Reisalin Stout (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. C091 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Atelier Ryza Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% /// ///
2 %/%/%/% /// ///
3 %/%/%/% /// ///
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Shining Blast When this ship's Item attack hits an enemy, if your fleet has 6 or more AP: consumes 6 AP and activates "Shining Blast" Lv.1 (Lv.10) (DMG is based on the skill's level; 3s cooldown between activations).
Alchemy Teacher When sortied with one or more "Atelier Ryza" collab characters, makes their Item attacks stronger and increases their Crit Rate by 5.0% (20.0%); enemies who have been Item Marked take 1.0% (10.0%) more DMG from "Atelier Ryza" collab characters.
Grand Chariot Every 4 times this ship fires her Main Guns: your fleet gains 8 AP. Increases this ship's FP, AA, and EVA by 4.5% (12.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䜠奜我是莱莎琳・斯托特。叫我莱莎就奜虜然还搞䞍倪懂什么是舰船  䞍过船到桥倎自然盎嘛今后请倚关照啊 はじめたしおあたしはラむザリン・シュタりト。ラむザっお呌んでねカンセンのこずはよく分かんないけど  た、なんずかなるかなこれからよろしくね Hey there! I'm Reisalin Stout, but you can just call me Ryza. I'm not really sure what this whole "shipgirl " thing is, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually... In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you!
Biography 我是炌金术士莱莎琳・斯托特。倧家郜叫我莱莎。炌金术可是䞀闚倧孊问就算看䞊去皀束平垞的材料只芁有想法就可以变成各种各样的䞜西呢 錬金術士のラむザリン・シュタりト。みんなからは、ラむザっお呌ばれおるんだ。錬金術っお結構奥が深いんだよ。なんの倉哲もないものでも、発想次第でいろんなものに倉わっちゃうんだから I'm the alchemist, Reisalin Stout, but all my friends just call me Ryza. Alchemy is a pretty profound thing, you know. With enough creativity, you can turn even the simplest things into all kinds of neat stuff!
Acquisition 䜠奜我是莱莎琳・斯托特。叫我莱莎就奜虜然还搞䞍倪懂什么是舰船  䞍过船到桥倎自然盎嘛今后请倚关照啊 はじめたしおあたしはラむザリン・シュタりト。ラむザっお呌んでねカンセンのこずはよく分かんないけど  た、なんずかなるかなこれからよろしくね Hey there! I'm Reisalin Stout, but you can just call me Ryza. I'm not really sure what this whole "shipgirl" thing is, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually... In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you!
Login 啊是指挥官今倩芁去哪里冒险 あ、指揮官さんだ今日はどこぞ冒険に行く Oh, it's you, Commander! What new adventures will we go on today?
Details 指挥官明石的店里有倧䞀点的锅卖吗芁是有的话就胜做成炌金锅了   ねえ指揮官さん。明石のお店に倧きめの釜っお売っおるかなあれば錬金釜にできるんだけど   Hey, Commander, do you know if I can get some sort of big pot from Akashi? It'd be nice to have an alchemy cauldron I can use here...
Main 虜然䞍像王郜䞍过这里也埈热闹呢芁小心迷路才行。 王郜ほどじゃないけど、ここも結構賑やかな堎所だね。迷子にならないように気を぀けないず While this place isn't as big as the royal capital, it's still bustling with activity. I've gotta keep an eye out so I don't get lost.
Main 2 有怪物  诶这些孩子是叫“指挥喵”吗哊~还挺可爱的 わっ、魔物  え、この子達「オフニャ」っおいうのぞえヌ、かわいいね Yikes! Monsters! ...Oh, these little guys are called "Meowfficers?" Aww, they're actually pretty cute!
Main 3 孊校啊  我圚故乡的小岛䞊也圓过老垈哊。䞍过䞍是正匏的老垈孊生也郜是些小孩子就是了。 孊校かあ。あたしも故郷の島では先生をやっおたんだ。正匏な教垫っお蚳じゃなかったから、生埒は小さい子ばかりだったけどね You've got a school here? I actually used to teach on the island I come from. Though, all my students were little kids since I wasn't a formal classroom teacher or anything.
Main 4 特殊装倇啊  虜然还有埈倚没搞懂的䜆䜿甚材料制造或者区化之类的过皋跟炌金术也有盞通之倄  可以让我参观䞋吗 特殊装備かぁ  むマむチ分からないずこも倚いけど、玠材を䜿っお䜕かを䜜ったり匷化したりするのは、錬金術ず通じるずころもあるなぁ  ちょっず䜜業を芋孊させおもらっおもいい So these are Augment Modules...? The nitty-gritty details are lost on me, but combining ingredients to make and upgrade something sounds pretty similar to alchemy. Mind if I watch you work on them?
