Matchless (JP 🇯🇵: マッチレス, CN 🇹🇼: 无敌)
Ship ID No. 325 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Event: Winter's Crown
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 25
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Yumiri Hanamori
Matchless Description
M-class destroyer – Matchless (G52.)
Escort Me Please! Description
Ah, Commander, over here! Hm, you're going to take care of all the plans for today's date? In that case, I look forward to seeing just how suave you can be! Hehe~
Firepower D
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion A
Anti-air D
HP 1402 Reload 175
Firepower 66 Torpedo 353
Evasion 204 Anti-air 136
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 202 Luck 76
Hit 171 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 1683 Reload 201
Firepower 76 Torpedo 394
Evasion 210 Anti-air 157
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 223 Luck 76
Hit 180 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP 271 Reload 74
Firepower 14 Torpedo 75
Evasion 78 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 55 Luck 76
Hit 66 Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 76
Hit Speed 43.2
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 100%/105%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/140%/145% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/95%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 120mm Main Gun
2 Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Destroyer: M-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 8 +1
Max LimitBreak 16
Lv.120 12 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Target Designator: Torpedo When this ship's Torpedoes hit an enemy: 7.0% (17.0%) chance to increase the DMG the enemy takes from Torpedoes by 20.0% (40.0%) for 8s. Effect does not stack.
Interference Every 20s: 25.0% chance to pick one enemy at random (prioritizes humanoid enemies) and decrease their Fire Rate and DMG for 5.0 (10.0)s. Does not stack with the same skill.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: M Class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description M级驱逐舰—无敌,舷号52 M級駆逐艦・マッチレスー(G52) M-class destroyer – Matchless (G52.)
Biography 皇家海军M级驱逐舰无敌号,参加过北极护航、北角海战,还护卫过玛丽王后号。虽然有这样的名字,但我其实一点都不厉害哦! ロイヤルネイビーM級駆逐艦、マッチレスよ☆北極でのエスコートから北岬沖海戦、クイーン・メリーの護衛任務とかに参加したよ~名前は強そうだけど、本当はぜーんぜんダメなんだからっ! I'm Matchless, a Royal Navy M-class destroyer! After my escort missions in the Arctic, I was in the Battle of the North Cape, and then I helped escort Queen Mary! My name makes me sound powerful, but in reality, I'm totally helpless!
Acquisition 终于见到指挥官了,我是M级驱逐舰无敌号,啊,虽然名字是“无敌”,但我其实很弱小呢。诶嘿☆~指挥官先生,能保护我吗? やっと会えた!私はM級駆逐艦のマッチレス!あ、名前は強そうなんだけど、本当は弱っちいんだよね。エヘッ☆指揮官さん、私を守ってくれるかな? We meet at last, Commander! I am Matchless, an M-class Destroyer! Ah, although my name is "Matchless," I'm actually very weak. Ehe~ Commander, will you protect me?
Login 指挥官一脸没睡醒的样子呢,唔……诶嘿☆~打起精神了吗? 指揮官さん、浮かない顔して…よーし……エヘッ☆元気出た? You look sad, Commander... Let's try this... Hehe~ Feel better?
Details 无论是谁,心底都期望着会有人保护自己吧……所以,你需要保护的,不单单只有我一个哦,指挥官—— 誰だって、守って欲しい人がいるよね……だから、守るべきな子は私だけじゃないよ?指揮官さん☆ Everyone has someone they want to protect... So don't protect just me, okay, Commander?
Main 说我好话也没什么好处哦 私をおだてても何も出ないよ? You know flattery won't get you anywhere with me, right?
Main 2 呜哇,今天又降温了……指挥官,出航的时候我能借下你的大衣吗? わっ、また寒くなっちゃった……指揮官さん、出航の時はコートを借りちゃっていい? Oh dear, it's getting cold again... Commander, can you lend me your coat when we leave port?
Main 3 好希望永远都是我做秘书舰……哎?怎么了?我刚刚什么话都没说啦~ ずっと秘書艦をやっていきたいなぁ……うん?なになに?今なにも言ってないよ? I hope I can just stay as your secretary forever... Hm? What? I didn't say anything!
