Volga (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 538 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Northern Parliament Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress Shibasaki Noriko
Volga Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Volga Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Meteoric Hope When this ship launches an Airstrike: 45.0% (75.0%) chance to launch an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level; inflicts the Flooding status for 12s to enemies hit by the special airstrike's torpedos). If this effect fails to activate: instead fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AVI stat).
Crystals of the Great River Every 20s: selects the lowest HP percentage ship in your fleet, and afterwards 2 randomly chosen ships in your fleet, and recovers HP for the ship(s) equal to 1.0% (5.0%) of this ship's max HP (it is possible for a ship to receive multiple heals). After this effect activates: spawns a Lv.1 (Lv.10) summon that explodes, dealing DMG to enemies (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AVI stat).
Motherly Heart When the battle starts, increases this ship's AVI by 1.0% (5.0%) per each ship in your Vanguard (can be stacked up to 3 times). If your Flagship or Vanguard lead ship is a Northern Parliament ship: grants this ship the full stack of 3 regardless of the number of ships in your Vanguard.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 72型航空母舰—伏尔加 72型空母-ヴォルガ Project 72-class aircraft carrier – Volga
Biography 来了来了,是自我介绍对吧~我是北方联合的航空母舰伏尔加。以母亲之河为名,从空中和海上全力支援同伴们!还请多多关照了哦,指挥官~ はいはーい、自己紹介ですね~北方連合所属、空母のヴォルガです。母なる川の名を預かって仲間たちを空から海から精一杯応援しまぁす!お手柔らかにお願いしますね、指揮官♪ I'm here, I'm here! My introduction, right? I'm Volga, Northern Parliament aircraft carrier. Named after our homeland's life-giving river, I'll do everything I can to support our friends, from sea or sky! Just make sure to be extra nice to me, Commander~♪
Acquisition 你的脸色不好哦?最近有好好吃饭吗?睡眠状况如何?唔,难道是精神压力太大?人际关系紧张?…啊,我是伏尔加,北方联合的伏尔加~哎?原来我还没有自我介绍吗… 顔色が優れないようですね…最近ちゃんとご飯を食べてますか?睡眠も?んーもしかして心のストレス?人間関係?…あ、私の名前はヴォルガ、北方連合のヴォルガです~。あら?自己紹介してませんでしたっけ… You don't look so good... Have you been eating properly lately? And how about your sleep? Hmm... Maybe it has something to do with emotional stress, or relationship problems? ...Oh. My name's Volga, Volga of the Northern Parliament. Oh my, did I really forget to introduce myself until now?
Login 伏尔加,今天也好好好加油!呼呼~指挥官也是,和大家一起好好加油吧♪ ヴォルガ、今日もがんばりますよ~っと。ふふふ、指揮官も仲間たちと仲良く、頑張っていこうね♪ I'll do my best today as well~ Hehe, Commander, that goes for you and the other girls too. Let's all work hard together~♪
Details 万一…不对,就算没有万一的时候,也请尽管依靠伏尔加! いざというときは…ううん、そうじゃなくても、ヴォルガを頼りにしてください! In case of an emergency... Um, I mean, you can always rely on me, emergency or not!
Main 阿尔汉格尔斯克,下次的茶会我可以带点伏特加来吗?不,不可以?这样… アルハンゲリスク、今度のお茶会にヴォッカを持っていってもいい?だ、ダメ?うそぉ… Arkhangelsk, can I bring vodka to the next tea party? Ehh, I can't? Aww...
Main 2 ♪啦啦啦~指挥室也打扫干净了~今晚吃什么好呢~对了,指挥官有什么推荐的菜单吗? ♪~執務室を掃除しながら今日の夕ご飯を考えるのは楽しいです~。そうだ、指揮官のおすすめのメニューとかあります? Hum hum~♪ It's fun thinking about what I want for dinner while cleaning your office~ Oh right, Commander, do you have any recipes you'd like to share with me?
Main 3 哼哼,别看我这样,在战场上我可是出了名的可靠哦。…好像“别看我这样”这句显得有些多余了? ふふーん、こう見えても戦場では頼りになるって評判ですよ。…こう見えてもって余計だと思いません? Heh heh~ I might not look it, but I sure pack a punch on the battlefield! ...Huh? The "might not look it" part is unnecessary?
Touch 来啦~是您在呼唤伏尔加吧~ はーい、ヴォルガ、呼ばれましたぁ~ I'm coming~ Did you need something from me?
