Otto von Alvensleben (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 590 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Otto von Alvensleben Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Type 1937J-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Making a Splash! Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship hits the same enemy with her Main Guns 10 times: increases this ship's DMG dealt to that enemy by 1.0% (10.0%) (does not stack).
Slip and Slide! Increases this ship's EVA by 4.5% (12.0%) and SPD by 3. When this ship's "All Out Assault" skill activates: increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 3.5% (8.0%) for 5s. When this ship takes DMG as a result of an attack: 15.0% chance to decrease this ship's DMG taken by 15.0% (30.0%) for 10s (20s cooldown between activations).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Otto von Alvensleben once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired. If this ship has a CL Main Gun equipped: reduces the shot requirement to 6.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 1937J型驱逐舰—奥托·冯·阿尔文斯莱本 1937J型駆逐艦-オットー・フォン・アルフェンスレーベン Type 1937J destroyer – Otto von Alvensleben.
Biography 好好看吧,1937J型驱逐舰奥托·冯·阿尔文斯莱本就在你的眼前哦。有什么感想吗?……怎么不说话了?这种时候不是应该夸上两句么? よく見ておけ。目の前にいる1937J型駆逐艦オットー・フォン・アルフェンスレーベンの姿を!……感想は?どうして何も言わないの?こういうときとりあえず相手を褒めるのがルールでしょ? Feast your eyes. You're looking at none other than Type 1937J destroyer Otto von Alvensleben! Well, what do you think? Why are you being so silent? This is the part where you're supposed to heap praise upon me!
Acquisition 哦?传说中大名鼎鼎的指挥官,怎么看起来有点弱不禁风的?不过幕后人物嘛,一般都是智力派的就是了。我是铁血驱逐舰,奥托·冯·阿尔文斯莱本,多多指教~ おや?噂に聞く指揮官だというのに、ちょっとひょろそうな感じに見えるわね?まあ、舞台裏の仕事をするのだから頭脳派だと分かっていたけど。あたしは鉄血駆逐艦、オットー・フォン・アルフェンスレーベン、よろしく頼むわ Oh? I've heard no shortage of heroic tales about you, but you sure look spindly in person. Then again, I suppose it only makes sense for you chessmasters to be more brain than brawn. I'm Otto von Alvensleben, Iron Blood destroyer. Let's see what you can do.
Login 今天也要好好加油哦,指挥官。在秘书舰面前努力表现自己吧? 指揮官、今日も頑張りな。秘書艦の前でじゃんじゃんアピールして Put your nose to the grindstone, Commander, and you may just impress your secretary.
Details 为什么一直盯着我看……哦,我懂了,是被我吸引得目不转睛了吧?真是不坦率~ どうしてさっきから……分かった!ふふん、このあたしに惹かれて目移りもできなくなった?もぉ素直じゃないな~ What's your deal? ...Oh, I know! You're madly in love, and now you can't take your eyes off me? You should've just said so~
Main 这份文件也不对,那个也不对,到底在哪里……糟,糟了,这下全弄乱了! これも違う、あれも違う、一体どこが……わわわ!?書類が全部ごちゃごちゃになった!? Wrong document. Not this one either. Where is that damn... ARGHHH! Now they're all out of order!
Main 2 我猜指挥官一定有很多很多套一样的制服吧?要是出海的时候被大浪打湿——噗~ 指揮官は同じ服をいっぱい持ってるでしょ?でないと出撃のときにもし波に打たれたら――ふふふ♪ You keep a bunch of spare uniforms around, don't you? 'Cause if you get splashed by a wave during a sortie, well... Heehee♪
Main 3 原来万能的指挥官也会像这样皱眉头思考啊~让我看看你是遇到了什么——呃,完全看不懂…… なんでもできそうな指揮官でも眉をひそめるぐらい悩むんだ~?どんなトラブルかあたしにも見せ……わ、わけがわからないわ…… Looks like some paperwork is too troublesome even for the legendary Commander~ Let me see at what's so hard about... Err, yeah, this is all nonsense to me...
Touch 哦?难不成你对我还有非分之想? ん?まさか指揮官、あたしに「あんなこと」でもする気? Hmm? Wow, Commander, I never thought you wanted to do "that" with me~?
Touch (Special) 等一下!?你、你该不会是想动真格的吧! ま、待って!?まさか本気じゃないでしょうね!? W-wait, time out! Y-you can't be serious about this, right?!
Touch (Headpat) 搞不懂你在想什么…… 一体何を考えているのやら…… What are you even trying to do?
Mission 这么简单的任务,是你的话,要完成起来轻轻松松吧? こんなに簡単な任務、指揮官なら楽勝でしょ? This mission should be a cakewalk for you, no?
Mission Complete 你再不管那些任务奖励,它们可就真的要被晾一整天了哦? 任務報酬をまーだ放置して…もうそろそろ丸一日だよ? You STILL haven't touched your mission rewards... It's nearly been a whole day now!
