Shouhou (JP 🇯🇵: 祥鳳, CN 🇹🇼: 祥凤)
Ship ID No. 222 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Explore Stage2-2
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 34
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
Voice actress Hiromi Kouno
Shouhou Description
First ship of the Shouhou-class aircraft carriers, Shouhou.
Patrolling Witch Description
Waaaah! My candy! Candy is spillin’ everywhere! ...Wh-why are y’all chasin’ me? Commander, help me catch the pumpkin!
Shouhou (Retrofit) Description
Commander, how do I look now that I've grown up? Are ya fallin' in love with me already? Mhm, ye definitely are~
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation B
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 3692 Reload 154
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 50 Anti-air 216
Aviation 244 Cost 10
ASW 73 Luck 24
Hit 65 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 4283 Reload 178
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 70 Anti-air 248
Aviation 279 Cost 10
ASW 84 Luck 24
Hit 78 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 714 Reload 65
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 19 Anti-air 46
Aviation 52 Cost 3
ASW 20 Luck 24
Hit 25 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 3932 Reload 159
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 50 Anti-air 251
Aviation 304 Cost 10
ASW 73 Luck 24
Hit 65 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 4523 Reload 183
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 70 Anti-air 283
Aviation 339 Cost 10
ASW 84 Luck 24
Hit 78 Speed 28
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All Torpedo Bombers +1/Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Dive Bombers +1/Aircraft efficiency +5%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Aircraft efficiency +7%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Dive Bomber 115%/118%/123%/130% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo Bomber 115%/118%/123%/130% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Aichi D3A Type 99
2 Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Aircraft Carrier: Shouhou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 9 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Support Carrier When this ship launches an Airstrike: heals your entire Vanguard for 3.5% (8.0%) of its max HP.
Air Support When this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the AVI of all Carriers in your fleet, excluding this ship, by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 祥凤级航空母舰一番舰—祥凤 祥鳳型航空母艦・祥鳳 First ship of the Shouhou-class aircraft carriers, Shouhou.
Biography 吾是总有一天会成为大美人的祥凤级一号舰祥凤号~ 薄幸吗……虽然吾的运气是比较差,不过这也是没办法的事情啦 うちはいつかきっと美人になる祥鳳級空母の一番艦の祥鳳や~幸が薄いか…うち、運がちょっと悪いんやけど、仕方ないことやな I'm Shouhou, first ship o' the Shouhou-class! The luck's a bit poor, but they ain't a thing I can do 'bout that.
Acquisition 指挥官大人,吾是祥凤!小女子不才,搭载量和火力都不如正规空母,但吾也有许多正规空母做不到的事情呢~请多指教…… 指揮官、うちの名前は祥鳳!積載量も火力も正規の空母にはかなわんけど、うちにしかできんこともぎょうさんあるで。よろしゅう頼んますで… Commander, Shouhou's the name. I don't have a lotta firepower or planes like those regular carriers, but there's plenty o' stuff I can do that they can't! A real pleasure to meet ya!
Login 吾会守护指挥官的,这是吾毕生的职责! 一生を賭けても、うちが指揮官を守るんや! I'll protect ya even if it means puttin' my own life at risk, Commander!
Details 吾常被大家说以后肯定能成为大美女呢~ はぁ、うちは大きなったら美人さんになるゆうて、よう言われますんやで~ Ahh~ the folks always tell me, I'm gonna be a real beauty when I grow up~
Main 呀,指挥官,今天也是干劲十足的一天呢,吾已经准备好把那些蠢货痛扁一顿了~ なあ指揮官、今日も一日がんばりましょや。うち、あいつらを懲らしめる準備はできとるで~ Ah, Commander, I'm ready to give it my all t'day as well! Let's go stick it to those bad guys!
Main 2 我、吾平时都很受姐姐们的照顾……说实话真想快点成为能独当一面的人啊 うち、いつも姉さんと加賀さんに世話してもろうてまして…ほんとは早く自立したいんやけどなぁ… My big sis and Kaga are always lookin' after me, but one day, I wanna be more independent!
Main 3 指挥官,今天天气这么好不要闷不做声啦!来,一~起~玩~嘛~ 指揮官、今日はええお天気やのに、何しけた顔しとるんや!一緒にあ~そ~び~ま~しょ! Commander, the weather's real swell today! What's with the gloomy mug? Let's play together!
Touch 虽然吾不在乎,但是最好别对其他人也这样! …うちはかまへんけど、他の人らにはあかんで! I don't really mind, but you shouldn't be doin' that to others.
