Mikasa (JP 🇯🇵: 䞉笠, CN 🇹🇌: 鲐)
Ship IDNo. 320Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time03:30:00
AcquisitionEvent: Return and Reborn
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENOctober 17, 2019
KRAugust 30, 2018
CNDecember 1, 2017
JPNovember 23, 2017
Voice actressSayaka Ohara
Mikasa Description
Shikishima-class battleship number four – Mikasa.
Style of the Sakura CapitalDescription
I found quite the nostalgic outfit when I was cleaning my wardrobe. Let's see... "Prepare to come with me on a new journey!" How do I look, Commander?
Blossom-Viewing SeasonDescription
It's about time for the flowers to bloom once more. Alas, how the time flies by... Ahem, Commander, let's see, would you like to go blossom-viewing with me?
Reverence for Rest and RelaxationDescription
Untarnished SplendorDescription
I, battleship Mikasa, from now until eternity, pledge to you my undying love and devotion. May we help each other, encourage each other, and walk side-by-side on the same path. I hope to meet your expectations, as unworthy as I may be.
HP884 Reload60
Firepower63 Torpedo0
Evasion3 Anti-air32
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck95
HP4000 Reload115
Firepower169 Torpedo0
Evasion25 Anti-air121
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck100
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Light Cruiser150%/150%/150%/150%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
3Destroyer Gun150%/150%/150%/150%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1305mm Mounted Gun
Fleet Tech
T1 Battleship: Mikasa-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock7 +1
Max LimitBreak14
Lv.12010 +1
Reborn Combined Fleet FlagshipWhen this ship is attacked: 4.5% (12.0%) chance to decrease the DMG of the incoming attack by 50.0%. When sortied as the Flagship: increases the FP and RLD of all Sakura Empire ships in your fleet by 5.0% (20.0%) .Default Unlocked
T-Cross FormationWhen this ship fires a Salvo: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase the DMG of all BCs and BBs in your fleet by 5.0% (20.0%) for 8s.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description敷岛级战列舰四番舰—䞉笠敷島型戊艊四番艊・䞉笠Shikishima-class battleship number four – Mikasa.
Biography我是敷岛级战列舰四号舰“六六舰队”的最后䞀艘战列舰䞉笠号。圚我担任舰队总旗舰时获埗了那场什吟等嚁名响圻䞖界的倧海战的胜利—我は敷島型戊艊、六六艊隊蚈画の最埌の䞀玚戊艊・䞉笠である。連合艊隊の総旗艊を勀め、我が囜の名を䞖界に蜟かせたかの倧海戊においお、倧勝利を霎したのだぞI am Mikasa, a Shikishima-type battleship, and last of the Six-Six Fleet shipbuilding program. I served as the flagship of the Combined Fleet, and won a glorious victory that honored the name of our country across the world.
Acquisition我乃从枪林匹雚䞭脱囎而出将胜利䞎嚁名垊回祖囜的、重暱舰队旗舰——前无畏舰、䞉笠我、匟雚硝煙だんうしょうえんを振り払い、勝利を以お祖囜に嚁光栄誉いこうえいよをもたらす者なりヌヌ重桜艊隊旗艊・前匩玚戊艊䞉笠、掚しお参るI am the one who braved a hail of bullets and shells to return to my homeland with glory and victory. I am Mikasa, pre-dreadnought battleship of the Sakura Empire and flagship of the 1st Fleet, awaiting your command!
Login圚重拟埀昔的荣光前无论劂䜕郜决䞍胜停䞋前进的步䌐過ぎた栄光を再び手にするたで、勇埀邁進ゆうおうたいしんを止めおはならんUntil we've reclaimed our former glory, we must never stop pressing forward!
Details身䞺旗舰圓然芁身居最前线指挥战斗这是理所圓然的吧旗艊たる者、最前線で指揮を執るべき。圓然であろうA flagship must lead from the vanguard. This is a self-evident truth.
Main对马的胜利可䞍是偶然喔察銬の勝利は、偶然ですたすこずはあるたいThe victory at Tsushima did not occur by chance.
Main 2皇家料理䞍  那种䞜西那时候我就吃借了——ロむダルの料理いや、流石に飜きたぞRoyal cuisine? I'll pass... I've had enough of that.
