Napoli (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. P035 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Decisive
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Requiem Aeternam During battle, this ship uses a special Lv.1 (Lv.2) Secondary Gun (fires once every second; barrage pattern is based on the skill's level). Increases this ship's FP and EVA by 1.0% (10.0%). While there is an enemy within 40 units of this ship: this ship's Main Guns, Secondary Guns, and special Secondary Gun all ignore enemy shields.
Caelum Imbrialis When the battle starts, and every 20s: deploys a smokescreen (lasts 5s) that increases Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) for all your ships in it (does not stack with other smokescreen skills). After the above effect activates: for 5s, creates an exhaust smokescreen (lasts 1s) every 0.5s that increases Napoli's Evasion Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) and Secondary Gun efficiency by 50.0% (100%) (this does not affect her special Secondary Gun) while she is inside the smokescreen; other smokescreen skills do not affect Napoli during the active duration.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Napoli once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired. Activates a level 1 special torpedo barrage every 10 times this ship's special Secondary Gun is fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重巡洋舰—那不勒斯 重巡洋艦-ナポリ Heavy cruiser – Napoli.
Biography 我是来自撒丁帝国的重巡洋舰那不勒斯,诞生的缘由无需被铭记。请你予以我足够的信赖,我会为你带来胜利,荣耀,以及……其它一切你想要之物。 サディア帝国の重巡、ナポリ。生まれた理由は記憶されるに値しません。指揮官、わたくしに十分な信頼をくださいまし?その代わり勝利と栄光……君が望む全てをもたらしてあげるわ I am Napoli, heavy cruiser of the Sardegna Empire. The reason for my creation does not warrant being recorded. I ask for your undivided trust, Commander. Give me that, and I shall grant you victory, glory, and all else you desire.
Acquisition 很高兴见到你,指挥官,我名为那不勒斯,自被唤醒以来,一直期待着与你的相遇,也希望今日的相遇能够为你带来美好的心情。 わたくしはナポリ。指揮官、会えて嬉しいわ。呼び起こされてから、ずっと君に会いたかった――ええ、この出会いが君の一日を明るくすることを願って I am Napoli. It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander. I've longed for this union since I was awoken. Indeed, may this encounter of ours brighten up your day as it has mine.
Login 指挥官……?原来我已经走到这里了啊……既然如此,我能邀请你一起去散步吗~? 指揮官……?わたくし、ここまで歩いてきたんだけど……せっかくだから、君も散歩しない? Commander? I happen to pass by on my stroll, you see. Now that you're here, care to join me?
Details 听说吃太多甜食或者过辣的食物都会影响皮肤呢。不过,我从镜子里看不大出来呢……可以麻烦指挥官帮我确认一下皮肤的状态吗?对,没错~再靠近我一些哦~ 甘いものとか辛いものを食べすぎると肌が荒れると聞いたことがあるわ。わたくし、普段そういうのをいっぱい食べてるけど、鏡越しだとどうも分からなくて……指揮官、ナポリの肌が荒れてないか確認してもらえる?そう、そのまま近寄って、じっくり見て I've heard that eating too much spicy food or sweets will ruin your skin. I eat those quite a lot, but I can't spot any differences in the mirror, so... could you be a sweetheart and examine my skin for me? Yes, come closer and look thoroughly.
Main 指挥官,要不要出去散会儿步、转换一下心情呢?清凉的海风与明媚的阳光,还有海鸥的歌声……我都想与你分享。 指揮官、気分転換に散歩でもいかが?涼しい潮風に柔らかい日差し、かもめたちの歌……それらを一緒に楽しみたいわね How about we stop and go on a stroll, hmm? The breeze is lovely, the sun is shining, the seagulls are singing... I want to take it all in with you.
Main 2 想与我聊些什么呢?文化、艺术、历史……嗯?比起这些,更想了解我么~?呵呵~ わたくしと何を話したいのかしら?文化に芸術、それとも歴史……あら?それよりナポリのことをもっと知りたいって?ふふふ Would you like to talk about something? It could be culture, art, history, or even... Oh, you want to talk about ME? Heehee.
Main 3 ……嗯?失礼了,指挥官,刚刚有些走神了,你是让我将这些文件归档是么?嗯……档案室在哪里呢? ……あっ。ごめんなさい、少しぼーっとしてたわ…この書類を資料室に持っていってほしいって?それで…その資料室はどこにあるのかしら? Oh... My apologies. My mind wandered for a minute. Do you want me to bring these papers to the archive? Okay... and where is the archive?
