Ryuujou (JP 🇯🇵: 龍驤, CN 🇹🇼: 龙骧)
Ship ID No. 223 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 02:22:00
Acquisition Event: The Solomon Ranger
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 43
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
Voice actress Aya Suzaki
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2331978
Weibo http://weibo.com/u/2959771544
Name 黑猫
Ryuujou Description
Ryuujou-class Light Carrier - Ryuujou
Slacking Samurai Description
*yawn*... Finally, a good night's rest... Now, to pick up where I left off on that RPG... M-m-m-milord, why are you here?! I wasn't slacking off or anything, I w-w-was just... Ughh....
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation A
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 707 Reload 66
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 24 Anti-air 47
Aviation 65 Cost 3
ASW 17 Luck 42
Hit 29 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 3657 Reload 156
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 61 Anti-air 219
Aviation 308 Cost 11
ASW 63 Luck 42
Hit 76 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 4278 Reload 179
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 82 Anti-air 252
Aviation 347 Cost 11
ASW 72 Luck 42
Hit 89 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All Torpedo Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/120%/130%/130% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 135%/135%/135%/145% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 A6M2 Zero
2 Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T4 Light Aircraft Carrier: Ryuujou-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Light Carrier Unit When this ship launches an Airstrike: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to increase this ship's AVI and your CVLs' RLD by 5.0% (15.0%) and decrease the DMG your Carriers take by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.
Raid Signal Twice per battle, 5s after this ship has finished loading its Airstrike: launches an additional Dive Bomber airstrike (Lv.1 (Lv.10).)
02:22:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 龙骧级航空母舰—龙骧 龍驤型航空母艦・龍驤 Ryuujou-class Light Carrier - Ryuujou
Biography 吾乃重樱的龙骧,先后加入过一航战、二航战、三航战与四航战,与众多友舰携手参加过菲律宾、东印度群岛、阿留申群岛与瓜岛等方面作战,是一名合格的武士!身材不像……?那、那一定是岩手海上那次事故让吾停止发育了!等着看吧主公,一定会让你见识到吾存在的分量的! 重桜海軍空母、龍驤です!各航空戦隊に編成され、みんなとフィリピンからインドネシア、アリューシャン、ガダルカナル島の戦いなど数多くの作戦に参加した、一人前の武士です!そう見えない…?き、きっと第四艦隊事件の時から成長が止まったからですよ!私の存在の大きさを、いずれ見ていただきます! I am Ryuujou of the Sakura Empire, a seasoned warrior who has served in the First through Fourth Carrier Divisions, and participated in campaigns in the Phillipines, East Indies, Aleutian Islands, and Guadalcanal. I don't look the part...? Th-that must be because of that one incident at Iwate that stunted my growth! Milord, just you wait. I'll show you the extent of my capabilities!
Acquisition 主公,吾乃龙骧,日出之国的武士!在此向您献上忠与义,直至七生! 殿!自分は龍驤、日の出ずる国の武士なり!七生を以って殿に忠義を尽くす所存です! Milord, I am called Ryuujou, a ranger from the Land of the Rising Sun! I shall lay down my seven lives to mete out justice in your name!
Login 休息?吾之前的生活只有月月火水木金金! 休日ですか?殿、自分の勤務表は月月火水木金金です! A day off? Milord, my week only consists of Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Friday!
Details 不战斗的话是活不下去的!主公! 殿、戦わなければ生き残れませんよ! Milord, we cannot survive unless we fight!
Main 和菓子……这种珍馐会动摇吾之内心,所以……不过毕竟盛情难却——唔,真美味! 和菓子……こんなもので心が揺さぶられるわけには……えっと……せっかくのご厚意ですから少しだけーー美味しいぃ!! Odango... these delicacies will cause my heart to waver, so... Um, I suppose I can reward myself a little.... Mmmh! So delicious!
Main 2 心情烦闷的时候,只要去看看水族箱里悠然自得的热带鱼,心情就会不可思议地平静下来 嫌になった時よく水槽を眺めます。のんびり泳いでいる魚達を眺めていると、不思議と心が落ち着きます。 When you're stressed out, you should go watch the fish swimming around peacefully in the aquarium. I'm not sure why, but it always calms me down.
Main 3 吾为忠义而战,只要是主公之敌,无论何人吾都当全力以赴 自分の戦いは大義のため!相手が誰であろうと全力で迎え撃つのみ! I fight for a just cause! No matter who stands before me, I swear to give it my all!
