Tashkent (JP 🇯🇵: タシュケント, CN 🇹🇼: 塔什干)
Ship IDNo. 433Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRaritySuper Rare
NavyNorthern ParliamentBuild Time00:42:00
AcquisitionEvent: Northern Overture
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENFebruary 27, 2020
KRFebruary 27, 2020
CNFebruary 27, 2020
JPFebruary 27, 2020
Voice actressShiori Izawa
Tashkent Description
Tashkent-class destroyer – Tashkent.
The Bound CruiserDescription
...*Sigh*, I never thought I'd get captured by these little guys... Dear comrade, does Tashkent really have to play along with this?
The Blue SnoozerDescription
HP427 Reload75
Firepower33 Torpedo52
Evasion66 Anti-air33
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck86
HP1986 Reload145
Firepower92 Torpedo143
Evasion224 Anti-air125
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW127 Luck91
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun145%/150%/160%/165%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/105%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 133m Main Gun (B-2LM)
2Triple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T8 Destroyer: Tashkent-classTech Points and Bonus
Unlock22 +1
Max LimitBreak44
Lv.12032 +2
The Blue CruiserAt the start of the battle: increases this ship's FP by 4.0% (10.0%) and spawns Snezhinka, a summon which fights for 20 (50) s and lowers the Speed of enemies hit by it (its DMG dealt and active duration is based on the skill's level.) Additionally, when this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP by 0.5% (2.0%) (can be stacked up to 5 times.)Default Unlocked
Trajectory MarkingAt the start of the battle, increases Main Gun Efficiency by 4.0% (10.0%) and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%) for all your Northern Parliament DDs that have a Northern Parliament Main Gun equipped.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Tashkent once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description塔什干级驱逐舰—塔什干タシュケント級駆逐艦――タシュケントTashkent-class destroyer – Tashkent.
Biography塔什干是北方联合的驱逐领舰,同型舰有3…没什么…因为出生在撒丁帝国,加上这样的设计,所以也被叫做“天蓝色的巡洋舰”。明明是驱逐…算了,塔什干也不讨厌这个名字就是了。塔什干会像塞瓦斯托波尔那时一样努力战斗的,同志酱就敬请期待吧北方連合所属の嚮導駆逐艦タシュケントよ。同型艦は3…なんでもないわ。サディア帝国風のこの格好で「空色の巡洋艦」と呼ばれてるの。ったく、駆逐艦なのに…まあ、悪い気はしないわね。セバストポリの戦いのように頑張ってやるから楽しみにしてなさいなI'm Tashkent, flotilla leader destroyer from the Northern Parliament. There are three other... actually, nevermind. I'm called the "Blue Cruiser" because of my Sardegna-style construction. Of course, I'm a destroyer, and I have nothing against that. I'll put up results just like I did during the Battle of Sevastopol, so look forward to it.
Acquisition我是塔什干,大家都叫塔什干“天蓝色的巡洋舰”。同志酱也是慕名而追寻塔什干的人吗…这样?真是个没办法的人呢タシュケントよ。「空色の巡洋艦」と呼ばれてるわ。同志ちゃんもタシュケントを味方にしたいわけ?タシュケントのことを……あっそ。しょうがないやつねI'm Tashkent. Some call me the Blue Cruiser. Another comrade who wants to woo me? It's just about recruitment...? I see. What a hopeless fellow you are.
Login看着塔什干就这么开心?……这样?随你高兴吧タシュケントを見てて楽しいわけ?……あっそ。好きにしなさいIs it that fun staring at Tashkent? ...Is that so? Well, do as you please.
Details同志酱是来参观塔什干练习的吗?这样。于是你到底看不看?タシュケントが練習してるのを見学しに来たの?…あっそ。で、結局見るの?Did you come to watch me practice? ...So, are you staying or what?
Main塔什干是撒丁建造的,撒丁的料理的倒是挺熟悉的。不过嘛,合不合北方联合的口味就不管了タシュケントはサディア生まれだから、サディアの料理は詳しいわ。ま、北方連合の子たちの口に合うかどうかは別だけどI was born in Sardegna, so I'm quite familiar with their cuisine. Well, it's not like it matters if the people here like that kind of food.
