Pompeo Magno (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 541 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Pompeo Magno Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Capitani Romani-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
March on Towards Triumph! 5s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: spawns a special summon (lasts 15s; inflicts a unique Burn ailment to enemies) and decreases the ACC of all enemies by 10.0% (20.0%) for 5s.
With Victory Comes Glory! During a sortie, for each enemy fleet sunk by the fleet this ship is in: increases this ship's FP and TRP by 0.5% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). Increases this ship's DMG dealt with torpedoes based on her proximity to the enemy at the time of firing (the closer she is, the more DMG they deal, up to a maximum of 5.0% (15.0%) when within 10 units or less).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Pompeo Magno once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 罗马统帅级驱逐舰—庞培·马格诺 カピターニ・ロマーニ級-ポンペオ・マーニョ Capitani Romani-class ship – Pompeo Magno.
Biography 我是撒丁帝国所属的,罗马统帅级驱逐舰庞培·马格诺号!无论是速度,还是火力,都能胜任一切任务的要求。至于防御力上的不足,我的敏捷性足以轻松应付~ サディア帝国所属、カピターニ・ロマーニ級のポンペオ・マーニョ!速力と火力はあらゆる任務に適任で、防御力が若干不足しているけど、この素早さがあれば余裕でカバーできるよっ! I'm Pompeo Magno of the Capitani Romani-class from the Sardegna Empire! My speed and firepower make me suited for any kind of mission, and what I lack in protection I more than make up for with agility!
Acquisition 伟大的庞培于今日抵达港区!……咳咳,你好呀,指挥官!我是撒丁帝国的庞培!有我在,一切难题都将迎刃而解! 偉大なるキャプテンポンペイ、母港に着任!……わわわっ、コホン、ごきげんよう指揮官!我が名はサディア帝国のポンペオ・マーニョ!万事私に任せてくれれば鎧袖一触だ! Captain Pompey the Great has arrived at port! ...Err! Ahem! Good day to you, Commander! I am Pompeo Magno of the Sardegna Empire! Assign any and all work to me and I'll have it done in the blink of an eye!
Login 欢迎回到工作,指挥官!你的秘书舰已经做好为你分担工作的准备了哦。 おかえり指揮官!秘書艦である私は、あなたからの仕事を引き受ける準備ができているよ! Welcome back, Commander! I am ready to begin my secretarial duties and take on work from you!
Details 突然一下子就要全面接手舰队的事务,于常理上来说确实有些匆忙。不过,在我庞培面前没有难题,请放心地交给我吧!……欸,不是这个意思吗? ぐぬぬ、いきなり艦隊運営をすべて任されるのは大変でも、このキャプテンポンペイには楽勝だから安心して任せて……違うの? Look, I know most people would panic if they were suddenly told to manage every last facet of a fleet, but I'm one of those few who have what it takes... Right?
Main 奇怪,这份文件该怎么处理来着……啊,指挥官,我没事的!这里交给我就好了!…真的什么问题都没有! うーん、この書類はどうすれば……あ、指揮官、大丈夫!任せて!…ほんっとに大丈夫なんだから! Hmm, how should I process these documents... It's okay, I know what I'm doing, Commander! Seriously, just let me handle it!
Main 2 指挥官,我先离开一下!要做的事情有那么多,伟大的庞培队长可不能只呆在一个角落里! 指揮官、ちょっと席外すよ!ふふん、やることがいっぱいあるから、このキャプテンポンペイは一つの場所だけにはいられないんだよ! I'm going out for a while, Commander! When you've got a schedule as packed as Captain Pompey's, you can't afford to sit around on your butt all day!
Main 3 如果连这点小事都做不好的话马上就会被辞掉秘书舰然后离指挥官越来越远吧……啊,没什么!我只是工作上遇到了一点小困难!仅此而已哦! こ、この仕事がうまく出来なければ秘書艦をやめさせられて指揮官から遠ざけられちゃう……ううんなんでもないよ!ちょっとしたトラブルが起きただけ!そ、それだけよ! If I do a bad job here, the Commander's gonna make me resign and then ostracize me... Uh, I didn't say anything! Just dealing with a minor problem here! Y-yeah, that's all!
