Takarada Rikka (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. C081Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavySSSSBuild TimeN/A
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Takarada RikkaDescription
HP758 Reload71
Firepower33 Torpedo70
Evasion30 Anti-air74
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW40 Luck55
HP3370 Reload136
Firepower92 Torpedo186
Evasion117 Anti-air271
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW100 Luck58
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Grid BeamWhen the battle starts: for 90s, increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) . Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Grid Beam (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship has the Battle Tracto Max or Buster Borr equipped, or if this ship is sortied with Namiko or Hass: enhances this skill.
Slash & CircusWhen the battle starts: for 90s, increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases her cannon DMG taken by 3.5% (8.0%) . 5s after the battle starts, and every 30s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship has the Gridman Calibur or Sky Vitter equipped, or if this ship is sortied with Namiko or Hass: enhances this skill.
Grid Fixer Beam40s after the battle starts: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Grid Fixer Beam (DMG is based on the skill's level) and heals your fleet 3 times for 1.0% max HP per tick. Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 50.0% as a result of DMG taken: heals your fleet.
Grid Beam+When the battle starts: for 90s, increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) . Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Grid Beam (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship has the Battle Tracto Max or Buster Borr equipped, or if this ship is sortied with Namiko or Hass: enhances the Grid Beam.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description那个,我是宝多六花。虽然还处在混乱中搞不太清楚状况…总之,接下来一阵子请多关照了。えっと、宝多六花です。まだ混乱してて、状況を整理できてないですけど……とりあえず、しばらくよろしくお願いしますUm, my name is Rikka Takarada. I'm still a bit confused about what's going on, but... I guess for the time being, I'm in good hands.
Biography我是宝多六花。家里是兼带咖啡屋的回收商店,我偶尔会去帮忙。姑且,也算会冲泡咖啡就是了。宝多六花です。家は喫茶店付きのリサイクルショップで、たまに手伝いしてたりしてました。一応、コーヒーもちゃんと淹れれるんですよMy name is Rikka Takarada. My family runs a pawn shop with a café, where I sometimes help out. At least I know how to brew coffee properly.
Acquisition那个,我是宝多六花。虽然还处在混乱中搞不太清楚状况…总之,接下来一阵子请多关照了。えっと、宝多六花です。まだ混乱してて、状況を整理できてないですけど……とりあえず、しばらくよろしくお願いしますUm, my name is Rikka Takarada. I'm still a bit confused about what's going on, but... I guess for the time being, I'm in good hands.
Login啊,早上好。你起得意外地早啊。あ、おはようございます。意外と朝、早いんですねOh, good morning. You're unusually early today.
Details指挥官怎么了?想喝咖啡了?诶,这是……总之,先进来吧。指揮官さんどうしたんですか?え、コーヒーが飲みたくなった?ええ、なにそれ……とりあえず、中にどーぞWhat's the matter, Commander? Eh, you wanted some coffee? Um, what's gotten into you... Well, come on in, I guess...
Main原来这里也有学校啊……虽然学习内容不一样,但明明是不同的世界却存在相同的东西,还挺有趣的呢。へえ。ここにも学校ってあるんだ……習ってることは違うんだろうけど、別の世界なのに同じものがあるって、なんか面白いなHuh. There's even a school over here... I'm sure you learn different stuff, but it's pretty neat how similar our worlds are.
Main 2奇怪ー?奈美子和莲去哪了。真是的……明明是那两个人叫我来这散步的。あれー?なみことはっす、どこ行ったんだろ。もう……この辺散策するって向こうから呼び出してきたのにHuh? Where'd Namiko and Hass wander off to? Jeez... I came all the way from the other side of port to look for them...
Main 3啊,指挥官,你有看到茜吗?难得见面了,还想着说一起去玩呢……あ、指揮官さん。アカネ見てませんか?せっかく会えたんだし、一緒にどっか行きたいなーと思ったんですけど……Oh, Commander, have you seen Akane? I thought we were going to hang out and all...
Touch嗯?想让我帮忙工作?我刚想去小卖部……好吧。要我做点什么?え、仕事を手伝って欲しい?売店行くとこだったんだけど……ま、いっか。何すればいいですか?Huh, you need help with work? I was going to head to the shop, but... Well, fine, I guess. What'd you need?
