Vampire (JP 🇯🇵: ヴァンパイア, CN 🇹🇼: 吸血鬼)
Ship ID No. 103 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 00:18:00
Acquisition Event: Z Force
Enhance Income
Firepower 4
Torpedo 23
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Rie Kugimiya
Name Saru(猴妈)
Vampire Description
V-class destroyer ー Vampire, Hull Number D68!
The Breath of Spring Description
What do you think of my new outfit? You love it? Or just like it? Haha, your answer is written right on your face. Next... wait, wait, wait! I haven't put my socks on yet!
Little Devil in White Description
Commander, I am now a nurse, so thou hast no choice but to give me thy blood~! Hehe, just kidding~!
Night Princess's Regalia Description
Commander, thou promised to go to the festival with me, right? If thou forgot, I shall have to give thee a nibble upon the neck, ehehe~
Night Princess Idol Description
Feast thine eyes upon Vampire's idol attire... is it not exquisite? Heheh, now thy gaze shall be fixed upon my performance alone~♪
Eloi's Blessing Description
Those who fall in love with vampires are bound to suffer seven times more than their infatuation. After all, love is a poison which leads to death.
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air D
HP 1095 Reload 171
Firepower 62 Torpedo 335
Evasion 190 Anti-air 135
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 187 Luck 42
Hit 159 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 1314 Reload 196
Firepower 71 Torpedo 376
Evasion 195 Anti-air 156
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 207 Luck 42
Hit 167 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP 212 Reload 72
Firepower 13 Torpedo 71
Evasion 73 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 51 Luck 42
Hit 61 Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 40.8
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 100%/100%/110%/115% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 135%/140%/140%/145% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/105% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 102mm Auxiliary Gun
2 Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T1 Destroyer: V-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 3 +1
Max LimitBreak 6
Lv.120 4 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Vampire's Kiss Every 35 (25)s: fires 3 special torpedoes that heal this ship for 20.0% of the DMG dealt.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Vampire once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
00:18:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 旧V级驱逐舰—吸血鬼,舷号D68 初代V級駆逐艦・ヴァンパイア(D68) V-class destroyer ー Vampire, Hull Number D68!
Biography 汝想知道些什么?人家是皇家“旧”v级驱逐舰吸血鬼,参与过许多护航和巡逻任务,也目睹了诸多同伴的沉亡……不,这次不会再见证失败了!奋战到底,然后一起痛饮敌人的鲜血吧! 汝が求める知識はなぁに?…私は王家の初代V級駆逐艦のヴァンパイアよ。護衛任務と哨戒任務、そして多くの仲間の轟沈するを目にしてきたの……次はもう失敗しないわ!最後まで戦い、共に敵の鮮血を飲み干そうではないか! What is the knowledge you seek? ...I am the first V class destroyer of the royal family, the honorable Vampire. I was in escort and patrol missions, and I hath also witnessed the sinking of many allies... I will not fail come next time! Let us fight until the end, and drink the blood of our enemies dry together!
Acquisition 人家是V级吸血鬼号哦,汝的鲜血看起来十分美味呢——说回来,汝就这么喜欢盯着人家的胖次看吗? 私はV級駆逐艦のヴァンパイア。汝の鮮血、美味しそうだわ!――そう言えば、汝はそんなにコレをじっと見つめるのが好きなの? I am V class' destroyer, Vampire. Thine blood looks delectable! --That said, thou doth fancy to stare at mine spots, do you not?
Login 今天人家穿了什么颜色的胖次…想要知道吗? 今日はどんな色のを履いているか…知りたい? Perhaps thou wish to inquire what color I adorn myself with today?
Details 怎么?对驱逐舰也会有什么奇怪的想法吗? なぁに?駆逐艦にも変なことを考えてるの? What? Dost thou have strange thoughts concerning destroyers?
Main 好无聊……阅读?没办法的啦 暇……消灯したら寝る以外やることないもん I'm bored... There is nothing to do after the lights are out
Main 2 喂喂,我们去做些快乐的事吧 ねえねえ~楽しいことでもしよ? Hey, hey~ How about let's do something exciting?
Main 3 太平洋风平浪静?不,人家可不这样觉得 南太平洋が平穏?いいえ、私はそう思わないけど? The Pacific is calm on this night? Well, that's not the case, I think?
