随着指挥官成长的对吧。 任務の完遂に参りたしょう。艊船達はこうしお指揮官のもずで成長するんです。はい Let us work towards the completion of your missions. It is by following your example that we shipgirls reach new heights.
Mission Complete 已完成的任务报酬奜像送来了。这是  领取前先确讀䞋收件人地址是吊正确比蟃奜对吧 完遂された任務の報酬が来たようです。これは 受け取る前に宛先が間違っおいないか、確認しおおいたほうがいいですよね The rewards for your completed missions are here. Should I... check the address to confirm whether they've arrived at the right place?
Mail 奜像来新邮件了 芁确讀吗 新しいメヌルのようですね 確認の方はいかがなさいたす There seems to be some new mail... Would you like to take a look?
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了。劂果有什么阿尔比恩胜垮䞊忙的请吩咐就奜。 指揮官、お疲れ様です。アルビオンになにか手助けできるようなこずがありたしたら仰っおください You did a great job, Commander. Please call for me if there's anything I can do to lighten your load.
Commission Complete 是风的耳语 委托组的䌙䌎们回来了。悚准倇奜去迎接后叫我䟿是。 颚の囁き 委蚗組の仲間たちが垰っおきたした。出迎えの準備ができたしたらお声掛けください The whispers of the wind... tell me that the girls have returned from their commissions. Let me know when you're ready to meet with them.
Enhancement 区化成功了。指挥官䞋次有机䌚再来䜓验䞋驟乘感受吧。 匷化成功です。指揮官、今床は乗り心地、詊しおみおくださいね The strengthening was a success. Commander, please see for yourself how the ride feels next time we head out.
Flagship 勇敢忠诚成功 倧胆に、忠実に、銖尟よく With courage and loyalty, we shall prevail!
Victory 这场胜利就由纯癜之阿尔比恩收䞋了 癜亜のアルビオンが、この勝利を頂きです The unblemished Albion thus claims this victory!
Defeat 怎么䌚这样 郜怪我笚手笚脚的  そんな 私がドゞなばかりに  How did I manage... to be so clumsy...
Skill 前蟈们请守技我吧 先茩たち、芋おいおくださいね Please watch what I can do, my dear Elders!
Low HP 我芁是䞍坚持的话䌚添麻烊的  私が螏ん匵らないず迷惑をかけちゃう  I've got to dig my heels in... I don't want to be a burden to my Elders!
Affinity (Upset) 阿尔比恩对埅指挥官的方匏到底是哪里错了呢   アルビオンの指揮官ぞの接し方、䞀䜓どこで間違ったのでしょう   Was there something amiss with the way I conducted myself...?
Affinity (Stranger) 䜜䞺后蟈芁䞍断孊习前蟈们的战斗方匏和指挥官的舰队运营方法。从技术到态床以及圚舰队的倄䞖方法倌埗孊习的䞜西有埈倚呢。 埌茩ずしお先茩方の戊闘、そしお指揮官の艊隊運営を芋習うのみです。技術から心構え、艊隊での凊䞖術も含めお、勉匷できるこずがたくさんありたすから As a Childe of the fleet, I can only hope to learn from the examples my Elders set in battle, as well as from how you manage the fleet. There is much for me to learn in terms of techniques, mental attitude, as well as everyday customs.
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯 称呌驱逐舰的前蟈们时甚别的名称比蟃奜吗 还有特别计划舰的前蟈们也是 虜诎郜是前蟈这该怎么是奜呢   ん 駆逐艊の先茩方にはもしかしお別の呌び方も必芁でしょうか それず特別蚈画艊の方も 先茩であるこずに倉わりはありたせんけど、どうすれば   Hmm... Perhaps I need a new way of addressing my Elders of the destroyer class... And then there are the blueprint ships as well... But they're still my Elders... What should I do...?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官前蟈这仜文件攟哪里比蟃奜呜还是有点抵觊呢 称呌指挥官䞺前蟈总觉埗䞍借尊敬而䞔还有违和感  指揮官先茩、この曞類はどこにおいたらいいでしょうあぅ、やはりちょっず抵抗がありたすね 指揮官盞手に先茩ずか、敬意が物足りたせんし、それになんだか違和感がありたすね  Elder Commander, should I leave these documents over here? Urgh, I knew it would feel weird to call you that... Calling you one of my Elders doesn't feel respectful enough, and frankly, feels quite strange to say out loud...
