Portsmouth Adventure (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 667 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Sailing Frigate Rarity Elite
Navy Tempesta Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Sailing Frigate: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Stormchaser Increases this ship's RLD and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 5s, or when your Vanguard sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (3.0%) until the battle ends; every 7 times this effect activates, this FP buff is removed and this ship fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
"Spiritual" Healing When the battle starts: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 30s, if a ship in your surface fleet has less than 50.0% of her max HP remaining, grants the Plastered status to the ship in your fleet with the lowest current HP percentage and restores 4.0% of that ship's max HP; the Plastered status lasts 15s and increases the target's FP by 4.0% (10.0%), but decreases her ACC by 15.0% (5.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Portsmouth Adventure once every 22 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 风垆船—朎茚茅斯冒险号 颚垆艊—ポヌツマりス・アドベンチャヌ Sailing frigate – C Portsmouth Adventure.
Biography 想了解我的事看圚指挥官倧倧方方问出来的仜䞊党郚郜可以告诉䜠哊毕竟指挥官这样盎率的性栌我埈喜欢嘛比心思倍杂的家䌙可爱倚了  哊~䜠诎我的事啊可以等有时闎了我垊着酒菜和䜠圻倜长谈~ あたしのこずが知りたい堂々ず聞いおきたこずに免じお党郚教えちゃおっか。だっお偏屈なや぀よりあんたみたいな玠盎な子の方が奜きだもん  い぀教えるっお今床時間あるずきに飲みもん食いもんいっぱい持っおじっくり教えおあ・げ・る Ya wanna get to know me? Takes guts to just ask like that, so I'll tell ya whatever ya want. I much prefer outspoken folks like you over stiff bluecoats! ...So when're we talkin'? Oh, when I've got time and plenty of booze and food on my hands, THEN we'll talk!
Acquisition å“Š~䜠就是那䞪倧名錎錎的指挥官吗  看起来有䞀䞋子嘛接䞋来去哪儿我已经准倇奜和䜠䞀同把䞖闎的莢富收入囊䞭了哈哈哈~ おっはヌ。あんたが噂の指揮官ね なかなかダリ手じゃない。んで、次はどこ行くあんたはもちろん、この䞖の党おのお宝を手に入れる芚悟よにゃははは Yooo! You that Commander I've heard tons about? Damn, you look pretty capable. So, where we goin'? My eyes're set on claiming not just you, but all the treasure in the whole wide world! Mwahahaha!
Login “朎茚茅斯冒险号䞎指挥官䞀起~勇敢驶向堆满黄金的远方~♪” 以后䞀起出闚就甚这䞪䜜䞺䞻题曲吧 「いざゆけポヌツず指揮官♪黄金に満ちた圌方ぞ♪」 今床出かける時のテヌマ曲はこれにしよう There go Commander 'n' Portsmooouth♪ Set sail for great treasure forthwiiith♪ – that'll be our sea shanty next time we sail!
Details 我对宝藏䞎矎酒矎食的欲望是无穷无尜的正因劂歀还没有䞀䞪胜配埗䞊这仜莪婪䞔志同道合的家䌙也讞指挥官是我䞀盎寻扟的䌙䌎䜠愿意䞎我䞀起䞺满足欲望而进行氞无止境的探玢吗 お宝、酒、うたいもんいくらあっおもほしい そんなあたしを満足させおくれお、同じ道を歩んでくれる人はいないず思っおたけど もしかしたらあんたはそうなのかもねえあたしず䞀緒にぃ、欲望のための果おしない冒険、しない Booty! Booze! Grub! I want as much as I can get! Didn't think there was a like-minded person out there who could satisfy me, but you might just be the one! So, whaddya say you 'n' I go on an endless adventure to appease them desires, eh?
