Klaudia Valentz (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. C092 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Atelier Ryza Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% /// ///
2 %/%/%/% /// ///
3 %/%/%/% /// ///
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Frozen Lily Every 10s, if your fleet has 10 or more AP: consumes 10 AP and activates "Frozen Lily" Lv.1 (Lv.10) (DMG is based on the skill's level). Enemies hit by this skill are slowed by 15.0% for 5s.
Blessed Melody When the battle starts: your fleet gains 10 AP, all ships in your fleet recover 1.5% (5.0%) of their max HP, and all your "Atelier Ryza" collab characters recover an additional 2.0% of their max HP. When this ship launches an Airstrike: your Vanguard recovers 1.5% (5.0%) of their max HP and all your "Atelier Ryza" collab characters recover an additional 2.0% of their max HP. Once per battle, when a ship in your fleet falls below 30.0% max HP as a result of DMG taken: that ship recovers 1.5% (5.0%) of her max HP and your fleet gains 10 AP.
White Requiem Increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). Every 8s: your fleet gains 8 AP.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 你好,我是科洛蒂娅・巴兰茨。由于一些原因,从今天起要叨扰您一段时间了。我会尽力帮上大家忙的,请多关照! はじめまして、私はクラウディア・バレンツ。色々あって、今日からいっしょに過ごすことになったんだ。少しでも役に立てるように頑張るから、よろしくね! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Klaudia Valentz, and due to various circumstances, it seems that I'll be staying here for the time being. Please let me know if there's anything I can help with!
Biography 我是科洛蒂娅・巴兰茨。在原来的世界里,身为商队长的父亲让我负责过部分工作。本以为来到这个世界后就见不到莱莎她们了,所以再见到的时候真的是太开心了! クラウディア・バレンツです。元の世界では隊商長のお父さんから仕事の一部を任されていたんだ。こっちの世界に来てから、もうライザ達とは会えないかもって思ってたから、再会できてすごく嬉しい! My name is Klaudia Valentz. Back in my world, I used to work for my father, a traveling merchant. When I arrived here, I was so worried I'd never be able to see Ryza and the others ever again, but I'm so glad we were able to be reunited!
Acquisition 你好,我是科洛蒂娅・巴兰茨。由于一些原因,从今天起要叨扰您一段时间了。我会尽力帮上大家忙的,请多关照! はじめまして、私はクラウディア・バレンツ。色々あって、今日からいっしょに過ごすことになったんだ。少しでも役に立てるように頑張るから、よろしくね! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Klaudia Valentz, and due to various circumstances, it seems that I'll be staying here for the time being. Please let me know if there's anything I can help with!
Login 早上好,指挥官。今天也努力工作吧! おはよう、指揮官さん。今日もお仕事頑張ろう! Good morning, Commander. Let's work hard today!
Details 诶?想了解我吗?那我们进屋里聊吧。我去准备茶和点心。 えっ?私の事が知りたい?なら、中でお話ししよっか。今、お茶とお菓子を用意するね Huh? You'd like to know more about me? Then, how about we head inside and have a little chat? I'll go prepare the tea and snacks.
Main 没想到还能和莱莎她们再次冒险……宛如奇迹一般呢。 まさかライザ達とまた一緒に冒険できるなんて……本当、奇跡みたいだよ I can't believe I'm going on yet another adventure with Ryza and the others... It's truly a miracle.
Main 2 刚去了趟商店,明石小姐真会做生意。同样是商人,她很值得学习呢。 さっき売店へ行ってきたんだけど、明石さんって商売上手だね。同じ商人として、勉強になるなぁ When I visited the store earlier, I couldn't help but notice Miss Akashi's business acumen. As a fellow merchant, it was quite an eye-opening experience.
Main 3 指挥官…从刚刚就一直在发呆,没事吧……工作也告一段落了,还是问问看要不要休息下好了。 指揮官さん、さっきからぼーっとしてるけど大丈夫かな……仕事も一段落してるし、休憩しないか声かけてみよう The Commander's looked pretty out of it for a while... We're at a pretty good stopping point with the work, so maybe I should suggest taking a break...
Main 4 不知火小姐是厉害的店员呢。我在的商会里也有很多厉害的人,不知火小姐要是能过来就更好了。 不知火さんはすごい店員さんだね。私の商会にもすごい人はたくさんいるけど、不知火さんがきてくれるともっと助かるなぁ Miss Shiranui is quite a proficient saleswoman. There are plenty of talented people at my company, but Shiranui would make a great addition to the team.
