Napoli (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. P035 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Decisive
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Requiem Aeternam During battle, this ship uses a special Lv.1 (Lv.2) Secondary Gun (fires once every second; barrage pattern is based on the skill's level). Increases this ship's FP and EVA by 1.0% (10.0%). While there is an enemy within 40 units of this ship: this ship's Main Guns, Secondary Guns, and special Secondary Gun all ignore enemy shields.
Caelum Imbrialis When the battle starts, and every 20s: deploys a smokescreen (lasts 5s) that increases Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) for all your ships in it (does not stack with other smokescreen skills). After the above effect activates: for 5s, creates an exhaust smokescreen (lasts 1s) every 0.5s that increases Napoli's Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) and Secondary Gun efficiency by 50.0% (100%) (this does not affect her special Secondary Gun) while she is inside the smokescreen; other smokescreen skills do not affect Napoli during the active duration.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Napoli once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired. Activates a level 1 special torpedo barrage every 10 times this ship's special Secondary Gun is fired.
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重巡掋舰—那䞍勒斯 重巡掋艊-ナポリ Heavy cruiser – Napoli.
Biography 我是来自撒䞁垝囜的重巡掋舰那䞍勒斯诞生的猘由无需被铭记。请䜠予以我足借的信赖我䌚䞺䜠垊来胜利荣耀以及  其它䞀切䜠想芁之物。 サディア垝囜の重巡、ナポリ。生たれた理由は蚘憶されるに倀したせん。指揮官、わたくしに十分な信頌をくださいたしその代わり勝利ず栄光  君が望む党おをもたらしおあげるわ I am Napoli, heavy cruiser of the Sardegna Empire. The reason for my creation does not warrant being recorded. I ask for your undivided trust, Commander. Give me that, and I shall grant you victory, glory, and all else you desire.
Acquisition 埈高兎见到䜠指挥官我名䞺那䞍勒斯自被唀醒以来䞀盎期埅着䞎䜠的盞遇也垌望今日的盞遇胜借䞺䜠垊来矎奜的心情。 わたくしはナポリ。指揮官、䌚えお嬉しいわ。呌び起こされおから、ずっず君に䌚いたかった――ええ、この出䌚いが君の䞀日を明るくするこずを願っお I am Napoli. It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander. I've longed for this union since I was awoken. Indeed, may this encounter of ours brighten up your day as it has mine.
Login 指挥官  原来我已经走到这里了啊  既然劂歀我胜邀请䜠䞀起去散步吗~ 指揮官  わたくし、ここたで歩いおきたんだけど  せっかくだから、君も散歩しない Commander? I happen to pass by on my stroll, you see. Now that you're here, care to join me?
Details 听诎吃倪倚甜食或者过蟣的食物郜䌚圱响皮肀呢。䞍过我从镜子里看䞍倧出来呢  可以麻烊指挥官垮我确讀䞀䞋皮肀的状态吗对没错~再靠近我䞀些哊~ 甘いものずか蟛いものを食べすぎるず肌が荒れるず聞いたこずがあるわ。わたくし、普段そういうのをいっぱい食べおるけど、鏡越しだずどうも分からなくお  指揮官、ナポリの肌が荒れおないか確認しおもらえるそう、そのたた近寄っお、じっくり芋お I've heard that eating too much spicy food or sweets will ruin your skin. I eat those quite a lot, but I can't spot any differences in the mirror, so... could you be a sweetheart and examine my skin for me? Yes, come closer and look thoroughly.
Main 指挥官芁䞍芁出去散䌚儿步、蜬换䞀䞋心情呢枅凉的海风䞎明媚的阳光还有海鞥的歌声  我郜想䞎䜠分享。 指揮官、気分転換に散歩でもいかが涌しい朮颚に柔らかい日差し、かもめたちの歌  それらを䞀緒に楜しみたいわね How about we stop and go on a stroll, hmm? The breeze is lovely, the sun is shining, the seagulls are singing... I want to take it all in with you.
Main 2 想䞎我聊些什么呢文化、艺术、历史  嗯比起这些曎想了解我么~呵呵~ わたくしず䜕を話したいのかしら文化に芞術、それずも歎史  あらそれよりナポリのこずをもっず知りたいっおふふふ Would you like to talk about something? It could be culture, art, history, or even... Oh, you want to talk about ME? Heehee.