Main 4 嗯……与其说是迷路……不如说是享受旅途中的惊喜……?我总会期待到达未知之地,看到不同的景色……指挥官,要一起吗~? わたくし……方向感覚が悪いというより…旅を楽しんでいるのかも…?知らない場所に行って、知らない景色を見る……君も一緒にいかが? I like to think of myself as a woman who likes traveling, rather than one with a poor sense of direction. It's the joy of going to new places and seeing new sights... Care to experience it with me?
Touch 嗯?这样的行为有些失礼哦~留待私下独处时会比较好~ ん?君、今のは少しマナーがなってないわよ。こういうのは二人っきりのときに、ね? Hm? This behavior of yours is rather uncouth. Save it for when we're alone, okay?
Touch (Special) 欸?你喜欢触碰这里么?为什么呢?告诉我吧,呵呵~ ん?君はここを触るのが好きなの?どうして?教えてもらってもいい?ふふ Hmm? Are you fond of touching these? Why? Please, I'd love to hear it. Heehee.
Touch (Headpat) 听说这么做会让方向感变好哦,所以指挥官之后也请多摸摸我的头吧,呵呵~ 頭をなでなでされると方向感覚がよくなると聞いたことがあるわ。ええ、もっとなでなで、してちょうだい?ふふふ I've heard that patting another's head improves their sense of direction. Be a dear and keep doing it, would you? Heehee.
Mission 未完成的任务,我来帮你吧……啊……是我很少接触的工作呢……容我稍作尝试。 未完了の任務、わたくしにも手伝わせ……あっ。普段触れていないものね。……ちょっとやらせて? Allow me to help you with this unfinished missio– Oh, I don't usually do tasks like this. Let me try it.
Mission Complete 任务完成了,指挥官,我有稍微帮上忙么~? 任務完了ね。指揮官、わたくし、役に立てたかしら? Mission completed. Have I served you well, dear?
Mail 指挥官,你的信……我有些在意,这样漂亮的信封样式…… 指揮官、君宛の手紙が……少し気になるわね。キレイな封筒のことが… There's a letter for you, Commander. I'm rather curious about this gorgeous envelope it's arrived in...
Return to Port 指挥官,作战辛苦了,我为你准备了一些茶点……嗯?放在哪里了呢……? 作戦おつかれさま、指揮官。わたくし、お茶とお菓子を用意して……あら?どこに置いたんだっけ……? Congratulations on your mission, Commander. I've made you tea and snacks to... That's odd. Where did I put them?
Commission Complete 指挥官,我来帮你清点物资吧……请放心,对待这种重要的工作,我不会出差错的。 指揮官、物資の確認を手伝わせて?ええ、こんな大事な仕事で間違えたりしないわ Let me help you verify the goods. Rest assured, I'd never make a mistake with such an important task.
Enhancement 指挥官,请善用我的力量吧。 わたくしの力をうまく使ってくださいまし I implore you to wield my strength with finesse.
Flagship 将敌人全部做掉吧~呵呵~ ぜーんぶ消してあげるわ。ふふふ♪ I shall relieve you of your existences. Heehee.
Victory 指挥官,你的战术令人钦佩,之后我能私下向你请教吗~? 感心するほど見事な戦術指揮だったわ。あとで君に教えてもらってもいいかしら? Such exemplary commanding – impressive. You must teach me your ways, Commander.
Defeat 全队撤退,残局由我来处理。 全艦、撤退して。あとはわたくしがどうにかするわ All ships, fall back. I shall keep the foe preoccupied.
Skill 晚安,迷途的野兽。 お休み、さまよえるケモノよ Good night, stray beasts.
Low HP 这样子才更能迷惑敌人的双眼啊…… この方が敵の目をもっと騙せるからね……♪ This is more likely to fool them, you see...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官,采取如此模棱两可的战术,可不是一位合格的领袖哦…… 指揮官、曖昧すぎるのはリーダーとして合格とは言えないわ Commander, such an ambiguous approach makes you unsuited to be a leader.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,我想去港口附近散散步,不过我记不大清港口的位置……可以请你与我同行吗~? 埠頭近くまで散歩しに行きたいけど、場所をよく覚えていなくて……一緒に来てもらえないかしら? I want to stroll along the pier, though I'm quite unfamiliar with the place... Would you mind coming along with me?