Main 4 在摸哪里呢?来摸这里更舒服哦。不敢么?嘿嘿,胆小鬼
Touch 诶!笨蛋!色狼!萝莉控! どこを触ってるの?…もうおしまい?ふふふ、この意気地なしめ~ Where art thou touching? It is much better over there ...Done already? Hehehe, such a half-heart~
Touch (Special) 诶!笨蛋!色狼!萝莉控! え…このバカ!変態!ロリコン! Eh... You idiot! Pervert!
Touch (Headpat) 你当人家还是小孩子吗?……痒痒的,诶,这就结束了? 人を子供だと思ってるの?……くすぐったい~あ、あれ?もうおわり? Art thou treating me as a child? ... It tickles~ Wh-what? Over already?
Mission 你是工作狂吗?什么,人家也要去? 任務。汝、ワーカホリックなのかしら。え、私も行くの!? Missions. One wonders if thou art a workaholic. What? I hast emark on a journey as well?
Mission Complete 呼……可以稍微休息一下了,不知道会有什么奖励呢~ ふあ……ようやく休めるようね。ご褒美はどんなものかしら~ Phew... Finally, bedrest. I do wonder what the rewards can be~
Mail 有新邮件,是什么呢? 新しいメールよ。どんなものかしら? New postage? What secrets does this envelope contain?
Return to Port 洗澡!然后进餐!咦,人家的葡萄酒呢? お風呂!ディナー!…あれ?ワインはどこに置いてあったっけ… Bathtime! Dinner! ...Huh? Where's the wine again?
Commission Complete 有人回来了!有没有给人家带葡萄酒啊? 誰かが帰ってきたわ!ワインの差し入れはあるのかしら? A lady approaches on the horizon? Is there wine in thier coffers?
Enhancement 胸部好像又大了一点呢——什么你说没有? ここが少し大きくなったかなーーえ?変わっていないって? Perhaps I've grown a little bigger here --What? Are thou implying nothing has changed?
Flagship 嚯嚯嚯,盛宴拉开帷幕了! おーほっほっほ!狂宴のはじまりよ! Oh ho ho ho! Let the banquet begin!
Victory 看吧,这就是人家(吸血鬼)的实力!什么,奖励中没有葡萄酒? 見るがいい!これぞ私の実力よ!え!褒賞にワインが入ってないの!? Beholdeth my power! What! There's no wine among the rewards?!
Defeat 啊……飞机什么的最讨厌了!可恶,吸血鬼是不会死的 うぅ……飛行機なんて大っ嫌い!う、ヴァンパイアは死なないのよ! Ugh... I hate planes! I, Vampire, will not die!
Skill 奉上鲜血与恐惧吧! 鮮血と恐怖をよこしなさい! Give me your blood and fear!
Low HP 可恶,我需要更多的鲜血! ちぃ、私にもっと鮮血を! Tsk. I need more blood!
Affinity (Upset) 哼,愚笨的下仆只配舔我的脚 ふん、愚かな人間は私の足を舐めるのに相応しいわ Hmph. Licking my feet is suitable for foolish humans.
Affinity (Stranger) 怎么?就这么想看人家的胖次吗?好啦,就勉为其难地告诉你,今天——是黑色哦 なに?私のコレをそんなにみたい?うふふ、じゃあ、ありがた~く教えてあげる。今日は~「黒」だよ~ What is it? Thou wills to see mine garmets that greatly? Hehe, then I tell you, today's color is~ black~
Affinity (Friendly) 呐,这么讨好人家,难道汝是萝莉控吗?真是禽兽呢。还要狡辩吗?床底下的H书,我可都翻过哦~ ねえ、こんなに媚びへつらって、汝はもしかしてロリコン?このケダモノ~まだ言い訳するの?ベッドの下の薄い本、全部読んだわよ~ Since thou are so allured by me, are thou perhaps a pervert? A beast. Seeking respite? More excuses? Lo, I've seen what's under thine bed and read them all
Affinity (Like) 别靠得这么近,不…人家也不是讨厌你,只是作为女孩的矜持啦!人家想葡萄酒了,快去拿! そんなに近寄らないでよ!…べつに汝が嫌いになったわけじゃないけど、女の子には女の子のプライドがあるの!わ、ワインが飲みたくなったわ!早く持ってきなさい! Do not get gammy with me! ...It is not that I hate you, but a lady must show her restraint! I-I now want to drink wine! Hurry up and fetch some to me!
