Northampton II (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 575 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Oregon City-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Artillery Overload Every 10s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When the battle starts, if there are any other Eagle Union ships in your fleet: when this barrage activates, performs a scan, marking 1 enemy and increasing that enemy's DMG taken by 4.0% (10.0%) from all types of Cruisers in your Vanguard for 10s.
Pilotfish Increases this ship's EVA and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). If your Flagship is a CV or a CVL, decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% and, when your Flagship launches an airstrike: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that ignores enemy shields (DMG is based on the skill's level; if your Flagship is an Eagle Union ship, the barrage also inflicts a -50.0% SPD debuff for 8s to enemies hit).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Oregon City-class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 俄勒冈城级重巡洋舰—北安普敦II,舷号CA-125 オレゴン級重巡洋艦――ノーザンプトンⅡ(CA-125) Oregon City-class heavy cruiser – Northampton II, Hull Number CA-125.
Biography 我曾经和你说过,那时没能将大黄蜂平安带回来是我一生的遗憾……真没想到,现在能够以这种形式与她再一次驰骋在大海之上。这一趟旅途中的风景,就请指挥官与我一同见证吧! ホーネットを無事に連れ戻せなかったのは残念だって言ったことがあったけど……まさかこうして再び二人で一緒に海を駆けることができるなんて。これからの旅で目にする風景は指揮官、あなたと一緒に見届けよう! I've said before that I truly regretted not being able to bring Hornet back safely... but I never thought we'd both have a chance to ride the waves together again. For this journey ahead of us, I'll be there to witness the scenery with you!
Acquisition 又见面了呢,指挥官,我是北安普敦。又提前找到了我的出现地点,看来我们确实很合拍呢……总之,现在的我,你还满意吗? また会えたね。指揮官、ノーザンプトンよ。今回も私の出没地点を予測できるなんて、私たちは本当に気が合うかもしれない。……とりあえず、今の私のこと、お気に召したかな We meet again, Commander. It's me, Northampton. For you to know exactly where I'd show up again, I guess we really are two peas in a pod. So... Are you pleased with how I turned out?
Login 指挥官,今天的训练也拜托你了。 指揮官、今日の訓練もよろしく頼むよ Commander, I'll be counting on you for today's training as always.
Details 嗯?怎么了,对我这身很在意吗? ん?どうした?やっぱり今の私のことが気になっているのか? Hmm? What's up? Are you that curious about my new look?
Main 休斯顿、大黄蜂……也许是与她们相处久了,我也有了一些变化吧。嗯,算是变得……更加适应热闹的环境了。 ヒューストン、ホーネット……一緒に長く過ごしてきたからか、私もちょっと変わったな。ええと、こう……人が集まっている場所が苦手じゃなくなった…とか? Houston... Hornet... I wonder if it's because I've spent so much time with them, but it seems that I've changed a bit as well. Umm, for example... I don't hate busy places anymore...
Main 2 指挥官,今天天气好像不错,那个……呃,抱歉,我想找个话题来着…… 指揮官、いい天気ね。ええと……あ、うん、ごめん、話題を作りたかった… Commander, it's nice out. Umm... Ah, um, sorry, I just wanted to come up with a topic to talk about...
Main 3 突然之间就安静下来了呢。专心工作也挺好的……大概? 急に静かになったね。仕事に集中するのもいいかも……たぶん? It got quiet all of a sudden. I suppose it's fine... to focus on your work.
Touch 啊,不好意思,我有点怕痒,所以…… あ。ごめん、くすぐったいのが苦手だから…… Oh. Sorry, I'm a bit ticklish...
Touch (Special) 喂!你这—— くっ!あなたって…… Ugh! What's with you...
Mission 有新任务?需要我帮忙么? 新しい任務か?手伝おうか? A new mission? Want me to help?
Mission Complete 任务完成了,别忘了验收辛苦得到的奖励。 任務が完了した。報酬の検収を忘れないで Mission complete. Don't forget to collect your rewards.