Main 5 執雷克小姐听诎䜠圚募集冒险的同䌎可以让我加入吗  倪奜了那事䞍宜迟赶快决定冒险的目的地吧 ドレむクさん冒険の仲間を募集しおるっお聞いたんですけど、あたしも入れお貰えたせんか  やったぁそれじゃあ早速、冒険する堎所を決めたしょう Drake! I heard you're putting together a crew to go on an adventure. Mind if I come along?! ...Hooray! Alright then, let's decide where to go!
Touch 䜠问炌金术可以做些什么嗯  没法䞀句话讲枅楚呢。只芁有玠材䞀般的䞜西郜胜做出来。 錬金術でどんなものが䜜れるかうヌん  䞀口に䜕ずは蚀えないなあ。玠材さえあれば、倧抵のものは䜜れちゃうし You want to know what can be made with alchemy? Hmm... I'm not sure how to sum it up neatly, but you can make pretty much anything as long as you have the right materials.
Touch (Special)   正奜想试试新制䜜的炞匹的嚁力呢。   䞁床新しく䜜った爆匟の嚁力を詊したいず思っおたずこなんだよね ...I was just thinking about testing out this new bomb I synthesized.
Touch (Headpat) 啊是桶耶 あっ、たるだヌ Oh! It's a barrel!
Mission 指挥官奜像有没做完的工䜜呢䞍完成它们䞍芁玧吗 指揮官さヌん。仕事が残っおるみたいだけど、終わらせなくおいいのかな Commandeeer! You've still got work to take care of. Are you sure you can just leave it lying around?
Mission Complete 哇收到了奜倚材料啊原来是指挥官的奖励啊 わわっ、玠材がたくさん届いおるあ、指揮官さんの報酬かヌ Woah, look at all these materials! Oh, Commander, are these your mission rewards?
Mail 来信了哊䞊面写了些什么呢~ 手玙が届いたよ䜕が曞いおあるのかな A letter's come in! I wonder what's in it~
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官这次的冒险感觉劂䜕蟹喝茶蟹诎给我听吧 おかえり、指揮官さん今回の冒険はどうだったお茶でも飲みながら聞かせお欲しいな Welcome back, Commander! How'd your adventure go? I wanna hear all about it over some tea!
Commission Complete 出闚的倧家回来了䞍知道垊了什么玠材回来呢 お䜿いに出おたみんなが戻っおきたよどんな玠材を持っお垰っおきたのかな The girls are back from their errand! I wonder what materials they managed to bring back.
Enhancement 嗯感觉变区了谢谢䜠指挥官 うん、䞊達しおきた気がするありがずう、指揮官さん Mhm, I can feel my skills improving! Thanks, Commander!
Flagship 奜倧胆地䞊吧 よヌし、倧胆に行くよ Alrighty, let's make a splash!
Victory 倧获党胜䞍愧是我 倧勝利さすがあたし A flawless victory! I knew I could do it!
Defeat 哎呀还以䞺终于抓到感觉了呢  总之先撀退吧 あちゃヌ掎めおきたず思ったんだけどな  ずりあえず、撀退だヌ Aww, I was so sure we had 'em... Anyway, let's retreat for now!
Skill 䞀口气收拟掉吧 䞀気にやっちゃうよ You're all going down!
Low HP 还没结束呢 ただただこれから I'm only getting started!
Affinity (Upset) 有事想拜托我怎么办  诶有报酬吗那就干吧 頌みごずどうしようかなあ  え、報酬があるのそれならやりたす A quest? I'm not sure if I... Huh, there'll be rewards? Then, count me in!
Affinity (Stranger) 嗯今倩也是状态绝䜳那么这就出发去扟些新的䞜西吧 うん、今日も絶奜調それじゃ早速、新しい䜕かを探しに出かけたすか Mm, what a wonderful day! Let's go explore for something new and exciting!
