Raffaello (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 678 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Raffaello-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Jet-Black Dedication Increases this ship's FP and ACC by 1.0% (10.0%). Whenever a ship in your Main Fleet ship or the frontmost ship of your Vanguard hits an enemy with the weapon equipped in that ship's first slot: 50% chance to apply 1 stack of Jet-Black Paint to the enemy hit (each weapon that triggers this effect can only apply 1 stack of Jet-Black Paint to the same target every 5s); for each stack of Jet-Black Paint applied, the affected enemy's SPD is reduced by 5.0%, lasting for 10s (can be stacked up to 3 times, subsequent applications of Jet-Black Paint will refresh this duration). When an enemy accumulates 3 stacks of Jet-Black Paint, that enemy will receive Artist's Dedication, increasing their DMG taken by 1.5% (6.0%) for 10s. If the attacker is a Sardegna Empire ship: further increases the DMG dealt by 1.5% (6.0%).
Pearlescent Blessing Reduces this ship's shelling DMG taken by 15.0% (25.0%). Ships in your fleet gain Pearlescent Paint every time they take DMG equal to 20.0% of their max HP combined. If an allied ship sinks an enemy ship with the Jet-Black Paint debuff, that ship receives Pearlescent Paint stacks equal to the number of Jet-Black Paint applied to the defeated enemy. As long as Raffaello remains afloat, each time an ally gains Pearlescent Paint, that ship gains a barrier that can negate DMG equal to 1.0% of Raffaello's max HP, lasting for the duration of Pearlescent Paint (Pearlescent Paint stacks up to 3 times, and lasts for 10s. The barrier does not stack. Subsequent applications of Pearlescent Paint will refresh the duration of the barrier). When a ship in your fleet accumulates 3 stacks of Pearlescent Paint, that ship receives Artist's Blessing, increasing her DMG dealt by 1.5% (6.0%) for 10s; additionally, gives Raffaello 1 stack of Pearlescent Paint. If the recipient of Artist's Blessing is a Sardegna Empire ship: further increases that ship's DMG dealt by 1.5% (6.0%).
Apex Artist While this ship is afloat, whenever a fleet that this ship is NOT in enters battle for the first three times of each sortie: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage 20s after the battle starts (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this barrage activates, the following effects take place based on if Jet-Black Paint and Pearlescent Paint are currently applied on the battlefield: If any allies are affected by Pearlescent Paint, restores 2.0% of Raffaello's Max HP to the ship with the lowest current percentage of HP. If any allies are affected by Artist's Blessing, this effect will activate 3 more times (target is determined independently for each activation); If any enemies are affected by Jet-Black Paint, the Crit Rate of this special barrage is increased by 50.0% and the barrage is improved. If any enemies are affected by Artist's Dedication, additionally increases the Crit DMG of this barrage by 20.0%, and further improves the special barrage.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description UP41型战列舰—拉斐尔 UP41型戊艊-ラファ゚ロ Type UP41 battleship – Raffaello.
Biography 悚奜~亲爱的指挥官我是来自撒䞁的拉斐尔。䞍过比起䞖俗的身仜我曎想将自己定义䞺䞀名臎力于捕捉矎的艺术家~垌望今后胜甚画笔记圕䞋䞎悚盞倄的每时每刻尀其是那些悚自己郜未曟察觉的细埮之倄~♪ Grazie、我が愛しい指揮官あたしはサディアのラファ゚ロ、䞖俗の身分や肩曞より矎を芋極めるアヌティストずしお己を定めたい者これからは君ずの䞀瞬䞀瞬 特に君自身ですら芚えおいないずころをじっくりねっずり描き起こさせおもらうよ Grazie, my beloved Commander! I'm Raffaello, a Sardegnian girl who cares little about hierarchies and stuff and more about defining herself as an artist committed to capturing beauty. My plan is to draw every single moment we spend together in painstaking detail – and especially to draw the little things even you yourself don't notice!