Touch (Special)这种…是骚扰行为吧。そういうの、セクハラって言うんですけどJust so you know, that's called sexual harassment.
Touch (Headpat)呃……喊我有事?えっと……呼びました?Um... Did you need me?
Mission还有任务没做完吗?真没办法……有什么我能帮忙的就告诉我吧。まだ終わってなかったんですか?仕方ないな……できることがあったら言ってくださいYou're still not done yet? Fine, fine... Just let me know if there's anything I can help with.
Mission Complete辛苦了。啊,报酬好像也送来了呢,别忘了领取哦。お疲れ様です。あっ、報酬も届いてるみたいなんで、ちゃんと受け取ってくださいねGood job. Looks like our rewards are in too, so make sure you don't lose track of it.
Mail这是,信封?写给指挥官的吗……好稀奇啊,这个时代还在写信。あれ、封筒?指揮官さん宛か……今時手紙って、珍しHuh, there's something in the mailbox addressed to you, Commander... People still send letters this day and age?
Return to Port出击辛苦了。休息下,来冲杯拿铁之类的吧?出撃お疲れ様です。休憩にラテとか入れましょっか?Good job out there. Want me to whip up a latte to help you relax?
Commission Complete啊,大家都回来了。我去接一下。あ、みんな戻ってきた。ちょっと迎えに行って来ますねOh, the girls are back. Hang on, I'll go greet them.
Enhancement哦…?还能这样的啊……指挥官,谢谢你了。ふーん、こういうのもあるんだ……ありがとうございます、指揮官さんHuh, so I'm capable of doing stuff like this too... Thanks, Commander.
Flagship我该上了!私が行かなきゃ!I've got to do this as well!
Victory呼…总算是搞定了。ふぅ……なんとかなったPhew... I somehow managed to pull through.
Defeat不是吧,我失误了?!大家快逃!うっそ、ミスった!?みんな、今すぐ逃げて!No way, I messed up?! Hurry up and retreat, everyone!
Skill我也要出上自己的一份力……!私も、自分にできる事を……!There's... something even I can do...!
Low HP虽然失误了……但还没结束!ミスったけど……まだいける!I might've slipped up... but I can still do this!
Affinity (Upset)啊,嗯……(跟这人有什么要说的来着)あー、えっと……(この人となんか話すことあったっけ)Ah... Um...
Affinity (Stranger)呜哇,不小心错买成碳酸饮料了……啊,指挥官。方便的话能不能收下这个?うわ、間違えて炭酸買っちゃった……あ、指揮官さん。よかったらこれ、貰ってくれませんか?Ugh, I bought the wrong flavor of soda... Oh hey, Commander. Were you thirsty by any chance?
Affinity (Friendly)(哼歌)~♪啊,指挥官你好。呼呼,刚刚碰上些开心的事…ふんふんふん~♪あ、こんにちは、指揮官さん。ふふっ、ちょっといいことあって……Hum hum~♪ Oh, good morning, Commander. Hehe, yeah, I'm in a pretty good mood...
Affinity (Like)啊,总算找到指挥官了…四处找你找了半天。给,你的笔,刚刚掉在办公室门前的。ああ、指揮官さん、やっと見つけた……探してたんですよ。はい、さっき執務室の前にペン落としてましたOh hey, Commander, there you are... I've been looking for you. Here, you dropped this pen outside your office earlier today.
Affinity (Love)对于在这边的战斗,最开始还有点不知所措,不过现在好多了。大概多亏了指挥官和大家吧……ここで戦う事に、初めは戸惑ってたりもしたけど、今は大分うまくやれてる気がする。これも指揮官さんやみんなのお陰かな……At first, I was confused about the whole fighting-in-another-world thing, but I think I've gotten the hang of it. I owe it to everyone here, as well as to you...
Pledge刚来到这个世界,还没理清状况的时候,指挥官和这里的各位就对我非常地关心。为了如此重要的大家,今后也请让我在这里出一份力吧。この世界に来たばかりで混乱してた時、指揮官さんやここのみんなはとても親切にしてくれました。そんな大切なみんなのために、これからもここで頑張らせてくださいWhen I first landed in this world, confused and lost, everyone here extended their hospitality to me. Especially you, Commander. I hope you'll continue to do everything you can to keep this place special.
