Saint Louis (JP 🇯🇵: サン・ルイ, CN 🇹🇼: 路易九世)
Ship IDNo. P006Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRarityPriority
NavyIris LibreBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionResearch and Development
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
CNApril 26, 2018
JPApril 26, 2018
Voice actressAsami Seto
Saint LouisDescription
Heavy Cruiser - Saint Louis
Holy Knight's ResplendenceDescription
With all due respect, Commander, this finery and this throne are not fit for one such as myself. Despite the hallowed name I have inherited, I am nothing more than a warrior. —However, if such an arrangement pleases you, then I shall hold my objections.
Alluring AdministratorDescription
Commander, regarding your next appointment... Ah, hard work is one of the highest virtues of the Iris's holy knights. On weekdays or vacations, in knights' armor or the Dragon Empery's attire, there can be no pause to my prayer, my training, or my duties as the administrator of your will.
HP943 Reload70
Firepower52 Torpedo42
Evasion10 Anti-air46
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
HP3900 Reload134
Firepower196 Torpedo160
Evasion64 Anti-air175
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
Limit Break
Level 5HP +230 | AA +11 | EVA +5 | Main Gun base +1 | Unlock playback for: Main screen 1, Flagship fight, Mission reminder
Level 10Unlock All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +5% | Limit Break to 4 Stars | Unlock playback for: Main screen 2, Victory, DefeatLearn Siren Killer Ⅰ | Learn All Out Assault Ⅰ | Main Gun efficiency +5%
Level 15HP +460 | AA +23 | Main Gun efficiency +10% | Unlock playback for: Main screen 3, Normal touch, Mission complete
Level 20Torpedo efficiency +10% | Limit Break to 5 Stars | Unlock playback for: Skills, Mail reminder, Commission completeLearn Siren Killer Ⅱ | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Level 25HP +690 | AA +34 | EVA +10 | Unlock playback for: Special touch, Low HP
Level 30Improve All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +15% | Limit Break to 6 StarsLearn Siren Killer Ⅲ | Learn All Out Assault Ⅱ | Main Gun efficiency +15%
Level 35Upgrades "Engine Boost" to "Engine Boost+"
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser100%/105%/115%/130%1/2/2/20/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun125%/125%/125%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T8 Heavy Cruiser: Saint Louis-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock34 +1
Max LimitBreak70
Lv.12052 +1
Augmented HE AmmoIncreases this ship's DMG with HE by 15.0% (35.0%) but decreases its chance to ignite enemies by 3.0%.Default Unlocked
Engine BoostIncreases this ship's Speed by 3 (8) . At the start of the battle: increases this ship's EVA by 15.0% (35.0%) for 40s.???
Siren Killer ⅢIncreases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 15.0%.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Saint Louis once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Engine Boost+Increases this ship's Speed by 3 (8) . At the start of the battle: increases this ship's EVA by 15.0% (35.0%) for 50s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description重巡洋舰-—路易九世重巡洋艦・サン・ルイHeavy cruiser – Saint Louis.
Biography因为故土突逢苦难,我的诞生被迫取消。而神说,你的使命留待来日。所以我出现在了这里。指挥官,你将为我指引方向,而我,则为你扫平前路故郷が戦火に巻き込まれたがゆえ、一度建造そのものが水泡に帰された私は、今や幻想の具現にすぎない――だが指揮官、あなたが導いてくれる限り、あなたの道に立ちはだかる障害はこの私が振り払おうBecause ruination befell my homeland, I was returned to nothingness before I was born. As I am now, I am but an illusion, a manifestation of an ideal. But as long as you continue to lead my way, I shall in return clear all obstacles standing before yours.
Acquisition很荣幸见到你,我的先知,我的引路人,我的指挥官。路易九世,听从神的旨意来到你的麾下,只要不违背公理道德,我手中之枪,任凭驱使会えて光栄だ。導く者よ。私はサン・ルイ、神の思し召しによりあなたの元に仕えるもの。あなたが人の世の理に反しない限り、この槍はあなたのために振るおうIt is an honor to meet you at last - my prophet, my leader. I am Saint Louis, brought to your side by God's will. As long as it is justice that guides your hand, then this humble spear shall be yours to wield.
Loginbonjour,指挥官,告诉我,接下来我该做什么?ボンジュール、指揮官。教えてくれ、次は何をすればいい?Bonjour, Commander. Please instruct me, what should we do next?
