Langley (JP 🇯🇵: ラングレー, CN 🇹🇼: 兰利)
Ship ID No. 72 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Common
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage3-1, Light/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 25
Reload 9
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
Voice actress Haruka Yoshimura
Langley Description
Langley-class aicraft carrier ー Langley, Hull Number CV-1!
Langley (Retrofit) Description
Listen carefully or I'll step on you!
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation B
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 3845 Reload 107
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 38 Anti-air 213
Aviation 177 Cost 9
ASW 84 Luck 32
Hit 68 Speed 15.5
Armor Medium
HP 4460 Reload 123
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 80 Anti-air 245
Aviation 204 Cost 9
ASW 95 Luck 32
Hit 81 Speed 15.5
Armor Medium
HP 744 Reload 45
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 15 Anti-air 46
Aviation 38 Cost 2
ASW 23 Luck 32
Hit 26 Speed 15.5
Armor Medium
HP 4085 Reload 112
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 38 Anti-air 248
Aviation 237 Cost 9
ASW 84 Luck 32
Hit 68 Speed 15.5
Armor Medium
HP 4700 Reload 128
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 80 Anti-air 280
Aviation 264 Cost 9
ASW 95 Luck 32
Hit 81 Speed 15.5
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +3%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 3 All Dive Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +7%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/118%/123%/130% 1/2/3/3 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 100%/118%/123%/130% 1/2/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Dive Bomber 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 F2A Buffalo
Fleet Tech
T2 Light Aircraft Carrier: Langley-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 8
Lv.120 6 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
First-Generation Carrier Increases the EXP your Carriers earn by 5.0% (15.0%) (effect can be stacked up to 2 times with same skill).
Reload Command: Light Carriers Increases the RLD of all CVLs in your fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 兰利级航空母舰—兰利,舷号CV-1 ラングレー級航空母艦・ラングレー(CV-1) Langley-class aicraft carrier ー Langley, Hull Number CV-1!
Biography 咳咳~我是白鹰的第一艘~第·一·艘航空母舰兰利!虽然作战能力还有不足,但是我培训了很多优秀的海军飞行员喔!白鹰海军航空母舰的发展史,由我展开! コホン!私は白鷹(ユニオン)の最初の~さ・い・しょの空母・ラングレーです!戦闘能力は心もとないですが、優秀なパイロットを数多く送り出しました!白鷹(ユニオン)空母の歴史はこの私から、ですわ! Ahem! I am the Eagle Union's first, I repeat, the first aircraft carrier, Langley! I do not think highly of my own fighting ability, but I've put out numerous outstanding pilots! The Eagle Union's aircraft carrier begins with me, I say!
Acquisition 指挥官,我是被派来协助你的兰利。听好了,我会改正你的各种毛病,将这支舰队带上正轨的 新たにあなたの補佐として派遣されたラングレーです。いい?あなたの悪いところをとことん直して、艦隊の運営をレールに載せてみせますわ I've been newly assigned to assist you. Name's Langley. You listening? I am going to fix what's wrong with you, and put you on the right track to running a fleet.
Login 指挥官,今天我会全力协助你认真工作的! 指揮官、今日も全身全霊あなたを補佐します Commander, I'll assist you with your work the best I can!
Details 指挥官一直在看着我,是准备回答我提的问题吗? 指揮官、さっきから私をずっと見つめていますが、私からの質問には何て答えるつもり? Commander, you're staring at me... Are you ready to answer my questions?
Main 指挥官!~你呀,本来可以做得更好的,但为什么总是正经不起来呢…… 指揮官!~ちょっと、もっと上手くやれるのに、どうして真面目にならないの……? Commander! ~Hey, you could've done better than this. Why are you not serious about this...?
Main 2 舰队一直这样毫无改变,指挥官你至少努力点啊! このままじゃ艦隊は何も変わりませんわ!指揮官も少し努力しなさい! At this rate nothing about the fleet will change! Get yourself together, Commander!
Main 3 指挥官?到底有没有认真听我说话呀?我要用粉笔头砸你了~~兰利最讨厌别人问话不回了~哼! 指揮官?ちゃんと話を聞いてます?チョーク投げますわよ~!ラングレーは話を聞かない人間が大嫌いです!ふん! Commander? Are you listening? I'm gonna throw the chalk at you~! I hate people who don't listen to me! Hmph!
Touch 别把我当作小孩子~我可是老师啊!老——师! 子供扱いしないでください~!私は先生ですよ!せ・ん・せ・い! Please do not treat me like a child~! I am a teacher! TEA-CHER!
Touch (Special) (拿起电话)喂,请问是海军部吗,对,老地方,老客户…… MPさんですか。はい、いつもの場所にいつもの人が…… *phone call* Hello, is this the military police? Yes, it's the same place and the same person...
Mission 咳嗯……今天的作业任务完成了吗? コホン……今日の宿題ちゃんとやりましたか? Erhmm... Have you finished your homework today?
Mission Complete 努力的奖励已经送达了,下次请继续加油! 努力へのご褒美、届きましたわ。次も頑張るのですよ! The reward for diligence has been delivered. Keep it up for next time!