Acquisition 悚就是䌠闻䞭的指挥官吗请让我奜奜观察悚的每䞀䞪细节  啊抱歉抱歉忘了自我介绍~我是来自撒䞁的拉斐尔并䞍是什么可疑的人哊以后请倚关照我䌚甚画笔记圕䞋悚所有矎奜的瞬闎  圓然也包括那些䞍䞺人知的郚分~ 君が噂の指揮官ねねっずりじっくり䜓の隅々たで芳察させおいただいおぇ  おっず倱瀌自己玹介はただよねあたしはサディア所属のラファ゚ロ、決しお怪しいや぀ではないわ君の人生のすべおの倧事な瞬間をこの筆で描き起こしおいくんでペロシク たあ知られたくないこずも描いちゃうけどぉ You're that famous Commander, huh? Lemme get a reeeal close, intimate look at you... Oh, excuse me! Yet to introduce myself, haven't I? I'm Raffaello of the Sardegna Empire, and I am NOT a freak! Hope you don't mind if I make every beautiful moment in your life into a painting! I'm gonna paint all the less flattering ones too, just so you know.
Login 悚奜~我最䞺珍视的观察对象我无尜的灵感源泉。今倩我也期埅着䞎悚的䌚面哊~☆ どうも。あたしの倧事な芳察察象にしおむンスピレヌションの源さん♪今日も君ずの出䌚いを楜しみにしおたんだよぉん☆ Heyo! There you are, my wellspring of inspiration and favorite research subject. I can't wait to see what fun encounters you and I will have today☆
Details 哎呀指挥官是想曎了解我䞀点吗没问题可以随䟿问我任䜕问题哊䞍过我刚结束䞀呚的通宵画画状态诎话可胜䌚有点混乱~䞍劂我们试试拿纞杯电话甚脑电波圢匏亀流吧 おっず、指揮官はあたしをもっず知ろうずしおるのね問題ナッシング、奜きなだけ質問しおくれ ず蚀いたいずころだけど、実は䞀週間培倜しお絵を描き終えたばかりなんで、頭も蚀葉も回んないんだよねずいうわけで玙コップで糞電話を䜜るから脳波盎結コミュニケヌションでペロシク A-ha, you wanna know more about me, don'tcha? Well, be my guest – ask all the questions you want! Later, I mean – 'cause I've been staying up and drawing for a whole week straight and my head isn't on straight right now. Let me just make a staw-and-cup telephone and we'll do some direct brain-to-brain communication instead!
Main 指挥宀的光线实圚倪完矎了胜借我圓䞎时画宀吗我垊了睡袋来哊欞担心我又像䞊次那样画埗倪入迷䞀呚郜䞍出闚没有灵感的时候我圓然䌚去出去啊䜆芁是有了绝劙的创䜜灵感那圓然是芁䞀盎画到完成䞺止 執務宀の日圓たりったら完璧すぎねえねえここを臚時アトリ゚にしおもいい寝袋はもう持っおきたよ んこの間みたいに入れ蟌みすぎお䞀週間も匕きこもらないか心配むンスピレヌションがなければ普通に倖に出るよでも䞀床ピンずきたら最埌たで描くのがあたしだかんね♪ The natural lighting in your office is just perfect! Can I make this my temporary studio? I already brought my sleeping bag! ...Huh? You're worried I'll get carried away and not go outside for a whole week again? I mean, I go outside when I've got no inspo. When I do, though, I draw 'til the well's completely dry!
Main 2 收到了最近有可疑身圱趎圚枯区各种建筑䞊的报告那那䞪  应该是我圚各种地方䜜画呢  欞䞍行吗我䞍䌚向倧家收莹哊 母枯の建物の䞊にしがみ぀く怪しいや぀の目撃情報あヌ、それは  あたしがそこで絵を描いおただけだよダメお金を取らなくおも You've been getting reports of some weirdo hanging out on rooftops 'round the port? I was just... drawing in different places, that's all. Is that not allowed? Even if I do it for free?
Main 3 指挥官今倩看文件的时候虜然总是䞀脞讀真䜆至少出现了䞃种䞍同的県神变化最有趣的是遇到䞍合理的地方时䌚䞋意识看向右䞊方  早就发现我圚观察䜠了哎呀哎呀~♪ 今日の曞類を読んでた時の指揮官はバリバリ真面目䞀本だったけど、最䜎でも7皮類ぐらい目線の倉化があったね。特に䞍条理なこずがあった時は無意識に目線が右䞊に行っお  芳察されおるこずに気づいおたっおそりゃどうも♪ A casual observer might say you've made the same serious look while reading papers today, but I counted at least seven different types of gazes! When you're reading something especially unreasonable, you unconsciously look up and to the right...You knew I've been observing you this whole time? Well, you're welcome!
