Seydlitz (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 543 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Seydlitz Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battlecruiser: Seydlitz-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Iron-Willed Leader When the battle starts, if there are 2 or more Iron Blood ships in your fleet: increases this ship's FP and RLD by 6.0% (18.0%). When the battle starts, the higher percentage HP this ship has remaining, the shorter the reload time of her first Main Gun volley (at least 20.0%; up to 50.0% (80.0%)). During each battle, this ship will tank 20.0% (60.0%) of all DMG received by your Iron Blood Main Fleet ships, and the DMG tanked is reduced by 10.0% (20.0%) (this effect becomes inactive after the primary effect of the skill "Unsinkable Legend" activates).
Unsinkable Legend Once per battle, when this ship takes DMG that would sink her: this ship does not sink, she evades all attacks for 10s, and she recovers 12.0% (22.0%) of her max HP; after this effect activates, decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% until the battle ends. The higher percentage HP this ship has remaining, the more DMG she deals, up to 12.0% (20.0%) more; the lower percentage HP she has remaining, the less DMG she takes, up to 12.0% (20.0%) less (this effect does not modify DMG tanked as a result of the skill "Iron-Willed Leader").
Marvels of History - Seydlitz Every battle, the first time this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage. When the battle starts, if this ship is NOT your Flagship and your Flagship has a "Marvels of History" skill: the higher percentage HP your Flagship has remaining, the shorter the reload time of her first Main Gun volley (at least 20.0%; up to 50.0% (80.0%)).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 战列巡掋舰—塞執利茚 巡掋戊艊-ザむドリッツ Battlecruiser – Seydlitz.
Biography 我是铁血所属的战列巡掋舰塞執利茚。䞍屈䞺我的名誉战果䞺我的荣光我䌚圚枯区䜜䞺长官的利刃而努力的请长官䞋什吧 鉄血所属、巡掋戊艊ザむドリッツです䞍屈は我が名誉、戊果は我が栄光、そしおこの母枯では䞊官殿の刃ずなりお掻躍せん䞊官殿、ご呜什を I am Seydlitz, Iron Blood battlecruiser! My tenacity is my pride, my conquests are my glory, and executing your orders is my mission! I await your orders, Commandant!
Acquisition 铁血战舰塞執利茚向悚敬瀌长官虜然还䞍甚熟悉䜆今日起䞺了我等的倧义我䌚圚枯区勀勉粟进即䜿粉身碎骚也圚所䞍惜 鉄血戊艊ザむドリッツ、䞊官殿に敬瀌ッこの姿にはただ䞍慣れなれど、本日より母枯にお我が倧矩のために、粉骚砕身で粟勀させおいただきたす Salute, Commandant! Iron Blood battlecruiser Seydlitz reporting in! Inexperienced though I may be, as of today I am proud to serve this port in the pursuit of honor and glory!
Login 敬瀌长官今倩也请倚指富 敬瀌ッ䞊官殿、本日もご指導のほど、よろしくお願いしたす Salute! I put my faith in your guidance as always, Commandant!
Details 长官虜然现圚我们圚这䞪枯区战斗䜆垌望将来胜圚曎高曎远的地方䞺党人类  䞍刚刚的发蚀僭越了非垞抱歉。 䞊官殿、今私たちはこの母枯で戊っおいたすけど、い぀かより高く飛躍しお、人類の  いいえ、出過ぎた発蚀を倱瀌したした Commandant, I do understand our mission at this port, but I hope to one day move up and fight for humanity's– Forgive me, I should have held my tongue.
Main 吕䜐倫䜠这样做䌚给长官添麻烊的 居、居然还诎“添点麻烊䞍行吗”  リュッツォり、そんなこずをしおは䞊官殿が困るでしょう いや、困ったら䜕が悪いず蚀われおもな  LÃŒtzow! Stop that before you distract the Commandant! ...Well, Commandant, I do believe getting distracted is a bad thing...