Affinity (Love) 这种心情真是奇怪……怎么,吸血鬼喜欢上人类很奇怪吗?高尚的人类是不会拒绝女孩子的请求的,对吧,呐 変な感じ……なによ、吸血鬼が人間を好きになるのってそんなにおかしいわけ?気高い人間は女の子からの誘いを断らないよね?そうでしょ?ねえ~ This be a strange feeling... What? Is it unnatural for a vampire to love a human? A noble human cannot refuse a lady's advances, right? Isn't that so? It is, right?
Pledge 哼哼,你还真是不坦率……好啦,准备好收下我甜美的鲜血,迎接以罗伊的赐福吧 ふふん、汝って素直じゃないよね~はい、私の甘美なる鮮血を受け入れ、エロイの祝福を受けるよう準備しなさい~ Hmhm. Thou art insincere... So be it. Receive mine sweet blood, and be prepared to receive Eloi's most blessed of blessings~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 人家的新衣服怎么样?超喜欢?还是最喜欢?嘻嘻,答案都写在汝脸上了哟,接下来……等、等等!人家还没穿袜子呢—— この新しい衣装、どぉ?ダイスキ?ダイダイダイスキ?うふふ、顔に出てるわよ~で、次は……ま、待って!まだ靴下は履いていないのに――! What dost thee think of my new dress? Like it? Or love it~? Eheh~ 'tis written all over thy face. Next is... w-wait! I haven't put on my stockings yet!
Acquisition 人家的新衣服怎么样?超喜欢?还是最喜欢?嘻嘻,答案都写在汝脸上了哟,接下来……等、等等!人家还没穿袜子呢—— この新しい衣装、どぉ?ダイスキ?ダイダイダイスキ?うふふ、顔に出てるわよ~で、次は……ま、待って!まだ靴下は履いていないのに――! What dost thee think of my new dress? Like it? Or love it~? Eheh~ 'tis written all over thy face. Next is... w-wait! I haven't put on my stockings yet!
Details 指挥官,汝在盯着哪里看呢?胸部显小都是因为这身衣服的关系啦! どこを見てるの?…!こ、これは着痩せなの!き・や・せ! Commander, where art thee looking? ...! I-it's only because the dress is tight-fitting!
Main 今天晚上,汝有安排吗?嘻嘻,人家有哦。人家晚上要和汝在一起,所以抽不开身去别的地方~ 夜に予定あるの?うふふ、私はあるわ~汝にベッタリとくっついてーどこにも行かせないことだぞ~ Dost thee have plans for tonight? Ehehe, I do~ I plan to cling to thee all night so thee cannot go anywhere~
Main 2 人家最喜欢的晚餐?嘻嘻,当然是吹灭了蜡烛的烛光晚餐~ ディナーはどんなのがいいって?うふふ、もちろん、キャンドルディナー!あ、最後は私がロウソクを消すのよ! My favourite meal? Ehehe, obviously the one after I have blown out the candles~
Main 3 和喜欢的人,做愉快的事! 好きな人と~楽しいことやりたいな~ I wish to do fun things~ with the person I like~
Touch 指挥官,人家摸起来舒服吗?冰肌玉骨……?嘻嘻~人家最喜欢油嘴滑舌的汝了 「氷肌玉骨」(ひょうきぎょっこつ)だって?汝のこういう口説き上手いなところが大好きよ♪ Commander, dost thee enjoy touching me? "My skin is smooth and fair?" Ehehe, I love thy sweet-talking~
Touch (Special) 嘻嘻,指挥官是个只有我才会喜欢的无可救药的变态呢 うふふ、やっぱり指揮官は私がいないと…ヘンタイ♪ Ehehe, Commander is a pervert who only I could love~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,现在的人家是护士,所以人家要汝献出血液,汝就不能反抗哟~嘻嘻,开玩笑的 指揮官、今の私はナース――つ・ま・り……おとなしく私にぃ~鮮血を差し出しなさいな~ふふふ、冗談よ~ Commander, I am now a nurse, so thou hast no choice but to give me thy blood~! Hehe, just kidding~!