Main 4 感觉可以圚指挥宀里装䞊360床环绕的镜子这样就可以曎奜地同时观察指挥官的䞍同角床了~咊这样䌚让其他人䞍敢进来䜆这正合我意啊啊䞍是我是诎  这是䞺了艺术探玢啊 執務宀の壁を党郚鏡にしたいんだよねヌ、そしたらあらゆる角床から君を芳察できるから。んそれじゃ他の子が入りづらくなるっおむしろ最初からそれを狙っおたんだけどあ。違っええず  党おは芞術の探求のためだ Imagine if we covered all your office walls with mirrors – then I could observe you from dozens of different angles! Hm? That'd make it harder for others to navigate? That's kinda what I was going for, you kn– Err, I mean! It's all for the sake of art!
Touch 啊指挥官我建议之后悚可以把右手食指和䞭指并拢了来叫我~那样从我的视角看起来构囟䌚曎有艺术感哊 あ、指揮官。今床あたしに声をかける時は人差し指ず䞭指をクロスしながら声をかけおよねあたしから芋れば構図的にすっごい絵になるんで Oh, Commander, next time you wanna get my attention, can you form a cross with your index and middle fingers? From my point of view, that composition will look so peak!
Touch (Special) 这、这䞪感觉  心跳埗奜厉害呜呜—— んお゛っ  こ、この感じダバ♥  ドキドキすごいんだけどヌ Ohhh... Oh, frick yeah... You got my heart pumping now!
Touch (Headpat) 噢噢  灵感圚涌入进来啊啊啊   おお  むンスピレヌションが入っおくるぉ、お゛ Oohh! The inspo is kicking in! Ogh, ohh!
Mission 指挥官还有些任务没倄理完哊~我圚旁蟹画画陪悚䞀起吧顺䟿给悚泡杯咖啡。 指揮官、ただ終わっおない任務があるよ隣で絵を描きながら埅っおおも倧䞈倫぀いでに君のコヌヒヌも淹れちゃう♪ Hey, you've still got missions to do. Mind if I sit beside you and draw while I wait? I'll pour you some coffee while I'm at it!
Mission Complete 倪奜了~任务完成了哊芁䞍芁拿嘎巎顶䜏画笔望倩圚指挥宀绕圈走攟束䞀䞋哇䞍芁那我自己做☆ やったヌ任務完了顎で筆立たせながら執務宀をぐるぐる回っお気分転換しよう やらないのじゃああたしだけでもやるよ Lessgo! Mission complete! Let's balance these pens on our chins and run 'round the office for a change of pace! ...No? I'll do it just by myself, then!
Mail 有新邮件啊  芁䞍芁干脆党郜折成小船攟进河里送过来奜了 新しいメヌルあ。隙し船を折っお流し玠麺ならぬ流しメヌルっおこずにしない New letterino! Hey, why don't we fold it up into a paper boat and send 'er down the river?
Return to Port 啊悚终于回来了~让我看看  嗯这䞪角床的䟧脞真是绝劙呢 お、垰っおきたわねどれどれ  うんこの角床の暪顔マゞ最っ高 Ah, back you are! Hold on a sec... There! Your side profile looks suh-frickin'-preme from this angle!
Commission Complete 委托完成了哊~我也䞀起去之前答应了奜倚同䌎芁画䞋倧家園来的瞬闎呢~ 委蚗完了出迎えはあたしも行くよだっお仲間に垰っおきた瞬間の絵を描くっお玄束したし Commission complete! I'll go say hi with you! Promised the girls I'd draw the moment you meet up with them, y'see!
Enhancement 感谢悚的栜培我䌚绘制出曎倚关于悚的杰䜜哊~♪ 育おおくれおあんがずヌ♪君を描くすごい傑䜜をもっずもっず䜜るね♪ Props for building me! I'll be sure to draw many, many more masterpieces of you♪
Flagship 䞺了创造出劂陚石撞击般的毁灭性杰䜜出发吧 メテオクラッシュめいた砎壊的な傑䜜行くわよ Let's go! I'm gonna make a masterpiece as destructive as a meteorite strike!
Victory 完矎的胜利完矎的创䜜玠材 完璧な勝利 完璧なネタ A perfect victory, and a perfect source of inspo!
Defeat 啊~䞋次我䞍䌚留情了。 あヌ。次は手加枛しないよ Fiddlesticks. I won't hold back next time!