Main 2 我䞍奢望自己成䞺英雄我只芁圚长官身蟹忠实地完成自己的䜿呜就奜。 英雄になる高望みはしたせん。自分は䞊官殿の元で忠実に䜿呜を果たすたでです I've no grand ambitions of being hailed as a hero. My heart's only desire is to serve you faithfully, Commandant.
Main 3 怀疑同䌎是理应被蔑视的行䞺。芁怀疑的话也应该先怀疑自己才对。 仲間たちを疑うなど軜蔑すべき行為でありたす。疑うずいうのならたずは己を疑うべきです People who doubt their comrades deserve to be shunned. If they must doubt anyone, it should be themselves.
Touch 是悉听遵呜 ハッご呜什ずあらば Salute! Your orders, Commandant!
Touch (Special) 长长官 じょ、䞊官殿 C-Commandant?!
Touch (Headpat) 是请问有什么吩咐 ハッ䜕か埡甚でしょうか Salute! What are your orders?
Mission 是任务芁先从新的着手做起吗  任務です新しいものから始めおいいのでしょうか  You have unfinished missions, Commandant! It may be wisest to do the newest ones first.
Mission Complete 是任务报酬呌 看来任务顺利完成了。长官恭喜。 任務報酬ですねふぅ どうやら無事にこなせたみたいです。おめでずうございたす、䞊官殿 You have received mission rewards! Whew... I'm glad it went off without a hitch. Outstanding work, Commandant.
Mail 是新收到的邮件圚这里 ハッ新しく届いたメヌルはこちらです Salute! I've brought your newly-arrived letter!
Return to Port 向凯旋的长官敬瀌呌  又完成了䞀场正确的战斗了呢。 凱旋した䞊官殿に、敬瀌ッふぅ これでたた䞀぀正しい戊いが出来たずいうこずですね A salute to your return, Commandant! Phew... I take it your battle was an honorable one, as always?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了长官烊请确讀 委蚗組が垰還したした䞊官殿、確認をお願いしたす The commission team has returned to port! Commandant, please have a look!
Enhancement 长官区化成功了非垞感谢 匷化成功です、䞊官殿ありがずうございたす You've made me stronger, Commandant! You have my thanks!
Flagship Achtung歌灭敌人 Achtung蚎滅せよ Achtung! Reduce them to scrap!
Victory 方才䜜战䞭的现场指挥真是倪出色了䞍过诎实话对于自己胜执行到什么地步自己没什么自信   先皋の䜜戊での珟堎指揮は実にお芋事でしたただ、自分がどこたで実行できたか、正盎自信がなくお   Commandant, your in-person commanding was a thing to behold! Frankly, however, I don't believe I can say the same of my own performance...
Defeat 因䞺自己没胜遵守呜什而倱莥了吗  实圚是䞢脞  呜什を守れなかった自分の敗北、か  情けない  I failed by not following my orders... What a disgrace!
Skill 绝对  䞍䌚沉没的 沈みたせん 絶察に You will not sink me! I won't allow it!
Low HP 各䜍请埅圚我身后 お嬢様方、自分の埌ろにお隠れを Miladies! Take cover behind me!
Affinity (Upset) 郜是因䞺我没甚 长官十分抱歉  自分が䞍甲斐ないばかりに 䞊官殿、申し蚳ございたせん  This is all because I'm a worthless maggot... Commandant, I beg for your forgiveness!
Affinity (Stranger) 恕我僭越长官请尜管对塞執利茚䞋呜什吧䞍甚客气 差し出がたしい願いで恐れ入りたす。䞊官殿、このザむドリッツにどんどんご呜什を遠慮など芁りたせん If you'll forgive my audacity, I have a request. Commandant, please give me more orders! I will do anything you require of me!
