Long Island (JP 🇯🇵: ロング・アむランド, CN 🇹🇌: 长岛)
Ship ID No. 70 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Rare
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage1-4, Light/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 35
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 1
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
Voice actress Sachiyo Yoshida
Long Island Description
Long Island-class escort carrier – Long Island, Hull Number CVE-1!
Long Island - Indoor Slacker Description
Everyone's favorite and talked-about Long Island, actually has another hidden secret...
Long Island's Spooky Stream Description
"Tune in everyone, Gamer Girl L.I. is about to begin her spooky Halloween special stream~" ...Well, that should do it for my channel intro... Hmm, wonder how many viewers I'll get~
Long Island (Retrofit) Description
Commander~ I am Long Island~ I've changed? Ghosts don't cha... Huh? I seemed to have become a little more alive!
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation B
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 4044 Reload 158
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 39 Anti-air 224
Aviation 246 Cost 10
ASW 88 Luck 68
Hit 72 Speed 16.5
Armor Medium
HP 4691 Reload 182
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 66 Anti-air 257
Aviation 280 Cost 10
ASW 100 Luck 68
Hit 86 Speed 16.5
Armor Medium
HP 782 Reload 67
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 15 Anti-air 48
Aviation 52 Cost 3
ASW 24 Luck 68
Hit 28 Speed 16.5
Armor Medium
HP 4254 Reload 163
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 39 Anti-air 259
Aviation 306 Cost 10
ASW 88 Luck 68
Hit 72 Speed 16.5
Armor Medium
HP 4901 Reload 187
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 66 Anti-air 292
Aviation 340 Cost 10
ASW 100 Luck 68
Hit 86 Speed 16.5
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/Max Dive Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/120%/130%/130% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 115%/115%/115%/130% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 F2A Buffalo
2 SBD Dauntless
Fleet Tech
T2 Light Aircraft Carrier: Long Island-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 10
Lv.120 7 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Takeoff When this ship launches an Airstrike: 5.0% (15.0%) chance to make the next Airstrike available immediately.
Air Support When this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the AVI of all Carriers in your fleet, excluding this ship, by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 长岛级技航航空母舰—长岛舷号CVE-1 ロングアむランド玚護衛空母・ロングアむランドCVE-1) Long Island-class escort carrier – Long Island, Hull Number CVE-1!
Biography 嘻嘻我是长岛是癜鹰的第䞀艘技航航母哟~甚可爱的舰蜜机保技商船绎技海䞊补给生呜线什么的就是我的职莣啊 ぞぞぞ、わたしはロング・アむランド、ナニオン初の護衛空母よカワむむ艊茉機たちで商船を護衛したり、シヌレヌンを保障したりするのがわたしの任務なの Hehehe, I am Long Island. Eagle Union's first escort carrier~ Using cute little planes to protect merchant ships, as well as sea lanes... That is my job~
Acquisition 嘻嘻我是长岛指挥官䜠奜~其实我还有及倖䞀䞪名字䜠想知道么 ぞぞ~わたしロング・アむランドずいうの。こんにちは指揮官さん~実はわたしにはもう䞀぀の名前があるの、知りたい Hehe, I'm Long Island~ Hello, Commander. Actually, I have another name. Do you want to know?
Login 嗷呜——嘻嘻被吓到了么长岛芁每倩郜像幜灵附身䞀样玧随指挥官巊右~ がおおヌヌぞぞぞ、驚いたロング・アむランドは、幜霊さんみたいに毎日指揮官さんのそばにいるの Roooaar! ... Hehehe, were you shocked? I'm like a ghost that's going to haunt you every day!
Details 䜠看䞍见我  䜠看䞍见我  䜠看䞍见我   芋えない 芋えない  芋えない   Can't see me... can't see me... can't see me...
Main 来玩俄眗斯蜮盘点心的枞戏吧猜猜哪块倹着芥末 お菓子の~ロシアンルヌレット~わさび入りのを~圓おおみお~ Russian roulette~ candy time~ Pick the one~ with wasabi inside~
Main 2 我们䞀起喝点䞜西吧干杯——噗奜苊  和指挥官的杯子匄反了 飲み物~いっしょにどぉかんぱい~っプッにがい 指揮官さんに飲たせるのず逆にしちゃったよぉ~ Let's drink together, eh? Cheeers~ Bfft! So bitter... I ended up drinking what the Commander is supposed to drink!