Skill 感受艺术的力量吧☆ 芞術の力を味わいな Get a load of the power of ART!
Low HP 哎呀有点腻了   んヌなんか飜きおきた  Hmm. Getting kinda fed up here...
Affinity (Upset) 明明是匠充满可胜的癜纞结果华变成了无法修改的旧画垃呢。这样的䜜品真是什人倱望啊   可胜性溢れる真っ癜だったのに、手盎しもできないお叀になるなんおね  こんなのガッカリするよ   You were a blank sheet with so much potential, and you turned into an old painting you can't change... Man, what a disappointment.
Affinity (Stranger) 总觉埗和指挥官还有些距犻感呢  䞍过没关系我䌚甚自己的方匏接近悚的~话诎回来悚今倩的脚步比平时急呢  䞍过这样的劚态矎也埈适合入画~♪ 君ずはただ距離が遠い気がするわね  でも安心なされあたしなりの方法でお近づきになるずもそういえば今日の歩調がい぀もより早い  たあそんな動的な矎しさもたた絵になるよね♪ Still doesn't feel like we're that close, you and I... Be calm, though! My methods guarantee we'll get closer! Oh, also, it feels like our pace is faster than usual today... Dynamic beauty like that still makes for a good painting, though!
Affinity (Friendly) 创䜜玠材敎理埗真顺利  果然指挥官的䞀䞟䞀劚郜是绝劙的灵感来源呢。哌哌~把这些郜画䞋来然后趁指挥官䞍圚把指挥宀的倩花板郜挂满我的杰䜜吧☆ ネタの敎理は順調順調♪ やっぱり君の䞀挙手䞀投足がむンスピレヌションになるねふふん♪すべお描き起こしお君が留守の間に執務宀の倩井を埋め尜くしたろ☆ I'm sorting through my refs, and it's going well! You know, every single thing you do really DOES inspire me! I'mma draw every last one of these then hang 'em all over your office while you're out.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官䌌乎已经习惯我记圕悚的日垞了呢~从枅晚的第䞀杯咖啡到倜晚批阅文件时埮皱的眉倎  䜆是对悚的观察氞远郜䞍借呀~芁是胜圚悚的衣领䞊安装埮型摄像倎就奜了  欞这䞪想法倪超前了吗 あたしに芳察されるのはもう慣れたそう、朝の䞀杯目のコヌヒヌから倜の曞類確認時に眉を顰める瞬間たで  んでもこんなんじゃ党然足りないんだけどんもぉ襟にマむクロカメラでも忍び蟌たせたいなコンニャロえ前衛的すぎる Seems you've gotten used to me observing you – from your first cuppa joe in the morning, to how you grimace while reading paperwork at night... It still ain't nearly enough for me, though! Lemme put a microcamera on your collar – I need my fix! What? Is that a step too far?
Affinity (Love) 经过这段时闎䞥谚䞔深入的观察䞎了解指挥官悚果然就是我䞍竭的的灵感源泉是属于我的、最完矎的“灵感之神”请让我记圕䞋悚的䞀切吧~♪ えヌ、じっくりどっぷりたっぷり芳察しお理解した結果ずしお やっぱり君はあたしの尜きないむンスピレヌションの源だぁさあ、あたしだけの完璧な「むンスパむアの神様」、君の党郚ぜヌんぶを描き起こさせお♪ I'm happy to report that after extensive, detailed, and intimate observations, the conclusion I've come to iiis... you really are my endless source of inspo! O flawless God of Inspiration of mine, let me depict every little part of you♪
Pledge 终于  等到这最珍莵的时刻了呢。悚指尖枩柔的觊碰将氞远铭刻圚我的心底。指挥官今后也请让我甚最虔诚的笔觊描绘我们盞䌎的每䞀䞪珍莵时刻吧~♪ ぀いに  ぀いにこの倧事な瞬間がやっおきたわ。君の優しい指先に觊れられるこずを これからずっずあたしの心の奥底に刻もう えぞぞ、そしおこれからも君ずのすべおを描き起こそうあたし――ラファ゚ロの最も敬虔な筆先で♪ Finally... Finally this precious moment has come. The gentle touch of your fingers will forever be imprinted upon my heart... Heehee. Allow me the honor to depict every moment of our lives together from now on, using the most pious brushstrokes!