Acquisition 指挥官,现在的人家是护士,所以人家要汝献出血液,汝就不能反抗哟~嘻嘻,开玩笑的 指揮官、今の私はナース――つ・ま・り……おとなしく私にぃ~鮮血を差し出しなさいな~ふふふ、冗談よ~ Commander, I am now a nurse, so thou hast no choice but to give me thy blood~! Hehe, just kidding~!
Details 指挥官,想念人家无微不至的护理了吗~ 指揮官、私の看護、恋しくなっちゃった? Commander, dost thou long for my meticulous care~?
Main 指挥官,猜猜看,人家到~底有没有穿呢? 指揮官、はいてるかどうか、当ててみてよー♪ Commander, take thy wildest guess~ Am I really wearing anything underneath~?
Main 2 指挥官,工作了这么久也该休息一下了哦,过来,人家帮你放松一下~ 指揮官は働き詰めだね…そろそろ休憩しない?こっちに来て、この私がリラックスさせてあ・げ・る♪ Commander, thou hast been hard at work for so long~ Come hither and allow me to help thee unwind~
Main 3 诱惑汝和照顾汝明明一点也不矛盾,汝这个大笨蛋怎么就不明白呢 誘惑とお世話、矛盾するものじゃないのに……この馬鹿、なんでわかってくれないの…? Seducing and taking care of thee are but two sides of the same coin! How does this big dummy not understand that?
Touch 话说,人家稍微检查了一下汝的身体,没想到汝还挺健康呢 そういえば、指揮官の体の調子を調べてみたけど、意外と健康だね I just wanted to inspect thy body a little, but turns out thou art surprisingly healthy~
Touch (Special) 呀!人、人家可是白衣天使,汝这变态! わ、私は白衣の天使よ!このヘンタイ! Eek! I-I'm an angel in white, you know? Pervert!
Return to Port 汝这笨蛋,别一副志得意满的样子,过来让人家看看有没有受伤 馬鹿、まーた浮かれて調子に乗っちゃって…はい、怪我しているか見せてちょうだい Dumb Commander, stop acting all smug and come let me inspect thee for injuries!
Commission Complete 委托组的大家回来了啊,人家也去看看有没有受伤什么的好了 委託組の子たちが戻ったよ。ふぅ…私も皆が怪我してないか確認してくる Everyone from the commission fleet has returned! Perhaps I should check if anyone is injured.
Flagship 白衣吸血鬼可不会救助敌人哦~ ナースのヴァンパイアでも敵は助けないわよ~ This nurse won't be saving any enemies' lives~
Victory 大家,受伤的话来我这里应急包扎一下哦~ みんな、怪我したら私のところに来て!包帯を巻いてあげるわ♪ If anyone is hurt, please come see me for emergency bandaging~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,别人的鲜血人家不管,但是汝的鲜血只有得到人家的允许才能流,知道了吗~ 指揮官?ほかの人の鮮血は別にいいけど、指揮官の鮮血はこの私の許可無しで流してはダメよ?わかった?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,今晚和人家约好一起去庙会的事情,没有忘记吧?要是汝说忘了,人家可是要在汝的脖子上“轻轻地”咬一口咯? 指揮官、お祭りに行く約束、忘れてない?忘れてたら汝の首に軽くパクっとしちゃうわよ?ふふふ Commander, thou promised to go to the festival with me, right? If thou forgot, I shall have to give thee a nibble upon the neck, ehehe~
Acquisition 指挥官,今晚和人家约好一起去祭典的事情,没有忘记吧?要是汝说忘了,人家可是要在汝的脖子上“轻轻地”咬一口咯? 指揮官、お祭りに行く約束、忘れてない?忘れてたら汝の首に軽くパクっとしちゃうわよ?ふふふ Commander, thou promised to go to the festival with me, right? If thou forgot, I shall have to give thee a nibble upon the neck, ehehe~
Login 指挥官,今天,可要陪人家玩到尽兴才行哦? 指揮官、今日は私の気が済むまで付き合ってもらうわよ♪ Commander, art thou prepared to play with me until I'm satisfied?