Main 5 翔鹤小姐的笛子是横笛,有着和长笛不同的声音……既有特色又十分优美呢。 翔鶴さんの笛、横笛だけどフルートとは違う音がするんだね……特徴的でとても綺麗な音色! Miss Shoukaku's flute is a transverse one like mine, but has a completely different sound... What a distinctive and beautiful tone!
Touch 我不怎么擅长交朋友……多亏了指挥官和港区大家的亲切对待,我在这里也过的很开心。 私、友達を作るのはあまり得意じゃなかったんだ……指揮官さんや母港のみんなが優しくしてくれるお陰で、ここでも楽しく過ごせてるよ I've never been good at making friends... But thanks to the kindness everyone here at port has shown me, I've been having a great time and feel right at home.
Touch (Special) 要是再发生这样的事,今后就很难再共事了。 こんなことが続くなら、これから先、いっしょに過ごすのは難しそうだなあ If you keep this up, it's going to be awkward being around you in the future.
Touch (Headpat) 想让我帮忙管理资金吗?在原来的世界父亲让我负责过,因此我很擅长这方面的工作哦。 資金管理を手伝って欲しいの?元の世界ではお父さんから仕事を任されてたから、その手の仕事は得意だよ Do you need any help with your accounting? My father entrusted me with that kind of work back in my world, so I'm pretty confident in my abilities.
Mission 指挥官,好像有没做完的任务。我都整理归纳好了,先把这些完成吧。 指揮官さん、まだ完了していない任務があるみたい。纏めておいたけど、先に片付けちゃうっていうのはどう? Commander, I believe you still have some missions left to take care of. I've already ordered them for you, so why don't you get them out of the way first?
Mission Complete 我看看,指挥官的任务奖励是在……嗯,都顺利送达了! ええっと、指揮官さんの報酬は……うん、無事に届いてる! Um, let me check on your rewards... Yup, they've arrived without any issues!
Mail 指挥官,来信了哦。我放桌上了,请尽早确认。 指揮官さん、お手紙が届いてたよ。机に置いてあるから、早めに確認してね Commander, there's mail for you. I left it on your desk, so please have a look as soon as possible.
Return to Port 欢迎回来,指挥官。虽然还剩下一些工作……不过,还是先稍作休息吧? おかえり、指揮官さん。まだ仕事は残ってるけど……その前に、少し休憩するのはどうかな? Welcome back, Commander. We still have work to do... but how about taking a little break first?
Commission Complete 委托组的大家好像回来了。指挥官,一起去接她们吧! 委託に出ていたみんなが帰ってきたみたい。指揮官さん、一緒に迎えにいこう! It looks like the commission team has returned. Commander, let's go welcome them back!
Enhancement 没想到能变得这么强……谢谢你,指挥官。 こんなに強くなれるなんて思ってなかった……ありがとう、指揮官さん I never thought I could become this strong... Thank you, Commander.
Flagship 我也…还能战斗! 私も、まだまだ戦えるんだから! I can keep going - I'm just as capable of fighting!
Victory 赢了!趁着这股劲头继续加油吧! 勝てた!この調子で頑張ろう We won! Let's keep up the good work.
Defeat 大,大家没事吗?!要赶紧给受伤的同伴们包扎才行……! み、みんな大丈夫!?怪我をした子は、急いで手当を……! I-is everyone alright?! Hurry, we need to tend to the injured!
Skill 命中吧! 届いて! Take this!
Low HP 还能,再坚持一会! まだ、頑張れる! I'm not done yet!
Affinity (Upset) 没办法,毕竟是工作…… 仕方ない。仕事だもんね…… Fine. I suppose it's just business...
Affinity (Stranger) 今天也有好多工作……不过,两个人做的话应该能早点完成。一起加油吧。 今日も仕事がたくさんだね……でも、2人でやればそれだけ早く終わるはず。一緒に頑張ろう Looks like there's a lot of work to get through today... But, if the two of us work together, I'm sure we'll be done in no time. Let's both do our best.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官明明这么忙,还能做到事无巨细面面俱到,真是厉害。我也要向指挥官学习才是…… 指揮官さん、忙しいのに細かいことにもちゃんと気を配れててすごいなあ。私も見習わないと…… Commander, it's amazing how thorough your work is considering your busy schedule. I have a lot to learn from you still...