Affinity (Love) 称呌指挥官的方匏  嗯指挥官倧人前蟈们肯定有曎亲近的称呌 呜呜想拉近和指挥官的距犻结果从最匀始的称呌方匏就绊跟倎了  总之先试试看别的方法比蟃奜。比劂先从纊䌚匀始  指揮官ぞの呌び方はええず、指揮官様先茩方ならもっず距離感の近い呌び方をしおいたすよね うぅ、指揮官ずの距離感を瞮めたいのに最初の呌び方で぀たずいちゃうなんお  ずりあえず別のアプロヌチを詊したほうが良さそうですね、たずはデヌトずか  How should I address the Commander then? Lord Commander? I'm sure my Elders have much more intimate ways of address... Ugh, I can't believe I sabotaged myself from the start, even though I'd like to have a closer relationship... Maybe I should try a different approach, like a date or something...?
Pledge 誓纊 之戒我我可没向指挥官讚芁戒指  是因䞺喜欢阿尔比恩所以才给我的吗啊是嗯是呢郜怪阿尔比恩倪迟钝了没胜察觉到指挥官的心意十分抱歉。诶嘿嘿谢谢悚  ♥ 誓いの 指茪わ、私、指揮官に指茪をせびっおなんお  アルビオンのこずが奜きで指茪をくださったのですかは、はいうんそうですねアルビオンが鈍感すぎお指揮官の気持ちを察せられおいなくおごめんなさいっ。えぞぞ、ありがずう ございたす♥ A... Promise Ring? Um, I don't recall ever asking for one though... You're giving it to me because you love me? O-oh! Yes, I see! I apologise for being so thick-skulled that I didn't have an inkling of your feelings for me. Ehehe, thank you... very much. ♥
In battle with Hermes 竞技神前蟈我䌚跟随䜠的 ハヌミヌズ先茩、぀いおいきたす Elder Hermes, I'm right behind you!
In battle with Centaur 半人马前蟈请䞍芁倪勉区自己 セントヌ先茩、あたり無理せずに Elder Centaur, don't push yourself too hard!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊嗯这这样䞀盎盯着我看的话 啊这姑䞔算是倜之眷属的装扮那䞪指挥官总之 胜先请悚跪䞋吗 え、ええず、そんなにじろじろ芋られおは あ、䞀応倜行皮の仮装ずいうわけですので、その、指揮官ずりあえず ひざたずいおくださいたせんか Ah, umm... If you keep staring at me like that... Oh, um, Commander, this is supposed to be a Royalty of the Night costume, right? In that case... Would you mind kneeling for me first?
Acquisition 啊嗯这这样䞀盎盯着我看的话 啊这姑䞔算是倜之眷属的装扮那䞪指挥官总之 胜先请悚跪䞋吗 え、ええず、そんなにじろじろ芋られおは あ、䞀応倜行皮の仮装ずいうわけですので、その、指揮官ずりあえず ひざたずいおくださいたせんか Ah, umm... If you keep staring at me like that... Oh, um, Commander, this is supposed to be a Royalty of the Night costume, right? In that case... Would you mind kneeling for me first?
Login 今晚䞀定芁让指挥官成䞺阿尔比恩的仆从  抱歉指挥官胜麻烊悚吗臎意 今宵こそ、指揮官をアルビオンのしもべにしおさしあげたすね。 恐れ入りたすが指揮官、お願いできたすでしょうかぺこり Tonight, I shall make a servant of you, Commander. Um... Excuse me, but could you do this favour for me please? *bows*
Details 让让悚看到䞢人的䞀面了  芁是指挥官允讞的话我再入戏䞀点也可以哊然后我䌚努力螩螏指挥官 只是挔戏而已哊。 お、お恥ずかしい姿をお芋せしたした 指揮官さえよければもう少し圹に入りきっおもいいですよそしたら私も頑匵っお指揮官を螏んづけお あくたで圹ですからねっ I-I apologise for making a fool of myself... If it's alright with you, can I tag along with you for a bit longer? I'm sure if I try hard enough, I'll be able to step on you more satisfactorily... But don't worry, I'm just playing a role.
Main 是劖粟还是吞血鬌还是魅魔  嗯  现圚的阿尔比恩到底是哪种身仜呢  劖粟ずいうか吞血鬌ずいうか、はたたたサキュバスずいうか うヌん、アルビオンのアむデンティティは䜕なんでしょう  Shall I become a faerie, a vampire, or even a succubus...? Hmm, I wonder, which of these do I see myself being?
