Murasaki (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. C106Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft CarrierRarityElite
NavySenran KaguraBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP836 Reload68
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion19 Anti-air48
Aviation74 Cost0
ASW20 Luck105
HP3716 Reload131
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion72 Anti-air181
Aviation196 Cost0
ASW51 Luck111
Limit Break
Tier 1All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Fighters +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Bebeby, Hide Me!Increases this ship's max Detection Gauge value by 15 and increases her AA and AVI by 1.0% (10.0%) . 20s after the battle starts: designates 1 random enemy; restores 5.0% (15.0%) of this ship's max HP when that enemy is defeated.???
Root of Calamity StormWhile this ship is afloat, when your Main Fleet has been attacked 5 times: this ship gains 1 Root of Calamity's Wrath (does not stack); when this ship launches an airstrike: expends the stack and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).???
Root of Calamity Storm+Decreases the loading time of this ship's first airstrike by 45.0%. While this ship is afloat, when your Main Fleet has been attacked 5 times: this ship gains 1 Root of Calamity's Wrath (does not stack); when this ship launches an airstrike: expends the stack and performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Secret Ninja Art: Someone, Save Me (DMG is based on the skill's level). Enemies hit by this Secret Ninja Art are Poisoned for 20s, inflicting 105 DMG to them every second.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description我……是秘立蛇女子学园的……紫。请问……这是什么地方?我想马上回家……因为……外面很可怕……秘立蛇女子学園の…紫…です。あの…ここってどこなんでしょう?わたし、すぐに帰りたいんです…外は…怖いから……I'm Murasaki... from Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy. Umm... what is this place? I'd like to go home now... The outdoors are scary...
Biography我是秘立蛇女子学园的紫……我不太想出门……可以回房间吗……?在温暖的被窝里休息的时间……让人平静……秘立蛇女子学園の…紫…です。あんまり…外には出たくないから、お部屋に戻って…いいですか?暖かい布団の中で…お休みしている時間が…心安らぐから……I'm Murasaki... from Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy. I don't really like going outside, so... can I go back to my room? Resting in my futon helps me destress...
Acquisition我……是秘立蛇女子学园的……紫。请问……这是什么地方?我想马上回家……因为……外面很可怕……秘立蛇女子学園の…紫…です。あの…ここってどこなんでしょう?わたし、すぐに帰りたいんです…外は…怖いから……I'm Murasaki... from Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy. Umm... what is this place? I'd like to go home now... The outdoors are scary...
Login啊,你回来了啊……あ、帰ってきたんですね……Oh. You're back.
Details这里真是个神奇的地方……如果是以前闭门不出的那个我……肯定害怕得只会哭了……ここは不思議なところ…もし部屋に閉じこもっていたころのわたしだったら…きっと怖くて泣くだけだったと…思う……This is a strange place. If I hadn't changed from my shut-in days... I'd probably be so scared I'd break down crying now.
Main我已经努力了……所以……稍微休息一下也不要紧……对吧?反正雅绯小姐也不在……わたし、頑張った…だからもう少し…休憩してても…いいよね?雅緋さんもいないし……I worked extra hard, so can't I rest for a little longer? Miyabi isn't around, so...
Main 2虽然有点害怕……不过和小贝贝在一起就没事了……ちょっと怖いこともあるけど…べべたんと一緒なら大丈夫……Despite all the scary stuff... I'll be fine as long as I have Bebeby.
Main 3指挥官的眼神……好可怕……啊!那个……只是有一点点而已啦……指揮官の目が…怖い…です。あ!あの…ちょっとだけ…です……Your eyes scare me, Commander... Oh! Err, just a little, not a lot...
Main 4初春小姐……?嗯……那个……没、没没,没什么……初春…さん?…えーっと…その…あの…な、なな何でもないです……Hatsuharu? Umm, hey, would you... N-never mind I said anything!
