Maggiore Baracca (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 679 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sardegna Empire Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Marconi-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Thrill-Seeker Increases this boat's ACC and Torpedo Crit DMG by 1.0% (10.0%). During battle, whenever this boat deals DMG with her torpedoes or receives DMG: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to gain 3.0% increased TRP (can be stacked up to 7 times), and additionally gaining 1 stack of this effect every 4s. When this effect reaches 7 stacks, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Born Adventurer Increases this boat's DMG dealt by 1.5% (5.0%), increased by an additional 1.5% (5.0%) when this boat's HP falls beneath 80.0%, lasting until she leaves the battle. Every 5s after entering the battle: if this boat's HP is greater than 30.0%, deducts her HP equal to 3.0% of her max HP to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Once per battle, when this boat falls below 30.0% max HP as a result of DMG taken: restores 25.0% of this boat's max HP and increases her Evasion Rate by 15.0% (25.0%) for 10s.
Open Ocean Support Increases this boat's OXY by 2 (20). Once per sortie, while this boat is afloat: you can call in Submarine Support even if your fleet is outside the Submarine Fleet's ASR.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Maggiore Baracca when entering the battle.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 马可尼级潜艇—巴拉卡少校 グリエルモ・マルコーニ級潜水艦-マッジョーレ・バラッカ Marconi-class submarine – Maggiore Baracca.
Biography 我是巴拉卡少校,虽然天性里有一点点点喜欢追求刺激,但是不用怕哦~我可是有足够的实力度过危机的。还有最近发现,看到指挥官因为我的恶作剧生气的样子……比任何险境都要让人更兴奋呢~当然啦,我也是知道分寸的,无非只是想看看您严厉的表情而已~ マッジョーレ・バラッカよ。ちょーっと刺激的なものが好きだけど、危なくならない程度を弁えて遊んでるつもりだから心配しなくて大丈夫よ。そうそう、最近はあなたに怒られたくてイタズラしたりしているの。だってその方が興奮するじゃない。まあ加減は知ってるつもりだから、そのムッとする顔をもっと見せなさいな♪ I'm Maggiore Baracca. I may have a penchant for stimulating experiences, but I stop just short of getting into actual danger, so don't worry about me. And yes, I've been pranking you lately to get you mad at me. It's more exciting than playing with danger. Of course, I know my limits – I just want to see you scowl at me!
Acquisition Ciao~指挥官~我是巴拉卡少校,叫我巴拉卡就好啦……呵呵~看起来和您在一起的话,就会有很多有趣和刺激的事发生呢,让我们好好相处吧~ 指揮官、Ciao~私はマッジョーレ・バラッカ、バラッカでいいわよ。ふふ、あなたとはいっぱい楽しんでいけそうね♪仲良くヤりましょう♪ Ciao, Commander. I'm Maggiore Baracca, but just call me Baracca. Heehee, you look like you're lots of fun. Let's be friends♪
Login 啊,指挥官怎么这么早……嘿嘿,本来想趁指挥官不在时好好“整理”一番文件呢,既然被抓到了……只能任您惩罚咯~ あら、指揮官ったら早いわね。ふふん、いない間に書類をこう「整理」してあげようと思ったのに……バレたからにはオ・シ・オ・キ、してもらうわ♥ Oh, you're here early, Commander. Heehee. I tried to "sort" your paperwork while you were gone, but, well... Now that you know who did it, it's time to punish me♥
Details 指挥官~要不要一起去探索一下港区里那些“禁止进入”的地方,或者只能从外墙攀爬上去的高处呀~没关系的,有我保护指挥官不会让你受伤哦~ ねえ指揮官、母港で噂の「入ってはならない」エリアとか、壁をよじ登ってのみ辿り着ける建物の頂上とか…一緒に見に行かない?ええ、私がいるから、怪我の心配なんてしなくていいわよ♪ Commander, you wanna come with me and see if the port has any restricted areas or buildings you can only reach by scaling a wall? Don't worry about you getting hurt, because I'll be there!