Touch (Special) 选伏尔加真的好吗?…欸,只是意外吗?? ヴォルガで本当にいいの?…えっ、ただのハプニングでした?? If that's how you feel about me, then... Huh? It was an accident??
Touch (Headpat) 呣,明明伏尔加才是姐姐…对吧?肯、肯定是的啦! むぅ、ヴォルガは年上……のはずですよね?き、きっとそうですよ! W-wait, I'm supposed to be the big sister here, right? I, I'm sure of it!
Mission 来新任务了呢。指挥官,可不要努力过头了哦。 新しい任務、ですね。ほどほどにお願いしますよ、指揮官 We've got new missions, huh? Try to pace yourself and not overdo it, Commander.
Mission Complete 疼疼疼…搬运任务报酬的时候不小心被绊了下…指挥官也一起搬吗?诶嘿嘿,谢谢 あいたたた…任務報酬を運んでたら、ちょっと転んじゃって…指揮官も一緒に運んでくれるのですか?えへへ、ありがとうございます Owwie... I tripped while bringing the mission rewards over... Commander, would you mind lending me a hand? Ehehe, thank you very much~
Mail 来信了哦~如果是来自同伴们的邀请就好了呢~ お手紙ですよ~。何かの招待だったら嬉しいです~ You've got a letter~ Wouldn't it be nice if your friends are inviting you to do something fun?
Return to Port 指挥官辛苦了~作战回顾?稍微晚点再来也没关系啦,先跟大家一起吃个饭吧? 指揮官、お疲れさまですよ~。振り返り?それはあとでいいから、今は皆と一緒にご飯でも食べましょ? Commander, thanks for your hard work~ Operation debriefing? Let's leave that for later and have some food with the others first?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了!伏尔加这就把慰问的便当拿过来~ 委託組が戻ってきました!ヴォルガ、差し入れのお弁当をお持ちしますね~ The commission fleet has returned! I'll go take lunchboxes out to them~
Enhancement 怎么说伏尔加也是正经的航母呢~ ヴォルガはちゃんとした空母ですからね~ I'm a REAL aircraft carrier, after all~
Flagship 航空支援就交给我吧! 航空支援、がんばります! I'll do my best to offer air support!
Victory 我们的胜利稳如泰山!只要坚持不懈,最后的胜利就一定是我们的! 勝利は揺るぎません!耐えて耐えて、耐え抜いて最後に勝つのはきっと私たちですから! Our march forward is unstoppable! We shall endure, no matter what, until the final victory is ours!
Defeat 虽然输了…但是!最后的最后,我们一定会赢回来的! 敗北…ですが、最後の最後には勝ちます! So this is defeat... But, the final victory will eventually be ours!
Skill 现在正是加把劲的时候! 頑張るのは今、ですね! Now's the time to give it our all!
Low HP 最后会获胜的…是我们! 最後に勝つのは…私たちです! The final victory... will be ours!
Affinity (Upset) 好孩子可不能给伙伴添麻烦哦?对吧? いい子は仲間を困らせちゃダメですよ?ね? A nice person doesn't cause trouble for their friends, got it?
