Ting An (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 580 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Munition Ship Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Munition Ship: Ting An-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
All-Knowledgeable Appraiser When the battle starts, if there are any other ships in your Vanguard: increases this ship's SPD by 10. Every 20s: targets 2 random ships in your fleet and grants them a buff for 8s based on their hull classification; 1) DD: increases TRP by 3.5% (8.0%); 2) CL, CA, or CB: increases FP by 3.5% (8.0%); 3) BB, BC, or BBV: increases ACC by 3.5% (8.0%); 4) CV or CVL: increases AVI by 3.5% (8.0%); 5) any other hull classification: increases AA by 3.5% (8.0%).
Tricks of the Trade If this ship has Cargo equipped: decreases this ship's Burn duration by 3s and decreases her and your Dragon Empery CVs' and CVLs' Burn DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%). If this ship has the Cargo "Type-Wu Seaplane" equipped: increases this ship's AVI by 15.0% (30.0%) and Evasion Rate by 4.5% (12.0%) and, every 10s, launches a special Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 运蟓舰—定安 運送艊・定安 Munition ship – Ting An.
Biography 䞜煌海军第䞀舰队所属定安号曟经担任过氎䞊飞机母舰劂今继续履行着运蟓舰的莣任。至于别的就  对了逞仙她也圚这里吧现圚的她和印象里的盞比应该也变了讞倚吧。 東煌海軍第䞀艊隊所属の定安ず申したす。か぀おは氎䞊機母艊、そしお今は茞送艊ずしおご奉公させおいただいおおりたす。ほかには  そうだ、逞仙ちゃんはここにいるかしら今のあの子は昔ず倧きく倉わっおいるでしょうね。うふふ I am Ting An of the Dragon Empery's First Fleet. I once served as a seaplane tender before being converted into a transport ship. Outside of that... Oh, I wonder if little Yat Sen is here? I'm sure that girl must've grown a lot since I last saw her. Heehee~
Acquisition 悚就是指挥官吧。久仰久仰我是䞜煌所属的运蟓舰定安今后请倚倚指教啊悚诎身蟹的这䞀堆䞜西吗嗯  算是䞀点埮䞍足道的见面瀌 あなたは指揮官様ですね。ご高名はかねがね䌺っおいたす。私は東煌所属の定安。今埌ずもご莔屓に――あ、埌ろに積み䞊げおいるものですかええず  んヌ぀たらない挚拶のお土産 かしら So you're the Commander, yes? I've heard your name whispered far and wide. I am Ting An of the Dragon Empery; may our relationship be a fruitful one. Oh, this mountain of stuff next to me? Just consider it... a little business gift of sorts?
Login 指挥官悚回来了。趁悚圚倎脑最枅醒的时候把重芁的决策郜做了吧。 おかえりなさいたせ指揮官様。うふふ、気持ちが萜ち着いおいるうちに倧事な決断を先になさっおくださいね Welcome back, Commander. Heehee, please make the important decisions while you're still clear-headed.
Details 枯区里垞驻的商店只有明石匀的那䞀家老板嚘陀了偶尔莪囟小利也没什么问题。劂果投资䞀笔  是有规定的吗这样啊   母枯の売店は明石が独占しおいお、たたにあくどい商売もされおいるようですね。もし私にも機䌚が  今はそういう決たりがあるから難しい、ですかしゅん   Akashi has a monopoly on this port's commerce, and she seems to have some unscrupulous dealings every now and then. Now, if I could muscle my way into– Hmm? These are the regulations? Boo...
Main 凡事郜应圓粟打细算力求收益最倧化——嗯枯区里有人劚䞍劚就“我党郜芁” 那可真是 任性呢。 家蚈の勘定はきめ现かく、儲けは党力で――母枯では「党郚欲しい」ずいう子が倚いのですか それはたあ ちょっずワガママな子が倚いのですね  Pay close attention to your checkbook, and remember that a penny saved is a penny earned. Hmm? There are too many people here who always want it all? ...Ahaha, how awfully capricious of them...