Main 2为什么港区会这么热啊…同志酱,快给塔什干开空调啦なんでこの母港はこんなに暑いの…同志ちゃん、タシュケントのためにエアコンつけてくれない?Why is so g'damn hot here? Dear comrade, go turn the air conditioning on for me?♡
Main 3真奇怪,明明塔什干对大家也没有多亲切友好,为什么大家反而更喜欢塔什干了…喂,同志酱,这是为什么?おっかしいわね…タシュケント別にみんなに親切じゃないのに、どうしてみんなタシュケントのことを良くしてくれるわけ?同志ちゃん、ちょっと理由教えてくれない?How strange... It's not like I make any effort to be friendly or sociable, so why do people end up liking me more? Hey, do you know why that might be, dear comrade?
Touch嗯?有事情要交给塔什干吗?…这样。我给你干掉就好吧なに?タシュケントにこれ任せたいの?……あっそ。頼まれてやるわWhat is it? Oh, you have work for me? Is that so... Fine, I'll take care of it.
Touch (Special)……嗯?你在干什么?要玩塔什干衣服上的球球吗?……?何をやってるの?服のこの丸っこいので遊んでるの?Eh...? What are you trying to do? Are the puffy balls on my outfit that interesting?
Mission任务?有什么好玩的东西吗?任務?面白そうなものとかない?Missions? Is there anything that looks interesting?
Mission Complete任务奖励?让塔什干看看。…这样。于是呢?没有什么好吃的吗?任務報酬…タシュケントにも見せて。…あっそ。で?食べ物とかないの?Mission rewards, huh... Lemme take a look. So...? Is there any food?
Mail有你的邮件,塔什干只是顺便帮你拿的,不用感谢塔什干也没关系メールよ。持ってきたのはタシュケントだけど、別に感謝しなくてもいいわI brought the mail. You don't have to thank me for it or anything.
Return to Port欢迎回来……茶?只有伏特加你要吗?おかえりなさい。…お茶?ウォッカならあるわWelcome back. ...Tea? Nah, I have vodka though.
Commission Complete喂,你是不是忘了委托?真是笨呢,还是塔什干记性好同志ちゃん、委託忘れてない?なに?馬鹿にしてるの?タシュケントのほうがちゃんと覚えてるのにDear comrade, did you forget about the commissions? Are you dumb? Even I remembered.
Enhancement让塔什干去战斗吗?这样。塔什干会去做的タシュケントに戦えって?あっそ。やってやるわIt's my turn to fight? ...Is that so? Fine, I'll do it.
Flagship看塔什干把你们揍扁!Ура!ボコってやるよ!Ура(ウラ―)!Let's beat them to a pulp! Ура!
VictoryУра! 尝到塔什干的厉害了吧!Ура(ウラ―)!タシュケントの力を思い知ったか!Ура! Did you witness my true power!
Defeat你这…!塔什干还能再战斗!このっ!タシュケントはまだ戦えるからね!Curses! Tashkent can still fight!
Skill见识一下塔什干的实力吧!見せてやるわよ、私の力を!I'll have you witness my true power!
Low HP塔什干才不认输!負けないわよ!I won't concede defeat!
Affinity (Upset)不要靠近塔什干,你这个讨厌鬼!タシュケントに近づくんじゃないこのバカ!Stay away from me, moron.
Affinity (Stranger)同志酱找塔什干有事吗?塔什干这边忙着呢,要没什么事的话…这样?于是你其实来找塔什干玩的?唔,正好事情告一段了,要玩的话陪你就好……同志ちゃんはタシュケントに用があるの?こっちは忙しいわ。用がないなら……あっそ。じゃあタシュケントと遊びに来たわけ?あーちょうど今一段落ついたし、いいかな…Do you need me for anything, dear comrade? I'm busy, so make it quick... Oh, is that so...? You just wanted to play? Well, I suppose I have some time to burn, so...
Affinity (Friendly)凭着“天蓝色的巡洋舰”这样的称号就擅自认为塔什干是可爱听话的好孩子,和塔什干接触以后又擅自失望…困扰的可是塔什干,你不觉得吗,同志酱?空色の巡洋艦って勝手にタシュケントを可愛い子ちゃんだと思い込んで、いざ会ってみたら勝手に幻滅して…タシュケントの方も困っているけど。同志ちゃんもそう思わない?With a nickname like "the Blue Cruiser," you'd expect me to be someone who's cute and well-behaved right? People are always disillusioned as all hell after meeting me... and, well, I can't blame them. What do you think, dear comrade?
