Leipzig (JP 🇯🇵: ライプツィヒ, CN 🇹🇼: 莱比锡)
Ship IDNo. 241Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityRare
NavyIronbloodBuild Time01:20:00
AcquisitionUnlocked in collection
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressRyoko Ono
Leipzig-class light cruiser, Leipzig.Can be built after unlocking
Leipzig (Retrofit)Description
I feel like Fishy is a lot more capable than before, but I don't feel much different... M-maybe Fishy was the one to get a retrofit instead of me?!
HP601 Reload68
Firepower27 Torpedo50
Evasion29 Anti-air66
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW24 Luck67
HP2563 Reload131
Firepower76 Torpedo138
Evasion116 Anti-air243
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW61 Luck71
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser115%/117%/120%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25)
Fleet Tech
T4 Light Cruiser: Leipzig-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak22
Lv.12016 +1
Tactical Command: CruisersIncreases the FP, TRP, and RLD of all Cruisers in your fleet by 1.0% (10.0%) . Does not stack with the same skill.Default Unlocked
Safety First!While this ship is afloat: increases your Vanguard's Speed by 3 and decreases its Ramming DMG taken by 15.0% (25.0%) . Once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0%: this ship evades all enemy attacks for 2.0 (5.0) s and its DMG dealt is increased by 5.0% (15.0%) until the battle ends.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Leipzig Class once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Tactical Command – LeipzigIncreases your Cruisers' FP, TRP, and RLD by 1.0% (10.0%) (does not stack with similar Tactical Command skills). When the battle starts: increases this ship's TRP and AA by 15.0% (25.0%) , and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage every 15s (DMG is based on the skill's level).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description莱比锡级轻巡洋舰—莱比锡 获得后将解锁建造ライプツィヒ級軽巡洋艦・ライプツィヒ 図鑑報酬入手で通常建造開放Leipzig-class light cruiser, Leipzig. Can be built after unlocking
Biography那个……莱比锡……是莱比锡级的首舰…… 过去因为浓雾跟欧根姐姐碰撞过,不知道她有没有讨厌我呢……あの……ライプツィヒは…ライプツィヒ級のネームシップです……昔は霧のせいでオイゲン姉ちゃんとぶつかっちゃったけど、き、嫌われていないのでしょうか……Um... I'm... Leipzig, the first ship of the Leipzig-class... One time, I collided with Eugen because of some thick fog... I hope she doesn't still hate me...
Acquisition指、指挥官,我是莱比锡…虽然由于点营养不良的关系容易晕倒,但是指挥官的需求我会努力完成的……はじめまして指揮官さん、ライプツィヒです……よく栄養不足で倒れそうになりますけど、指揮官さんの命令なら頑張ってみます……Co- Commander... I'm Leipzig. I black out frequently due to malnutrition, but... I'll do my best to finish the tasks assigned to me...
Login欢、欢迎回来……指挥官,文件都整理好了お、お帰りなさい……指揮官さん、ファイルを整理しましたWel... welcome back, Commander. I've arranged your documents...
Details指,指挥官,请不要一直盯着我……し、指揮官さん、そんなに見つめないでください……C-commander... Please don't stare at me...
Main噫~~我好像看到了什么…ひぃ~~!なんか見えちゃいました…Eek! I think I saw something...
Main 2莱比锡一、一定会加油的……ライプツィヒ、が、頑張ります……I'll... I'll try my best!
Main 3……请问,莱比锡还可以帮指挥官什么吗?……その…ライプツィヒに手伝えること…ありますか?Commander... is there anything else I can help with?
Touch锻炼抗晕性吗?我、我会努力的……これは…倒れないようにって訓練ですか!?が、頑張ります……Is this training for learning how to not faint? I'll.. see what I can do...
Touch (Special)呜~这样真的会动不了了……怎么办うぅぅ~これじゃ本当に動けなくなりますよ……どうしよう…Uuu... I really won't be able to move like this... what should I do?
Mission指挥官,有新任务……指揮官さん、新しい任務があります……Commander... you've been assigned new missions...
Mission Complete啊,哇!指挥官,任务奖励到了……あ、わっ!指揮官さん、ボーナスが届きました…Ah- Wah! Commander, your rewards have arrived...
Mail指挥官,鱼鱼叼来了新邮件……指揮官さん、さかなきゅんが新しいメールを持ってきたんですけど……Commander, Fishy brought in some new mail...
Return to Port指挥官身上有种让人安心的味道呢……指揮官さんからいい匂いがします……とても安心します…Commander's aroma is so calming...
Commission Complete啊,指挥官,鱼鱼说委托组的姐妹们回来了あ、指揮官さん、さかなきゅんが委託に出た娘たちが帰ってきたって…Ah, Commander! Fishy told me that the girls have returned from their commission...
Enhancement谢、谢谢指挥官的厚爱!し、指揮官さんのご厚意に感謝です!Th-thanks for your concern, Commander!
Flagship噫~好紧张,感觉要晕倒了……ひぃ!緊張して倒れちゃ……ふうーはあー…!Ahh~! I'm so nervous I could faint...