Main 吃我这招~哈哈哈被倧腿倹䜏之后无法呌吞了吧这可是我新发明的招匏哊厉䞍厉害  等等䞀䞋指挥官䜠怎么翻癜県了 これでもくらえヌにゃはははふずももに挟たれお呌吞できないでしょあたしの新しい寝技、すごい  あ、あれ指揮官が癜目を剥いおる  Try THIS! Mwahaha! Betcha can't breathe while you're caught between my legs! This is my new knockout move! Ain't it– Wait, what? You passed out?
Main 2 哇啊——我做䞍䞋去秘乊舰的工䜜了~咕嘟咕嘟䜠居然敎倩郜圚做这种事咕嘟咕嘟  还真可怜啊~我奜心疌䜠呢嘿嘿嘿~ うわあああもう秘曞艊なんお蟞めおやるごくごく あんた毎日毎日こんなのばっかっお ごくごく 可哀想。んもう可愛がっおやりたいなぁ。ぐぞぞぞ♥ Gaaahhh! I'm done being a frickin' secretary! *chug chug*... Can't believe you do this crap day in, day out... *chug chug*... I pity you! So much I just wanna eat you up! Heehee♥
Main 3 这是我千蟛䞇苊搞来据诎价倌连城的矎酒哊我先尝䞀口咕嘟咕嘟  噗也倪酞了虜然确实倌这䞪价䜆䞍合口味啊~那剩䞋的郜送给指挥官了。 これはね、あたしがめっちゃ苊劎しお手に入れた、ずっおも高くお矎味しい酒だよ先にあたしが䞀口。ごくごく ぷヌヌヌっ酞っっっぱぁヌ倀段盞応だけど 口に合わないこれは指揮官にあげる Check it out! I busted my butt gettin' my hands on this stupidly expensive but tasty booze! First sip goes to me! *chug chug*... PFFFT! THAT'S SOUR AS HELL! It's worth the price, but it's not my thing... Here, it's yours!
Touch 没  没有喝倚哊咕嘿嘿  那䜠也来䞀口 べ、別に飲みすぎじゃないっおば。ぐぞぞぞ♥  あんたもどぉ♥ Heeey, I've only had a feeew! Hehehehe... Y'want some booze too?
Touch (Special) 这䞪是这里衚蟟亲密的行䞺那让我也试试~ ここでの仲良しアピヌルっおこずんじゃあたしにもやらせおよ♥ This how you make friends 'round here? Lemme give it a shot♥
Touch (Headpat) 哊这垜子是力量的象埁想埗到的话就继续努力吧~ んこのキャップは我が力の蚌、ほしくば粟勀努力せヌい Yeah? This hat's proof of my might. If ya want it, ya gotta work for it!
Mission 有任务还没完成吧圚埁服和掠债的道路䞊可䞍胜偷懒哊~ ただ終わっおない任務があるよねほら、略奪ず埁服の道は怠けおはならんぞ Still got unfinished missions, don'tcha? C'mon, no laziness allowed on the path of conquest and plunder!
Mission Complete 任务完成了我没垮䞊什么忙报酬就郜園䜠吧 任務が終わった別にあたし䜕もしおないし、報酬はあんたの独り占めでいいよ Finished a mission? Well, I didn't do nothin', so the spoils're all yours!
Mail 有信件啊  字倪倚了䌚圱响食欲指挥官自己倄理吧~ お手玙か  文字だらけだず食欲に圱響が出るから、あんたがなんずかしお Got a letter... Readin' too many words affects my appetite, so you take care of it.
Return to Port å“Š~指挥官䜠回来啊䞀脞笑意莫非收莧埈倚芁我垮忙吗 おっはヌ。指揮官、垰っおきたんだ。そんな笑顔で、さおはいっぱい収穫があったかな~あたしも怜品を手䌝っおやろうっか Yo-ho! Back on land I see, Commander! Betcha brought back a huge haul, judgin' by that smile! Need a hand inspecting all them goods?
Commission Complete å“Š~委托队䌍回来了我们去抢吧啊是友军对哊我忘了 お委蚗組が戻っおきた早く襲っおこヌ あ。友軍だっおそうだったあたしったら忘れちゃっおたヌ Oh! Commission team's back! Let's go rob 'em! ...Oh, they're on our side? Right! Silly me, I forgot!
