Yuuyaki (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. C107 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Senran Kagura Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% /// ///
2 %/%/%/% /// ///
3 %/%/%/% /// ///
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Soul of Tohno When this ship's Main or Secondary Gun hits an enemy: 10.0% (20.0%) chance to increase this ship's RLD by 5.0% (can be stacked up to 3 times). When this buff reaches its max stacks, the following effects activate: 1) Performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) slash attack; 2) Increases this ship's Main Gun DMG dealt by 10.0% until the battle ends; 3) Until the battle ends, if the skill Enka Tuypa's special barrage activates: performs an additional 10.0% (20.0%) special slash attack (slash attack DMG is based on the skill's level).
Enka Tuypa Increases this ship's ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 4 times this ship fires her Main Guns: fires this ship's Main Guns again as well as a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我是倕烧  是远野倩狗之忍队的队长  诎实话我并䞍喜欢氎  只芁靠近氎就䌚发生䞍奜的事情  可这里甚至是海  该劂䜕是奜呢   倕焌です  。遠野倩狗ノ忍衆のリヌダヌをしおいたす  。正盎、氎は苊手で 近くにいるだけでよくないこずがおこるんですけど ここ、海なんですね どうしたしょう   My name is YÅ«yaki... and I'm the leader of the Tohno Tengu Shinobi Group... To be honest, I'm not great around water... Bad things always happen when I'm around it... And this place is a whole ocean, right? What should I do...?
Biography 我我是倕烧  远野倩狗之忍队的队长。  那䞪这䞪城镇奜厉害。有埈倚巚倧的建筑物和讟斜  欞这里䞍是城镇而是枯区是䜠们的基地这  真是充满了隟以蚀喻的惊喜呢   ゆ、倕焌です  。遠野倩狗ノ忍衆のリヌダヌを務めおたす。 あの、この街はすごいですね。倧きな建物や斜蚭がたくさん え街ではなく枯あなた方の基地それは なんずもいえぬ驚きに満ちおいたすね   M-my name is YÅ«yaki... I'm the leader of the Tohno Tengu Shinobi Group. Um... I must say, this city is quite spectacular. It has so many big buildings and facilities... Huh? It's not a city, but rather a port? And it's your base of operations too? I see... Life can be full of unpredictable surprises...
Acquisition 我是倕烧  是远野倩狗之忍队的队长  诎实话我并䞍喜欢氎  只芁靠近氎就䌚发生䞍奜的事情  可这里甚至是海  该劂䜕是奜呢   倕焌です  。遠野倩狗ノ忍衆のリヌダヌをしおいたす  。正盎、氎は苊手で 近くにいるだけでよくないこずがおこるんですけど ここ、海なんですね どうしたしょう   My name is YÅ«yaki... and I'm the leader of the Tohno Tengu Shinobi Group... To be honest, I'm not great around water... Bad things always happen when I'm around it... And this place is a whole ocean, right? What should I do...?
Login 欢迎回来。今倩  也芁加油  嗯我也䌚加油的   おかえりなさい。今日も 頑匵りたしょう はい、私も頑匵りたす  It's good to see you again. Let's... both give it our all today. Yes, me included...
Details 这䞪枯区有讞倚我䞍了解的䞜西。芁是䞍小心匄坏了就糟了  虜然感觉劂果出现了这种问题的话那智小姐可以甚钱垮我解决   この枯には私の知らない様々なものが倚くありたす。誀っお壊したら倧倉なこずになりそうで 那智さんならお金で解決しおくれそうですが   There are so many things about this port that I don't yet understand. It would be terrible if I accidentally ended up wrecking it... Though, I'm sure that's nothing Miss Nachi can't resolve with some money...
Main 我埈害怕拿起歊噚  也䞍擅长䜿甚它们  䜆是这样的话就无法战斗了吧   歊噚を持぀のは怖くお 苊手なんですけど それじゃ戊えないですよね   Holding a weapon is scary... and it's not something I'm good at... But I'm not going to be able to fight otherwise, right?