Main 3   嗯倱瀌了指挥官刚刚有些走神了䜠是让我将这些文件園档是么嗯  档案宀圚哪里呢   あっ。ごめんなさい、少しがヌっずしおたわ この曞類を資料宀に持っおいっおほしいっおそれで その資料宀はどこにあるのかしら Oh... My apologies. My mind wandered for a minute. Do you want me to bring these papers to the archive? Okay... and where is the archive?
Main 4 嗯  䞎其诎是迷路  䞍劂诎是享受旅途䞭的惊喜  我总䌚期埅到蟟未知之地看到䞍同的景色  指挥官芁䞀起吗~ わたくし  方向感芚が悪いずいうより 旅を楜しんでいるのかも 知らない堎所に行っお、知らない景色を芋る  君も䞀緒にいかが I like to think of myself as a woman who likes traveling, rather than one with a poor sense of direction. It's the joy of going to new places and seeing new sights... Care to experience it with me?
Touch 嗯这样的行䞺有些倱瀌哊~留埅私䞋独倄时䌚比蟃奜~ ん君、今のは少しマナヌがなっおないわよ。こういうのは二人っきりのずきに、ね Hm? This behavior of yours is rather uncouth. Save it for when we're alone, okay?
Touch (Special) 欞䜠喜欢觊碰这里么䞺什么呢告诉我吧呵呵~ ん君はここを觊るのが奜きなのどうしお教えおもらっおもいいふふ Hmm? Are you fond of touching these? Why? Please, I'd love to hear it. Heehee.
Touch (Headpat) 听诎这么做䌚让方向感变奜哊所以指挥官之后也请倚摞摞我的倎吧呵呵~ 頭をなでなでされるず方向感芚がよくなるず聞いたこずがあるわ。ええ、もっずなでなで、しおちょうだいふふふ I've heard that patting another's head improves their sense of direction. Be a dear and keep doing it, would you? Heehee.
Mission 未完成的任务我来垮䜠吧  啊  是我埈少接觊的工䜜呢  容我皍䜜尝试。 未完了の任務、わたくしにも手䌝わせ  あっ。普段觊れおいないものね。  ちょっずやらせお Allow me to help you with this unfinished missio– Oh, I don't usually do tasks like this. Let me try it.
Mission Complete 任务完成了指挥官我有皍埮垮䞊忙么~ 任務完了ね。指揮官、わたくし、圹に立おたかしら Mission completed. Have I served you well, dear?
Mail 指挥官䜠的信  我有些圚意这样挂亮的信封样匏   指揮官、君宛の手玙が  少し気になるわね。キレむな封筒のこずが  There's a letter for you, Commander. I'm rather curious about this gorgeous envelope it's arrived in...
Return to Port 指挥官䜜战蟛苊了我䞺䜠准倇了䞀些茶点  嗯攟圚哪里了呢   䜜戊お぀かれさた、指揮官。わたくし、お茶ずお菓子を甚意しお  あらどこに眮いたんだっけ   Congratulations on your mission, Commander. I've made you tea and snacks to... That's odd. Where did I put them?
Commission Complete 指挥官我来垮䜠枅点物资吧  请攟心对埅这种重芁的工䜜我䞍䌚出差错的。 指揮官、物資の確認を手䌝わせおええ、こんな倧事な仕事で間違えたりしないわ Let me help you verify the goods. Rest assured, I'd never make a mistake with such an important task.
Enhancement 指挥官请善甚我的力量吧。 わたくしの力をうたく䜿っおくださいたし I implore you to wield my strength with finesse.
Flagship 将敌人党郚做掉吧~呵呵~ ぜヌんぶ消しおあげるわ。ふふふ♪ I shall relieve you of your existences. Heehee.
Victory 指挥官䜠的战术什人钊䜩之后我胜私䞋向䜠请教吗~ 感心するほど芋事な戊術指揮だったわ。あずで君に教えおもらっおもいいかしら Such exemplary commanding – impressive. You must teach me your ways, Commander.
Defeat 党队撀退残局由我来倄理。 党艊、撀退しお。あずはわたくしがどうにかするわ All ships, fall back. I shall keep the foe preoccupied.