Touch 当你需要帮助的时候,就紧紧握住我的手吧! 助けが必要なときは私の手をしっかり握ってよね! When you need my help, just grab my hand and hold it tight!
Touch (Special) 我,我可不是那种轻浮的人!? わわわ私そんな軽い子じゃ!? I-I-I am NOT some easy girl!
Touch (Headpat) 我的帽子不是玩具啦! キャップは飾りじゃないってば! My cap is NOT just for show!
Mission 指挥官,请把新任务都交给我吧!…怎,怎么了,你这幅表情,是在质疑我庞培的实力吗?! 指揮官、新しい任務は全部私に任せてね!…ど、どうしたの?あっ、その顔はまさかこのキャプテンポンペイの実力を疑ってる!? I'll take care of all these new missions, Commander! ...Wh-what's with that look? Wait... You're signaling that you doubt my ability, aren't you?!
Mission Complete 任务完成了!……(小声)原来这些任务单凭我是做不了的啊,啊哈哈…… 任務完了だ!…(小声)や、やっぱり私一人では無理だったね。あははは… Mission complete! ...And unsurprisingly, I could've never accomplished it alone... Ahaha...
Mail 新的信件,已经经由你最可靠的秘书舰庞培,完好而准时地送达了! 新しいメールは、この頼れる秘書艦のポンペオが無事に時間通り届けたよ Your trusty secretary brings you new mail, right on schedule!
Return to Port 糟了,指挥官离开的这段时间只完成了这点工作……我一定会被嫌弃的……啊,咳咳,指挥官,出击辛苦了! しまった…指揮官が戻ってくるまでにできた仕事がこれしか……これでは嫌われて失望されちゃう……っとコホン!指揮官?出撃お疲れ様! Dammit... I've barely gotten anything done while the Commander was out... This is gonna reflect so badly on me... Ahem! Commander! Welcome back!
Commission Complete 委托的物资已经送到了,请放心地交给我处理吧! 委託物資が届いたよ!安心して私に対応を任せて! Commission supplies have arrived! Allow me the honor of processing them!
Enhancement 越是有能力的人,越要承担更多的责任~ 能力がある子ほど、多くの責任を背負うべき! The greater your ability, the more responsibilities you deserve!
Flagship 放心地把指挥权交给我吧,我会带领大家走向胜利的! 指揮は私に任せてよし!勝利に導いてあげよう! Have faith in my orders! They will lead you to victory!
Victory 伟大的庞培队长正带领着大家建立新的功勋! 偉大なるキャプテンポンペイ、仲間を率いて新たな偉業を成しとげたのだ! Captain Pompey the Great has once more led her allies to a spectacular victory!
Defeat 输,输了……这样一来我的声望跌落到谷底了然后从此在舰队里面变得默默无闻慢慢被遗忘……啊,呃,没,没什么! ま、負けた……私のプライドもずたずたに、そして艦隊での評価もドン底になって忘れ去られるがまま……あ。えっと、なんでもないっ! We're defeated... My dignity has been destroyed and the fleet's reputation will plummet, dooming it to fade into obscurity... Oh, err, I didn't say anything!
Skill 庞培,无所不能! キャプテンポンペイにできないことはない! Nothing is impossible for Captain Pompey!
Low HP 没事的,我还能坚持! 大丈夫、まだ行ける! No big deal! I can keep going!
Affinity (Upset) 如果在有些废柴的指挥官身边做出成绩的话……那不就更能衬托出我的伟大之处了?好像不是一件坏事呢! ダメな指揮官のもとでもよく務められたら…きっと私はできる子って風にならない?それなら悪くないわね…! You're a terrible Commander, but if I can produce results in spite of you, people will think I'm really talented! There's always a silver lining, I tell you!
