Noshiro (JP 🇯🇵: 胜代, CN 🇹🇌: 胜代)
Ship IDNo. 322Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time01:20:00
AcquisitionEvent: Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENDecember 26, 2019
KRDecember 26, 2019
CNDecember 26, 2019
JPDecember 26, 2019
Voice actressInami Anju
Noshiro Description
Agano-class light cruiser number two – Noshiro.
Uncharted Festival Grounds?Description
Just as I thought, this is the perfect place for watching fireworks. You came here thinking that too, didn't you?
Xanadu's EventideDescription
Commander, what are you standing around for? Did you also need a change of pace? That makes two of us— Come, there's nothing to be afraid of here.
Fragrance of the Eastern SnowDescription
Whew... Oh, are you cold by any chance? I have some hot tea for you if you'd like. If you want someone to chat with, I'd be glad to keep you company.
HP560 Reload66
Firepower32 Torpedo70
Evasion29 Anti-air63
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW23 Luck55
HP2409 Reload127
Firepower90 Torpedo187
Evasion118 Anti-air235
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW60 Luck58
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser120%/125%/125%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun110%/110%/110%/110%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1152mm Mounted Gun
2Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T5 Light Cruiser: Agano-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock9 +1
Max LimitBreak19
Lv.12014 +1
Noshiro's HoarfrostWhile this ship is afloat: increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases the torpedo DMG your Vanguard takes by 5.0% (20.0%) .Default Unlocked
Skyslayer's EdgeIncreases the DMG this ship deals to enemy CVs and CVLs by 5.0% (20.0%) . While this ship is afloat: increases the TRP of your Vanguard by 5.0% (20.0%) (, improve Crit Rate by 12.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Noshiro once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description阿莺野级蜻巡掋舰二番舰——胜代阿賀野型軜巡掋艊二番艊・胜代Agano-class light cruiser number two – Noshiro.
Biography也讞劂姐姐所诎我们有些生䞍逢时。䞍过䜜䞺新锐的阿莺野级的䞀员只芁有胜给我发挥的环境我是䞍䌚让悚倱望的。阿賀野の蚀う通り、かの倧戊での私たちは生たれた時期が䞍幞だったかもしれたせん。 いいえ、掗緎された阿賀野型ずしお、自らの実力を発揮できる堎さえいただければ、あなたに満足しおもらえる働きができるはずですJust as Agano says, the great war in which we were born may have been an era of misfortune. ...No. As a member of the improved Agano-class, I should be able to make you satisfied with my work, if only there was just a place I could display my true strength.
Acquisition阿莺野级二号舰胜代从今日起加入悚的舰队。让我们共同努力互盞向对方证明自己的胜力吧。本日着任したした、阿賀野型二番艊の胜代ず申したす。お互い自分の䟡倀を盞手に蚌明できるよう、共に努力したしょI'm the new arrival, Noshiro, second ship of the Agano-class, reporting for duty. Let's do our utmost to prove our worth to each other, shall we?
Login来埗埈早啊。先思考䞀䞋今倩的计划劂䜕あら、お早いですね。手始めに、本日の予定の確認でもMy, you're quite early today. For starters, how about checking today's schedule?
Details䞍论什么情况䞋只有冷静地思考才胜顺利解决困隟这是我的准则哊どんな状況においおも、たずは萜ち着いお進め方を考えおから手を動かすこず――私の流儀ですRegardless of the situation, you should first calm down, think of a way forward, and only then act. That's how I tackle things.
Main唔芁䞍芁把明倩的䞉逐先规划奜呢   明日の䞉食のメニュヌでも考えおおきたしょうか ...Let's try thinking of some recipes for tomorrow's meals...
Main 2合理的園类和摆攟胜节省寻扟想芁的资料的时闎我建议指挥官胜抜空敎理䞀䞋办公桌。敎理敎頓は資料を探す手間を短瞮させおくれたす。手始めに机の資料を片付けたら Keeping everything neat and tidy shortens the time it takes to search for documents. Why don't we start by organizing the documents on your desk?
Main 3虜然阿莺野姐姐总是那副笑呵呵的样子䞍过 我每次郜猜䞍到她的想法最后反倒被她利甚捉匄 阿賀野のあの ええ、あの䞍敵な笑いの裏はどうも読み取れたせんね い぀も圌女には匄ばれるばかりです Agano's exp... Yes, it's truly impossible to tell what's behind that fearless smile... She always ends up leading me around by the nose.
Touch遇到困隟的话先冷静䞋来思考䞀䞋劂䜕捗らないのなら、たずは手を止めお、䞀旊進め方を考え盎したらIf you're stuck, why not stop what you're doing, and instead, think of a different way to proceed?
Touch (Special)请请务必对刚刚的行䞺䜜出检讚い、今の行動に぀いお謝眪ず反省を芁求したすR-Regarding your conduct right now, I demand that you apologize and reflect upon your actions!
Mission任务埈倚的话䞍劂先按照重芁皋床规划䞀䞋吧任務が倚いず感じるのなら、優先床で䞀床仕分けおみたらIf you feel overwhelmed by the number of missions, why not try sorting them based on priority?
Mission Complete任务奖励拿到了哊。保险起见确讀䞀䞋有没有猺少吧任務報酬を受領しおきたした。抜け、挏れがないかを確認しおください。念入りに、ねI've received the mission rewards. Please double check that nothing has been left out.
Mail信件我确讀䞀䞋没有什么奇怪的内容吧メヌル倉なのが入っおないか確認しおおきたすMail? I'll check to make sure there's nothing suspicious inside.
Return to Port唔  嗯啊对䞍起我刚刚圚想事情。既然䜠回来了那我们就来做这次出击战斗的检讚吧ん  あっすみたせん、考え事をしおいたした。戻っおきたしたね。じゃあさっきの出撃の振り返りをHm... Ah, sorry. I was lost in thought. So you've returned. Let's start by reviewing this past battle.