Details指挥官,你也要来向神祷告吗?指揮官、あなたも神に祈りを捧げるのか?Commander, have you come here to offer your prayers to God?
Main指挥官,你的时间不应该花在这里,杂务就交给我吧指揮官、あなたの時間は雑務に費やされるべきではない。ここは私が引き受けようCommander, your time should not be squandered here. Leave the chores to me.
Main 2指挥官,同僚之间如果有什么纠纷,就交给我来仲裁吧,那是我的强项戦友たちの中でいざこざがあるなら、その仲裁は私に任せてほしい。なにぶん得意なのでなIf there are any disputes within our ranks, allow me to handle the arbitration. That is my specialty.
Main 3战斗的胜利是我的终点,但指挥官,你应该将目光放在更高更远的地方私は戦に勝てればそれで良いが、指揮官、あなたはもっと遠い先まで見渡すべきだJust winning the battle alone is enough to satisfy me, but you, Commander, ought to look far beyond that.
Touch以战止战,这是我唯一能做的戦いをもって平和をもたらす。これこそ私ができるたった一つの役目であるI fight so that there may be peace. That is the single role that I can play.
Touch (Special)指挥官,请自重……指揮官、ご自重をCommander, your self-respect...
Mission指挥官,虽然不是神的旨意,不过军部的任务下达了指揮官、神の思し召しではないが…海軍部より新たな任務が通達されたCommander, it may not be the will of God, but you do have new missions issued from headquarters.
Mission Complete奖励吗……虽然都是些不错的东西,不过我没有兴趣報奨か……良い物ではあるだろうが、興味はないなWhile rewards may certainly be nice... I have no interest in them.
Mail指挥官,信件不拆封没有关系吗指揮官、この手紙は開封しなくても良いのか?Commander, does it not matter if these letters remain unopened?
Return to Port战士承受苦难,不过大家都挺了过来受難こそ戦士の証。みな、よくぞ持ちこたえてくれたSuffering is the brand of a warrior. Everyone, I'm proud of you for making it through.
Commission Complete指挥官,我看到委托的同僚们返回了指揮官、委託に出掛けた戦友たちが戻ってくるのが見えたCommander, my sisters in arms have returned from their commission.
Enhancement为了我们的使命……我らの役目のために……For the sake of the role that we all must play...
Flagship赐你们平等的毁灭等しく破滅をくれてやる…!You shall all be purged equally!
Victory尘归尘,土归土……塵は塵に、灰は灰に……Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
Defeat我的神,为什么背弃我……神よ、なにゆえ私を見捨てたのだ…My Lord, why have you abandoned me...
Skill神爱世人我らが神よ、等しく愛憎をくれ給えGod's love is boundless.
Low HP这也是神的考验……これも…我が神より下されし試練……!This too... is God's trial...!
Affinity (Upset)这里的同僚皆是义人,唯独你不是。接受神的审判吧,罪人ここにいる戦友たちは等しく義人だ。…あなたを除いて。罪人よ、神の裁きを心して待つが良いMy sisters in arms here may be righteous, but not you. Prepare to face divine punishment, sinner.
Affinity (Stranger)这里就是我未来的容身之所吗……那么,这里究竟是索多玛,还是迦南呢……ここは私が未来を過ごす場所……ならばここは、果たしてソドムか、それともカナンかSo this is the land that I was promised... Tell me, will this place be Sodom, or Canaan?
Affinity (Friendly)在这里的同僚们总是那么阳光,似乎没有什么能让她们烦恼,这里就是属于她们的迦南吗……戦友たちの顔はまるで悩みなど一つもないように眩しい。ここは彼女たちのカナンだろうかI see my sisters in arms smile every day as if without a worry in the world. Perhaps this is their Canaan...
Affinity (Like)我能感觉到我正在被这支舰队接纳,但是这里真的是我的应许之地吗……我并不是怀疑,只是觉得,应该还有更深的含义この艦隊に私は受け入れられた気がする。だが、ここが私にとっての約束の地だとしたら……いいや、みんなを疑っているわけではないが、もっと深い意味があるとつい勘ぐってしまう…I feel like I have earned the acceptance of the fleet. However, is this truly the land that I was promised? ... No, I do not mean to cast doubt upon anyone. I merely feel that... I may yet have a deeper purpose.