Affinity (Like)塔什干只是普通的驱逐舰。并不想得到特殊对待,只要像现在这样就好。同志酱也是这样…嗯,这样就好タシュケントは普通の子よ。別に特別扱いされたくないし、このままでいいわけ。同志ちゃんのこともそう……うん、きっとそうだよねI'm just a normal girl. I don't want special treatment or anything. The same goes for you, dear comrade, I'm sure of it...
Affinity (Love)虽然还没有完全认识港区的所有舰船,不过塔什干很喜欢这里。大家在认识了真正的塔什干以后都还愿意和塔什干交朋友。…对同志酱当然也…很喜欢!母港の艦船みんなとはまだ知り合っていないけど、タシュケントは結構ここ気に入ってるわ。タシュケントがどんな子か分かってもみんな良くしてくれるし。……同志ちゃんももちろん…好きだからね!I don't really know anyone here, but everyone seems to genuinely like me. That's even after knowing what kind of person I am, so I want to be better. Of course I feel the same way about you, dear comrade. After all, I like you!
Pledge什么啊,重要的事就是指这个吗?这样。没问题哦,我收下了……咦?塔什干没有说过吗,塔什干喜欢指挥官。所以和指挥官定下誓约不是很正常的事情吗?なんだ、大事なことってこれ?…あっそ。いいわよ、受け取ってあげる。……ん?タシュケント、同志ちゃんのことが好きって言ってなかった?ケッコンとか普通だと思ってるけど?So, this was the important thing you were telling me about? ...Sure, I'll take it. ...What, didn't I already tell you before that I like you? So, nothing wrong with us getting married, right?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Kongou不像你那样,塔什干可没有能一起享受撒丁料理的小伙伴あんたと違って、一緒にサディア料理を楽しめる子中々いないわね…Unlike you, I don't have anyone to enjoy Sardegnian cooking with...
In battle with Le Malin, Le Triomphant塔什干认真起来是绝对不会输的!本気になったらあんたなんかに負けないんだからね!!When we get serious, nothing can keep us down!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description……哈啊,没想到会被这些小家伙反将一军…同志酱,塔什干非得参加这种演习不可吗?……はぁ、まさか饅頭に遅れを取ってしまうなんて……同志ちゃん、タシュケントがこの演習に参加する必要なくない?...*Sigh*, I never thought I'd get captured by these little guys... Dear comrade, does Tashkent really have to play along with this?
Acquisition……哈啊,没想到会被这些小家伙反将一军…同志酱,塔什干非得参加这种演习不可吗?……はぁ、まさか饅頭に遅れを取ってしまうなんて……同志ちゃん、タシュケントがこの演習に参加する必要なくない?...*Sigh*, I never thought I'd get captured by these little guys... Dear comrade, does Tashkent really have to play along with this?
Login同志酱以为只有这点程度就能关住塔什干?……这样?太天真了~呼呼同志ちゃん、この程度でタシュケントを縛り付けられると思ってるわけ?…あっそぉ?甘ちゃんね。ふふDear comrade, do you really think you can keep me bound like this? ...Is that so? Naive fool. Hehe~
Details同志酱,塔什干得保持这个状态到什么时候?…这样…欸?要一直这样!?同志ちゃん、これいつまでやるつもりなの?…あっそ。…えっ、そんな!?Dear comrade, how long are you going to keep me like this? ...Is that so... Ehh? Forever?!
Main果然那个巧克力…有古怪…塔什干竟然落到这地步…呜…头还是晕晕的…あのチョコ、怪しいわね…タシュケントがこんな目に遭うなんて、考えられない……うぅ、頭がクラクラ…I knew there was something... wrong about that chocolate... I never thought this would happen to me... my head's still spinning...
Main 2塔什干经常和扎拉她们聊天哦。也是她们说这样的打扮更加充满魅惑…你觉得怎么样?同志酱♡ザラちゃんたちと話したら、この格好のほうが魅惑的だって…どう?同志ちゃん♡When I was talking to Zara, she said I look more appealing in this outfit. So... what do you think, dear comrade?