Details 重樱的浴衣?那是什么,对人家来说这一身才是祭典的正装哦? 重桜の浴衣?なにそれ、私にとってこの格好こそが祭りへの正装よ? A Sakura-style yukata? What's that? For one like myself, only finery like this fits the occasion~
Main 喂,指挥官,这个金鱼怎么这么难捞,快来帮人家! この金魚すくいってものはなんて難しいの!ねぇ汝、早く私を助けて! Nnh... Commander, how is this goldfish so hard to scoop? Hurry and help me!
Main 2 嗯……浴衣这种服装,似乎比想象的要有意思呢,人家下次也穿穿看吧 重桜のあの衣装、思ってたより趣あるわね。…私のは次回までお預けよ Hmm... these "yukata" things are more interesting than I had thought. I will have to try wearing one next time.
Main 3 指挥官,那边似乎有什么有趣的东西,不过人家看不到,背人家起来嘛 あそこでなんか面白そうなことをやってるわね。ここじゃよく見えないわ。肩車してちょうだい Commander, there appears to be something interesting over there. But I can't see... lift me onto thy shoulders?
Touch 对人家来说,夜晚才刚刚开始呢,汝可不许说困了哦? 夜はまだ始まったばかりよ?もう眠るなんて許さないわ For one like myself, the night hath only begun. Thou art not allowed to be sleepy yet~
Commission Complete 委托?去吧,可别让人家等太久哦? 委託?行ってきなさい。あまり待たせるんじゃないわよ? Commissions? Go forth, but do not keep me waiting too long~
Affinity (Love) 嘻嘻,重樱真是有一些有趣的东西,人家刚刚学到了一句很有意思的话——月色真美…?不过,要人家说,还是月色之下的汝更美呢,让人忍不住……想把你吃掉~ 重桜って面白いもののたとえがあるわね。そう…確か「月は綺麗ね」って言ったっけ?でも私ね、月なんかより、汝のことがずっと…んん…ええと…「食べちゃいたい」ぐらいキレイだと思ってるわよ♪ Hehe, the Sakura Empire sure has a lot of interesting things. I just learned this profound phrase: "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" But for me, thou art far more beautiful than the moon... I can't help but to want to... taste thee~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 人家的偶像服…是不是很正式呀?哼哼,接下来,汝之注意力,已经无法从人家身上移开了哦♪ ヴァンパイアのアイドル衣装…意外と本格的でしょ?ふふん、これから汝の視線は私のステージに釘付けよ♪ Feast thine eyes upon Vampire's idol attire... is it not exquisite? Heheh, now thy gaze shall be fixed upon my performance alone~♪
Acquisition 人家的偶像服…是不是很正式呀?哼哼,接下来,汝之注意力,已经无法从人家身上移开了哦♪ ヴァンパイアのアイドル衣装…意外と本格的でしょ?ふふん、これから汝の視線は私のステージに釘付けよ♪ Feast thine eyes upon Vampire's idol attire... is it not exquisite? Heheh, now thy gaze shall be fixed upon my performance alone~♪
Login 今天人家穿了什么颜色的…也许其实没有猜的必要~?呵呵呵♪ 今日はどんな色の…当てるまでもないかも?ふふん♪ What color am I wearing today... Well, maybe there's no need to guess~? Hehe~♪
Details 汝觉得什么样的歌更适合人家呢…光说个“摇滚”可不够哦?可爱点的、还是帅点的,稍微说点具体些的印象♪ ヴァンパイアはどんな歌が合ってるかな?…ロックだけだと分からないわ。こう可愛いのとか、カッコいいのとか、イメージを言いなさい♪ What kind of song would suit me best? ...And don't just say "rock." Give me something both cute and cool, befitting my image~♪
Main 偶像最重要的是势头哦~要把开心摆在第一位才对♪汝不这么觉得吗? アイドルに大事なのはノリよ。楽しくやるのが一番だわ♪汝もそう思わない? The key to being a good idol is motivation. That's why the most important thing is to have fun~♪ Wouldst thou not agree?
Main 2 “Darling♪吸血鬼是亲·爱·的专属的偶像哦♡”嘻嘻~ 「ねえダーリン♪ヴァンパイアはあ・な・ただけのアイドルよ♡」ふふふふ "Hey darling~♪ Vampire can be thy per~ so~ nal~ idol~♡" Ehehe~
Main 3 厌战都穿上了偶像服?还真难得啊… へーウォースパイトさんまでアイドル衣装を着たの?珍しいわね… Even Warspite is an idol now? Huh, never would've imagined...