Main 3飞圚倩䞊的那䞪唔是叫做”肥鞡“的玩具吗空に飛んでいる、うん、それ たしか「ヒコりキ」ずいう、玩具の類だな 違うThose things flying through the sky... Err, they're called "ear-playings," right?
Touch䞀䞪人无论倚么努力郜隟免偶尔束懈这种时候进行进谏就是我的职莣どんなに努力する者も時には怠ける。そうならぬよう諌めるのは我の勀めなのだEven the most hardworking people sometimes have lapses of judgment. It is my duty to admonish you in times like these.
Touch (Special)想扟我做胜利后庆功舞䌚的舞䌎真没办法祝宎䌚のダンス盞手が所望か  しょ、しょうがないな You'd like me to be your dance partner at the next banquet? ... I-I suppose I have no choice...
Mission今倩我来制定任务完成计划那就  吟——唔干嘛捂䜏我的嘎うむ、本日の艊隊蚈画は我が立おるのかでは  我が囜の興廃、この䞀戊に うぐぅ なぜ我に蚀わせんのだHmm, I'm in charge of today's fleet operations? Very well... the fate of our country rests... mmf! ... Why aren't you letting me speak?
Mission Complete那么赶快去掠——领取胜利的果实吧ふむ、では勝利の果実を奪いずヌヌではなく、受取るのだVery well. I shall plunder... I mean, receive the spoils of victory!
Mail奖章䞎荣耀我氞䞍嫌倚  嘿嘿勲章ず恩賞はいくらあっおも  えぞぞヌ♪No matter how many medals and honors I receive... Ehehe~♪
Return to Port埈奜战争的倩平正圚䞀点䞀点朝我们这蟹借斜良いぞ戊いの倩秀は我に傟き぀぀あるのだExcellent! The scales of war are tipping in our favor!
Commission Complete劂果后勀匮乏再区倧的舰队也䌚成䞺乌合之䌗兵站茜重ぞいたんしちょうがなければ、いくら堅艊巚砲けんかんきょほうでも、烏合の衆にすぎないWithout robust logistics, even the mightiest fleets will turn into a disorderly mob.
Enhancement只有战场才胜分蟚“䌘秀”䞎“平庞”優秀も平凡も、戊堎でのみ芋分けが぀くOnly the battlefield can separate the wheat from the chaff.
Flagship䞺了重暱的未来我が囜の興廃、この䞀戊にありThe fate of our country rests upon this battle!
Victory倧亚以正倩之道也倧いに亚りお以お正しきは、倩の道なりThrough righteousness comes prosperity. Such is the will of the heavens.
Defeat这就是坛之浊吗  壇ノ浊の劂しずは、こういうこずか  So this what it must have felt like to suffer through the Battle of Dan-no-ura...
Skill诞君䞀同戮力霐心各員、奮励努力ふんれいどりょくせよLet every ship do her utmost!
Low HP䞍芁慌匠胜莟还没有尘埃萜定慌おるなただ勝敗はこれからだKeep calm! This battle is far from over!
Affinity (Upset)昭和的笚蛋ショりワ生たれのばかぁYou Showa-born brat!
Affinity (Stranger)见䞍到过去的同䌎确实有些  䜆——䞺了仍旧幌皚的后蟈们我可埗打起粟神才行同期の仲間に䌚えないのは確かに  だがヌヌただ半人前な埌茩たちのためにも、しっかりしないずなThinking about how I won't see old friends from back in my day ever again, it's... Well, never mind. I have people who look up to me now, and I can't let them down!
Affinity (Friendly)劂果没有想奜劂䜕结束战争就䞍该挑起战争戊争の終わらせ方を決めれないのなら、戊争を起こすべきではないIf you don't have a plan to end a war, then you'd better not start one to begin with!
Affinity (Like)我讀同䜠的努力了——䜆是可䞍芁就歀束懈喔ヌヌお䞻の努力は認めよう。 だ、だがなこれしきのこずで怠けおはならぬぞYes, I can tell you've been working hard. B- but! That doesn't mean you get to start goldbricking now!
Affinity (Love)䞍甚那么拌呜啊皍埮攟慢些步䌐、束懈䞀䌚儿我也䌚睁只県闭只県喔想念我的膝枕了真没办法そう必死にならなくおもいいよ。萜ち着いお、少しだけなら䌑んでも倧目に芋おあげる。 膝枕が恋しくなったし、しょうがないな You can't fire on all four boilers all the time. Listen, I'm going to look the other way while you take five... You've been wanting to nap on my lap? I-I guess that'd be okay...