Touch (Special) 嗯……这种事,还是等晚上再继续会好点…… ん…こうゆうことは、やっぱり夜にしたほうがええんとちゃいますか… Nnh... Stuff like this... is better saved for night~
Mission 新任务下达了! 新しい指示が来ましたで! Commander, there's new missions here!
Mission Complete 吾把任务发放的奖励拿来啦~ ボーナスを持ってきましたで~ I brought the mission rewards!
Mail 指挥官,信~在你的头上~ 指揮官、メールは~頭の上にあるんやで~ Commander! The mail's right above ya~
Return to Port 要休息吗,吾来给你捶捶背吧 休むんやな?うちが背中叩いたろうか? Need a rest? How 'bout I give your back a nice thumpin'?
Commission Complete 有委托完成~吾看姐姐们做秘书时都是陪指挥官一起去的,那吾也一起去~ 委託完了や~姉さんたちが秘書を務めた時はいつも指揮官と一緒に行くから、うちも一緒に見に行きたいや~ A commission's all wrapped up~! Let's go welcome everyone back!
Enhancement 吾也更向大人迈进了一步呢~ うちも大人にちょっと近づけたんやな~ I'm a li'l closer to becomin' an adult!
Flagship 姐妹们冲啊,让它们看看谁才是主角! みんな行け~、誰が主役か、見せたるんやで! Sisters, charge! Let's show 'em who's the star o' this show!
Victory 吾是被幸运之神眷顾的,胜利是理所当然的~ うちには幸運の神さんがついてるんや!勝利は当然やがな I've got the God o' Fortune by my side! Of course I'm gonna win!
Defeat 呜……我、吾居然会败在这种货色的手下…… う…うちが、あんなやつに負けるなんて… How could I lose to those guys?
Skill 是吾活跃的时间了呐 はて、うちの時間やな It's show time, y'all!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官也把吾当小孩子……吾好伤心 指揮官もうちのことを子供扱いしおって……うち、悲しいわ… Commander treats me like a li'l kid too... Yer makin' me sad...
Affinity (Stranger) 吾的孩子们都是式神,虽然收起来很方便不过保养起来可麻烦了,指挥官,正好,来帮吾整备吧! うちの子はシキガミなんやから、収納がかんたんやけどメンテは大変やで。指揮官、ちょうどええから、うちのこと手伝ってくれへん? My children are all Shikigami - easy to store, but a pain to maintain! Y'all came at the right time - maintenance!
Affinity (Friendly) 吾对珊瑚海倒是没什么怨念,书上说大人就是要接受自己的失败,吾也就觉得不是什么大事了——欸,很了不起吗? 珊瑚海に怨念などおらへんで。ほら、本じゃと自らの失敗を受け入れないとアカンっちゅうことや。そんでうちも別にたいしたこたぁないって思うやでーーえ?偉い? I have no regrets 'bout what happened at the Coral Sea. I read we oughta accept our failures, else we won't learn from our mistakes! Eh? You think I'm amazin'?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,吾要怎么样才能成为快点成为成熟的大人呢——保持现在这样就好了?是吗,吾总觉得自己反而越来越依赖指挥官和姐妹们了呢…… 指揮官、うちどないしたら早く大人に…ーーえ?今のままでええの?せやけど、うちなんだか指揮官と姉妹たちに頼り過ぎになっとる気がするんや…… Commander, how do I become mature real fast? ...I'm fine as I am now? Really? But I'm always thinkin' I rely too much on you and my sisters...
Affinity (Love) 嗯,吾明白了,依赖其他人也不是坏事呢,吾不会再着急长大了~不过这样的话,吾……可以多依赖指挥官一些吗…… うん、うちわかったんや。人に頼るのも別に悪いことやない。うちはもう大人になることを急がへん~せやから、うち……指揮官のこともっと頼ってもええの? Mm... I got it now. Relyin' on others ain't such a bad thing! I won't be all jittery about growin' up faster now... Havin' that said though~ Commander, can I rely on ye even more now?