Main 2 最近有曎新指挥宀讟斜的打算么劂果有的话䞍劚就亀给我保证甚最实惠的预算解决问题。 執務宀の蚭備を買い替える予定はありたすよかったら定安に任せおもらっおもいいですかいっちばんお安くご甚意したすよ Were you planning to upgrade the equipment in your office any time soon? If so, would you mind letting me take care of it? I'll be sure to meet all your needs at the lowest budget.
Main 3 指挥官今倩的新闻悚看了么时刻关泚新闻有利于悚第䞀时闎把握䜏商机或是战机。 指揮官様、今日の「にゅヌす」はもうご芧になりたしたうふふ、最新の情勢を远うこずで、戊機ず商機をうたく掎めるようになるのです Commander, have you read today's news? Keeping your eyes out for the latest developments puts you in a prime position to capitalize on opportunities of all sorts, in business and battle alike.
Touch 服装吗嗯确实有䞀点枅凉的感觉。 衣装 ですかんヌ、確かにスヌスヌしおはいたすね  What about my outfit? Oh, hmm... I suppose they are rather breezy...
Touch (Special) 悚再这样的话我可就䞍再给悚提建议了。 もう このたたでは定安、指揮官様に助蚀しなくなりたすよ  Jeez... If you keep this up, I won't give you any more advice...
Mission 指挥官有新的任务。这䞪也算是“原始资本积环”吧。 指揮官様、新しい任務がありたすよ。これも曰く「原始的な資金の蓄積」なのかしら  Commander, you've got a new mission. I suppose this is a "primitive" form of capital acquisition...?
Mission Complete 任务的报酬送到了哊。怎么把它们利甚起来获埗曎倚的收益呢   任務報酬が届きたしたよ。うふふ、さおいかにしお商いに生かしたしょうか  The mission rewards have arrived. Heehee, now how should we use them to turn a greater profit?
Mail 有悚的邮件哊。看䌌无甚的讯息里面诎䞍定隐藏着䞍䞺人知的商机呢。 指揮官様ぞのお手玙がありたすよ。些现な事でも、人知れぬ商いのヒントがあるかもしれたせんね Your mail's here, Commander. The contents might seem useless, but you never know where business opportunities lay hidden.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了。悚䞍圚的这段时闎我物色了䞀䞋悚之前诎过需芁补充的䞜西。这是枅单请过目。 出撃お疲れ様です。いない間に以前仰っおいた䞍足品を少し物色しおいお 明现はこちらです Well done on your sortie. During your absence, I took it upon myself to seek out the items in need of restocking discussed earlier... Please take a look at the details here.
Commission Complete 委托完成了。陀了物资奜像还有别的物件。让我看看这些䞜西倌倚少   委蚗が完了したした。報酬の物資以倖にも䜕かがあるようですね。んヌこれはおいくらするものかしら  A commission has been completed. It seems we've gotten some equipment in addition to the regular awards. Hmm, let me appraise it to see how much it's worth...
Enhancement 䞍䌚让悚的“投资”癜癜浪莹的。 指揮官様の「ご莔屓」、無駄にはしたせんよ I will not let the Commander's "investment" go to waste.
Flagship 攟心战斗吧我䌚支揎倧家的。 支揎は任せお安心しお戊っおくださいね Fight to your heart's content. I shall watch your backs, everyone.
Victory 航线已经疏通了或讞可以匀蟟新的商莞路线  この航路はこれでよし、ず。新しい販路の開拓もできたりしお  Another sailing route made safe. Hmm... maybe I can use this opportunity to establish a new trade route...?
Defeat 唔损倱有点惚重啊   んヌ、これは倧損ですね   Hmm... I must say, these losses are rather severe...
Skill 该攟手䞀搏了 むチかバチかです It's time to close up shop!
Low HP 唔这䞋䞍埗䞍考虑曎高风险的选项了   んヌ、危うきに近づくこずも考えないず  Hmm... With this, I might have to consider some higher-risk options...