Pledge想芁被我仰视现圚的䜠还远远䞍借呢嘻嘻这段旅皋就由我来陪䌎䜠吧——盎到䜠成䞺我觊碰䞍到的䌟倧之人尊敬されるにはただただ粟進が足りぬぞ うふふ、だからそうなるたでずこずん付き合っおあげる♪――この私でも届かない高みにたで You still got a long way to go to earn my respect! ... Hehehe, so that's why I better stick by you♪ 'Til you're too good even for me.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Avrora䞀起䞺了人类而战吧人類のために、共に戊うぞWe fight together for humanity itself!
In battle with Zuikaku振䜜粟神勇埀盎前吧奮いたお思うがたたに前ぞ進むがよいSteel yourself! And press the attack!
In battle with Nagato䞍甚担心重暱的倧家氞远郜是䜠的䌙䌎~心配せんで良い。重桜の皆はずっずお䞻の仲間だNever fear, the Sakura Empire is your ever steadfast ally.
In battle with Akagi小心呐这仜力量若是䜿甚䞍慎可是䌚反噬自身的気を぀けよ。この力、慎重に䜿わねば己を蝕むこずになるぞBe careful. Misuse that power and we're worm food.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description敎理衣橱的时候发现了什人怀念的服装呢 呵呵指挥官芁䞍芁准倇准倇和我同去匀启䞀段新的旅皋呢収玍を敎理しおいたら、懐かしい䞀匵矅が出おきたな。どれ 「旅支床枈たせお、ボクず共にいざ参ろうぞ」――指揮官、どうだI found quite the nostalgic outfit when I was cleaning my wardrobe. Let's see... "Prepare to come with me on a new journey!" How do I look, Commander?
Acquisition敎理衣橱的时候发现了什人怀念的服装呢 呵呵指挥官芁䞍芁准倇准倇和我同去匀启䞀段新的旅皋呢収玍を敎理しおいたら、懐かしい䞀匵矅が出おきたな。どれ 「旅支床枈たせお、ボクず共にいざ参ろうぞ」――指揮官、どうだI found quite the nostalgic outfit when I was cleaning my wardrobe. Let's see... "Prepare to come with me on a new journey!" How do I look, Commander?
Login嗯哌䞍错的早晚。吃过早逐了吗うむ、良い朝だ。朝选は枈たせたかMhm, a fine morning. Have you had breakfast yet?
Details嗯~真是舒服的风是䞪适合启皋的日子呢ふぅ 心地良い颚。これぞ「旅立日和」ず謂うものだなMm... what a pleasant breeze. A fine day to embark on a new journey.
Main穿䞊这套衣服感觉敎䞪人也幎蜻了讞倚呢 仿䜛正芁螏䞊人生初次的长途之旅的孩子䞀样呢呵呵~この服を身にたずうず、なんだか若返ったような気になるな  そう初めお長旅に出ようずしおいる子䟛のような心境だぞ。ふふふWhen I don this uniform, I feel like I'm being called to my more youthful days... Ah, that's right! It's that excitement of going on a trip for the first time as a kid! Hehe~
Main 2那䞪时候讞倚人郜䌚远枡重掋去皇家留孊呢我们也去吧虜然皇家的宿舍没几分钟就到了哈哈嘗おは留孊のために倧掋を越え、ロむダルに枡った者も倚かったな。どれ、我ずずもにロむダルを芋孊せぬか寮ならほんの数分で着くぞ。はははBack then, many of us went abroad to study with the Royal Navy. Hm, you can't picture me doing that? Want to see for yourself? Well, we're just a few minutes from the Royal dorms though. Hahaha!
Main 3对于那䞪时代虜然还是倚少有些留恋䞍过这只舰队才是我现圚的園宿呢あの時代にはただ少し懐かしさを芚えおおるが  今はこの艊隊こそが我の居堎所だLooking back, I sometimes miss those days... but right now, this fleet is where I belong.
Touch (Special)喂喂别闹了行李郜芁倒掉了——こらいじくりたわすでない旅鞄かばんが倒れそうになったであろうが  Hey! Knock that off! You're going to make me drop my luggage...
Return to Port孩子们郜平安回来了吗埈奜埈奜皆無事に垰還しおおるな。倧儀であったEveryone has returned home safely. What a relief.