Mail 连邮件都要秘书舰亲自帮忙拿的指挥官……等、等下,明明我拿的时候不是这封来着?! 手紙を受け取る程度で秘書艦に手伝わせる指揮官って……ま、待って、さっき受け取ったのはこれじゃなくない?! You're really so helpless you need your secretary to fetch your mail, huh... W-wait, didn't I get this just a minute ago?
Return to Port 刚刚的出击如何?没有被海风吹晕头脑吧?那就好~ 出撃はどうだった?海風にあたってクラクラしたりしてない?…ならばよし! How was your sortie? The breeze didn't get to your head, did it? Good to hear.
Commission Complete 好像负责委托的同伴们回来了。不去看看她们带回了多少委托物资么? 委託に出た仲間たちが戻ってきたよ。持ち帰った物資、確認しに行かないの? The commission team has returned. Aren't you going to check what they brought back?
Enhancement 就这么迫不及待地想让我变强吗?呵呵~ そんなに早くあたしを強くしたいの?ふふふ♪ In a real rush to make me stronger, huh? Heehee♪
Flagship 我可没打算在小角色上花太多时间哦? ザコ相手にあまり時間をかけるつもりはないけど? I don't have time to waste on you small fry.
Victory 这种事情难道不是小菜一碟吗? この程度、ちょちょいのちょいなんだけど? I could do this with my eyes closed.
Defeat 我竟然会犯下这样的失误……一、一定是哪个环节出了问题! このあたしがこんなミスを……き、きっとどこかが間違ってるよ! How could I have messed up so badly?! This has to be some kind of mistake!
Skill 跟得上我吗? あたしについていける? Think you can keep up with me?
Low HP 我,我可没听说会有这么强的敌人?! あ、あんなに強い敵がいるなんて聞いてないわ! Nobody warned me the enemy was THIS strong!
Affinity (Upset) 哎,没想到指挥官就这点能耐,和名气完全不符啊…… はあ。指揮官ってこの程度ね。噂ほどでもないわ *sigh*... This is all you've got? You're nothing like the stories claim.
Affinity (Stranger) 真替你高兴呢,指挥官。有这么一位可爱又能干的帮手加入你的舰队,难道不是一件好事吗?呵呵~ 指揮官、良かったわね。こーんなに有能でカワイイ子が艦隊に入ってくれるなんて。ふふふ♪ You're in luck, Commander. It's not every day someone as cute and talented as me joins your fleet. Heehee~♪
Affinity (Friendly) 如果别的舰船也能像潜艇那样,能随意在海中行动就好了。常年在陆地上的指挥官,没法理解这种能自由自在遨游的感觉吧?呵呵~ 艦船がみんな潜水艦みたいに海中で行動できればいいのに。足が地につきすぎてる指揮官には、この自由に動ける感じがわからないでしょ?ふふふ I wish we shipgirls could all move underwater like submarines. Still, better to move freely on the water than to be stuck on land like you. Heehee~
Affinity (Like) 呀!是,是谁把这些杂物堆在走廊中间的,差点就摔倒了……也不用一直扶着我!我又不是走几步路就会摔跤的笨蛋! わわ!?だ、誰よこの通路に物を置いたやつは!危うく転んじゃ……支えなくても平気よ!あたしは歩くたびに転ぶドジじゃないですー! Hey! Who left this thing lying in the corridor? Someone could trip and get hurt! ...I don't need your help! I'm not some klutz who stumbles everywhere she goes!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,要不今天去约会吧?……怎么样,是不是被我突然的攻势给吓到了?哼哼,我就知道……等等,那个清单是什么,该不会你早就做好了所有准备吧?呜……是我输了…… 指揮官、今日はデートに行かない?…どう?いきなり誘われてびっくりした?ふふん、これだから指揮官は――ま、待って、なによそのリスト?まさかもう準備してあった…!?くっ…あたしの負けよ…… Hey, why don't we go on a date today? ...Did that really throw you for a loop? Hah, I knew it would... W-wait, you have a list of spots to go? You prepared all that in advance?! Ugh... Okay, you got me this time...
Pledge 等,等一下,事情是不是发展的太快了?!倒、倒也不是不同意……“那样就没问题了?”不是这样的吧!……这,这种像是被骗了却又气不出来的感觉究竟是?! ままま待って!なんか展開が急すぎない!?い、嫌じゃないけど……じゃあ大丈夫って?!そんなわけないでしょ!……うぅ、なんなのこのからかわれたのに怒れない感じは…! Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is WAY too sudden! I-I mean, not that I don't want to... No, that doesn't mean I don't mind! Ugh... You're obviously teasing me, but why am I fine with that?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哼,别以为这种简单的陷阱就能困住我!不需要你帮忙,我自己就能挣脱!……怎、怎么回事?为什么挣脱不了?! ふん、この程度の罠にいつまでも縛り付けられるなんて思わないことよ!手助けなんて不要よ!自分で抜け出せるから!……あ、あれ?どうして?抜けない…!? Hmph! You really think this brainless trap can keep me entangled forever? I don't need your help! I can break free by myself! ...Umm, what the hell? Why can't I do it?!