Victory和指挥官在一起的时候好像就会变坚强指揮官さんといっしょにいると強くなる気がしますI feel stronger with Commander around...
Defeat呜……会被咬的,好可怕,不敢过去!うぅ…敵に噛みつかれちゃう…怖い…怖くて前に行けないよ~Wah... I'll be bitten... It's scary! I'm not going!
Skill呜呜,鱼鱼,帮帮我……うぅ、さかなきゅん、助けて……Uu... Help me, Fishy...
Affinity (Upset)不、不要过来!こ、来ないでください!Stay... stay away...!
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,叫,叫我有什么事吗……欸,约,约会!???呜……(晕倒)指揮官さん、な、なんですか?……え、で、デート!?!?!?!?あぅ……(パタッ)Commander, y-you called for me? Ah... a d-d-date??! ... (faints)
Affinity (Friendly)习惯之后就不会晕倒了,而且……跟指挥官在一起很……开心慣れると倒れたりしなくなりました…それに…指揮官さんと一緒にいると…楽しい…ですねI won't faint anymore after I've gotten used to it... Also, Commander, being with you... makes me really happy.
Affinity (Like)一直以来就只有鱼鱼陪着我,能被指挥官接受真是太好了……我好开心……今まで私のそばにいてくれたのはさかなきゅんだけです…私、指揮官さんに受け入れられてよかった……嬉しい……For the longest time, only Fishy would keep me company. Commander... for you to accept me... I'm so happy!
Affinity (Love)鱼鱼……去看门,我和指挥官有很重要(///)的事情要说,不要、不要让任何人进来哦さかなきゅん、ドアを見てて…私、指揮官さんと大事な話があるから、誰も部屋の中にいれないでね。ぜったいにね?Fishy... you're on lookout duty... I've got something very important to tell Commander... Don't let anyone in...
Pledge能得到指挥官的答复,我好开心……为了指挥官,以后我会努力不让自己晕过去的……私の思いに応えてくれて、嬉しいです……指揮官さんのためにも私、絶対倒れないように頑張ります……!I'm so glad that you returned my feelings, Commander. I'll do my best... not to faint in front of you anymore.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官……那个,本、本店现在推出了新品哦!现在还,还有优惠活动……请,请务必来尝试一下!……呼,我,我做到了!成功说出来了……指揮官さん、あ、あの…最近新しいメニューを出しまして、さらに今なら割引サービスも…よ、よかったらお試しくださいませ…!ふぅ…無事言えました…Commander, ah, um... We have all new items on the menu, and they're on sale for a limited time only... P-please give them a try! Phew... Th-thank goodness, I managed to not flub it...
Acquisition指挥官……那个,本、本店现在推出了新品哦!现在还,还有优惠活动……请,请务必来尝试一下!……呼,我,我做到了!成功说出来了……指揮官さん、あ、あの…最近新しいメニューを出しまして、さらに今なら割引サービスも…よ、よかったらお試しくださいませ…!ふぅ…無事言えました…Commander, ah, um... We have all new items on the menu, and they're on sale for a limited time only... P-please give them a try! Phew... Th-thank goodness, I managed to not flub it...
Login欢,欢迎光临主人!…那个……要、要看看菜单吗?よ、ようこそいらっしゃいせ、ご主人さま!…あの…よ、よかったらメニューをご覧になりますか?W-welcome home, Master! ...Um, w-would you like to take a look at our menu?
Details指挥官…比,比起我,还是请多看看传单吧…指揮官さん…わ、私よりチラシのほうを見てくださぃ…Commander... Um, could you look at the pamphlet instead of at me...?
Main你说鱼鱼吗?我拜托欧根帮忙照顾它了…さかなきゅんのことですか?オイゲン姉ちゃんにお願いして、面倒を見てもらっています…What happened to Fishy? Um, I asked Miss Eugen to take care of it...
Main 2多吃点好的,补充营养...就没那么容易晕倒了吧?美味しいものを食べて、栄養補給して…そしたら倒れなくなりますよね…?Eat well, rest well, and... then you'll never be defeated in battle, right...?
Main 3指挥官……我、我不要紧的哦?过一会我会和里面的同伴轮换的……指揮官さん、わ、私なら大丈夫ですよ?あとで他の仲間と代わる予定ですので…Commander, um, are you sure you're okay with me? Someone else will take over the shift soon according to the schedule...
Touch想再要,一张吗…?もう一枚ほしい、ですか…?Do you need me to get you another menu...?
Touch (Special)…没事的…没事的莱比锡…!!…大丈夫…大丈夫ですよライプツィヒ…っ!!...You'll be okay, Leipzig... You'll be okay!!
Mail新邮件来了。谢谢你,欧根。新しいメールです。ありがとう、オイゲン姉ちゃんThe mail's here. Thank you, Miss Eugen!
Return to Port指挥官,出击辛苦了!……那个,可以进来休息一下的哦?指揮官さん、出撃お疲れ様です!…あの、どうぞ中で休んでいかれてはいかがですか?Commander, you must be tired from your battle! Um... Why don't you come in and relax for a bit?