Affinity (Friendly) 枯区的后山里奜像有埈倚有趣的材料  诶指挥官胜垊我去吗倪奜了谢谢䜠 母枯の裏山っお、面癜い玠材がたくさんありそうだよね  え、指揮官さん、連れおっおくれるのやった、ありがずう I bet there's all sorts of interesting materials in the mountains behind the port, right? Huh? You'll take me there yourself? Sweet, thanks a bunch!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官可以的话芁䞀起去钓鱌吗  嗯没有工具没关系的因䞺有我特制的钓鱌竿只芁甚了这䞪就可以钓到埈倚鱌哊 指揮官さん、よかったら䞀緒に釣りぞ行かない  ん、道具がないっお倧䞈倫、あたしが䜜った特補の釣り竿があるからこれを䜿えば、魚がバンバン釣れちゃうよ Hey Commander, want to come fishing with me? ...Hm, you don't have any gear for it? Not a problem. I've got a special fishing rod here that I made myself! Give it a while, and you'll be able to reel in a ton of fish!
Affinity (Love) 今倩也是平和的䞀倩呢  倚亏了指挥官我才胜像这样圚枯区过着安皳的生掻。指挥官䞀盎以来郜谢谢䜠了。 今日も平和だなあ  こんな颚に母枯でなんおこずない日々を過ごせおるのは、指揮官さんが頑匵っおくれおるお陰かな。い぀もありがずう、指揮官さん What a peaceful day... I'm sure the reason everyone is able to enjoy ordinary lives here at port is because of your hard work. Thank you for everything you do, Commander!
Pledge 诶这䞪是给我的吗怎么办  现圚可胜是我来到这䞪䞖界后最心劚的䞀次  谢谢䜠指挥官。䞺了回应这仜心意我䌚曎加努力的 えっ、これをあたしにどうしよう  今、この䞖界に来お䞀番ドキドキしおるかも  ありがずう、指揮官さん。この気持ちに応えるために、あたしももっず頑匵るからね Eh, you're giving this to me?! I don't know what to say... This has to be the most excited I've been since I came to this world... Thank you so much, Commander. I'll have to work extra hard to reciprocate your feelings!
In battle with Klaudia Valentz 又胜䞀起冒险了呢科掛蒂嚅 たた䞀緒に冒険できるね、クラりディア I'm glad we get to go on another adventure together, Klaudia!
In battle with Lila Decyrus 莉拉小姐拜托䜠了 リラさん、頌りにしおたす I'm counting on you, Lila!
In battle with Patricia Abelheim 垕蒂最近劂䜕 パティ、元気にしおた Patty, how've you been?
ryza_item1 倪奜了钓到倧鱌了 やったぁ倧物が釣れた Woohoo! I caught a big one!
ryza_item2 䌌乎可以甚来调合炞匹 爆匟の調合に䜿えそう  I might be able to make a bomb with this.
ryza_item3 奜像看到有只黄色的小鞟抓着飞走了   これを぀かんで飛んでいた黄色い鳥を芋たような  I think I saw a yellow bird take off holding one of these...
ryza_item4 芁小心䞍芁圱响到舰装呢 艀装に圱響しないように泚意しなきゃ Gotta be careful so this doesn't overload my rigging.
ryza_item5 感觉里面有着埈区倧的胜量   ものすごい力を感じる  This thing is brimming with power!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官欢迎欢迎嘻嘻奜久没有像这样跟人䞀起熬倜了我可是期埅了今倩䞀敎倩呢。所以接䞋来先做什么呢 指揮官さんいらっしゃいふふ、誰かずこんな颚に倜曎かしするのは久しぶりだよ。あたし、今日1日ずっず楜しみにしおたんだ。ずいう蚳で、たずは䜕する Hey there, Commander! Hehe, it's been a long while since I had a sleepover with someone. You know, I've really been looking forward to today. So, what would you like to do first?
Acquisition 指挥官欢迎欢迎嘻嘻奜久没有像这样跟人䞀起熬倜了我可是期埅了今倩䞀敎倩呢。所以接䞋来先做什么呢 指揮官さんいらっしゃいふふ、誰かずこんな颚に倜曎かしするのは久しぶりだよ。あたし、今日1日ずっず楜しみにしおたんだ。ずいう蚳で、たずは䜕する Hey there, Commander! Hehe, it's been a long while since I had a sleepover with someone. You know, I've really been looking forward to today. So, what would you like to do first?
Login Zzzz  啊欢欢迎指挥官 Zzzz  はっい、いらっしゃい指揮官さん Zzzzz... *gasp*! G-g-good evening, Commander!
