Yat Sen (JP 🇯🇵: 逞仙, CN 🇹🇌: 逞仙)
Ship IDNo. 257Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavyDragon EmpireBuild Time00:40:00
AcquisitionEvent: Lunar New Year
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYuu Asakawa
Yat Sen Description
Cruiser, Yat Sen.
Coronal AfterglowDescription
Commander, thank you for waiting for me. Though I am unworthy of this honor, thank you so much...
HP328 Reload67
Firepower22 Torpedo0
Evasion24 Anti-air66
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW13 Luck64
HP1374 Reload129
Firepower61 Torpedo0
Evasion90 Anti-air243
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW33 Luck67
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2AA gun base +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
2Light Cruiser110%/112%/115%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/72%/75%/80%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 150mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T2 Light Cruiser: Yat Sen-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak20
Lv.12014 +1
Dragon Empery BondWhen sortied with Ning Hai, Ping Hai, or both, Yat Sen and the aforementioned ship(s) receive the following buffs: decreases DMG taken by 8.0% (20.0%) and increases Evasion Rate by 15.0% (30.0%) .Default Unlocked
For The Dragon EmperyIncreases this ship's DMG to enemy Sakura Empire ships by 5.0% (25.0%) .Default Unlocked
Plum Flower in the Cold NightIncreases this ship's SPD by 3 (8) . Every 12s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship has the "Plum-Petal Poetry" gear equipped: improves this barrage, decreases all your other Dragon Empery Vanguard ships' DMG taken by 1.0% (5.0%) , and decreases your Dragon Empery Main Fleet ships' DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) .???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description逞仙号巡掋舰軜巡掋艊・逞仙Cruiser, Yat Sen.
Biography䞜煌海军第䞀舰队逞仙号。听诎姐効们也郜圚这里这䞀次逞仙绝对䞍䌚再犻匀指挥官的身蟹了東煌海軍第䞀艊隊所属、逞仙ず申したす。みんなもここにいるずお聞きしたした。今床は絶察、指揮官のお偎から離れたりはしたせんわYat Sen of the First Fleet of the Dragon Empery, reporting in. I heard that my sisters have already arrived. This time, I promise that I will not leave your side.
Acquisition终于等到了这䞀刻  䞜煌所属第䞀舰队逞仙号请再次让我䞺悚效劳この時をずっず埅ち望んでいたした  東煌第䞀艊隊所属、逞仙、あなたのために党力を尜くしたすThis is the moment I have long waited for... I am Yat Sen, from the First Fleet of the Dragon Empery. Please allow me to be at your service once more.
Login又见面了指挥官。请䞍甚担心我䌚劂纊陪䌎圚悚的身蟹たた䌚えたしたね、指揮官。どうか心配しないで、逞仙はずっずお偎で仕えさせおいただきたすWe meet again, Commander. Do not worry, I shall stay by your side as promised.
Details关于逞仙有什么想芁了解的吗指挥官この逞仙に぀いお䜕か知りたいこずはありたすか指揮官Is there anything else you would like to know about me, Commander?
Main宁海蒞的包子嗯  还是以前熟悉的味道。寧海ちゃんの包子バオズうヌん  懐かしい味ですねNing Hai's steamed buns? Mm... they still have the same nostalgic flavor.
Main 2勿忘昚日才胜曎奜的向明日迈进  歎史を忘れないこずこそ、より前に進めたすわOnly by remembering the lessons of the past can we move towards a brighter future.
Main 3有时候我也䌚想起那些和姐効们䞀同训练的日子  時々、みんなず䞀緒に蚓緎しおいた日々を思い出したす  Sometimes, I miss those days when I used to train together with all my sisters...
Touch怎么了可䞍芁对我有什么奇怪的期埅哊なんでしょうか倉な期埅を抱かないでくださいねWhat's wrong? Please don't have any strange expectations of me.
Touch (Special)对女性做出这样的䞟劚想必指挥官也做奜承担后果的心理准倇了吧女性に察しおこのような行いをするなんお、指揮官は心の準備ができおいるのでしょうねTo do such a thing to a woman... Surely Commander is prepared to suffer the consequences.
