Yui Kotegawa (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. C116Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRarityElite
NavyTo Love RuBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP1087 Reload43
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion13 Anti-air60
Aviation77 Cost0
ASW0 Luck88
HP5056 Reload82
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion52 Anti-air222
Aviation202 Cost0
ASW0 Luck93
Limit Break
Tier 1All Dive Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Dive Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Scandalous!Every 20 (10) s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If the ruler shells from this barrage hit the same enemy 3 times: inflicts Armor Break to that enemy and increases their aircraft DMG taken by 5.0% until the battle ends; when the handcuff shells from this barrage hit an enemy: decreases that enemy's SPD by 15.0% for 3s.???
Overbearing Outside, Softie InsideIncreases this ship's AA by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases your Vanguard's DMG taken by 1.0% (5.0%) . When any other ship in your fleet is attacked: 30.0% chance to launch a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level; 20s cooldown between activations).???
Scandalous!+Every 20 (10) s: 70.0% (100.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If the ruler shells from this barrage hit the same enemy 3 times: inflicts Armor Break to that enemy and increases their aircraft DMG taken by 5.0% until the battle ends; when the handcuff shells from this barrage hit an enemy: decreases that enemy's SPD by 15.0% for 3s. When this skill has inflicted Armor Break 3 times or more: increases this ship's AVI by 1.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description你就是指挥官吗?初次见面,我是古手川唯。因为一些小意外才来到这里的……不过既然要承蒙你照顾,我就一定会好好维护港区的纪律的!あなたが指揮官くん?はじめまして、古手川唯です。ちょっとしたアクシデントがあってここへ来たんだけど……お世話になるからには、母港の風紀をしっかり守るわ!Are you the Commander? I'm Yui Kotegawa, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Some strange circumstances brought me here... But if I'm to intrude on your port, then I promise to uphold discipline in return!
Biography我是彩南高校的风纪委员,古手川唯。虽然是因为意外来到这个世界的,不过这里的风纪看来也很混乱呢。既然如此,那我该做的事情还是一样的!就交给我吧!彩南高校風紀委員の古手川唯よ。アクシデントでこの世界に来ちゃったんだけど、ここの風紀も乱れてそうね。だったら、やることは変わらないわ!私に任せて!Yui Kotegawa, Sainan High Discipline Committee. I ended up here after an unfortunate accident, but it's obvious that discipline is a serious issue here. So I'm going to do my job – just leave it to me!
Acquisition你就是指挥官吗?初次见面,我是古手川唯。因为一些小意外才来到这里的……不过既然要承蒙你照顾,我就一定会好好维护港区的纪律的!あなたが指揮官くん?はじめまして、古手川唯です。ちょっとしたアクシデントがあってここへ来たんだけど……お世話になるからには、母港の風紀をしっかり守るわ!Are you the Commander? I'm Yui Kotegawa, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Some strange circumstances brought me here... But if I'm to intrude on your port, then I promise to uphold discipline in return!
Login指挥官,俗话说“衣冠不整则心神不宁”,还是注意一下仪容比较好哦。指揮官くん、服装の乱れは心の乱れっていうから、ちゃんとしたほうがいいわよ。Back at home, we said that disheveled dress reflects a disheveled mind. What I'm saying is, you should dress better.
Details唔......这里违反规则的孩子实在太多了,我一个人根本管不过来啊。那个,指挥官,你能不能帮我一起巡查,看看有没有扰乱风纪的孩子呢?うーん……ここはルール違反をしている子があまりにも多くて、一人じゃとても注意しきれないわ。ねぇ、指揮官くん、風紀を乱す子がいないかの見回り、手伝ってくれない?Hmm... There are so many girls breaking the rules here that I can't deal with them all myself. Commander, can you help me patrol?
Main指挥官,工作的时候就要好好集中!东张西望做多余的事可不行哦!指揮官くん、仕事する時はちゃんと集中しなさい!よそ見して余計なことをしちゃダメなんだから!You need to focus when you're working, Commander! No glancing around or fiddling with random things!