Acquisition 哼,别以为这种简单的陷阱就能困住我!不需要你帮忙,我自己就能挣脱!……怎、怎么回事?为什么挣脱不了?! ふん、この程度の罠にいつまでも縛り付けられるなんて思わないことよ!手助けなんて不要よ!自分で抜け出せるから!……あ、あれ?どうして?抜けない…!? Hmph! You really think this brainless trap can keep me entangled forever? I don't need your help! I can break free by myself! ...Umm, what the hell? Why can't I do it?!
Login 早啊指挥官,我现在状态好得很,不用担心我哦,我现在挺好的。嗯,挺好的…… おはよう指揮官。今は最高にいいコンディションよ。だから心配せずとも大丈夫。うん、だ、大丈夫なんだから…… Morning, Commander. I feel on top of the world today, so don't worry about me. Yeah, I... I'm totally fine...
Details 要是被我知道了这是谁的恶作剧,我一定要给她点颜色瞧瞧! …ぐぬぬ…こんないたずらをしたやつが分かったら、絶対に目に物見せてやるんだから…っ! Grrr... Once I find out who's behind this prank, they'll have hell to pay!
Main 指挥官,为什么你只是在旁边看着……难,难道欣赏我羞耻的姿态,对你来说是一件十分愉悦的事吗?! 指揮官、どうしてそこでじっと見てるだけなの?ま、まさか恥ずかしがってるあたしを見て楽しんでいるんじゃないでしょうね!? Why are you just standing there watching me? Is this funny to you– watching me struggle, trying to break free?
Main 2 “前方陷阱,请勿入内”……你说外面有警示牌?肯,肯定是我被困之后才设置的,绝对不是我没看到! 「この先に罠があります。立ち入らないでください」……って外に警告の看板があった?あ、あたしが引っかかってから誰かが置いたに違いない!絶対に見逃したりしてないわ! There's a sign outside, warning people to stay away because of traps? S-someone must've put that up AFTER I got ensnared! There's no way in hell I didn't see it!
Main 3 哼,就当是一个特别一点的吊床好了,正好我可以休息一会……好、好晒! ふん、ちょっと特殊なハンモックだと思えばなんともないわ。ちょうどここで休憩して……うぅ…た、太陽が眩しい…… Hmph. This isn't a problem if I imagine it's a quirky hammock. I'm resting here, that's all... Ugghh... G-get the sun out of my eyes...
Touch 别、别随便晃藤蔓啊! つ、つるを揺らすな! St-stop shaking the vines!
Touch (Special) 你你你你欺人太甚了! いいいいくらなんでもやりすぎでしょ!? Th-th-there's a line, and you've crossed it!
Mission Complete 任务完成了?不对,这和现在的我有什么关系…… 任務が完了した?って、今のあたしに何の関係が… You finished a mission? So? What's that got to do with my situation?
Mail 有新邮件……你不会觉得这种状态下的我还能帮你拿吧…… 新しい手紙があるよ……さすがにこの状態のあたしに取ってこさせはしないでしょう…? Yeah, you've got new mail... But do I look like I'm in any position to fetch it for you...?
Return to Port 去玩水回来了?哼,瞧你这样子,肯定是被一群女孩子包围,乐得忘乎所以了。 遊んできた?ふん、その様子だとどうせ可愛い子に囲まれて調子に乗っちゃったってことに違いないわ Had your fun? Hmph, I can tell you've been messing around with a bunch of girls.
Flagship 没办法了,将就出击吧! しょうがない。このまま出る! No other choice– gotta fight like this!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 哎呀,这不是指挥官嘛。今天也准备在我面前大显身手吗? ふーん、これはこれは指揮官じゃない。今日もあたしの前でじゃんじゃん働くつもり? Well, well, if it isn't you. Are you gonna try to impress me with your hustle again?
Main 索引确实是个不错的办法。只要把文件按照目录排列……等,等下,标签是不是贴错了? もくじ、目次…確かにいい方法ね。書類を目次通りに並べたら…ま、待って、ラベルを貼り間違えた? A table of contents... Not a bad idea. I can sort them according to their listed order, and... W-wait, my labels are all wrong?
Main 2 当秘书舰真是轻松啊~反正有什么难题都有你解决,不是么?……我可不是炫耀自己很闲的意思! 秘書艦は楽ね~。どんなに難しいことでも指揮官が解決してくれるし。違う?…あっ…別に暇しているのをアピールしていないからね! Being the secretary's easy! Whatever problems come our way, you solve them... Come again? Oh, I'm not saying my hands are free, not at all!
Touch 你……你想干嘛? な、何をする気? Wh-what are you driving at?
Touch (Special) 反正我也赢不过你就是了…… どうせ指揮官には敵わないから…… I already know there's no beating you...