Main 哼哼~♪~嗯?我去哪了?我刚刚发现了天花板上有一处绝妙的位置,那里的缝隙正好可以观察指挥室里的全部状况哦,要一起去看看吗?欸?不去?那我自己珍藏了哦。 ♪~~ん?どこに行ってたのって?ええ、ここの屋根裏に通じる隙間があってね、執務室の様子をつぶさに観察できるの。一緒に覗いてみない?…え?しない?じゃあ私だけの特等席にしちゃお Hm-hmm-hm♪ Hm? Where I went? Well, there's a crevice here that leads to the attic. It gives a great view of your office. Wanna go have a look? ...What? You don't? Alright, then I'll keep the best seat.
Main 2 今天的任务也太普通啦,不如来点刺激的怎么样?比如我在演习的时候把鱼雷射偏一点……我不用参加演习?唔……好像是哦…… 今日の任務は地味すぎじゃない?もっと刺激的な展開がほしいかも…例えば演習の時に魚雷の射線をわざとずらして――演習に出る予定はないの?んー言われてみれば… These missions today are so plain. How about something more exciting? Like if I were to intentionally miss my torpedoes during today's exercise... I'm not participating in any exercise? I guess not...
Main 3 指挥官~我把你工作要用的文件重新分类了哦~虽然可能和原来的顺序完全不一样……但这样你就有理由惩罚我了,不是很好嘛~ 指揮官、仕事の書類を仕分け直したわ。前の並び順と少し変わっちゃったけど……あら、私にオシオキする理由ができていいでしょう? Commander, I organized your work files. The ordering might be a little different from what you're used to... That's reason enough for you to punish me, right?
Touch 指挥官……这样可还不够刺激哦? 指揮官……これじゃあ全然物足りないわよ? Commander... You're gonna have to be more forceful than that.
Touch (Special) 呜……指挥官这样也太大胆了……难道是对我之前的惩罚?那、那请继续哦…… っ……指揮官ったらダイタンね……あら、これはオシオキしてくれるの?じゃあ続けて…?♥ Mgh... You're an audacious one, Commander... Oh, is this your way of punishing me? Okay, continue...♥
Touch (Headpat) 欸?……总感觉有点失望……啊不是!我是说,谢谢您的夸奖…… え…?ちょっとがっかり……じゃなくて褒めてくれてありがとう!うん、一応…… Huh? What a letdown... I mean, thanks for the headpat! I guess...
Mission 有新的任务呢?要不要试试限时挑战一下~ 新しい任務があるみたいね。対応時間に縛りでもかけてみる? Seems you have new missions. Wanna try completing them under a time limit?
Mission Complete 任务顺利完成了,奖励……奖励藏到哪里比较好呢~ 無事任務が完了したようね。それで報酬は……どこに隠したらオシオキしてくれるかしら?♪ You completed a mission. About those rewards... Will you punish me if I hide them somewhere?
Mail 指挥官~帮你把信件拿来了哦,这次没有乱动,真的没有啦~ 指揮官、手紙を持ってきたわ。ふふふ、何も変なことはしてないわよ?な・に・も♪ I have a letter for you, Commander. Heehee, I didn't do anything to it. Nope, nothing at all!
Return to Port 指挥官……我上次战斗没按你的计划行动呢……是不是该……欸?结果很好所以没关系了?呜呜…… ねえ指揮官?この間、私は作戦通りに動いてなかったわよね?ほら、だから――結果オーライだからオシオキ抜き?そう…… Hey, Commander, I didn't follow your orders the other day, did I? You know what that– It worked out in the end, so no punishment for me? Dang...
Commission Complete 委托完成了哦,指挥官,我们一起去帮大家接风洗尘吧~ 委託が完了したわ。指揮官、みんなを出迎えに行こうじゃない A commission's been completed. What do you say we go and receive the girls?
Enhancement 呼呼呼……这下有人要倒霉了呢~……哦~当然是说敌人啦! ふふふ、誰かが痛い目に遭いそうね。…あら、敵のことを言ってただけよ♪ Heehee. Someone's in for a world of pain... Oh, I was talking about the enemy, that's all!
Flagship 旗舰吗?我可能会突然消失再出现哦? 旗艦?突然消えたり現れたりするわよ? I'm the flagship? But I might suddenly appear or disappear!