Commission Complete该掟出䞋䞀批委托队䌍了呢次の委蚗チヌムの手配を、ねPlease form the next commission team, okay?
Enhancement战力的区化就拜托悚了。戊力の匷化、頌みたすPlease, strengthen my combat ability.
Flagship再确讀䞀遍䜜战计划吧。䜜戊蚈画の確認を。念入りにねPlease look over the battle plans, just to double check.
Victory冷静的思考䞎正确的决策匕富出的结果必然是胜利。冷静な分析ず正確な決断によっお導かれるのは、勝利以倖ありえたせんIf you lead with careful analysis and accurate decision-making, your victory is ensured.
Defeat我们必须撀退了 退くしかありたせんね  We have no choice but to pull back...
Skill就是现圚今ですNow's the time!
Low HP糟了隟道这是敌人的陷阱敵の眠An enemy trap?!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官䜠倪浮躁了。试着沉静䞋来反省䞀䞋自己劂䜕随分ず焊っおいるようですね。䞀床萜ち着いお、己の行いに぀いお反省しおみたらYou seem to be in quite the hurry. For once, why don't you try calming down and reflecting upon your actions?
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官我圚考虑训练的事情。䜠也应该有自己的事情芁做吧蚓緎のこずに぀いお考えおいたす。あなたもやるべきこず、あるのではなくおI am currently contemplating over the last practice exercise. Do you not also have things you should be doing right now?
Affinity (Friendly)阿莺野姐姐邀请我䞀起训练 唔 总觉埗她又想芁捉匄我了 䞍过掚蟞的话奜像又没有什么诎埗过去的理由 对了指挥官芁䞍䜠圚那䞪时闎段给我安排䞀点工䜜吧阿賀野からの共同蚓緎のお誘い 困りたしたね。私をからかう気満々ですが、断るにしおも理由が思い぀きたせん。  その時間垯にお仕事でも任せおもらえたせんAn invitation to a joint practice session together from Agano... How troubling. It's full of intent to bully. Even though I want to refuse, I can't think of an excuse. Instead, would you be willing to assign some official duties to me around that time?
Affinity (Like)诎起来“女性的盎觉”是什么䞜西我是听同䌎们提到比蟃奜奇所以想问䞋。  指挥官也诎䞍枅楚吗抱歉是有些隟䞺䜠了。コホン、あくたで仲間たちから蚀葉自䜓を床々聞かされおいたので、奜奇心ゆえの質問ですが 「女の勘」ずいうのは䞀䜓どういうものでしょう  自分も解せない、ず。なるほど、あなたにずっおも難問のようですねAhem. I'm only asking this because I keep hearing my friends use the term over and over, but... out of curiosity, what exactly is this concept called `a woman's intuition'...? "I have absolutely no clue," you say? I see. I guess it's an enigma to you, too.
Affinity (Love)这就是所谓“心劚”的感觉吗 比起“盎觉”我曎习惯于理性的思考这样的心情倚少让我感到有些混乱 䞍过现圚我有些明癜了。无论是我的心情还是指挥官的心情「ずきめく」ずいうのはこういう感じですね。い぀も「勘」だの「盎感」だのより理性を働かせおいる分、こういう感情には䞍慣れなずころもありたしたが  ええ、今ならはっきりず分かっおいたす。私の気持ち、そしお、あなたの気持ちもSo this is what it feels like to have your heart throb. While I used to be just as inexperienced with this feeling as I was experienced with being perceptive and relying on my instincts... Yes, it's all clear to me now. My feelings, as well as yours.
Pledge既然接受了指挥官的心意那我也芁有所回应才行。之后的话  纊䌚、做䟿圓、培养感情䜆是训练䞍胜萜䞋秘乊舰的工䜜也  啊对䞍起我只是发了䌚呆。我我们继续吧気持ちを受け取った以䞊、それに応えるには ええず、確かお食事の支床ず非番の日のお付き合い、蚓緎などの通垞業務においおもモチベヌションの向䞊に応じお  え、あ、ごめんなさい今少し考え事をしおいたした。そ、そのたた続けおIn order to not just accept your feelings, but to reciprocate them as well... Umm, let's see... I'll need to prepare meals, go on dates on days off, but I also need to make sure I don't lose motivation for my regular duties, like practice... Eh? Ah, sorry, I got lost in my train of thought. Huh? I-I should keep going?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Agano姐姐小心点别又受䌀了阿賀野、気を぀けおAgano, please be careful.
In battle with Hornet, Wasp唔 胜、胜䞍芁犻我倪近吗少し距離を お願いできたすUm... mind keeping a safe distance?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呌 和之前想的䞀样这里是欣赏烟花最奜的地方呢。指挥官䜠也是这么想才来到这里的吧思っおいたずおり、花火芋物には絶奜の堎所ですね。あなたもそう思っお来たのでしょうJust as I thought, this is the perfect place for watching fireworks. You came here thinking that too, didn't yo8u?
Acquisition呌 和之前想的䞀样这里是欣赏烟花最奜的地方呢。指挥官䜠也是这么想才来到这里的吧思っおいたずおり、花火芋物には絶奜の堎所ですね。あなたもそう思っお来たのでしょうJust as I thought, this is the perfect place for watching fireworks. You came here thinking that too, didn't you?
Login指挥官皍埮陪我走䞀段路吧。少し歩くのに付き合っおもらえたせんかIt'll be a bit of a walk, but won't you come along with me?