Main 2 我埈喜欢劚物  䜆它们通垞郜䞍怎么亲近我。这是䞺什么呢 動物は奜きなんですけど あたり、懐かれないんです。どうしおでしょうか I like animals a lot... but they don't seem to miss me a whole lot. Why do you think that is?
Main 3 倩气暖和之后倧自然就变埗䞰富倚圩起来了  我的状态也䌚变埗曎奜 暖かくなるず自然豊かになるので 私の調子もよくなるんですよ The warmer it is, the more nature flourishes... just as is the case with me.
Main 4 这里银发癜发的人埈倚  所以我䞍倪星県呢。莝尔法斯特小姐也非垞  矎䞜。 こちらでは銀髪、癜髪の方々が倚くお 私、あたり目立ちたせんね、ベルファストさんもすごく お綺麗です There are lots of people here with silver or white hair, huh? I don't stand out much in comparison... Miss Belfast, you're also... very beautiful.
Main 5 比叡小姐这是这里的发酵食品吗我胜尝䞀口吗  欞埈有勇气那我曎芁尝尝了吊则䌚埈遗憟呢   比叡さん、それっおこちらの発酵食品ですか私も䞀口頂くこずは え勇気があるそれはたすたす味わっおみないず心残りになりそうですね  Miss Hiei, is that the fermented food you have here? Do you mind if I have a taste? ...Huh? That takes bravery? If you put it that way, I'm sure I'd have even more regrets if I don't at least try it...
Touch 村里的人们经垞倞我的倎发雪癜矎䞜指挥官䜠觉埗呢 この髪、里の人たちからは癜くお綺麗、っお蚀われたすけど、指揮官さんはどう思いたすか People in the village always used to comment on how white and beautiful my hair is... What do you think, Commander?
Touch (Special) 我觉埗  这样做䞍倪奜   それは いけないこずだず思いたす   I'm not sure... that's proper conduct...
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官䜠是喜欢  摞我的倎发吗 指揮官さんは、髪を觊るの お奜きなんですか Commander, do you... enjoy touching my hair?
Mission 䜠还有工䜜没做完吗果然埈蟛苊呢   ただお仕事残っおいるのですかやはり倧倉なのですね   Do you still have work left to do? Your job is quite difficult, isn't it...
Mission Complete 工䜜已经郜做完了吗  䞍愧是指挥官啊   お仕事、もう終わったんですか さすがですね   You've already finished your work? Impressive, just as expected...
Mail 奜像有几封寄给指挥官的信  芁现圚就确讀䞀䞋吗 指揮官さん宛のご連絡がいく぀か届いおいるようですね すぐに確認したすか I've received several messages addressed to you, Commander... Would you like to review them right now?
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官。这次的战斗感觉劂䜕垌望我们有垮䞊忙   お疲れ様です、指揮官さん。今回の戊いはいかがでしたか私たちがお力になれおいればいいのですが   Well fought, Commander. What did you think of our last battle? Hopefully, we were able to be of some use...
Commission Complete 哇奜厉害——这样就胜知道倧家是䞍是回来了吗  啊也就是诎现圚这里亮着的话   はヌ、すごいですね これで皆さんの垰投が分かったりするのですか あ、ここが光っおいるずいうこずは   Wow, that's amazing... So this is what everyone uses to help guide them back home? ...Oh, and if this part here is glowing, that means...
Enhancement 奜奜厉害  力量涌现出来了 す、すごい 力が湧いおきたす W-woah... I feel power coursing through me!
Flagship 哌哌  党郜亀给我吧 くくく すべおオレに任せおおけ Heheheh... Just leave everything to me!
Victory 啊获胜的感觉真让人热血沞腟 ああ、勝利に血が沞き立぀ぜ Ahh... My blood boils with victory!
Defeat 抱抱歉  有点  搞砞了   わ、わりぃ 少し しくじっちたったぜ   S-sorry... I think... I messed that one up a little...
Skill 哈哈我䌚斩杀䞀切 くくっ、ぶった斬っおやるぜ Ahaha! I'll cut you to ribbons!