Touch 指挥官,我可以一直待在你的身边吗? 指揮官さん、ずっと側にいていいの? Can I just stay with you forever, Commander?
Touch (Special) 我对指挥官的评价,稍稍降低啰 指揮官さんの点数は~今のでちょっと下がったよ☆ Because of that... I'm subtracting a few points off your record~!
Mission 虽、虽然有点害怕,但我想待在指挥官的身边…… こ、怖いけど…指揮官さんのそばにいたい…… I-I'm scared... I want to stay with you...
Mission Complete 指挥官英勇的身姿,很帅气呢~ 指揮官さんの後ろ姿、カッコイイよ☆ You look so awesome from behind, Commander!
Mail 拿邮件这种事我来帮指挥官做吧 私が手紙を持ってきてあげるねっ☆ I'll go and get your mail~!
Return to Port 果然还是在指挥官先生身边比较安心…… やっぱ指揮官さんのそばは一番安心する…… I like it better when you're here, it makes me feel at ease...
Commission Complete 即使是这种没什么危险的运输工作,也希望指挥官能陪我一起去…… 危険じゃない輸送の委託も指揮官さんと一緒に行きたいなぁ…… I hope I can go on a safe transport mission together with you, Commander...
Enhancement 指挥官先生也会变得更强大吗? 指揮官さんも強くなったりするかな? Maybe you got stronger too, Commander?
Flagship 我、我会努力被指挥官保护的! し、指揮官さんに守られるようにするよっ! I-I'll try to stay where the Commander can protect me!
Victory 胜利合影~我们来照胜利合影吧~ 記念写真タイム~勝利の記念写真を撮ろ☆ Time for a photo~! C'mon, let's take a picture!
Defeat 谁、谁都行,救救我—— だ、だれか助けてぇ―― S-someone, help meeee!
Skill 捂好眼睛啰 はい!目をつむって~ Okay! Now close your eyes~!
Affinity (Upset) 保护我……做不到吗…… 私を守るなんて……やっぱり無理なの…… I should've known... You can't possibly protect me...
Affinity (Stranger) 虽然名字是“无敌”,但我一点都不无敌,请千万不要看到名字就把我当做主力舰什么的 名前の意味は「無敵」なんだけど、ぜーんぜん無敵じゃないよ?名前だけ見て主力艦だと勘違いしないでねっ My name might make me seem invincible, but that's not true at all. Don't mistake me for a Main Fleet ship just because of my name!
Affinity (Friendly) 约克公爵既威风又帅气,还……嘻嘻,原来指挥官也会嫉妒呀 デューク・オブ・ヨークさん、強いしかっこいいし、それに……エヘッ☆指揮官さんもヤキモチを焼いちゃうんだ~ Duke of York is tough, cool, and... Hehe~ She must make you jealous, too~
Affinity (Like) 指挥官在我心中和我在指挥官心中……哪边的位置比较高呢? 私が指揮官を想う気持ちと、指揮官が私を想う気持ち…どっちが強いかな? The feelings I have for you, and the feelings you have for me... Which of the two is more passionate?
Affinity (Love) 身体的伤治好了就消失了,心灵的伤则会一直一直疼痛下去,所以,请不要随随便便弄伤我的心哟 体のケガは治せば消えちゃうけど、ココロのケガは治らないよ。だから、私のココロをケガさせないでねっ Physical scars heal over time, but mental scars never go away. So, please, don't make my heart ache!