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Shinjou Akane和茜一起的话,我会更努力的。アカネと一緒なら、もっと頑張れるよWith you here, Akane, I can do anything!|
In battle with Hass莲,这里就交给我吧!はっす、こっちは任せて!Hass, I'll cover you!
In battle with Namiko真是的ー……走了啦,奈美子!もー……行くよ、なみこ!Jeez... Namiko, we have to get going!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description电车还没来啊……嗯?真巧。指挥官要去哪?電車、まだ来ないな……あれ、こんな所で偶然ですね。指揮官さんは、どこまで行くんですか?The train still isn't here yet? ...Oh, what a coincidence to see you here, Commander. Where were you headed?
Acquisition电车还没来啊……嗯?真巧。指挥官要去哪?電車、まだ来ないな……あれ、こんな所で偶然ですね。指揮官さんは、どこまで行くんですか?The train still isn't here yet? ...Oh, what a coincidence to see you here, Commander. Where were you headed?
Login嗯~天气真好。今天去哪好呢。んん~良い天気。今日はどこへ行こっかなMm-hmm~ What lovely weather. Wonder where I should go today~
Details穿着和平时不同的服装,坐上电车……要是身边有谁一起就好了…说说而已。いつもと違う服を着て、電車に乗って……あとは、誰かが一緒にいてくれれば良いのに、なんてねA brand new look, a long train ride... All that's missing is a partner to keep me company. Yeah, as if...
Main电车还没来,好闲啊……啊,对了对了,之前跟港区的大家去玩了来着……電車が来るまで暇ですね……あっ、そうそう。この前母港のみんなで遊びに行ったんですけど……I've got nothing else to do 'til the train arrives... Oh, that's right. The other day, I went to play with some of the girls back at the port...
Main 2咦,鸽子聚过来了。也是,现在向阳处还很热呢。……あれ、ハトが集まってきてる。まあ、まだ日向は暑いもんね……Huh, look at all the pigeons gathering around. Well, I guess that's one way to beat the heat...
Main 3这趟电车的终点站是怎样的地方呢?毕竟是在未知的世界,稍微有点在意呢この電車、終点まで乗ってたら、どんな場所に着くのかな。知らない世界だから、ちょっと気になるかもI wonder where I'll end up if I take this train to the end of the line. Well, being in a different world and all that makes me curious...
Touch(哼小曲)♪……啊,电车好像快来了呢。ふんふんふん~♪……あ、電車、そろそろ来るみたいですねHum hum~♪ Oh, it looks like the train is finally about to arrive.
Touch (Special)大,大庭广众的做什么呢?!会被抓起来的哦?!こ、こんな公の場で何してるんですか!?普通に捕まりますよ!?Wh-what do you think you're trying to do in public?! There's no way you'd normally be able to get away with this!
Return to Port来,指挥官。茶和果汁,你喜欢哪个?はい、指揮官さん。お茶とジュース、どっちが良いですか?Here, Commander. Do you prefer juice or tea?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哇,指挥官!?真是的——我也想在自己的房间里放松一下嘛。这点小事,你就睁一只眼闭一只眼吧?わ、指揮官さん!?もー、私だって自室でくらい、リラックスしてたいんです。ちょっとくらい、見逃してくれたっていいでしょ?Ack, Commander?! Geez, look, I at least want to be able to relax in my own room. Let it go just this once, okay?
Acquisition哇,指挥官!?真是的——我也想在自己的房间里放松一下嘛。这点小事,你就睁一只眼闭一只眼吧?わ、指揮官さん!?もー、私だって自室でくらい、リラックスしてたいんです。ちょっとくらい、見逃してくれたっていいでしょ?Ack, Commander?! Geez, look, I at least want to be able to relax in my own room. Let it go just this once, okay?
Login嗯~今天就好好放松一天吧?ん~、今日は一日、ゆっくりしよっか?Mm~ How about we take it easy today?