Victory 嘿嘿~我就说即兴的战斗方式更高效吧~ ふふん。ノリで戦ったほうが効率的って言ったじゃない♪ Heheh. Told you that an improvisational fighting style is more efficient!
Defeat 难、难道说要被惩罚了…… も、もしかしなくても指揮官にオシオキされるの…? Well, safe to assume the Commander will punish me for this...
Skill 再拉高一下“危机”等级吧! もっとピンチを作らないと…! Let's make this more dangerous!
Low HP 嘿嘿~这次难道回不去了吗?~才不会呢~ 今回こそ帰らずのフネに…?なんて♪ Is this the time I finally sink? Yeah, right!
Affinity (Upset) 连我闯祸都不会生气吗……这样的指挥官有点让我失望呢…… しくじっても怒ってくれないんだ……ちょっとがっかりね Even after all my blunders, you still won't get mad at me... How disappointing.
Affinity (Stranger) 哎呀……指挥官好像对我的“小把戏”没什么反应?那我应该策划点更刺激的…… あら、指揮官は私の「イタズラ」にあまり反応してくれないわね。じゃあもっと派手にやっちゃおうかしら♪ Oh, doesn't look like you really react to my pranks. I suppose I'll have to take them a step further, then!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官最近变得越来越有趣了呢,嗯~是因为越来越上道了吗? 指揮官は最近ますます面白くなってきたわ。もしかしなくても、私のことを分かってきたんじゃないの?ふふふ You've been pretty interesting as of late. You finally understand me, don't you? Heehee.
Affinity (Like) 最近不管是被您训斥,还是看着您笑的样子……啊,这种心跳加速的感觉……还是第一次呢…… 最近は指揮官に怒られても、笑顔を見せられても……ふふふ、こんなにドキドキしたのなんて…初めてよ♥ Lately, it's been making my heart race whether you scold me or smile at me... I've never felt it beat this fast before...♥
Affinity (Love) 原来和指挥官在一起,即使是普通的时刻也变得让人心跳不已了呢……不过还是想向您捣乱,和您恶作剧……带着宠溺的说教真是让人沉醉~ 指揮官と一緒にいると普通に過ごしててもドキドキするのね。……でもやっぱりイタズラしたりからかったりしたいの。ふふふ、だってぇ、可愛がってくれるのにハマっちゃってぇ♥ Even just spending time with you gets my heart pumping now... but I still wanna tease and prank you. Heehee. I can't help it, it's just so cute when you lecture me♥
Pledge 欸欸~这次是来真的吗?哇啊……这下真的被你抓住了,一边训斥我一边掏出这种东西太过分了吧?如果不接受的话……您会更加狠狠训斥我吗?唔好难选择啊~但我还是想接受呢! あら、今回は本気なの?あーあ…本当に捕まっちゃった。オシオキしながらこんなものを持ち出すなんて酷くない?もし私がノーって言ったら……もっと厳しくしてくれるの?選びづらいけど…ええ、受け入れてあげる♥ Oh, you're serious this time? Oh, dear... You really caught me. You're awful, scolding me while presenting that thing to me. What if I said no? Will you be harder on me? This is a tough choice... but my answer is yes!
In battle with Elbe 就这样指挥官可不会惩罚你哦?…你说不是这个意思? そんなんじゃ指揮官にオシオキされないわよ?…違う? You'll have to try harder if you want the Commander's punishment... That's not what you're after?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呵呵~没想到指挥官会来到这里呢~作为“死亡之神”,我必须要好好“审判”您一下才行了~ あら、指揮官がここにやってくるとは思ってなかったわね。「死を司る神」としてしっかり「審判」を下さないと♪ Oh, I wasn't expecting that you'd come here, Commander. As the God of Death, I will have to pass "judgment" on you♪
Acquisition 呵呵~没想到指挥官会来到这里呢~作为“死亡之神”,我必须要好好“审判”您一下才行了~ あら、指揮官がここにやってくるとは思ってなかったわね。「死を司る神」としてしっかり「審判」を下さないと♪ Oh, I wasn't expecting that you'd come here, Commander. As the God of Death, I will have to pass "judgment" on you♪
Login 来得正好~我刚好发现了一些有趣的审判游戏哦……输了的一方,就要被赢的一方惩罚哦……要不要试试看~? いいところに来てくれたわね。ちょうど面白そうなゲームを見つけたところよぉ……そう、負けた方はオシオキされるやつ。一緒にやらない? You came at just the right time. I just found out about a fun game... Yes, the loser has to take a punishment. Wanna play with me?