Affinity (Stranger) 嗯,今天也接了许多同伴的委托与请求呢。是时候让庞培队长的名声响彻港区了!……嗯?你说这计划表会不会太满了……怎么会呢!在我面前,从来就没有什么难题哦! 今日も仲間たちの依頼だの相談だのをたくさん受けてきた。そろそろこのキャプテンポンペイの威名が母港中に――このスケジュール表がタイトすぎるって?そんなことないよ?ほ、ほら!私にできないことはないって! I've accepted a plethora of errands and consultations with other girls today. Soon I will be the talk of the port, and every– What do you mean this schedule is infeasible? Don't you know? Nothing is impossible for me!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,你来得正好!那个,就是……这几件事想请你帮下忙!这些是我接下来后发现时间上来不及做的委托……这,这是为了舰队的大家,绝对不是为了我自己的面子哦?! 指揮官、ちょうどいいところよ!その、えっと……実は助けてほしいことが何個かあって…ほら、私が引き受けたけど時間的にどうしても間に合わない依頼のことで……私ではなく艦隊の皆のためにやっているんだからね! You came at just the right time, Commander! You see, um... Thing is, I could use a lot of help. I simply don't have enough time to run all those errands I promised to... I know, I know, but you'd be helping everyone out, not just me!
Affinity (Like) 呼——要不是指挥官你伸出援手,我现在一定已经羞愧难当,趁晚上偷偷溜走,然后一个人在漫无边际的大海上独自漂泊……这次真的非常感谢你! ふぅ…指揮官の助けがなければ、私きっと大恥をかいて夜のうちに逃げ出して今頃寒い海で一人さまよい続けて……ほんっとにありがとうございました!!指揮官! Phew... Without your help, I would've fled the port out of sheer shame before nightfall, fated to forever roam some cold corner of the ocean... Truly, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 我知道了!只要我把目光集中在指挥官一个人身上,就能获得更多的认可,也就不会让同伴困扰了!指挥官,把你手上的棘手问题都交给我吧!……我都说到这个份上了,你不会拒绝的吧? なるほど!まずは指揮官に集中したほうがもっと認めてもらえて、仲間に迷惑をかけなくなるよね!うんうん、じゃあ指揮官!トラブルや難題は全部この私に任せてください!……も、もうここまで頭を下げたから、断らないよね…? Now I get it! I can earn more recognition if I focus on you, plus then I won't have to worry about breaking promises. So with that in mind, will you let me take care of all your problems whenever they arise? ...I'm begging on my knees here, please don't turn me down.
Pledge 罗马并非一日建成,感情也需要长久经营才能开花结果……我知道这个比喻有点怪,我的意思就是,从今以后我们要彼此多抽出一点时间陪陪对方,加深下感情……不,不然的话,可对不起手上的这枚戒指的哦?! 帝都は一日にしてならず、二人の仲も時間をかけて育むことが必要……変な喩えだとわかっているよ!つまりこれはね、これからはお互い時間を作って、相手ともっと付き合って仲をより深めるよう努力すること――でないとせっかく指輪を贈ってくれたのにもったいないよ!? Just as the capital wasn't built in one day, it takes time for people to form close bonds. Okay, I know that's an odd example! Basically, what I'm saying is: I'll make a concentrated effort to spend quality time with you so we'll become better acquainted! Otherwise I'll feel like you wasted this ring on me!
In battle with Le Triomphant, Le Terrible , Le Malin 速度可不只是你们的优势领域哦! 速力はそちらの専売特許じゃないからね! You don't have a monopoly on speed, you know!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description ……呼呼……不管什么难题……只要有庞培在……欸?指挥官?我,我这是,睡着了吗?这样啊……说起来,我来器材室是为了做什么来着…… ……ふにゃ……どんな無理難題もこのキャプテンポンペイがいれば……ん?指揮官?わ、私今寝てたの?そっか……ううっ、何のためにここに来たんだっけ… *yawn*... Nothing's impossible when you've got Captain Pompey... Hmm? Commander? Wait, I fell asleep? Seems I did... Drat, I forgot what I even came here for...
Acquisition ……呼呼……不管什么难题……只要有庞培在……欸?指挥官?我,我这是,睡着了吗?这样啊……说起来,我来器材室是为了做什么来着…… ……ふにゃ……どんな無理難題もこのキャプテンポンペイがいれば……ん?指揮官?わ、私今寝てたの?そっか……ううっ、何のためにここに来たんだっけ… *yawn*... Nothing's impossible when you've got Captain Pompey... Hmm? Commander? Wait, I fell asleep? Seems I did... Drat, I forgot what I even came here for...