Pledge 我真的……很高兴……指挥官,虽然我没能力保护好你的身体,但我会努力使你的内心,永远温暖快乐,指挥官,请幸福起来吧—— うぅ…嬉しい…ありがとう指揮官さん…私、指揮官さんのカラダを守れないかもしれないけど、指揮官さんのココロを暖められるように、ずっと、ずっっと楽しくするね?指揮官さん、どうか幸せになって―― Aww... I'm so happy... Thank you... Commander, I may not be able to protect you, but I'll do everything I can to protect your smile and warm your heart! Please, Commander, be happy!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 啊,指挥官,这边这边!今天的约会全部交给指挥官了哟?请指挥官先生毫无保留地向我展示帅气的一面吧!嘻嘻~ おーい、指揮官さん、こっちこっち!エヘッ☆というわけで、今日のデートは指揮官さんに任せたよ?カッコいいとこを全部私にアピールしちゃっていいからね! Ah, Commander, over here! Hm, you're going to take care of all the plans for today's date? In that case, I look forward to seeing just how suave you can be! Hehe~
Acquisition 啊,指挥官,这边这边!今天的约会全部交给指挥官了哟?请指挥官先生毫无保留地向我展示帅气的一面吧!嘻嘻~ おーい、指揮官さん、こっちこっち!エヘッ☆というわけで、今日のデートは指揮官さんに任せたよ?カッコいいとこを全部私にアピールしちゃっていいからね! Ah, Commander, over here! Hm, you're going to take care of all the plans for today's date? In that case, I look forward to seeing just how suave you can be! Hehe~
Login 啊~指挥官,约会让女孩子等可是要扣分的哦!嘿嘿,开玩笑的,只是我来得太早了而已~ 指揮官さん?もう、デートで女の子を待たせちゃうなんて、評価減点だよ?エヘッ☆今のは冗談冗談~私が早く着いただけだってば! Oh you, Commander, you're going to lose points for keeping a girl waiting! Hehe, just kidding! I arrived a bit too early~
Details 指挥官买单的超级豪华冰淇淋可丽饼,超——级美味的呢!谢谢啦!……对了,指挥官,你也来尝尝。来嘛,别害羞啦,啊—— 指揮官さんが買ってくれたスーパープレミアムアイスクレープ、すーーーっごく、美味しかったよ!ありがとう指揮官さん!……そうだ!指揮官さんも食べて?さあさあ恥ずかしがらないで食べちゃっていいよ? Commander, the super-luxurious ice cream crepes you bought are soooo good! Thanks! ...That's right, you should try some too. Come on, don't be shy, open up~
Main 如果突然出现什么怪人的话,指挥官能保护好我吗? 怪しい人が現れたら、指揮官さんがマッチレスのことを守ってくれるの? If some questionable individuals suddenly showed up, you'd be there to protect me, right?
Main 2 嗯…总觉得好像有谁在看着我…是错觉吗… うーん…誰かに見られたような気がする……気のせいかな…… Hmm... it feels like someone is always staring at me... is it just my imagination?
Main 3 还没想好去什么地方吗?没关系,就在这里陪着我也行啦。 次はどこに行くかまだ決まってないの?エヘッ☆いいよ、決まらないなら、ずっと私のそばにいればいいよ Haven't decided on where to go yet? That's totally fine, I'm happy to just have you here.
Touch 指挥官,箱子和包包都交给你咯!为了我而加油吧! 指揮官さん、お買い物の荷物は全部任せたよ?私のために頑張ってね! Commander, you're in charge of all the bags! Do your best for me, all right~?
Touch (Special) 指挥官,这次约会的印象分要降到0了哦? 指揮官さん…デートの採点、0点になっちゃうよ? Commander, I'm going to give you a big fat zero on today's performance.
Return to Port 指挥官,今天你可是我专属的护花使者,在约会的中途分心可是要扣分的呢。 指揮官さんは今日一日マッチレスのことを守ってね?よそ見をしてたら減点しちゃうよ? Commander, today, you're going to be escorting me full-time. You'll lose points if you let your attention wander~
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,手臂再伸出来一点——对,就是这样!我抱!嘿嘿~……欸,这个姿势有点辛苦吗?我不管啦。指挥官先生,为了我就请坚持一下吧~ 指揮官さん、もっと腕を伸ばして――そう!その感じ!ぎゅーーー!エヘッ☆……少し疲れちゃうって?でもダーメ、指揮官さん、マッチレスのためにもうちょっと頑張ってね♡ Commander, stick out your arms~ Yeah, just like that! Huuug! Hehe~ ...Hm? It's hard to hold that posture? None of my business~ You should be able to endure it for my sake, right~?