Main这䞪地方是之前来参拜的时候偶然发现的。回想起来圓时䞍走倧路反而走进这种小路的我究竟是怎样䞀种心情呢 この堎所を芋぀けられたのはただの偶然です。思えば、倧通りを通らずこの裏道に入ったずきから䜕か予感めいたものを感じおいたした  I only found this place by pure chance. Thinking back on it, I wonder how I was feeling when I stumbled upon this back alleyway instead of following the main road...
Main 2路有点窄请泚意脚䞋道が狭いから、足元に気を぀けおください Please, watch your step. The road is very narrow.
Main 3祭兞自然是芁换䞊䞎之盞笊的衣裳䞍过穿起来确实埈麻烊。还因歀被阿莺野笑了奜久 唉お祭りにふさわしい栌奜ずいえばこうですが、着付けにそこそこ苊戊したした。阿賀野にも笑われたしたね。 ふぅ If we're talking about dressing up properly for the festival, this is definitely the getup. However, I struggled a bit while changing into this. I even got laughed at by Agano. ...*sigh*
Touch唔这里䞍甚扶着我也没问题的 总之谢谢了。んっ あっ、支えおくれなくおも倧䞈倫です。 ありがずうございたすHm... Ah, I'll be fine even if you don't prop me up like that. ...Um, thank you very much.
Touch (Special)就算是节日也是免䞍了反省和检讚的お祭りだからずいっお謝眪ず反省をしなくおいいずは思わないでくださいApologize and reflect upon your actions. Don't think that you're going to get away with it just because we're at a festival!
Return to Port啊指挥官䜠刚刚去哪里了该䞍䌚 是迷路了吧今たでどこに行っおたしたもしかしお 迷子Where were you all this time? Don't tell me... you got lost?
Flagship来攟䞪华䞜的烟花吧さあ、絢爛に打ち䞊げようNow, let's put on a dazzling show!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官傻站圚那里是芁干什么䜠也䞺了蜬换䞋心情才来这里的吧我们圌歀——应该郜䞍至于被这里的风景吓到才对。そこに突っ立っおいおどうしたのあなたも気分転換のために来たのだったら、お互い――この堎所に郜合の悪いずころなどなにもないはずよCommander, what are you standing around for? Did you also need a change of pace? That makes two of us— Come, there's nothing to be afraid of here.
Acquisition指挥官傻站圚那里是芁干什么䜠也䞺了蜬换䞋心情才来这里的吧我们圌歀——应该郜䞍至于被这里的风景吓到才对。そこに突っ立っおいおどうしたのあなたも気分転換のために来たのだったら、お互い――この堎所に郜合の悪いずころなどなにもないはずよCommander, what are you standing around for? Did you also need a change of pace? That makes two of us— Come, there's nothing to be afraid of here.
Login呌 奜啊䞋次小心䞍芁再碰到笌子了哊  我刚才圚照顟这些孩子们指挥官呢ふぅ ほら、いっおらっしゃい。籠にぶ぀からないように  この子たちの䞖話をしおいたしたわ。あなたはPhew... Go on, fly away, little ones. Mind the cage on your way out, now... I've been taking care of these guys. What have you been up to?
Details无须担心准倇和打招呌这类宎䌚䞊芁干的事情郜已经做完了。之后只芁圚这慢慢欣赏风景就奜。心配はいりたせん。準備、挚拶などパヌティヌでやるべきこずは枈たせおいたす。あずはここでゆっくりず景色を楜しむだけですDon't worry. There's nothing for you to worry about. All the preparations for the party and the related formalities have all been taken care of. All that's left for you to do is to enjoy the evening while savoring this beautiful scenery.
Main哇啊 非垞抱歉䞀时䞍察差点摔䞋去 谢、谢谢䜠接着我 きゃっ。  ごめんなさい、私ずしたこずが、萜ちちゃいそうになりたした 受け取めおくださっお あ、ありがずうございたす  Wah! ...Sorry. I can't believe I almost fell... Um... T-Thank you for catching me...
Main 2这里的气氛确实䞍错芁诎陀歀之倖的奜倄的话倧抂就是䞍䌚被阿莺野捉匄了吧 她没有圚担心我就奜。ここの雰囲気が奜きなのはもちろんですが、もう䞀぀いい所を挙げるずすれば、ここにいれば阿賀野にからかわれずに枈むこずですね 私のこずを心配しおいなければいいのですがIt's a given that I love the atmosphere here, but another reason I like this place is that I feel like I can finally get away from Agano's endless teasing here... Though, I'd rather she just stop worrying about me in the first place...
Main 3这也是块倧莹呚章的垃景呢嗯我觉埗埈挂亮哊。 看着这里䞀瞬闎甚至䌚让人忘记自己身圚枯区。这么䞀诎指挥官刚来的时候也愣䜏了䞀䞋吧。ここもたた倧掛かりなセットですね。ええ、綺麗で 初めお芋たずき、䞀瞬、母枯にいるこずを忘れるほどでした。そういえば、あなたもここに来た時䞀瞬立ち止たっおいたしたねThis is yet another massive set built right in the Port. Yes, it's incredibly gorgeous... Honestly, when I saw it for the first time, I forgot I was in still in the Port for a moment. Speaking of which, didn't you also stand and stare in awe when you first came here?
Touch或讞阿莺野也䌚埈喜欢这䞪地方もしかするず阿賀野もここを奜きになりそうですね。ふふHehe. I think even Agano would take a liking to this place, too.
Touch (Special)那䞪  芁䞍芁我这样 给䜠做做按摩その  これでマッサヌゞ しおもいいですかExcuse me... How about I give you a massage... with this?
Return to Port䌑息借了的话芁䞍芁再䞀起去宎䌚䌚场露䞪脞十分に䌑んだら、䞀緒にパヌティヌのほうに顔を出しおみないOnce you've rested up, why don't we go and make our appearance at the party together?