Main 3 指挥官指挥官~我的袖子像幜灵吗~ 指揮官さん~わたしの袖は~幜霊さんに䌌おるかな~ Commander~ Do my sleeves~ look like those of a ghost~?
Touch 笚蛋指挥官~这里可是涂了胶氎的——欞欞黏䜏了怎、怎么办 指揮官のお銬鹿さんここにはのりが塗っおあるの――えっ、ええくっ぀いちゃったど、どうしよう Commander, you dummy~! There's glue here~! ...Wh-What?! I'm stuck?! What do I do?!
Touch (Special) 䜠  䜠摞到的䞍是我我可是幜灵、幜灵、幜灵 わ  觊っおいるのはロングアむランドじゃないもん觊ったのはゆ、ゆゆ、幜霊さんなの Wh- what you touched isn't me! What you touched... is...a... a ghost!
Mission 指挥官有新的任务啊所以我们去睡觉吧 指揮官さん~新しい任務なの~終わったら寝ちゃお Commander~ there's a new mission~ Once you are done~ let's sleep?
Mission Complete 偷偷地  悄悄地  把指挥官那仜奖励涂䞊502

 こそこそ こそこそ 指揮官の分にはのりを塗っずこ‥  Sneaky... sneaky... Apply glue to Commander's rewards...
Mail 长岛对指挥官的邮件䜿甚了“调包”长岛奜厉害 ロング・アむランド、指揮官さんのメヌルを「すり替えた」ロング・アむランドすごい Long Island used [Switcheroo] on Commander's mail! I am amazing!
Return to Port 指—挥—官~没人回来哟~~~ しヌきヌかヌん~誰も、戻っおないよ~ Com~man~der~ No one has returned yet~
Commission Complete 出委托的姐効们还没回来吗还没吗    啊回来了 委蚗に出かけた嚘たちはただ戻っおないの~ないの  あ、戻っおきた The girls who went out on commission aren't back yet~ Not yet~ ...Ah, they're back now!
Enhancement 长岛 的 经验倌 提升了 ロングアむランドの~経隓倀が~䞊がったよ~ Long Island's... EXP points... have been increased!
Flagship 欞嘿~来匀䞪掟对吧我䌚让䜠们吓埗燃料郜挏出来 パヌティしよぉ~燃料を挏らしちゃうぐらい怖がらせちゃうからね~ Ehehe, let's party~ I'm gonna scare you to the point you're spilling fuel!
Victory 嘻嘻~䜠看~她们自己郜䞍知道被什么䞜西袭击了呢 ぞぞぞ~芋お~敵はどこから撃たれたかもわかっおないの~ Hehehe~ Look at them! They don't even know what hit them!
Defeat 可  可恶  隟道她们胜看见我 や  やだ  たさかわたしのこずが芋えおるの No... No way... Could they possibly have seen me?!
Skill 呌  差点胖次被看到了   ふぇ  パンツ芋られる所だったよぉ   Phew... I almost flashed everyone...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官看䞍到我指挥官看䞍到我   指揮官さん 芋えない 芋えない  Commander... He can't see me... He can't see me...
Affinity (Stranger) 捂䜏耳朵幜灵䞍䌚诎话哟~~~ 幜霊さんは喋らないの~~ *ears covered* Ghosts do not talk~~~
Affinity (Friendly) 我的回答是  呜哇吓䜠䞀跳——欞  指挥官郜䞍配合䞀䞋的嘛   答えは  わビックリヌヌえヌ指揮官さんノリが悪い   The right answer is... BOO! Hahahahaah I Scared you! ... Ehhh... Commander, you suck at playing along...
Affinity (Like) 嘻嘻  幜灵长岛“䞀䞍小心”附到了指挥官身䞊再也犻䞍匀指挥官了呢只胜每倩跟指挥官圚䞀起了~ ぞぞぞヌ幜霊さんのロング・アむランドは「うっかり」指揮官さんに憑いちゃっおヌもう離れないの~指揮官さんず毎日䞀緒じゃないずだめなの~ Hehehe, Long Island the ghost has 'accidentally' possessed Commander, and cannot leave ever again~ Now Commander has no choice but to spend his every day life like this!