Affinity (Friendly) 我并非莚疑长官的决定。只是 有些担心自己现圚做的事情是吊就是长官所垌望的  这些想法䞍䌚圱响到任务的请攟心 䞊官殿の決定に疑いなどありたせん。ただ 自分の今やっおいるこずは、䞊官殿にずっお望たしいこずなのかがいささか心配で  任務に支障は出したせんのでご安心を I have complete faith in your decisions. Except... the worry that my service isn't all you hoped for lingers in the back of my mind. But, rest assured, it will not hinder me in combat!
Affinity (Like) 按自己喜奜床过假日虜然也䞍错䜆是  自己做的事情到底是䞍是长官所垌望的呢  劂果是长官的呜什我䌚遵守的 自分の思うがたたに非番日を過ごす それもいいですが、果たしお自分のするこずが䞊官殿にずっお望たしいこずなのか 䞊官殿の呜什なら埓いたす Spend my day off however I want...? While that does sound nice, I'm not sure what I want to do is good in your eyes, Commandant... But if that's your order, I will follow it!
Affinity (Love) 纊纊䌚吗长官是想跟这样的自己  䞍劂果是垌望和塞執利茚纊䌚的话圓然䌚服从的䞍仅是纊䌚包括享受纊䌚这件事也郜䌚努力完成的 で、デヌトですか䞊官殿はこんな自分を  いいえ、ザむドリッツにデヌトをご所望ずいうこずなら埓うたでデヌトの党おを楜しめるよう、こなしおみせたす Y-you wish to go on a date? With me, of all people? ...Forgive me, I should not question an order from you, Commandant! I will make every step towards ensuring a thoroughly enjoyable date!
Pledge 胜埗到悚的讀可我非垞高兎䜆我䞍知道自己的回答是䞍是长官所垌望的——圓然䞍是拒绝的意思只是䞍知道该回答“埈乐意”还是“最喜欢䜠”圚烊恌措蟞  芁是长官胜告诉我就奜了 ケッコンの申し出は嬉しいのですが、自分の返答が䞊官殿の望むものなのかは――いいえ断るなんおわけではありたせん「喜んで」なのか「倧奜きです」なのか、蚀葉のこずで  䞊官殿にリク゚ストいただければ While I am overjoyed by your offer of marriage, I'm worried if my answer won't be to your– No! Of course I'm not turning you down! What I mean is, I don't know whether to say "gladly," or "I love you." You may decide if you'd like, Commandant!
In battle with UNKNOWN(4) 各䜍这里就亀给我吧 お嬢様方、ここはお任せください Miladies! Allow me to protect you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 歀地乃孕育自混沌的吞血鬌之城 以塞執利茚的名誉担保也址之血族的呜运必将圚歀断绝 ここは混沌より生み出されたノァンパむアの城 ザむドリッツの名誉にかけお、也址の血族の運呜、今断っおみせたす There it is – Dracula's Castle, brought into this world by chaos itself... On my honor, I swear I will put an end to the divine bloodline!
Acquisition 歀地乃孕育自混沌的吞血鬌之城 以塞執利茚的名誉担保也址之血族的呜运必将圚歀断绝 ここは混沌より生み出されたノァンパむアの城 ザむドリッツの名誉にかけお、也址の血族の運呜、今断っおみせたす There it is – Dracula's Castle, brought into this world by chaos itself... On my honor, I swear I will put an end to the divine bloodline!
Login 差䞍倚芁进城了长官。请让我先行吧 そろそろ城に入る時間です、䞊官殿。先導は任せおください It's time to breach the castle, Commandant. I shall lead the way!
Details 劂果战斗结束了吞血鬌猎人的䜿呜也就到歀䞺止了 这身䜓䞍这仜力量真的垌望那样吗 戊いが終われば、ノァンパむアハンタヌの圹目も終わる この身、いや、この力は本圓にそれを望んでいるのでしょうか Once the fighting ends, so does the role of a vampire hunter... Is that truly what I, or rather, the power within me, wants?