Main 3塔什干又不像阿芙乐尔,塔什干其实完全不能喝的…啊,说的可不是伏特加哦!アヴローラさんじゃあるまいし、タシュケントはこういうの一切飲まないタイプよ。…うぉ、ウォッカのことじゃないんだからね!I'm not like Avrora. I can't drink at all... Ah, wait, I'm not talking about vodka!
Touch (Special)反了啦反了!应该是塔什干摸你才对啦,同志酱!逆よ逆!タシュケントのほうから触るもん!Wait, I'm not okay with this role reversal! I should be the one touching you, dear comrade!
Return to Port回来啦。今天大家要一起开party哦。…才没骗你!塔什干准备招待北方联合的各位一起来!お帰りー。今日はみんなでパーティーよー。…嘘じゃない!タシュケントが北方連合の子たちを招待してるもん!Welcome back. We're all throwing a big party tonight. ...I'm not lying! I'm going to invite everyone from the Northern Parliament over!
Commission Complete委托奖励太重了搬不动?这样。真是丢人啊。看塔什干的…哼!好了,放在这里就行了吧?委託報酬が重すぎて持ち上げられないの?あっそ。情けないわね。ほら…ふん!はい、ここに置いていいわね?You can't lift the mission rewards? ...Is that so? What a wimp. Here, I'll do it for you. I can leave it over here, right?
Victory哼哼,塔什干打得很漂亮吧!ふふん、上手く戦えたでしょう!Heheh, not a bad display of power, right?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呣…是谁打扰了塔什干的休息?…是同志酱?这样…那塔什干晚点再休息好了,有什么事?ふぅ...誰よタシュケントが寝てる間に...同志ちゃん?あっそ。...じゃあ寝るのはまたあとで...同志ちゃん、何か用?Urrk... Who dares disturb Tashkent's slumber? ...Oh, it's you, dear comrade? Um, in that case... I can always get more rest later. Is something the matter?
Acquisition呣…是谁打扰了塔什干的休息?…是同志酱?这样…那塔什干晚点再休息好了,有什么事?ふぅ...誰よタシュケントが寝てる間に...同志ちゃん?あっそ。...じゃあ寝るのはまたあとで...で?同志ちゃん、何か用?Urrk... Who dares disturb Tashkent's slumber? ...Oh, it's you, dear comrade? Um, in that case... I can always get more rest later. Is something the matter?
Login虽然有点困了,不过既然同志酱想和塔什干一起玩,那稍微陪你一下也不是不行。同志ちゃんはタシュケントと遊びたいの?あっそ。眠いけど、少しだけ一緒に遊んであげるわI'm still a bit sleepy, but if you insist on playing with me, dear comrade... perhaps I can spare some time for you.
Details这么穿很“危险”?塔什干不是什么危险人物…还是说,危险的是同志酱?この格好が色々危ないって?タシュケントは別に危ないやつじゃないけど…同志ちゃんが危なくなるの?I look really "dangerous" right now? What's so dangerous about me...? I think... you're the dangerous one, dear comrade.
Main同志酱也喜欢布偶吗?…这样,那,这个小熊给你。同志ちゃんもぬいぐるみが好きなの?…あっそ。この熊さんならあげていいわよDear comrade, do you like stuffed animals too? ...Um, here. You can have this bear.
Main 2为什么那么多小伙伴想拉塔什干去外面玩?今天塔什干只想在房间里多休息会…どうして今日に限って皆タシュケントを外に連れ出そうとするの?タシュケントは部屋の中でゴロゴロしたいのにWhy do so many people want to play with me? I just want to stay indoors and slack...
Main 3同志酱,要在沙发上睡会吗?塔什干的毛毯可以借你披。同志ちゃん、ソファでうたた寝でもしてるの?毛布をかけておいてあげようじゃない
Touch扣子没扣好?…这样,同志酱要帮帮塔什干吗?ボタンが外れてたの?…あっそ。ありがとう、同志ちゃんButton up...? ...Tell you what, dear comrade. How about you come here and help me?
Touch (Special)衣服越理越乱了…これ以上着崩れさせないで…You're messing my clothes up even more...
Return to Port扎拉她们带了一些撒丁的点心给塔什干,同志酱要一起吃吗?ザラたちからサディアのクッキーを差し入れでもらったわ。同志ちゃん、一緒に食べない?Zara's crew brought me some snacks from Sardegna. Would you like some, dear comrade?
Defeat呼…累了……つ、疲れた……Zzz... So tired...