Details在家里我一直都是这样穿的…不过不怎么会让家人以外看到。指挥官是特例。家ではいつもこんな格好だけど…あんまり家族以外には見せないかな。指揮官さんは特別I'm always dressed like this at home... but nobody but my family sees me when I am. Consider yourself special, Commander.
Main这件家居服,穿着很舒服,我很喜欢。このウェア、結構肌触りが良くてお気に入りなんだI like this outfit. It's all soft and comfy.
Main 2选家居服还是最看重舒适对吧~部屋着はやっぱり楽な感じ最優先で選んじゃうんだよね~You really gotta prioritize comfort when you pick bedroom clothes~
Main 3就算有点杂乱也不要碎碎念啦!唠叨得都像妈妈一样了。ちょっとくらい散らかっててもブツブツ言わない!小うるさくてママみたいDon't complain about just a little mess! Gosh, you sound like my mom.
Touch这样的居家装扮,是不是让人很在意?如何,是不是很在意?こんなラフな姿って、やっぱり気になる?ねぇ、気になる?Can't take your eyes off of me when I dress casually, right? That's it, isn't it?
Touch (Special)我说,亲密接触过头了哦!ちょ、さすがにスキンシップがすぎるよ!Wh-whoa, okay, that's a little too much touching!
Return to Port指挥官看起来好累啊…要在这儿休息一下吗?我会保密的。指揮官さんお疲れみたい…少しここで休んで行きます?内緒にしておいてあげますからYou seem tired, Commander... Want to rest here with me? I can keep a secret.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login早上不用去学校,这种感觉还真是奇妙……朝、学校行かないってのも、変な感じだな……Y'know, It sure feels weird not having to go to school in the morning...
Details指挥官,咖啡久等了~。味道怎么样?はい、指揮官さん。コーヒーお待ちどうさまさまです~。お味はどうですか?Your coffee, Commander. Thanks for waiting so patiently. How does it taste?
Main打扰了……咦,指挥官睡着了。估计是工作太忙了。就等他睡到醒吧。失礼しまーす……ってあれ、指揮官さん寝ちゃってるし。まあ仕事忙しいのかな。起きるまで待ってよExcuse me... Oh, huh. You're asleep already? Work must've been tough. I'll be waiting here until you wake up.
Main 2这里的小卖部真是什么都有呢,要是我们的世界也有这样的店铺就好了。ここの売店って、ほんと何でも揃っちゃうんだな。私たちの世界にもこんなお店あったらいいのにThe shops here really have everything. I wish we had something like this back where I'm from.
Main 3电脑死机了?这种时候把电源这样……(按下开关)咦,怎么了吗?你的脸色好像有点怪?パソコンが動かない?そういうときは電源を……(ブチッ)え、どうしたんですか?そんなに青い顔してThis PC's not turning on? Hm, let's check if it's plugged in... (*thump*) What's wrong? Why do you look like you saw a ghost?
Touch (Special)哈啊?!这是做什么!はあっ!?なにするんですか!Whaaa?! What's the meaning of this?!
Mission就剩一点工作了。我去准备点喝的,请加油到最后吧。仕事、あと少しですね。飲み物淹れてくるんで、最後まで頑張ってくださいねPlease continue working. I'll brew something for you to drink, so stay focused until the very end.
Mission Complete工作辛苦了。之前努力过了,现在就可以稍微休息下了吧?お仕事お疲れ様です。頑張ったんだし、ちょっとは休んでもいいんじゃないですか?Well done. Since you worked so hard, why not take a little break?
Flagship这次轮到我来战斗了。今度は私も戦う番だからThis time, it's my turn to fight.
Victory太好了……大家都没事。よかった……みんな無事だThank goodness... Everyone's safe and sound.
Affinity (Love)那时没能直接跟敌人战斗,但现在的我拥有可以帮助他人的力量……所以这次,我会为了大家和指挥官战斗。あの時は直接敵と戦うことができなかったけど、今の私は誰かを助ける力を持ってる……だから今度は、私がみんなや指揮官さんのために戦いますBack then, I wasn't able to fight the enemy head-on. But this time, I have the power to help others. Now, I swear to fight for you and everyone else.