Low HP 哌  还䞍赖嘛䜆还没完真正的战斗才正芁匀始呢 くっ やるじゃねぇか しかしただただここからが本番だっ Ugh... I've got no choice... but to do this! This is where the real fight begins!
Affinity (Upset) 奜像倪䟝赖䜠了。我也该奜奜反省䞀䞋了   あたりにも頌りすぎおしたったようです。私も反省しないずいけたせんね   I might've placed too much faith in you. That is something I'll have to reflect upon...
Affinity (Stranger) 嗯嗯  䞍过让我再想想  呀对对䞍起该诎我没奜奜看路呢还是诎刚才圚想事情呢  我以后䌚泚意的。 う、うん でも、ただ少し っおきゃす、すみたせん、ちゃんず前を芋おなかったずいうか、少し考え事をしおいたずいうか これからは気を぀けたす O-okay... But, that's still not enough... Eek! I, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going... since I might've been lost in thought a little... I'll make sure to be more careful from now on.
Affinity (Friendly) 我来这里之后感觉䜜䞺忍者的胜力也有所提升了。这倧抂郜芁園功于指挥官的垮助吧  劂果胜回去的话想让茉莉小姐也看看呢   私、ここに来お忍の腕が䞊達したように感じるんです。これは指揮官さんのお力添えもあっおのこずかず  。戻ったらゞャスミン様にも芋おもらいたいです   I think my shinobi skills have improved here. That may be partly due to your help, Commander... I hope Lady Jasmine can witness this after I return home...
Affinity (Like) 最近感觉  䜠埈是䞻劚呢䞍我䞍是䞍喜欢这样哊反而挺喜欢的  䞍我什么也没诎。 最近すごく 積極的ではありたせんかいえ、いけないずは蚀っおいたせんよずいうか反察に奜たしく思 いえ、䜕でもありたせん Don't you think you've been... coming on a bit strong recently? No, um, I'm not saying you shouldn't... If anything, I kind of like it... Um, forget I said anything...
Affinity (Love) 该诎是倚亏了指挥官的气魄吗总感觉  嗯我胜借积极地前进了。陀了以回到故乡䜜䞺目标坚持䞍懈以倖胜借垮到倧家  这也让我觉埗埈匀心。 指揮官さんの心意気のおかげか、䜕か そう、前向きに進むこずが出来おいる気がしたす。自分たちの故郷に戻るこずを目暙ずし、それを諊めないこずもですが それ以倖にも、皆さんのお手䌝いが出来るこずに 喜びを感じおいるんです Commander, thanks to your mindfulness, I feel like... we've been able to move forward in a positive direction. Our ultimate goal is still to return home, and we're not going to give up on that, but... beyond that, we're glad to help you in other ways.
Pledge 这里的倧家  尀其是指挥官接纳了我  现圚我终于明癜了这才是我最珍莵的宝藏。人䞎人之闎到底是劂䜕绎系圌歀的矁绊并䞔还胜让它变埗曎加牢固  我正是通过圚这里的经历明癜到这䞀点的。 ここの皆さんが そしお䜕より指揮官さん、あなたが私を受け入れおくれたこず それが䞀番の宝だったんだず、今なら分かりたす。人の絆ずいうものはどのように結ばれ、そしお匷くなっおいくのか ここでの出来事から孊ばせおいただきたした Everyone here... and above all, you, Commander, showed me acceptance... I've come to realize, that is truly the most valuable treasure. The things that've happened here have taught me how bonds between people are formed and strengthened.
In battle with Fubuki 雪䞍園就让䜠见识䞀䞋我的修行成果吧 フブキ修行の成果、芋せおやるぜ Fubuki! I'll show you the results of my training!
In battle with Asuka, Homura 飞鞟和焰  真是默契的配合啊   アスカずホムラっお 息ぎったりじゃねヌか   Asuka, Homura... You two... are breathing perfectly in sync...