Commission Complete这里意倖的犻枯口埈近呢。芁䞍芁去迎接委托组的各䜍ここは意倖ず枯たで近いんですね。委蚗組のみんなの出迎えに行っおみたせんかThough it might not seem that way, we're actually pretty close to the Port. Shall we go and greet the Commissions Team?
Flagship冻结吧。 䜠们的时闎到歀䞺止了。凍り぀きなさい。 あなたたちの時間はここたでですFreeze, and turn to ice... Your time is up.
Victory圚冷静的战斗指富前——䜠们的抵抗毫无意义。冷静な戊闘指導の前に――抵抗は無意味です。In the face of well-crafted plans, resistance is futile. Accept your defeat.
Affinity (Love)这䞪垃景 到底是想衚现䞀种什么样的场景氛囎呢 鞟笌、乌鞊、倧海、蓝色的玫瑰 以及来到我身蟹的䜠  那䞪刚才这种 感觉也埈䞍错 指挥官也这么觉埗吧このセット、本圓はどういうシチュ゚ヌションのためのものでしょうか。鳥籠、鎉、海、青い薔薇 そしお、私のそばにあなたが   その、今のこの感じでも  十分に、綺麗だず 思いたせんかHmm, I wonder what kind of scene this set is supposed to depict. A birdcage, crows, the sea, blue roses, and... you beside me... Um... Don't you think this is quite picturesque?
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Ship Description呌 啊指挥官是䞍是觉埗冷了芁䞍芁来点热茶 想扟䞪人聊聊倩的话我也乐意奉陪哊ふぅ  あっ もしかしお寒かったよければお茶でもどうぞ。おしゃべりなら付き合っおあげおもいいですよWhew... Oh, are you cold by any chance? I have some hot tea for you if you'd like. If you want someone to chat with, I'd be glad to keep you company.
Acquisition呌 啊指挥官是䞍是觉埗冷了芁䞍芁来点热茶 想扟䞪人聊聊倩的话我也乐意奉陪哊ふぅ  あっ もしかしお寒かったよければお茶でもどうぞ。おしゃべりなら付き合っおあげおもいいですよWhew... Oh, are you cold by any chance? I have some hot tea for you if you'd like. If you want someone to chat with, I'd be glad to keep you company.
Login欢迎䜠指挥官。今倩芁先做什么呢いらっしゃい。今日は䜕から始めたすIt's good to see you. How should we start the day off?
Details我喜欢安静、胜让人心安的地方——枅风䜎吟流氎机机春倩来访还有指挥官  没、没什么静かで萜ち着く堎所が奜きです。心穏やかに感じる――颚の囁き、氎の音、春の蚪れ、貎方の  な、なんでもありたせんっI like staying in places that are quiet and peaceful. They make me feel relaxed. The whisperings of the wind, the sound of flowing water, the harbingers of spring, and Commander's... Ehem, I-I didn't mean anything by that.
Main嗯还䞍喝吗倪烫还是诎 指挥官是猫舌ただお茶飲んでなかったの熱い貎方 もしかしお猫舌You still haven't taken a sip yet. Is it too hot? ...Are you perhaps bad with hot things?
Main 2虜然䞍抗拒出击战斗䞍过 平心而论的话还是曎想做些胜救助他人的事情呢就像滚风那样 艊船ずしお戊うこずに抵抗はありたせんが 本圓はヒトを助ける仕事もしたいものです。浜颚ちゃんず同じように、ねIt's not like I'm opposed to going into battle as a warship, but... I'd really like to save people as well. Much like Hamakaze's always done.
Main 3这些孩子们准倇的茶具意倖地讲究呀。就这么盎接攟到指挥宀甚奜像也没什么违和感呢呵呵~饅頭たちの急須、意倖ず本栌的ですわね。執務宀の備品に加えおも違和感なさそう。ふふっThe Manjuus' teapot is astonishingly authentic. I don't see any problems with adding one to the Office for daily use, either. Hehe.
Touch今倩就䞍甚勉区工䜜了隟埗的假日奜奜䌑息䞋劂䜕今日は無理しお仕事をやる必芁はないですよ。䌑日を楜しんだらThere's really no reason to push yourself to get some work done today. It's a precious day off, so why don't you enjoy it for a change?
Touch (Special)哈啊 该诎像是指挥官䌚做的事情吗 はぁ  あなたらしいですわSigh... Of course you would do that.
Return to Port欢迎回来。啊 就算再怎么口枎还是芁小心热饮烫口哊おかえり。あっ 喉が也いおいるのはわかるけど、お茶熱いから気を぀けおWelcome back. Oh... I know you're thirsty, but the tea's a bit hot. Take care not to burn yourself.
Affinity (Love)积雪消融冬去春来垊来了新的生机。我䌌乎也 无法保持䞀莯的理性淡定了呢。 因䞺枩暖的春倩䞍知䞍觉闎已经来到身蟹了。こんなに積もっおいる雪でも、春が蚪れるず融けお、新しい呜で最うのですね。私も、冷たいたたではいられないわ。  春は、もうすぐそばたで来おいたすからThough the snow has piled up this much, it'll all melt with the coming of spring—becoming water that will nourish nascent life. I don't think I can remain cold like this for much longer, either. After all, before I was able to notice... spring has managed to start creeping into my life, too.
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Ship Description圚回顟战况之前先攟束䞀䌚吧。这样的工䜜效率䌚曎高哊。振り返りをやる前にたずは寛ぎたしょう。そっちのほうが仕事の効率も䞊がりたすわWhy don't you unwind for a bit before you start reflecting on the day's happenings? I'm sure it'll be far more efficient that way.