Main 2港区里的指挥喵,虽然和普通的猫咪有些不同,但圆滚滚的,好可爱……母港のオフニャたちって、普通のネコと見た目は少し違うけど…これはこれで、まんまるでかわいいわね。The port's Meowfficers look a little different from normal cats... but they're round and cute in their own way, so it's fine.
Main 3这个叫做舰装的东西,看起来非常华丽呢……不过为什么叼着树叶呢?「艤装」と呼ばれてるこれ…、とても派手な見た目ね…。葉っぱを口に加える理由は何?This stuff called "rigging" is awfully flashy... Why does mine have a plant stem in its mouth, though?
Touch怎么了?有什么需要我帮忙的吗?どうしたの?何か手伝って欲しいことがあるの?What's up? Do you want help with something?
Touch (Special)这、这也太……太不知羞耻了——!な…なんて…ハレンチなーーっ!H-how... utterly depraaaved!
Touch (Headpat)咳……你在做什么啊!な、なに?どうかした?Wh-what? What's the problem?
Mission指挥官,这是新任务的完成期限。一定要严格遵守哦!指揮官くん、新しい任務の期日よ。しっかり守るように!You have new mission deadlines, Commander. Don't miss them!
Mission Complete任务完成,呼……这下可以稍作休息了呢。任務完了よ。ふぅ…これで少しはゆっくりできるわね。Mission complete. Phew... Maybe now I can finally get a break.
Mail指挥官,你有新的邮件,记得及时查收,不要让邮箱里堆满未读邮件。指揮官くん、新しいメールが来ているわよ。メールボックスが未読でいっぱいにならないように注意しなさい。Commander, there's new mail for you. Don't let your mailbox fill up with unread messages.
Return to Port指挥官,辛苦了。休息很重要呢……所以我准备了些冷饮,要不.....指揮官くん、おつかれさま。休憩は大事だから…冷たい飲み物用意したんだけど……Thanks for your efforts, Commander. Rest is important, so... I brought you a cold drink...
Commission Complete指挥官,委托任务已经完成了。别忘了领取物资哦。指揮官くん、委託任務が完了したわ。物資は忘れずに受け取ってね。Commander, the commission work is complete. Don't forget to collect the supplies.
Enhancement这……这是什么……!难道说我,变强了!?な…何これ……!もしかして私、強くなってる!?Wh-what is this?! Am I... getting stronger?!
Flagship违反风纪的行为,我一次都不会放过的哦!風紀の乱れは一度だって見逃さないわよ!I won't let even one breach of discipline pass!
Victory呼——结束了。ふぅ…やっと終わったわPhew... It's finally over.
Skill禁止不知羞耻的行为!ハレンチ行為は禁止です!No perverted activities on my watch!
Low HP我还能继续努力!まだまだ頑張れるんだから!I can still keep fighting!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,你太不像话了,不能原谅。指揮官くん、非常識ね。許せないわ。You have no common sense. Just disappointing.
Affinity (Stranger)这里发生的大部分不可思议的事情都以指挥官你为中心……真是的,作为风纪委员可是一刻都不得闲啊。ここで不思議なことのほとんどが指揮官くんが中心だし…全く、風紀委員としては気の休まる暇もないわね。So many strange things around here converge on you... A Disciplinary Committee member knows no rest, I guess.
Affinity (Friendly)不久前,在港区里我看见了有着猫耳朵的孩子……一开始我还以为是头饰,后来发现居然是真的。虽然当时菈菈的尾巴就让我很惊讶了,但现在的猫耳朵更是让我大吃一惊。この前、母港で猫耳の子を見かけたわ。…カチューシャかと思ったらまさかの本物だなんて。ララさんの尻尾も驚いたけど、猫耳もびっくりだわ。I saw a girl with cat ears the other day. I'd assumed they were just a headband, but they were real! Lala's tail surprised me, but that was an even bigger shock.
Affinity (Like)港区的学校,和我们平常上学的学校很像呢。不过,黑板上的化学公式写错了。是谁写上去的呢……?母港の学校、私たちが通っている学校と似ているわね。でも、黒板の化学反応式が間違っているわ。書いたのは誰かしら…?The school at port is a lot like the one we go to. But the chemical equation on the blackboard is wrong. Who wrote that...?