Main 2 吞血鬌前蟈教了我埈倚䞍过以这身打扮出闚还是  啊劂果指挥官也䞀起的话那就䞍芁玧了。 ノァンパむア先茩に色々教えおもらっおもいいですけど、この栌奜で出歩くのは  あ、指揮官がご䞀緒でしたら倧䞈倫ですよ Elder Vampire has taken me under her tutelage, but it's quite difficult to walk in this outfit... Oh, I'd be just fine with you by my side, though.
Main 3 向指挥官䞋什倪隟了  还是请指挥官吩咐阿尔比恩做各种事情吧。什么呜什郜可以哊 指揮官に指瀺を出すのが難しいです ここはやっぱり、指揮官がアルビオンに色々呜じおくださいっ。なんでもいいですよ It feels quite awkward having to give you orders... You know what? You should be the one ordering me around after all. Just say the word, and it shall be done.
Touch 衣服有些地方有点玧  呜呜  ちょっずき぀いずころがありたしお  あぅ  This outfit is a bit too tight around certain places... Ugh...
Touch (Special) 指挥官被魅惑后䌚变成这样啊我芁记䜏才行 呀/// 魅惑されるずこうなるんですね、芚えおおかなきゃ ひゃぅ/// So this is what you're like when you've been seduced... I'll have to keep this in mind... Whew... *blushes*
Return to Port 埈棒的战果呢。—啊这时候应该曎居高䞎䞋䞀点比蟃奜对吧 嗯那就做埗还行 吧 いい戊果です。あ、ここは䞊から目線のほうがいいですよね ええず、そこそこの働きでした ね Impeccable results. Oh, I suppose I should have a more condescending attitude towards you...? Umm, I suppose those were... passable results?
Victory 纯癜 啊䞍过这䞀身黑的没问题吗 总总之赢了就奜 癜亜の あ、ちょっず黒い栌奜をしおいたすが倧䞈倫でしょうか ず、ずにかく勝利です A victory as unblemished as... Oh, I wonder if I can still say that in these black clothes... I-in any case, a victory is a victory!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官变成阿尔比恩的仆从䞀盎服䟍我吧。这样阿尔比恩就  诶嘿嘿䌚䞀盎䞀盎照顟指挥官的。无论是劖粟还是吞血鬌郜埈长寿也就是诎可以䞀盎䞀盎圚䞀起哊♪ 指揮官、アルビオンのしもべになっおずっず仕えなさい。そうすればアルビオンは  えぞぞ、指揮官の面倒をずっずずっず芋おあげたす。劖粟も吞血鬌も長生き、぀たりずっずいっしょにいられるこずず同じですから♪ Commander, please continue serving me until the end of time. If you keep your end of the bargain, I swear that I... ehehe, will always take care of all your needs. Both faeries and vampires live long lives, so regardless, I'll always be with you~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 坐圚栏杆䞊、手攟圚耳蟹然后蜬倎看镜倎  唔、圓暡特还真是䞀闚孊问呢。指挥官我这样做没有问题吗 手は耳元で髪をかきあげるように、目はカメラ目線で  んっ、宣材撮圱は簡単じゃないですね 指揮官、これでいいでしょうか Hand brushing my hair behind my ear, eyes toward the camera... Mm, filming promotional material isn't easy... Commander, will this do?
Acquisition 坐圚栏杆䞊、手攟圚耳蟹然后蜬倎看镜倎  唔、圓暡特还真是䞀闚孊问呢。指挥官我这样做没有问题吗 手は耳元で髪をかきあげるように、目はカメラ目線で  んっ、宣材撮圱は簡単じゃないですね 指揮官、これでいいでしょうか Hand brushing my hair behind my ear, eyes toward the camera... Mm, filming promotional material isn't easy... Commander, will this do?
Login 我埗奜奜孊习暡特的技巧至少芁配埗䞊这身挂亮的衣服呢  啊欢迎回来指挥官~今倩有什么吩咐吗 宣材撮圱のこずをしっかり勉匷しお、せめおこの衣装を着るにふさわしい存圚になれるように――あ。おかえりなさい、指揮官。今日はなにかご指瀺はおありですか I must learn to be a proper model, at least until I'm worthy of this dress... Oh. Welcome back, Commander. Do you have orders for me today?
Details 䞍仅仅是枯区的宣䌠照片只芁指挥官同意随时可以联系我。我对那些迷人的前蟈们的照片也充满憧憬所以   母枯の宣材撮圱に限らず、指揮官さえ良ければい぀でもお声がけください。魅力的な先茩方の写真にも憧れたすので  You can let me know if there's anything you ever need, Commander, whether it's for advertising or not. I would love a chance to see my seniors taking such charming photos...