Affinity (Friendly) 嗯……这个味道……嗯?你问我为什么在吃菠萝披萨?奇怪……为什么我的桌子上会有菠萝披萨……是指挥官你的晚餐?真是抱歉……我立刻叫人来给你送份新的。 ん……この味……あら?どうしてパインピザを食べてるのかって?そうね…そもそもなぜわたくしの机にパインピザが置いてあったのかしら……君の夜ご飯なの?ごめんなさい…すぐ新しいのを持ってきてもらうわ Mmh... Delicious... Why am I eating pineapple pizza, you wonder? Good question... An even better question: why was there pineapple pizza lying on my desk? Was it your dinner for tonight? My apologies. I'll have someone bring in a new one at once.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,和我一起沿着海滩散散步吧。嗯,不必在意我这身礼裙,被海水打湿了也没关系……我并不在意这些繁复的礼节……海风、阳光……还有陪伴在我身边的你,都比它更加珍贵。 指揮官、浜辺で一緒に散歩しない?ええ、この格好のことは気にしなくてもいいわ。濡れても構わないし、形式的なこととかも全然関係ないの。潮風に日差し……そばにいる君のほうがもっと大事よ Would you care for a stroll by the beachside? Don't worry about my attire, sweetie. If I get wet, so be it, and I don't care for looking formal and the like. The breeze, the sunshine, and being by your side... those are more important to me.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,这个花环是送给你的礼物……不过,我曾读过一首诗,花环似乎象征着“爱情”哦,我也是编完以后才发现的……指挥官,你介意么~?……嗯,不介意就好,让我为你戴上吧~ 指揮官、この花冠をあげるわ。……ふふ、「花冠は愛を示すもの」と詩で読んだことがあるわ。こうして編んでみてようやく理解できたけど……伝わるかしら?いいのいいの、かぶせてあげるわ♪ This wreath is for you, Commander. Heehee. I've read in a poem that wreaths represent love. Only now after making one do I finally understand why... Do you mind? Lovely, then let me put it on for you!
Pledge 只是戴上这个,可不足以让我不再迷路、永远在你身边哦。还请牵起我的手,紧紧拥抱我吧。指挥官,不要再让我走丢了~ 指輪をつけてもわたくし、ドジで道に迷ったりするかもしれないわ。指揮官、わたくしの手を引いて、ぎゅっと抱きしめて。そして二度と迷わないようにして? I'm afraid this ring won't do much to better my sense of direction. Take my hand and hold me tight, Commander. Do that, and I'll never get lost again.
In battle with Chi An 请问,我可以品尝你做的东煌料理吗? 東煌の手料理を味見させてもらっても? Won't you give me a taste of the Empery's cooking?
In battle with Admiral Nakhimov, Chkalov 要给指挥官做身体检查吗…? 指揮官の身体検査でもするの…? What are you going to do – give the Commander a physical exam?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 你来了呀,指挥官。嗯,今天我没有迷路,是专门在这里等你邀请我去散步的哦~? 来たわね、指揮官。ええ、今日は迷ったりしてないわ。君からの散歩のお誘いを待っている…とでもいうべきかしら? You're here, Commander. Yes, I didn't get lost today. I suppose what I should say is... I'm waiting for you to invite me on a stroll.
Details 指挥官,不能用这种目光注视着别人,如果她们也迷路走进你的心里,那就不好了呢。请让我,独占你的内心吧。 その目でほかの子を見つめてはダメよ、指揮官。そんなに見つめられたら、あの子たちも君の心に迷い込むから……ええ、君の心はわたくしだけのものよ♡ I don't want to catch those eyes of yours staring at any other girl, Commander. You'll make her get as lost in your heart as I have. We can't have that, because you're mine.
Main 指挥官,文书工作我已经很熟悉了,放心交予我便好,不必麻烦其他人~ 指揮官、書類仕事はもう慣れているから、安心して任せて?ほかの子を煩わせるのではなくわたくしに、ね I've got the hang of paperwork by now, Commander. You can stop bothering other girls with it and leave it all to me.