Mail 你的信。嗯……放在桌子上就好了吧? 指揮官への手紙。うん……机の上においておけばいい? It's a letter for you. Yes... Should I leave it on your desk?
Return to Port 确认所有人都平安归港了。辛苦了,指挥官。 全員の無事帰還を確認した。指揮官、お疲れ I've confirmed that everyone has returned safely. Good work, Commander.
Commission Complete 有委托完成了,去看望下归港的同伴们吧。 委託が完了した。母港に戻ってきた仲間たちを出迎えに行こう Commission complete. Let's go welcome our friends back.
Enhancement 要测试下新装备的性能吗? 新兵装のテストも、やってみるか? Want me to test out my new armaments?
Flagship 不用顾虑太多,上吧! 考えすぎないよう……行くぞ! No need to think too hard... Just head out!
Victory 没有什么比能带着功劳返航更让人高兴的了。 戦果を手にして無事に帰還することよりいいことはないよ There's nothing better than returning home safely with sweet victory in your hands.
Defeat 抱歉,不应该是这样的结果才对…… ごめん。こんなはずじゃなかったのに… Sorry. It wasn't supposed to go this way...
Skill 我看到了,就是这里! 見えた。そこ! I see you. Right there!
Low HP 可不是什么乐观的状况啊。 楽観的な状況じゃないな Things aren't looking so good.
Affinity (Upset) 也许我们其实并不合拍…… 本当は私たち、気が合わないのかもね…… I guess we aren't two peas in a pod, after all...
Affinity (Stranger) 以前的我不太喜欢说话,现在算是改变了一些吧。只是这样一来,找合适的话题就成了新的难题…… あまりおしゃべりじゃなかった私だけど、少しは変わった気がする。話題作りは大変だけど…… Even though I used to not talk that much, I feel like I've started to change. Though, it's still hard to think up topics to talk about...
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,今天你……那个……工作做完了吗?啊,我不是监工的意思,我只是想打个招呼。我是不是,选了个不好的话题啊…… 指揮官、今日はええと…その…お仕事は大丈夫か?あ、別に監督しているわけではなく、挨拶のつもりだったけど…話題作りに失敗したのかな…… Commander, today, uhh... um... How's your work going? Oh, I'm not keeping tabs on you, I just wanted to say hello... I guess I couldn't strike up a conversation again...
Affinity (Like) 你说不用刻意找话题,放松下来随便聊就行么?我知道了,我会试试的。嗯……啊,抱歉,我,我不知道为什么,看到你的脸时突然变得有些紧张…… わざわざ話題を選ばなくてもいいから、落ち着いて喋ればいい、か?分かった、やってみる。ええと……あ、ごめん、わ、私、なぜか指揮官の顔を見るとすぐに緊張しちゃって… I don't need to come up with anything specifically and should just try to be natural? I see, I'll give it a try. Umm... Oh, sorry. I-I end up getting nervous as soon as I see your face...
Affinity (Love) 你希望我陪你一会吗?而且什么都不用说,只是陪着就好了么?你说这样就不用在言语上烦恼了……我明白你的意思了。指挥官,我会陪着你的,一直到你心满意足为止的。 少し付き合ってほしい…それも何もする必要もなく、ただいるだけでいいって?それなら話題について無理に気を使わなくてもすむ、と……分かった。そばに一緒にいてあげるよ。指揮官の気が済むまで You want me to be with you for a bit... and I don't need to do anything but just be there with you? Then, I won't have to try so hard to think up a topic...? I see. Then I'll be here by your side until you feel satisfied.
Pledge 能由你主动跨出这一步,实在是太好了呢。不然以我的性格,恐怕要不知道多久之后才能鼓起勇气吧,哈哈……以后我们就是“跨越迟钝同盟”的成员了,一起加油吧。 指揮官から話を切り出してくれて本当に助かった。でないと、私の性格じゃいつまでかかるか分からないからね。ははは……これからはノーモア鈍感同盟として、一緒に頑張っていこうか I'm truly thankful that you started up the conversation on your own. Knowing me, I don't know how long it would've taken for me to open up. Ahaha... As members of the overcoming-awkwardness alliance, let us work hard together.