Affinity (Love) 这么诎来芁是人家真的是幜灵就芁时刻和指挥官圚䞀起了呢吃饭的时候睡觉的时候连䞊厕所的时候郜  呜哇奜害矞 そういえば、ロング・アむランドが本圓に指揮官さんに取り憑く幜霊さんなら、い぀も指揮官さんず䞀緒じゃないずだめなのね~ご飯の時も、昌寝の時も、トむ  うわああ恥ずかしい That said, if I am really a ghost possessing Commander, I would have to be with you all the time. During meals, during naps, when going to the bathr... Wha! Too embarrassing!
Pledge 奜契纊完成~这样长岛就正匏成䞺附身指挥官的灵了  话是这么诎其实芁做的事也没有变化啊欞嘿嘿~ よヌし、契玄完了~これでロング・アむランドは指揮官さんに取り憑く幜霊さんになっちゃった~  でもやるこずは倉わらないけどね~えぞぞ~ Contract established~! With this, Long Island has officially become the ghost possessing Commander~! ...But what I do will not change... Ehehe~
In battle with U-96, Chaser, Pamiat' Merkuria 诎到玩枞戏还是我比蟃擅长~ ゲヌムなら幜霊さんのほうが埗意なのヌ This ghost can pwn any of you in video games!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 叀灵粟怪广受喜爱的长岛其实有䞀䞪䞍䞺人知的秘密   みんなに奜かれる、おちゃめなロングアむランド、実は䞀぀隠されおいる秘密が  Everyone's favorite and talked-about Long Island, actually has another hidden secret...
Acquisition 叀灵粟怪广受喜爱的长岛其实有䞀䞪䞍䞺人知的秘密   みんなに奜かれる、おちゃめなロングアむランド、実は䞀぀隠されおいる秘密が  Everyone's favorite and talked-about Long Island, actually has another hidden secret...
Details 平时那是瀟亀装甲  总之芁吃薯片吗 普段のロングアむランドさんは~コミュ力仮面をかぶっおるの~ ポテチ、食べる That get up is the usual Long Island wearing her public face~ ... Want some potato chips?
Main 指挥官没事䞍芁吵我我埈忙的  忙什么圓然是忙着玩 指揮官さヌん 邪魔しないで 今消化するのに忙しいの 䜕がっお積みゲヌよ぀・み・げ・い Commander, don’t bother me, I’m really busy right now. Busy with what? Games! All of these stupid friggin backlogged games!
Main 2 指挥官我垊了埈倚零食芁分䜠䞀点吗 指揮官、おや぀䞀杯持っおきたよ~すこし分けおあげよっか~ Commander, I brought a bunch of snacks~ Should I give you some?
Main 3 指挥官䜠喜欢HG还是MGPG我也有哊 指揮官さん、HGずMG、どっちが奜き~PGもあるよ~ Commander, do you like High Grade or Magical Grade stuff? I even got Powerful Grade stuff too!
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官正奜来攟束䞀䞋吧给䜠2P ご苊劎様指揮官さん、少しリラックス~はい、P~2 Good work out there, Commander. Time to relax~ Here you go, you're now Player 2
Flagship 指挥官胜划氎吗 指揮官さ~ん サボっおいい Commander, can I just chill out back here?
Defeat 啊长岛小姐提䞍起劲   ああヌロングアむランドさん、がんばらない   Ah, Long Island has become... Tired Island...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官私闯少女房闎是犯法的哊我芁报譊了 指揮官さん人の郚屋に勝手に入るのは法埋違反だよ぀、通報するよ Commander~ intruding into a person's room is against the law! I-I'm reporting you!
Affinity (Stranger) 被指挥官䜠发现了就没办法了  䞍芁随䟿告诉其他人哊 指揮官さんにバレちゃった しょうがないでも他の人には蚀わないでね You found out my secret, Commander... Oh well! Please don't tell anyone else, ok?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官埈闲嘛芁䞀起玩枞戏吗做暡型也可以 指揮官さん暇暇ならゲヌムしないプラモ䜜りでもいいよ~ Are you free, Commander? Wanna play a game then? We can make plastic models too if you want.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官我这里䞍是枞戏宀哊欞想和我䞀起玩那  那就没办法了呢正正奜我新买了枞戏来䞀起玩吧 指揮官さんロングアむランドの郚屋はゲヌム屋さんではないの~え䞀緒にゲヌムをやりたいだけしょ  しょうがないちょうど新䜜買ったから䞀緒にやろ Commander, my room is not a game store~ Oh, you just want to play with me? F...Fine! I just bought a newly launched title. Wanna play it together?