Touch (Special) 这是…所谓的粉丝福利? これは…ファンサービスってやつ? This... counts as fanservice, right?
Mission 有通告哦!快看看~♪ オファーよ!早く確認しなさい♪ I got an offer! Quickly, come look~♪
Return to Port 作战辛苦了♪我也刚练习完~想洗个清爽的澡呢~嗯?汝是不是在想什么不该想的事情啊~? 作戦ご苦労♪私もレッスンで疲れたからお風呂に入ってさっぱりしたいわ~。ん?今なにか変なことでも考えてた? Good job on thy operation~♪ I am rather tired from my lessons as well, so perhaps it's time to relax in the bath? What wert thou thinking of just now?
Commission Complete 委托?去吧,可别让人家等太久哦? 委託?行ってきなさい。あまり待たせるんじゃないわよ? Commissions? Go forth. But don't keep me waiting too long, understood?
Flagship 暗夜之演唱会就要开始了! 闇のライブの始まりよ! Let the performance of darkness begin!
Victory 用鲜xu…美酒与欢歌来庆祝胜利吧♪ 祝勝にはせんけ……ワインでお願い♪ Let's celebrate with bl— Err, with wine and song~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 汝一脸惊讶的表情,指挥官,快过来,不是约好一起吃圣诞大餐吗,还是说,汝要向人家献上血液?也不是不可以哦~ なによその驚いた顔は。ほぉら指揮官、一緒にクリスマスディナーをしようって約束したじゃない。それとも汝はディナーの代わりに鮮血でも捧げるつもり?別にダメってわけじゃないけど~ Why do thee look so astonished? Thou promised to have this Christmas dinner with me. Is it that thou would rather offer me fresh blood than a feast? I certainly wouldn't object to that!
Acquisition 汝一脸惊讶的表情,指挥官,快过来,不是约好一起吃圣诞大餐吗,还是说,汝要向人家献上血液?也不是不可以哦~ なによその驚いた顔は。ほぉら指揮官、一緒にクリスマスディナーをしようって約束したじゃない。それとも汝はディナーの代わりに鮮血でも捧げるつもり?別にダメってわけじゃないけど~ Why do thee look so astonished? Thou promised to have this Christmas dinner with me. Is it that thou would rather offer me fresh blood than a feast? I certainly wouldn't object to that!
Main 人家最~想收到的礼物?当然是汝之鲜血~!开玩笑的,来帮人家倒一杯葡萄酒吧~ 欲しいプレゼント?もちろん、汝から捧げられる鮮血よ!…なんてね♪ワインでも一杯注いでちょうだい♪ What present do I want most? Of course, a tithe of fresh blood from thee! ...Just kidding~♪ A glass of wine will suffice~♪
Main 2 圣诞节什么的其实无所谓。为什么还要弄得这么特别,当然是因为要和汝一起度过了呀?大笨蛋~ クリスマスなんて、ヴァンパイアに言わせればただの普通の祭日なんだけどぉ、こうして特別になったのは汝と一緒に過ごすからよ?ふふふ♪ To me, Christmas is but an ordinary holiday. But, what makes it special is being able to spend it with thee~ Heehee~♪
Main 3 圣诞节最想和谁一起过?就知道汝在明知故问……!萝莉控!大笨蛋! クリスマスは誰と過ごしたいかって?もう、知っているくせに……!ふん!このロリコン!大バカ! Who do I want to spend Christmas with the most? Geez, are you seriously going to make me say it out loud...?! Hmph! You lolicon! Big dummy!
Touch 想要更靠近一些?坐到人家的脚旁边来吧~ もっと近くに寄りたいって?じゃあ足元をちょっとどかしてあげる~ Want to get even cozier? Then, I'll make some space for you by my feet~
Touch (Special) 汝问人家冷不冷?汝只是想知道人家有没有穿胖次吧,色狼! 寒くないかって?今日の色を知りたいだけでしょ?このドヘンタイ♪ Thou art worried if I am cold? Or, art thou just trying to find out my lucky color for the day? Peeeervert~♪
Touch (Headpat) 头发上的缎带都松掉了……以为自己在拆礼物吗? リボンがほどけたじゃない…プレゼントの箱でも開けているつもり?ふふ、このヘンタイ♪ My hair ribbon is coming undone... Is this thy idea of unwrapping thy present? Teehee. Pervert~♪
Mail 打开看看吧,说不定是圣诞老人送来的哦~ メールを開けてみない?もしかしたらサンタから贈られてきてるかもよ? Looks like new mail is in. Maybe it's something from Santa?
