Ognevoy (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 626Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRaritySuper Rare
NavyNorthern ParliamentBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP379 Reload76
Firepower28 Torpedo45
Evasion64 Anti-air34
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck79
HP1762 Reload146
Firepower77 Torpedo126
Evasion217 Anti-air129
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW127 Luck83
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Ognevoy-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
The Strength of Gentle SunlightIncreases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) . While this ship is afloat: every 10s, every ship in your Vanguard recovers 1.0% of their max HP. The first time this recovery effect activates: also increases this ship's DMG dealt by 4.5% (12.0%) until the battle ends.???
Firepower Overload!When the battle starts, if there is another Northern Parliament ship in your fleet: gains the buff Max Firepower; every 20s, 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s. Every 10s: 70.0% chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) (, if this barrage sinks an enemy ship, fires this barrage again (up to 2 activations possible within 5s)) .???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Ognevoy once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired, and with a 50.0% chance, increases this ship's FP by 20.0% for 10s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description30型火力级驱逐舰—火力30型オグネノォむ玚駆逐艊-オグネノォむProject 30K Ognevoy-class destroyer – Ognevoy.
Biography我是30K型驱逐舰火力级的火力。由于各种原因我并没有掻跃于那次战争䞭也䞍喜欢暎力。䞍过指挥官同志攟心吧火力䌚奜奜完成工䜜的30K型、たたはオグネノォむ型駆逐艊のオグネノォむです色々あっおかの戊いは頑匵れたせんでしたあず暎力も奜きじゃないですでもでも、安心しおください同志指揮官オグネノォむはしヌヌっかり、オシゎトをしたすI'm Ognevoy, Project 30K-class or Ognevoy-class destroyer! I didn't get to fight in the war for a myriad of reasons! Also, I don't like violence! But don't be alarmed, Comrade Commander! I'll still do what my job demands!
Acquisitionå—š~指挥官同志北方联合30K型驱逐舰——火力前来报道指挥官同志给䜠看看我的舰装~是䞍是埈可爱呀同志指揮官、こんにちはヌ北方連合所属、30K型駆逐艊のオグネノォむです同志指揮官もオグネノォむの艀装を芋おみおすごくカワむむず思いたせんかHi, Comrade Commander! I'm Ognevoy, Project 30K destroyer of the Northern Parliament! Check out my rigging! Isn't it the cutest you've ever seen?
Login哈啊——奜困  指挥官同志䜠䞀盎来埗这么早吗真是蟛苊呢~ふぁああ 眠いです  同志指揮官は、い぀もこんな早くに来おいるんですかすごく倧倉そう *yaaawn*... I'm still sleepy... Do you always arrive this early, Comrade Commander?
Details  战场䞊的硝烟和残骞既䞍奜闻也䞍可爱䜆是劂果火力的炮击胜借保技同䌎的话  那就让对方看看我的厉害戊いは煙を吞ったらケホケホするし、敵が萜ずしたガラクタもかわいくないですそれでもオグネノォむの砲撃がみんなを守れるなら  敵に痛い目を芋せおやっちゃいたすI don't like wrecks! They're not cute, and the smoke they emit makes me cough! But, if I have to leave wrecks in my wake to protect my friends, then I won't hesitate to pepper my foes!
Main指挥官同志䜠心情䞍奜的话需芁火力给䜠䞀䞪枩暖的抱抱吗同志指揮官、萜ち蟌んだらオグネノォむ、ぎゅヌっおしおあげおもいいですよComrade Commander, if you're feeling down, let me give you a hug to cheer you up!
Main 2这䞪猎垊装饰房闎这䞪蝎蝶结装饰舰装这些玩偶是送给倧家的  对了~也把指挥宀装饰埗可爱䞀点吧~このリボンは郚屋に食っお、この蝶々は艀装に食っお、ぬいぐるみはみんなにプレれントしお あ぀いでに執務宀もかわいくしたすThese ribbons are for my quarters, these butterflies go on my rigging, and these plushies are presents for... Oh! I'll cute up your office while I'm at it!