Touch 主公,请谨慎些,吾和光辉一样重心很高 殿、くれぐれも気をつけてください。自分はイラストリアスと同じトップヘビーですから。 Milord, please be careful. I am just as top-heavy as Illustrious.
Touch (Special) 呀!!!啊……原来不是萨拉小姐啊。不过,好像比萨拉小姐还恶劣呢 きゃっ!!あ……サラトガさんではありませんでしたか…って、サラトガさんより酷いですよ! Eek!!! Oh, it wasn't Saratoga after all. However, you seem to be even more mischievous than she is.
Mission 出现了啊,新的任务!无论是战斗还是训练,都以音速来完成吧! 出たな!新たな任務!さあ、戦闘、訓練、いずれも…音速です! A new mission is here! Whether it's combat or training, let's knock it out at the speed of sound!
Mission Complete 任务奖励来啦——面包圈?这是为吾带回来的点心?谢谢主公!那么,吾开动了! 任務が完了した件なら、自分に知らせなくとも——うん?差し入れ、ですか?ありがとうございます!いただきます! The mission rewards are here! A bagel? Is this a snack for me? Thank you, Milord. Well then, let's move out!
Mail 新来的邮件?哦,不是大本营战报啊,那好像有看的价值 電報ですか?あ、大本営の戦果発表ではないようです。ですので、確認する価値があると存じます! A telegram? Oh, it's not a combat report from Headquarters. I suppose there might be some value to reading it then.
Return to Port 即使归港时也应保持好队形!帝国的荣耀正在于吾等的一丝不苟! 母港帰還時でも隊列を崩してはなりません!帝国の栄光は、我々の一意専心にあります! Don't break formation even when we head back to port! The glory of the Sakura Empire is in its meticulousness!
Commission Complete 物资什么的无足轻重,最重要的只有精神与韧性! 蝶々トンボなぞ必要ありません!果敢精神と根性あらば問題なしです! Worldly things are of little significance! The only things that matter are spirit and resilience!
Enhancement 谢谢!那么,主公,当作变强后的试航,陪吾跑一圈吧! ありがとうございます!殿、ひとっ走り付き合ってください! Thank you very much, Milord! Shall we go run a lap to test my new strength?
Flagship 来细数你们的罪恶吧! さあ、お前たちの罪を数えろ! Now, count up your sins!
Victory 绝望……就是你们的终点! 絶望が……お前たちのゴールだ! Despair... shall be your final destination!
Defeat 咕……吾之躯体……已经残破不堪了…… うぅ……自分の体はもうボロボロだ… Ugh... my body is all beat up...
Skill 龙骧鳞振,前无坚敌 龍驤麟振、我が前に敵はなし! As long as I am here, nothing shall stand in my way!
Low HP 生命啊,燃烧起来吧! 命、燃やすよ! My life is burning bright!
Affinity (Upset) 无论哪里的参谋和上级都是一样的呢…… 上の人と参謀はどこも同じですね… No matter where you are, the top brass is all the same...
Affinity (Stranger) 主公,对于战争而言,比起善恶更重要的是胜败! 殿、戦は善悪より勝敗のほうが大事です! Milord, when it comes to war, victory is more important than good or evil!
Affinity (Friendly) 主公,再多依赖吾一些也没关系。只要是主公的命令,无论什么吾都会执行 殿、自分にもう少し頼っても問題なしです。殿の命令なら、例え火の中水の中!です Commander, feel free to rely on me as you please. Should you will it, I will execute any command.
Affinity (Like) 这是主公亲手做的饭菜?那吾就不客气了!呼……谢谢款待!诶?以后每次凯旋后都会给吾做饭? これが…殿がお作りになったお食事ですか?では自分、遠慮なくいただきます!……ふう~ごちそうさまでした!え?これから帰還するたびに作ってくれるのですか!? Commander, did you prepare this meal for me by yourself? In that case, I'll be more than glad to dig in! Mm... thanks for the food! Eh? You'll continue to cook for me when I come back!?
Affinity (Love) 每次出击之前,哪怕只有短短一瞬,只要能看到主公的脸,吾就能精神百倍、战无不胜! 出撃する前に殿のお顔を一瞬でも見ることができれば、自分は元気いっぱい負け無しです! Just being able to see your face before I sortie fills me to the brim with energy and makes me feel like I can't lose to anyone!