Affinity (Stranger) 不注意健康可不行哦?我理解你事务繁忙,但是最重要的身体只有一个呢。 不摂生はメッ、ですよ?忙しいのは分かりますけど、大事な体は一つしかありませんからね You can't have an unhealthy lifestyle, okay? I know you're busy, but nothing is more important than your health.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官~要来杯伏特加吗…啊,现在在工作所以不能喝呢。那工作完了后我再来问吧♪ 指揮官~ヴォッカでも…あっ、今は仕事中だから飲んではダメですね。じゃあ、仕事が終わったらまた声をかけまぁす♪ Commander~ Want some vodka? Oh, you can't drink during work hours, huh... Well, just let me know when you're done here~♪
Affinity (Like) 嗯,今天可以放松一下下的哦~呼,如果伏尔加要给一直都很努力的指挥官一个奖励的话…指挥官,你觉得什么样的好呢?呵呵呵~ はいはい、今日はちょこっとだけね~。ふぅ、いつも頑張っている指揮官にヴォルガから一つご褒美をあげると言ったら…指揮官、何がいいです?ふふふ Hey, why don't you treat yourself to something nice today? Hmm, if I had to pick out a reward for my hardworking Commander... What do you think it'd be? Hehe~
Affinity (Love) 想要摸摸头的奖励是吗~好的!摸摸头~摸摸头~诶嘿嘿,感觉这样会上瘾呢♪来,躺下吧~直接这样睡着也行的哦~? よしよしのご褒美ですね~分かりました!はい、よしよし~よしよし~えへへ、なんだか癖になっちゃいそうです♪はーい、横になって~このまま寝ちゃってもいいですよ~? So you want me to reward you with a headpat? Sure, I can do that~ Yes, yes, who's a good Commander? Now, come lie down over here~ You can fall right asleep if you want~♪
Pledge 来了来了,指挥官有什么事吗?…诶,啊,这是誓约之戒?给我的?真的?要、要是他人不会嫉妒就好了…诶嘿嘿,好开心…好开心啊…… はいはーい、指揮官、どうしました?…えっ、あっ、これは誓いの指輪?私に?本当?ほ、ほかの子が嫉妬しなければいいですけど…えへへ、嬉しい…嬉しいです……うぅ… I'm here, Commander! What's wrong? ...Huh? Umm, this ring... It's for me? Really? W-won't the other girls be jealous though? ...Ehehe, this makes me so happy, it really does... *sniffles*
In battle with UNKNOWN(7) 大家团结友爱,一起加油吧~ 皆仲良く、頑張りましょうね~ Let's do our best, everyone~
In battle with Essex, Intrepid, Ticonderoga , Bunker Hill, Shangri-La 这边也是正经的航母呢…应该? こっちだってちゃんとした空母…かも?? Wow, so you're also real carriers...?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这里是伏尔加,现在正在跟踪重要证人。(咬)…肚,肚子饿是因为…不觉得这个AR体验游戏很费体力么?啊,把证人跟丢了… こちらヴォルガ、今重要証人を追跡中です。はむっ…は、腹ぺこなのはその…このAR体験ゲーム、体力をすごく使うので…え?使いません?あっ、追跡の証人を見失っちゃいました…… Volga here. I'm currently tracking an important witness. *gurgle* ...Is my stomach rumbling because this AR game requires so much stamina? Ugh, lost track of the witness just now...
Acquisition 这里是伏尔加,现在正在跟踪重要证人。(咬)…肚,肚子饿是因为…不觉得这个AR体验游戏很费体力么?啊,把证人跟丢了… こちらヴォルガ、今重要証人を追跡中です。はむっ…は、腹ぺこなのはその…このAR体験ゲーム、体力をすごく使うので…え?使いません?あっ、追跡の証人を見失っちゃいました…… Volga here. I'm currently tracking an important witness. *gurgle* ...Is my stomach rumbling because this AR game requires so much stamina? Ugh, lost track of the witness just now...
Login 下一个拐角是该往左,还是往右呢…啊,指挥官,辛苦了。要是肚子饿了的话可以吃这个……诶,啊!好,我会集中注意力的! 次の曲がり角を左か、右か…あ、指揮官、お疲れさまです。お腹が減ったらこれを……えっ、あ!はい、集中します! Do I turn left or right at this next juncture... Oh, hey there, Commander! If you haven't eaten yet, take this– ...Uhh, oh! Right, I've got to focus!
Details 好,这下一定要抓到证据。指挥官请从那边包抄。然后…这个给你,饿了的话可以拿来垫垫肚子。 よし、今度こそ証拠を押さえますわよ。指揮官はあっちに回り込んでください。あと…はい、これ、腹ぺこになったら食べてね All right, I've got myself some conclusive evidence this time. Please loop around that way. After that... Oh, before I forget, take this in case you get hungry~
Main 之前贝拉罗斯好像说过,那家酒吧的酒很好喝…啊,现在要集中,好好集中注意力才行! あのバーのお酒は美味しいって、この間ベラルーシアが言ってて…あっ、集中集中、集中しませんとっ Belorussiya told me that the bar there serves really good drinks... Oh, yeah, focus, focus!
Main 2 从这边跑到下一个隐蔽物为止要的时间…指挥官,抓紧我! ここから走って次の遮蔽物までは…指揮官、捕まえて! The time it takes to get from here to the next stakeout point is... Commander, hold on tight!
Main 3 基洛夫应该在对面埋伏着…好的,这里就是伏尔加大显身手的地方了! キーロフがあの向こうで待ち伏せしてくれているはず…よぉし、ここはヴォルガが大活躍する場面で間違いありませんわ! Kirov should be lying in ambush on the other side... All right, this is where I show you what I'm made of!