Affinity (Upset) 俗话诎日久见人心。指挥官就算平日里䌪装埗再奜悚迟早䌚露出砎络的。 日が経おば人の心も知れたしょう。指揮官様、どんなに䞊手に取り繕っおいおも、い぀かはきっずバレおしたいたすよ As the old saying goes, time reveals the character of one's true heart. No matter how well you wear your disguise, you will be seen through sooner or later.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官的房闎里有来自五湖四海风貌各匂的装扮呢。这些郜是枯区的同䌎们平时送给悚的么悚的人际关系真奜啊。 わあ、指揮官のお郚屋には䞖界䞭の色んな物が 党郚母枯の仲間たちから莈られたのですかうふふ、指揮官様ったら皆に奜かれおいるのですね Woah... Commander, you have decorations from every corner of the world in your office... Were they all gifts from your friends around the port? Heehee, you must be quite the charmer~
Affinity (Friendly) 悚讀识的同䌎里有对䞜煌的收藏品感兎趣的么劂果方䟿的话䞍劚向我介绍䞀䞋吧。 仲間の皆さんに東煌の蒐集品に興味がある子はいたりしたすか指揮官様さえよければ、ぜひ定安をご玹介いただきたく♪ Are any of your friends interested in some of the Dragon Empery's collectibles? If so, I'd appreciate it if you could introduce them to me~♪
Affinity (Like) 这些是前些日子悚垮助我的回瀌  啊悚先䞍芁急着掚蟞我没有别的意思只是讀䞺做了奜事䞀定芁有奜报而已。郜是些悚办公胜甚埗䞊的小物件安心收䞋吧。 先日助けおいただいたこずぞのお返しです。 あ、遠慮なさらないでくださいっ。別にその、䜕かを䌁んでいるのではなく、指揮官様にお瀌がしたいだけです。すべお普段の執務でお䜿いいただける小物ですから、どうぞ遠慮なくお受け取りください This is my present to you, as thanks for helping me out a while ago. Go ahead and take it – there's no need to be polite. It's not like I'm planning anything in particular; I just wanted to return the favor, that's all. Everything here is pretty mundane stuff helpful in your daily work, so there's nothing for you to worry about.
Affinity (Love) 等到䞀切安定䞋来之后我想匀䞀家经营叀玩䞎字画的店。把我看䞜西的県光和悚的人脉结合圚䞀起过䞪舒舒服服的日子应该䞍成问题。悚觉埗呢 䜕もかも萜ち着いたら、骚董品や曞画を扱うお店を開きたいです。うふふ、定安の目利きず指揮官様の人脈があれば䞍自由なく生掻できるこずでしょう。指揮官様、いかがでしょうか Once the war is over, I want to open a little shop and sell antiques and paintings. Heehee, by combining my sharp business senses with your connections, we should be able to live pretty laid-back lives. How does that pitch sound to you, Commander?
Pledge 情感䞍是普通的投资想必悚䞀定经过了深思熟虑才做出了这样的决定  嗯我明癜了。对于悚的心意我的回答是“我愿意”哊。就让我甚䞀生来回报悚的这仜感情吧~ ヒトの愛憎は損埗勘定できず、たしお芋返りを期埅する投資などではありたせん。こうしおくださったのはきっず熟考あっおのこず  はい、わかりたした。指揮官様の気持ちを謹んでお受け臎したす。定安が䞀生をかけおお返しさせおくださいね♡ When it comes to relationships, you can't deal in profits and losses, or expect returns on your investments. I'm sure you thought carefully before deciding to give this to me... Yes, I understand. And my answer to you is, I accept. Allow me to repay your feelings with my eternal devotion~♡
In battle with Yat Sen 䞍甚担心倧家郜圚䜠身蟹。 倧䞈倫、皆䞀緒にいおあげたす Don't worry. We're all with you now.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 原来和面是这样的  嗯指挥官劂䜠所见我正圚做包子。悚是来垮忙的么 こうすればうたくこねられたすね  あら指揮官様うふふ、芋おの通りバオズを䜜っおいるずころですよ。指揮官様は手䌝いに来おくださったのですか  I see, so this is how you're supposed to knead dough... Hmm? Commander? As you can see, I'm currently trying to make baozi. Would you like to help out?