Main 3䞺什么喜欢拥抱嗯   因䞺拥抱埈枩暖啊~䞍仅可以枩暖别人也可以枩暖自身。䞀䞟䞀埗䞍是埈奜吗ぎゅヌっずするのが奜きな理由うヌん ぎゅっずするずポカポカになれたすあなたもポカポカ、オグネノォむもポカポカ、぀たり「いっせきにちょう」ですWhy I like hugging people? Umm... It makes me feel all warm inside! It warms both me and the person I'm hugging, so it's really like that "two birds with one stone" thing!
Touch怎么啊想芁抱抱吗どうしたしたぎゅヌっずしおほしくなったんですかWhat is it? Do you need a big hug?
Touch (Special)  指挥官同志䜠想尝尝炮击的滋味吗 同志指揮官はオグネノォむに砲撃しおほしいんですね...You want me to shoot you, is that it?
Touch (Headpat)  䞀䌚儿我也芁匄乱指挥官同志的发型哌  あずで同志指揮官の髪をボサボサにしおやりたすふん...I'm gonna ruffle YOUR hair too after this! Hmph!
Mission指挥官同志新的任务发垃啊~䞀起去看看吧~同志指揮官、新しい任務の連絡です䞀緒に芋に行きたしょうComrade Commander, we got word of a new mission! We should give it a look!
Mission Complete嗯  物资枅单应该没问题了指挥官同志再检查䞀䞋吧。うヌん  物資のリスト 倚分倧䞈倫です同志指揮官、もう䞀回チェックをお願いしたすHmm... Looking at this goods list... It's probably fine! Comrade Commander, please review it!
Mail新邮件~新邮件~党郜是给指挥官同志的没有火力的吗欞——新しいメヌル新しいメヌル、党郚同志指揮官のですかヌオグネノォむ宛のはないんですかヌあぅ New letter♪ New letter♪ Are these all for you, Comrade Commander? There aren't any for me? Aww...
Return to Port耶指挥官同志终于回来了䞋次胜䞍胜垊䞊火力等埅的时闎倪隟熬了。あ同志指揮官が戻りたした次はオグネノォむも連れお行っおくださいたせんかここで埅぀のはずっおも、ずっっっおも倧倉ですからOh! You're back, Comrade Commander! Will you take me with you next time, please? It's so, sooooo painful to just sit here and wait!
Commission Complete委托组的姐姐们回来啊~火力准倇了䞀些可爱的小饰品我们䞀起送过去吧~委蚗のお姉ちゃんたちが戻っおきたしたオグネノォむ、カワむむアクセサリヌをいっぱい準備したしたから、䞀緒に届けに行きたしょうThe big girls are back from their commission! I've got a bunch of cute decorations ready to give out, so let's go talk to them!
Enhancement变区那我是䞍是可以给舰装倚增加点可爱的装饰匷くなったのですかじゃあ 艀装にもっずもっずカワむむものを食っおもいいですかAm I stronger now? Then can I put more cute stuff on my rigging?
Flagship党力匀火片甲䞍留かりょくぜんかい、フルパワヌFirepower at full throttle! Let it rip!
Victory知道可爱的嚁力了吧カワむむの嚁力、思い知りたしたかThat's why you don't mess with cuteness!
Defeat指挥官同志䞺了保技同䌎我们先撀退吧同志指揮官みんなを守るために早く逃げたしょComrade Commander, we should retreat quickly for everyone's safety!
Skill可爱之心发射カワむむハヌト、撃ちたすCute heart, fire!
Low HP糟糕火力减匱了わわパワヌが萜ちおしたいたしたOh no! My power is dropping!
Affinity (Upset)哌——䞋次再也䞍给指挥官同志抱抱了ふんもう同志指揮官をぎゅヌっおしおあげたせんHmph! You're not ever getting a hug from me again!
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官同志快来看看我的“新歊噚”~哌哌怎么样火力的舰装是䞍是特别可爱这些党郜是圓䞋最可爱的饰品哊。同志指揮官、オグネノォむの新しい歊噚を芋おくださいえぞぞ、どうですかオグネノォむの艀装、ずっおもカワむむず思いたせんかぜヌんぶ新しいアクセサリヌですよヌComrade Commander, have a look at my new weapon! Heehee! What do you think? Isn't my rigging the cutest ever? All these ornaments are brand new!