Touch 这就过来~啊…暴露了自己的位置……任务失败了… はーい、今……はぅ…居場所がバレちゃいましたぁ……ミッション失敗です… Now we wait... Ugh, my cover's been blown... There goes the mission...
Touch (Special) 呀?!说了现,现在不行啦… ひゃぅ?!い、今はダメだってば… Ahhhn?! W-wait, now's not a very good time...
Touch (Headpat) (小声)嘘,现在正在执行任务呢。 (小声)しーっ、今は任務中よっ Shh, I'm in the middle of a mission!
Return to Port (咕~~)你问刚才是不是有什么动静…啊…没有!什么都没有哦! (ぐぅ~~)今音がしなかったかって…あっ…何でもありませんっ!ありませんってば! (*grumble*) You heard something just now? Uh... I'm sure it was just your imagination! Yeah, nothing at all!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 呼啊…指挥官睡得还好吗?伏尔加现在也睡得很好哦…Zzzz…… ふはぁ…指揮官はよく眠れました?ヴォルガは今もよく寝て…Zzzz…… *Yawn*... Commander, did you sleep well? I was having a nice nap just now as well... Zzz...
Details 我能如此活跃,不是靠着作战经验或者性能,而是勇气、同伴,还有对指挥官的爱!呼呼呼~听起来是不是很帅气? 私が活躍できた理由はカンレキ・性能ではなく、勇気と仲間、あとは指揮官への愛です!――ふふふ、カッコよく決まりましたか? My greatest contribution to this fleet isn't on the battlefield - but rather, through courage, companionship, and love! Heh heh, sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?
Main 基辅说我做的便当很微妙…怎会这样…呜…指挥官也这么觉得吗…? キエフちゃん、私の手作り弁当を微妙って…そんなぁ…うぅ…指揮官もそう思いますかぁ…? Kiev said the lunch I made for her was funny-tasting... But how could that be? Ugh... Commander, what did you think?
Main 2 适时地释放掉压力是长久持续的窍门哦。呵呵,不管是兴趣、工作,还是人生都是一样哦…当然,“人生”不如说“想要长寿的话”就是了~ ストレスを溜め込まないのが長続きのコツです。ふふ、趣味でも仕事でも人生でも…人生の場合は長生き、ですね Having a proper outlet for stress is a trick that'll go a long way, whether in work, leisure, or life itself... Well, assuming you want a long life, that is~
Main 3 要出击的话请叫上伏尔加。呼呼,毕竟我可是出了名的可靠呢~对吧? 出撃でしたらヴォルガにお声掛けください。ふふふ、だってほら、頼りになるって評判でしょ? If you're heading out for battle, you can call on me! Heh heh, after all, I have a great reputation for being reliable, right?
Touch 来了来了,指挥官,有什么事呀~? はいはーい、指揮官、なんですか~? I'm here, Commander! What do you need~?
Touch (Special) 呼呼,真没办法,既然是指挥官的吩咐的话~ うふふ、指揮官に頼まれちゃいましたからね~ Ehehe, if you're really that into me, then what can I say~
Mission Complete 嗯嗯,任务辛苦了~报酬就由我搬到仓库吧……“一个人有些危险,所以一起搬比较好”…? よしよし、任務お疲れさまでした~。報酬は私が倉庫まで運んで……危ないから一緒の方がいいって…? Good, good, you sure did a great job out there~ I'll bring the rewards over to the depot... Huh? It's dangerous, so it's better to stick together...?
Return to Port 作战的总结是吧…嗯嗯,(嚼嚼)硕以进填的mbc系谁吖(所以今天的MVP是谁呀)? 作戦の振り返りですね…はむっ。うんうん、ほへへひょうほへふひーひーははへへふ(それで今日のMVPは誰です)? Back from the operation already? *nom*... Mmhmm, sho, who'sh the MVP this time?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,今天的菜单是——已,已经做好了吗??怎么这样…那伏尔加煞费苦心考虑的菜单不就……(嚼嚼)好好吃!那什么,指,指挥官,我可以…再来一份吗? 指揮官、今日の献立は――も、もう用意してくださったのですか??そんな…ヴォルガがせっかく考えたメニューは……はむっ。美味しい!ええと、し、指揮官、おかわり…もらえたり…します? Commander, what would you like for din– Huh, it's already done? No way, I spent all day coming up with a special recipe... *nom*... Woah, delicious! Um, Commander, c-could I please have some more?