Affinity (Love)我明白了,指挥官,现在我能体会到和同僚们一样……不,甚至在那之上的充实感。迦南并不是这里,而是你的身边なるほど、指揮官、そういうことか。今の私は戦友たちと同じくらい……いいや、それ以上の充実感を感じる。この艦隊…ふふん、あなたのそばこそ私にとってのカナンだI finally understand now, Commander. What I experience now is the same as my sisters in arms - nay, perhaps even more fulfilling. Being a part of this fleet, by your side... is truly my Canaan.
Pledge你的身边将是我的归所,你的胜利将是我的荣光,你的喜悦将是我唯一的动力。感谢神将我送到了你的面前,我的先知,我的爱人,我的……光では誓おう。あなたの喜びは私の意志、あなたの勝利は私の栄光、あなたのそばは私の帰るべき場所……あなたのそばに私を遣わした神に感謝しよう――私の指揮官、私の恋、そして…私の光This I do swear. Your joy is my will, your victory is my glory, and the place that I can call home, is by your side... Blessed be the Lord who has brought me together with you - my commander, my love, and... my light.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description恕我直言,指挥官,华服与王座与我并不相称,虽然继承了路易九世之名,但我只是一名战士——好吧,你似乎很喜欢的样子,我就悉听遵命吧率直に申すが、このドレスと玉座は私にはふさわしくないな。聖人の名を預かるとて私は一介の戦士に過ぎない。――あなたが気に入ってくれるというのなら、それもまたよし、かWith all due respect, Commander, this finery and this throne are not fit for one such as myself. Despite the hallowed name I have inherited, I am nothing more than a warrior. —However, if such an arrangement pleases you, then I shall hold my objections.
Acquisition恕我直言,指挥官,华服与王座与我并不相称,虽然继承了路易九世之名,但我只是一名战士——好吧,你似乎很喜欢的样子,我就悉听遵命吧率直に申すが、このドレスと玉座は私にはふさわしくないな。聖人の名を預かるとて私は一介の戦士に過ぎない。――あなたが気に入ってくれるというのなら、それもまたよし、かWith all due respect, Commander, this finery and this throne are not fit for one such as myself. Despite the hallowed name I have inherited, I am nothing more than a warrior. —However, if such an arrangement pleases you, then I shall hold my objections.
Login指挥官,让我一个人坐在这里是一种煎熬指揮官、こうして一人で待たされるのもまた試練だCommander, making me sit up here waiting for you by myself is a tribulation in its own right.
Details我并不是反感做这样的事,我只是并不能理解这么做的意义,难道我仅仅坐在这里就能让你获得快乐吗?別にここでじっとしているのに抵抗があるわけではない。ただ…そうだな、一つだけ解せないことがある。あなたはもしや、私のこの姿を楽しんでいるのではなかろうか?I have no serious objections to sitting up here, but... there is one thing I cannot figure out. Are you perhaps deriving pleasure from seeing me up here like this?
Main指挥官,现在的我有这么惹人注目吗?我能感受到你的视线——不,我对此并不反感今の私はそこまであなたの視線を惹き付けているのか。その目は――いや、嫌いではないがSo I've managed to capture your gaze? Your eyes are... Nevermind, it doesn't bother me.
Main 2坐在这里仲裁同僚之间的纠纷?那就…失礼了,让我先好好听听她们所言所感吧。仲間たちの仲裁か?…では少し失礼させてもらう。彼女たちの話をちゃんと聞いてからだMy arbitration is needed? ...Very well, please excuse me for a moment. I will make sure to hear them out.
Main 3指挥官,你是这里的统帅,我想这王座应当由你来坐才最合适この艦隊を導く者として――指揮官、この席はあなたが一番ふさわしいAs the one guiding this fleet forward... Commander, you are the one best suited to this throne.
Touch武器就在我的身边,如果要上战场,我随时都可以武器なら手の届くところにある。戦うことを望まれればいつでも出動できるMy weapon is always within reach. Should you will it, I am ready to sortie at any time.
Return to Port比起像一尊雕塑一样坐在这里,我更想与你一起踏上战场,指挥官彫刻のようにここに座り続けることより、戦場に出て槍を振るうことこそ私の望みだ。指揮官I would much rather wield my spear upon the seas of battle than sit up here like a statue, Commander.