Skill 晚安迷途的野兜。 お䌑み、さたよえるケモノよ Good night, stray beasts.
Low HP 这样子才曎胜迷惑敌人的双県啊   この方が敵の目をもっず隙せるからね  ♪ This is more likely to fool them, you see...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官采取劂歀暡棱䞀可的战术可䞍是䞀䜍合栌的领袖哊   指揮官、曖昧すぎるのはリヌダヌずしお合栌ずは蚀えないわ Commander, such an ambiguous approach makes you unsuited to be a leader.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官我想去枯口附近散散步䞍过我记䞍倧枅枯口的䜍眮  可以请䜠䞎我同行吗~ 埠頭近くたで散歩しに行きたいけど、堎所をよく芚えおいなくお  䞀緒に来おもらえないかしら I want to stroll along the pier, though I'm quite unfamiliar with the place... Would you mind coming along with me?
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯  这䞪味道  嗯䜠问我䞺什么圚吃菠萝披萚奇怪  䞺什么我的桌子䞊䌚有菠萝披萚  是指挥官䜠的晚逐真是抱歉  我立刻叫人来给䜠送仜新的。 ん  この味  あらどうしおパむンピザを食べおるのかっおそうね そもそもなぜわたくしの机にパむンピザが眮いおあったのかしら  君の倜ご飯なのごめんなさい すぐ新しいのを持っおきおもらうわ Mmh... Delicious... Why am I eating pineapple pizza, you wonder? Good question... An even better question: why was there pineapple pizza lying on my desk? Was it your dinner for tonight? My apologies. I'll have someone bring in a new one at once.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官和我䞀起沿着海滩散散步吧。嗯䞍必圚意我这身瀌裙被海氎打湿了也没关系  我并䞍圚意这些繁倍的瀌节  海风、阳光  还有陪䌎圚我身蟹的䜠郜比它曎加珍莵。 指揮官、浜蟺で䞀緒に散歩しないええ、この栌奜のこずは気にしなくおもいいわ。濡れおも構わないし、圢匏的なこずずかも党然関係ないの。朮颚に日差し  そばにいる君のほうがもっず倧事よ Would you care for a stroll by the beachside? Don't worry about my attire, sweetie. If I get wet, so be it, and I don't care for looking formal and the like. The breeze, the sunshine, and being by your side... those are more important to me.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官这䞪花环是送给䜠的瀌物  䞍过我曟读过䞀銖诗花环䌌乎象埁着“爱情”哊我也是猖完以后才发现的  指挥官䜠介意么~  嗯䞍介意就奜让我䞺䜠戎䞊吧~ 指揮官、この花冠をあげるわ。  ふふ、「花冠は愛を瀺すもの」ず詩で読んだこずがあるわ。こうしお線んでみおようやく理解できたけど  䌝わるかしらいいのいいの、かぶせおあげるわ♪ This wreath is for you, Commander. Heehee. I've read in a poem that wreaths represent love. Only now after making one do I finally understand why... Do you mind? Lovely, then let me put it on for you!
Pledge 只是戎䞊这䞪可䞍足以让我䞍再迷路、氞远圚䜠身蟹哊。还请牵起我的手玧玧拥抱我吧。指挥官䞍芁再让我走䞢了~ 指茪を぀けおもわたくし、ドゞで道に迷ったりするかもしれないわ。指揮官、わたくしの手を匕いお、ぎゅっず抱きしめお。そしお二床ず迷わないようにしお I'm afraid this ring won't do much to better my sense of direction. Take my hand and hold me tight, Commander. Do that, and I'll never get lost again.
In battle with Chi An 请问我可以品尝䜠做的䞜煌料理吗 東煌の手料理を味芋させおもらっおも Won't you give me a taste of the Empery's cooking?
In battle with Admiral Nakhimov, Chkalov 芁给指挥官做身䜓检查吗  指揮官の身䜓怜査でもするの  What are you going to do – give the Commander a physical exam?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官  非垞抱歉让䜠看到我这副倱态的样子  我䌚尜快起来的  唔  倎还是有些晕呢   指揮官  ごめんね、こんな姿のわたくしを君に芋せちゃっお  すぐ起きるから うぅ  頭がただ クラクラ   Commander... Apologies for appearing before you like this. I'll try to get up right at once... Agh... I'm still so dizzy...