In battle with Hornet, Hornet II 一起战斗吧! 一緒に戦おう! Let us fight together!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 先休息一下,之后再来几个来回……啊,指挥官也是来这里游泳锻炼的吗? ふぅ。一度休憩してからもう何往復か……あっ。指揮官も水泳のトレーニングをやりに? Whew. How many laps have I done since my last break...? Oh. Commander, are you here to hone your swimming skills too?
Acquisition 先休息一下,之后再来几个来回……啊,指挥官也是来这里游泳锻炼的吗? ふぅ。一度休憩してからもう何往復か……あっ。指揮官も水泳のトレーニングをやりに? Whew. How many laps have I done since my last break...? Oh. Commander, are you here to hone your swimming skills too?
Login 今天天气不错,很适合游泳。嗯,我觉得来泳池的大家都是这么想的呢。 泳ぐのにいい感じ。…うん、多分このプールにやってきた子はみんなそう思う What wonderful weather to go for a swim. Mm, I'm sure everyone who's come to this pool has thought the same thing.
Details 有些潜艇同伴们喜欢在泳池底下打闹,甚至还有把玩具鱼雷拿到泳池里的。哎,既羡慕又担心呢…… 潜水艦の子たち、プールの底で遊ぶのが好きなようだ。おもちゃの魚雷を持ち込んだりして…羨ましいけど、ちょっと心配… The submarine girls love playing at the bottom of the pool. They even brought along little toy torpedoes. I'm kind of envious of them... but also worried at the same time...
Main 我听说指挥官是港区里深藏不露的运动高手,我想见识一下呢。 指揮官が母港の隠れスポーツマンと聞いた。お手並みを拝見したいものだ I've heard that you're the port's best-kept secret when it comes to athletic prowess. I'd like to see it for myself.
Main 2 和穿着舰装时不同,在水里游泳时能尽情舒展自己的身体。某种意义上来说算是一种放松? 艤装を身に着けているときと違って、泳ぐときはできれば体を伸ばしたいね。…ある意味リラックスしている? Unlike when I'm wearing my rigging, I get to stretch my body when I go swimming. In that sense, it's a kind of relaxation, isn't it?
Main 3 你说大黄蜂吗?她好像更喜欢海那边一些。如果去沙滩上放松的话,说不定能看到她。 ホーネットか?プールより海辺のほうが好きなようだ。砂浜に行けば会えるかも Hornet? I've heard that she prefers the beach to the pool. You might run into her if you head on over.
Touch 啊哈哈……都,都说了我有些怕痒了—— あははは……く、くすぐったいのが苦手だって言ったのに… Ahahaha... I told you I'm ticklish...
Touch (Special) 不,不可以——///! だ、ダメだって……!/// S-stop that...! *blushes*
Return to Port 休斯顿,等一下——哈啊,都提醒过她好多次了,不要突然就跳进泳池里…… ヒューストン、待って――はぁ…いきなり飛び込まないでって何回も注意したのに…… Houston, wait up... Sigh... How many times have I told her not to run off randomly...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呼——为了更好的体验节日氛围,才换上了这身衣服……虽然既漂亮又舒服,但总觉得有点不好意思呢……唔、指挥官什么时候来的? ふぅ……東煌の祝祭の雰囲気をより楽しむために着替えたけど…見た目もいいし着心地も最高なのに、なんだか気恥ずかしくなってきたかも……え?指揮官、いつ来たの? Phew... This getup does help me get into the festival mood. It looks nice, and it's supremely comfortable, but I can't shake this embarrassment... Huh? Commander? When did you get here?