Affinity (Like) 共事过一段时间以后我发现,指挥官做事真是迅速呢,这当中有什么窍门吗? 一緒に働き始めてしばらく経ったけど、指揮官さんは本当に仕事が早いね。何か秘訣でもあるの? We've barely just started, and you're already blazing through your work. What's your secret, Commander?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,请用。这茶据说有着能让人放松的效果。这是昨天我在商店看见的,想着可以泡给指挥官便买了下来。 どうぞ、指揮官さん。このお茶、リラックス効果があるんだって。昨日売店で見つけて、指揮官さんにどうかなと思って買ったんだ Here you go, Commander. This tea is supposed to help you relax. I saw it at the store yesterday and thought of you, so I decided to buy some.
Pledge 能来这个世界真是太好了。不仅和莱莎她们再会了,还遇见了指挥官这么棒的人。我会好好珍惜这次相遇,继续努力的! 私、この世界に来られてよかったって思ってる。ライザ達と再会できたし、指揮官さんっていう素敵な人にも会えたから。この出会いを大切に、これからも頑張っていこうね! I'm really glad I was able to come to this world. I was able to reunite with Ryza and the others, and I also got to meet a wonderful person - you, Commander. Let's treasure our time together and keep working hard!
In battle with Reisalin Stout 见到你很开心,莱莎! 会えて嬉しいよ、ライザ! I'm so happy to see you again, Ryza!
In battle with Lila Decyrus 莉拉小姐,我来掩护你! リラさん、援護します! Miss Lila, I'll support you!
In battle with Serri Glaus 要是看见的话我会告诉你的,赛莉小姐。 見かけたら伝えますね、セリさん I'll let you know if I find anything, Miss Serri.
ryza_item1 这个可以当做应急食物呢 これは、非常食にもなりそうだね Seems like this can be used as emergency food.
ryza_item2 虽然很漂亮,但对莱莎来说可能只是普通的素材…… キレイだけど、ライザにとってはただの錬金術の素材になっちゃうのかも… They're so pretty, but Ryza probably doesn't see them as anything more than alchemy ingredients...
ryza_item3 能采集到珍贵的植物呢 珍しい植物を採集できそう Looks like we found some rare plants.
ryza_item4 莫非是和我们一起来到这个世界的……? もしかして私と一緒にこの世界に来たのかな…? Did these arrive in this world along with us?
ryza_item5 和其他遗迹的废墟都不同……这是…… ほかの遺跡にある廃墟とは違う…これは… What's this? It's completely different from what we've found in the other ruins...
ryza_shop1 欢迎来到兑换商店,请随意挑选商品哦~ アイテムショップへようこそ。好きな商品を選んでね Welcome to the Item Shop. Feel free to pick out what you'd like!
ryza_shop2 今天要兑换什么东西呢? 今日は何を交換する? What will you be getting today?
ryza_shop3 感谢购买! 買ってくれてありがとう! Thank you for your patronage!
ryza_shop4 要兑换这一件是么?真是不错的选择呢~ これと交換するの?いい考えだと思う Is this what you want? You've got a good eye.
ryza_shop5 所有物品都兑换完了呢,指挥官真是太厉害了! アイテムは全部交換したんだね。指揮官さん、すごいよ! Seems like you've cleared out my entire stock. Excellent work, Commander!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呵呵,今天也是开心的一天……啊,指挥官晚上好。刚刚在写日记,指挥官要是方便的话能帮帮我吗? ふふっ、今日も楽しい1日だったなぁ……あっ、指揮官さんこんばんは。今、日記を書いてたんだ。指揮官さんも、良ければ手伝ってくれないかな? Hehe, today was such a fun day... Oh, good evening, Commander. I was just writing my diary entry for the day. Since you're here, why don't you help me out?
Acquisition 呵呵,今天也是开心的一天……啊,指挥官晚上好。刚刚在写日记,指挥官要是方便的话能帮帮我吗? ふふっ、今日も楽しい1日だったなぁ……あっ、指揮官さんこんばんは。今、日記を書いてたんだ。指揮官さんも、良ければ手伝ってくれないかな? Hehe, today was such a fun day... Oh, good evening, Commander. I was just writing my diary entry for the day. Since you're here, why don't you help me out?
Login 晚上好,今天也很期待听指挥官的故事呢~ こんばんは。今日も指揮官さんのお話聞くの、楽しみにしてたよ Good evening! I've been waiting all day to hear more of your stories.