In battle with Marco Polo 又有什么奇思劙想了诎来听听 新しい䌁みでもあるの聞かせおもらっおも Have you cooked up some new scheme? Can I hear about it?
In battle with Roma 哊  这种气莚——眗马 んんん、このアトモスフィア ロヌマだ Mmhh, this atmosphere... It's Roma!
In battle with Leonardo da Vinci 䞀同创造超越时代的䜜品吧 時代を超える䜜品を䞀緒に䜜んぞ We're gonna make works of art that transcend time!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哌哌~䜜䞺歀倄的守技者我芁给䞍速之客䞀点小惩眚  啊等等从这䞪角床看过去  蜮廓实圚是倪完矎了把这样的䜠变成雕像什么的倪可惜了。䞍劂就氞远留圚这里让我奜奜观察记圕䜠的䞀䞟䞀劚吧~ んっふう♥ここの守護者ずしお招かれざる客にちょっずした眰を  あ。ちょちょちょ止たっおこの角床  この茪郭、たさにパヌフェクト石像にするのは勿䜓なさすぎるからもうここに残っお毎日芳察させおヌ Heheh! You were not invited to this place, and as its guardian, I must punish you by... Oh, wait, wait, stop! This angle... This outline... It's simply perfect! Turning you into stone would be a waste, so just stay here and let me observe you every day!
Acquisition 哌哌~䜜䞺歀倄的守技者我芁给䞍速之客䞀点小惩眚  啊等等从这䞪角床看过去  蜮廓实圚是倪完矎了把这样的䜠变成雕像什么的倪可惜了。䞍劂就氞远留圚这里让我奜奜观察记圕䜠的䞀䞟䞀劚吧~ んっふう♥ここの守護者ずしお招かれざる客にちょっずした眰を  あ。ちょちょちょ止たっおこの角床  この茪郭、たさにパヌフェクト石像にするのは勿䜓なさすぎるからもうここに残っお毎日芳察させおヌ Heheh! You were not invited to this place, and as its guardian, I must punish you by... Oh, wait, wait, stop! This angle... This outline... It's simply perfect! Turning you into stone would be a waste, so just stay here and let me observe you every day!
Login 哎呀今倩的闯入者也想着逃走吗䞍过圚喝完我手䞭的氞恒之饮前是逃䞍掉的哊。就乖乖留圚这里䟛我欣赏吧~♪ おや、今日の䟵入者も逃げたいのでもこの氞遠酒えいえんしゅを飲み干すたでそれは無理かな。倧人しくここに残っお芳察させお♪ What's this? Trying to escape today? Sorry, that's not gonna happen until you finish this Eternal Beverage. Be good and stay put so I can observe you♪
Details 哎呀指挥官也觉埗“爱䞎矎的守技者”这䞪讟定埈适合我吧神秘的圣域、氞恒的收藏  啊光是诎出来就觉埗绘画的灵感源源䞍断呢 君もあたしには「愛ず矎の守護者」ずいう蚭定がピッタリだず思うっしょ神聖な領域、氞遠の蒐集  おっ、口にしただけでむンスピレヌションがどんどん湧き䞊がっおくる Don'tcha agree that the role of Protector of Love and Beauty fits me like a glove? Presiding over a holy domain, watching an eternal collection... Ooh, just putting it into words is giving me tons of inspo!
Main 想芁犻匀䜆䜠已经进入我的领域了哊这里可是有氞续  啊是有规则的隟埗遇到这么完矎的玠材就让我奜奜记圕䞋䜠的每䞪衚情变化吧♪ ここから出たいのふぅん、君はもうあたしの領域、ずばりこの氞続トラッ  ぀たりそういうこずせっかく完璧なネタをもらったし、君の顔色䞀぀䞀぀を描き起こさせおもらうわよ☆ You wanna leave, huh? Heh. You've entered my domain, my eternal tra– You know the drill! You're the best ref I could ask for, and I'm gonna draw out each and every one of your expressions!
Main 2 闯入者既然螏入了这片神圣领域就芁接受我的审视  欞嘿嘿䞍劂诎这是隟埗的艺术创䜜机䌚呢☆ おっず䟵入者、神聖な領域に入ったからにはあたしの泚芖を受けおもらうよ  えぞぞ、せっかくの創䜜チャンスだからじっくりねっずりずね☆ Whoa there, intruder! You're in my holy domain, so you must remain under my watchful gaze! Heehee. This is a great chance to draw some art, so hold real still!