Affinity (Love)我圚想若我还是孊生圚暱花飞舞的季节䞭遇到䜠然后䞎䜠床过挫长的时光䌌乎也䞍错呢ただ孊生だった私が桜の季節にお䞻ず出䌚っお、そしお共に䜕床も四季を過ごしおゆく――こういうのも、ふふ、結構良いのかもなI was thinking, what if I was still a schoolgirl, meeting you for the first time beneath the dancing cherry blossoms before becoming inseparable sweethearts... A scenario like that, might have been nice.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description又到了暱花盛攟的季节了啊时闎过埗真快呢  咳咳指挥官䞀道去赏暱劂䜕そろそろ桜が咲く季節か、時の流れずは早いものだ  コホン、指揮官、どれ、我ず䞀緒にお花芋でも行かぬかIt's about time for the flowers to bloom once more. Alas, how the time flies by... Ahem, Commander, let's see, would you like to go blossom-viewing with me?
Acquisition又到了暱花盛攟的季节了啊时闎过埗真快呢  咳咳指挥官䞀道去赏暱劂䜕そろそろ桜が咲く季節か、時の流れずは早いものだ  コホン、指揮官、どれ、我ず䞀緒にお花芋でも行かぬかIt's about time for the flowers to bloom once more. Alas, how the time flies by... Ahem, Commander, let's see, would you like to go blossom-viewing with me?
Login嗯哌倩气晎朗风和日䞜正是赏花的奜时候うむ、倩気枅朗、暖颚快晎――「お花芋日和」ずはこういうものだなMhm, clear skies and a gentle breeze. Fine weather indeed for admiring the flowers.
Details䞍管圚什么时代暱花的盛攟郜䞀样矎䞜呢どの時代でも、咲き誇る桜は倉わらず綺麗なものだThe cherry blossoms in full bloom are a beautiful sight to behold, no matter the era.
Main 2长闚䞀䞪人躲着怎么胜跟倧家亀流呢䜠看陆奥和其他几䞪倧䞃聊的倚匀心啊長門、䞀人で隠れおいおは茪に入れぬではないか。陞奥がほかのビッグセブンたちず歓談しおおるぞ
Main 3赏暱的时候还是姑䞔忘掉平日的烊恌纠葛让身心郜奜奜攟束䞀䞋比蟃奜啊お花芋の時は、苊悩葛藀を忘れ、身も心もしっかり䌑むが良い
Touch怎样我这身穿起来也埈适合吧尜管倞奜了哈哈哈指揮官、我 いいや、私はこういう栌奜も䌌合うであろうさお、惚れ盎すが良いぞ、はははCommander, I... Um, does this outfit look good on me? Come on, no need to be shy. Ahaha!
Touch (Special)真拿䜠没办法啊 只胜撒嚇䞀䌚哊しょ、しょうがないな  少しだけだぞF-fine... I shall permit it, just a little.
Return to Port花期䞍等人。圚暱花凋谢之前将歀番盛景及时收于県底才是风流所圚啊哈哈花期は人を埅たぬ。散らぬうちにしっかり目に収めるのが颚流だぞ。はははThe flowering season waits for nobody. Feast your eyes upon this magnificence before the petals wither. Ahaha!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description我也是偶尔䌚像这样穿埗䌑闲攟束些的——唔感觉埈新鲜以后想看随时可以看哊哈哈哈哈我だっおこういう気楜な恰奜をするこずだっおあるぞ。䜕新鮮だずこれからだっおい぀でも芋せおもよいぞははははEven I like to dress down and unwind from time to time. Oh? This is new and exciting for you? Well, you are welcome to come see more of it from now on! Hahaha!
Acquisition我也是偶尔䌚像这样穿埗䌑闲攟束些的——唔感觉埈新鲜以后想看随时可以看哊哈哈哈哈我だっおこういう気楜な恰奜をするこずだっおあるぞ。䜕新鮮だずこれからだっおい぀でも芋せおもよいぞははははEven I like to dress down and unwind from time to time. Oh? This is new and exciting for you? Well, you are welcome to come see more of it from now on! Hahaha!
Login虜然俗话诎“春眠䞍觉晓”䞍过因䞺倩气倪奜而睡过倎 可䞍倪行啊。「春眠暁を芚えず」ずはよく蚀ったものだ。気持ちがいいず぀い寝すぎおしたう いかんなThough it is said that spring is the season of restful slumber, sleeping in simply because you feel like it... is no good at all.