In battle with Murasaki 玫别䞀声䞍吭地猩回去 ムラサキ黙っお匕っ蟌んでんじゃねヌよ Murasaki! Don't just clam up and disappear on us!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌  掗冷氎柡的感觉真奜。嗯虜然䞍倪喜欢氎䜆淋济过后枅爜讞倚心情也䌚变奜  指挥官芁䞍芁也䞀起呢 ふぅ 冷たいシャワヌが心地いいです。氎は苊手なんですが、やはりサッパリするず気持ちも晎れたすから 。指揮官さんも䞀緒にどうですか Phew... Nothing beats a cold shower. I'm still not great with water, but this cool and soothing sensation really makes me feel refreshed. Commander, do you want to join in?
Acquisition 呌  掗冷氎柡的感觉真奜。嗯虜然䞍倪喜欢氎䜆淋济过后枅爜讞倚心情也䌚变奜  指挥官芁䞍芁也䞀起呢 ふぅ 冷たいシャワヌが心地いいです。氎は苊手なんですが、やはりサッパリするず気持ちも晎れたすから 。指揮官さんも䞀緒にどうですか Phew... Nothing beats a cold shower. I'm still not great with water, but this cool and soothing sensation really makes me feel refreshed. Commander, do you want to join in?
Login 欢迎回来指挥官。䜠今倩有什么安排吗方䟿的话我想䞀起   おかえりなさい、指揮官さん。今日は䜕か予定はありたすか 良ければ私が䞀緒に   Welcome back, Commander. Did you have any plans for the day? I don't mind keeping you company if you'd like...
Details 蔚蓝的倩空掁癜的云圩无际的倧海。和山䞊的景色完党䞍䞀样呢  真没想到有䞀倩我䌚看到这样的景色   青い空、癜い雲、遠くたで広がる倧海原。山の景色ずはたるで違いたすね このような颚景を芋るこずが出来るずは思いもしたせんでした   Blue skies, white clouds, and an ocean that stretches into the horizon... It's completely different from what you see in the mountains... I never imagined I'd be able to see scenery like this...
Main 比起圚海蟹嬉氎  我觉埗我曎适合圚半山腰悠闲地埅着   氎際で遊ぶより 山腹でゆっくりする方が 私にはあっおいるず思うのですが  I think... I'd prefer relaxing by the mountainside to playing by the water...
Main 2 这样晒倪阳䌚留䞋泳衣的晒痕䜠诎  “那样才奜”是这样吗   この栌奜で日焌けするず氎着の跡が残っおしたうので 「だがそれがいい」そういうもの ですか   If I get a tan while wearing this outfit, it's going to leave behind imprints of my swimsuit... "But that's what makes it good?" Oh, um... I see...
Main 3 被这样讀真地盯着看总觉埗身䜓  䌚比平时曎热   そんなにじっくり芋぀められるず 身䜓がい぀もより 火照っおしたいたす   I feel my body get hotter than usual... when someone stares at me so intently...
Main 4 明石小姐谢谢䜠垊来的饮料䜆感觉有点莵  是我的错觉吗 明石さん、飲み物を持っおきおいただけるのは非垞に助かるのですが 少々お高い気がするのは気のせいですか Miss Akashi, it's very thoughtful of you to bring drinks out for me, but... aren't these prices a bit excessive?
Main 5 虜然圚进行忍者修行时我也有修行过氎遁䜆䞎里诺小姐她们盞比我还远远蟟䞍到那种来去自由的皋床   䞀応忍の修行で氎遁は修めおいたすが、リノさん達ほど自由自圚ずたではいきたせんね   I am quite experienced with water-manipulating skills as part of my shinobi training, but not quite to the level of mastery as Reno and the others...
Touch 还䞺我准倇了这么矎䞜的泳衣  欞是指挥官䞺我挑选的嗯  我穿起来还合适吗 このようにステキな氎着たで甚意しおいただいお え指揮官さんが遞んでくださったんですかええず 䌌合いたすか I can't believe you prepared all these wonderful swimsuits for us... Huh? You chose this one specifically for me? Umm... does it look good on me?
Touch (Special) 摞起来凉凉的嗯因䞺我刚刚才掗过冷氎柡所以   冷たい、ですかえぇ、シャワヌを济びたばかりですから   My skin's cold? Umm... that's because I just got out of the shower...
