Yuubari (JP 🇯🇵: 夕張, CN 🇹🇼: 狐)
Ship ID No. 179 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 01:12:00
Acquisition Light/Heavy/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 10
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
EN August 15, 2019
KR March 27, 2018
CN June 23, 2017
JP September 13, 2017
Voice actress Yui Ogura
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1023957
Weibo http://weibo.com/u/3558369570
Name 梦咲枫
Yuubari Description
Yuubari-class light cruiser – Yuubari.
Yuubari (Retrofit) Description
I've finally finished developing my new equipment! Since we still have time, let's go and try it out in live combat right now, Master!
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 1910 Reload 159
Firepower 114 Torpedo 241
Evasion 80 Anti-air 270
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 73 Luck 53
Hit 125 Speed 35.5
Armor Light
HP 2177 Reload 182
Firepower 131 Torpedo 276
Evasion 105 Anti-air 307
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 84 Luck 53
Hit 140 Speed 35.5
Armor Light
HP 369 Reload 67
Firepower 24 Torpedo 51
Evasion 31 Anti-air 58
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 20 Luck 53
Hit 48 Speed 35.5
Armor Light
HP 2075 Reload 179
Firepower 144 Torpedo 251
Evasion 80 Anti-air 295
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 73 Luck 53
Hit 145 Speed 35.5
Armor Light
HP 2342 Reload 202
Firepower 161 Torpedo 286
Evasion 105 Anti-air 332
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 84 Luck 53
Hit 160 Speed 35.5
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/AA gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/135%/145%/160% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Yuubari-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 7
Lv.120 5 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Prototype Cruiser Increases the EXP that your Cruisers earn by 5.0% (15.0%) (effect can be stacked up to 2 times with same skill).
Full Firepower Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Whimsical Inventor Every 12s: Activates special prototype equipment Lv.1 (Lv.10) one time (Effectiveness is based on the skill's level).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Yuubari once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:12:00 JP CN EN
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 夕张号轻巡洋舰 軽巡洋艦・夕張 Yuubari-class light cruiser – Yuubari.
Biography 重樱夕张级轻巡洋舰“夕张”。虽然受到了海军条约的限制,但应用了许多实验性的新设计。在太平洋战争中作为水雷旗舰在各处活跃。酸素鱼雷?好想弄来几枚研究一下啊 重桜夕張型軽巡洋艦夕張。設計は海軍条約の制限を受けたけど、逆に新しいギミックが数多く応用されたぞ。太平洋戦争では水雷戦隊の旗艦として活躍した。むむむ、酸素魚雷、研究しに何本か手に入れたいな… I am Yuubari, Sakura Empire Yuubari-class light cruiser. I was developed under the constraints of a naval treaty, but this conversely allowed me to utilize a great number of new technologies. I served as the flagship of a Destroyer Squadron in the Pacific War. Hmm... I will need many oxygen torpedoes if I am to research them...
Acquisition 轻巡洋舰“夕张”号,主人好像在哪里见过我?不,不可能,我可没有兄弟姐妹 私は軽巡洋艦・「夕張」。ご主人はどこかで私と会ったことあるって?むむむ…あ、ありえん…私に姉妹などいないはず… I am light cruiser Yuubari. You say we've met before, Master? Hmm... b-but that's not possible... I don't have any sisters after all...
Login 有主人在的话,夕张就什么都不怕了 ご主人さえいれば、夕張はもう何も怖くない…! With you by my side, Master, I have nothing to fear...!
Details 无论是锅炉还是别的什么,夕张可都是最先进的 缶でも兵装でも、夕張のが一番先進的だぞ(ドヤッ Be they canisters or weaponry, my developments in them are the latest!
Main 呼呼呼…… ふぅ……(昼寝中) *Yawn*...
Main 2 蜜瓜?好想尝尝是什么味道呢 メロン?すごく食べてみたい… Melon bread? I'm extraordinarily curious as to how it tastes...
Main 3 猫鲨?那么恐怖的鱼为什么会被叫做猫呢? ガトー、怖い…あんな怖いのにネコの名前とかなくね? The Gatos are terrifying... Why are such frightening submarines named after a catshark?
Touch 呜~指挥官的手暖暖的好舒服~ ご主人の手、暖かくて気持ちい~ Your hand is so warm and gentle, Master~
Touch (Special) 呜~~~咬你哦! ん…うっ…あぅ~~~もう噛むよ! Mmh... ugh... gah... stop, or I will bite!
Touch (Headpat) 主人有点幼稚呢,嘻嘻,不过夕张并不讨厌哦 ご主人もちょっと子供っぽいね。ふふふ。でも夕張はこんなご主人が嫌いではないぞ
Mission 还有待完成的任务……可惜夕张的研究好像对此派不上用场 未完了の任務……むむむ、残念ながら夕張、研究の成果は役に立たない模様… You have incomplete missions... Hmm, it appears the results of my research will not be of any use...
Mission Complete 主人,任务完成之后,差不多就是午睡时间了吧 ご主人。任務完了したら、そろそろ昼寝の時間かな? Master, I believe it is time for a nap once you've finished your missions.
Mail 这封信件看起来有点可疑,主人要不要拆开看看? むむむ、怪しいメール…ご主人~開けてみてよ~ Hmm, this mail seems questionable... Master, I urge you to open it!
Return to Port 数据收集完毕,接下来就去改进装备吧 データ収集完了。次は装備のカイゼンね Data collection complete. Now we shall use it to improve our gear.
Commission Complete 委托完成了!唔,不知道有没有带礼物回来呀 委託完了だ!むむむ、お土産あるかな… A commission is done! Hmm, I wonder if they brought us gifts...