Victory 这是人家送汝的圣诞礼物,喜欢吗? ヴァンパイアから汝へのクリスマスプレゼント♪どう? This is my Christmas present to thee~♪ How dost thou find it?
Defeat 呜……这样的日子人家果然……可恶! うぅ……こんな日にわたし、やっぱり…もう! Ugh... I knew it, this wretched day and thou... Curses!
Affinity (Love) 真的要为人家献上鲜血?哼哼~那在人家取走之前,汝可不许轻易受伤,明白了吗~ 本当にヴァンパイアに鮮血を捧げるの?ふーん♪じゃあわたしに届けるまで怪我するんじゃないわ。わかった~? Dost thou truly wish to offer thy blood so badly? Hmmmmh~♪ Then, do not allow thyself to be hurt before becoming mine in the end. Is that clear~?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 爱上吸血鬼的人,必将遭受七倍的迷恋。毕竟,爱乃致死之毒 吸血鬼に恋する者は、七倍に恋い焦がれる。愛こそ、死に至る毒なり。 Those who fall in love with vampires are bound to suffer seven times more than their infatuation. After all, love is a poison which leads to death.
Acquisition 爱上吸血鬼的人,必将遭受七倍的迷恋。毕竟,爱乃致死之毒
Login 亲爱的,今天去哪里约会? ダーリン♪今日はどこでデートするの? Darling~ Where shall we date on this eve?
Details 总算到两人独处的时间了,亲~爱~的! ようやく二人きりね♪ダーリン♪ We're finally alone together~ Darling~
Main 打扫卫生好累……唔,偷偷懒应该没关系吧~ お掃除疲れた……うん、ちょっとサボっても大丈夫かな… Cleaning is no task for a vampire! We can be lazy every once and a while!
Main 2 好无聊……去哪里约会吧! 暇……ねえダーリン、デートしない? I'm bored... Mine darling, how about a date?
Main 3 胖次的颜色?明明衣服都是你帮我穿的~ 今日のパンツの色を知りたい?もう~服も着させたくせに~ Doth thou beseech the color of mine garmets today? Were thou not the one who dressed me on the morn~
Touch 你对人家的爱有变多吗? 私への愛が高まったりしてる? Are you elevating your love for me?
Touch (Special) 呀~已经忍不住要宠爱人家了吗? もう♡何してるの? Aww~ What are you doing?
Mission 比起任务,难道不是人家更重要? 任務より、私のほうが大事じゃない? Rather than missions, am I not more important?
Mission Complete 任务完成了!那就去约会吧! 任務完了!次はデートしよっ♪ Mission complete! Next up, dating time~
Mail 想拿邮件?那就用甜死人的情书来换吧! メールがほしい?じゃあ私への甘々なラブレターと交換ね♪ You want the mail? Then exchange sweet love letters with me~
Return to Port 亲爱的,人家的礼物呢~让我猜猜,是葡萄酒?还是巧克力? ダーリン、おみやげは?ちょっと中身当てさせて~ワイン?それともチョコレート? Darling, what's the souvenir? A test? Could it be a fine wine, or maybe chocolates from a land over yonder?
Commission Complete 亲爱的,我们一起前去迎接回来的同伴们吧! ダーリン♪帰ってきた子たちを迎えに行きましょう♪ Oh my darling~ Let us go and greet the maiden's upon thier return~
Flagship 来吧!为我们的爱喝彩吧! 来て!私たちの愛に喝采を! Come! Raise thine glass to our love!
Victory 为我们的爱献上鲜花与礼炮! 私の愛に鮮花と号砲を! Flowers and salute fire for my love!
Affinity (Love) 和指挥官待在一起无论多久都不会腻呢~呐,洗完澡后再给我讲讲故事好不好 指揮官と一緒にいる時間はいつまで経っても飽きないもん♪ねえ、お風呂が終わったらお話きかせてくれない? I cannot possibly have enough of the time I spend with thee, Commander~ Once thou art done taking thine bath, will thou listen to what I say?