Main 5好闻的红茶香气……是从贝尔法斯特小姐那里传来的?啊……嗯……再、再再,再见啦……いいお茶の匂い…ベルファストさんから?あ…ええと…さささようなら……I smell aromatic tea... Did you brew it, Belfast? Oh. Uhh... G-g-goodbye...
Touch休息时间……这就结束了吗……?可以再多休息一下吗……?休憩は…お仕舞い…?ねえもう少し…お休みにしない?Breaktime is over? Can't we rest for five more minutes, please?
Touch (Special)别,别这样……や、やめて……St-stop it...
Touch (Headpat)对,对不起……欸?并不是要惩罚我?太,太好了……ご、ごめんなさい…え?別に罰とかじゃない? …よ、よかった……S-sorry... Huh? This isn't any kind of punishment? Okay, good...
Mission似乎还有没完成的工作……要,再确认一下吗……?まだ終わってない仕事があるけど…もう一回、確認する…?You've got unfinished missions, so... maybe look at the list again?
Mission Complete好像……有任务已经完成了……你累了吗…?終わってる任務…あるみたい…疲れました…?Looks like you finished a mission... Good work.
Mail指挥官……好像……有还没读的信哦……?指揮官…読んでないお手紙…あるみたいだよ…?Commander... I think there's an unread letter for you.
Return to Port欢,欢迎回来。今天这样就结束了……?那么……接下来……可以一直休息吗……?お、お帰りなさい。今日は…これでお仕舞い?じゃあ…あとはずっと…休憩しても…いいよね?W-welcome back. Are we done for today? Okay... Then can we relax for the rest of the day?
Commission Complete外出做任务的大家都回来了……大家都平安无事,真是太好了……お使いの人たちが…帰ってきたよ。みんな、無事でよかった……Your errand girls are back. I'm glad they're all okay...
Enhancement小贝贝的特训成果,展现出来了吗……べべたんとの特訓の成果、出たんでしょうか……Maybe my special training with Bebeby has paid off.
Flagship真不想去啊……行きたくないなぁ……I so don't want to do this...
Victory终于能回家了……やっとお家に帰れる……Now I can finally go home.
Defeat好可怕……好可怕……好可怕……我要回家……怖い…怖い…怖い……おうちに…帰る……I'm scared... I'm scared... I wanna go home...
Skill紫,彰显邪誉,翩然起舞!紫、悪の誇りを舞い掲げますI dance for the honor of evil.
Low HP呜呜呜……好痛……好可怕……ううう…痛いのは…怖いです……Ugghh... I'm afraid of pain...
Affinity (Upset)……不行……我好害怕……所以,让我一个人待一会儿吧…………ダメ…怖い…から、しばらく…一人にしておいてNo... I'm scared... Leave me to myself for a while...
Affinity (Stranger)没有什么奇怪的味道吧……?太好了……我姑且还是……挺在意这些的……変な匂いとか…しない?よかった…一応ちゃんと…気にしてるから……You don't smell anything, do you? Good. I have a pretty sharp nose, so...
Affinity (Friendly)以前遇到困难……我都会跟小贝贝商量……今后……我也会跟指挥官商量的……困ったことがあったら…べべたんに相談してたけど……今度からは…指揮官にも相談するね……I talk to Bebeby whenever something's bothering me... From now on, though, I'll talk to you too, Commander.
Affinity (Like)指挥官……总是教我很多东西……但我什么都没能回报……所以如果遇到什么困难的话……一定要告诉我哦……指揮官は…いつもいろいろ教えてくれるけど…わたし、なにもお返しできなくて…だから困ったことがあったら…絶対に言ってね……You've taught me so much, and I really wish I could return the favor... So, if you ever need someone to talk to, come straight to me.
Affinity (Love)我真的……不想战斗。我……只想赶快回家……但是,看到大家拼命战斗的模样……我就觉得……自己这样不行呢……ホントは…戦いたくないんです。早く…帰りたいだけ……。でも、みんなが一生懸命戦ってる姿を見てると…それじゃダメ…って、思いも……Truth be told... I don't want to fight. All I want is to go home as soon as I can. But, when I see everybody fighting for their dear lives... I feel like I can't abandon them.