Main 终于见到䜠了吕䜐倫现圚就来算算圓初劚碍长官工䜜的垐吧 ようやく䌚えたなリュッツォり䞊官殿の仕事を邪魔立おした眪、今償っおもらうっ I've got you now, LÃŒtzow! Say your prayers, for it's time you paid for the Commandant's lost productivity!
Main 2 现圚的塞執利茚䞍仅是舰船亊是灭魔之利刃 我䌚完成被赋予的这䞪䜿呜的 今のザむドリッツは艊船ずしおだけでなく、魔を滅がす剣 䞎えられたこの圹、果たしおみせたす I'm more than just a shipgirl, I'm now the blade that cuts down all evil. This duty, granted unto me, shall be carried out!
Main 3 今倩的晚饭是肉吗圚这里芁怎样获取呢  让我想想   本日の倕食はお肉、ですかそうですね、ここでどうやっお調達すれば  You'd like meat for dinner today? Certainly. The question is, how do we procure meat out here...
Touch 接䞋来等埅我们的又䌚是什么样的魔物呢  次はどんな魔物が埅ち受けおいるのか っ We know not what beasts lurk in the shadows... Mgh...
Touch (Special) 这里的防埡力是  呀 この防埡力は  ひゃぅ Such frightening armor... Eek!
Mail 长官新收到的邮件圚这里。 新しく届いたメヌルはこちらです。䞊官殿 I have your new letter right here, Commandant.
Return to Port 既然垃景规暡劂歀之倧出入城䌰计也是有方法的。长官劂果赶时闎的话请从这条路走。 これほど倧きな城なら、出入りの方法はいく぀かあるはずです。䞊官殿、お急ぎでしたらこちらのルヌトぞ A castle of this size must have numerous ways in and out. Commandant, we should take this route if you're in a hurry.
Flagship 毁灭吧这里䞍是䜠们居䜏的䞖界 滅びよここはお前たちの䜏む䞖界ではないッ Die, monsters! You don't belong in this world!
Victory 哈啊啊——糟了䞜西䞍小心掉了  抱歉获取MVP奖励的姿势还需芁练习   ハッしたった、報奚が萜ちお すみたせん、報奚を受け取るずきのポヌズはただ緎習が必芁ですね  Salute! Oh, dammit, I dropped the bounty... Apologies. I will clearly need to practice my posing...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长官觉埗这身劂䜕  虜然姑䞔把衣服换䞊了䞍过我䞍倪确定这样子是吊真的是长官所期望的   䞊官殿、いかがでしょうか 着替えさせおいただきたしたが、本圓に私が䞊官殿の望む姿になれるかは   How do I look, Commandant? I thought you may like seeing me in a dress, however I don't know if this is what you desired or not...
Acquisition 长官觉埗这身劂䜕  虜然姑䞔把衣服换䞊了䞍过我䞍倪确定这样子是吊真的是长官所期望的   䞊官殿、いかがでしょうか 着替えさせおいただきたしたが、本圓に私が䞊官殿の望む姿になれるかは   How do I look, Commandant? I thought you may like seeing me in a dress, however I don't know if this is what you desired or not...
Login 差䞍倚出发吧长官。到今倩工䜜的时闎了。 そろそろ行きたしょう、䞊官殿。本日の勀務開始時間です Let us begin, Commandant. Your work for today has started.
Details 芁论华䞜的话怎么看郜芁逊色于其他䌙䌎  长官所期望的我到底是怎样的呢   華やかさでは他の子にどうしおも芋劣りしたすね 䞊官殿が望んでいる私は、どういう感じなんでしょう  My banquet attire pales in comparison to everyone else's... If you could create my ideal look, what would it be like, Commandant?
Main 䜜䞺䞍沉之战舰我䌚圚长官巡视期闎占奜䜍眮的 ザむドリッツの名誉にかけお、䞊官殿が芋回っおいる間に堎所の確保をいたしたす On my name and pride, I promise to find us a place to relax while you mingle with the other guests!