Affinity (Friendly)指挥宀䞀点装饰品郜没有指挥官同志郜䞍䌚觉埗无聊吗等䞋班后我们䞀起去买些饰品把它重新打扮䞀䞋吧~執務宀に食り物があたり眮かれおなくお、同志指揮官は本圓にそれでいいんですか今日オシゎトが終わったら䞀緒に色々買っお、オシャレにしおあげたしょThere aren't many decorations around your office. Do you really prefer it that way, Commander? Because after today's work is done, we could buy some stuff and I'll spruce the place up for you!
Affinity (Like)那䞪虜然我知道指挥官同志埈忙䜆是  䞋次出闚的时候胜垊䞊火力吗火力保证䞍䌚添麻烊的  䞀䞪人的指挥宀  实圚倪寂寞了  あの同志指揮官が忙しいのは分かっおいたすでもでも 今床お出かけするずき、オグネノォむも連れお行っおくださいたせんか迷惑はかけたせんから  だっおオグネノォむ䞀人で執務宀にいたら、ずっおもずっっっっおも寂しいですから Excuse me! I know you're really busy, it's just... could I come with you the next time you decide to go out? I won't be a nuisance, I promise! ...I'm asking because I really, reeeally didn't like being all alone in your office!
Affinity (Love)劂果火力的拥抱胜䞺指挥官同志赶走寂寞的话随时随地郜可以来扟我哊火力䌚䞀盎陪圚䜠身蟹的オグネノォむがぎゅヌっずするず同志指揮官が寂しくなくなるなら、い぀でもどこでもぎゅヌっずしおあげたすだっおオグネノォむ、い぀でもどこでも同志指揮官のそばにいおあげたすからIf my hugs make you feel not alone, then I'll hug you tightly wherever and whenever you want! I'll always, always be right by your side, Comrade Commander!
Pledge哇啊~奜可爱的是送给火力的奜匀心  欞等、等等誓纊指、指挥官同志对我我们  呜啊我现圚有点混乱   劂果指挥官同志胜让火力氞远䞍寂寞的话就给火力戎䞊吧  我愿意わあカワむむオグネノォむぞのプレれントえぞぞ、嬉しい  んええず、埅っお、ケッコン同志指揮官がオグネノォむず同志指揮官ずオグネノォむがケッコン  あぅ、ちょっず頭がクラクラ これでオグネノォむがずっず寂しくならないなら オグネノォむ、倧䞈倫ですWhoa! So cute! Is this for me? Heehee, thank you! ...Huh? Wait, what was that about "getting married"? You? And me? We're getting married? Oh gosh... I'm feeling lightheaded... B-but if this will make me never feel lonely again, then please put it on! I'm ready!
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Svirepy给䜠看看什么才是可爱カワむむ、芋せおあげたすLet's show them the power of cuteness!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description新手治安者——火力前来参䞎猉捕任务~逃犯先生请䞍芁再抵抗了前方是䞀条思路  呜啊、吃螺䞝了  呜呜就没有曎可爱䞀点的角色给我吗「新人ケむサツのオグネノォむですタむホ任務に参加しに来たした脱走者さんもう抵抗をやめおくださいここから先は――」う、うわああ うぅ、もっずカワむむ圹はないんですか I'm Ognevoy, the newest policewoman on the block! I've come to arrest you, fugitive! Give yourself up now! I'm going to– Ah! Oh gosh! ...Can I please get a cuter role instead?
Acquisition新手治安者——火力前来参䞎猉捕任务~逃犯先生请䞍芁再抵抗了前方是䞀条思路  呜啊、吃螺䞝了  呜呜就没有曎可爱䞀点的角色给我吗「新人ケむサツのオグネノォむですタむホ任務に参加しに来たした脱走者さんもう抵抗をやめおくださいここから先は――」う、うわああ うぅ、もっずカワむむ圹はないんですか I'm Ognevoy, the newest policewoman on the block! I've come to arrest you, fugitive! Give yourself up now! I'm going to– Ah! Oh gosh! ...Can I please get a cuter role instead?
Login逃犯先生欢迎回来。  欞对埅逃犯的语气芁再凶䞀点「脱走者さん、おかえりなさい」 ん脱走者ぞのセリフはもっずムっずしたほうがいいですかWelcome back, fugitive! ...Huh? My tone toward you should be stricter?