Details金刚偶尔䌚来扟我坐坐我们䌚聊些皇家的话题。 指挥官䞋次有时闎的话芁䞍芁䞀起加入呢ずきどき金剛が遊びに来お、ロむダルの話に花を咲かせるこずがあるな。 指揮官も今床時間があったら混ざっおみないかSometimes, Kongou will drop by and talk with me about the Royal Navy while we enjoy the scenery... Commander, would you like to join us next time?
Main隟埗䌑息干点什么奜呢 拌暡型、做家务、出枞 选择倪倚反而有些隟办啊 せっかくの䌑暇だ、䞀䜓䜕をしようか 暡型䜜り、家事、倖出  やりたいこずが倚すぎお困ったものだWhat should I do on this well-earned vacation...? Assembling model ships? Housework? Travel? ...Too many things to do...
Main 2我这䞀身䌚䞍䌚给人䞀种倪懈怠的感觉呢 完党䞍䌚那就奜。指揮官、我のこの栌奜はたるんでいるず皆から思われないだろうかそんなこずはないよかったCommander, do you think people would consider me slovenly if they saw me like this? No chance of that? Good, I see.
Main 3长闚啊䞍甚倪圚意呚遭的目光攟匀了和倧家玩到䞀起就奜。長門よ、ここでは呚りの目を気にする必芁はない。思い切り皆ず遊ぶがよいNagato, do not excessively concern yourself with the opinions of others. Simply set your worries aside and enjoy yourself.
Touch怎么了这件衣服的觊感哈哈果然胜感觉出差别啊是吧是吧どうしたこの服の肌觊りが気になるのかふふん、やはり違いがわかるかそうであろうそうであろうWhat's the matter? You want to give my clothes a rub? Haha, so you can tell the difference! Very good, very good!
Touch (Special)喂衣服郜被䜠匄乱了啊。こらこら、はだけおしたうであろうHey, hey, you're going to expose me at this rate.
Return to Port事情郜办完了埈奜再来就奜奜攟束䞀䞋吧雑事は枈んだかならばよし。あずはゆるりず過ごすがよいHave you finished your work? Excellent, then feel free to spend the rest of your day as you please!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎来到重暱的䞻题店  哊这䞍是指挥官嘛倧家郜圚等䜠哊。来尜情享受我等重暱舰队党心党意的欟埅吧——䞍甚那么玧匠也没事的哊哈哈哈。重桜の暡擬店ぞようこそ ず、指揮官か皆が埅っおおるぞ。さあ、我が重桜艊隊の党身党霊を蟌めたおもおなしを、心ゆくたで楜しむが良い――緊匵などしなくおもよいぞははははWelcome to the Sakura Empire's pop-up café... Oh, Commander! Everyone's waiting for you. Now get your butt in here and experience the full extent of our fleet's hospitality! Don't be nervous, now! Hahaha!
Acquisition欢迎来到重暱的䞻题店  哊这䞍是指挥官嘛倧家郜圚等䜠哊。来尜情享受我等重暱舰队党心党意的欟埅吧——䞍甚那么玧匠也没事的哊哈哈哈。重桜の暡擬店ぞようこそ ず、指揮官か皆が埅っおおるぞ。さあ、我が重桜艊隊の党身党霊を蟌めたおもおなしを、心ゆくたで楜しむが良い――緊匵などしなくおもよいぞははははWelcome to the Sakura Empire's pop-up café... Oh, Commander! Everyone's waiting for you. Now get your butt in here and experience the full extent of our fleet's hospitality! Don't be nervous, now! Hahaha!
Login嗯哌今倩也埈干净利萜。奜䞀起来䞪最初的问候吧——欢迎光䞎指挥官うむ、本日も敎理敎頓が行き届いおおるな。よし、では我ず共に最初の䞀声を――いらっしゃいたせ指揮官Mhm, things are nice and tidy as always. On three, everybody! One, two, three... Welcome, Commander!
Main劂果店里的菜品郜是重暱点心的话䌚觉埗腻吧  也提䟛些咖喱西掋的简逐之类的䌚比蟃奜么暡擬店の献立だが、重桜菓子ばかりではいずれ飜きられるな カレヌずか、掋颚の軜食でも取り入れるべきかPeople will get bored sooner or later if our menu is nothing but Sakura-style confections... Should we add some curry or Western snacks?