Pledge怎么样指挥官?我……没有输给大家吧?太好了……你能这么说……我很高兴。而且……这也就是说……我没有拖累你,对吧?如果在回去之前,能一直坚持努力的话……姐姐也会夸我吧?どう指揮官?みんなに…負けてない?よかった…そう言ってもらえて…うれしい。それに…あなたの足…引っ張ってないってことだよね?帰るまでちゃんと頑張れたら…お姉ちゃんも褒めてくれるかな?Well, Commander? Am I... good enough? Thank goodness. I'm glad to hear that from you. I guess this means I'm not a burden to you, right? Maybe my sister will praise me if I can pull my weight until I come home...
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Asuka飞鸟小姐……即使在这种时候……也还能笑出来呢。飛鳥さんは…こんな時でも…笑えるんですね Always smiling, even on the battlefield, huh?
In battle with Homura总觉得……焰小姐和飞鸟小姐有点像……呀!对,对不起……焔さんと飛鳥さんって、なんか似て…ひゃ!ご、ごめんなさ…… You and Asuka look strangely simila– Eek! S-sorry!
In battle with Fubuki那、那个…雪不归小姐…不、没,没什么……あ、あの…雪不帰さ…い、いえ!なんでも…ないです…… Umm, Fubuki... N-no! Never mind I said anything.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description穿着泳衣……听着涛声……大口吃着冰淇淋……再玩着海洋游戏,这样就算呆在房间里也可以说“其实是海水浴”吧?水着で…波音を聞きながら…アイスを頬張って…海のゲームをしてれば、たとえ部屋にこもっていても、「実質海水浴だ」って言ってもいいよね…?When you're in a swimsuit, listening to the waves, eating ice cream, and playing a beach game... can't you say it counts as being on the beach, even if you're indoors?
Acquisition穿着泳衣……听着涛声……大口吃着冰淇淋……再玩着海洋游戏,这样就算呆在房间里也可以说“其实是海水浴”吧?水着で…波音を聞きながら…アイスを頬張って…海のゲームをしてれば、たとえ部屋にこもっていても、「実質海水浴だ」って言ってもいいよね…?When you're in a swimsuit, listening to the waves, eating ice cream, and playing a beach game... can't you say it counts as being on the beach, even if you're indoors?
Login欢迎回来……说起来,这里不是你的房间,对你说“欢迎回来”合适吗?お帰りなさい…そういえば、ここは指揮官の部屋じゃないけど、「お帰り」でいいのかな…?Welcome home. Well, this isn't YOUR place, but can't you still call it "home"?
Details大家邀请我去游泳我很高兴……但是,我在这里也很开心……みんなが…泳ぎに行こうって誘いに来てくれるのは嬉しい…けど、わたしはここでも…楽しいの……As much as I appreciate everyone inviting me to go swimming... I prefer staying right here.
Main阳光太晒的话……我肯定会昏过去……所以希望太阳可以多休息一下……あんまり日差しが強いと…きっと倒れちゃうから…もうちょっとお日様には休憩しててもらいたい……I'll faint if I go outside when it's too sunny. I wish Mr. Sun would take it down a notch...
Main 2零食什么的……我不会洒出来的……所以只拿一点的话……你不会生气吧……?おやつとか…こぼしたりはしないから…………少しだけなら…怒らないですか…?I promise I won't spill my drinks... You don't mind if I keep a few around, right?
Main 3再玩一会就到下一个存档点了……然后我会去稍微游下泳的……到时候请来接我吧……あとちょっと…次のセーブポイントまで…そうしたら少しだけ泳ぎにいくから…迎えに来てください…Just need to get to the next save point... I'll go for a short swim once I'm done, so please wait for me at the beach.
Main 4女灶神小姐,这个泳圈……真的很可爱。谢谢。ヴェスタルさん…この浮き袋…すごくカワイイ。ありがとう…This swim ring you gave me is adorable... Thanks, Vestal.
