Wichita (JP 🇯🇵: ウィチタ, CN 🇹🇼: 威奇塔)
Ship IDNo. 49Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time
AcquisitionUnlocked in collection
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressNozomi Yamamoto
Wichita-class heavy cruiser – Wichita, Hull Number CA-45! Unlock build after receiving
The General's BanquetDescription
It's about time you showed up, Commander. Now, show me some spirit! As my lieutenant, don't do anything slovenly that would incur the mockery of others! Very well, let's move out!
Domineering WitchitaDescription
Tonight I am not a renowned naval general, I am a feared commander of witches! And you... Yes, you're not my lieutenant, you are my arcane familiar!
HP638 Reload66
Firepower49 Torpedo0
Evasion9 Anti-air41
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck70
HP2719 Reload127
Firepower136 Torpedo0
Evasion49 Anti-air156
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck74
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser110%/115%/125%/130%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun50%/50%/50%/55%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/105%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 203mm Advanced Main Gun
3Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Wichita-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock12 +1
Max LimitBreak24
Lv.12018 +1
Artillery Command: CruisersIncreases the FP of all Cruisers in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%) . Does not stack with the same skill.
Double GunWhen this ship fires its Main Guns: 15.0% (25.0%) chance to fire its Main Guns twice.
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Wichita once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Double Gun - WichitaIncreases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (20.0%) . When this ship fires her Main Guns: 15.0% (25.0%) chance to fire an additional attack, followed by a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description威奇塔级重巡洋舰—威奇塔,舷号CA-45 获得后将解锁建造ウィチタ級重巡洋艦・ウィチタ 図鑑報酬入手で通常建造開放Wichita-class heavy cruiser – Wichita, Hull Number CA-45! Unlock build after receiving
Biography独一无二的大将军就是我威奇塔大人了! 哼,只要是我出手,哪怕是航母也不在话下,所以期待你的表现啊,指挥官唯一無二たる海の猛将こそ、この私・ウィチタ様よ! 私が手を下せば空母でも蹂躙してみせるーーだから、指揮官よ、お前の力も期待させてもらうわよ I am the one and only fearless general of the seas, Lady Wichita! Even carriers would be crushed beneath my feet, if I wanted to end them myself. That's why, Commander, I'll be expecting much of you.
Acquisition你就是指挥官?很好,今天起你就是我威奇塔的军师,征服这片大海就靠你了お前が指揮官かい?よし、今日からお前が私の参謀よ。この海を征服するため力を尽せ!You're the commander? Very well. Starting today you will be my adviser. You will devote your time to helping me conquer the seas!
Login回来了吗,让我好等,准备出征了戻ったか。私をまたせたわね。出立の用意をYou've returned. You really kept me waiting. Get ready to depart.
Details重型巡洋舰的标杆,好好体会吧重巡の基準たる私の力、味わいな!Relish in the power of a true heavy cruiser!
Main鱼雷?软弱无力魚雷?軟弱軟弱!Torpedoes? Far too weak!
Main 2看到了吗,我们的征途是这汪洋大海! 見たか、我が征くはこの蒼き海の果なり!Look! Our conquest extends to the ends of this blue sea!
Main 3没有什么是一炮不能解决的!この巨砲の一射で、解決できない問題などない!There exists no problem that a shot from my huge cannons cannot resolve!
Touch怎么了,想和我过过招吗?どうした、手合わせしたいのか?What is it, want to have a go with me?
Touch (Special)你小子想尝尝鞭子的滋味吗?このムチを味わいたいか?Are you trying to get a taste of my whip?
Mission新的任务?读来听听新しい任務?読み上げなさいA new mission? Read it out loud for me.
Mission Complete竟然要给我奖赏この私にボーナスだと!?You're giving ME a reward?!
Mail邮件这种东西你全权负责就好了メールなんざ、お前に一任するI'm entrusting the mail to you.
Return to Port指挥辛苦了,你也休息一下吧指揮ご苦労だ。お前も休んでなさいGood work, Commander. You should rest as well.
Commission Complete嗯?委托完成了啊……哼,我们舰队兵强马壮,几个委托自然是不在话下的うん?委託が完了したか……ふん、我が艦隊の強盛を持ってすれば委託など容易いものだHm? Looks like a commission's been completed... Hmph, a few commissions are easy pickings for our mighty fleet.
Enhancement有这股力量的话……この力があれば……!With this kind of power...!
Flagship全军,自由开火!全軍、撃ちまくれ!All units, fire at will!
Victory哈!虾兵蟹将,不是我一合之敌ハッ!雑魚どもが、相手にもならぬわ!Hah! These weaklings are no match for me!
Defeat这样才有意思,撤退!これこそ面白い。ふん、引くぞ!Now this is interesting. Hmph, fall back!
Skill用这一击决胜吧!この一撃で決める!This shot will be it for you!
