LÃŒtzow (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 544 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
LÃŒtzow Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battlecruiser: Derfflinger-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Bravery at Skagerrak Increases this ship's Main Gun DMG by 1.0% (10.0%). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) frontal barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
The Hunt is On Every time this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP and ACC by 1.0% (5.0%) (can be stacked up to 3 times; the final stack additionally increases RLD by 5.0% (15.0%)).
Marvels of History - LÃŒtzow Increases this ship's DMG dealt to BBs and BCs by 1.0% (10.0%). When an enemy sinks within 5s of taking DMG from this ship, this ship is also treated as the one who sank that enemy. If this ship has an AP or SAP Main Gun equipped, when she hits an enemy: 1) That enemy's ACC and FP decreases by 1.0% (10.0%) for 3s; 2) After 3s, there's a 10.0% chance to inflict 3,000 DMG to that enemy.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 執北林栌尔级战列巡掋舰—吕䜐倫 デアフリンガヌ玚巡掋艊-リュッツォり Derfflinger-class battlecruiser – LÃŒtzow.
Biography 铁血战列巡掋舰吕䜐倫号曟经公海舰队的䞀员。话诎我奜想忘了自己芁诎什么 哈啊算啊诎䞍定睡䞀觉就胜想起来了呢。 鉄血巡掋戊艊のリュッツォりだよ。か぀おは倧掋艊隊のメンバヌで 䜕を蚀おうずしたか忘れちゃった。たあいいや、ひず眠りしたら思い出せるかもねヌ Hey, I'm Iron Blood battlecruiser LÃŒtzow. I was part of the High Seas Fleet, and... I forgot what I was gonna say. Eh, whatever, I'll probably remember after I've had a nap.
Acquisition 哈啊——嗯䜠是谁算了胜垊我去枯区的指挥官那里吗  䜠就是那曎奜省了再去扟人的功倫了。我是吕䜐倫铁血的战列巡掋舰。奜了既然已经通知到䜠了那就先这样拜~ ふわぁ。んあなたは指揮官さんのずころに連れお行っおくれるのぞぇ、あなたが指揮官さんえぞぞ、いいね、探す手間が省けたし。私はリュッツォり、鉄血所属の巡掋戊艊だよ。挚拶が枈んだしこのぞんで *yawn*... Hm? Who are you? Can you point me to the Commander? ...YOU'RE the Commander? Heehee, all right, saves me the effort of looking for you. I'm LÃŒtzow, Iron Blood battlecruiser. Since we're done here, I'm gonna take my leave~
Login 䜠来了啊嗯~䜠的这䞪䜍眮坐着还挺舒服的我胜倚坐䞀䌚么 おはよヌ。この怅子座り心地がいいねもうちょっずく぀ろがせおもらっおいい G'morning. Hey, can I sit down a li'l longer? This chair is just too comfy.
Details 没什么事就别来打扰我  啊算了我突然改变䞻意了。反正也没什么事来聊聊倩呗 甚がないなら呌ばないでよ  たあいいや、気が倉わった。甚がないならおしゃべり、しおよ Could you NOT call me without a reason? ...You know what, on second thought... If you're bored, chat with me.
Main 无论劂䜕郜䞍胜圚办公宀睡觉吗䞺啥嘛䌚劚碍工䜜嗯  这是件坏事吗 執務宀で寝ちゃダメどうしお仕事の邪魔になるん それっおむケナむこず Why won't you let me sleep in the office? Because that interferes with your work? Huh... And that's a bad thing?
Main 2 啊等等䜠手䞊这仜文件给我看看——欞只是䞀堆看䞍懂的衚栌和数字啊还给䜠了。 あ、今持っおる曞類を芋せおよ。 よく分からない衚ず数字だけね。ほら、返すよヌ Hey, show me what you're working on... It's just a bunch of random charts and numbers. 'Kay, have it back.
Main 3 指挥官劂果䞀䌚䜠圚办公宀里扟䞍到我的话  倚半是我去哪里打发时闎了也讞过䞀䌚就回来了~ 執務宀に私の姿が芋圓たらなかったら  倚分どっかに行っちゃっおるかもよ。でもすぐ垰っおくる、倚分 If you can't find me in the office, I'm likely out and about somewhere. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. Probably.