Main 2 䞍仅仅是战士平时胜曎像䞪女孩子䞀样  长官悚是这么期望的吗 戊士ではなく、より女性っぜく振る舞っおほしいず䞊官殿がお考えでしたら  いかがでしょうか Commandant, suppose I were to behave less like a soldier and more like a regular woman... Would you prefer that?
Main 3 各䜍请埀这蟹走——我也想和长官䞀样融入这里的氛囎请原谅我皍埮犻匀䞀䌚吧 お嬢様方、どうぞこちらぞ――䞊官殿ず同じように、私もこの堎所の雰囲気に溶け蟌もうずしおいたすので、少しの留守はお蚱しくださいたせ This way, my fair ladies... I'll be leaving your side momentarily to accustom myself to this place, Commandant. Excuse me for a while.
Touch 啊是长官 は、はい䞊官殿 A-at your service, Commandant!
Touch (Special) 我 倧抂还䞍借资栌  即䜿这样也没问题吗 私ではお盞手ずしおは䞍盞応かず  それでもよろしいしょうか I feel I'm ill-suited to be your partner this evening... Do you desire me, regardless?
Return to Port 长官蟛苊了。试过那蟹的菜了吗嗯我觉埗埈奜吃因歀掚荐给悚的 䞊官殿、お疲れ様です。あちらのお料理、もう召し䞊がりたしたかええ、矎味しいず思いたしお Exemplary work, Commandant. Have you tried the food on offer this evening yet? I'm sure you're going to love it!
Victory 没想到打扮成这样了还胜赢  䞀定是因䞺这就是长官所期望的 この姿でも勝おるんだ  䞊官殿はきっずこれを望んでいたに違いありたせん Victory can be seized even in a dress... I'm now confident this is what you desired, Commandant!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长官塞執利茚向悚问奜  风栌焕然䞀新嘿嘿我偶尔也想尝试䞋和自己完党䞍同的风栌嘛。啊考虑到今倩的气枩我还准倇了饮料请喝吧 ザむドリッツ、䞊官殿に敬瀌っ  普段ず雰囲気がガラリず倉わった、ですかははっ䞊官殿に蚀われた通り、たたには「むメチェン」しようず思いたしお。あ、今日は気枩のこずも考えお飲み物を甚意しおありたす。どうぞ Salutations, Commandant! ...You think I look like a totally different person? Haha! You're right – I decided to change up my look for once. Oh, today looks like a hot day, so I brought drinks. Take one!
Acquisition 长官塞執利茚向悚问奜  风栌焕然䞀新嘿嘿我偶尔也想尝试䞋和自己完党䞍同的风栌嘛。啊考虑到今倩的气枩我还准倇了饮料请喝吧 ザむドリッツ、䞊官殿に敬瀌っ  普段ず雰囲気がガラリず倉わった、ですかははっ䞊官殿に蚀われた通り、たたには「むメチェン」しようず思いたしお。あ、今日は気枩のこずも考えお飲み物を甚意しおありたす。どうぞ Salutations, Commandant! ...You think I look like a totally different person? Haha! You're right – I decided to change up my look for once. Oh, today looks like a hot day, so I brought drinks. Take one!
Login 皍等䞀䞋  奜站姿调敎完毕长官请悚指瀺 あずちょっず ザむドリッツ、ポヌゞング完了したした䞊官殿、次のご指瀺を Just a moment... There, I've struck my pose! Awaiting your next orders, Commandant!
Details 嗯我确实是第䞀次尝试这种风栌呢  啊䞍过请长官攟心我䌚党力以赎让自己的行劚曎“街倎”的  保持平垞的状态就奜明癜了长官 ふぅ 確かにこのスタむルは初めおですね  あ、ご安心ください䞊官殿ザむドリッツ、より「ストリヌトスタむル」にふさわしくなれるよう党身党霊を  普段通りでいいですかわかりたした、䞊官殿 Whew... Wearing clothes like this is quite new to me. Oh, but rest assured, Commandant – I will strive to become one with the streetwear! ...Just be myself, you say? Understood!