Low HP该拿出你的密策了吧?秘蔵の策でも披露してはどうだ?How about unveiling what secret plan you have in store for me?
Affinity (Upset)啊,看来我的眼光有问题啊……找了这么个废柴……ふん、私も見る目がないようだ……まさかこんな役立たずを頼りにするとは……Hmph, it seems I made the wrong decision... by relying on someone as useless as you...
Affinity (Stranger)我的梦想就是征服世界!征服以后干什么?哼,我怎么知道!私の夢は世界征服だ!世界を征服した後?ふん、そんなもの知るか!My dream is to conquer the world! What happens after I've done that? Hmph, who cares about that!
Affinity (Friendly)好奇这根鞭子吗,其实只是过去随便买的,用着还挺顺手就一直用着了,用来指地图的时候还是挺好用的このムチに興味あるか?まあ昔適当に買ったものだが、意外と使い勝手がよい。特に地図を叩く時になYou're curious about my whip? Well, I bought it on a whim long ago, but it's been surprisingly useful. Particularly when I'm pointing at a map.
Affinity (Like)虽然是事到如今,不过谢谢你一直陪我任性啊……以后也可以?哈,不愧是我看上的指挥官!今更だが、私のわがままに付き合ってくれて、本当は感謝したいものだ…これからも付き合ってあげてもいい、と?はっ!流石私が見つけた指揮官だ!Though it may be a little late, I really wanted to thank you for putting up with my selfishness and staying with me... Will you continue doing so? Hah! That's just that what I wanted to hear, Commander!
Affinity (Love)我说指挥官,虽然一开始只是开玩笑,现在我感觉我们联手的话说不定真的能征服这片大海啊!反正我的东西就是你的东西,我们到时候也不用分嘛,对不对!指揮官よ。最初は冗談のつもりだったが、今は私達が力を合わせれば、もしかしたら本当にこの海を征服できるかもしれない!まあ私のものはお前のものだ、山分けすることもなかろう。そうだろ?Listen, Commander. I was just joking about it at first, but if we join forces, we might just be able to conquer the entire ocean! Since what's mine is yours, there won't be any need to split everything equally, am I right?
Pledge我当你是亲友……不对,我好像也没把你当亲友——等等,让我理一理,啊,我不是拒绝的意思…等一下让我整理一下心情……お前のことは親友……いや、親友として接するつもりはないーーちょっと待て、今整理する、いや、別に断るというわけでは…少し心を整理させてくれ……I see you as my best friend... No, I'm not planning on treating you as my best friend... Hold on, let me think for a moment. No, that doesn't mean I'm turning you down... Just give me some time to ready my heart for this...
In battle with London, Kaga哈哈哈,来个让我满意的计策吧!アハハハハハハ!この私を満足できる秘策を披露してみせろ!Ahahahahahaha! Show me a grand plan that'll leave me satisfied!
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (3)重巡战队,突击!Heavy cruisers, attack!
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (1)枫之军团,随我出征!Kaede's Legion, follow me!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description终于来了啊,指挥官。打起精神,今天你可要作为我的副手出场,可别无精打采的让人笑话了。好了,我们出发吧指揮官、やっと来たのかい。さあ、胸を張りな!私の参謀として、人に笑われるようなだらしない振る舞いは許さん!よし、出発だ!It's about time you showed up, Commander. Now, show me some spirit! As my lieutenant, don't do anything slovenly that would incur the mockery of others! Very well, let's move out!
Acquisition终于来了啊,指挥官。打起精神,今天你可要作为我的副手出场,可别无精打采的让人笑话了。好了,我们出发吧指揮官、やっと来たのかい。さあ、胸を張りな!私の参謀として、人に笑われるようなだらしない振る舞いは許さん!よし、出発だ!It's about time you showed up, Commander. Now, show me some spirit! As my lieutenant, don't do anything slovenly that would incur the mockery of others! Very well, let's move out!
Login你磨磨蹭蹭的在干什么,指挥官?何をグズグズしている?指揮官What took you so long, Commander?
Details礼仪啊,社交辞令啊,服装啊这些学起来可真是比战斗伤脑筋多了……哼,不过既然是自己选择参加的,我可不会放弃社交マナー、コーディネート…ふん、ある意味、戦いと比べると面倒なのは確かだがな。だが参加した以上、知らぬ存ぜぬは通らんMannerisms, etiquette, dress codes... Hmph. This is all more convoluted than naval battles, that's for sure. Still, I agreed to participate, so I mustn't act like a total simpleton.
Main指挥官,你盯着我看干什么?……哈哈,我知道了,你也想喝一杯对吧?想喝的话说一声不就是了,真是的何を見ている。……そっか、一杯飲みたくなったんだな?直接声をかければいいものをWhat are you looking at? You want a drink, huh? Why didn't you just say so right away?