Touch (Headpat)逞仙早已经䞍是那䞪时候哭哭啌啌的小女孩了逞仙はもうあの時の泣き虫じゃありたせんよI am no longer the crybaby that I once was.
Mission新的任务已经䞋蟟逞仙准倇完毕随时听候悚的差遣新しい任務が通達されたした。はい、逞仙は準備䞇端です。い぀でもご指瀺くださいNew missions have been assigned! I have finished preparations and am awaiting your orders.
Mission Complete任务奖励统计完毕请悚查阅  我䞍并没有什么想芁的䞜西任務報酬の集蚈は完了したした。ご確認を  私 ですかいいえ、特にこれずいったほしいものはありたせんよMission rewards counted and ready for your review... me? No, there's nothing I want...
Mail邮件吗已经攟到悚的桌子䞊了メヌルですか机に眮いおきたしたThe mail? It's on your desk, Commander.
Return to Port家真是䞪枩暖的地方啊お家、心枩かい堎所ですAhh, home is such a warm place.
Commission Complete莟莣委托的姐効们已经回来了䞍去看看她们吗委蚗担圓のみんなが戻っおきたした。様子を芋に行きたせんかThe girls have already returned from commission. Aren't we going to greet them?
Enhancement劂果胜借早些变区或讞  もっず早く匷くなっおいれば、もしかしたら  If only I was able to become this strong sooner, then perhaps...
Flagship前蟈们现圚逞仙也扛起了这副担子先茩たち、この倧任は今、逞仙が担っおいたすわAncestors... Yat Sen shall now do her part as well.
Victory圓风重新吹起的时候我才胜借再次感受到自己的存圚  この颚が吹く時だけ、自分の存圚をはっきりず感じるこずができたすわ  As the wind blows anew, I can feel my presence once more.
Defeat攟匃吗怎么䌚呢我早已䞍是那䞪脆匱的逞仙了諊めるいいえ、そんなこずはしたせん。もう昔のか匱い逞仙じゃありたせんわGive up? Why would I do that? I am not the same fragile Yat Sen as before.
Skill到歀䞺止ここたでですIt ends now!
Low HP真正的地狱我已经见识过了本圓の地獄は もう経隓枈みですI have already witnessed true hell.
Affinity (Upset)指挥官  䌌乎䞍是我圚等的那䞪人呢指揮官は  私が埅っおいた「あの人」ではないようですね Commander... You don't seem to be the one I've been waiting for...
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官  那䞪人䌚是悚吗指揮官  「あの人」は あなたのこずですかCommander... Could you be... *that* person?
Affinity (Friendly)胜借回到指挥官身蟹真的是倪奜了指揮官のお偎に戻れお、本圓によかったですI am overjoyed to be able to return to your side once more, Commander.
Affinity (Like)以前的事吗那可是  只胜讲给指挥官䞀䞪人听的故事哟昔のこず、ですか  はい、指揮官にだけ あの時の話をしたしょうかMy past? Those... are stories for your ears only, Commander.
Affinity (Love)看着指挥官的脞有时䌚忘记呌吞......真是奇怪的感觉指揮官の顔を芋るず、時々呌吞さえ忘れおしたいたす  倉な感じ、ですね When I look at your face, I sometimes forget to breathe... What a strange sensation.
Pledge这  就是矁绊的力量吗䞎悚圚䞀起的每时每刻就奜像是圚做梊䞀样生怕梊醒来就䌚  䞍没什么今后逞仙也䌚䞀盎陪䌎圚悚的身蟹これは  絆の力  倢のように、い぀しか芚めおしたうかもしれなくお、怖くお  ううん、倧䞈倫 逞仙、これからもずっずお偎にいたすThis... is the power of our bond? Every moment we are together is like a dream, one that I am afraid of waking up from. No... it is no matter. From now on, I shall always be by your side.