Enhancement 空间有点太紧凑了~ むむむ、詰め込みすぎたかも… Hmm... It seems to be a bit too tight in here...
Flagship 新型武装实战测试——开始! 新型兵装実戦テストーー始めっ! Combat trial for new equipment... begin!
Victory 这样主人也能稍微认识到更新装备的重要性了吧 これでご主人も装備更新の大切さが少しわかったかな Surely by now, you've begun to understand the importance of developing new gear, Master?
Defeat 呜哇……等有了更好的装备后,就不会再输了! はわわ!……新しい装備ができたら二度と負けないぞ! Dear me! ... Once I'm done developing new gear, I won't lose like this again!
Skill 尝尝最新武器的威力吧! 新兵器の力を喰らえ! Feel the power of my advanced weapons!
Low HP 呜……不过,武器没事就好 うぅ……兵装が無事ならいいけど… Oww... No issue, as long as my equipment is fine...
Affinity (Upset) 主人,能请你不要靠近夕张吗? ご主人、夕張には近寄らないでもらえる? Master, could you just stay away from me?
Affinity (Stranger) 主人,眼睛盯着夕张是在想什么呢?嘻嘻,夕张的感觉可是很敏锐的哦~ ご主人、夕張をじっと見つめて何を考えてるの?ふふふ、夕張はこういうのに結構鋭いぞ~ Master, what's on your mind when you stare at me? Hohoho, I'm rather perceptive, I'll have you know!
Affinity (Friendly) 比起出征夕张更喜欢呆在港口,这里才是夕张的家呢。有碧蓝的海面和温暖的太阳……呜…呼呼… 夕張、出撃よりやっぱり母港にいるほうがいいなあ。ここぞ夕張のお家。青き海に眩しくて暖かい太陽……うぅ…ふむむ……Zzzzz I much prefer staying in the port than going on sorties. This is my home; by the blue seas, beneath the warm and dazzling sunlight... *Yawn*... Mmhh... Zzzz...
Affinity (Like) 主人喜欢什么样的女孩子呢?夕张先说?夕张喜欢像主人这样的人哦 ご主人はどんな娘がタイプかな?夕張かな?夕張は、ご主人のような人が好きだよ~ What girls are your type, Master? Someone like me? You know, my type is people like you, Master~
Affinity (Love) 主人,你也想来午睡吗?这是夕张最喜欢的枕头,枕着的话是不是就能梦到夕张的梦了呢?如果那样的话……嘻嘻! ご主人もお昼寝?はい、これは夕張の一番お気に入りの枕。さてこの枕、もしかしたら夢の中で夕張と出会える枕かも?もしそうなら……へへへ♪ Do you want to nap with me, Master? Take this, it is my favorite pillow. Perhaps if you sleep on it, you will see me in your dreams. And if you do... Hehehe♪
Pledge 以后每个早上,主人睁开眼第一个看到的都会是夕张呢,嘻嘻! 嬉しい♪これからご主人が毎日朝目が覚めた時、真っ先に目に入るのは夕張になるのだぞ!えへへ♪ I'm overjoyed♪ Starting today, every day when you wake up, the first thing you'll see in the morning is me~! Hehehe♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新的装备终于完成了!事不宜迟,马上来试试看实战效果如何吧,主人 新しい装備、ついに完成!ご主人、すぐに実戦でテストを行おう! I've finally finished developing my new equipment! Since we still have time, let's go and try it out in live combat right now, Master!
Acquisition 新的装备终于完成了!事不宜迟,马上来试试看实战效果如何吧,主人 新しい装備、ついに完成!ご主人、すぐに実戦でテストを行おう! I've finally finished developing my new equipment! Since we still have time, let's go and try it out in live combat right now, Master!
Login 主人,今天也来帮夕张一起收集数据吧? ご主人、今日も夕張の「でーた収集」を手伝って? Master, are you here to help me gather data today?
Details 明石非常热心地给夕张的研究提供了很多帮助,但总觉得她好像有什么别的目的… 明石、夕張の研究をいっぱい助けてくれたけど、なんだか別の目的があるような…… Akashi is really enthusiastic about helping my research, but it feels like she has some ulterior motives...
Main 研究总是会伴随着失败……不过有主人的支持,这些困难都不算什么! むむ、研究に失敗はつきもの……でもご主人さえいればこの程度、なんでもない! Research always comes with failure... but with your support, Master, all these difficulties will pass!
Main 2 唔…夕张有点累了…能在这里小睡一会吗? ふぅ…夕張少し疲れた…ご主人、ここで少しうたた寝しても大丈夫…? Nnh... I'm a bit tired... Can I rest here for a while?
Main 3 现在的话,就算遇到猫鲨级我也不会怕了,大概 今ならガトーに会っても怖くない!…かも…… The way I am now, I won't be afraid even if I run into a Gato-class, probably...
Touch 主人也要记得好好休息哦? ご主人も、ちゃんと休憩を取るんだぞ? Master, you have to remember to get some rest, all right?
Touch (Special) 呜~~敲你哦! あぅ~~叩くよ! Augh... I'm going to smack you!
Return to Port 嗯嗯,这次的数据收集也很成功呢 ふふぅ、今回の「でーた収集」もバッチリね Hehe, looks like the data collection went well this time too.
Victory 重新认识到更新装备的重要性了吧,主人? ご主人、装備更新の大切さ、改めてわかったかな? Master, have you realized the importance of having modernized equipment?
Defeat 唔…看来装备更新还不够… ぐぬぬ…装備更新が足りなかったかも…… Hmm... Looks like I haven't upgraded my equipment enough...