Login 指挥官!如你所见,我已经完全恢复了!我们这就开始寻找需要帮助的同伴们,完成她们的请求吧! 指揮官!見ての通り、もうすっかり回復したよ!今から助けを求める仲間たちを見つけて、依頼を全うしよう! Hi, Commander! I'm fully rested, as you can see. So, it's time to go looking for people who need a hand and do them some favors!
Details (小声)居然被指挥官看到了这幅丢人的样子,早知道就把支架拿下来藏起来了……咳咳,没,没什么哦? (小声)指揮官にこの恥ずかしい姿を見られるとわかっていたら、最初から大屋根を閉じて隠れてれば……なな、なんでもないよ? If I'd known the Commander would find me like this, I would've hid under the piano top before I dozed off... Err, nothing! Just talking to myself!
Main 帝国小姐拜托的书……西南风西北风的画册……还有射水鱼的橙汁……不能忘了……呼呼…… インペロさんが頼んだ本に…マエストラーレとリベッチオの絵本……アーチャーフィッシュのジュース…忘れちゃダメ…Zzzzz Remember to get the literature Impero asked for... and the picture books for Maestrale and Libeccio... and to buy soda for Archerfish... Zzz...
Main 2 指挥官要弹钢琴吗?很遗憾,这台只是个复制品,弹不出来的。 指揮官、ピアノを弾きたいの?あ、これはただのレプリカだから弾けないよ Do you know how to play the piano, Commander? Err, this is just a model piano. The keys don't work.
Main 3 啊,我想起来了!我答应了别人来帮忙整理器材室!正好指挥官也在,为了提升名望……不对,为了同伴们的请求,一起加油吧! 思い出した!仲間にここの整理を頼まれてやってきたの!ちょうど指揮官もいるしキャプテンポンペイの依頼完遂のため…じゃなくて、仲間たちを助けるために一緒に頑張ろう! I remember now! Someone asked me to reorganize this place! And since you're already here, you should help me– I mean, help all of us by tidying up with me!
Touch 不行不行!这里已经没有第二个人的位置了! ダメダメ!二人は入らないってば! Wait, stop! There's not enough room for both of us!
Touch (Special) 都,都说了挤不下了!听·我·说·啦~! だから二人は入らないってば!もう!ちゃんと聞いてよ! For the last time, there's not enough room for both of us! PLEASE get it into your head!
Touch (Headpat) 我,我这是被当成小孩子了?! こ、子供扱い!? What's with the kiddy treatment?!
Mission 新任务吗?嗯嗯,先记下来吧,一会我就处理! 新しい任務?わかったメモしとく!あとで対応するよ! There are new missions? Okay, I'll note that down and sort those out later!
Mission Complete 任务完成了!……不对!我不是还没开始动手……指挥官已经先我一步都做完了吗?! 任務完了!……って違う!私まだなにもやっていないよ……私が対応する前にもう指揮官が全部片付けたの!? Mission complete! ...And I've not even gotten started on them yet... Wait, did you finish ALL the missions before I could attempt them?!
Mail 欸,新的信件?该不会是成绩单……我,我就看一眼! 新しいメール?成績評価とか……ちょ、ちょっとだけ見させて! New mail? Might be our performance evaluation... C-come here and let me have a look at it!
Return to Port 呼……呼……在指挥官回来之前……要把同伴们拜托的事情,都完成……呼…… Zzzz……指揮官が戻ってくる前に仲間から引き受けた依頼をすべて完成させて……Zzzzz…… Zzz... I've gotta finish all the errands I took on before the Commander gets back... Zzz...
Commission Complete 委托组把新的器材送到了…这,这不就更乱了……没,没什么,我喜欢挑战哦! 委託組から新しい機材が搬入って…せ、整理しきれない…大丈夫よ!私こういう難しい依頼のほうが好きなんだから! The commission team brought back new components, and there are way too many to sort through... But that's okay! I like a challenge!
Victory 赢了!……等等,莫非这就是所谓的“躺赢”? 勝った!……ってこれはもしや伝説の「楽して勝つ」ってこと?? Victory! ...Wait, I just realized, we played for fun and still won!