Main 嗯这样的风栌确实是我自己所选择的呢  长官我的答案圚悚看来究竟劂䜕呢 このストリヌトファッションは たさしくこのザむドリッツが自ら遞んだものでありたすが  䞊官殿、この答えはその、䞊官殿にはどのように写ったでしょうか In case you're wondering... I did indeed pick out this streetwear by myself. Now that you have this information, what do you make of it, Commandant?
Main 2 墙䞊的涂鞊  唔是我特意䞺了这身服装而特意挑选的垃景。——“想芁䞍䞀样的塞執利茚”这是长官对我的期望必须芁讀真对埅呢。 アヌトのこずですか はっ、この衣装に合いそうなセットを遞ばせおいただきたした――䞊官殿が「い぀もず違うザむドリッツ」をお望みでしたから、真面目に察応したたでです The graffiti, you ask? I thought I'd opt for a backdrop that complemented my outfit! You asked to see me in a fresh look, and I answered to the best of my abilities.
Main 3 这瓶饮料是我䞺长官准倇的之前倪冰了现圚应该回枩到正奜适合入口。埈莎心谢、谢谢长官  /// この䞀本も䞊官殿に差し入れさせおください。前のは冷たすぎたしたが、こっちはちょうどいいはず――気を䜿っおくれおありがずう ですかあ、ありがずうございたす䞊官殿/// Commandant, please have a drink. The last bottle was much too cold, but this one is just the right temperature... I thought of everything, you say? Th-thank you!
Touch 芁来匠合圱么这䞪时候正合适呢。 䞊官殿、䞀緒に玀念写真でもいかがですかちょうどいいタむミングだず思いたしお Commandant, won't you take a picture with me? This feels like a great occasion for it!
Touch (Special) 就、就算现圚是私人暡匏也倪、倪  /// お、オフずはいえ こ、こういうのはさすがに  /// Th-this isn't exactly how I pictured our day off...
Mail 啊有䜠的邮件哊长官。 あ。メヌルが届いおいたす。䞊官殿 Ah, you've received a letter, Commander.
Return to Port 欢迎回来长官巡视蟛苊了这瓶饮料给悚 䞊官殿、お垰りなさいたせ――ず、芋回りお疲れ様でした。この䞀本は差し入れですどうぞ Welcome back from your patrol, Commandant! Allow me to pour you a drink!
Flagship 尜情展瀺䞪人风栌的时候到了 ここからは党力で、私らしく Time to exert all my strength and individualism!
Victory 街倎风栌既䞍圱响行劚又兌具矎观。呌  长官也这么觉埗吧 ストリヌトスタむルは動きやすくビゞュアル的に申し分なし。ふぅ  䞊官殿もそうお考えでしょうか Streetwear is not only comfortable, but visually striking as well. Whew... Do you share my view, Commandant?
Affinity (Love) 就穿着这身纊䌚长官果然䌚喜欢这种䞎平时截然䞍同的新风栌啊。那请悚对塞執利茚䞋蟟邀请吧接䞋来塞執利茚䌚竭尜党力满足长官的期望䞎长官进行䞀场隟忘的纊䌚的 この栌奜のたたでデヌトを ふふ、䞊官殿はやっぱり普段ず違う栌奜を気に入っおいただいたみたいですね――で、では改めおデヌトのお誘いをお願いしたすザむドリッツ、䞊官殿の望みを叶えるべく党力で忘れがたいデヌトにさせおいただきたすっ Go on a date wearing this? Heehee, I will take that to mean you like seeing me in such a novel outfit. Then please, go ahead and ask me on a date! I will do all I can to live up to your hopes and give you an unforgettable experience!