Acquisition 呼——为了更好的体验节日氛围,才换上了这身衣服……虽然既漂亮又舒服,但总觉得有点不好意思呢……唔、指挥官什么时候来的? ふぅ……東煌の祝祭の雰囲気をより楽しむために着替えたけど…見た目もいいし着心地も最高なのに、なんだか気恥ずかしくなってきたかも……え?指揮官、いつ来たの? Phew... This getup does help me get into the festival mood. It looks nice, and it's supremely comfortable, but I can't shake this embarrassment... Huh? Commander? When did you get here?
Login 指挥官,今天的训练快开始了吧?我去换身……欸?你要先休息一下吗?那……我旁边还能躺…… 指揮官、今日の訓練がそろそろ始まるのか?じゃあ着替えて――ん?まずは休憩?じゃあ……隣、空けておく……? Commander, is today's training about to start? Okay, I'll change – Hm? Rest first? Okay, I guess I'll... scoot over for you...?
Main 指挥官,嗯……要不要在这里躺一下?内心会有一种平静下来的感觉……闲云野鹤?就是说很悠闲舒适的意思吗?的确是这样呢。 指揮官、えっと……ここで横になってみないか?心が落ち着く感じになって……「閑雲野鶴(かんうんやかく)」?つまり居心地が良いってこと?確かにその通りね Commander, umm... Do you want to lie down next to me? Let your heart be calm... "Free from worldly cares"? Is that what they call being comfy and cozy here?
Main 2 只要在指挥官身边,不管身处哪里都会……觉得很安心。 指揮官のそばなら、どこにいたって…その、安心する As long as I'm with you, I feel relaxed... um, no matter where we are.
Main 3 虽然已经适应了热闹的环境,但是偶尔像这样两人独处的话……也不错,对吧? 騒がしいのはもう慣れているけど、二人っきりになるのも…いいね。そうでしょ? I'm used to things being noisy, but being alone... It's nice. Right?
Touch 呀!都说了很怕痒的了…… うわっ。くすぐったいのは苦手って言ったのに… Whoa! Come on, I always tell you I can't take being tickled...
Touch (Special) 等、等我们回去再…… つ、続きは戻ってからでも… L-let's wait until we get back before we go further...
Return to Port 欢迎回来,指挥官,趁现在的日光和温度都很合适……要躺到这里来享受一下吗? 指揮官、おかえり。日差しも気温もちょうどいい感じに…横になってのんびりしようか? Welcome back, Commander. The sunlight and temperature are just perfect... Why don't you come lie down with me?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,听说春节是与家人朋友团聚的日子。所以……那个……指挥官愿意……陪我一起吗? 指揮官、東煌の春節は一家団欒の日だと聞いた。えっと、その……指揮官…そばにいてもらってもいいか? Commander, I hear the Dragon Empery's new year celebration is a day to be with family. So, umm... Does that mean you can stay here with me?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官,今天的训练,还有别的一些事都拜托你了。 指揮官、今日の訓練…と、ほかの要件も、諸々よろしく Commander, for today's training... and other matters, I'll be counting on you.
Main 指挥官,今天天气好像不错,那个……我的意思是,工作完后有空的话,要不要一起逛一逛什么的……? 指揮官、いい天気ね。ええと……あ、うん、ごめん、上がったらどこか歩かない…? Commander, it's nice out. Umm... Ah, uh, sorry. If it's fine, want to walk for a bit...?
Main 2 安静的指挥室,不可思议的安心感……真不错啊。 静かな執務室、不思議な安心感……いいね A quiet office, unusual peace of mind... How nice.
Touch (Special) 稍,稍微克制一下…… す、すこし抑えて…… H-hold yourself back a bit...
Return to Port 不用担心,大家都平安回来了。最重要的是,你也平安无事。 みんなが無事に帰還したから大丈夫よ。指揮官も無事…これは一番大事ね It's good that everyone made it back safely. And you came back safely too... That's the most important part.
Victory 功劳也有你的一份,指挥官。 そちらのおかげでもあるよ。指揮官 It's also thanks to you, Commander.