Main 5恶毒小姐告诉我的午睡地点……真的很不错……但对我来说阳光可能有点刺眼……ル・マランさんが教えてくれたお昼寝スポット…すごくステキなんだけど…わたしには少しまぶしいかも……Le Malin pointed me to a napping spot... But, as great as it is, I think it's a little too sunny for me...
Touch我准备了很多东西,所以……在这里也可以感受到海水浴的氛围哦?いろいろそろえたから…ここでも海水浴気分に…なれますよ…?There's arguably everything you need here to experience being on the beach.
Touch (Special)我应该……没有晒伤……吧……?さすがに焼けては…いないと思うけど…どうですか…?There's no way I've gotten a tan, but... what do you think?
Return to Port辛苦了。如果累了的话可以直接回房间哦……?お疲れさま。お疲れだから部屋に直行直帰でも…いいと思うよ…?Well fought. You must be exhausted, so nobody should mind if you go straight home.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login欢迎回来。幸好你回来了……不然我会躲进房间里的……お帰りなさい。帰ってきてくれて、よかった…。じゃないと、わたし引きこもっちゃう…Welcome back. I'm glad to see you again... If you weren't here, I'd shut myself in my room.
Details当我看到大家……都装备着那个舰装在港区走动时……我感觉这里有很多强大的存在……我很害怕……不要告诉其他人哦。皆が…あの艤装をつけて…港の中を歩いてるのを見たとき…すごい力持ちがいっぱいいるんだと思って…すごく怖くなったのは内緒When I first saw people wearing riggings, walking around the port, I felt like I was surrounded by superheroes... Secretly, though, I was really scared.
Main和大家在一起的话……很开心。而且……如果指挥官也在身边……我就不怕了……みんなと一緒なら…楽しい。それに…指揮官もいてくれるなら…怖くない……It's fun to hang out with people. And, as long as you're here, I don't feel scared...
Main 2好温柔的味道……闻闻……是指挥官身上的吗?優しい匂いがする…くんくん…指揮官、から…?Something smells friendly... *sniff sniff*... I think it's you, Commander.
Main 3以前……我不怎么想出门……但现在我经常在外面……总觉得很不可思议……昔は…あまり外出したくなかったんだけど…今は外にいることも多い…なんだか不思議……I used to dislike going outside, but now I leave my room quite often... It's weird how things can change.
Main 4伊58小姐……喜欢安静的夜晚吗?我也喜欢……安静的地方……伊58さん…静かな夜…好きなの?わたしも…静かなところ…好き……I-58, do you like quiet nights? Me too... I like it when it's quiet...
Main 5闻闻……埃克塞特小姐……好香……是玫瑰的香味吗…?すんすん…エクセターさんって…いい香りがする…薔薇…?*sniff sniff*... You smell nice, Exeter... Like roses.
Touch (Special)好,好近……啊,并不是讨厌……ち、近い…です……いやじゃ…ないけど……You're right up next to me... But I don't mind...
Mission还有任务没有完成……这个……我可以……帮忙吗…?まだ任務が…終わってないけど…これ、わたしがお手伝い…してもいいのかな…?You still have unfinished missions. Maybe I could... help out, if you want?
Mission Complete已经完成任务了……所以,从现在起……稍微休息一下吧?終わってる任務が…あるよ。だから…これから少しの間…休憩にしない?You've finished a mission. With that done... could we have a short break?
Flagship嗯,那就开始吧……うん、始めましょうか……Okay. Let's do this.
Victory啊,赢了……这下可以回去了吗……?あ、勝っちゃった…もう、帰ってもいい…?Oh, we won... Can we go back now?
Affinity (Love)如果是和指挥官一起的话……我想再努力努力……所以在找到回去的方法之前……如果你能对我温柔一些的话,我会很开心的……わたし…指揮官とならもう少し…頑張ってみたいって…思うの……だから帰る方法がわかるまで…優しくしてくれると…うれしいな……I think I can push myself just a little as long as I'm with you. So please, be kind to me until we've found a way to return to our home...