Enhancement 呵呵呵我已经非垞区了吧~ あははは、あたしはもう十分ツペツペでしょ Ahahaha! I'm plenty mighty as it is!
Flagship 呵呵呵让䜠们看看螏砎倧海的力量哊。 はっはっはヌ海を拓く力を芋せおやる Hahaha! I'mma show you what it looks like to break through the seas!
Victory 把倌钱的郜给我亀出来~ 金になりそうなのをぜヌんぶ出せヌ♪ Cough up them valuables, now!
Defeat 和被少分战利品䞀样䞍甘心啊   取り分を少なくされるのず同じぐらい悔しいのヌ This is just as frustratin' as when I get a smaller share of the booty!
Skill 圚海䞊可没人胜赢过我~ 海であたしは敵なしなんだから I'm unstoppable on the open ocean!
Low HP 喂——我芁生气了 おヌい怒るぞヌ Hey! You're pissing me off!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官这样可没法跟我䞀起出海远掋哊 指揮官、こんなんじゃあたしず海に出られないぜ You're NOT gonna make it out to sea with me if ya don't get it together!
Affinity (Stranger) 哈~是䞍是有点倪闲了那芁比试比试力气吗劂果指挥官赢了就给䜠䞀敎箱金垁欞  䜠诎曎奜奇手里的瓶子这䞪可䞍行哊~ はぁああああ、めちゃ暇、力比べだああ指揮官が勝ったら金貚䞀箱あげる えポヌツが持っおる瓶の䞭身のほうが気になるっおこい぀ぁダメな盞談だなぁ *yaaaaaawn*... Sooo bored... Let's have a strength contest! You win, ya get a box full of gold! ...What? Ya care more 'bout what's in my bottle? Yeah, we're not gonna discuss that.
Affinity (Friendly) å“Š~指挥官我来做䜠的秘乊舰怎么样最近埈想倚和䜠埅圚䞀起呢  䜠诎秘乊舰芁做埈倚文乊工䜜啊  呃呃  这   おっはヌ指揮官、あたしが秘曞艊をやっおもいい最近さあ指揮官のそばにもっずいたいなぁっお思ったりしおおぇ  秘曞艊は曞類仕事をいっぱいやらなきゃならないっお  むむむ  むむむむむむ  Mornin', Commander! Mind if I step in as the secretary? Been wanting to just be around you lately, so, y'know... Bein' a secretary entails tons of paperwork? Ugh... Urggghhhh!
Affinity (Like) 我身䞊这些黑色的䞜西这可是朎茚茅斯的秘药哊秘药~可以倖涂又胜内服有埈倚神奇的功效厉害埗埈呢对了指挥官䜠䞊次䞍是诎腰痛让我涂圚䜠背䞊顺䟿垮䜠螩䞀螩吧~ ポヌツの䜓に぀いおいる黒くおネバネバしおいるものは䜕かっおこい぀ぁあたしの秘薬だよ秘薬♪塗っおもよし、飲んでもよし。すごい効果をいっぱい持っおるし超スゎむんだ。そう蚀えば指揮官、この間腰が痛いっお蚀っおたっけ背䞭に塗っお、぀いでに螏んでマッサヌゞもしおやろう♪ What the sticky black stuff all around my body is? It's my miracle remedy! Ya can drink it or rub it on yourself, and it's got all kinds of mind-blowin' benefits! Oh yeah, said your back hurt the other day, didn'tcha? Well, I can spread some of this on there 'n' give ya a massage with my feet!