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了。流了奜倚汗呢  还是先去沐济䞀番吧  保持仪容也埈重芁呢   指揮官さん、お疲れさたでした。すごい汗ですね  たずは汗を流した方が良いず思いたす  。身だしなみも倧事ですから   Good work, Commander. You really worked up a sweat, huh... I think you should get yourself tidied up first... Maintaining your appearance is also very important...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 啊欢迎回来。  指挥官䞍圚的话果然䌚觉埗有些寂寞呢。 あ、おかえりなさい。 指揮官さんがいないず、やはり少しさみしいですね W-welcome back. Commander, I was getting a bit lonely without you...
Details 这里  和我们的村子完党䞍䞀样呢。䞍过该诎久居则安吗  感觉已经䜏习惯了。 ここは 私たちの里ず党然違いたすね。しかし、䜏めば郜ずいいたすか なじんできた気がしたす This place... is completely different from our village. But, after staying here for a while, it's starting to feel a bit like home... I'm getting used to it here.
Main 䜜䞺远野的队长我必须努力  我深感自己胜力的䞍足   遠野のリヌダヌずしお、頑匵らなくちゃいけないのに ただただ力䞍足を痛感したすね   As Tohno's leader, I have to do my best... but I still feel like I'm not strong enough...
Main 2 现圚远野的村子怎么样了呢  虜然埈圚意䜆现圚这里的战斗也埈重芁。 遠野の里は今頃どうしおいるでしょう ずおも気にはなるのですが、今はここでの戊いも倧事ですから I wonder how Tohno Village is doing these days... I'd really like to know, but the battle here is also very important right now.
Main 3 这䞪枯区有埈倚矎味的食物。等我回去后䞀定芁告诉小牛䞞。 この枯にはおいしいものがたくさんありたすね。垰ったらうヌちゃんに教えおあげないず This port has so much delicious food... I have to tell Ushi when I get back.
Main 4 和光蟉小姐圚䞀起时  总感觉非垞安心呢。 むラストリアスさんずご䞀緒しおいるず なんだかすごく萜ち着くのです I always feel calm and at peace when Miss Illustrious is around.
Main 5 枯区的矎食  小倩城䌚告诉我的对吧 枯のおいしいもの 教えおもらえるんですよね倩城ちゃん Amagi-chan, you'll tell me all about the delicious food at this port, right?
Touch (Special) 指挥官  喜欢这样吗总觉埗  埈䞍奜意思   指揮官さんは そういうの奜きなんですか 恥ずかしい です Commander... is this what gets you going? It's... rather embarrassing...
Mission 看来䜠的工䜜进床有些萜后了呢  需芁我垮忙吗   お仕事の手が远い぀いおいないようですね お手䌝い、したしょうか  It looks like you can't keep up with your work... Shall I give you a hand...?
Mission Complete 看来䜠的工䜜已经做完了  既然已经郜倄理完了喝杯茶䌑息䞋怎么样 お仕事も終えられおたすし 凊理が枈みたしたら、お茶でもいかがですか Since you're done with work... How about going for some tea once you've wrapped things up?
Flagship 䞀切郜亀给我吧我䌚让指挥官倧获党胜的 䜕もかも任せおおけっおオレがシキカンを勝たせおやるからよ Just leave it all to me! I'll deliver victory right into your hands!
Victory 敢挡我的路  就倞倞䜠这仜胆量吧 オレの前に立ち塞がった その床胞だけは認めおやっおもいいぜ You had the guts to stand before ME... at least, your courage is worth acknowledging!
Affinity (Love) 其实我有䞪问题䞀盎没有告诉指挥官。䜆是没关系。我和她郜姑䞔胜圚这里应付自劂。这䞀定也是倚亏了指挥官䜠  所以没关系的。 実は指揮官さんに話しおいなかった、ある問題があったんです。でも、それはいいんです。私も圌女も、ここでなんずかやっおいけおいる。きっずそれは指揮官さんのおかげでもあり だから、いいんです To be entirely honest, there's a problem that I haven't been able to discuss with you. But, it'll be okay. My friends and I will find a way to get by. I'm sure that it'll be alright... because of you, Commander.