Main 呼呼~这个长榻躺着很舒服哦,指挥官是不是也想躺过来了呢~?想的话就在游戏里赢过我吧~只要赢了我指挥官想做什么都可以哦~ ふふ…ここはいい寝心地なの。指揮官も一緒に横になる?じゃあゲームで私に勝ってみせて?勝ったらなんだってしていいから♪ Heheh... This is pretty comfortable. Do you wanna lie next to me? Sure – if you can beat me at a game. Win, and I'll let you do whatever you want!
Main 2 哎呀哎呀……如果把水果的汁液“不小心”弄到您身上……指挥官会怎么处置身为神明的我呢~? あらら…果汁を「うっかり」指揮官に飛び散らせちゃったら、神様である私に一体どんなオシオキをしてくれるのかしら? Oops... I "accidentally" squirted fruit juice at you. How will you punish a God such as me, I wonder?
Main 3 总是用称量灵魂的方式来审判什么的……未免有些太无聊啦~所以我想到了很多更刺激的游戏哦……指挥官既然来了就乖乖陪我一起玩吧,不玩的话是绝对不会让您离开的~ 魂を計って審判を下すなんてちょっと地味ね。ってなわけでもっと刺激的なゲームをいくつか考えたわ。ふふ、せっかく来たからには私に付き合ってよね?付き合ってくれないと逃してあげないから♪ Weighing your soul and passing judgment accordingly is so trite. To spice things up, I came up with a few exciting games. Heehee. Since you're here, why not play with me? You're certainly not getting away if you don't!
Touch 嗯~?迫不及待想被审判了吗? ふーん?裁かれたくてしょうがないの? Hmm? Do you want me to judge you that badly?
Touch (Special) 呀……身为神祇却被指挥官如此乱来……真是新奇又刺激的体验呢…… あーあ…神様だというのに指揮官にこんなに乱暴にされちゃうなんて……うふふ、刺激的で…新しい感じ♥ Oh dear... I am a God, and yet you're so violent with me... Heehee. It's exciting... and novel.
Touch (Headpat) 欸?神明被摸头什么的……不过是指挥官的话,就破例允许吧~ ん?神様の頭をなでなでするなんて……まあ指揮官なら許されるけど♪ Hm? Such blasphemy, headpatting a God... Oh well, it's you, so I'll let you off the hook!
Mission 还有任务没完成哦……不如把完成任务也加入到游戏的一环怎么样?这样指挥官就能更轻易的战胜我了~ まだ任務が終わってないわよ?いっそ任務もゲームに組み込もうかしら?そしたらもっと簡単に私に勝てるわよ? You have unfinished missions. Why don't we incorporate them into a game of sorts? Then it'll be easier to beat me.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励藏到哪里了呢……不靠近一点可找不到哦? 任務報酬をどこに隠したか……もっと近くで見ないとわからないわよ?♥ Maybe I hid the mission rewards here... You'll have to come closer to find out!
Mail 有新消息吗?可别想着向别人求助呢~现在可是我和指挥官的一对一审判时间~ 新しいお知らせはある?ふふふ、今更助けを求めないでよね?ここには私と指揮官しかいないんだから You've received new messages? Heehee. Don't even think about asking for help. It's just you and me in here.
Return to Port 哎呀,辛苦了呢,要不要尝尝我手中这献给神祇的祭品?如果是指挥官的话,也有资格享用哦。 あら、お疲れ様。神に捧げようとしてた供物があるんだけど食べてみない?指揮官にはこれを口にできる資格があるわ Ah, welcome back. Want a taste of these offerings to God? You are eligible to take a bite.