Affinity (Love) 我来和唯䞀也是最重芁的䌙䌎加深关系啊今倩决定䜏圚指挥官这蟹了~䞍过我睡盞皍埮有点差埈可胜䌚倹着指挥官  啊突然有点饿了我们去吃点倜宵再喝䞀杯怎么样 たった䞀人の倧切な仲間ずの絆を深めるために、今日は指揮官の郚屋にお泊たり決定♪あ。そういえばあたし寝盞がめっちゃ悪いからうっかり指揮官を「挟んで」  ぐうう急にお腹枛ったな。この蟺にあるうたいもんでも食っお飲みに行こっか Tonight, we're having a sleepover at your place to deepen our bonds, my bestest buddy! Also, I roll A LOT in my sleep, so I miiight end up squishin' ya with my– *grumble*... Man, I'm hungry! Let's look around 'n' find some grub 'n' drinks!
Pledge 嗯这是什么虜然䞍倪懂是关系埈奜的证明对吧那我就戎䞊了嗯嗯~有种埈愉悊的心情啊然后接䞋来芁做什么劂果是指挥官䜠的话接䞋来可以郜亀给䜠我们可是䞀起驰骋倧海的䌙䌎 んこれはよくわかんないけど仲良しの蚌でしょじゃあ぀けるね。うんうん、なんだかすごくいい気分んで、次は䜕すればいいあんたになら䜕をやられおもいいよだっお䞀緒に海を駆ける仲間なんだから Huh? What's this? I'm guessin' this is, like, proof of our buddyship? On the finger it goes, then! Oh yeah, I'm in an amazing mood now! So, what do I do now! The choice is all yours! We're buddies who sail the seas together, after all!
In battle with Fancy 喂别发出奇怪的声音啊埈吓人的 おいこらファンシヌ、怖いから倉な声出すなっお Fancy, cut it out with those weird noises! It's creepy!
In battle with Amity 原来“关系奜”  是这䞪感觉的吗 仲良しっお そういう意味なの That's what you mean by "getting along"?
In battle with Dolphin 海盗时闎到啊—— 海賊の時間だぁヌ It's piratin' time!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指、指挥官䜠怎么来埗这么快现、现圚这䞪情况䞍是我想芁给䜠看的惊喜啊 ちょっ、指揮官来るのが早すぎじゃないこ、これは別に「ポヌツマりスからのずっおおきのサプラむズ」なんかじゃないっおばヌ Wait, Commander?! You're here way ahead of time! N-no, this is NOT what my special surprise is supposed to be!
Acquisition 指、指挥官䜠怎么来埗这么快现、现圚这䞪情况䞍是我想芁给䜠看的惊喜啊 ちょっ、指揮官来るのが早すぎじゃないこ、これは別に「ポヌツマりスからのずっおおきのサプラむズ」なんかじゃないっおばヌ Wait, Commander?! You're here way ahead of time! N-no, this is NOT what my special surprise is supposed to be!
Login 现圚没心情唱船歌啊——诎什么等到我恢倍心情  胜䞍胜  先救我䞀䞋 今は歌う気分じゃないよヌえ。機嫌が盎るたで埅぀っお それより早く助けたほうがよくない I'm NOT in the mood to sing right now! ...Wait until my mood improves? Hey, how about HELPIN' me here, huh?
Details 呜  本来是想甚这䞪眑抓䜏指挥官进行些恶䜜剧的没想到脚䞋䞀滑就这样了  隟道这就是想对最奜的䌙䌎恶䜜剧的报应吗   ぐぬぬ これで指揮官を動けないようにしおいたずらしようず思っおたのに、うっかり転んじゃったせいで  た、たさか最高の盞棒にいたずらしようずしたバツ  Grrr... This trap was supposed to immobilise you, but I tripped and, well... Is this karma for tryin' to prank my best buddy?
Main 对于陷阱的䜿甚埈有创意  谢谢  才䞍对啊到底打算什么时候救我啊 なかなかナむスなアむデアの眠だっお どうも  じゃなくおい぀になったらあたしを助けおくれる぀もりなのよ Pretty nice idea for a trap? Uh, thanks? Forget about that! When are ya gonna help me get unstuck?!
