Nautilus (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 519Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionEvent: Microlayer Medley Rerun
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressSuzumoto Akiho
HP396 Reload34
Firepower21 Torpedo96
Evasion7 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck69
HP1843 Reload64
Firepower58 Torpedo245
Evasion36 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck73
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault I | Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Submarine Torpedo%/%/%/%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Submarine Torpedo%/%/%/%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Destroyer Gun%/%/%/%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Narwhal-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
The Intrepid NautilusAt the start of the battle: this boat moves forward a set distance, then fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and briefly resurfaces. Afterwards, she submerges and moves back into attack position, then fires a stronger Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage. This boat takes 20.0% (60.0%) less DMG while resurfaced as part of this skill's effect.Default Unlocked
LureWhen this boat is hit by an enemy: increases that enemy's DMG taken by 3.5% (8.0%) for 3s. If the enemy is a DD: also decreases that enemy's Speed by 5.0% (20.0%) for 5s.
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault II: Narwhal-class immediately after leaving the battle. ???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description独角鲸级潜艇射水鱼,舷号SS-168ナーワル級潜水艦「ノーチラス」・SS-168Narwhal-class submarine-Nautilus, Hull number SS-168.
Biography我是独角鲸级的大型远洋潜艇鹦鹉螺号,不是尼摩船长的那个哦。我有时候会莫名其妙地被同伴误伤,有时又不知不觉就做了件不得了的事……总之,我还是帮了大家不少忙的哦。ナーワル級潜水艦のノーチラスです――あっ、あの「ネモ船長の」ではありませんよっ。かの大戦では仲間に間違って撃たれたり、気づかないうちに手柄を立ててたり…結構みんなのお役に立っていたと思います…I'm Nautilus, Narwhal-class submarine – Ah, um, not that "Captain Nemo." During that war, my friends shot at me by mistake, and I managed to do something incredible without realizing it... Overall, I think ended up being quite useful to everyone...
Acquisition指挥官你好哦,我是来自白鹰的鹦鹉螺…欸,我,我出现得很突然吗?其实我一直在跟着你,我还以为你已经发现了……はじめまして指揮官さん。ユニオンのノーチラスです…びっくりさせちゃいました?ず、ずっと後ろにいたのでとっくに気づいていたのかと…うぅ…Nice to meet you, Commander. I'm Nautilus from the Eagle Union... Um, did I scare you? A-actually, I've been following you this whole time, so I thought you already noticed me...
Login指挥官,早上好哦。…出现在你后面?嘿嘿,因为我一直悄悄跟着你呢。指揮官さん、おはようございます。急に現れたって?実はずっと後ろにいましたよGood morning, Commander. I popped out of nowhere again? Actually, I've been behind you this whole time.
Details听说,潜艇就是人类模仿鹦鹉螺制造出来的。这么一想,有好多好多的发明都是从动物们身上得到的灵感呢。ノーチラスを真似て、潜水艦が生まれたんですって。こう考えると、動物からアイデアをもらった発明は多いかもですねSubmarines were born in an attempt to imitate the nautilus. When you look at things that way, the ideas for a lot of inventions were derived from animals.
Main要是能潜到更深的地方,探索到大海更多的秘密就好了呢…もっと深く潜って、海のヒミツを知っていけたらな…I wish I could dive deeper and get to know the secrets of the sea...
Main 2指挥官,要不要做个漂流瓶?说不定哪一天就能被海对面的人收到呢。指揮官さん、ボトルメール作ってみませんか?いつしか海の向こうの誰かさんに読んでもらえますよCommander, want to try writing a message-in-a-bottle? Someone across the ocean might read it one day.
Main 3指挥官?啊,只是稍微想确认一下自己的存在感…指揮官さん?い、いえ、何でもありません。ちょっと気づいてもらえるかなと思いまして…Commander? Oh, um, it's nothing. I was just wondering if you noticed me or not...
Touch哇,这里有点痒啦……ちょ、ちょっとくすぐったいです…っTh-that tickles...
Touch (Special)好可疑的行为——きょ、挙動不審ですよーY-you're acting awfully suspicious...
Touch (Headpat)鹦鹉螺不是小动物啦……ノーチラス、小動物じゃないですよ…Nautilus is not a small animal...
Mission指挥官,任务好像有点多哦。不知道我能不能帮上忙呢…指揮官さん、任務がちょっと多いみたいですね。私もお、お役に立ちたいですCommander, you seem to have quite a few missions still. I'd like to be of use to you in some way...