Details 这䞪枕倎蜯绵绵的奜舒服睡圚这䞊面感觉胜做矎梊呢。指挥官也摞摞看吧 この枕、ふわふわで気持ちいいなあ。これで眠ればいい倢芋れそう。指揮官さんも觊っおみる I love how soft and fluffy this pillow is. I'm sure I'll be getting a great night's rest. Want to give it a feel, Commander?
Main 今倩早䞊先去后山探险然后跟科掛蒂嚅和垕蒂䞀起去了咖啡銆真是快乐的䞀倩  指挥官床过了怎样的䞀倩呢 今日は午前䞭に裏山を探険しお、そのあずクラりディアずパティず3人でカフェに行ったんだ。楜しい1日だったな  指揮官さんはどうだった I went exploring in the hills this morning, and then I went to a café with Klaudia and Patty. What a great day it's been... What have you been up to, Commander?
Main 2 哈欠* 实圚有点困了  咊指挥官已经睡着了那我也去睡啊 ふぁああ さすがにちょっず眠くなっおきたな  っお、指揮官さんも寝ちゃっおるなら、あたしももう寝よっず *yaaawn*... Maybe I am starting to get sleepy after all... Oh, Commander, you're already fast asleep? Guess I'll hit the hay too then.
Main 3 晚安指挥官。明倩也䞀起加油吧 おやすみなさい、指揮官さん。明日も䞀緒にがんばろう Good night, Commander. Let's go on adventure tomorrow!
Main 4 等䜠埈久啊科掛蒂嚅今晚我们可以奜奜聊聊了  诶我的睡衣埈可爱诶嘿嘿这么倞我䌚害矞的 埅っおたよ、クラりディア今倜はいっぱい話そうね  え、あたしのパゞャマがかわいいっおえぞぞ、そんなに耒められるず照れちゃうなぁ There you are, Klaudia! We've got tons to chat about tonight! ...Oh, you think my PJs are cute? Ehehe, you're going to make me blush if you keep saying that!
Main 5 刚才看到赛莉小姐了。她埀闚口走了  郜这䞪时闎了䞍知道是芁去哪里呢 さっきセリさんを芋かけたんだ。玄関の方ぞ向かっおたけど  こんな時間にどこぞ行くのかな I spotted Serri not too long ago. She was headed towards the front door... Where do you think she's going this late at night?
Main 6 欢迎绫波咊这䞪箱子是  枞戏机连䞊电视就胜倧家䞀起玩了哇感觉埈有趣教教我怎么玩吧 綟波ちゃん、いらっしゃいあれ、その箱は  ゲヌム機テレビに繋げばみんなで遊べるぞえ、楜しそう遊び方、教えおほしいな Come in, Ayanami! Hey, what's that box you've got? A game console? You can plug it into a TV and play games? Ooh, sounds fun! Show me how to use it!
Main 7 肚子有点饿了  对了可以吃敊刻尔克小姐给的点心  啊~真奜吃胜自己做出这么奜吃的点心敊刻尔克小姐真厉害 ちょっずお腹がすいおきたな  そうだダンケルクさんからもらったお菓子食べちゃお  ん、矎味しいこんなに矎味しいお菓子を手䜜りできるなんお、ダンケルクさんはすごいなぁ I could use something to eat... Oh, right, I still have the snacks Dunkerque gave me! ...Mmm! So yummy! It amazes me how she can bake pastries that taste THIS good.
Touch 肚子饿了吗我就料到䌚有这种情况  锵锵我也准倇了点心哊有曲奇还有巧克力  指挥官想吃哪䞪 小腹が空いたそんなこずもあろうかず  じゃじゃヌんお菓子も甚意しおおいたんだクッキヌに、チョコレヌトに  指揮官さんはどれがいい Hungry? I thought you might be, so... Tadaaah! I got us some snacks! There's cookies, chocolate, and more... What would you like, Commander?
Touch (Special) 呀 ひゃ Eep!
Return to Port 指挥官今倩也蟛苊了芁䞍芁我垮䜠捏捏肩  奜的那圚这躺奜哊 指揮官さん、今日も1日お疲れ様良ければあたしが肩もみでもしよっか  よヌし、それじゃあここに寝転んで Great work today, Commander! Would you like me to give you a shoulder massage? ...Okay, come lie down over here!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩䌚有怎样的冒险呢真让人期埅呀指挥官 今日はどんな冒険になるかな。ワクワクしちゃうね、指揮官さん I can't wait to see what adventures we're in for today. Aren't you excited, Commander?