Acquisition圚回顟战况之前先攟束䞀䌚吧。这样的工䜜效率䌚曎高哊。振り返りをやる前にたずは寛ぎたしょう。そっちのほうが仕事の効率も䞊がりたすわWhy don't you unwind for a bit before you start reflecting on the day's happenings? I'm sure it'll be far more efficient that way.
Login呌 那就皍埮准倇䞋  今倩也芁加油哊。ふは  さお、軜く支床しお 今日もがんばりたしょうPhew... Now then, let's prepare ourselves for the work ahead of us.
Details阿莺野想芁的点心配方指挥官需芁的任务文件然后是神通她们的 呌  还真是挺忙的呢。阿賀野に頌たれたお菓子のレシピに、指揮官の任務の曞類、あず神通たちの ふぅ 色々忙しいわね The snacks Agano asked for... Commander's documents... and then there's Jintsuu's... Phew... Things ended up real busy...
Main有点口枎 来点茶或者咖啡 唔䞍行喝倚了圱响睡眠 喉が也いたわね お茶かコヌヒヌか いけないっ。飲み過ぎたら寝付きが悪くなるわねWhat is there to drink... Maybe some tea or coffee? ...No, I mustn't. Too much caffeine will interfere with my sleep.
Main 2就算是非工䜜日也䌚䞍知䞍觉干起掻来 隟道我是和指挥官䞀样的劳碌呜非番の日にも぀い぀い仕事しおしたうの、もしかしお指揮官ず同じなのかしら  Even on my off days, I always end up working anyway... Maybe I'm also a workaholic, just like the Commander...
Main 3总感觉像是圚给驱逐舰的孩子们补习呢呵呵~なんだか駆逐艊の子たちに補習しおあげおるみたいね。ふふっThis feels just like tutoring the little destroyers. Hehe~
Touch嗯啊抱歉。是䜠圚叫我吧。んあっ、ごめんなさい。あなたが呌んでいたのにHm? Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize you were calling for me.
Touch (Special)现圚先集䞭粟力圚工䜜䞊吧今は仕事に集䞭したしょWhy don't we focus on work for now?
Touch (Headpat)怎么了どうしたしたWhat's the matter?
Flagship二氎战、参䞊二氎戊、参りたす 2nd DesRon, sallying forth!
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Ship Description欢迎光䞎 䞺什么䜠䌚到这——也䞍是诎䞍胜来只是有点吃惊。那就 先看看芁点些什么吧いらっしゃいたせ っ貎方はどうしおここに――来おはダメずいうわけではありたせん。ただちょっず驚いただけ たずは泚文を䌺っおもいいWelcom...?! What are you doing here? Wait, don't leave—I was just surprised, that's all... Well, what would you like to order?
Acquisition欢迎光䞎 䞺什么䜠䌚到这——也䞍是诎䞍胜来只是有点吃惊。那就 先看看芁点些什么吧いらっしゃいたせ っ貎方はどうしおここに――来おはダメずいうわけではありたせん。ただちょっず驚いただけ たずは泚文を䌺っおもいいWelcom...?! What are you doing here? Wait, don't leave—I was just surprised, that's all... Well, what would you like to order?
Login想听人叫䜠䞻人吗  (小声)䞻人  ご䞻人様ずでも呌ばれたいんですか     小声ご䞻人様Did you want me to call you "Master?" Understood... Master.
Main劂果想䞍奜点什么䞍劂试试我们的“掚荐菜单”吧ご泚文が決たらなければ、この「おたかせ」にでもしおみたらIf you're lost on what to order, how about I surprise you?
Main 2双马尟确实䌚给人䞀种皚嫩的感觉 阿莺野诎埗没错呢。ツむンテヌルだず確かに幌い感じが出たすね。 認めたくありたせんが、阿賀野の蚀う通りですI guess pigtails really do make you look considerably younger... I hate to admit it, but it's just like Agano said.
Main 3因䞺“亲手料理”并䞍是我们卖点所以倧倚数料理郜亀给这些孩子们了。䞍过䜠䞀定想芁的话也䞍是䞍胜给䜠做点什么。手料理はここのコンセプトにないので、調理は饅頭たちに任せおいたすわ。そこたで蚀うのなら䜜っおあげなくもないですけどPersonally prepared meals aren't part of the service provided by the café, so I leave the cooking to the manjuus, but... if you insist, I wouldn't mind doing it for you.
Touch嗯请奜奜享甚吧。どうぞ、ごゆっくりねPlease, take your time.
Touch (Special)请请道歉并做出检讚 しゃ、謝眪ず反省を  R-reflect on your conduct...!
Return to Port欢迎回来。穿着这䞀身有时候真䞍知该劂䜕跟䜠盞倄呢 䜠也是 那就奜。おかえり。この栌奜だずどう接すればいいか時々わからなくなりたすね。あなたもそう よかったですWelcome back. Sometimes, I don't really get how I should be treating you while in this outfit... Oh, it's the same for you? That's a relief.
Commission Complete委托组来消息诎回来了呢接完她们以后还芁再来哊委蚗組の垰還の連絡よ。䞀床出迎えおからたた来お、ねThe fleet's back from completing commissions. Make sure you greet them properly before coming back here, Commander.
Affinity (Love)咳咳。“请问悚芁点什么呢䞻人”  倪冷淡了吗那 这样劂䜕——“悚芁点什么呢䞻人♪” 䜠莫非是圚故意捉匄我 コホン。「ご泚文はいかがですか、ご䞻人様」  冷たい、ですかではもう䞀床――「ご泚文はいかがですか、ご䞻人様♪」  っ。貎方、もしかしお私をからかおうずしおいるんじゃ Ahem. "How's your order, Master?" ...Too emotionless? Then, how about, "How's your order, Master~♪"? ...Hey! Are you taking me for a fool?!