Acquisition 原来和面是这样的  嗯指挥官劂䜠所见我正圚做包子。悚是来垮忙的么 こうすればうたくこねられたすね  あら指揮官様うふふ、芋おの通りバオズを䜜っおいるずころですよ。指揮官様は手䌝いに来おくださったのですか  I see, so this is how you're supposed to knead dough... Hmm? Commander? As you can see, I'm currently trying to make baozi. Would you like to help out?
Login 和面还真是䞪䜓力掻啊䞍知䞍觉郜出了这么倚汗了   はぁはぁ ふぅ。こねるのも䜓力が必芁ですね うぅ、い぀の間にかこんなに汗が  *pant* *pant*... Phew. I didn't know that kneading dough took so much physical endurance... Urgh, I'm all sweaty now...
Details 䞺什么䞍甚现成的包子皮而是甚面粉从倎做起  是䞺了“仪匏感” 売店で売っおいる皮を䜿わず、粉をこねおから䜜るのはなぜでしょう  そういうこだわりもあるのでしょうか  Why does this store have to make dough from scratch instead of using premade wrappers? ...Why is this sort of commitment necessary...?
Main 包子最后是亀给宁海平海她们蒞的。虜然我也看着孊了点䞍过火候和时闎这种䞜西确实埈隟把握呢   バオズを蒞すのは寧海ちゃんず平海ちゃんですよ。定安も少しは勉匷したこずがありたすけど、火加枛ず蒞し時間がなかなか難しくお  For the last step, I had Ning Hai and Ping Hai steam the baozi. Though I did learn a few things from watching them, the amount of heat and length of cooking time still seem hard to master...
Main 2 海倩诎想匄几䞪攟满蟣怒的包子䜆芁是䞍小心被华甲吃到了——那䞪画面䌰计䌚埈震撌   海倩ちゃんが唐蟛子の具のバオズを䜜ろうず蚀っおいたしたけど、華甲ちゃんがもしそれを食べたら――あぅ、䞭々名状しがたい絵面になりそうな気がしたすね  Hai Tien said she wanted some baozi stuffed entirely with chilies... But if Hwah Jah were to get her hands on one, I'm sure that scene would be a total disaster...
Main 3 对了我听诎明石的商店那蟹应时节进了䞀批䞜煌风的叀董装饰。担心买到次品的话我可以垮悚看䞀県的。 そういえば、明石の売店に東煌颚の装食が入荷したず聞きたしたよ。ニセモノを買わされるのが心配でしたら定安もご䞀緒したすよ Oh right, I heard that some Dragon Empery antiques arrived at Akashi's shop. If you're worried about buying counterfeits, I can come with you.
Touch 原来指挥官也䌚做这䞪么悚䌚的䞜西可真䞍少啊。 指揮官様はこれも䜜れるのですか すごい 色々ご存知なのですね  Commander, do you also know how to make these? Wow... You really know how to do everything...
Touch (Special) 面面粉沟到身䞊了   う、打ち粉が䜓に   Ugh, now there's flour all over me...
Return to Port 正奜悚回来了这些是悚垮助我的谢瀌。收䞋吧䞍然总让我欠着悚人情我过意䞍去的。 おかえりなさいたせ。定安を手䌝っおくださったこずぞのお瀌です。どうぞお受け取りください。 借りができちゃったたただず、その、ちょっず申し蚳なくお Welcome back. Take these presents as a token of my appreciation for helping me out. Please, I don't want to feel like I'm always in your debt.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯对着镜子拍䞀匠给指挥官  发送。正劂指挥官所诎劂果这次新的泳装讟计被泄露出去就麻烊了 䜆是劂果䞍这么做我和指挥官的计划就䌚  ええず、セットの鏡越しに撮った䞀枚を指揮官様に送信  っず。指揮官様の仰るずおり、今床の新しい氎着のデザむンがバレたら倧倉 でも、こうでもしなければ指揮官様ずの蚈画が っ Umm... Alright, time to take a photo in the on-set mirror and send it to Commander... And there. Just as Commander said, it'd be disastrous if my new swimsuit's design were to get leaked... B-but if I don't do this, our plans will totally be ruined!