Touch 想抱抱这孩子吗喏给䜠。只胜抱䞀䞋䞋哊 この子を抱いおみたいいいよヌ。はい、ちょっずだけだからねヌ You wanna hug this fella? Go ahead. Only a quickie though, okay?
Touch (Special) 欞——䜠比我想象䞭的芁倧胆嘛。有趣~ ほぇ思っおたより倧胆じゃない。面癜いね Geesh, you're more daring than I took you for. Imagine that.
Touch (Headpat) 我没困只是打䞪哈欠而已  眠くないよ、あくびしただけ ふぁあああ  I'm not sleepy. That was just a li'l yawn... *yaaawn*...
Mission 任务听起来就奜麻烊  反正䜠䞀䞪人也胜搞定的吧 任務めんどそう どうせ指揮官䞀人でも平気でしょ A mission? Miss me with that. You'll be fine on your own anyway.
Mission Complete 任务完成了哊。  看着我干嘛是䜠的任务完成了又䞍是我的。 任務が終わったよ。 なんでこっちを芋おるの任務をこなしたのは私ではなく、あなたでしょ Mission complete. Why're you giving me that look? You're the one who got it done, not me.
Mail 给邮件。顺手拿的䞍甚谢我~ はい、メヌル。぀いでに取っおきたからお瀌はいいよ Here's your mail. No need to thank me, I just picked it up on the way.
Return to Port 终于回来了䜠䞍圚身蟹的时候还挺无聊呢   戻っおきた指揮官さんがいないずちょっず退屈だよね You're back! It's kinda boring when you're not around.
Commission Complete 哊豁莟莣委托的同䌎们已经回来了。䞍去迎接她们没关系么 委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたよ。出迎えに行かなくおいいの The commission team is back. We don't have to go out and meet them, do we?
Enhancement 嗯这就变区了吗奜像什么郜没发生䌌的  ん匷くなったなにも起きなかったようだけど Hm? Am I stronger now? Doesn't feel like it, honestly.
Flagship 哈啊 居然把这么麻烊的䜍眮䞢给我  はぁ 面倒臭い仕事抌し付けられちゃったじゃない  Ugh... What did I do to deserve this big-ass responsibility...
Victory Zzzz 困了 唔战斗结束了吗  Zzzz 眠いな。おヌい、もう戊闘は終わった Zzz... Ahh, I'm so sleepy. Is the battle over yet?
Defeat 啊~啊 居然蟓了 讚厌讚厌我芁收工回去了 あヌあ、負けちゃった やだなもう垰るよヌ Welp, we lost... This blows. I'm heading home.
Skill 随䟿出点力奜了~ 適圓に頑匵るかヌ I guess maybe I'll try.
Low HP  䞍痛䞍痒  痛くも痒くもないし Nuh-uh, I don't feel a thing!
Affinity (Upset) 哈啊  奜无聊这里实圚是无聊透了。 ふわぁ  ぀たんない。本圓に぀たんないよね、ここ Ugh... I hate this place. I hate this place so much.
Affinity (Stranger) 哎今倩也没什么干劲啊  指挥官䜠没有干劲的时候又是怎么样把事情坚持䞋来的 今日もやる気が出ないね  指揮官さん、やる気が出ないずきはさぁ、どうやったら最埌たで頑匵れるの Don't feel like doing a dang thing today... Hey, Commander, what do you do to get through the day when you've got no energy?
Affinity (Friendly) 日皋衚原来劂歀䜠的日子是被各种计划赶着过的啊  哎郜有点同情䜠了。胜让我看看郜是些什么计划么 スケゞュヌルなるほど、予定に远われおるカンゞね  もう同情するよ。どんなのが入っおるか芋せお You follow a schedule? It's all about getting into habits, huh... I getcha. Can you show me what yours is like?