Main即䟿是新手治安者也䞍容小觑现圚我就芁将䜠逮  捕呜欞欞欞怎么拷圚我自己手䞊了指挥官阿莝克隆比凶猛快来垮垮我垃景垃景芁炞啊  「新人ケむサツだからっお䟮らせたせん今タむホしお 」 ほええええ手錠を自分の手にかけちゃいたした指揮官、アバヌクロンビヌ、スノィレピむちゃん、誰か助けおヌこのたたではセットが爆発しちゃう Don't get cheeky with me just because I'm a rookie! I'll arrest you right– Oh nooo! I somehow handcuffed MYSELF! Commander, Abercrombie, Svirepy, help me out! The set is gonna blow!
Main 2嗯  这䞪手铐看䞊去有点单调呢。对了加点猎垊和可爱的莎纞装饰䞀䞋吧  有损治安者圢象的嚁䞥所以䞍行欞——んヌ、手錠がちょっず地味ですね あリボンずステッカヌでかわいくオシャレにしたしょう ケむサツの嚁厳に圱響するからダメえええ――Hmm. These handcuffs are so normal... Oh, I know! I'll spruce them up with some cute ribbons and stickers! ...I can't, or it'll make laughingstock of the force? Awwww!
Main 3没想到涂鞊艺术家——凶猛竟然是逃犯先生的垮手等着吧我䞀定䌚亲手将䜠们抓捕園案「スノィレピむちゃん――らくがき屋が脱走者さんに協力しおるのっ埅っおいおくださいぜっったいにタむホしたすからヌ」Why is Svirepy– Er, the graffiti artist helping the fugitive?! Please stay where you are! You're both under arrest!
Touch䞍、䞍芁以䞺甚可爱的饰品就可以莿赂正义的治安者か、カワむむアクセサリヌで正矩のケむサツを買収できるなんお思わないでくださいI-if you think you can bribe an honest police officer with cute accessories, think again!
Touch (Special)欞我、我是治安者逃犯先生  我们䞍可以的  ほえオグネノォむはケむサツで、指揮官は脱走者さん  わわダメですぅ Huh? But I'm a police officer, and you're a fugitive... Oh no! This is forbidden!
Touch (Headpat)蜻蜻点摞啊~这么可爱的蟫子梳起来可是埈莹力的哊。も、もっずそっず觊っおください カワむむ䞉぀線みは䜜るのがずっおも倧倉なんですよぉ Pl-please be more gentle! It takes so, so long to tie these braids!
Mission是新的任务呢我芁代衚正义逮捕䜠们新しい任務です正矩に代わっおタむホしちゃいたすWe have a new mission! I will arrest you in the name of the law!
Mail逃犯先生䜠的邮件~信封䞊的那䞪可爱的邮祚胜给我吗「脱走者さん」ぞのメヌルです♪封筒に貌っおあるそのカワむむ切手、オグネノォむにくださいたせんかThere's a letter for you, fugitive! Could you please let me have the cute little stamp attached to the envelope?
Return to Port蟛苊啊指挥官~虜然埈想给䜠䞀䞪抱抱䜆是拍摄马䞊就芁匀始了呢。指揮官、お疲れさたぎゅヌっずしおあげたいですけど、撮圱がもうすぐ始たっちゃいたすね Great job, Commander! I would hug you, but we're about to start filming, so I can't...
Defeat火力䌚保技指挥官的所以快点逃走吧オグネノォむが指揮官を守りたすだから早く逃げたしょうI will protect you, Commander! Retreat, now!
Affinity (Love)劂果我䞍是治安者䜠䞍是逃犯我们  䌚䞍䌚有䞍䞀样的结局  呜呜呜剧本䞺什么是这样还奜现实里我和指挥官䌚氞远圚䞀起氞远䞍䌚分匀对吧「こっちがケむサツじゃなければ、あなたが脱走者じゃなければ 違う結末があったやもしれたせん」 うぅ、なんで物語の最埌がこうなっちゃうの物語じゃないオグネノォむず指揮官はずっずずっず䞀緒にいれお本圓によかった ですよねIf I weren't a police officer and you weren't a fugitive, maybe things could've ended differently... Aww, why does the story have to end like this? The me and you outside the story should've been together forever and ever, right?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官火力奜想䜠啊  䜠䞍圚的时候虜然有䞀点寂寞䜆是我有奜奜忍耐哊~しきかヌんオグネノォむ、䌚いたかった  いないずきはちょっず寂しかったけど、いい子にしお我慢できたしたよCommander! I missed you... It was lonely without you, but I stayed positive and waited for you.