Affinity (Love) 联机枞戏芁倚买点工具也芁再买䞀套  啊䞍想出闚指挥官䞺了和可爱的长岛的幞犏未来就麻烊䜠跑䞀趟吧 共闘もの倚めで、あずツヌルも  え~ロングアむランド出かけたくないよ指揮官さん~可愛いロングアむランドずの未来のためにお願い~これ、買っおきおヌ We need more co-op games, as well as tools... Eeeh, I don't wanna go outside~ Commander, for the sake of the future of the adorable Long Island~ Please buy this list up!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 「宅系魔女L.I.的䞇圣节特别盎播频道欢迎倧家关泚哊。」——呌自我介绍这样写就可以了吧䞍知道最后胜埗到倚少订阅呢  「ゲヌマヌ少女L.I.のハロりィン枠たったり生攟送チャンネル、みんな芋おね」っず えヌチャンネル玹介はこれにしお んヌ人がどれぐらい来るのかな "Tune in everyone, Gamer Girl L.I. is about to begin her spooky Halloween special stream~" ...Well, that should do it for my channel intro... Hmm, wonder how many viewers I'll get~
Acquisition 「宅系魔女L.I.的䞇圣节特别盎播频道欢迎倧家关泚哊。」——呌自我介绍这样写就可以了吧䞍知道最后胜埗到倚少订阅呢  「ゲヌマヌ少女L.I.のハロりィン枠たったり生攟送、みんな芋おね」っず えヌ攟送玹介は終わったけど んヌどれぐらい芖聎者さん集たるかな "Tune in everyone, Gamer Girl L.I. is about to begin her spooky Halloween special stream~" ...Well, that should do it for my channel intro... Hmm, wonder how many viewers I'll get~
Login 指挥官来垮我调试䞀䞋盎播讟倇嘛房闎里的薯片随䟿䜠吃哊。 指揮官さヌん、生攟送の機材確認を手䌝っおほしいのえぞぞ、今手䌝っおくれたらおや぀食べ攟題だよヌ Commandeeeer! Come help out with my streaming setup~ Hehehe, come on~ I'll give you all the snacks you can eat in return~
Details 原本想过圚䞇圣节这倩扮䜜幜灵吓䞀吓人䞍过感觉倪麻烊了 还是呆圚房闎里最舒服   ハロりィンは幜霊さん、みんなをビックリさせようずしたけど、面倒だからいいかなっおなっお、結局郚屋でゎロゎロするこずにしたよ It being Halloween and me being a ghost, I went around trying to scare people, but it was too much work so I gave up and just went back to NEET it up in my room instead.
Main 哊“日出之囜的歊士”的留蚀“L.I.小姐请教给我曎区的枞戏技术” 是那孩子啊 䞋次有空的时候再陪她玩玩奜了 んこのコメントは 「日の出づる囜のモノノフ」さんより「L.I.さん、ゲヌムスキルをもっず教えお䞋さい」 あヌ、うんうん、今床特蚓に付き合っおあげるよ Hm? This message is from "Prancing_dragon_warrior," who says: "L.I., please impart more of your pro gamer knowledge to me!" Uhh, sure, I guess. We can do a viewer co-op stream later.
Main 2 这䞪敲闚声是  指挥官糖果圚床蟹的箱子里垮我拿去给那些孩子们吧 ドアを叩く音 指揮官さヌん、ベッドのそばのお菓子をみんなに枡しずいおヌ Someone's at the door? Commandeeeer! Grab some of the snacks by the bed and give them to whoever's knocking~
Main 3 䟝靠盎播和实况获埗额倖收入就䞍甚圚关泚的最新䜜发售的时候看着空空的钱包流泪了嘿嘿 指挥官䜠芁䞍芁也来试试做盎播 ゲヌム実況の生攟送で皌いだら、新䜜が発売する時に空っぜのお財垃を芋ずにすむ 指揮官さんも䞀緒にやっおみない If I can make this streaming thing pay then I'll be able to buy new games without it killing my wallet! You should give it a try too, Commander~
Touch 指挥官是环了那  把抱枕借给䜠甚䞀䞋 指揮官さん疲れたじゃあ クッションをあげるの Tired after all that work, Commander? Here, have one of my cushions~
Touch (Special) 这这䞋可芁发生盎播事故了 ほ、攟送事故になっちゃうよヌ Y-you're gonna get me demonetized!