Affinity (Like) 劂果日皋衚被工䜜排满了话无视掉䞍就奜了吗  䞍行吗哎被计划束猚的日子倚环啊䞍劂和我䞀起想做什么就做什么~ 仕事がいっぱい入っおるならそのスケゞュヌル無芖したらいいんじゃない ダメ予定に远われるのっおき぀くない私ず䞀緒に、やりたい時にだけやればいいよ Can't you, you know, ignore a schedule if there's a ton of work on it? ...No? A schedule sounds pretty awful then. Just do like me and do whatever you want~
Affinity (Love) 我诎干脆我们䞀䞪私奔吧  欞只是匀䞪玩笑啊䞍甚那么倧惊小怪。䞍过垌望䜠和我圚䞀起的时候胜把那些烊恌暂时通通忘掉奜奜地只看着我䞀䞪人哊~ 指揮官さん、私ず駆け萜ちしおみない  ん別に冗談だよんなこずで驚かなくおいいから。たあ、本圓は䞀緒にいるずきは悩みずか党郚忘れお、私だけを芋おいおほしいな Hey, Commander, how about we run away together? ...I'm just kidding with you. Don't get all worked up. All I want is for you to forget all your troubles when we're alone together~
Pledge 这样䞀来原本自由自圚的我就被“感情”所束猚了呢。谁叫我是自愿这么做的呢~胜让我心甘情愿听话可是独属于䜠䞀䞪人的特权哊。䜠也芁付出盞应的代价圚生掻䞭的各䞪方面奜奜匥补我才行~ 自由気たたのリュッツォりは指揮官さんに釘付けね。たあ、私がこの指茪をもらったからだけど。リュッツォりに蚀うこずを聞かせられるのは指揮官さんだけだから、その代わりにちゃんず色々フォロヌしおね Carefree as I am, we're stuck together now~ Stuck together by means of this ring, anyway. You're the only person I'll take orders from, and I expect you to do me a few favors in return~
In battle with Queen Elizabeth 皇家的小女王奜像有点印象  ロむダルの女王様うヌん、そうね  Queen of the Royal Navy? Uh-huh, I see...
In battle with Seydlitz 安党第䞀安党第䞀~ 安党第䞀、あんぜんだいいち You know the drill – safety first!
In battle with Deutschland 名字什么的怎样郜无所谓吧 名前ずかどうでもいいじゃない Who cares what your name is anyway?
In battle with Elbe 和易北䞍同我是䞪奜孩子哊 ゚ルベず違っお私はいい子だよ I'm a good girl. Unlike you.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “人类啊既然胜来到这里那么想必已经做奜了盞应的觉悟吧呵呵呵~” 奜啊指挥官别愣着䞋䞀句该䜠了 「人間め、ここにやっお来たのは芚悟あっおのこずかしらフフフ」  指揮官さん、もう黙っおないで返しを頌むわよヌ "Have you come to accept your fate, human? Heehee~" ...Don't just stand there, Commander. Say something!
Acquisition “人类啊既然胜来到这里那么想必已经做奜了盞应的觉悟吧呵呵呵~” 奜啊指挥官别愣着䞋䞀句该䜠了 「人間め、ここにやっお来たのは芚悟あっおのこずかしらフフフ」  指揮官さん、もう黙っおないで返しを頌むわよヌ "Have you come to accept your fate, human? Heehee~" ...Don't just stand there, Commander. Say something!
Login 欢迎回来指挥官。今倩的“鲜血”准倇奜了吗圓然指的是葡萄酒哊~ おかえり指揮官さん。今日の「赀き杯」はどうワむンのこずだっおば Welcome back, Commander. Now where's my crimson elixir? As in, my daily glass of wine~
Details 䜠䞍觉埗这身衣服埈有瀌服的感觉吗芁䞍现圚试着邀请我跳䞀支舞吧答䞍答应䜠取决于䜠的诚意借䞍借~ この衣装、パヌティヌドレスみたいでしょだから、ダンスのお誘いをしおみおよ。でも、私が応じるかどうかは指揮官さんの努力次第♪ This looks kinda like a ball dress, doesn't it? So make like at a ball and ask me for a dance. Whether I accept or not hinges on your ability to persuade, though~
Main 倧蒜十字架那种䞜西对我可没有甚哊。吞血鬌郜是这种讟定那我只芁把这䞪讟定吃掉就奜了~ にんにく十字架効かないよ。ノァンパむアはそういう蚭定 んヌじゃあこの蚭定はたるっずボツにしちゃおっか Garlic? Crosses? Those don't work on me... Those are meant to repel a vampire? Well then, I'm throwing those weaknesses right out the window.
Main 2 塞執利茚所谓“扮挔”只芁把自己想象成那䞪角色就奜了䞍甚顟忌那么倚的~ ザむドリッツ、圹になりきるには圹をむメヌゞするこずが倧事だから、そこたで気にしなくおもいいからね Seydlitz, the key to acting is to fully immerse yourself in your role. You don't have to think about it too hard.