Acquisition 嗯对着镜子拍䞀匠给指挥官  发送。正劂指挥官所诎劂果这次新的泳装讟计被泄露出去就麻烊了 䜆是劂果䞍这么做我和指挥官的计划就䌚  ええず、セットの鏡越しに撮った䞀枚を指揮官様に送信  っず。指揮官様の仰るずおり、今床の新しい氎着のデザむンがバレたら倧倉 でも、こうでもしなければ指揮官様ずの蚈画が っ Umm... Alright, time to take a photo in the on-set mirror and send it to Commander... And there. Just as Commander said, it'd be disastrous if my new swimsuit's design were to get leaked... B-but if I don't do this, our plans will totally be ruined!
Login 哈啊  虜然没倚少距犻䜆光是走路就感觉埈环了 这䞀定是因䞺小心翌翌䞍想被发现的猘故吧  ハァ、ハァ  そんなに長い距離じゃないのに、なんだか歩いただけで疲れちゃいたした やっぱりバレないように気を䜿ったせいですよね  *pant*... It's not that far, but just walking has me exhausted... Is it because I was putting so much effort into staying undercover?
Details 哈 芁赢过商店的新泳装陀了芁圚讟计和成本䞊䞋功倫倖还需芁身䜓力行地试穿进行垂场调研以满足倧家的需求  哈  是是这样没错吧指挥官   はぁ 賌買郚の新品の氎着に勝぀には、デザむンずコストにこだわる以倖にも、実際に着甚される堎面を予め䜓隓しおおくこずでみんなのニヌズに応えられるようにする  はぁ  そ、そうですよね指揮官様  *sigh*... To win a share in the swimsuit market, you need to do more than just come up with the perfect design and cost. You also have to try them on yourself and experience real use-case situations to suit customers' needs... I-isn't that right, Commander?
Main 请攟心指挥官。这䞪时闎倧家郜圚午睡巡逻的䌙䌎应该也䞍䌚泚意到这里的  对吧啊   ご安心ください、指揮官様。この時間なら皆が寝おいたすし、芋回りの子も流石にここには気づきたせん  よねあぅ っ Don't worry, Commander. Everyone else should be asleep right now, and the girls on patrol won't notice us... right? Eep...!
Main 2 这只是和指挥官圚进行垂场调研  没错是因䞺商䞚需芁陀歀之倖我没有觉醒什么也没有感觉舒服什么的 倧抂呜呜 /// これはあくたで指揮官様ずのマヌケティング そう商売のために必芁ですから突然䜕かに目芚めたり快感を芚えたりはしない はずうぅ /// (The Commander and I are just doing market research... Yeah! It's necessary for business! Surely I'm not awakening to something and getting pleasure out of this... Surely!)
Main 3 指指挥官劂果悚觉埗冷芁䞍芁穿䞋这件倖套我也  阿嚏 し、指揮官様寒いようでしたらこのコヌトに入りたす私もその はくちゅん C-Commander? If you're cold, we could huddle under my coat? I'm also a little... Achoo!
Touch 再再拍䞀匠比蟃奜吗  も、もう䞀枚撮ったほうがいいですか  Sh-should we snap another pic?
Touch (Special) 哈啊哈啊 指挥官那䞪劂果匄出声的话肯定䌚被发现的  呀 ハァ、ハァ  指揮官様、ええず、声を出したら流石に気づかれ ひゃぅ *pant*... Commander, if we make any noise, someone will... Hyah?!
Mission 指挥官做奜任务的话圚枯区做生意的倧家也䌚受益呢我䞀盎以来郜埈感谢悚。 指揮官様が任務をこなすず、母枯で商売するみんなも最いたすね。い぀も感謝しおいたすよ When you complete missions, everyone doing business at the port profits. We appreciate all you do.
Mission Complete 任务完成了䞋䞀次我们应该投资什么呢  任務完了です今床の投資先はどこにしたしょう  Mission complete! Where should I invest next...?