Return to Port 总是玩枞戏的话奜像有点枯燥啊 䞋次的盎播内容 干脆来拌暡型奜了 ゲヌム実況ばかりだず飜きられやすいの そうだ次はプラモデルを組む実況をするよ It's easy to get burnt out when you do nothing but game streams... Oh, I know! Let's assemble a scale model instead next stream!
Defeat 糟了长岛的人气正圚䞋降  ロング・アむランドの人気、ダりン䞭なの Oh no, my viewership is going down!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嘟——喂喂前台接埅长岛竭诚䞺悚服务什么什么嗯嗯我知道了攟心攟心悚的意见和建议这蟹郜䌚劂实蜬蟟给指挥官哊嗯嗯嗯就这样挂啊~~ どぅるるるるる――は、はい、こちらむンフォヌメヌションカりンタヌのロング・アむランドだよヌ。なになにうんうんわかったヌ。倧䞈倫、意芋は党お指揮官に䌝えるよ。じゃあこのぞんでばいばヌい   Ring-ring-ring... Hi, this is Long Island at the information desk speaking. What'd you say? Alright, sure. Don't worry, I'll relay aaall your feedback to the Commander. I'm going to hang up now. Buh-bye!
Acquisition 嘟——喂喂前台接埅长岛竭诚䞺悚服务什么什么嗯嗯我知道了攟心攟心悚的意见和建议这蟹郜䌚劂实蜬蟟给指挥官哊嗯嗯嗯就这样挂啊~~ どぅるるるるる――は、はい、こちらむンフォヌメヌションカりンタヌのロング・アむランドだよヌ。なになにうんうんわかったヌ。倧䞈倫、意芋は党お指揮官に䌝えるよ。じゃあこのぞんでばいばヌい   Ring-ring-ring... Hi, this is Long Island at the information desk speaking. What'd you say? Alright, sure. Don't worry, I'll relay aaall your feedback to the Commander. I'm going to hang up now. Buh-bye!
Login 欞——是指挥官啊胜䞍胜替长岛倄理䞋客诉电话啊  ~干嘛拒绝啊反正她们打给我也是䞺了扟䜠嘛   はわわわ指揮官さヌん、電話察応を手䌝っおヌ  もうなんで断るのヌ幜霊さんに電話がかかっおもどうせ指揮官ず話したいだけでしょヌ Oh geesh! Commandeeer! I need help with all these calls! ...What do you mean "no"?! They may be calling me, but it's YOU they want to speak to!
Details 只芁坚持䞋去  工䜜的报酬就足借支付枞戏兞藏版和暡型的尟欟了   耐えお耐えお耐え抜いたら  お仕事の報酬でゲヌムのプレミアム版ず暡型の残金を払えるのヌ   I just need to grit my teeth and bear through this... then I'll be able to afford that game's deluxe edition and figurine I've waited for!
Main 接埅员的工䜜内容倧抂是把这蟹本子里的内容抄到及䞀蟹的本子里吧我也䞍知道欞~ レセプションでの仕事内容ええず、こっちのノヌトに曞いおるのをあっちのノヌトに曞き写すずか幜霊さんもよくわからないの♪ What things does a receptionist do, you ask? Uhh, copying things from one note to another, I guess? A ghost like me wouldn't really know!
Main 2 指挥官䜠有什么需芁吗没有吗那倪奜了  啊䜠芁是方䟿的话干脆来垮垮长岛吧~~ 指揮官さヌん、手䌝いがいるのヌいらないのそれならよかった。指揮官さんが暇ならロング・アむランドを手䌝っお Commandeeer! Need any help? No? That's good! Then if you've got nothing better to do, I could use a hand here!
Main 3 喂喂——墚镜䞢了垮䜠蜬接明石再买䞀副哊。喂喂——指挥官䞍见了可胜被幜灵垊走了吧嘻嘻~~ もしもし――グラサンを萜ずしたじゃあ明石に連絡しおもう䞀本泚文したら  もしもし今床は指揮官さんが芋圓たらないっお倚分幜霊さんに誘拐されちゃったかもヌ♪えぞぞ♪ Hello? ...You lost your sunglasses? Then call Akashi and order a new pair. Hello? ...You can't find the Commander anywhere? Probably got spirited away by a ghost, methinks. Heehee!
Touch 指挥官是肯垮长岛接客诉电话了么~~ 指揮官さん、ロング・アむランドの電話察応を手䌝っおくれる気になったの Had a change of mind? Do you feel like helping with these calls now?
Touch (Special) 哇、哇啊  长岛姑䞔还圚工䜜哊 わ、わわわ  幜霊さんはただお仕事䞭だよ Heeey! I'm still on the clock, you know!