Main 3 身䞺爱䞎矎的守技者区区闯入者原本䞍配埗到我的泚视。䞍过没想到凡人也胜展现出劂歀完矎的姿态  哌哌~今后就留圚我的身蟹吧 「愛ず矎の守護者」にずっお䞊の䟵入者には目もくれないけど、たさか定呜の者である君がこんなに「矎」を芋せおくれるずはね  ふふん、このたたずっずあたしの偎に残りやがれっおんだ♪ A common invader means nothing to the Protector of Love and Beauty – but I didn't expect a mortal to show me such beauty... Heehee. You're staying by my side from now on!
Main 4 也䞍是䞍胜攟䜠走啊~只芁喝完这壶里的䞜西就行哊。欞“䞺什么明明喝了埈倚䜆壶里还䞀盎郜是满的”欞嘿嘿神明的恩赐是取之䞍尜的哊☆ この壺の䞭身を党郚飲み干したら逃しおやるよん「いっぱい飲んだのに党然枛らない」っおえぞぞ、神の恵みは無限にあるわよ☆ I'll let you go if you manage to drink all the liquid in this pot. Hm? You keep drinking but it never runs out? Heehee! The gifts of God are endless!
Touch 嗯~想再来䞀杯吗 んお代わり行っちゃう Hmm? Want a refill?
Touch (Special) 这、这种亵枎的行䞺  䞺什么䌚这么   おお♥すんごく冒涜的な絵面なのに  なのにヌぃ Ohh... This behavior is so blasphemous... but so good!
Touch (Headpat) 嗯~就允讞䜠这么做吧就圓是对䜠这仜“矎䞜”的嘉奖啊☆ およ君の「矎しさ」に免じお今は蚱しおやろヌ☆ Hmm? I'll forgive that transgression just because you're so beautiful!
Mission 区区闯入者竟敢圚神域留䞋未完的䜿呜这可䞍行哊 たかが䟵入者が神の領域で果たさぬ䜿呜を残すだず蚱さんッ How dare a lowly intruder leave an unfinished mission in the domain of a god? Unacceptable!
Mission Complete 奜像有什么䞜西送过来了  哎呀既然被我看到了那完成的奖励就園我咯☆ 䜕か届いたわね  お、あたしに芋られたからには、この任務報酬はもうあたしのものよ☆ Something just arrived... Oh, since I laid eyes on these mission rewards, they're mine now!
Return to Port 无论䜠去到哪里最终郜芁回到我身蟹呢~这就是身䞺我的收藏品的宿呜哊。 どこに逃げようず最埌はあたしの偎に戻っお来る。それが蒐集品である君の宿呜さ♪ No matter where you run, you'll always return to me in the end. That's your bound fate, my dear collection piece♪
Commission Complete 嗯~凡䞖的委托吗那就砎䟋允讞䜠暂时犻匀我的领域吧~ ふむふむ、䞋界の委蚗かしら特別にこの領域からしばらく出るこずを蚱しおやろう Ah, a commission from the mortal world? I shall permit you to briefly leave this place, then!
Affinity (Love) 虜诎䜠只是䞪闯入神域的枺小凡人华让我䞀県看出䜠就是我所寻觅的、完矎的艺术品  䜜䞺爱䞎矎的守技者我芁把䜠氞远留圚这里。䜠的䞀切郜倌埗我甚氞恒来描绘呢~♪ 神の領域に䟵入しおきたちっぜけな定呜皮なのに、あたしは䞀目で君のこずをずっず探し求めおいた、完璧な芞術品だず分かった  愛ず矎の守護者ずしお、君を氞遠にここに留め眮かせおもらおう――そう君の党おは氞遠に描き続けるに倀するよ♪ Despite you being a hapless invader in a god's domain, I knew from first glance that you were the perfect collection piece I've been searching for... As the Protector of Love and Beauty, I shall bind you to this place forever! Yes, because you're worth drawing for all of eternity!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 我最珍莵的䌎䟣我独占的艺术瑰宝。胜圚第䞀时闎观察到悚枩柔的県神真是什人感到幞犏~今倩也让我继续深入地记圕悚的䞀切吧~♪ あたしの倧事な䌎䟶、あたしだけの芞術の宝、君の優しい瞳を誰よりも先に目にできるなんお もう最高に幞せ☆今日もじっくりねっずり君のすべおを描き起こさせおね♪ My precious companion, my personal gemstone of art... It makes me so happy that I get to see your gentle eyes before anyone else! I'm gonna draw every little part of you in incredible detail today!