Return to Port 指挥官也蟛苊了  啊哈哈偷偷出闚果然埈隟呢。芁䞍是有这䞪倚功胜闎的话想和指挥官汇合郜䌚埈困隟呢  呌   指揮官様もお疲れ様です あはは、お忍びで出かけるのはやっぱり倧倉ですね。ここのようなマルチルヌムがなければ合流するのも䞀苊劎しそうで ふぅ  Good work, Commander! Ahaha, isn't it hard to go out without anyone noticing? If not for this convenient room, I doubt we'd even be able to meet up like this... Phew.
Commission Complete 委托组奜像回来了呢。指挥官劂果悚芁去迎接的话  嗯请䞍芁犻匀倪久  哈啊   委蚗組が垰還したようですね。指揮官様、出迎えはええず、あたり長く時間をかけないでいただければ ハァ ハァ  I think the commission team is back. Commander, umm, try not to take too long when you go... *pant*...
Flagship 呜 埗小心点才行  うぅ 気を぀けなきゃ  Urk... I need to be careful!
Victory 赢了啊或讞圚胜利的庆祝宎䌚䞊披露新泳装的讟计是䞪䞍错的䞻意呢  勝ちたしたあ、勝利の祝宎で氎着をお披露目するのがいいかもしれたせんね  We won! Oh, maybe I should show off this new swimsuit at the victory party!
Defeat 哈啊 蟹留神四呚蟹战斗果然倪过勉区了啊  はぁはぁ 呚りに気を配りながら戊うのはやっぱり厳しいですね  *pant*... It's really hard to fight without blowing my cover...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官这里的实地考察结束后接䞋来芁去哪里——芁把枞乐讟斜郜看䞀遍吗  确实毕竟䞋次芁穿着这套泳装和指挥官䞀起玩倒是刚奜可以圓做事先挔习  啊呜 䞍没什么我䌚加油的/// 指揮官様、ここでの䞋芋が終わったら次はどこに――アトラクションを党郚芋お回るのですか  確かに、今床この氎着を着お指揮官様ず遊びたすから、予行緎習にちょうどいいですけど  あぅ い、いいえ、頑匵りたすっ/// After we check things out here, where will we go next? ...You'll show me around all the rides? Hmm, that does sound like a good rehearsal for when I wear this swimsuit around you again... Ah... N-no, I promise, I'll do my best!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官现圚感觉状态劂䜕劂果没问题的话就䞀同匀始今倩的工䜜吧。 指揮官様、具合はいかがでしょうか問題なければ䞀緒に今日のお仕事を始めたしょ How are you feeling, Commander? If there are no problems, let's get started with today's work.
Main 旧的装饰胜地星悚的雅臎而新的物件胜衬托悚的讲究。结合䞀䞋悚就胜给初次来到指挥宀的同䌎留䞋最奜的印象哊。 叀颚な装食は指揮官様の颚雅を匕き立お、今颚な小物は指揮官様のこだわりを匕き立おるこずでしょう。うたく組み合わせればここを蚪れる仲間たちに奜印象を䞎えられたすよ Old-fashioned decorations accentuate your refinement, whereas modern decorations attest to your good taste. Combining the two appropriately can leave a good impression on those who visit, Commander.
Main 2 嗯这篇新闻是  《关于指挥官对秘乊舰的偏奜》  奜像是某䞪同䌎写的报道还挺有趣的呵呵。 あらこの蚘事は  「指揮官の秘曞艊遞びにおける奜みに぀いお」 仲間の誰かが曞いたのでしょうか。うふふ、興味深いです This article is... 'The Commander's Preference on Secretary Ship Selection'... It seems that one of your friends wrote it. Heehee, how intriguing.
Touch (Special) 指挥官现圚可胜有点  䞍合时宜   指揮官様、今はその  時宜にかなっおいないような  Commander, right now... might not be the best time for that.
Return to Port 啊还记埗我之前给悚的枅单么我有䞀些新的想法  趁还没执行之前 把计划再粟进䞀些吧。 あ、以前お枡ししたした明现のこずはただ芚えおいたすか実はいく぀か新しい工倫を思い぀いお  うふふ、実行する前に今䞀床芋盎したしょう♪ Oh, do you remember the statement I gave you earlier? Some new ideas suddenly dawned upon me... Since nothing has been implemented yet, shall we give it another pass?