Main 3 欞人家圚这里䞓心扮挔䜠怎么䞀副心䞍圚焉的样子 䞍行我芁咬䜠䞀口让䜠枅醒枅醒 むぅ、私はここで頑匵っおいるのに、指揮官さんはどこか䞊の空  パクっず気づかせおやるんだから Hrmph. I'm trying my absolute best here, and you're not even looking, Commander... I'll just have to MAKE you pay attention!
Touch 欞——我还䞍想起来再让我坐䌚~ えちょっず埅っおよヌ。このたたのほうが楜でいいじゃなヌい Aww, come ooon. I'm comfy right where I am – don't make me get up.
Touch (Special) 据诎人感到最幞犏的时刻也是其血液最矎味的时刻呢~ 人間が幞せを感じる時こそ、その血がいっちばん矎味しいず聞いお♪ When a human feels bliss, that's when their blood tastes sweetest♪
Return to Port 兜兜蜬蜬了䞀阵子最终还是回到我身蟹了呢。这䞪就是“来自吞血鬌叀堡的诅咒”的讟定~ 散々振り回された指揮官さんも結局はリュッツォりの偎に戻っお ふふふ、これはノァンパむア城の呪いっお蚭定なの♪ You're under my complete control, and will always come back to me... Heehee, I call this plot device "the curse of Dracula's Castle."
Victory 哎郜怪䜠们䞺什么芁让我讀真起来呢。 もう、あなたたち敵さんのせいよ。どうしお私を本気にさせたの You brought this upon yourselves, opponents. Why must you make me spill blood?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官看着我的県睛  嗯接䞋来䞍讞劚因䞺䜠被我“魅惑”了哊~我记埗讟定里吞血鬌的进食是从后颈匀始的。那我就匀劚了~啊呜—— 指揮官さん、私の目を芋お  うん、私に「魅惑」されたっお蚭定だから、そのたたじっずしおおね。そういえばノァンパむアが血を吞うのは銖元からだっけんじゃいただきたす。あヌん♪ Gaze into my eyes, Commander... Yeah, the script says I have you under my spell, so just keep gazing~ By the way, vampires drink blood through the neck, right? 'Cause I want a taste~ Nom♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嚌嚌 嗯嗯嗯还挺奜吃的也是䞜煌的菜肎肯定埈奜吃~我也来塞给指挥官吃快匠嘎啊—— はむはむ んんん結構矎味しいかもたあ東煌の料理は矎味しいっお盞堎が決たっおるもんね。指揮官さんの口にもぶちこんであげるから早くあヌんしおあヌヌん Om, nom... Hmm. Hey! This is pretty good! I mean, of course it's good – it's Empery cuisine! Commander, open wide and I'll give you a dumpling alley oop. Say "aah"!
Acquisition 嚌嚌 嗯嗯嗯还挺奜吃的也是䞜煌的菜肎肯定埈奜吃~我也来塞给指挥官吃快匠嘎啊—— はむはむ んんん結構矎味しいかもたあ東煌の料理は矎味しいっお盞堎が決たっおるもんね。指揮官さんの口にもぶちこんであげるから早くあヌんしおあヌヌん Om, nom... Hmm. Hey! This is pretty good! I mean, of course it's good – it's Empery cuisine! Commander, open wide and I'll give you a dumpling alley oop. Say "aah"!
Login 呵欠——怎么啊吃完饭想睡觉埈正垞嘛。倒是指挥官䞺什么还圚工䜜 ふぁあああヌ。なになにそりゃ食べたら眠くなるもん。指揮官さんこそなんでただ仕事しおるの *yaaawn*... Yeah, what? Eating makes me sleepy. You're not seriously gonna do paperwork today, are you?
Details 䞋次也邀请塞執利茚她们䞀起那应该䞍是吕䜐倫而是指挥官应该做的事吧我想邀请的園根结底只有指挥官䞀䞪人呢~呵呵。 今床ザむドリッツたちも誘っおっおそれはリュッツォりじゃなくお指揮官さんがやるべきでしょう私が誘いたいのはあくたで指揮官さん䞀人だけ。ふふっ Invite Seydlitz and the gang next time? I mean, if you want their company, do it yourself. You're the only person I wanna invite. Heehee.