Mission Complete任务完成了哦…欸,我也有功劳吗?任務完了しましたよ…えっ?私もお役に立ってました?We're all done with the mission... Huh? I was a great help to you?
Mail指挥官,新的邮件你收到了吗?那就好…指揮官さん、新しいメール届いてました?ふー、よかったですCommander, did you get the new mail? Phew, thank goodness...
Return to Port啊呜!我、我不是故意站在门后面的,指挥官你不用道歉……あぅっ!…指揮官さんは悪くないですよ、謝らないでくださいっ。わざと扉の後ろに立っていたんじゃないです…Hauu! ...Commander, it's not your fault, so please don't apologize. I wasn't standing behind the door on purpose...
Commission Complete委托完成了哦。我悄悄跟着へへへ、こっそりのぞき見してみましたけど、ボーナスいっぱいでしたよっHehe, I took a little sneak peek, and there's a lot of goodies.
Enhancement希望鱼雷不会再哑火……魚雷、二度と不発になりませんように…I hope... my torpedo doesn't end up being a dud again...
Flagship发现敌人了哦。敵、見つけました!I, I've found the enemy!
Victory欸?MVP是我吗?这,这是为什么……えっ、この私がMVP?どうして?Huh? I'm the MVP? How'd that happen?
Defeat我是不是又被自己的同伴认错了……みんなから敵だと思われてたらどうしよう…What should I do if everyone mistakes me for an enemy...?
Skill嘿,这是个好机会!うん、いいチャンス!Mm, now's my chance!
Low HP呜哇!紧、紧急下潜!う、うわっ!早く潜って!W-woah! Crash dive!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,你这样下去会越来越孤独的…指揮官さん、このままじゃますますぼっちになっちゃいますよ…Commander, you're going to become even more of a loner at this rate...
Affinity (Stranger)唔…指挥官,对不起。我不是故意跟在你后面的,只是一不留神就…うっ…指揮官さん、ごめんなさい。わざとじゃないんです…ちょっと気づいたら後ろについてただけです…Ugh... I'm so sorry, Commander. I didn't do it on purpose... I was just trying to follow you for a little longer...
Affinity (Friendly)我没有跟着别人的恶趣味啦,更不是跟踪狂什么的…只是跟着指挥官比较有趣啦,所以就…嘿嘿。ええと、ストーカーじゃないですっ。こっそり後をつける趣味も…し、指揮官さんと一緒にいると楽しいから、気づいたら後ろについて行っちゃいまして…へへへUmm, I'm not a stalker. I'm not trying to make a hobby out of sneaking up on people either... It's just that, I like being with you, Commander... so I end up following you around... Ehehe.
Affinity (Like)指挥官,今天也打算去散步对吧?我知道指挥官在这个时候会去散步放松的哦,这是我总结下来的经验呢。指揮官さん、い、今から散歩に行くんでしょう?いつもこの時間になるとリフレッシュに行くの、経験から知ってますよ、ふふCommander, are you, um, going on a walk right now? You always go around this time to catch a breather. I know this from experience, hehe.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,今天走的路好像和以前不太一样哦?…想两个人多走一会…原,原来是这样吗?当、当然可以哦!嘿嘿~指揮官さん、今日はいつものルートじゃないような…えっ、もう少し二人っきりで歩いてみたいって?そ、そうですか、もちろん、よ、喜んでお供しますよっ!へへへ~Commander, you're taking a different route than normal today... Oh, um, you wanted to go somewhere a bit more private for the two of us? I, I see! O-of course I'd be glad to accompany you! Hehe~
Pledge没想到我在指挥官心里的份量这么重呢,嘿嘿~指挥官,以后我就一直跟着你了哦!えへへ、指揮官さん、そんなに私のことを……こ、これからもずっとついていきますねっ♪Ehehe, Commander, if you like me that much... O-of course I'd be glad to remain with you forever~♪
Present Like
Present Dislike
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呼~站久了还是有点累人呢…哇?!没想到指挥官也会来这里…那个,不介意的话,一起…休息会?ふ~立ちっぱなしでちょっと疲れちゃいました…わっ!指揮官さんどうしてここに?も、もしよかったら一緒に休んでいきます?Phew~ Standing for a long time really wears you out... Hwah?! Commander, when'd you get there? Um, if you'd like, would you like to come exercise with me?
Acquisition呼~站久了还是有点累人呢…哇?!没想到指挥官也会来这里…那个,不介意的话,一起…休息会?ふ~立ちっぱなしでちょっと疲れちゃいました…わっ!指揮官さんどうしてここに?も、もしよかったら一緒に休んでいきます?Phew~ Standing for a long time really wears you out... Hwah?! Commander, when'd you get there? Um, if you'd like, would you like to come exercise with me?