Pledge 主公,今后无论遇到怎样的危险,吾都会拼死保护您!即使吾辈消逝于海底,也不会让主公受到一点伤害! これからはどんな危険に会おうとも、自分が全力で殿をお守り致します!例え自分が海底に沈もうとも、殿には傷ひとつたりとも付けさせはしません! From now on, no matter what perils we might face, I will protect you with everything I have! Even if I sink to the bottom of the ocean, I will not permit any harm to come to you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呼啊,睡得好饱…继续把昨晚的RPG游戏给……欸欸欸欸,主公,您您您您为什么会在这里!吾、吾绝没有懈怠,只、只是,呜…… ふはーよく睡眠取れました…さて、昨晩攻略していた「あーるぴーじー」を……ととと殿!?な、ななななんでここに!?自分は別に怠けてはいません!ただ…ただ……うぅ…… *yawn*... Finally, a good night's rest... Now, to pick up where I left off on that RPG... M-m-m-milord, why are you here?! I wasn't slacking off or anything, I w-w-was just... Ughh....
Acquisition 呼啊,睡得好饱…继续把昨晚的RPG游戏给……欸欸欸欸,主公,您您您您为什么会在这里!吾、吾绝没有懈怠,只、只是,呜…… ふはーよく睡眠取れました…さて、昨晩攻略していた「あーるぴーじー」を……ととと殿!?な、ななななんでここに!?自分は別に怠けてはいません!ただ…ただ……うぅ…… *yawn*... Finally, a good night's rest... Now, to pick up where I left off on that RPG... M-m-m-milord, why are you here?! I wasn't slacking off or anything, I w-w-was just... Ughh....
Login 呼啊……哇啊啊,主公,稍等,吾这就收拾一下! ふはぁ……お、お待ちを!今支度します! *yawn*... O-one moment! I'll get myself in order!
Details 虽然早已习惯月月火水木金金的生活,但是这样的……似乎也不坏呢,主公 常在戦場も良いのですが、これはこれで悪くは……ありませんよね。殿 It's good to always be ready for battle, but this isn't... so bad either, wouldn't you agree, Milord?
Main 科学技术诞生出的这些娱乐手段真是太容易蛊惑心智了!但、但是,也并不是没有可取之处!如果能用电子游戏中的战斗来取代真正战斗的话,大家就不用再受伤了! 科学技術で作ったこの遊具、こんなに人の心を惑わせるとは……!で、ですが全く褒め所がないわけではありません!戦いも「げーむ」で済ませられるようになったら、きっとみんなが怪我をする必要はなくなります!はい! I cannot believe how addictive this technological marvel of a game console can be...! B-but that's not to say it has no merits whatsoever! After all, if we could settle wars through these games, nobody would have to get hurt!
Main 3 世上怎么会有薯片这等恶魔一般的食物…… じゃ、じゃがいもを揚げたこの「ポテチ」…こんな悪魔的な存在が許される世の中でいいのでしょうか…! C-can we really allow foodstuffs as devilishly tempting as these deep-fried chips of potato to exist in our society?!
Touch 唔嗯……主公?哈!难道是敌袭!……原来是吾睡着了吗,对不起…… Zzzzz……殿!?て、敵襲か!?……自分が寝落ちしたのですか?!申し訳ございません! Zzzzz... Milord?! Are we being attacked?! ...I lowered my guard and fell asleep? Forgive me for this shameful display!
Return to Port 主公,辛苦了!不介意的话,来吾这里放松一下吧 殿!お疲れ様です!よければこちらでおくつろぎを! Splendid work, Milord! If you so like, come take it easy with me!
Victory 主公,作为奖赏,能让吾今天多吃一包薯片吗? 殿!ご、ご褒美にポテチを食べさせてもらえませんか…! Milord! C-could you please consider rewarding me with some potato chips?
Affinity (Love) 是了,零食也好,游戏也好,都是对吾的磨练。主公,请放心,吾对您的忠心,是不会因为这些东西而改变的! 「げーむ」もこの揚げ菓子も自分にとっての試練です!殿、ご安心ください!自分の忠義はこの程度で揺らいだりしません! These games and snacks are a sort of trial for me! Rest assured, Milord! My devotion will not be swayed by the likes of these items!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 对,就是这样!保持这个状态…好,赢啦!嘿嘿~——欸欸?主公!?!这、这是…对,只是下课时间稍微放松一下而已! よぉし、そのまま!そのままで……勝った!えへへへへへ――と、殿!?じ、自分はこの…その…放課後の休憩です! All right! Steady! Steadyyy! Gottem! Hahahah! Now I'll– M-Milord?! I-I'm just, umm... enjoying an after-school break!