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩我也䌚按照长官的期望奜奜衚现的  那那䞪劂果有什么添了麻烊的地方请提醒我   本日も䞊官殿の望む私ずしお、うたく振る舞っおみせたす あ、あの、ご迷惑をおかけするようなこずがありたしたらご泚意を っ As always, I aim to please you today, Commandant! ...I-if I inconvenience you in any way, please do inform me.
Details 长官悚䞍甚䞺我烊恌。按自己想法行劚自然也就意味着䌚对自己所做行䞺的结果莟莣。 䞊官殿、私のこずで悩む必芁はありたせん。自分らしく振る舞うこずは、自分のすべき行動の結果なのですから Commandant, you need not be concerned about me. I am being myself, as one is obliged to be.
Main 这时候胜垮䞊长官的办法是 工工䜜已经做完了吗这这样啊  倱萜 䞊官殿をお助けする方法は も、もう仕事が片付いおいたのですかそ、そうですか  しょんがり Please assign me a task, Commandant! ...Y-you've already finished all your work? Oh, I see...
Main 2 䞍仅仅是战士平时胜曎像䞪女孩子䞀样  长官悚是这么期望的吗 戊士ではなく、より女性っぜく振る舞っおほしいず䞊官殿がお考えでしたら  いかがでしょうか Commandant, suppose I were to behave less like a soldier and more like a regular woman... Would you prefer that?
Main 3 长官果然埈枩柔呢胜耐心听取我的意见。盞比之䞋我华对自己郜猺乏信心   私の意芋を聞いおくださる䞊官殿はやっぱりお優しいですね。それに比べお自分も信じられなかった私は  You're very kind, Commandant, being willing to give ear to my opinions. Meanwhile, I feel I don't even deserve to have opinions...
Touch 劂果悚觉埗扟我也行的话我可以垮悚分忧的 私でよければ盞談に乗りたす I'll gladly listen if you wish to confide in me!
Touch (Special) 那䞪劂果长官觉埗没问题的话我、我  没什么 わ、私、䞊官殿さえよければ  なんでもありたせんっ W-well, if I'm your type, then I suppose... Pardon, it's nothing, Commandant!
Touch (Headpat) 长官之前我应该诎过悚䞍甚倪把我圓女孩子看的   䞊官殿、自分を コホン、私を女の子扱いするのは無甚だず蚀ったはずですがっ Look, you don't– Ahem. Commandant, I'd rather you treated me as a soldier, not as a lady!
Mission 长官请指瀺该从哪䞪任务匀始 䞊官殿、どの任務からこなすべきか、ご指瀺をください Commandant! Please advise which mission I should start with!
Return to Port 想着长官可胜枎了  我、我准倇了茶请甚 䞊官殿は喉が也いおいるのではないかず思いたしお、お、お茶を甚意したしたどうぞ I sensed you may be thirsty, so I went ahead and made tea! W-would you like a cup?
Victory 塞執利茚获埗了第䞀的战功将这仜胜利献给同䌎们以及长官 ザむドリッツ、歊勲䞀䜍を頂戎したしたこの勝利を仲間に、そしお指揮官にささげよう Thank you for this high honor! This victory goes to my comrades and the Commandant!
Defeat 长官各䜍垫后就亀给我请䜠们先走 䞊官殿、お嬢様方、殿は自分に任せおお逃げください Commandant! Miladies! Please make your escape while I hold the line!
Affinity (Love) 话诎我邀请长官去纊䌚真的奜吗 莫非 䞍没什么 即、即䜿悚马䞊答应了我的心理准倇也还没——我䌚埈困扰的长官 䞊官殿をデヌトに誘ったが これで本圓に良かったのだろうか もしかしお いいえなんでもありたせんっ そ、即答されるず私の心の準備が――困っおしたいたす䞊官殿 Good lord... I should've prepared better before asking you on a date... Oh, no, nothing's wrong! I-it's just... Your immediate "yes" made my heart flutter in surprise, Commandant!