Login指挥官,我在这里哦。(小声)应、应该注意到我了吧…指揮官さん、ここにいますよ。(小声)き、気づいてくれたよね…Commander, I'm over here. (*whispers*) I, I was noticed, right...
Details兔女郎…是模仿兔兔的衣服呢,喜欢兔女郎的人一定也很喜欢兔子吧…欸,不是这样的吗?バニースーツはうさぎちゃんを真似てる服だから、バニーガールが好きな方はきっとうさぎちゃんも好きでしょう?えっ、ち、違うんですか?Bunny suits are made to imitate bunnies. If you like bunny girls, that means you also like bunnies, right? Um, it doesn't work like that?
Main指挥官,那个…咖啡已经冷了哦?啊,是我忘记和你说了吗…指揮官さん、コーヒー冷めちゃいましたよ?あれ、言うの忘れてました…?Commander, your coffee's already gone cold. Huh, I forgot to remind you earlier....?
Main 2《海洋动物图鉴》…这本书还挺有趣的…真希望能亲眼见识下这些神奇的动物们呢。『海洋生物コレクション』、面白かったです。不思議な生物たち、生で見たかったな…The Almanac of Marine Life was really interesting. I really want to see all those mysterious creatures in person.
Main 3我很擅长捉迷藏哦,和鲦鱼她们玩的时候,我总是能藏到最后呢,呼呼…鬼ごっこは得意ですよ。デイスちゃんたちと遊ぶ時いつも最後まで隠れてました、テへへ…I'm really good at hide-and-seek. When I was playing with Dace, I managed to stay hidden 'til the very end! Teehee~
Touch欸?是、是我的耳朵歪了吗?ふえ?み、耳飾りがずれてました?Huh? My earrings are on crooked?
Return to Port那个……指挥官,我不在门后面哦?你可以不用那么小心的…あの、指揮官さん、扉の後ろに立ってないから、そ、そこまで気を遣わなくてもいいですよ…Um, Commander, I'm not standing behind the door, so you don't have to be that careful.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官~诶嘿嘿,给你介绍一下最近交的新朋友?有热带鱼小姐、鹰鲂先生还有…啊,还有海豚先生!嗯,这个孩子稍微有点喜欢捣蛋,有时候让人挺伤脑筋的呢…指揮官さん、えへへ、最近できたお友達を紹介しますよ?熱帯魚ちゃんとかマンタくんとか…あっ、イルカさん…!ええと、この子はその、ちょっとイタズラっ子で時々困っちゃいますね…Commander~ Ehehe, can I introduce you to some of my new friends? Here's Miss Tropical Fish, and Mister Manta Ray... Oh, and Mister Dolphin too! Oh, umm, this friend here can be a bit mischievous at times, and often causes quite a bit of trouble...
Acquisition指挥官~诶嘿嘿,给你介绍一下最近交的新朋友?有热带鱼小姐、鹰鲂先生还有…啊,还有海豚先生!嗯,这个孩子稍微有点喜欢捣蛋,有时候让人挺伤脑筋的呢…指揮官さん、えへへ、最近できたお友達を紹介しますよ?熱帯魚ちゃんとかマンタくんとか…あっ、イルカさん…!ええと、この子はその、ちょっとイタズラっ子で時々困っちゃいますね…Commander~ Ehehe, can I introduce you to some of my new friends? Here's Miss Tropical Fish, and Mister Manta Ray... Oh, and Mister Dolphin too! Oh, umm, this friend here can be a bit mischievous at times, and often causes quite a bit of trouble...
Login那,那个,指挥官觉得这种大蝴蝶结怎么样呢?在海里轻轻柔柔地~漂浮着…不觉得又漂亮又治愈吗?あ、あの、指揮官さんはこういうおっきなリボンってどう思いますか?海中でふわふわ~って漂って…綺麗で癒やされませんか?H-hey, Commander, what do you think of my big ribbon? See how it floats up in the water? Isn't it cute and soothing?
Details大海里很安静…而且,到处都是色彩斑斓的鱼先生和珊瑚…这种动静相宜的感觉~不觉得很好吗?海の中は静かで…それでいて、色とりどりのお魚さんやサンゴたちがいっぱいで…賑やかで静かなのって、とってもいいと思いませんか?It's so quiet underwater... But there are such colorful fish and coral all over the place. Lively, but peaceful... Isn't the contrast wonderful?