Main 2 指挥官,社交舞蹈也是一种外交手段哦,我来教你吧……来,将手放在这里,再往下一些也没关系的~ 外交に社交ダンスがよく使われるから、指揮官に教えてあげるわ。……そう、手はここに添えて……もう少し下でもいいわよ? Diplomats often dance at balls as part of their work, so allow me to teach you some moves. Yes, place your hands like this... Feel free to place them further down, even.
Main 3 嗯?在研究敌人的资料么?为什么会这么烦恼呢?直接把它们全部做掉不就好了~? あら?敵の情報を研究しているの?わたくし、指揮官の悩みがどこから来てるのかはわからないけど……力ずくで倒せばいいでしょ? What's that? You're studying intel on the enemy? I don't see why you'd concern yourself with such a thing. Can't you just beat them down with overwhelming force?
Main 4 指挥官……?啊……一不注意就走到你的房间来了呢……这也未尝不是一种“旅途中的惊喜”。呵呵~指挥官,你认为呢~? 指揮官……?あら、いつの間にか部屋まで歩いてきちゃった……これも「旅の楽しみ」、と言っていいかしら?ふふふ、君は…どう思う? Commander? Oh, it seems my stroll has unexpectedly brought me to your room... Perhaps you could say that's part of the fun of traveling, heehee. What do you think?
Touch 多按摩能让皮肤变得更好哦~指挥官帮帮我吧~ マッサージは肌にいいと聞いたことがあるわ。ねえ、わたくしの肌を…預けてもらっていいかしら? I've heard that massages are good for the skin. Incidentally, may I... borrow your hands for a bit?
Touch (Special) 这里,我有好好保养过的哦~ ここのケアもきちんとやってきたつもりよ♡ I've been taking good care of these as well, by the way!
Touch (Headpat) 嗯……?我刚好也在想你哦~ ん……?わたくしも、君のことを考えていたわ Hm? Yes, I was thinking of you, too.
Mission 任务就放心交给我吧。 任務は安心してわたくしにね♪ Don't worry about those missions. I'll handle them.
Mission Complete 任务完成了,我已经很熟练了呢,呵呵~ 任務完了よ。わたくしったら、結構こなせるようになったわ。ふふ Mission complete. I daresay I've grown quite good at this.
Mail 指挥官,可以告诉我,信上写了什么么~?我只是……有些好奇。 指揮官、手紙に何が書いてあるか教えてもらっても?わたくし……ううん、「ほんのちょっとだけ」気になるわ Would you share the contents of this letter with me? I'm rather... scratch that, just a little curious.
Return to Port 指挥官,坐下来好好休息一阵吧,我为你准备了一些茶点……嗯,都是你喜欢吃的……我都有好好记住。 指揮官、ここに座ってゆっくりしていって?わたくし、お茶とお菓子を……ええ、君が好きなものよ。ちゃんと覚えているわ Have a seat and get comfortable, Commander. I've made you tea and sweets. Indeed – your favorite ones. I've committed them to memory.
Commission Complete 指挥官,我陪你一起去迎接委托组吧。嗯……一刻也不希望你离开我的视线呢~ 指揮官、委託組の出迎えは一緒に行ってあげるわ。わたくし、ええ、君とはひと時も離れたくないもの Let us head out and greet the commission team together.
Enhancement 指挥官,我会为你扫除一切的敌人与阻碍。 君のために、あらゆる敵と障害を排除するわ Whatever foes or obstacles come between us, I shall eliminate them all.
Victory 这次的战术很成功,多亏了指挥官的指教~ 戦術がうまくいったみたいね。指揮官が教えてくれたおかげよ My strategy went rather well. It was all thanks to your teachings, Commander.
Defeat 还没结束哦…… まだ終わってないわ This is far from over.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,我想过很多词语来表达我对你的情感,海上的灯塔,迷途的信标之类的……可始终觉得词不达意。所以这次我想更坦率一些,请你好好聆听我的心声吧……我爱你,我永远都不会放开你的手哦。 君への愛の例え方は色々考えてきたわ。海の灯台?導きの星標……どれもやっぱりしっくり来ないわね。もっと素直になって、ありのままの気持ちを聞いてもらったほうがいいかしら……愛しているわ。永遠に離さないから♡ I've thought of a myriad of metaphors for my love for you. A lighthouse out at sea, a guiding star... None of them quite hit home, though. Perhaps I ought to forego such things and just express my unadulterated feelings... I love you. I will always be with you.