Main 最近收集的玠材郜快把房闎塞满了啊~悚诎该敎理了䜆每䞀样郜是独特的艺术灵感来源啊而䞔这䞍是比我之前已经收敛埈倚了嘛~♪ 創䜜ネタで郚屋が䞀杯になりそう。んもう敎理したほうがいいっおえヌ、どれも䞀点物のむンスピレヌションだよこれでも前ず比べお結構自重しおるよ My room's getting full of reference materials. Hm? It's high time I sorted it all out? But each and every one is a source of inspo! Besides, my collection is a lot more modest than it used to be!
Main 2 我最近圚研究䞍同的观察角床哊比劂像现圚这样从倩花板倒挂着时  啊被抱䞋来了。䞍过我已经观察到了从这䞪角床看悚的笑容比平时柔和3.7床哊☆ 最近は違う角床でのデッサンを研究しおるよ䟋えばこうしお倩井で逆さ吊りの状態で  おっず、指揮官に受け止められちゃったたあこの角床だず指揮官の笑顔がい぀もより3.7床優しく芋えるっおこずが分かったよ☆ I've been studying sketching from different angles lately! Like by hanging upside-down from the ceiling like this... Aww, you won't let me, huh? Oh well! I did figure out that your smile looks 3.7 degrees gentler from this angle.
Main 3 虜然这支铅笔快甚完了䜆磚到这䞪长床手感最舒服呢画起来特别顺手  欞又把桌面蹭埗灰灰的了吗这就收拟~ この鉛筆はもうそろそろ䜿い切っちゃいそうだけど、今の長さが気持ちよく描けるんだよね  んたた机をホコリっぜくした今片付けるよヌ Even though this pencil is almost completely used up, sharpening it down to this length feels the most comfortable to draw with... Hm? Did I get the desk dusty again? I'll clean it up right now.
Main 4 嗯  从建筑的角床来诎指挥宀里埈适合装䞪暗闚呢。这样就䌚埈方䟿了吧从各种意义䞊看郜是☆ ふヌむ  アヌキテクチャ的に執務宀のここ、隠し扉に改造するのにちょうどいいわね。そうしたほうが䟿利でしょいろんな意味で☆ Hmm... From an architectural point of view, your office would be perfect for installing a secret door somewhere. It'll be convenient to have – for all sorts of purposes!
Touch 无论什么姿势只芁是悚的觊碰郜让我心跳加速呢♪ ああ君からのスキンシップなら、どんな颚でも胞キュンしちゃう♪ Ahh, no matter how you touch me, it makes my heart skip a beat!
Touch (Special) 噢噢  埗、埗想办法记圕䞋来   おお♥  い、今のをどうにかしお描き起こさないず   Ooh... I-I've gotta draw what you just did!
Touch (Headpat) 噢噢指挥官的手  必须以雕塑的圢匏还原☆ おおあたしをナデナデする君の手  圫刻で再珟しないず☆ Ooh! I need to take your hand... and sculpt a copy of it!
Return to Port 欢迎回来~我最爱的指挥官~今倩的悚  也䟝旧每䞪角床郜让我心劚䞍已~♪ おかえり。あたしの倧奜きな指揮官♪ふむ、今日の君も  䜕から䜕たでキュンッずさせおくれるね♪ Welcome back, my beloved Commander! Gotta say, once again... you make my heart flutter from every angle today!
Affinity (Love) 从之前的想芁䞀盎看着悚观察悚变成想芁接近悚描绘悚而现圚悚已经成䞺了我生呜䞭䞍可分割的郚分呢我的画笔我的心我的䞀切郜氞远属于悚我最爱的指挥官~♪ 君を芋぀めお、芳察しお、それから近づいお、描き起こしお  君はもはやあたしにずっお欠かすこずができない存圚になっおいるわ。あたしの筆も、あたしの心も党お君のものよ――愛する指揮官♪ First I gazed at you, observed you, then came closer and drew you... and now, you've become an irreplaceable part of my life. My pen and my heart – they both belong to you, my beloved Commander♪