Pledge 欸……指挥官真的不是给错人了吗?给还不够成熟的吾辈…………是吗,吾辈也得到指挥官的认同了呢,从今往后吾辈会更加努力的,也请指挥官多多指教啦~ え……指揮官、人間違いやないか?まだ大人でないうちに……そっか、うちも指揮官に認められたっちゅうことやな。これからもうち頑張るから、指揮官、よろしくお願いしますで~ Eh? Commander, are y'sure this is going to the right girl? Someone as immature as me? ... I see, I've earned yer respect and recognition... Commander, from here on out, I'll do my best, so please continue to care for me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哇啊啊啊!糖、糖果洒出来了——!!为、为什么都在追吾啊!指挥官,帮吾拦下南瓜啊啊啊—— ああああ!お、お菓子がこぼれたんやーー!な、なんでうちを追っかけるんや!指揮官、かぼちゃたちを止めてくれー! Waaaah! My candy! Candy is spillin’ everywhere! ...Wh-why are y’all chasin’ me? Commander, help me catch the pumpkin!
Acquisition 哇啊啊啊!糖、糖果洒出来了——!!为、为什么都在追吾啊!指挥官,帮吾拦下南瓜啊啊啊—— ああああ!お、お菓子がこぼれたんやーー!な、なんでうちを追っかけるんや!指揮官、かぼちゃたちを止めてくれー! Waaaah! My candy! Candy is spillin’ everywhere! ...Wh-why are y’all chasin’ me? Commander, help me catch the pumpkin!
Main Trick or treat! 「とりーくおあとりーと」や! Trick or treat!
Main 2 嘿嘿,吾果然是个美人胚子~ ふっふんー、やっぱうちは美人になる素質あるんやで~ Hehe, I’m a real beaut, aren’t I?
Main 3 这些发狂的南瓜——到底是谁的恶作剧啊啊啊——!! かかかかぼちゃが暴走しとるんや――あああ誰の仕業なんや! All these crazy pumpkins... whose sorcery is this?
Touch 指挥官,是万圣节、万圣节哟! 指揮官、今日はハロウィン、ハロウィンやで! Commander, it’s Halloween! Halloween!!
Touch (Special) 指挥官,不要呀啊啊啊!!那些南瓜,会疯狂追逐碰到自己的人——啊啊啊!! 指揮官触らんといて!このかぼちゃ、触った人をずっと追っかけーーあああなんでうちが! Commander, don’t! Nooo!! Those pumpkins will chase after anythin’ that touches them! Ahh!!
Flagship 南瓜舰队,出击! かぼちゃ艦隊、出撃や! Pumpkin Fleet, sortie!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官大人,这便是吾成长后的姿态!嘻嘻,心动了吗?呐、呐,肯定心动了吧~ 指揮官、これはうちが成長した姿なんや!えへへ~ドキッとした?ねぇ、ねえ?今ドキッとしたんやろー? Commander, how do I look now that I've grown up? Are ya fallin' in love with me already? Mhm, ye definitely are~
Acquisition 指挥官大人,这便是吾成长后的姿态!嘻嘻,心动了吗?呐、呐,肯定心动了吧~ 指揮官、これはうちが成長した姿なんや!えへへ~ドキッとした?ねぇ、ねえ?今ドキッとしたんやろー? Commander, how do I look now that I've grown up? Are ya fallin' in love with me already? Mhm, ye definitely are~
Details 不要露出那种眼神……吾以后肯定还会继续成长的……一定…… うちをそんな目で見んなや……うちはまだまだ成長するんやで!……きっとそうやで…… Don't look so sad... I'll keep growing. I'm sure of it!
Main 指挥官,给吾一个证明自己实力的机会吧! 指揮官、うちに実力を証明するチャンスをくれへん? Commander, gimme a chance to prove myself!
Main 2 明明吾已经是大人了,为什么大家还把吾当成妹妹啊! うちはもう大人なのに、なんでみんなうちのことを妹扱いしとんねん? Why does everyone treat me like a kid when I'm already all grown up?
Main 3 大、大人也是需要游戏的!所以,指挥官,一~起~玩~嘛~ お、大人だって時には娯楽が必要なんやで!だから指揮官、一緒に~~あ~そ~び~ま~しょ! Grown-ups need to play, too! Won't you play with me, Com~man~der?
Touch 指挥官,你也喜欢那些式神吗?摸一摸没关系的喔 指揮官もうちのシキガミが好き?触ってもええよー Commander, do ye like my Shikigami? They ain't the bitin' type, I swear!
Touch (Special) 吾多多少少也是有所成长的!指挥官,有感受到吧!? うちはタショーでも、成長しとるんやで!指揮官、ど、どおや!? I feel like I've definitely matured some! Commander, what do ya think?
Low HP 姐、姐姐们…… ね、姉ちゃん…… Sis... sisters...