Details 放在那边的都可以随意饮用。顺便我推荐的是香草茶,它不仅香味令人放松,而且不含咖啡因,不用担心晚上睡不着。 そこにあるものは自由に飲んでいいよ。ちなみにオススメはハーブティー。香りでリラックスできるし、カフェインゼロだから夜もぐっすり眠れるよ Feel free to pour yourself any of the drinks over there. By the way, I'd recommend the herbal tea. The fragrance is very relaxing, and it doesn't have any caffeine so it won't impact your sleep.
Main 翻阅之前的日记时,想起了刚来港区的那段时间。虽然发生了很多事,但每件事都是宝贵的回忆呢。 書いた日記を読み返してると、改めて母港に来てからの事を思い出すんだ。色んな事があったけど、どれも大事な思い出だよ Whenever I reread my past diary entries, I think back at everything I've done since coming here. I've been through all sorts of things, but they've all become my precious memories.
Main 2 要不要来块曲奇配茶?是最近空闲的时候做的……诶,比之前更好吃了?谢谢你! お茶と一緒にクッキーはどう?最近時間のあるときに作ってて……え、前より美味しくなってる?ありがとう! Would you like some cookies to go with your tea? I've been baking them whenever I have the time... Oh, they're better than the ones from before? Thank you!
Main 3 谢谢你告诉我这么多故事。好好休息吧,指挥官。 たくさんお話聞かせてくれてありがとう。ゆっくり休んでね、指揮官さん Thank you for telling me about all those stories. Sleep well, Commander!
Main 4 在意冰箱里的饮料吗?啊,那是赛莉小姐教我的,用药草特制的冰沙。想说是不是喝了皮肤就能像赛莉小姐那样好……诶嘿嘿。 冷蔵庫の飲み物が気になる?あれは、セリさんから教えてもらった薬草を使った特製スムージーだよ。飲めばセリさんみたいに肌が綺麗になるかなって……えへへ What are those drinks I have in my fridge? They're special smoothies I made with the herbs Miss Serri suggested. I was wondering if my skin will become as smooth as hers after drinking them... Heehee.
Main 5 之后要和莱莎她们一起办睡衣派对!我没怎么和朋友一起熬夜过,有点紧张呢。不知道会是怎样的派对。 この後、ライザ達とパジャマパーティをするんだ!友達と一緒に夜更かしなんてあまり経験ないから、なんだかドキドキしちゃうね。どんなパーティになるのかな After I finish my diary entry, I'll be heading to a slumber party with Ryza and the others! I haven't had many experiences staying up late with friends before, so I'm pretty excited. I wonder what it'll be like?
Main 6 今天确捷小姐在图书馆开学习会,我也参加了。她教了我不少关于战斗和舰船的事哦。 今日、図書館でスウィフトシュアさんが勉強会をやってたから、私も混ぜてもらったんだ。戦いや艦船のこと、色々教えてもらえたよ Today, I joined in on a study session Miss Swiftsure was hosting. I learned a lot about fighting tactics and shipgirls.
Main 7 提尔比茨小姐也正在练习长笛。跟她聊了聊觉得十分投合,还约好了下次一起演奏。虽然和别人一起演奏会紧张,但也很期待呢。 ティルピッツさんもフルートを練習してるんだね。お話ししてたら意気投合しちゃって、今度一緒に演奏することになったの。誰かと演奏するなんて緊張するけど、すごく楽しみでもあるんだ I found out Miss Tirpitz also plays the flute. We ended up talking a lot, and we're going to be performing together in the near future. It's super nerve-wracking thinking about putting on a show with someone else, but I'm really looking forward to it!
Touch ……嗯,今天就到这里吧!指挥官,谢谢你帮忙。那接下来有什么打算呢?直接去睡吗?还是说…再聊会天? ……うん、今日はこんなところかな!指揮官さん、手伝ってくれてありがとう。それで、これからどうしよっか?もう寝る?それとも…あとちょっとだけ、お話しする? ...Alright, that's a good place to leave off for today! Commander, thank you so much for helping out. So, what should we do now? Will you go to sleep? Or... would you like to chat for a bit?
Touch (Special) 呀?!…真是的,差点就把茶弄洒了…… きゃっ!?…もう、お茶をこぼしちゃうところだったよ? Eeek?! Jeez... You almost made me spill my tea!