Main 呜哇塔林怎么打算配着咖啡䞀起吃啊~来我来教䜠该怎么吃。这应该配着啀酒䞀起吃才对哊呵呵♪ うっわ、タリンっおばコヌヒヌず䞀緒に食べようずしおるのほら、食べ方を教えおあげる。これはねぇ、ビヌルず䞀緒に食べるものなんだよふふふ♪ Eww, you're gonna drink coffee with that, Tallinn? Here, lemme educate you a little. See, you're meant to have this with a cold glass of beer. Heehee♪
Main 2 我正忙着吃呢工䜜的事之后再诎。指挥官没做完工䜜前䞍讞吃哊。知道了吗 今食べおるから仕事の話はあずヌ。指揮官さんは仕事が終わるたで食べるの犁止。ね I'm eating, so save the work talk for later. No food for you until your job is done, okay?
Main 3 啊哈哈執意志那家䌙是猫舌倎吗来指挥官垮她吹吹吧。圚这期闎指挥官的仜就園吕䜐倫啊♪ あははは、ドむッチュラントのや぀猫舌なのほら指揮官さん、ふヌふヌしおあげなよ。その間にリュッツォりが指揮官さんの分を食べおあげる♪ Ahahahah! Deutschland seriously can't handle hot food? C'mon, Commander, go blow on it for her. Meanwhile, I'll keep your food safe and secure in my belly♪
Touch 再来䞀仜等䌚再点䞀单吧~ おかわりあずで泚文するねヌ You want seconds? I'll order some in a bit.
Touch (Special) 指挥官~是想连吕䜐倫也䞀起享甚吗 指揮官さんはリュッツォりのこずも食べたいわけ Sooo~ You saying you wanna eat me, too?
Return to Port 已经凉了芁再加热䞋吗还是诎烀䞀䞋䞍管怎么诎反正是由指挥官去做就是啊♪ 冷めおるから䞀回枩めるもしくは焌いちゃうどっちにしおも、やるのは指揮官さんだけど♪ Your food's gone cold. You gonna heat it up, or end up burning it? Either way, it's your move♪
Victory 来䞺了补充胜量再来䞀䞪 啊呜 はヌい、゚ネルギヌ充填にもう䞀個 はむっ One more to recharge my batteries! Nom!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哈啊——终于可以䌑息了让我舒舒服服地睡䞀觉  嗯指挥官仪匏还有没完成的郚分嗯  把那些先攟攟来䞀起躺䌚吧~ ふわぁ〜、やっず䞀息぀けるね。じゃあぐっすりすやすやするね ん匏はただ終わっおないっおんぅ そういうのはいいから、ずりあえず指揮官さんも䞀緒に寝転がっおみようよヌ *yawn*, finally, I get to lie down. Tell you what, I'm gonna have a nap... Hm? The ceremony's still not over? Hrmh... Look, it's not important. You should just come lie next to me, Commander!
Acquisition 哈啊——终于可以䌑息了让我舒舒服服地睡䞀觉  嗯指挥官仪匏还有没完成的郚分嗯  把那些先攟攟来䞀起躺䌚吧~ ふわぁ〜、やっず䞀息぀けるね。じゃあぐっすりすやすやするね ん匏はただ終わっおないっおんぅ そういうのはいいから、ずりあえず指揮官さんも䞀緒に寝転がっおみようよヌ *yawn*, finally, I get to lie down. Tell you what, I'm gonna have a nap... Hm? The ceremony's still not over? Hrmh... Look, it's not important. You should just come lie next to me, Commander!
Login 今倩也芁加油哊~我我想躺䞀倩这点小小的特权应该还是胜被允讞的吧呵呵~ 今日も頑匵っおねヌ。私このたたゎロゎロしお過ごそうかな。花嫁だからこれぐらい平気でしょふふふ Good luck with your work today. Me? I'm just gonna lie here and relax. Bride's privilege, you know? Hehehe~
Main 日皋 还真是排埗满满圓圓的啊。劂果诚心诚意拜托我的话也䞍是䞍胜垮䜠  啊奜吧姑䞔垮垮䜠  唔感觉螩进了自己讟的陷阱 予定は パンパンだね。たあ、誠心誠意私に頌めば手䌝っおあげなくもないけど ほぇじゃ、じゃあそこの曞類から むぅ、なんか墓穎を掘った気がする Geesh, the schedule looks packed. If you ask little ol' me politely I might give you a hand... Huh? O-okay, let's start with this document... Bleh, I feel like I just dug my own grave.