Main 2即使是最优秀的士兵,不停的战斗也会疲惫,这样一个宴会对所有人来说都是必要的,不是吗?好好享受吧どんなに優秀な兵士でも戦い続ければいつか疲労困憊になる。羽を伸ばす機会は誰にとっても必要だと思わないか?ありがたく楽しむがいいEven the world's best warrior would succumb to exhaustion if they never stopped fighting. Everyone needs time off for recreation, you know? So enjoy yourself tonight.
Main 3指挥官,你看到圣路易斯那辆车了吗?嘿,真帅啊,下次我去向她借来我们一起去兜风吧セントルイスが運転していたやつ、かっこいいな。今度借りてドライブでも行くかNot going to lie, St. Louis's car looked really slick. I'm considering asking for the keys and taking it for a spin later.
Touch啧,好险,差点就跟你勾肩搭背起来了…至少在这得注意一下形象才行…!危うく肩を抱かれるところだったな…流石にこの場所では気をつけてくれHey! You nearly put your hand on my shoulder there... Try to avoid doing that in public at the very least.
Return to Port一点小场面怎么能难住我的指挥官,对吧?この程度など、指揮官にとってなんてことない。そうだな?That level of workout is nothing you can't handle. Right, Commander?
Flagship就陪你们玩玩好了,尽管来吧!遊んでやる。かかってきな!You want to play, do you? Come here!
Victory无聊,就没有什么更有趣的敌人了吗?ハッ!つまらん、もっと面白い敵はいないのか?Hah! Pathetic. Can't they send someone who'll put up a fight?
Affinity (Love)お前が優秀になり、そして私も変わっていく。力をつけていくだけではなく、この海を手中に収めるために必要とされるものを学び続ける―お前と私が歩む道は同じだ
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈哈哈!今晚我不是什么大将军,而是让人畏惧的魔女之王!至于你的话…就暂时变成魔女的使魔吧!今夜の私は海の猛将ではなく、恐れられる支配者の魔女である!お前は…そうだな、参謀ではなく使い魔をしばらく演じてみるがいい!Tonight I am not a renowned naval general, I am a feared commander of witches! And you... Yes, you're not my lieutenant, you are my arcane familiar!
Acquisition哈哈哈!今晚我不是什么大将军,而是让人畏惧的魔女之王!至于你的话…就暂时变成魔女的使魔吧!今夜の私は海の猛将ではなく、恐れられる支配者の魔女である!お前は…そうだな、参謀ではなく使い魔をしばらく演じてみるがいい!Tonight I am not a renowned naval general, I am a feared commander of witches! And you... Yes, you're not my lieutenant, you are my arcane familiar!
Login夜幕降临,万圣节的好戏要开场了。指挥官,该出发了!さあ、ハロウィンナイトの幕開けだ!指揮官、出立するぞ!The curtain rises on All Hallows' Eve! Commander, we're leaving!
Details一味的黑暗只会引人不安,恰到好处的灯光才是绝妙的惊悚。指挥官,想好怎么布置万圣节的场景了吗?闇は人を不安にさせられるが、よりスリリングにするには手の込んだ照明の設計も必要だ。どうだ指揮官、ハロウィンのセット作りに何かいいアイデアはないか?Darkness may unnerve people, but you need some well-placed lighting to truly frighten them. So, tell me, Commander: have any ideas for setting up a Halloween scene?
Main幽灵、妖怪?今晚它们不过都是我的手下罢了,哈哈哈!ゴースト?モンスター?ふん、今夜は等しく我が支配下に置いてやろう、ははは!Ghosts? Goblins? Hah! On this night, they too are under my control! Hahahaha!
Main 2有来要糖果的孩子们?你帮我拿过去吧,我怕我现在的样子会吓到她们。トリックオアトリート?ああ、その対応はお前がしろ。私の格好を見れば恐れをなす子がいるかもしれないなTrick-or-treaters? It's your job to deal with those. Wouldn't want to risk petrifying any children with my terrific costume.
Main 3魔女抬起头,从帽檐下渐渐露出了她尖锐的獠牙…没错,我要的就是这个感觉!魔女の帽子の下から鋭い牙が顕になる――それが狙いだRaising the brim of my witch hat to reveal my razor-sharp fangs – now that's what I'm talking about!
Touch南瓜不止一个,你也坐上来享受一下节日气氛吧!お前もだ。かぼちゃに乗ってハロウィンの雰囲気を楽しめCome, familiar. Get up on the pumpkin and take in the Halloween spirit.
Touch (Special)看来我的使魔想念鞭子的滋味了啊?使い魔がムチを味わいたいってところか?Desperate to once more taste the sting of my whip, are we?
Return to Port耳朵和獠牙看起来逼真?那是当然,这可是我特地准备的!牙と耳が迫真…だと?当然だ、この日のために調達したのだからなMy fangs and ears look very realistic? Of course they do. I had them specially procured just for this holiday.