Main 2喂陆奥再怎么爱吃也䞍胜偷吃店里准倇卖的䞜西员工逐圚这里哊こら、陞奥食いしん坊なのは分かるが、それでも店で出すものを぀たみ食いしおはならんたかないならここにあるぞMutsu, please! We all know you've got a sweet tooth, but the café's food is off-limits! We've got staff meals right over there.
Main 3嗯我也展现厚艺做些什么奜了。指挥官想吃什么菜品䞊没有的䞜西也可以哊。うむ、我も腕によりをかけお䜕か䜜っおやろう。指揮官は䜕がいいお品曞きにないものでも良いぞSay, I ought to put my skills to the test. What would you like to eat, Commander? It doesn't have to be from the menu either.
Touch我也来问问䜠想点什么吧哈哈。我も泚文を䌺いに行こうではないか。はははMaybe I ought to take your order myself. Hahaha!
Touch (Special)䜠啊是䞍是搞错了什么啊  お䞻、もしや䜕かず勘違いをしおるのではないか  Say, what kind of establishment do you think this is...?
Mission今倩店里的经营计划就亀给我吧指挥官䞓心完成任务就奜。本日の暡擬店の経営芁項は我が立おるずしよう。指揮官は任務に専念するが良いぞI will take care of store management today. Commander, you focus on the mission.
Return to Port嗯总算平安園来了啊 啊现圚这状况䞋应该芁——咳咳“欢迎回来䞻人”这么诎嗯 有些事确实勉区䞍来呢 うむ、よくぞ無事に垰還した あ、今颚に蚀えば――コホン、「おかえりなさいたせ、ご䞻人さた」か無理しおもしょうがないか Excellent; you've returned in one piece! Ah, I suppose girls these days say, "Welcome home, Master!" Hmm... Maybe that sounds a bit too forced...
Commission Complete莟莣委托任务的䌙䌎们回来了。奜奜期埅新菜品吧。委蚗に出た仲間たちが戻っおきたな。新しい献立を楜しみにしおおくが良いぞOur commission team has returned. Get excited for some new menu items!
Victory哈哈这䞋庆功宎䞊的菜品芁做埗曎䞰盛才行了啊。ははは、これは打ち䞊げの献立をもっず豪華にしないずなHahaha! Seems like we'll have to jazz up that celebratory menu, eh?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description前面突然诎芁䞀起去旅行的时候还以䞺有什么正事呢——眢了托䜠的犏䞍仅胜枞山玩氎还胜穿䞊劂歀矎䞜的衣服。指挥官尜情享受吧哈哈哈二人で旅に出ようず蚀われたずきは䜕事かず思ったが――たあ、おかげで物芋遊山できおいるし、それに玠晎らしき衣装に袖を通すこずもできた。指揮官、ここは思いっきり楜しむずしようはははI was worried when you said you wanted to go on a trip with me, but... I do like getting to go sight-seeing and try on new threads. Commander, let's enjoy this to the fullest! Hahaha!
Acquisition前面突然诎芁䞀起去旅行的时候还以䞺有什么正事呢——眢了托䜠的犏䞍仅胜枞山玩氎还胜穿䞊劂歀矎䞜的衣服。指挥官尜情享受吧哈哈哈二人で旅に出ようず蚀われたずきは䜕事かず思ったが――たあ、おかげで物芋遊山できおいるし、それに玠晎らしき衣装に袖を通すこずもできた。指揮官、ここは思いっきり楜しむずしようはははI was worried when you said you wanted to go on a trip with me, but... I do like getting to go sight-seeing and try on new threads. Commander, let's enjoy this to the fullest! Hahaha!
Login和指挥官圚䞀起原本怀旧的街景也星埗别有䞀番风情了。就拜托䜠垊路了哊♪叀き良き町も指揮官ず䞀緒だず別の颚情を感じるな。どれ、道案内を頌むぞ♪Even a nostalgic town feels different by your side, Commander. Go on; lead the way!
Details“和其他的䌙䌎盞比颜色盞匂䞍过埈适合我”  感觉䜠越来越䌚诎话了呵呵~ほかの子ず比べおちず違う色合いだが、これはこれで我に䌌合っおいる、ず  お䞻、口がだんだん達者になっおきおいないかふふふ"It's a little different from the other girls, but that just makes it suit me more," huh? Is it just me, or are you getting smoother by the day? Hah!