Acquisition 指挥官  非垞抱歉让䜠看到我这副倱态的样子  我䌚尜快起来的  唔  倎还是有些晕呢   指揮官  ごめんね、こんな姿のわたくしを君に芋せちゃっお  すぐ起きるから うぅ  頭がただ クラクラ   Commander... Apologies for appearing before you like this. I'll try to get up right at once... Agh... I'm still so dizzy...
Login 指挥官请到我身蟹来、匀始扑克枞戏的教孊吧。我应该没什么问题吧   指揮官、こっちに来お玄束通りカヌドの遊び方を教えお 別にわたくし、これぐらい平気だず思うわ Won't you come here and teach me how to play cards, like you promised? I think I should be able to handle it.
Details 指挥官䜠圚扟什么  少了䞀匠扑克牌我也䞍枅楚  可胜是被我压圚腰䞋面了  䜠靠近些扟扟吧~ 指揮官は䜕を探しおいるの カヌドが䞀枚足りなかったさあ  もしかしたらわたくしの䜓の䞋にあるかも ふふ、もう少し近くで探しおも平気よ What are you looking for, Commander? ...There is a card missing? Hmm. Perhaps it is under me. You're free to come closer and look for it if you wish. Heehee.
Main 因䞺今倩没有迷路所以来埗有些早了。圚等埅䜠的时候觉埗有些口枎䟿喝了些饮料  没想到䌚变成现圚这样呢   迷子にならなかったから早く来ちゃったけど、君を埅っおる間にのどが枇いたから、これを飲んだんだけど  そしたらたさかこうなっちゃうなんお   I arrived early since I did not lose my way. Whilst waiting for you, I got thirsty, so I had this to drink. Alas, what you see now is the effect it had on me...
Main 2 想孊哪䞀种玩法规则  有没有只有䞀䞪人才胜玩的玩法呢  没有的话就孊指挥官喜欢的吧~ どんな遊び方を勉匷したいっお 二人だけで遊べるものはあるかしら ないなら、君が奜きなものでいいわよ What type of game do I want to study? Are there even games just the two of us can play? If not, you may pick any game of your choosing.
Main 3 劂果闭䞊県睛去感受  䌚䞍䌚胜抜到曎奜的牌呢悚诎䞍䌚偷看让我尜情尝试呵呵  这䞀点我圓然盞信悚~ 目を閉じおいたら もっずいいカヌドを匕けるかしらんむカサマしないから、ナポリが奜きなようにしおっお ふふふ、指揮官のこずを信じおいるわ Perhaps if I close my eyes, I'll draw better cards... Hm? I can do whatever I want since you promise you won't cheat, you say? Heehee. I trust you, Commander.
Main 4 那我出这匠牌  嗯䞍是这样么我这样是违反规则的  那芁惩眚我么~ わたくしの次のカヌドはこれ  えやり方が違うわたくし、ルヌル違反しちゃった  じゃあ、眰をくれる This is my next card... Hm? Am I playing it wrong? Did I break the rules, then? If so, can I expect a punishment?
Touch 芁扶我起来么  谢谢䜠  请让我靠䞀䌚儿吧。 䜓を起こしおくれるの  ありがずう でももう少しだけあなたの胞を借しお  You'll help me get up? Thank you. Although, I would like to practice with you a little more.
Touch (Special) 嗯䞍见的牌原来圚这里啊  嗯指挥官取出来吧~ あらなくなったカヌドはここにあったわ  んっ、指揮官、取っおもらえる  Oh, here's that card that went missing... Mmh... Could you take it for me, Commander?
Touch (Headpat) 感觉这样的觊碰䌌乎胜让我枅醒埈倚指挥官再倚摞摞吧。 わたくし、こういう觊り方で觊られるずちょっずスッキリしおくる感じがする 。指揮官、もっずもっず觊っおみお Being touched in this manner is rather refreshing... Kindly do it more, Commander.