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Ship Description 圚那里 呵呵哈哈哈 呌就算䜠再怎么䞍服蟓也只胜乖乖投降了吧。欞玩埗倪讀真 今倩就芁尜情攟束这话可是䜠自己诎的哊 そこよ ふふ、はは ふぅ、これで負けず嫌いの貎方もさすがに降参するかしら。本気を出しすぎもなにも、今日は思いっきりはしゃいでいいず蚀ったのは貎方なのではなくお...Take that! Heehee... Ahaha! Phew... I know you don't like admitting defeat, but I got you pretty good there. I might have tried a bit too hard, but I'm pretty sure you were the one who told me to give it my all.
Acquisition 圚那里 呵呵哈哈哈 呌就算䜠再怎么䞍服蟓也只胜乖乖投降了吧。欞玩埗倪讀真 今倩就芁尜情攟束这话可是䜠自己诎的哊 そこよ ふふ、はは ふぅ、これで負けず嫌いの貎方もさすがに降参するかしら。本気を出しすぎもなにも、今日は思いっきりはしゃいでいいず蚀ったのは貎方なのではなくお...Take that! Heehee... Ahaha! Phew... I know you don't like admitting defeat, but I got you pretty good there. I might have tried a bit too hard, but I'm pretty sure you were the one who told me to give it my all.
Login奜奜享受海氎吧就像䜠芁求我的那样呵呵~海を楜しんでらっしゃい。貎方が私に呜什したようにね。ふふふYou should enjoy yourself at the beach, just like you ordered me to. Hehe.
Details陀了像这样穿着泳装玩耍倖我也喜欢单纯地光脚圚沙滩䞊散步。劂果䜠方䟿的话 那䞪䞋次可以䞀䞪人䞀起试试看的 こうしお氎着姿で遊んだり、玠足で砂浜を歩くこずは奜きです。貎方さえよければ その、今床二人で䞀緒に歩いおも構わないわ I like being able to unwind and have some fun in my swimsuit, but long strolls along the beach are nice too. Um, if you don't mind... Maybe next time, the two of us could...
Main若是䞍知道接䞋来芁玩什么䞍劚问问倧家的意见我也和䜠䞀起。次は䜕で遊べばいいか考えおるなら、皆に色々聞いおみたらどこたでも付き合いしたすよIf you're stuck trying to think about what fun things to do next, why don't you ask the others? I'm sure they'd love to join you for anything you'd like.
Main 2酒匂她 我倧抂知道她圚哪了。反正应该就圚海蟹小屋里面享受着甜食吧。酒匂は どこにいるのかだいたい分かりたすわ。どうせ海の家で甘いものを頬匵っおいるはず。はぁ Sakawa... I have an inkling of where she might be. Wouldn't surprise me if she's at a beachside hut somewhere, stuffing her face with sweets. Sigh...
Main 3䞺了攟束玩耍所以选了这件泳装或讞 啊没什么。还是诎䜠其实想看 曎刺激䞀些的吗遊びに行くず蚀われたからこの氎着を遞んだけど、もしかしお ううん、こっちの話。それずも貎方、もっず際どいのが 芋たかったI picked this swimsuit because you told me we were going to play on the beach, but instead... No, never mind. But did you perhaps... want to see me in something more risqué?
Touch芁再来䞀次吗もう䞀回やりたすWant another go?
Touch (Special)这、这里是  ///こ、こっちは ///Wh-where are you touching... *blushes*
Return to Port蟛苊了。芁䞍芁来点冷饮里面还有䞍少气泡喝的时候芁泚意䞀点哊。おかえり。冷たいものでもいかがふふ、炭酞が残っおいるうちにねWelcome back. Care for refreshments? Heehee, make sure to finish the soda before it goes flat.
Commission Complete是委托队的䌙䌎们的回枯联络。这点小事也算䞍䞊工䜜芁䞍先䌑息䞀䞋去迎接她们委蚗組の垰還の連絡よ。こういうのは仕事のうちに入らないから、少し䌑みがおらに出迎えに行っおみたらI've received word that the commission team has returned. Why don't you take a quick break from work and go welcome them back?
Victory战斗的时候就芁奜奜战斗——没错䞍芁倎脑发热芁冷静倄理。戊うずきはちゃんず戊う――そう、はしゃがずに冷静にねWhen it's time to fight, my mind is solely on the battle. Playtime's over; it's time to focus.
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Ship Description胜被倧家这般祝犏确实什人感慚颇深呢。呌呌现圚先忘华䞀切共同享受属于我们的幞犏吧。毕竟现圚䜠䞎我郜是这场誓纊的圓事人呢呵呵呵。皆に祝犏されるずいうのは感慚深いものです。ふふ、今は䜕もかも忘れお、私たちの幞せを噛み締めたしょう。あなたは傍芳者ではなく、私ず同じ圓事者ですもの、ふふふReceiving everyone's blessings is truly a deeply moving experience. But for now, let's set everything else aside and partake of our sweet bliss. After all, you're not just a spectator anymore – we're in this ride together, hehe~
Acquisition胜被倧家这般祝犏确实什人感慚颇深呢。呌呌现圚先忘华䞀切共同享受属于我们的幞犏吧。毕竟现圚䜠䞎我郜是这场誓纊的圓事人呢呵呵呵。皆に祝犏されるずいうのは感慚深いものです。ふふ、今は䜕もかも忘れお、私たちの幞せを噛み締めたしょう。あなたは傍芳者ではなく、私ず同じ圓事者ですもの、ふふふReceiving everyone's blessings is truly a deeply moving experience. But for now, let's set everything else aside and partake of our sweet bliss. After all, you're not just a spectator anymore – we're in this ride together, hehe~
Login䞍是诎今倩芁技送我么。那䞪牵着我的手  嗯。今日ぱスコヌトしおくれるっお蚀ったでしょ。ほら、手を取っお   うんYou said you'd be the one to escort me today, did you not? Here, take my hand... Mhm.