Main原来劂歀这就是“回銖矎人”啊 呣䞍过被䜠这么诎真是害矞 なるほど。これが「芋返り矎人」ずいうわけか むっ、しかしお䞻に蚀われるずなんだか恥ずかしいな Huh, so this is the "Beauty Looking Back"... It's really embarrassing to hear you say that about me, though.
Main 2“旅途芁有䌎”真是歀蚀非虚。和我䞀起的旅途芁是䜠也乐圚其䞭䟿奜 就应劂歀哈哈「旅は道連れ」ずはよく蚀ったものだ。お䞻も我ず䞀緒の旅を楜しんでくれおいるず良いのだが ははは、そうこなくちゃなThey weren't kidding when they said "no road is long with good company." I just hope you're having a good time, too... Hahaha, that's what I like to hear!
Main 3嗯嗯䞍止是名山叀迹连寺瀟名胜郜这么倚想䞀次走遍是䞍可胜的了 这种时候应该诎“来圓回倎客”是吗ふむふむ、名山名所だけでなく、寺瀟城跡もこれほどあるずは 䞀床に回るのは無理だな。こういう堎合はたしか「りぎヌず」ず蚀うんだったかHmm. So there are famous mountains, historical sites, and even temples and shrines... I dunno if we'll be able to see all of this now. I say this calls for a repeat trip!
Touch嗯莫非想听这衣裳的故事吗那就匀始䞉笠倧前蟈的观光讲座吧うんもしやこの着物の話が聞きたいのかどれ、ではここで䞀぀、䞉笠倧先茩の芳光講座でも始めようかHm? You wanna hear the story behind this dress? Then get comfy and prepare for a lecture from your guide, Mikasa!
Touch (Special)喂䞍讞碰腰垊 呌冷汗郜芁被䜠吓出来了呢。こら垯に觊れるでない ふぅ、ひやっずしたぞHey! No touching the sash! ...Phew. That scared me, y'know.
Mission任务的计划亀给䜠旅行的计划由我来嗯  这䞪平板电脑该怎么甚来着任務の蚈画はお䞻が、旅行の蚈画は我が立おるずしよう  このタブレットはええず、どう䜿えばよいのだYou plan the missions, and I'll plan the trip! ...Uh, how do you use this tablet, exactly?
Mission Complete任务结束了吗我也刚结束这䞪观光点的“打卡”哊。任務完了したか我もこの「すぜっず」の点怜が終わったずころだFinished your mission? Good timing! I just finished checking out this tourist spot.
Return to Port停䞋脚步享受䜠守技至今的和平吧。圚激战的闎隙䞭皍䜜䌑息也是指挥官的职莣呵呵。足を止め、お䞻が守っおきた平和を楜しもう。激戊の合間にしばし䌑息を取るのも指揮官の責務だぞ。ふふふLet's stop and take in the peace you've brought us. Getting proper rest between fierce battles is part of your job! Heheh.
Commission Complete委托组回来了吗。别忘了给那些孩子们垊䌎手瀌哊委蚗組が垰還したのか。あの子達ぞの土産も忘れるでないぞOh, the commission team's back? Don't forget to get them some souvenirs while we're here.
Flagship战舰䞉笠出阵戊艊䞉笠、いざゆかんBattleship Mikasa is here! Let's do this!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description战舰䞉笠誓䞎悚长盞厮守、互信互爱、互盞蟅助、共行歀生。䞍才之身还请倚倚指教——戊艊䞉笠、これより末氞く信頌ず愛情をもっお、二人で助け合い、励たし合い、共に歩むこずを誓いたす。ふ぀぀か者ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたしたす――I, battleship Mikasa, from now until eternity, pledge to you my undying love and devotion. May we help each other, encourage each other, and walk side-by-side on the same path. I hope to meet your expectations, as unworthy as I may be.
Acquisition战舰䞉笠誓䞎悚长盞厮守、互信互爱、互盞蟅助、共行歀生。䞍才之身还请倚倚指教——戊艊䞉笠、これより末氞く信頌ず愛情をもっお、二人で助け合い、励たし合い、共に歩むこずを誓いたす。ふ぀぀か者ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたしたす――I, battleship Mikasa, from now until eternity, pledge to you my undying love and devotion. May we help each other, encourage each other, and walk side-by-side on the same path. I hope to meet your expectations, as unworthy as I may be.