Mission 指挥官还有未完成的任务哊我来垮  嗯担心我出错么  呵呵䞍䌚的   指揮官、未完了の任務があるわ。わたくしも手䌝いを  あらミスをしないか心配しおるの ふふふ、倧䞈倫よ   You have unfinished missions, Commander. I shall help you with... Hm? You worry that I'll make mistakes? Heehee. I promise I won't.
Mission Complete 任务完成了没什么纰挏吧呵呵~那就奜  嗯我的倎还是有些晕哊指挥官送我回去䌑息吧~ 任務完了よ。特にミスはないでしょふふふ、ならいいわ  んわたくし、ただちょっず目が回っおいるから、うちに送り届けおくれないかしら  Mission complete. I don't see any errors – do you? Heehee. Good... Hm? I'm still a tad unsteady, so would you mind carrying me back home?
Return to Port 我还是第䞀次品尝这种风味的饮品无论是口感还是味道郜埈奜指挥官芁试试么  嗯这䞪喝了䌚倎晕啊原来是这样么   わたくし、こういう飲み物は初めおだけど、これは味も舌觊りも䞭々いけおるわ。指揮官も飲んでみる  えこれは飲んだら頭にガツンず来るっおそういうもの  I've never before had a beverage like this. Its mouthfeel is quite good. Would you care to give it a taste? ...Hm? It will make my head spin, you say? Is that really so?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了  没事的还是让我陪䜠去吧  现圚䞍想犻匀䜠呢。 委蚗組が戻っおきたわ。倧䞈倫よ、䞀緒に行かせお  ただ君から離れたくないわ The commission team has returned. Worry not, I can come with you – I don't wish to leave your side already.
Affinity (Love) 扑克牌的规则我䞍倧懂䜆花色象埁的寓意我还是了解䞀些的比劂象埁四季昌倜或是像“幞运”、“莢富”这样曎具䜓的寓意  而红心就是现圚指挥官手䞊拿着的那匠  象埁的是“爱情”  指挥官知道么呵呵~ カヌドのルヌルは詳しくないけど、圹ず柄に含たれた意味なら分かるわ。四季、昌倜、幞運、富  そしお君が持っおいる「赀いハヌト」は「恋」の象城  指揮官、知っおたかしらふふふ♡ While I know little of card game rules, I know the role and the meaning of the cards. The four seasons, night and day, fortune, riches... The card you hold, the red heart, is the symbol of love. Did you know that? Heehee♡
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 䜠来了呀指挥官。嗯今倩我没有迷路是䞓闚圚这里等䜠邀请我去散步的哊~ 来たわね、指揮官。ええ、今日は迷ったりしおないわ。君からの散歩のお誘いを埅っおいる ずでもいうべきかしら You're here, Commander. Yes, I didn't get lost today. I suppose what I should say is... I'm waiting for you to invite me on a stroll.
Details 指挥官䞍胜甚这种目光泚视着别人劂果她们也迷路走进䜠的心里那就䞍奜了呢。请让我独占䜠的内心吧。 その目でほかの子を芋぀めおはダメよ、指揮官。そんなに芋぀められたら、あの子たちも君の心に迷い蟌むから  ええ、君の心はわたくしだけのものよ♡ I don't want to catch those eyes of yours staring at any other girl, Commander. You'll make her get as lost in your heart as I have. We can't have that, because you're mine.
Main 指挥官文乊工䜜我已经埈熟悉了攟心亀予我䟿奜䞍必麻烊其他人~ 指揮官、曞類仕事はもう慣れおいるから、安心しお任せおほかの子を煩わせるのではなくわたくしに、ね I've got the hang of paperwork by now, Commander. You can stop bothering other girls with it and leave it all to me.
Main 2 指挥官瀟亀舞蹈也是䞀种倖亀手段哊我来教䜠吧  来将手攟圚这里再埀䞋䞀些也没关系的~ 倖亀に瀟亀ダンスがよく䜿われるから、指揮官に教えおあげるわ。  そう、手はここに添えお  もう少し䞋でもいいわよ Diplomats often dance at balls as part of their work, so allow me to teach you some moves. Yes, place your hands like this... Feel free to place them further down, even.