Affinity (Love)外在的修饰对一名战士而言毫无意义——本该是这样的。但神同样承认爱情,鼓励爱情。而我既是你的战士,也是你的爱人,那么,如果能让你喜悦,我愿意做任何事神に仕える者として、虚飾は不要――ではあるが、あなたに愛される者として、あなたが悦ぶことならなんでもさせてもらおう――神はヒトの愛を許し、そして賞賛している故にAs a servant of God, there is no need for vanity— Having that said, as the recipient of your love, you are free to make any arrangements that please you. After all, great and permissive is God's love.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,今天的下一个行程是……嗯,鸢尾的圣骑士以勤勉为美德,无论是平时还是节日,身着鸢尾之正装或是东煌的礼服,都不会对祈祷与战斗,以及身为你部下的工作造成任何影响。指揮官、次の予定についてだが……ああ、アイリスの聖騎士は精勤を美徳とする。平日でも祭日でも、教国の正装でも東煌(とうこう)の礼装でも、祈りと戦い、そしてあなたの部下としての務めに影響はないのだCommander, regarding your next appointment... Ah, hard work is one of the highest virtues of the Iris's holy knights. On weekdays or vacations, in knights' armor or the Dragon Empery's attire, there can be no pause to my prayer, my training, or my duties as the administrator of your will.
Acquisition指挥官,今天的下一个行程是……嗯,鸢尾的圣骑士以勤勉为美德,无论是平时还是节日,身着鸢尾之正装或是东煌的礼服,都不会对祈祷与战斗,以及身为你部下的工作造成任何影响。指揮官、次の予定についてだが……ああ、アイリスの聖騎士は精勤を美徳とする。平日でも祭日でも、教国の正装でも東煌(とうこう)の礼装でも、祈りと戦い、そしてあなたの部下としての務めに影響はないのだCommander, regarding your next appointment... Ah, hard work is one of the highest virtues of the Iris's holy knights. On weekdays or vacations, in knights' armor or the Dragon Empery's attire, there can be no pause to my prayer, my training, or my duties as the administrator of your will.
LoginBonjour,指挥官。先决定下今天要先完成的事务吧。ボンジョール、指揮官。まずは最初にこなす責務を選んでくれBonjour, Commander. Please determine the duty you would like to fulfill first today.
Details今年也好好努力吧,不要辜负了大家竭尽心力的各种准备。今年も頑張ろう。みんなの思いを込めた品の数々を無駄にしないためにLet us also give our utmost this coming year, as to not squander the preparations everyone has painstakingly made.
Main东煌的春节么…庆祝新年无论对谁都是不可少的,完成手头的工作后就好好休息一下吧。東煌(とうこう)の春節か…年越しを祝うのは誰しも同じだ。今の仕事が終わったらゆっくり休もうThe Dragon Empery's Spring Festival... the celebration of a new year seems quintessential to all. Please rest well after completing your work.
Main 2加利索尼埃…似乎很享受假日的样子…不,她的话,对什么都能很享受吧,各种意义上来说。ガリソニエール、休日を満喫しているな…いや、あの子は何でも楽しめそうだ。色んな意味でなLa Galissonnière... seems to be thoroughly enjoying this holiday. Rather, that girl seems to be able to find enjoyment in just about anything. Quite broad-minded of her.
Main 3和平的生活是令人喜悦的。若所有人都能遵照神之教诲行事的话,便不需要仲裁之人的存在了吧。平和な日常は喜ばしいことだ。全てのヒトが神の思し召し通りに善き生活をしていれば、仲裁者の存在もまた不要であろうThe greatest joy is to be able to have a life of peace. If everyone can act in accordance with God's will, then there would be no need for justicars.
Touch (Special)咳、咳咳!こ、コホン!A-ahem!
Mission今天的任务下来了,让我们两人尽快解决吧。今日の任務はこちらだ。早く二人でこなそうHere are today's assignments. Let's work together to finish them quickly.
Return to Port神会看见你的所为,此刻的辛劳必将换来未来的成功。神はあなたの行いを全てご覧になっている。今の苦労を埋め合わせてくれる成功がいずれ来るだろうGod witnesses all your deeds. The trials you endure today will surely bear fruit in the future.
Commission Complete指挥官,执行委托的战友们归来了,让她们去享受春节,剩下的工作就由我们接手吧。指揮官、委託に出掛けた戦友たちが戻ってきた。彼女たちが春節を楽しめるよう、私たちでその役目を引き継ごうCommander, our comrades-in-arms have returned from their commission. Let us take over their responsibilities so that they may enjoy the Spring Festival.
Flagship被鸢尾之光净化吧!アイリスの光に浄化されよ!Be cleansed in the Iris's light!