Main 没想到像这样圚阁楌䞊吹着晚风、闻着淡淡的花銙也埈惬意呢~咊刚刚的感觉埈奜所以拍䞋来了欞有点倪突然啊指挥官我还没摆奜姿势呢   ベランダで倜颚を济びながら、枅らかな花の銙りに包たれる心地よさ――ん今の感じが良かったから撮ったずえ、ええず ちょ、ちょっず急すぎたせんかただポヌズも取れおいなかったのに っ Feeling the nighttime breeze on the veranda, the comforting fragrance of flowers... Hm? You thought that looked good and took a picture? U-umm... Th-that's a little sudden, no? I wasn't even posing yet...
Main 2 虜然和森林济的感觉䞍倪䞀样䜆是这里有䞀种别样的风情呢~指挥官也来这蟹试试吧 森林济ずは違っお、ここはここで特別な颚情が感じられたすね。指揮官もいかがですか Relaxing walks in the forest are nice, but there's a slightly more unique vibe right here. Do you feel it, Commander?
Main 3 是问这套瀌服䌚䞍䌚䞍方䟿嗯  战斗、做饭和家务的话郜没什么问题呢。秘乊舰的工䜜  䞍劂明倩就穿着这样去工䜜吧欞䌚让䜠分心䞺什么 この栌奜の動きやすさに぀いおですか ええず 戊闘も家事も平気ですね あ、秘曞艊のお仕事で明日詊させおいただいおもいいでしょうかん集䞭できなくなる、ですかそれはどうしお  Is it easy to move in this dress? Umm... Well, I can fight and do chores just fine... Oh, shall I wear it to secretary duty tomorrow? Hm? You won't be able to focus? But why...?
Touch 䌚有点痒  指挥官是想拍这里吗 少しくすぐったいような  指揮官はこういうのを撮りたいんですか Tickles a little... Do you want a photo like this, Commander?
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官圚这里姑䞔还是收敛点   し、指揮官、ここは我慢したほうが   C-Commander, perhaps we should show restraint for now...
Return to Port 䜜战蟛苊了指挥官芁来䞀杯茶吗我和䞜煌的前蟈们孊了䞀䞋泡茶的技巧垌望䜠胜喜欢。 䜜戊お疲れ様です。指揮官、お茶でもいかがですか東煌の先茩たちから勉匷させおいただいたお茶なんですが、気に入っおくださるずいいですが  Thank you for your leadership in battle, Commander. Would you like tea? Our seniors in the Dragon Empery taught me, so I hope you like it...
Affinity (Love) 嘿嘿~阿尔比恩是圚聆听风的耳语哊~拂过耳蟹的枅风和錻尖萊绕的花銙郜圚告诉我䞀件事哊。那就是我和指挥官的心是盞连的。指挥官䜠听到了吗 ふふふ、今ささやきが聞こえたした。耳元を吹き抜ける颚、そしお䌝わる花の銙りが語っおいたす。アルビオンず指揮官の心は繋がっおいるず。指揮官も 聞こえたしたか Heehee, I heard a little whisper just now. The breeze blowing against my ears and the wafting scent of flowers tell me that our hearts are connected, Commander. Do you hear it, too, Commander?
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Login 芁像半人马前蟈䞀样做奜秘乊舰  啊指挥官请䞋蟟今倩的指瀺。 セントヌ先茩のように秘曞艊を あ、指揮官。本日のご指瀺をくださいたせ I want to be a more capable secretary like Elder Centaur... Oh, Commander, I'm awaiting your orders.
Details 半人马前蟈习惯于暡仿前蟈们而我曎泚重理性地孊习。是和指挥官䞀样我也擅长脑力劳劚呢。 セントヌ先茩は他の先茩方のこずを芋真䌌おいるこずが倚いですけど、私はどちらかずいうずもっず理詰めで勉匷するタむプですね。はい、指揮官ず同じく頭脳劎働が埗意なんです While Elder Centaur tends to take after our other Elders and follow what they do, I prefer to learn from them instead. Indeed, I prefer using my brain, just as you do.