Affinity (Love)不知不觉间,我已经完全适应了这里的生活。今后我也会为了指挥官和大家继续在战斗和维护风纪方面努力的!気づいたらここの生活にもすっかり慣れてきたわ。これからも指揮官くんと、みんなのために、戦闘も風紀を守ることも頑張るわ!Before I knew it, I'd gotten so used to life here. I will continue to fight and carry out my disciplinary duties – for you, and for the people of the port!
Pledge既然指挥官和港区还需要我,我再在这里多待一段时间也不错呢。当然,不知羞耻的行为还是要继续禁止的哦!指揮官くんと母港のみんながまだ私を必要としているなら、もうしばらくここに留まってるのもいいかもね。もちろん、引き続きハレンチ行為は禁止だからね!If everyone still needs me here, then I don't mind staying here longer. But no perverted behavior while I'm here, got it?!
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Lala Satalin Deviluke别总是使用奇怪的道具啊!いつも変なものばかり持ち出さないでよね! Stop pulling out so many weird things during combat!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description来来来~别害怕哦~……咦,指挥官!?等、等一下!不要随便闯进来哦!小猫也会被吓到的吧!おいでおいで〜、怖くないよ〜。…って指揮官くん!?ちょ…ちょっと!勝手に入ってこないでよ!この子もびっくりするでしょ!Come on over, I'm not scary~... Wha, Commander?! H-hey... don't go barging into people's rooms! Look, you're scaring my new friend!
Acquisition来来来~别害怕哦~……咦,指挥官!?等、等一下!不要随便闯进来哦!小猫也会被吓到的吧!おいでおいで〜、怖くないよ〜。…って指揮官くん!?ちょ…ちょっと!勝手に入ってこないでよ!この子もびっくりするでしょ!Come on over, I'm not scary~... Wha, Commander?! H-hey... don't go barging into people's rooms! Look, you're scaring my new friend!
Login指挥官,你是特地过来找它的吗?谢谢你。……那个……如果你还有时间的话……要不……没,没什么!指揮官くん、わざわざこの子を探してくれたの?ありがとう。…あの…もしまだ少し時間があるなら…なんて……な、なんでもないわ!Commander, did you come looking for this kitty here? Thanks. Umm... If you have some spare time, you know... I mean... N-never mind!
Details别看我这样,其实我也挺忙的……不过我也很担心你呢,指挥官。如果有什么我能帮上忙的,尽管说吧。こう見えて私も結構忙しいんだけど……指揮官くんのことも心配だし、何か手伝えることがあったら言ってね。I might not look it, but I'm a busy person... But I do worry about you, so if you have something to say, go ahead.
Main指挥官,目前看来一切都没问题。多亏有你,真是帮大忙了。不过,以后可能还会麻烦你,所以别掉以轻心哦。指揮官くん、今のところは大丈夫そうね。手伝ってくれて助かったわ。でも、またお願いするかもしれないから、気を抜かないでね。I think it'll be fine for now. Thanks for your help, Commander – but don't relax too much, because I might need it again soon.
Main 2我和阿尔及利亚小姐聊了很多关于猫咪的事情,还拍了不少照片。指挥官,你也来看看吧。アルジェリーさんと猫のお話をいろいろして、あと、写真もいっぱい撮ったわ。指揮官くんも、見て。Algérie and I chatted about cats and took a lot of pictures together. You should take a look, Commander.
Main 3我想把它送回猫咖里去。你能陪我一起吗?要是它半路跑掉了可就麻烦了……この子を猫カフェまで送り届けたいの。だから、一緒気来てくれない?逃げ出したりしたら大変だから。I want to take this cat to the cat café. Can you come with me? It'd be awful if she got away.
Touch (Special)指挥官!?呀啊!!!你在看哪里呀!太、太不知羞耻了!指揮官くん!?キャーッ!!!どこ見てるのよっ!は、ハレンチなーっ!Commander?! Eeek! What are you looking at?! P-pervert!
Touch (Headpat)我说,你在想什么呢?ちょっと、何考えてるの?What are you thinking right now?