Main指挥官䜠䞍芁劚嘛蝎蝶领垊郜芁系䞍奜了  倪可爱了䞍适合䜠诎什么呢就是因䞺可爱才适合呀~指揮官、動かないでくださいっリボンはしっかり぀け あたりにもカワむむから䌌合わないっおもう䜕を蚀っおいるんですかカワむむのが䞀番䌌合いたすからヌHold still for a minute, Commander! I'm going to put a ribbon on you! ...It's over-the-top cute, so it doesn't fit you? Don't say that! Everything cute looks best on you!
Main 2文乊工䜜已经郜倄理奜了 还有什么事需芁我做的吗  可以自由掻劚那我就圚这里等指挥官吧~嘿嘿~我想和指挥官倚埅䞀䌚~曞類のオシゎトは党郚やりたしたほかにオグネノォむにできるこずはありたせんか もう遊んでいいですかじゃあここで指揮官を埅ちたすえぞぞ指揮官ずもっず䞀緒にいたいですI've finished all the paperwork now! Is there anything else I can help you with? ...I'm free to do whatever I want? Okay, then I'll wait for you right here! I want to spend more time with you, heehee!
Main 3指挥官指挥官~火力可以给指挥宀再加些装饰么  可以倪奜了  䜆是䞍胜装饰圚䜠身䞊欞——变埗曎可爱䞀点䞍奜嘛~指揮官指揮官オグネノォむ、執務宀に食り物をもっず増やしおもいいですか いいですかよかったですんヌでも指揮官に食るのはダメえヌ、かわいくなるからいいじゃないですか Commander, Commander! Can I put up more decorations around the office? ...You're sure? Hooray! But I'm not allowed to decorate you? Aww! But you'd look so good covered in cute stuff!
Touch嗯送给火力的装饰品哇~奜可爱んオグネノォむにくれる食り物ですかわあずおもカワむむですHm? Are you giving me this ornament? Wooow! It's sooo cute!
Touch (Special)圚这里今倩的指挥官真倧胆呢。ここですか今日の執務宀、ずおも倧胆です Here and now? You're awfully bold today, Commander!
Touch (Headpat)唔  指挥官等䌚芁重新垮我梳䞀䞪可爱的发型哊むぅ 指揮官、あずでカワむむ髪型に盎しおくださいっHmph... You'll have to style my hair into something cute later!
Mission指挥官收到了新任务的通知有火力䞀起垮忙的话埈快就胜完成啊指揮官新しい任務の連絡がありたしたオグネノォむが䞀緒ならすぐに終わらせられたすCommander! We've been informed of a new mission! I can help you finish it before you know it!
Mission Complete任务奖励枅单  完矎指挥官请圚这里画䞊可爱的完成标志吧任務報酬のリスト バッチリです指揮官、ここにカワむむ䞞を぀けおくださいThe mission rewards list checks out! Please put a cute checkmark here!
Return to Port蟛苊啊指挥官~奖励䜠䞀䞪爱的抱抱  疲惫感䞀䞋子就消陀了耶~倪奜了指揮官お疲れさたご耒矎に愛のハグをしおあげたす 疲れが飛んで行きたしたえぞぞ、よかったですWay to go, Commander! You can have a hug as a reward! ...Did that make your fatigue go away? That's great, heehee!
Defeat火力䌚保技指挥官的所以快点逃走吧オグネノォむが指揮官を守りたすだから早く逃げたしょうI will protect you, Commander! Retreat, now!
Affinity (Love)偶尔像这样䞀䞪人静静地靠着什么也䞍做是䞍是也挺奜的  怕我无聊䞍䌚哊只芁是和指挥官圚䞀起做什么郜䞍䌚无聊的たたにはこうやっお二人でべったりくっ぀いお、静かに䜕もしないのもいいず思いたせんか オグネノォむが退屈しないか心配っお倧䞈倫ですオグネノォむは指揮官ず䞀緒なら、䜕をしおも退屈したせんっIsn't it nice to just huddle together quietly and do nothing sometimes? ...You don't want to bore me? It's not boring! I'm never bored when I'm with you!