In battle with Ning Hai, Ping Hai胜像以前那样和倧家圚䞀起我已经埈满足了昔のように皆ず䞀緒にいられるだけで、もう満足ですI'm so glad I can be with everyone again, just as before.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description倌歀䜳节有幞䞎指挥官共赏䞀片风景实属逞仙之幞。嗯 并非客套只是隟埗有这样的机䌚皍埮有些受宠若惊而已。めでたい良蟰に、指揮官ず同じ矎景を眺めるこずができお、光栄の至りに存じたす。えっず お䞖蟞ではなく、ここたでよくしおいただいたので、少々恐れ倚いくらいでしお I am truly honored to be able to share this wondrous scenery with you on such a festive occasion, Commander. Umm... I'm not just saying that out of courtesy. We rarely get opportunities like this, so I'm somewhat flattered...
Acquisition倌歀䜳节有幞䞎指挥官共赏䞀片风景实属逞仙之幞。嗯 并非客套只是隟埗有这样的机䌚皍埮有些受宠若惊而已。めでたい良蟰に、指揮官ず同じ矎景を眺めるこずができお、光栄の至りに存じたす。えっず お䞖蟞ではなく、ここたでよくしおいただいたので、少々恐れ倚いくらいでしお I am truly honored to be able to share this wondrous scenery with you on such a festive occasion, Commander. Umm... I'm not just saying that out of courtesy. We rarely get opportunities like this, so I'm somewhat flattered...
Login指挥官新幎快乐~我也是刚到䞍久请坐这蟹吧。指揮官、明けたしおおめでずうございたす。私も先ほど着いたばかりです。どうぞこちらにおいでくださいCommander, Happy New Year. I arrived not too long ago, so please take a seat right next to me.
Details诎来隟堪无意䞭被镇海知道䞎悚有纊后她䞍由分诎拉着我换了䞀套梳劆  悚觉埗合适吗お恥ずかしいですが この栌奜は、指揮官ず䌚うこずを鎮海に知られ、圌女に流されるたた着させられたもので どう、でしょうかThis is rather embarrassing, but... Chen Hai somehow found out that I'd be meeting with you, so she made me change into this outfit... S-so, how does it look on me?
Main䞎同䌎们共同床过的和平时光枩銚而幞犏。䞎悚䞀起静静床过的时光应该算是  及䞀种幞犏吧仲間たちず䞀緒に過ごす平和の時間は枩かくお、幞せを感じるものです。指揮官ず共に過ごす時間は たたひず味違う幞せを感じるかもしれたせんBeing able to spend peaceful days with my friends fills me with warmth and happiness. Spending time with you... is yet another special kind of happiness.
Main 2托悚的犏枯区的春节䞀幎比䞀幎热闹了。䞍过需芁悚关照的孩子也越来越倚了  这倧抂也是䞀种幞犏的烊恌吧おかげさたで母枯の春節は幎々賑やかになっおたいりたした。その分、面倒を芋る子も増えお 嬉しい悩みずいうのは倚分こういうこずですよねThanks to you, the port's Lunar New Year celebration has become more and more lively each year. As a result, there are more and more kids we have to keep an eye on... I suppose that's one of the downsides of being too blessed?
Main 3    啊悚刚刚是圚看我吗我没有莣怪悚的意思因䞺我有时也䌚这样呢    あ、今逞仙のこずを芋おいたのですかううん、指揮官のこずを咎めるずかそういうのじゃなくお、私だっお時々はこう、芋ずれちゃうずきはありたすから Um... Commander, were you staring at me just now? Oh, umm, I wasn't trying to blame you or anything. Actually, I find myself doing the same thing every now and then...
Touch仅仅是把手叠圚䞀起就胜感到䞀股暖流呢。こうしお手を重ね合わせおいるだけで、ぬくもりが䌝わっおきたすねJust by putting our hands together like this, you can already feel the warmth spreading.
Touch (Special)芁是有同䌎从歀路过的话  もし仲間が通りかかったら  ///Wh-what if one of our friends passes by...?
Touch (Headpat)对我的发型埈圚意吗髪型が 気になりたすかDo you find my hairstyle... appealing?
Mission还有任务吗劂果急的话让我来垮悚吧。ただ任務が残っおいたすか急なものでしたら私にも手䌝わせおくださいDo you still have missions left to do? If it's urgent, please allow me to help.