Return to Port 指挥官,今天辛苦了。你一定很累了,就在这里好好放松吧。 指揮官さん、今日も1日お疲れ様。疲れただろうから、ゆっくりしていってね Good work today, Commander. I'm sure you must be tired, so please take it easy.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官,一脸还很困的样子呢。去洗把脸如何?在此期间我会做好工作准备的。 指揮官さん、まだ眠そうだね。顔を洗ってきたらどうかな?その間、私が仕事の準備をしておくね Commander, you still look pretty sleepy. Why don't you go wash up a bit? I'll get your work ready in the meantime.
Details 欢迎,指挥官。正好曲奇出炉了。虽然很久没做了,不过感觉应该还不错……可以的话要尝尝看吗? いらっしゃい、指揮官さん。丁度クッキーが焼けたところなんだ。作るのは久しぶりで、結構うまくできたと思うんだけど……よかったら味見してみない? Welcome back, Commander. I just finished baking some cookies. It's been a while since I last made them, but I think they turned out pretty well... Would you like to have a taste?
Main 今天午餐约好了和莱莎她们一起吃,指挥官要不要也一起? 今日のお昼、ライザ達と出かけるんだけど、指揮官さんも一緒に行かない? I'll be going out for lunch with Ryza and the others later. Would you like to join us, Commander?
Main 2 那边的文件已经确认完毕。这边是还没做完的对吧……啊,不小心吵醒指挥官了吗?我来帮你整理文件,你再休息会也没事哦。 そっちの書類は確認済み。こっちはまだ終わってないかな……あ、指揮官さん起こしちゃったかな?書類の整理は代わりにやっておくから、もう少し休んでて大丈夫だよ I've finished looking over those documents, but are we still not done on this end? ...Oh, did I wake you up? I'm still sorting out your paperwork, so you can rest a bit longer if you'd like.
Main 3 这首曲子…长笛的音色真好听啊。其实我也会吹一点哦,啊,想听听看吗?既然指挥官这么说的话…… この曲、フルートの音色が綺麗だね。実は私も少し吹けるんだ。え、聴いてみたい?指揮官さんがそう言うなら…… The flute has such an exquisite voice in this piece... Actually, I can play a thing or two myself. Eh, you want me to play something for you? If it's for you, I suppose I can...
Main 4 一言以蔽之,明石小姐你做生意的秘诀就是——咦?明石小姐,去哪儿了呢? 明石さん、ずばりあなたの商売の秘訣は――あれ?明石さん、どこ行っちゃったんだろう? So, Miss Akashi, why don't you let me in to some of your business secrets? Huh? Where'd she go?
Main 5 风云小姐?在练习竖笛啊。呵呵,没关系,只要练习肯定能熟练的。等到有自信了,再吹给重要的人听哦。 風雲さん?あっ、リコーダーの練習中だったんだね。ふふ、大丈夫だよ。練習していればきっと上手くなるから。いつか自信がついたら、大事な人に聞かせてあげてね Miss Kazagumo? Oh, you were practicing the recorder? Haha, don't worry. You'll get better as long as you keep practicing. Once you've worked up your confidence, make sure to play for someone important to you!
Touch (Special) (怎么办。因为是工作伙伴,所以没法随便应付……) (どうしよう。仕事相手だから無下にはできないし……) (What should I do? I don't want to ruin our working relationship...)
Mission 指挥官,任务还差最后一点了!我也来帮忙,加油做完吧。 指揮官さん、任務、あと一息!私も手伝うから、最後まで頑張ろう Commander, you're at the final stretch! I'll help out too, so let's finish strong!
Mission Complete 完成了……指挥官也辛苦了。那么,喝杯茶休息下吧 終わったー……指揮官さんも、お疲れ様。それじゃあ、お茶でも飲んで休憩しよっか Phew, it's finally over... Commander, you did a great job too. Want to unwind with a nice cup of tea?
Flagship 和大家一起的话就没问题……! みんなと一緒なら大丈夫……! We can do it if we work together...!
Victory 能赢真是太好了……大家也辛苦了! 勝ててよかった……みんなもお疲れ様! Thank goodness we won... Great job, everyone!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,今天也工作很忙的样子呢。希望你不要太过勉强。因为指挥官也是对我来说很重要的人。 指揮官さん、今日もお仕事忙しそうだね。あんまり無理はしないでほしいな。指揮官さんも私にとって、大切な人だから Commander, you seem pretty busy today too. I hope you're not pushing yourself too hard though. After all, you are a precious friend to me.