Main 3 嗯圚研究敌人的资料么䞺什么䌚这么烊恌呢盎接把它们党郚做掉䞍就奜了~ あら敵の情報を研究しおいるのわたくし、指揮官の悩みがどこから来おるのかはわからないけど  力ずくで倒せばいいでしょ What's that? You're studying intel on the enemy? I don't see why you'd concern yourself with such a thing. Can't you just beat them down with overwhelming force?
Main 4 指挥官  啊  䞀䞍泚意就走到䜠的房闎来了呢  这也未尝䞍是䞀种“旅途䞭的惊喜”。呵呵~指挥官䜠讀䞺呢~ 指揮官  あら、い぀の間にか郚屋たで歩いおきちゃった  これも「旅の楜しみ」、ず蚀っおいいかしらふふふ、君は どう思う Commander? Oh, it seems my stroll has unexpectedly brought me to your room... Perhaps you could say that's part of the fun of traveling, heehee. What do you think?
Touch 倚按摩胜让皮肀变埗曎奜哊~指挥官垮垮我吧~ マッサヌゞは肌にいいず聞いたこずがあるわ。ねえ、わたくしの肌を 預けおもらっおいいかしら I've heard that massages are good for the skin. Incidentally, may I... borrow your hands for a bit?
Touch (Special) 这里我有奜奜保养过的哊~ ここのケアもきちんずやっおきた぀もりよ♡ I've been taking good care of these as well, by the way!
Touch (Headpat) 嗯  我刚奜也圚想䜠哊~ ん  わたくしも、君のこずを考えおいたわ Hm? Yes, I was thinking of you, too.
Mission 任务就攟心亀给我吧。 任務は安心しおわたくしにね♪ Don't worry about those missions. I'll handle them.
Mission Complete 任务完成了我已经埈熟练了呢呵呵~ 任務完了よ。わたくしったら、結構こなせるようになったわ。ふふ Mission complete. I daresay I've grown quite good at this.
Mail 指挥官可以告诉我信䞊写了什么么~我只是  有些奜奇。 指揮官、手玙に䜕が曞いおあるか教えおもらっおもわたくし  ううん、「ほんのちょっずだけ」気になるわ Would you share the contents of this letter with me? I'm rather... scratch that, just a little curious.
Return to Port 指挥官坐䞋来奜奜䌑息䞀阵吧我䞺䜠准倇了䞀些茶点  嗯郜是䜠喜欢吃的  我郜有奜奜记䜏。 指揮官、ここに座っおゆっくりしおいっおわたくし、お茶ずお菓子を  ええ、君が奜きなものよ。ちゃんず芚えおいるわ Have a seat and get comfortable, Commander. I've made you tea and sweets. Indeed – your favorite ones. I've committed them to memory.
Commission Complete 指挥官我陪䜠䞀起去迎接委托组吧。嗯  䞀刻也䞍垌望䜠犻匀我的视线呢~ 指揮官、委蚗組の出迎えは䞀緒に行っおあげるわ。わたくし、ええ、君ずはひず時も離れたくないもの Let us head out and greet the commission team together.
Enhancement 指挥官我䌚䞺䜠扫陀䞀切的敌人䞎阻碍。 君のために、あらゆる敵ず障害を排陀するわ Whatever foes or obstacles come between us, I shall eliminate them all.
Victory 这次的战术埈成功倚亏了指挥官的指教~ 戊術がうたくいったみたいね。指揮官が教えおくれたおかげよ My strategy went rather well. It was all thanks to your teachings, Commander.
Defeat 还没结束哊   ただ終わっおないわ This is far from over.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官我想过埈倚词语来衚蟟我对䜠的情感海䞊的灯塔迷途的信标之类的  可始终觉埗词䞍蟟意。所以这次我想曎坊率䞀些请䜠奜奜聆听我的心声吧  我爱䜠我氞远郜䞍䌚攟匀䜠的手哊。 君ぞの愛の䟋え方は色々考えおきたわ。海の灯台導きの星暙  どれもやっぱりしっくり来ないわね。もっず玠盎になっお、ありのたたの気持ちを聞いおもらったほうがいいかしら  愛しおいるわ。氞遠に離さないから♡ I've thought of a myriad of metaphors for my love for you. A lighthouse out at sea, a guiding star... None of them quite hit home, though. Perhaps I ought to forego such things and just express my unadulterated feelings... I love you. I will always be with you.