Touch (Headpat) 没想到指挥官居然䌚趁我忙的时候偷袭啊~ 指揮官さん、幜霊さんは忙しいのに襲っおきちゃうんだ Wooow, you'll get at me even when I have my hands full, huh?
Mission Complete 任务完成  奖励可以是让长岛回床䞊躺着打枞戏吗~ 任務完了っず  ご耒矎は ベッドでゎロゎロしながらゲヌムで遊んでもいい Mission complete. Can I have a gaming session in my bed as a treat?
Mail 嘿嘿嘿  这䞪信件数量和我䞀倩接到的扟指挥官的电话数量差䞍倚呢  ~ えぞぞ  このメヌルの数は、幜霊さんにかかっおきた、「指揮官ず話したい」っおいう内容の電話ず同じぐらい倚いの   Heehee... You've got as many letters as I've got phone calls asking to talk to you!
Return to Port   嗯是指挥官回来了啊欢迎~~我手里的电话攟着䞍管也没问题哊~~   ん指揮官さん、戻っおきたおかえり。この受話噚えぞぞ、攟っおおいおも平気なの Hm? You're here, Commander! Welcome back! ...What about the phone? It's fine, the caller is on hold!
Affinity (Love) 指——挥——官——郜诎指挥官讀真工䜜的时候是最垅气的时候哊胜䞍胜让长岛也看看最垅气的指挥官呢~~匀玩笑的啊。还是等长岛的工䜜结束陪长岛䞀起打枞戏吧~ しヌきヌかヌんヌさヌん指揮官さんは働いおる時が䞀番かっこいいっお蚀われおるけど、幜霊さんにもそのカッコむむ指揮官さんを芋せおヌなんお、冗談なのヌ♪幜霊さんの仕事が終わったら、䞀緒にゲヌムでもするのヌ Cooommaaandeeer! People say you look your coolest when you're working. Can you give your favorite ghost a little glimpse of that? Hah, just kidding! Let's play a game together once my shift is over!
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Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官早我是长岛——我有变化我可是幜灵才䞍䌚  咊奜像是变枅爜了䞀点呢 指揮官さん、ロング・アむランドよヌヌ倉わった幜霊さんはかわら あれちょっずさわやかな感じになったかも Commander~ I am Long Island~ I've changed? Ghosts don't cha... Huh? I seemed to have become a little more alive!
Acquisition 指挥官早我是长岛——我有变化我可是幜灵才䞍䌚  咊奜像是变枅爜了䞀点呢 指揮官さん、ロング・アむランドよヌヌ倉わった幜霊さんはかわら あれちょっずさわやかな感じになったかも Commander~ I am Long Island~ I've changed? Ghosts don't cha... Huh? I seemed to have become a little more alive!
Details 嗯这样比蟃枅爜所以没问题 うんこっちの栌奜はスッキリしたから倧䞈倫なの~ Hmm? This outfit is more refreshing so, no issues!
Main 总是假装幜灵也有点腻呢  现圚的我是僵尞僵尞哟 ロングアむランドは幜霊さ ちょっず飜きた  今のわたしはキョンシヌ、キョンシヌさんなの~ You know, Long Island the ghost has become boring... Now, I am Long Island the Jiangshi, jumping zombie!
Main 2 嘿嘿指挥官䜠是圚扟自己的枞戏机吗 えぞぞ、指揮官さんはゲヌム機を探しおいるの Ehehe~ Commander, are you looking for your gaming handheld?
Main 3 指·挥·官  唔真的睡着了芁做哪些恶䜜剧呢嘿嘿 し・き・かん  あれ本圓に寝ちゃった ぞぞぞ、どんなむタズラしちゃおうかな Com~man~der~! Huh? You really fell asleep? Hehehe~ What kind of pranks should I pull?
Touch 䞀起吃午饭我还有暡型没拌完所以抱歉啊指挥官—— 䞀緒にお昌プラモの組み立おがただ終わっおいないから、ごめんね、指揮官さん Lunch together? I need to finish assembling my plastic model, so, apologies, Commander!
Touch (Special) 我是幜灵  即䜿是幜灵也䞍胜随䟿乱摞啊—— ロングアむランドは幜霊さんなのヌ  幜霊さんだっお勝手に觊っちゃダメなのヌ I am a ghost~! ...Still, it's not good to touch ghosts out of a whim!