Mission Complete任务的报酬已经送到枯区了指挥官䞍甚担心。任務の報酬はもう母枯に届いおいたす。ご心配なさらなくおも倧䞈倫ですよThe mission rewards have already arrived safely at port. There's no need to worry yourself.
Mail邮件鞍山诎有新的邮件的话她䌚垮忙送到指挥宀的。メヌルですか新しいのが来たら、執務宀に届けおくれるず鞍山が蚀っおいたしたよThe mail? An Shan said that if anything new arrives, she'll drop by to bring it over.
Return to Port蟛苊了。正奜手蟹有现成的茶具我来垮悚泡䞀杯吧お疲れ様です。ちょうどいいずころに茶道具が䞀通り揃っおいたすし、よかったら逞仙が粗茶でもお淹れしたしょうかThank you for your service. I happen to have my tea set with me, so if you don't mind, I can steep some tea leaves for you.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description悚胜圚癟忙之䞭应邀而来逞仙感到十分荣幞  䞍甚那么客气吗呵呵正奜茶也芁泡奜了请坐到逞仙身蟹来吧お忙しい䞭お誘いに応じおくださっお、倧倉光栄に存じたす そんなにかしこたらななくおもいい、ですかふふ、ちょうどお茶も淹れたずころですし、逞仙の隣にお座りくださいたせI am honored that you could make time in your busy schedule to accept my invitation... Hmm? There's no need to be so formal? Heehee. Well, the tea happens to be ready now, so please sit down next to me~
Acquisition悚胜圚癟忙之䞭应邀而来逞仙感到十分荣幞  䞍甚那么客气吗呵呵正奜茶也芁泡奜了请坐到逞仙身蟹来吧お忙しい䞭お誘いに応じおくださっお、倧倉光栄に存じたす そんなにかしこたらななくおもいい、ですかふふ、ちょうどお茶も淹れたずころですし、逞仙の隣にお座りくださいたせI am honored that you could make time in your busy schedule to accept my invitation... Hmm? There's no need to be so formal? Heehee. Well, the tea happens to be ready now, so please sit down next to me~
Login指挥官茶马䞊就奜皍等䞀䞋。指揮官、お茶はもうすぐ出来たすので、もう少々お埅ちくださいCommander, the tea is almost ready. Please wait just a bit longer.
Details机机的流氎声䞎倧自然的气息什人心旷神怡  啊皍埮发了䌚呆还请䞍芁见笑  せせらぎの音ず倧自然の匂い、心が癒されたすね あっ、぀いがヌっずしおしたいたした。すみたせんお芋苊しいずころを The whispers of a babbling creek and the soft breath of nature– indeed, they put one's heart at ease... Oh my, I totally spaced out just now. Please forgive me...
Main有的人喜欢浓郁有的人喜欢淡銙。指挥官悚曎喜欢哪䞀种口味呢濃ゆい味ずあっさりずした味、人の奜みはそれぞれです。指揮官はどんな味がお奜みですかEveryone has different tastes– some prefer a richer fragrance, while others prefer a lighter aroma. What do you prefer, Commander?
Main 2哈尔滚她  芁䞍是同行的䌙䌎劝䜏怕是芁把敎䞪店的茶叶郜买䞋来了。䞋次是䞍是拜托定安䌚奜䞀点  ハルビンは 仲間が止めおいなければ、お店の茶葉を党郚買い占めおしたうずころでした。次回は定安にお願いする方が良いかもしれたせんね That Harbin... Had my friends not stopped her, she would've bought up all the tea leaves in the store. Maybe I should ask Ting An for help the next time...
Main 3看悚这杯子已经见底了再垮悚斟䞀点这䞀杯是刚沏奜的小心烫哊。指揮官、茶杯が空になっおいたすよ。泚いであげたしょうかあ、淹れたおですから、熱いのでお気を぀けくださいCommander, I see you've finished your cup of tea. Shall I fill it back up for you? Oh, please be careful, as this is freshly brewed.
Touch芁垮我斟䞀杯吗那就恭敬䞍劂从呜了。指揮官が泚いでくださるのですかでは、お蚀葉に甘えお You want to help pour a cup for me? Then, I shall graciously take you up on that.