Main我是很喜欢潜水啦,不过要是连鱼儿们都没注意到我…会很寂寞呢……潜るのは好きなんですけど、お魚さんたちに気づいてもらえなかったら…寂しいですね……I love diving, but it does get a little lonely when the fish don't notice me...
Main 2海豚先生,想一起游泳吗?莫非是特地来邀请我的?…等,不,不能扯那里呀~!イルカさん、一緒に泳ぎたいの?もしかして私を誘いに来てくれた?…って、そ、そこは引っ張ったらダメですよぉ~!Mister Dolphin, do you want to swim together? Did you come just to invite me? ...Hey, don't pull there~!
Main 3为什么呢…就算是在海里,我也总是不知不觉间就来到指挥官身边……なんででしょうか…私、たとえ海の中でも、いつの間にか指揮官さんの所に行っていて……I wonder why... Even when I'm swimming underwater, I always end up wandering to you, Commander...
Main 4等上岸后大家要一起烧烤?好,好的!鹦鹉螺参加的话也没关系吗?浜辺に上がったらみんなでバーベキューするのですか?は、はい!ノーチラスも参加して大丈夫ですか?We're having a barbecue later after our swim? O-okay! Is it alright if I join in?
Touch啊,指挥官,不能偷看哦…あ、指揮官さん、こっそりのぞき見はダメです…Oh, Commander, no sneaking any peeks...
Touch (Special)真是的!怎么和海豚一样,那么淘气呢……///もうっ!イルカさんと同じでイタズラっ子さんです……///Geez! You're just as mischievous as Mister Dolphin...
Return to Port鹦鹉螺在这里哦?诶嘿嘿~就算是在海里我也有自信不会跟丢指挥官的。ノーチラスはここにいますよ?えへへ、たとえ海の中でも指揮官さんを決して見失わない自信があるんですっI'm right here, Commander. Hehehe, even underwater, I know I'd never lose sight of you!
Commission Complete我偷偷看了下,伙伴们正为委托组做慰劳品呢~こっそりのぞき見してみたら、仲間たちが委託組のための差し入れを作っていましたね~I took a peek outside, and I saw our friends making gifts for the commission team~
Flagship指挥官,这边!指揮官さん、こっちです!Commander, this way!
VictoryMVP是我吗…?毕竟一直和指挥官在一起呢…嗯!私がMVPですか…?指揮官さんと一緒ですもんね…うん!I'm the MVP...? Well, I did get to fight with the Commander... Okay, sure!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Details和指挥官在一起的时候非常的开心哦。因为能知道许多新的东西~指揮官さんと一緒にいると、新しいものをいっぱい知ることができてと、とても嬉しいです…I'm so glad for all the things I've learned in my time with you, Commander.
Main大海里一定还潜藏着许多的秘密,指挥官也这么觉得吧?海にはきっとまだまだヒミツが潜んでいますよね。ね、指揮官さん…?I'm sure there's lots of things waiting to be discovered under the sea. Right, Commander?
Main 2在水族馆玩得很开心呢。诶,还想再去一次嘛?好呀,我很乐意陪你一起!指揮官さんっ、水族館楽しかったです。え?また行きたいですか?よ、喜んでお供します!The aquarium was so much fun! ...Huh? You'd like to visit it again? Sure, I'd love to go with you!
Main 3指挥官,鹦鹉螺在这里哦(小声)哎?早就注意到了吗?指揮官さん、ノーチラスはここにいますよ(小声)ふえっ?とっくに気づいてました?Um, Commander... I'm right here, in case you didn't notice... Oh, you did?
Touch嘿嘿~指挥官,怎么啦?えへへ…指揮官さん、何ですか?Hehehe... What is it, Commander?
Touch (Special)好、好害羞…欸,是,是不小心的吗?指揮官さん、は、恥ずかしいです…って、じ、事故でした?This doesn't feel right, Commander... Y-you didn't mean to do that?
Touch (Headpat)嘿嘿,谢谢指挥官的摸摸~なでなでしてくれてあ、ありがとうございます、えへへThank you for the headpat. Hehehe~
Return to Port谢谢指挥官一直以来的关心。请放心吧,这次我不会站在门后面了。い、いつもお気遣いありがとうございます。扉の後ろに立ったりしないので、どうぞ安心してくださいっTh-thank you for always being so considerate, but I've stopped standing behind the door now. You don't have to worry about that anymore.
Flagship指挥官,发现敌人了!指揮官さん、敵ですっ!Commander! I've spotted enemies!