Acquisition 对,就是这样!保持这个状态…好,赢啦!嘿嘿~——欸欸?主公!?!这、这是…对,只是下课时间稍微放松一下而已! よぉし、そのまま!そのままで……勝った!えへへへへへ――と、殿!?じ、自分はこの…その…放課後の休憩です! All right! Steady! Steadyyy! Gottem! Hahahah! Now I'll– M-Milord?! I-I'm just, umm... enjoying an after-school break!
Login 主公,来得正好!和吾组队挑战这个上位任务吧! 殿、良い時にご加勢くださいました!この「えりーとくえすと」に一緒に挑みましょう! You came at a time most opportune, Milord! I would like you to join me for this Master Rank quest!
Details 吾使用的角色,是跟吾一样勇猛的武士哦! 自分の「もちきゃら」は、自分と同じく武勇誇るモノノフであります! The character I've created is a brave and honorable samurai, much like myself!
Main 噢噢~挖到稀有材料了!嘿嘿,果然和主公一起幸运值就会变高呢! おお!希少素材を掘り出しました!えへへ、やはり殿がいると運が上がりますね! Yes! I dug up a rare material! Haha! It's true what they say about you bringing luck, Milord!
Main 2 随时随地都能玩电子游戏真是太棒了~…吾、吾会自制,绝对不会沉迷的! いつでもどこでも楽しめるのはいいですよね…自制だ自制!絶対にハマりませんよ! It's so convenient, being able to play a game anywhere you want, whenever you want... But I must have discipline! I must not let myself fall for temptation!
Main 3 功课?放心吧,吾已经按要求全部完成了! 宿題ですか?ご安心を!自分はとっくに指導通りにこなしたのであります! My homework? Rest assured, Milord, I completed it some time ago, as one should!
Touch 主公也要加入吗?(挪)那就坐到吾身边吧! 殿も狩りに参加されますか?…っしょ。では自分の隣へどうぞ! Do you wish to go on a hunt with me, Milord? Let me move over... There. Please, join me on the bench!
Touch (Special) 呀啊?!呜…死了,都怪主公你! うわっ!?…力尽きてしまいました…殿、どうしてそんなことを… Whuah! Oh no... Milord, your action just led to my death. Why did you have to do that?
Mail 有新消息?会是谁发来的组队邀请吗? 新しい電文?「ぱーてぃー」へのお誘いか否か… A new electronic message? Could it be an invite to a party?
Return to Port 玩游戏也要全力以赴!现在的吾,已经快赶上那位L.I.小姐了! 「げーむ」だろうと、全力で挑む所存です!今の自分はかの「L.I.」殿に迫りつつあります! I always strive to do my best, be it with video games or whatever else! My ambition is to be like the legendary L.I.!
Victory Quest Clear!嘿嘿,一命通关! 「くえすとくりあ」!よし、「のーこんてぃにゅー」で勝ちました! Quest complete! And without using any continues, too!
Affinity (Love) 通过游戏,吾和港区的大家加深了羁绊,发现了新的和主公的相处方式…和主公一起玩游戏的时光,虽、虽然可能有那么一点点懈怠…不过,真的很开心! 遊んでいるうちに、仲間とは打ち解け、そして殿とも一緒に楽しめる……た、気が緩んでいるのを否定しませんが…楽しいです! Through this game, I've deepened my bond with my friends, and made fun memories with you, Milord... I-I won't deny it came at some cost to my discipline, but even so, I am glad I got into this game!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 主公——!(哗啦)哼哼,这可是游乐园的王牌游乐设施,"曲折艰辛的巨大啾啾降龙滑梯"!……还有什么绰号?要让吾说的话就是"啾啾章鱼滑梯",但吾个人觉得还是前者更帅气一些! 殿ぉぉぉー!ふふん、これぞ遊園地の目玉遊具、「紆余曲折なる巨大饅頭降龍滑り台」!…またの名?それを言うなら「饅頭たこすらいだー」でありますけど、自分としては前者のほうがカッコイイと思います! Milooord! *splash*... Heheh, behold the amusement park's crown jewel – the Meandering Megamanjuu Dragon Slide! If that's too long, it's also known as the Manjuu Octopus Slide. Personally, though, I think the former name is cooler!