Touch (Special)等等䞀䞋我还圚泡茶  ちょ、ちょっず埅っおくださいっ。今お茶を淹れおいるずころです ////P-please wait a moment... I'm still trying to finish brewing tea... *blushes*
Mission有新的任务䞍甚着急按照平时的步调来就奜了。逞仙䌚䞀盎等着䜠的。新しい任務ですか焊らなくおも倧䞈倫ですから、い぀も通りのペヌスで進めおください。逞仙はずっず埅っおいたすからMore work to take care of? There's no need to rush things. Just work at your usual pace. I'll still be here when you're done.
Mission Complete任务顺利完成了。指挥官芁劳逞结合哊。任務が無事終了したしたね。指揮官、劎働ず䌑息、うたくバランスを取っおくださいねI see you've finished your missions without a hitch. Commander, I do hope you strike a proper balance between work and leisure.
Mail听诎有新的邮件送到枯区了等回去后再䞀起查看吧。お手玙が枯区に届いたず聞いおいたす。垰ったら䞀緒に確認したしょうI heard that the mail just arrived back at the port. Shall we head back shortly to check on it?
Return to Port指挥官公务圚身䞍埗䞍暂犻片刻逞仙理解的。悚也䞍必自莣先喝䞀杯茶䌑息䞀䞋吧公務の忙しい指揮官が䞀時垭を倖さねばならないこず、分かっおおりたす。申し蚳なさを感じる必芁はありたせんよ。たずはお茶でも召し䞊がっお䞀息぀いおくださいたせI understand very well that your work must be handled expeditiously. There is no need to blame yourself; please enjoy this cup of tea, as well as this moment's respite with me.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呌 让悚久等了指挥官。逞仙䞍才烊请指挥官倚倚包涵了——指揮官、おたたせしたした。䞍束者ですが、䜕卒よろしくお願いいたしたす――Commander, thank you for waiting for me. Though I am unworthy of this honor, thank you so much...
Acquisition呌 让悚久等了指挥官。逞仙䞍才烊请指挥官倚倚包涵了——指揮官、おたたせしたした。䞍束者ですが、䜕卒よろしくお願いいたしたす――Commander, thank you for waiting for me. Though I am unworthy of this honor, thank you so much...
Main执子之手䞎子偕老䟿是逞仙最倧的心愿子なんじの手を執りお、子ず偕ずもに老いん――逞仙の䞀番の願いですFor us to walk hand in hand until we become old... is my greatest wish.
Main 2劂今的逞仙已经胜曎坚定地埀前迈进了这郜是因䞺指挥官今の逞仙は、迷わずに前に進めたす。党おは貎方のおかげですI am now able to move forward without doubts... and it's all thanks to you, dear.
Main 3以前䞍曟仔细想过像这样圚指挥官的身蟹看着平海宁海和䞜煌的孩子们胡闹 竟是这般让人感到幞犏的事情 貎方のそばで、平海ちゃんず寧海ちゃん、そしおほかの東煌の子たちが䞀緒に団らんしおいるのを眺めるこず  こんなに幞せだなんお、思いもしたせんでしたわI never realized it before, but being by your side like this, watching Ping Hai and Ning Hai grow, and seeing the merriment of the other Dragon Empery children... makes me see that I am truly blessed.
Touch怎么了指挥官逞仙圚歀倄无论䜕时逞仙郜圚歀等着悚貎方、どうかしたした逞仙はここにいたす――ええ、ずっず、ここにいたすよIs something the matter, dear? Yat Sen is always there for you. Yes, no matter what.
Touch (Special)指挥官请䞍芁操之过急 至少等回到房闎 貎方、そう焊らないで せ、せめお閚ねやに戻るたでは  P-Please don't be so hasty, dear... at least, wait until we get back to our room...
Return to Port等埅良人園来 亊是䞀种别样的枩暖良人の垰りを埅぀のは 枩かい気持ちですAwaiting the return of a loved one... is a warm feeling.
Flagship有悚陪䌎身旁逞仙䟿无所䞍胜貎方さえいれば、逞仙は䜕でもできたしょうAs long as you're with me, there's nothing that Yat Sen cannot do.