Mission Complete它好像很喜欢指挥官你呢……看这样子,恐怕要把它带回猫咖也不容易呢。この子、すごく指揮官くんに懐いているわ…この様子だと猫カフェに連れて帰るのも大変かもね。This kitty has really taken a liking to you. Now I feel bad about the thought of taking her back to the cat café...
Return to Port指挥官,差不多该休息一下了吧?别…别太勉强自己哦……指揮官くん、そろそろ休憩したほうがいいんじゃない?あ…あまり無理しないでね…Don't you think it's time for a break? You shouldn't push yourself too much, okay...?
Affinity (Love)下次休息日的时候……就算不是因为要去猫咖之类的事,你也可以来我这里休息……偶、偶尔啦!只是偶尔哦!我只是觉得,有指挥官在的话,可以更了解港区里大家的情况,对维护风纪也有好处!仅此而已!今度のお休みの日……猫カフェとか、用がなくても、私のところに来て休んでいいから……と、時々よ。時々!指揮官くんがいれば、母港のみんなのことも分かるし、風紀を守るのにも色々良いと思っただけよ!Next time you're free... We could go out to the cat café, or you could hang out here, even without a reason... Sometimes, though. Sometimes! I'm only offering because it'd be easier to get to know everyone and uphold discipline if you're with me, that's all!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login早安,指挥官。港区真的有各种各样的人呢。我本来以为菈菈就很特别了,但这里的每个人都很与众不同呢。指揮官くん、おはよう。母港って本当にいろんな人がいるのね。ララさんは変わってるって思っていたけど、ここのみんなもかなり変わってるかも。Good morning, Commander. The port really is full of all kinds. I thought Lala was weird, but she doesn't hold a candle to some of the people here.
Main指挥官很受猫咪欢迎呢……真、真让人羡慕啊。如果有什么诀窍的话,能教教我吗……?指揮官くんは猫に懐かれているのね…う、羨ましいわ。何かコツがあるなら、教えてくれる……?This kitty really likes you... I-I'm jealous. Can you teach me how to be liked by cats?
Main 2虽然只要提醒了,大家还是会注意一些……不过还是有很多不能忽视的事情呢。我得更努力才行!みなさん注意したら気を付けてはくれるんだけど……まだまだ見逃せないことが多いわ。もっと頑張らないと!People listen when I warn them about breaches of discipline, but there's still too much to overlook. I have to keep it up!
Main 3作为风纪委员,维护这里的风纪也是理所当然的。指挥官也要来帮忙哦!風紀委員としてここの風紀を守るのは当然のこと。指揮官くんも手伝ってよね!As a disciplinarian, it's natural that I uphold order here. Help me out, Commander!
Touch (Special)指挥官!你这个人……!给我在那儿坐好了!指揮官くん!あなたって人は……!そこに正座しなさい!Commander! People like you make me so... Ugh! Kneel down and apologize!
Touch (Headpat)等、等一下,有什么事的话就说出来啊。ちょ、ちょっと、何か用なら声かけてよね。H-hey, if you need something, you can say it.
Mission又有新任务吗?真辛苦啊……如果可以的话,我也来帮忙吧。また新しい任務?大変ね…。もしよかったら、私も手伝わうわよ。Another new mission? Darn... I'm happy to help, if you'd like.
Mission Complete那么多的任务,全都完成了吗?指挥官好厉害啊!あんなにあった任務、全部片付けたの?指揮官くんってすごいのね。You finished all of those missions? I'm impressed.
Return to Port作为这里的指挥官,还真是辛苦呢……在开始下一项工作之前,就先好好休息吧。母港の指揮官って本当に大変ね。次の仕事に取り掛かる前にゆっくりと身体を休めたほうが良さそうね。Commanding a whole port sounds difficult. You should make sure you're well-rested before you take on your next workload.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,谢谢你陪我去港区的猫咪咖啡厅。里面的猫咪又柔软又听话,尤其是那些叫指挥喵的……真的好可爱!指揮官くん、母港の猫カフェに行くのに付き合ってくれてありがとう。ふわふわで人懐っこくて、特にオフニャと呼ばれている子たち…本当に可愛いわ!Thanks for agreeing to go to the port's cat café with me, Commander. Those soft, friendly kitties, especially the Meowfficers... They're too adorable!