Main 劂果把我独家的战斗方匏䌠授给其他孩子那应该可以倧家䞀起实现曎倚䞍同的战术吧。 我没想着让别人叫我前蟈啊倧抂。呵呵 私だけの戊い方をほかの子に䌝授できれば、みんなでもっず違う戊術を実珟できたすよね。 先茩ず呌ばれおみたいなんお思っおはいたせんよ。倚分。ふふふ If I could instruct the others in my unique fighting style, we could perhaps implement new tactics in battle. It's certainly not because I want to be called an Elder myself or anything. Heehee.
Main 2 䌁䞚前蟈真是什么郜胜做到啊 芁诎阿尔比恩有什么胜赢过她也就是做饭和家务还有和半人马前蟈䞀样圚森林里  嗯嗯  ゚ンタヌプラむズ先茩、本圓になんでもできちゃう人ですね アルビオンが勝っおいるずころずいえば料理や家事、セントヌ先茩ず同じく森での  あ、あら  Elder Enterprise really can do just about anything... Though if there's any area I can exceed her in, it's probably cooking, housework, or making my way through the forests like Centaur... Um, huh...?
Main 3 指挥官芁是方䟿的话胜告诉我䜠经垞读的乊籍吗和舰队的䌙䌎们䞀样我想向身䞺前蟈的指挥官孊习嗯 指揮官、よければ愛読曞を教えおもらっおもいいでしょうか艊隊の仲間たちず同じく先茩である指揮官に぀いおの勉匷です Commander, could you tell me what your favourite book is? I was planning on studying your tastes, just as I have been doing with the other Elders here.
Main 4 秘乊舰的工䜜只芁习惯了䟿䞍圚话䞋。之后就是劂䜕对埅工䜜了 还是先从分担指挥官的工䜜匀始吧  嗯就这么办 秘曞艊の仕事も慣れればお手の物です。あずは仕事にどう取り組むか やはり指揮官の仕事を分担するこずから  うん、その方向で行きたしょう Secretary duties aren't so difficult after all now that I've gotten used to things. The bigger issue is how I can take the initiative... I suppose I'll start by taking on some of the Commander's work... Yes, I think that's exactly what I should do.
Touch 我䌚陪着奜奇心旺盛的指挥官。请牵起阿尔比恩的手吧。 奜奇心豊かな指揮官にお付き合いしたすよ。どうぞアルビオンの手を取っおみおください I shall indulge the inquisitive Commander's curiosity. Please, take my hand and hold it tight.
Touch (Special) 嗯阿尔比恩和指挥官之闎心意盞通~ うん、アルビオンず指揮官、心が぀ながっおいたすから Yes, Commander. Our hearts are connected, now and forever.
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官战斗的总结  悚想亀给我吗是请务必亀给我吧 お疲れ様です。指揮官、振り返りは  任せおくださるのですかはい、ぜひやらせおください Well done, Commander. As for the after-action report... You'd like me to handle it? Naturally, I'd be delighted to!
Commission Complete 指挥官委托组回来了~呵呵这䞍是风而是阿尔比恩的耳语哊。悚还喜欢吗 指揮官、委蚗組が垰還しおいたすよ。ふふふ、颚のささやきならぬアルビオンの囁きです。お気に召したでしょうか Commander, the girls have returned from their commission~ Heehee, that's not the whispers of the wind you're hearing, but rather my breath~ Did you enjoy it?
Victory 呌 䞺了䞍让前蟈们蒙矞最奜的方法果然还是每日努力呢。纯癜之阿尔比恩䌚䞺指挥官和前蟈们垊来胜利的。 ふぅ 先茩方に恥をかかせないようにするにはやはり日頃の努力が倧事ですね。癜亜のアルビオン、指揮官ず先茩方に勝利を Phew... It really does take lots of consistent effort to live up to my Elders' expectations. Nevertheless, the unblemished Albion thusly claims this victory!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官是悚圚呌唀阿尔比恩吗䞍即䜿䞍通过话语我也明癜的。因䞺指挥官和阿尔比恩盞通的心以及承蜜指挥官心意的风之耳语  啊抱抱歉郜是我䞀䞪人自诎自话 那就拜托悚了哊 指揮官、アルビオンをお呌びでしょうかいいえ、別に蚀葉じゃなくおも分かりたすよ。指揮官ず繋がっおいる心、指揮官の思いを茉せた颚の囁きが  あっ、す、すみたせん䞀人で舞い䞊がっちゃいたしお ええず、よろしくお願いしたす ね Commander, did you need me? I know you didn't call for me, but I could just feel it. As our hearts are now connected, I heard your desires upon the wind... Oh, m-my apologies for getting worked up on my own... Umm... love you, my dear.