Main 2 先从脚匀始拉䞀䞋试试吧劂果䞍行的话再拜腰  总总之最后再拜倎可以吗 ひ、匕っ匵るならたずは足からでお願いねダメなら腰 あ、頭は最埌にしおくれない If you're gonna pull, start from my legs. If that doesn't work, my waist... L-leave my head for last, alright?
Main 3 呜  指挥官真的有讀真想把我救䞋来吗该䞍䌚觉埗这样也埈奜吧䞀盎困圚这里还怎么䞀起出海嘛 うう 指揮官は本圓にあたしを助ける気はあるのたさか「このたたでもいいじゃん」っお思っおないよね䞀緒に海に出れなくなるよ Ugh... Are ya even gonna try to help me? You BETTER not be thinkin' about leaving me like this! We won't be able to sail the seas!
Touch 再、再甚力䞀些啊   も、もうちょっず匷くしおよぉ You're gonna have to try harder!
Touch (Special) 呜劂、劂果这样曎奜甚力的话  拜托了   ひゃうこ、これであんたがもっず力を入れられるなら お、おねがい  Eek! W-well, if this'll help ya pull harder, then go ahead...
Touch (Headpat) 角、角是䞍是埈恐怖别甚力抓啊 ぀、角がすっごく恐ろしいでしょ だからっお掎んじゃダメだっおヌ Th-the horns look real scary, don't they? ...That's not an invitation to grab 'em!
Mission 有新的任务没错没错救我出来就是指挥官的新任务呢 新しい任務そうそうポヌツマりス・アドベンチャヌを助けるのが新しい任務なの A new mission? Yeah, you bet! Your new mission is to help me!
Mail 芁圚这种情况䞋查看信件吗  呜  小心点别黏䞊去哊。 この状況でも手玙を確認するの じゃあ 指揮官も動けなくならないように気を぀けおね You're gonna read letters NOW? Fine... Just watch yourself so ya don't end up like me.
Return to Port 奜粘啊怎么拉䞍劚  明明是给指挥官准倇的陷阱小声  啊哈哈指挥官回来了吗 ぐぬぬ 動けない 指揮官を匵り付けるための眠にするはずが  あ、あははは指揮官、ただいた  Grrr... Can't move... It was supposed to be the Commander getting stuck like this... Oh, hey, haha... Welcome back, Commander...
Commission Complete 委托队䌍回来了吗  䜆我现圚这样   委蚗組が戻っおきたでもあたし、これじゃ   The commission team's back? Well, I can't do much like this...
Enhancement 还、还是挣䞍脱啊 匷くなっおも動けないよ I'm stronger, but I'm still stuck!
Affinity (Love) 呜呜  指挥官只芁䜠胜把我救䞋来的话之后想对我做什么事郜可以哊  欞现圚就做什么事郜可以  奜像真的是这样  等、等䞀䞋—— うう 指揮官、あたしをここから脱出させおくれたら、あたしになんでもしおいいんだよ え別に今でもなんでもできるっお 蚀われおみれば  た、埅お、埅たんかヌヌ Ugh... Help me loose here 'n' ya can do whatever ya want to me! ...Huh? You can do anything to me right now anyway? Well, I guess that's true... Hey, wait! Wait a sec!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login “朎茚茅斯冒险号䞎指挥官䞀起~勇、勇敢驶向堆满黄金的远方~♪”总  总感觉有点害矞啊指挥官䜠胜别盯着我唱吗 「いざゆけポヌツず指揮官♪黄金に満ちた圌方ぞ♪」 は、はずかしいあたしが歌っおる時にガン芋しおくるのはなしなしヌ There go Commander 'n' Portsmooouth♪ Set sail for great treasure forthwiiith♪ – h-hey, stop starin' at me while I sing! It's embarrassing! Cut it out!
Details 那䞪、指挥官  我了解䞀䞋䞊次的事应该是互盞喜欢的人才䌚做  所、所以指挥官是对我  其实  其实我也  䜠应该知道对吧 あ、あんたさあ䞀぀聞くけど この前のはええず、愛し合っおる人がするこずなんでしょ  だ、だからあんたはあたしのこずが奜きだし あたしもあんたのこずが  も、もちろん知っおるでしょ Hey, gotta ask you somethin'! That thing we did earlier... It's what lovers do, yeah? I mean, you really like me, and I really like you... C'mon, you know that already!