Details虜然阿莺野诎华䞜感埈重芁䜆这蟆马蜊是䞍是有些过倎了 圓然我的话只芁䜠觉埗合适就奜呌呌 匏の掟手さは倧事、ずいくら阿賀野が蚀ったずは蚀え、こんな銬車たで甚意するなんお、少しやりすぎじゃないかしら。もちろん、私はあなたが䌌合っおるず蚀っおくれるならそれでいいですけど。ふふっAgano did say that it's important to have a certain degree of flashiness, but... isn't this carriage just overkill? Well, if you think it's apropos, I'm fine with it too. Hehe.
Main口枎了 芁䞍喝点茶或者咖啡 䞍行这些喝倚了睡眠䌚变差的。 别诎䜠也䞀样///喉が也いたわね お茶かコヌヒヌか いけないっ。飲み過ぎたら寝付きが悪くなるわね。 あなたも、ですよ///I'm pretty thirsty... Maybe some tea or coffee... Wait, I shouldn't. I won't be able to sleep if I drink too much. ...Oh, the same is true for you?
Main 2今倩从什么事匀始忙比蟃奜呢 䞍是光是工䜜啊。䜠是䞍是也应该匀始适应䞋被我照顟的感觉了今日はなにから始めたす 仕事のこずだけじゃありたせんわ。䞖話されるこずにそろそろ慣れ始めたほうがいいのじゃなくおWhat should we start off with today? ...Don't always make it about work. Isn't it about time you let me do something nice for you?
Main 3看起来有些烊心事啊 劂果遇䞊什么麻烊的话可以告诉我吗芁是我也露出䜠这样烊恌的衚情阿莺野䞍知道䌚怎么笑话我呢  呵呵難しそうな顔 悩んでいるこずでもあったら蚀っおちょうだい私たで難しい顔をしおいるず阿賀野に䜕を蚀われるか  ふふっYou look like you're having a hard time... If there's anything bothering me, I can hear you out, you know? If I made a face like that, Agano wouldn't let me hear the end of it... Hehe.
Touch嗯啊抱歉。明明䜠圚叫我  んあっ、ごめんなさい。あなたが呌んでいたのにHm? Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you called...
Touch (Special)

///  っ///.......Hmph. >///<
Touch (Headpat)怎么了どうしたしたWhat's up?
Mission劂果觉埗任务比蟃倚的话  呌还是䞀样笚手笚脚的呢我也来垮忙吧。任務が倚いず感じたら ふぅ、盞倉わらず䞍噚甚ね。私も手䌝うわStill getting overwhelmed by work, huh? ...Hmph, you're as clumsy as ever. Guess I'll come help too.
Mission Complete任务完成了。剩䞋的亀给我䜠先去䌑息䞋劂䜕任務完了よ。私に任せお少し䌑んだらMission accomplished. Why don't you leave the rest to me and take a break?
Mail有䜠的信哊。其实有时候䌚想劂果䜠胜给我写点  没、没什么メヌルよ。本圓はあなたに私宛のを曞いお  な、なんでもないわHere's the mail. You know, I was thinking it'd be nice if you'd write me some... Err, n-nevermind...
Return to Port欢迎回来。呌呌诎实话脚郜有点麻了呢。谁叫我像䞪公䞻䞀样䞀盎圚这等着䜠来接我呢。おかえり。ふふ、正盎に蚀うず、足がちょっず疲れちゃっおお。あなたが迎えおくれるのを、お姫様のようにじっず埅っおたのが悪かったのかしらWelcome back. Hehe. To be honest, my feet are a bit sore. Do you think it was bad for me to wait here for you like a princess?
Commission Complete接䞋来该去迎接委托组的同䌎了吧快去吧。次は委蚗組の皆を出迎えるこず、ね行っおきなさいNext up is welcoming back everyone from the commission team, right? Let's get going.
Flagship二氎战参䞊 二氎戊、参りたす Second Torpedo Squadron, heading out...!
Victory我埈冷静哊䜠才是没有被胜利冲昏了倎脑吧私は冷静よ。あなたこそ勝ったので浮かれおいるのではなくおI'm perfectly calm. Aren't you the one excited over the victory?
Affinity (Love)脞 像发烧䞀样那䞀定是被䜠玧玧抱䜏了的猘故吧。之前䞀盎这么接着我䌚䞍䌚有点腻了 爱䜠哊。顔が 火照っおいたすきっず貎方に匷く抱きしめられすぎちゃったせいでしょう。い぀もこうしお受け止めるこずに慣れちゃいたした 奜きよ。ふふふMy face... is all red? That's probably... because of how tightly you're holding me. Don't you ever get tired of me? ...I love you, hehe~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官接䞋来的纊䌚行皋安排是  攟束随意䞀些享受纊䌚吗我懂了请等我试着扟䞀䞋感觉  嗯  指揮官、これからの予定は  適圓に寛いでデヌトを楜しもう、ですか分かりたした。ええず、ちょっず感芚を掎んでみお  うん  Commander, what do you have planned next...? You want to just relax and enjoy the date? Understood. Umm, let me just try and get a feel for it... Hmm...
Acquisition指挥官接䞋来的纊䌚行皋安排是  攟束随意䞀些享受纊䌚吗我懂了请等我试着扟䞀䞋感觉  嗯  指揮官、これからの予定は  適圓に寛いでデヌトを楜しもう、ですか分かりたした。ええず、ちょっず感芚を掎んでみお  うん  Commander, what do you have planned next...? You want to just relax and enjoy the date? Understood. Umm, let me just try and get a feel for it... Hmm...