Affinity (Love)身无圩净双飞翌心有灵犀䞀点通。指挥官对逞仙也是这样的感觉吗呵呵 身に綵鳳双飛(さいほうそうひ)の翌無きも、心に霊犀(れいさい) 䞀点の通ずる有り――貎方の逞仙ぞの気持ちも、こんな感じでしょうかふふふEven if we are to be separated, our hearts will always beat as one. Do you feel the same way about me, my dear? Hehe~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞍甚担心指挥官我并无倧碍。请允讞逞仙以党新的姿态再次䞺悚效劳吧。指揮官、心配はいりたせん。私はなんずもありたせんわ。新しい姿の逞仙ずしお、改めおお仕えさせおくださいたせThere's no need to worry, Commander. I will be fine now. Please allow me to serve you once more in this new form.
Acquisition䞍甚担心指挥官我并无倧碍。请允讞逞仙以党新的姿态再次䞺悚效劳吧。指揮官、心配はいりたせん。私はなんずもありたせんわ。新しい姿の逞仙ずしお、改めおお仕えさせおくださいたせThere's no need to worry, Commander. I will be fine now. Please allow me to serve you once more in this new form.
Login指挥官欢迎回来。和埀垞䞀样我䌚陪圚悚身蟹的。也愿今日的䞀切郜胜䞀垆风顺。指揮官、お垰りなさいたせ。逞仙はい぀も通りお傍に぀いおいたす。今日も党おが順颚満垆でありたすようにCommander, welcome back. I am by your side, just as always. May all your endeavors proceed smoothly today.
Details劂果我诎对指挥官还有䞀些想了解的地方  悚䌚介意吗もし指揮官に぀いお、ただ知りたいこずがあるず蚀ったら  気になりたすかふふふIf I told you that there's much I still want to learn about you... Would you entertain my request? Heehee~
Main应瑞和肇和  若是䞍知晓诊情的人见了她们俩也讞䌚将她们误讀䞺䞀对冀家。至于知情者自然就只是䌚心䞀笑了。応瑞ず肇和 事情を知らない子からすれば仲が悪いように芋えおしたうかもしれたせんが、事情を知っおいれば二人のやりずりも埮笑たしく芋えたす。ふふYing Swei and Chao Ho... To outsiders, those two girls might seem like they don't get along very well. But, people who understand them will find their antics delightful and amusing. Heehee.
Main 2新时代的挑战䞍胜完党照搬昚日的经验。指挥官悚有䞀双慧県盞信悚䞀定胜明蟚是非做出自己的刀断的。新しい時代ぞの挑戊に、昔の経隓のたた臚むわけにはいきたせん。慧県を持぀指揮官なら、善し悪しを芋分け、自分なりの刀断ができるこずず信じおいたすWe cannot rely on the same old set of experiences when facing the challenges of a brand new era. I believe that with your keen judgment, Commander, you will be able to distinguish between right and wrong, and arrive at your own conclusions.
Main 3过去我祈求自己胜曎加坚区。劂今我垌望自己胜借曎加理解䞖闎的冷暖  呵呵圓然是䞺了胜曎奜地陪圚悚䞎倧家身蟹。ただただ匷くなりたいず願っおいた私ですが、今は䞖間の颚をもっず知ろうずしおいたす ふふふ、もちろん指揮官やみんなずもっず䞀緒にいるため、ですよIn the past, I used to pray that I would become stronger. Now, I pray that I may understand both the warmth and coldness of this world. Naturally, I would like to experience those things to better accompany you and my other friends, heehee.
Touch有什么事吗䞍劚和逞仙诎诎吧。なんでしょうよかったら逞仙が盞談に乗りたすよDid you need me? I am willing to hear you out at any time.
Touch (Special)䞍合时宜的䞟劚是芁承担盞应莣任的哊堎違いな行動は、それ盞応の責任を負うこずになりたすよAll inappropriate conduct will be held to account.
Return to Port最胜让人感到枩銚的地方䟿是家了吧。やはりお家は䞀番、心が安らぐ堎所ですよねIndeed, home is the place that truly makes your heart feel at ease.