Details 哌哌哌指挥官欢迎来到我的工房诎笑的~总之随䟿坐吧我去泡茶 ふっふっふ。指揮官君、ようこそ我がアトリ゚ぞなヌんおね。ずりあえず、その蟺に座っお。今お茶を入れおくるから Hehe. Commander, welcome to my atelier! Okay, I'm just kidding. Anyway, grab a seat and I'll bring you a cup of tea!
Main 䜠奜啊~ 咊指挥官睡着了。毕竟最近工䜜埈忙呢我来调制䞪胜猓解疲劳的药吧。 こんにちは――っお、あれ指揮官さん寝ちゃっおる。最近仕事忙しそうだったし、疲れに効く薬でも調合しおあげよっず Good moooorning– Wait, oh. The Commander's sleeping like a log. Things have been pretty hectic around here lately, so maybe I should help by synthesizing some fatigue-relieving potions.
Main 2 今倩食堂的菜单是“海胆奶油意面”  “海胆”是那䞪树䞊结的果子是吧唔䞍是怍物而是海产原来劂歀跟我们䞖界里的“海胆”䞍䞀样呢。 今日の食堂の日替わりメニュヌは「うにのクリヌムパスタ」  「うに」っお、あの朚になっおるや぀だよねん怍物じゃなくお海産物そっか、あたしの䞖界の「うに」ずは違うのか I saw they're serving creamy pasta with Uni in the canteen today. That's Uni as in the things that grow into trees, right? Hm? They're seafood, not fruits? Huh, guess they're different from the kind of Uni I know.
Main 3 那朵花还有那棵草郜是我的䞖界里没有的种类。芁是甚来做炌金术的材料䞍知道胜调合出什么䞜西呢   あの花も、この草も、あたしの䞖界にはない皮類だよ。錬金術の材料にしたらどんなものが調合できるかな These species of flowers and plants don't even exist back in my world. I wonder what you'd get if you used them for alchemy!
Main 4 芁让倧家孊习埈䞍容易呢。我像Z23这样圓老垈的时候也有各种各样的烊恌。特别是遇到像以前的我那样“过于淘气”的孩子时   みんなに勉匷しおもらうのっお倧倉だよね。あたしもニヌミちゃんみたいに先生やっおる時に色々悩んだよ。特に昔のあたしみたいな「やんちゃ過ぎる子」は   Teaching a whole class is seriously exhausting, isn't it, Z23? I felt at my wit's end all the time when I was a teacher. Especially with the little rebels who acted like my younger self would...
Main 5 垃里斯托尔圚那种地方做什么呢  诶圚调查枯区之谜奜像埈有趣的样子我可以䞀起吗 ブリストルちゃん、そんなずころでなにしおるの  え、母枯の謎を調査䞭なんだか面癜そうあたしも䞀緒にやっおいい Whatcha doing there, Bristol? ...Oh, investigating mysteries surrounding the port? Sounds fun! Can I go mystery-solving with you?
Touch (Special) 䞍䞍䞍䞍就算我跟指挥官亀情奜也䞍行 いやいやいやいや、いくらあたしず指揮官さんの仲でもそれはダメだよ Woah, woah, easy there! I know we've gotten closer, but we're not THAT close!
Mission 指挥官奜像有没做完的工䜜哊。我来䞺䜠调制胜打起粟神的药喝了之后加油完成吧 指揮官さん、ただお仕事が残っおるみたいだよ。元気が出る薬を調合しおあげるから、それ飲んで最埌たで頑匵ろう Looks like you've still got work to do, Commander. I'll brew an energy potion for you. Be sure to drink it so you can knock out every last task!
Mission Complete 蟛苊了指挥官那么皍埮䌑息䞋吧 お疲れ様、指揮官さんそれじゃ、ちょっず䞀息いれたすか Great work, Commander! Come on, I think it's time for you to take a break!
Flagship 倧家准倇奜了吗 みんな、準備はいい Ready to do this, everyone?
Victory 倪奜了赢了这也是倚亏了指挥官呢 やった、勝ったヌこれも指揮官さんのお陰だね Aw yeah, we won! And it's all thanks to you, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 芁是有什么烊恌的话随时可以扟我商量哊䞺了守技着这䞪䞖界的和平日垞的指挥官我䌚党力以赎的 困ったこずがあれば、い぀でも盞談しおこの䞖界のなんおこずない日々を守る指揮官さんのために、あたしもどヌんず頑匵っちゃうから If there's ever anything on your mind, you can come straight to me! I want to do everything I can to support the person who lets us all live ordinary lives in this world!