Login啊  指挥官䜠怎么匆匆忙忙的  怕迟到圱响了纊䌚  䞍䌚哊胜和䜠䞀起纊䌚我就已经埈匀心了。あ  貎方、そんなに慌ただしくしおどうかしたした デヌトに遅れないように急いでやっおきたっお そんなに気にしなくおもいいんじゃなくお貎方ずデヌトできるだけでもう十分楜しいですよAh... Commander, what are you in such a hurry over? You rushed here so you wouldn't be late for our date...? I don't think you need to worry about it that much. I'm already plenty happy that we got to do this.
Main指挥官䜠已经给我买了埈倚件瀌物了  也让我给䜠挑选几件瀌物奜吗プレれントを䜕個も買っおくれたしたから  今床は貎方ぞのプレれントをいく぀か遞ばせおCommander, you've bought me so many things lately... How about you let me pick a few gifts out for you next time?
Main 2䜠匆匆赶来奜像有些出汗了正奜我垊了手垕  可以垮䜠擊䞀䞋吗急いで来たせいで汗をかいたようですね。ハンカチなら持っおたすよ。  拭いおあげたすからおでこを出しおふふふYou look sweaty from rushing here. I have a handkerchief. Just lean forward so I can wipe it off for you, okay? Heehee.
Main 3指挥官今倩的県睛埈䞍老实呢  嗯埈喜欢我纊䌚时的打扮  这么喜欢的话平时也可以穿给䜠看的。今日はよそ芋が倚いですね。  うん胜代のこの栌奜が眩しすぎるっお そうですか。そんなに奜きなら普段から慣らしおおきたしょうかYour eyes are wandering a lot today. ...Hm? My outfit's "too dazzling"? I see... If you like it so much, maybe I should wear it more often.
Main 4指挥官这支銙氎最近奜像埈流行哊  䞍劂我们互盞送对方䞀支吧这样圌歀的味道就䞀样了。この銙氎、最近流行っおいるみたいですね。  お互い䞀本ず぀買っお亀換しおみない同じ「銙り」が぀きたすからCommander, this perfume's all the rage lately. How about we buy each other matching ones? Then, we can smell the same!
Main 5棒棒糖  䜆是只剩䞋我正圚吃这只了  䜠该䞍䌚想  唔  我倒是  无所谓啊。棒キャンディヌですか  この䞀本しか  もしかしお貎方  っ 別に 構いたせんけど ///You want a lollipop? But this is my only one... Wait, are you saying... I-I mean, I don't mind, but...
Touch想牵着手吗虜然还是有点害矞  䜆是可以哊。手を繋いでみたいんですか少し恥ずかしいですが  倧䞈倫ですよDo you want to hold hands? It's a little embarrassing, but I don't mind...
Touch (Special)呀  指、指挥官  这样倧庭广䌗  きゃっ  あ、貎方  こんな癜昌堂々ず  Eep... W-we're in public...
Touch (Headpat)唔  垜子埈可爱吗  特意留出了角的䜍眮哊。ええず  垜子が可愛い、ですか 角を入れる郚分も぀いおいたすからねUmm... My hat is cute? Oh, is it because there are holes for my horns?
Mission还有任务没完成吗没关系我可以䞀盎等圚这里指挥官请去倄理吧。ただ終わっおいない任務があるんですか平気ですよ。ここで埅っおいたすから、早く片付けおきおくださいDo you still have missions left over? Don't worry. I'll wait here, so go finish them up.
Mission Complete任务完成了哊这次也由我来垮䜠检查奖励内容吧。任務が完了したした。報酬の確認を手䌝うわMission complete. I'll help you count the rewards.
Mail有新消息吗还奜甚手机就胜方䟿快速完成倄理了。新しい情報でもありたした携垯ですぐ確認できおよかったですねGot news to share? I'm glad phones make it so convenient to learn things.
Return to Port欢迎回来指挥官。我没等倪久哊䞍劂诎刚刚和䜠䞀起逛街的快乐还没充分消化呢。指揮官、おかえりなさい。そんなに埅っおたせんよ。むしろ䞀緒に街を散策した楜しさの䜙韻がただ残っおたすからWelcome back, Commander. I haven't been waiting long. In fact, I'm still happy from when we got to walk around town together.
Commission Complete委托组的倧家应该回来了吧  虜然还圚纊䌚䞭䜆我们还是去迎接䞀䞋比蟃奜吧委蚗組の仲間たちが戻っおきたしたね。  デヌト䞭ずいっおもここは出迎えに行ったほうがいいのではなくおThe commission team just got back. I know, we're in the middle of our date, but don't you think we should go welcome them back?
Enhancement女子力  应该是叫这䞪吧䞊升。女子力  ず呌べばいいかしら。それが䞊がりたしたわI felt something rise. I guess you could call it... girliness?
Flagship打扰纊䌚的人我䞍䌚蜻易攟过。デヌトを邪魔する者は蚱したせんよInterrupt our date, and you will pay.
Affinity (Love)今倩的纊䌚埈匀心哊  指挥官呢什么感觉我埈冷静的样子䞍䜠误䌚了可胜是我䞍倪善于衚蟟  䜆和䜠圚䞀起时我䞀盎心脏咚咚跳䞪䞍停哊  请䜠来听听看吧我的心跳。今日のデヌトはずおも楜しいですよ。貎方は え胜代はずっず萜ち着いおいるっおずんだ誀解ですね。確かに私は感情衚珟が苊手なのかもしれたせんけど  貎方ず䞀緒にいる間はずっずこう、ドキドキしおいたすよ  ほら、ちゃんず 聞いおみおI had so much fun with you today. Are you? ...Hm? I looked too calm all day? You're misunderstanding. I might not express my emotions very well, but... when I'm with you, I'm always excited. Listen... Do you hear my heart pounding?