Commission Complete 哎呀?委托队回来了?……唔~好吧,那我要陪着指挥官一起去,免得指挥官直接逃掉哦~ あら、委託に出た子たちが戻ってきたの?…んーじゃあ見張る意味も兼ねて、一緒に出迎えに行ってあげようじゃない Oh, the commission team is back? Hmm... Alright, I'll come with you – partly to make sure you don't escape.
Affinity (Love) 呼呼~不愧是指挥官呢,居然在游戏中能胜过神明……故意输给指挥官?嘿嘿……因为已经忍不住……想要被指挥官狠狠惩罚了嘛…… うふふ、神様に勝てるなんてさすが指揮官ね。…わざと負けた?ええ……だって指揮官にオシオキされるのを私、もう我慢できなくて♥ Heehee. I'm not surprised YOU were able to beat a God like me... You think I lost on purpose? That I did. What can I say? I want to be punished so badly♥
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官~我把指挥室和文件都重新“装饰”过了哦,只是加了很多人家的照片,想让你多看几眼而已~ ねえ指揮官、執務室のほかに、あなたが見てる書類を「飾り」直したわ。なんてね♪写真を挟ませて、もっと私のことを見てもらおうと思って Commander, I've "redecorated" your office and paperwork. By that I mean I attached some pictures so you'll think of me.
Main 指挥官,您的办公桌下面有个秘密空间可以让我躲进去哦,应该不能?我可是对自己的柔韧度很有自信呢! ねえ指揮官、あなたの机の下に潜ませてもらえないかしら?入れないって?あら、体の柔らかさにはそれなりに自信あるんだけど? Say, Commander, could I slip in under your desk? ...There's not enough room? So you believe, but I like to think I'm quite flexible.
Main 2 呼呼~那今天就好好工作吧!……欸?我是说真的啦,我也想让指挥官更高兴一些嘛~ ふふ、今日はしっかり仕事しようじゃない。…ん?本気よ?だってあなたにもっと喜んでほしいから♪ Heehee. Let's get some serious work done today. Hm? I mean it. I want to make you happy!
Main 3 要不要一起去外面转转?这次不会挑选太危险的地方了,最多只是两个人一起跑几步~ ねえ、外に出て気分転換しない?危ない場所じゃなく、普通にこの辺りで走ろうって意味よ? How about we go outside and take a break? I'm not saying we should go anywhere dangerous, just nearby where we can run around.
Touch 哎呀~?有什么有趣的事和我说吗? あら?なにか面白い土産話でも? Oh? Do you have a sortie story to share?
Touch (Special) 指挥官……我也要突然从背后抱住您来“报复”了哦? 指揮官……こっちも背中からぎゅって仕返ししちゃうわよ? Commander... I'm going to hug you from behind without warning as payback.
Touch (Headpat) 呜……被指挥官温柔地摸头也很让人心跳加速呢…… うぅ……頭をやさしくなでられるのはドキドキするわね Ugh... Even being gently headpatted makes my heart race...
Return to Port 欢迎回来,已经按照指挥官的计划完成了工作哦……嘿嘿,果然这个惊讶的表情也很有趣啊~ おかえり。計画通り仕事をこなしたわよ?……ふふふ、やっぱり指揮官の驚いた顔は楽しいわね♪ Welcome back. I did my work exactly as instructed. Heehee... I love how you look when you're surprised♪
Affinity (Love) 以前总是想方设法制造点小麻烦,就是为了看看指挥官那时的表情呢~不过现在只要和指挥官在一起就会心跳加速……但是~这不代表就不会继续捣乱了哦,毕竟指挥官认真训斥我的样子,始终是最让我迷恋的奖励呢~ 指揮官の顔を見たさで色々イタズラしちゃったけど、今は指揮官と一緒にいるだけでドキドキするわ。……んー?誰ももうイタズラしないなんて言ってないけど?指揮官のオシオキしてくれる時の姿って私にとって最高のご褒美だもの♥ It used to be that I'd prank you just to see your reaction, but now, my heart races just from being around you... Hm? I never said anything about not pranking you anymore. You scolding me is the best reward I could ask for, you know♥