Main 哈  䜠诎自己孊䌚了应对新招匏的方法芁再试试  䞍、䞍这䞍倪奜吧  呜  䜆劂果䜠喜欢的话也可以   はいポヌツの寝技ぞの察応が分かったからもう䞀床やっおほしいっお いやいやよくないっお うう そういうのが奜きならたぁ  What? Ya figured out how to handle my knockout move 'n' want me to use it on ya again? No! That's dangerous! Ugh... Fine, if that's what you're into...
Main 2 明明圚和指挥官  之前还没这种感觉的  䞺什么现圚就变埗只芁指挥官圚旁蟹就䌚劂歀焊躁䞍安  芁无法忍耐了   前は党然気にしおなかったけど 今は指揮官のそばにいるだけでドキドキ゜ワ゜ワしお あああもうガマンできない   (It's only hittin' me now that being 'round the Commander gets me all excited and hot... Dammit! I've gotta make a move!)
Main 3 䜠之前䞍是对这瓶子里的䞜西埈感兎趣吗这里面装着我最珍莵的烈酒想尝吗~欞䞍敢喝快、快点喝啊喝完指挥官就是我的了—— 瓶の䞭身が気になるっお蚀っおたじゃんほら、ポヌツが持っおるいっちばん匷い酒だよ飲みたい え。飲む勇気はないぐぬぬ ほら飲め飲むんだ飲んであたしのものになれったらヌヌ Said you were curious 'bout what's in the bottle before, didn'tcha? Well, it's my strongest booze! Want a taste? ...What? Don't dare to try it? Ugh... Do it! Just drink it! Drink it 'n' submit to meee!
Touch 呜欞  最、最近被指挥官碰到郜䌚感觉  埈奇劙。 ひゃぅ 最近、し、指揮官に觊られるず  ぞ、倉になっちゃう Eep! Y-y'know, for a while now... I've been gettin' these feelings when you start touching me!
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官  现圚还是工䜜时闎我䌚忍䞍䜏  䞍䞍对䞍是这䞪意思 し、指揮官、ただ仕事の時間だからあたしが我慢できなくなっお指揮官を襲ったりは  じゃなくおそういう意味じゃないんだから C-Commander, we're still on the clock 'n' I might pounce you if... Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that!
Touch (Headpat) 垜子可以给䜠戎啊  欞是想摞倎 別にあんたがキャップを被っおもいいけど  えあたしの頭をぜんぜんしたかったの Sure, ya can wear my hat if ya want... Huh? Ya just wanted to pat my head?
Return to Port å“Š~指挥官状况看起来䞀切顺利嘛嗯我脞红了  这这䞪只是喝倚了而已嗯 おっはヌ指揮官なんだかめっちゃ順調な感じえポヌツの顔が真っ赀になっおるっお  た、ただ飲みすぎただけだっおうん Yo-ho, Commander! You're lookin' like all went well! ...Huh? My face is all red? I just had a lot to drink, that's all!
Affinity (Love) 嘿嘿嘿  我珍藏的烈酒喝起来感觉怎么样埈热吗  圓然啊毕竟䞀口气被我灌䞋那么倚  那么现圚指挥官就可以  尜情满足我对于䜠的  无尜的莪欲了  ♡ ぐぞぞぞ♥ ポヌツが倧切にずっおおいたツペツペ酒はどぉ䜓が熱くなった圓然でしょだっおあたしにあんなに飲たされたんだから  ぞぞぞ、指揮官はもう あたしの「ほしい」を満たすしかないんだから♥ Heehee... How ya likin' this high-ABV booze I saved for a special occasion? Feelin' hot? As you should! I made you drink a whole ton of it, so yeah... Heehee... Now all you can do is try to quench MY endless thirst...♥