Acquisition 主公——!(哗啦)哼哼,这可是游乐园的王牌游乐设施,"曲折艰辛的巨大啾啾降龙滑梯"!……还有什么绰号?要让吾说的话就是"啾啾章鱼滑梯",但吾个人觉得还是前者更帅气一些! 殿ぉぉぉー!ふふん、これぞ遊園地の目玉遊具、「紆余曲折なる巨大饅頭降龍滑り台」!…またの名?それを言うなら「饅頭たこすらいだー」でありますけど、自分としては前者のほうがカッコイイと思います! Milooord! *splash*... Heheh, behold the amusement park's crown jewel – the Meandering Megamanjuu Dragon Slide! If that's too long, it's also known as the Manjuu Octopus Slide. Personally, though, I think the former name is cooler!
Login 虽然看起来简单,但其实水路错综复杂,如果没有人带路的话,想要登上顶峰简直是难如登天——主公!如果您还想再滑一次的话,请务必让吾为您带路! 見ての通り水路が入り組んでおり、先導がいなければ不安になることでしょう!殿、もう一回滑りたいのでしたら、ぜひ自分に先導させてください! These slides are quite jumbled together, so reaching the peak without a guide is a very tall order. Milord, if you wish to take the slide again, allow me to be your guide!
Details 主公,我们不快点去下一个“乘坐项目”的话可不行!时间可不等人啊! 殿、早く次の「あとらくしょん」に行かないと!時間は待ってはくれませんよ! Milord, let quickly us move on to the next attraction! Time waits for no one!
Main 随波逐流而上好似龙,乘风破浪而下亦如龙!…嗯?好像…没什么区别? 流れに乗じ昇りつめるは龍の如く、波に乗り滑り降りるは龍の如し!…ん?どっちも龍…? Go with the flow like a dragon, ride the waves like a dragon! ...Hm? Is there... not much of a difference between the two?
Main 2 泳池里不仅有潜水艇们,还潜伏着怪物啾啾吗?请放心!龙骧三下五除二就能消灭它们! プールには潜水艦たちだけでなくミュータント饅頭も潜んでいるのですか?ご安心ください!龍驤が一捻りで退治してみせます! There are not only submarines in the pool, but also mutant manjuus, you say? Rest assured, I shall make quick work of them!
Main 3 这里小卖部的零食还挺好吃的!主公,要是饿了的话,就让吾招待推荐一品吧! ここの売店のメニューは美味しいんですよ!殿、小腹が空いてるなら、龍驤オススメの一品でもどうですか! The stalls in this park sell pretty good food! If you're hungry, Milord, allow me to make a recommendation!
Touch 主公有点恐高吗?那就坐在吾后面吧!吾会用尾巴遮住您的眼睛,这样就看不到下面了! 殿は高いのが苦手なんですか?では自分の後ろに座ってください!下が見えないよう尻尾で目を隠してみせます! Are you afraid of heights, Milord? If so, please sit behind me! I'll cover your eyes with my tail so you can't see below you!
Touch (Special) 主公!现在手伸到前面,牢牢地抓紧吾…呀!? 殿!ここは前に手を回して、自分にしっかり掴まって…ひゃぅ!? Milord, just to be safe, hold on to me so you won't– Eek!
Touch (Headpat) 好,好痒!…主公! く、くすぐったいです!…殿! Th-that tickles, Milord!
Return to Port 啊—!主公!就算再怎么想快点玩到也不能插队啦!只是刚从出击回来不知道队尾在哪里…?抱,抱歉! あー!殿!早く遊びたいからって列に割り込まないでください!出撃から戻ったばかりで最後尾が分からなかった…?し、失礼しました! No! Milord! I understand you want to take the slide again, but please don't cut ahead in line! ...You don't know where the line starts since you just got back from a sortie? Oh, my apologies!
Flagship 来吧,接下来才是高光时刻! さぁ、ここからがハイライトであります! Watch! This shall be the highlight!
Affinity (Love) 这里介绍完了之后,接下来去别的水上乘坐项目——(咕…)已经玩得差不多了想休息下,是吗?好,好的!那就休息一下吧!那个,接下来吾想去能边吃零食边玩游戏的地方! ここの案内が終わったら、次は別の水上あとらくしょんにでも――(ぐぅ…)そろそろ休憩したい、ですか?は、はい!では休憩といきましょう!そうですね、おやつを食べながらゲームができる場所がいいです! Once I'm done showing you around here, I can take you to another attraction and– *tummy growls*... Oh, take a break, you say? O-of course! A break it is! Ideally, let's go to a place where we can eat while playing a game!