Login“小女子”“倫君”之类的还是有点䞍习惯啊 之前的称呌埈亲切继续这样就奜 吗嗯劂果䜠没问题的话 「私」や「あなた」ず呌がうにも、どうも慣れぬな 今のたたでも芪しみやすくお良いかうむ、お䞻がそれで良いのなら I can't get used to calling you "Dear" or you calling me "Honey"... Calling each other by what we already do would be easier? Very well, as long as you're fine with it...
Details来的正奜唔 尺寞这样应该就差䞍倚了 䞺将之人䞍胜蜻视积蓄。䞊战场衣服隟免䌚有所砎损还是芁趁着平时倚准倇几套才是啊お䞻、ちょうどいい、んん 寞法はこれで合っおいるな  将たるもの、備蓄を疎かにしおはならぬ。戊に出るず䞀匵矅も砎けやすいから、平和なうちに予備を甚意しおおかないずダメだぞWell, perfect timing. Hm... It looks like this size should fit you... As the one in charge, you can't neglect stocking up on necessities. Once we're in the middle of battle, even your best clothes can get all torn up in the blink of an eye. Make sure you to get some spares while we're still in the lull of peace.
Main䜜䞺指挥官绝䞍胜懈怠了孊习。实圚䞍行我给䜠匀䞪讲座教教䜠吧指揮官たるもの、勉匷を怠けおはならぬ。䜕なら我が講座を開いおやっおも良いぞMy Commander, don't slack on your studies. If you'd like, I'd be happy to teach you personally.
Main 2今倩的晚饭是 芁䞍我给䜠做䞪䞎我有猘的海枯的特产海军咖喱盞圓矎味的哊今倜の献立はそうだな 我にゆかりある枯の海軍カレヌにするか蚀うたでもなく絶品であるぞTonight's menu... How about I make you naval curry that originates from a port I have an affinity with? Of course, it's simply exquisite.
Main 3那就是飞机吗 新鲜的事物埀埀隟以䞀県蟚别其价倌。䜠芁努力才行啊あれがヒコりキずいうものだな。新しいものは埀々にしおその真䟡を芋極められぬこずが倚い。お䞻もそうならないようにしっかり励むのだぞSo those are "airplanes." The true potential of new things are often overlooked for quite some time. Do your best to not do the same.
Touch呣这䞪“手机”该怎么甚 唔  むっ、この「ケむタむ」はどう䜿うんだ むむむ Urgh, how in the world do you use this cellular phone thing? ...Grrrr...
Touch (Special)郜那么努力了这么点事也没办法了 お䞻は頑匵っおいるな、これぐらいはしょうがないか You're working very hard, so I guess I'll allow this much...
Mission喂~䞍芁发呆诎奜了芁确讀完这䞪任务才胜䌑息的哊こらがうっずするでないこの任務を確認しおから䌑憩するずの玄束だぞOi! Don't doze off on me! I promise I'll let you rest after you read through the mission!
Mission Complete嗯埈奜任务做完了䜠也应该教教瑞鹀她们诀窍嘛うむ、良いぞ任務完了だ瑞鶎たちにもコツを教えおやらぬずなVery good. Well done! We're done with the mission! You really should teach Zuikaku and the others how you do it.
Mail这些勋章和奖励 嗯郜是和䜠䞀起拿到的。芁奜奜确讀䞀䞋哊勲章ず恩賞は  ふふ♪お䞻ずずもに受け取ったものだ。しかず目に焌き付けおおくのだぞHehe♪ These medals and awards... are things I obtained with you by my side. Go ahead, burn the sight into your mind~
Return to Port把倧家郜平安垊回来了呢嗯嗯做的埈奜哈哈哈よくぞ皆を無事に連れ戻っおきたうむうむ、倧儀であるぞはははYou brought everyone back safely, without a hitch! Spectacularly done, I must say. Hahaha!
Flagship砎邪星正讚䌐敌人我、砎邪顕正をもっお敵を蚎滅さんVanquish all evil! Crush the enemy!
Victory只芁党神莯泚就没有无法战胜之敌继续努力吧お䞻の䞀意専心で、勝おぬ戊なし匕き続き励むが良いAs long as you put your mind to it, there's no war you can't win! Redouble your efforts, and keep up the good work!
Defeat即䜿加䞊指挥官的努力也䞍胜成事吗 指揮官の努力をもっおしおも無理だずいうのか  Are you telling me it's impossible, even with the Commander at my back...?