Defeat 啊,累了……指挥官,帮我把支架拿掉吧,让我逃避一会现实…… もう疲れた……指揮官、もう大屋根を閉じて…リアルから逃げたぁい…… I'm dead tired... Commander, lower the top for me... I need a break from real life right now...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 欢迎回到工作,指挥官!你的秘书舰兼恋人已经做好为你分担工作的准备了哦! 仕事場におかえり、指揮官!あなたの秘書艦兼恋人の私は、あなたからの仕事を引き受ける準備ができているよ! Welcome back to the office, Commander! Your secretary and sweetheart is ready to take on any work you can throw at her!
Details 如你所见,伟大的庞培队长正忙于帮助同伴,暂时没有空理你哦~咳咳,我只是开个玩笑而已!别·丢·下·我·啦~ 見ての通り、キャプテンポンペイは今仲間たちのことで手一杯で、しばらくはかまってあげられない――じょ、冗談だってば!置いていかないでってばー! As you know, I have a laundry list of errands I must run for my friends, so I'll be unable to give you my attention for some time... Please, I just messing with you! I'd never leave you out in the cold!
Main 指挥官,我听说有几个同伴在找帮手,要不要一起去帮忙?……这,这次可不是为了我自己的面子——是为了我们两个! 指揮官、仲間たちの助けが必要と聞いたよ?一緒に行こう?……べ、別にキャプテンポンペイの偉業だのなんだのじゃなくて、私と指揮官ふたりのためだから! Hey, Commander, some girls were asking for help earlier. Should we go see what's up? ...N-no, I'm definitely not craving more recognition! Helping people benefits us both!
Main 2 (小声)不对,要是两个人就这么埋头工作的话,指挥官对我会不会变得越来越冷淡……啊!没,没什么!我是说,要不要一起去约个会,给感情升升温什么的! (小声)…はっ!このまま仕事に夢中になり続けたら指揮官も私に気を使ってかまってくれなくなって……な、なんでもない!実はデートにでも行かないかと思って!ほら、仲を深めよう的な意味で、ね?ね!? ...Wait a sec! If the Commander stays this immersed in work, I'll soon be cast aside and deprived of affection... Uh, it's nothing! I was just thinking we should go on a date! To, you know, deepen our bonds and stuff! Please?!
Touch 握着我的手,是不是感觉到安心了很多?哼哼~ 私の手を握っていれば安心、てね!ふふふん! When you need comforting, just hold my hand! Heheh!
Touch (Special) 我还没做好心理准备!?……啊,不是!我的意思是…也,也不是不行就是! 心の準備がまだ出来てないのに!?…いや違う!ででで…出来ていないけど別に大丈夫だよ!? Wait, I'm still not ready for this! ...No, I mean, I'm just saying... I've never done it before, but I'll figure it out somehow!
Victory 带领我们走向胜利的,正是伟大的庞培队长——和她伟大的指挥官! 仲間たちを勝利に導くのはこの偉大なるキャプテンポンペイ――と偉大なる指揮官だ! Captain Pompey the Great – and her great Commander – have once more led their allies to victory!
Defeat 输,输了……这下脸都丢完了……那个指挥官,要不我们一起找个海沟钻进去吧…… ま、負けた……私のプライドが……指揮官、一緒にどこかに逃げよう…… We're defeated... My dignity has been crushed... Commander, take me someplace far away where we can be alone...
Affinity (Love) 等一下!我正在努力回想之前说好的约会地点……千万不要告诉我!这次我一定要自己想起来!唔唔……唔唔……!算了,我放弃了。偶尔当当被动的那一方,也没什么不好的呢,嘿嘿~ ちょっと待った!この間指揮官に教えたデートのスポットを……指揮官から言っちゃだめ!絶対に私が思い出して…ぐぬぬぬ……む、無理…たた、たまには受け身になって指揮官に誘ってもらうのもいいよね?えへへ Hey! You know that place popular with couples I brought up the other day? Don't say the name, it's on the tip of my tongue! It's... Hrmmm... Sigh, I can't remember... But you know what? You can make the first move and decide where we'll go for once. Hehehe~