Commission Complete鱼鱼,去迎接从委托回来的大家了吗…?委託から帰ってきたみんなを、さかなきゅんが出迎えに行ったのですか…?Did Fishy go to welcome the commission fleet back...?
Flagship虽然还是会紧张……但我会努力的!まだちょっと緊張してますけど……がんばりますっ!I'm still a bit nervous, but... I'll do my best!
Victory因为和指挥官…还有大家在一起…!指揮官さんと…みんなと一緒にいるから…!It's all because everyone was with me... including you too, Commander!
Defeat指挥官,对不起……不、不过,我会继续努力的!指揮官さん、ごめんなさい……わ、私、もっとがんばります!I'm so sorry, Commander... I, I'll do better next time!
Affinity (Love)那,那个…指挥官,如果不介意的话,我来帮您点单吧…?如,如果能知道你的喜好就好了…可,可以吗…?え、ええと…よかったら指揮官さんの注文、お伺いしますよ…?好みとか、もし知ることができればいいなぁって…い、いいんでしょうか…?Err, umm... If you're ready, I'd be glad to take your order, Commander... I'd like to know more about your tastes, and what you like... Th-that's okay, isn't it?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description总觉得鱼鱼比以前能干了许多,而我却没有什么变化……难道是鱼鱼代替我变强了吗…!?さかなきゅん、前より色々できるようになったけど、私なんだかあんまり変わってなくて……もしかして私の代わりにさかなきゅんが強くなったのですか!?I feel like Fishy is a lot more capable than before, but I don't feel much different... M-maybe Fishy was the one to get a retrofit instead of me?!
Acquisition总觉得鱼鱼比以前能干了许多,而我却没有什么变化……难道是鱼鱼代替我变强了吗…!?さかなきゅん、前より色々できるようになったけど、私なんだかあんまり変わってなくて……もしかして私の代わりにさかなきゅんが強くなったのですか!?I feel like Fishy is a lot more capable than before, but I don't feel much different... M-maybe Fishy was the one to get a retrofit instead of me?!
Login呼……指挥官,我、我把文件整理好了哦ふぅ……指揮官さん、ファイルをせ、整理しましたよPhew... Commander, I, I organized your files!
Details鱼鱼虽然表现得很凶,其实很温柔的!额,不过好像只有对我时是这样……不好意思……さかなきゅん、見た目は怖そうだけど、本当は優しいですよ!……あ…なんか優しいのは私にだけかもしれません……ごめんなさい……Fishy looks a bit intimidating, but he's really kind! ... Well... I might be the only one he's kind to... Sorry...
Main嗯…注意营养,及时补充……找点什么好吃的呢……?はい…栄養補給は大事……美味しいものとか…ええと、何がいいでしょうか……?You're right, a nutritious diet is important... Do you have any... um, yummy recommendations...?
Main 2鱼鱼其实有自己的意识哦,只不过好像只有我能听懂……さかなきゅん、ああ見えて、ちゃんと考えて自分なりの意見を持っているんですよ?でもさかなきゅんの言ってることがわかるのは私だけのようです……Despite how Fishy looks, he really does have his own thoughts and feelings. But it seems I'm the only person who understands what he says...
Main 3鱼鱼,不要担心,指挥官只是有点忙啦……さかんきゅん、心配ないよ?指揮官さんはちょっと忙しいだけで……It's okay, Fishy. Commander is just a little busy right now...
Touch呃呃……加油,不要晕倒……!んん……しっかりして、気を失っちゃダメよ……!Unghh... Get a grip, me! I can't faint now...!
Touch (Special)呀!……好、好像坚持住没晕倒了……?指挥官,谢谢你!きゃっ!?……き、気を失わずに済んだの……?指揮官さん、ありがとう!Eek! I-I managed to not faint...! Thank you, Commander!
Mission(小声)指、指挥官…………(大声)指挥官,做任务啦!!!し、指揮官さん…………指揮官さーん!!任務ですよ!!C-Commander...! Commandeeeer! Don't forget your missions!
Mission Complete指挥官,鱼鱼把任务奖励都给运过来了呢,谢谢你,鱼鱼~指揮官さん、さかなきゅんが任務報酬を持ってきましたよ。さかなきゅん、ありがとう~Commander, Fishy brought us the mission rewards. Thank you, Fishy~
Commission Complete指挥官,我能带鱼鱼去港口散步吗,正好接一下委托回来的大家指揮官さん、さかなきゅんを連れて港まで散歩に行っても大丈夫でしょうか…?委託から戻ってきたみんなを出迎えてあげたいですCommander, would you mind if I took Fishy with us on a walk to the harbor? The commission team returned, and I want to go greet them.
Flagship虽然还是会紧张……但我会努力的!まだちょっと緊張してますけど……がんばりますっ!I'm pretty nervous... but I'll do my best!
Defeat指挥官,对不起……不、不过,我会继续努力的!指揮官さん、ごめんなさい……わ、私、もっとがんばります!I'm so sorry, Commander... I-I'll try harder next time!