Main 2 真奇怪明明只是䞀些日垞的工䜜圚旁蟹看着华完党䞍䌚觉埗无聊呢。 倉ね。普通に仕事をこなしおいるだけなのに どうしおそんな指揮官さんを芋おおも党然退屈にならないの  It's weird. I'm just watching you go through your paperwork... and yet I don't feel bored in the slightest...
Main 3 哈啊~~䞍知䞺䜕䞀阵疲劳感袭来我已经劚䞍了了。指挥官这副身䜓就拜托䜠照顟了ZZZZZ

 ふぁあ、退屈にはならないけど疲れおもう動けないよぉ。指揮官さん、面倒芋お   *yawn*, I may not be bored, but I'm so tired I can't move a muscle. I want the princess treatment, Commander.
Touch 婚纱的敎理就拜托䜠咯~ 着厩れおるずころを盎しお。お願い My dress has come loose~ Fix it please~
Touch (Special) ZZZZ  我现圚睡着了  随䜠䟿咯   リュッツォり 寝おいるから䜕も知らないよ むにゃむにゃ I'm... I'm sleeping, so I don't mind... *murmur*...
Touch (Headpat) 唔  装睡被发现了 あっ。狞寝入りがバレちゃった Oh. You knew I was just pretending to sleep?
Return to Port 欢迎回来盎接躺䞋也是可以的哊 おかえりヌ。そのたた私に䜓を預けおみおもいいからね♪ Welcome back. Come here and I'll take good care of you♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 早䞊奜。问我芁攟到碎纞机里的是什么嗯是今倩的日皋衚哊。马䞊给䜠䞪痛快♪ おはよヌ。シュレッダヌにかけようずしおいるものうん、今日のスケゞュヌル衚だよ。今楜にさせおあげるから♪ G'morning. What I'm putting in the paper shredder? Just your schedule for today. We're gonna have a good time instead♪
Details 有事吗啊  现圚䞍行因䞺我有急事了那就是来跟我聊倩吧♪ 甚があるのあっ  今はダメ。私に急甚ができたから。ねえねえ、おしゃべり、しおよ♪ Need something? Wait... Now's a bad time. I've got urgent business. By that I mean: chat with me!
Main 䞍胜圚办公宀睡觉的话那我去指挥官的房闎啊 䞍行呵呵就是因䞺指挥官诎䞍行才芁去呢♪ 執務宀で寝ちゃダメなら、指揮官さんの自宀に行くねヌ。 ダメふふ、指揮官さんがダメっお蚀っおもいいの♪ Since I can't sleep in your office, I'll do it in your private quarters instead. Or is that also a no-go? Heheh, if it is, just say it♪
Main 2 芁我垮忙工䜜可以哊。我胜做的  奜像没什么呢。还是去睡觉吧—— 仕事を手䌝ういいよ。私にできるものは  あんたりないね。やっぱり寝るかヌ Need a hand there? All right. I could help you with... not much, it seems. I'll just take a nap instead.
Main 3 吕䜐倫现圚正寻扟着和指挥官纊䌚的地方呢。哊这里䞍错䞋䞀次攟假是   リュッツォりは今、指揮官さんずのデヌトのスポットを䞋芋䞭ヌ。おっ、ここいいね次の非番日は   What I'm doing? Looking 'round for places we can go to on a date. Ooh, this looks promising! Let's go there the next time you're free.
Touch (Special) 呌呌  呵呵呵这是回敬哊♪ むにゃむにゃ ふふふ、お返し♪ Mrmh, mmh... Heehee, payback!
Flagship 吕䜐倫芁倧星身手了 嗯 䞍甚也行吧 リュッツォりの掻躍は しなくおもいっか This is my chance to shine! ...But I don't need to take it.
Victory 哈啊~指挥官已经结束了吗那接䞋来也拜托了—— ふはヌ。指揮官さん、もう終わったよ次もよろしくヌ *yaaawn*... We're finished here, Commander. Let's move on.