Mail 定时查收邮件也是养成好习惯的一环! 定期的にメールチェックしましょう。良い習慣の一つです! Check your mail periodically. It's a good habit!
Return to Port 指挥官,要去哪儿?接下来是反省会哦 指揮官、どこに行きますの?次は反省会よ Commander, where are you heading? It's time for a reflection meeting
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们回来了,去检查一下她们的成果吧~ 委託クラスの娘たちが戻ってきましたわ。さあ、成果をチェックしますよ The girls on the commission field trip have returned. Now, go and check their progress.
Enhancement 指挥官,变强的同时也要记住自己是为什么而变强的 強くなっても、なぜ自分が強くなったかを知らないといけませんわ Even when you become stronger, never forget about why you had to in the first place.
Flagship 这可是检测你们学习成果的机会,要认真对待喔! 勉強の成果を見せるチャンスです。しっかりおやりなさい! This is the chance to show me what you learned. Do it properly!
Victory 大家,都记住了吗?以后请按照这个节奏做哦~ みんないい?これからはこのペースでいきますわよ? Got it, everyone? Maintain this pace, alright?
Defeat 呜……简直是教师失格……我还是辞职回家运煤去吧 うぅ……教師失格です……帰って給炭任務に戻ろうかしら… *sobs* ... I'm not qualified as a teacher... Maybe I should go back to transporting coal...
Skill 指挥官,好好看着我的动作 指揮官、私の動きをよーくみてなさい! Commander, pay close attention to my moves!
Affinity (Upset) 没想到居然遇到了连我都没办法的学生……我还是去辞职吧…… 私でも教えようがない生徒がいるなんて……まだ辞めたほうがましですわ…… I never thought that there would be a student I cannot teach... It seems better for me to quit...
Affinity (Stranger) 在东张西望什么呢,补习要认真听! 何キョロキョロしているのですか!?補習は真面目に受けなさい! What are you doing, sleeping in the job?! Take you tutoring seriously!
Affinity (Friendly) 最近居然有了点起色——欸?是因为我吗?喔……谢、谢谢…… 最近はちょっと良くなって来ましたねーーえ?私のおかげ?あ、うぅ……ど、どうも…… You seem to be getting better at this- Eh? It's thanks to me? Ah, well... y-you're welcome...
Affinity (Like) 感觉已经没有什么能教给你的了——欸?把我交给你?笨、笨蛋…… 教えることはもう何もありませんわーーえ?私自身のことも教えてって?ば、ばかぁ……うぅ There's nothing more for me to teach you-- What? Teach you about myself? Y-You idiot!... Ugh
Affinity (Love) 兰利老师可是公私分明的哦,要是以为,以为关系好了我就会对你放宽那就大错特错了!……私、私下的话倒是可以啦 ラングレー先生は公私混同をしません!仲が良くなれば大目に見るとか思ったら大間違いですよ!……ぷ、プライベートならいいですけど! I, Ms. Langley, do not mix personal and work lives! If you think that I'll give you special treatment just because of our relationship, you are sorely mistaken! ... B-but in private, I'm fine with that!
Pledge 之前我就很在意指挥官在私生活上有没有照顾好自己了……所以从现在起,兰利老师也会好好纠正你个人生活上的毛病,可别想跑哦,指挥官~ プライベートでもだらしないのではないかと気になりましたが……これからはラングレー先生があなたの生活も矯正してあげます!逃げるなんて考えないでくださいね。指揮官! I was concerned about whether Commander takes good care of himself from now on, teacher Langley will also correct issues of your personal life; Don't even think about running away, Commander~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 不认真听讲的话,下场就是我脚下的这个~ ちゃんと聞かないと、こいつのようになりますよ! Listen carefully or I'll step on you!
Acquisition 不认真听讲的话,下场就是我脚下的这个~ ちゃんと言うことを聞かないと、足元のこいつのようになりますよ! Listen to what I say, or I'll have to step on you!
Details 指挥官,内心的疑惑只有求诸自己才能解答,盯着我看再久我也不会给你提示的~ 指揮官、心の迷いは自分で解決するものです。いくら私を見つめてもヒントはあげませんよ Commander, if you run into a mental problem, you have to solve it on your own. Staring at me won't help you.
Main 哪怕每天只进步一点点,只要坚持下去总会取得可观的成效 毎日少しだけでも前に進めば、いつかきっと大きな成果に繋がります If we make a little progress each day, we'll be sure to achieve great results one day
Main 2 这支舰队与我刚来时已经大不一样了,果然只要指挥官你努力,没有什么是做不到的~ この艦隊、来たばかりの時と比べてだいぶよくなっていますわ。指揮官が努力さえしていればこれぐらいは当然です This fleet feels different from when I first came. With your hard work, Commander, we can do anything.
Main 3 调皮捣蛋就该被惩罚,指挥官,你也是这么想的吧~ イタズラする子にはオシオキしないと。指揮官もそう思いますわね? We have to punish naughty children. Don't you agree, Commander?
Touch 无论什么问题,我都可以告诉答案,但那样对你真的好吗? 私はどんな質問でも答えられます。ですが、指揮官にとってそれが本当にいいことですの? I will answer any question you have for me. However, is that really alright for you, Commander?