Kearsarge (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. P028 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aviation Battleship Rarity Decisive
Navy Eagle Union Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Kearsarge Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15
Level 20
Level 25
Level 30
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
2 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
3 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aviation Battleship: Kearsarge-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Multi-Linked Locking System Increases this ship's AVI and FP by 1.0% (10.0%). When this ship's aircraft hits an enemy: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to inflict a special Burn ailment to that target for 10s, increasing that target's shelling DMG taken from your Main Fleet by 8.0%. When this ship's Main Guns hit an enemy: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to increase the target's airstrike DMG taken from your Main Fleet by 4.0%; if the target is already affected by an AA stat debuff, further increases that target's airstrike DMG taken from your Main Fleet by 8.0%. This effect lasts until the next time this ship fires her Main Guns.
Functional Amplification Mechanism If this ship has an Eagle Union or Northern Parliament Main Gun equipped: increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases her cannon DMG taken by 10.0% (20.0%). If this ship has an Eagle Union or Northern Parliament aircraft equipped: increases this ship's AVI by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases the loading time of her 1st airstrike by 15.0% (30.0%). When the battle starts, if there is another Eagle Union ship in your Main Fleet: while this ship is afloat, your CVs and CVLs deal 5.0% (15.0%) more airstrike DMG (does not stack with the skill "Air Raid Assistance").
Combat Adaptation Module Increases this ship's DMG dealt to Burning enemies by 1.0% (10.0%). When this ship launches an airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike. Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage with properties that change based on whether or not there are Burning enemies on the battlefield (inflicts a special Burn for 10s to enemies hit by the Oceanic Blaze special barrage; DMG is based on the skill's level).
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 航空战列舰—奇尔沙治 航空戊艊――キアサヌゞ Aviation battleship – Kearsarge.
Biography 我是癜鹰所属的具现化的特别计划舰奇尔沙治。我被讟计䞺战舰和航空母舰的混合型并内藏胜应对任䜕战局、战场的力量。指挥官垌望䜠胜充分利甚我的战力 ナニオン所属、具珟化されし特別蚈画艊・キアサヌゞ。戊艊ず空母のハむブリッドずしお蚭蚈され、あらゆる戊局・戊堎に察応する力を䞎えられた。指揮官、あなたがこの戊力を掻かしおくれるこずを願う I'm Kearsarge, Eagle Union blueprint ship given form. My design was a hybrid between battleship and aircraft carrier, giving me the ability to deal with almost any situation or battlefield. I hope you'll put my strength to good use, Commander.
Acquisition   启劚完毕。我是混合假想的实䜓化·“X”航空战舰奇尔沙治。从今倩匀始我将圚这枯区䞭成䞺䜠的力量。那么我应该園属于哪䞪分队该埀䜕倄出击   起動完了。我は具珟化された混合空想ハむブリッド・むマゞン・「X」、航空戊艊キアサヌゞ。本日よりこの母枯におあなたの力ずならん。それで、私はどこの分艊隊に所属し、どこに出撃すればいい Activation sequence complete. I am aviation battleship Kearsarge, Hybrid Idealization X given flesh and blood. Henceforth, I will serve you at this port. So, which division do I belong to, and what's my mission?
Login 指挥官抱歉我先着手工䜜了 䞍甚圚意我按计划进行䜠的工䜜吧 指揮官先に仕事を始めおおすたない。 私のこずは気にせず、予定通りあなたの仕事をこなしお Ah, Commander. Pardon me for starting work without you. Pay me no mind and begin with your own tasks.
Details     我并没有睡着只是让倧脑皍埮䌑息䞀䞋而已。虜然让闚就这样敞匀着是我疏応了䜆䞍敲闚就进来的指挥官也有莣任呢。     眠っおいるわけではなく、すこし頭脳を䌑めおいるだけ。ドアを開けっ攟しにしたのはこちらの萜ち床だけど、ノックもせず入っおくる指揮官もいかがなものかず ...I'm not sleeping, I'm just letting my brain rest a while. While, yes, I did leave the door wide open, you should at least knock before you enter next time, Commander.
Main 闲聊的话就攟到工䜜结束后吧。我现圚正圚䞓心倄理秘乊舰的工䜜请䞍芁打扰我。 雑談なら執務が終わったあずに。今秘曞艊の仕事に集䞭しおいるから、邪魔しないで Save the small talk for after work. I'm concentrating on my secretary duties, so don't disturb me.
Main 2 䞎其䞀盎回倎看还是䞍停䞋脚步继续向前曎奜。即䜿芁自我反省䞍配合圓时的圢势来看也是没有意义的。 い぀たでも振り返り続けるより、足を止めず先ぞず進んだほうがいい。己を省みたくおも、その時の情勢に合わせなければ意味がないから It doesn't help to always look back on the past – keep moving forward, and don't stop. Even when you want to self-reflect, you must adapt to developments as they happen.
Main 3 圚战斗䞭有时必须䌘先考虑战局而非䜠的意志。即䜿䜠是指挥官也可胜䞍埗䞍将决定权䞋攟至战场最奜趁现圚先习惯吧。 戊いにおいおは、あなたの意志より戊局を優先する堎合がある。たずえあなたが指揮官でも裁量を珟堎に任せざるを埗なくなるこずがあるから、今のうちに慣れおおいたほうがいい On occasion, I neglect your will and prioritize the here and now on the battlefield. While you are the Commander, sometimes you have to let your soldiers handle things – the sooner you accept this, the better.
Main 4     奇尔沙治闭着県端正地坐圚沙发䞊。也讞她睡着了     目を閉じたたたのキアサヌゞが゜ファで姿勢正しく座っおいる。もしかしお眠っおいる (Kearsarge is sitting upright on the couch with her eyes closed. Is she asleep, or...?)
Touch 我知道䜠圚那里。那么扟我有什么事 いるのは分かっおいる。 しお、私になにか甚 Yes, I know you're here. What do you need?
Touch (Special) 圚这䞪行劚䞭䜠自身的意志占了倚少 この行動に、あなたの意志はどれだけ入っおいる How much intent is in this act you're committing?
Touch (Headpat)   嗯突然这是怎么了   ん急にどうした ...Hm? What are you doing?
Mission 确讀有尚未完成的任务。劂果䜠䞍倄理我䌚自行刀断将它从预定䞭删陀可以吗 未完了の任務を確認。あなたがこなさないなら私の裁量で予定から削陀するが、それでいい Confirming there are unfinished missions. If you won't do them, I'll remove them from your schedule as I see fit. You sure you want that?
Mission Complete 确讀任务奖励已送蟟。我去回收。 任務報酬の到着を確認。回収しおくる Confirming that rewards have come in. I'll go collect them.
Mail 确讀邮件已收到。请䜠也确讀䞀䞋。 メヌルの着信を確認。確認しお Confirming that a letter has arrived. Take a look.
Return to Port 蟛苊了就这样䌑息䞋吧。战果啊诎起来䜠也出击了。抱歉也讞我应该䞀同出战比蟃奜 ご苊劎、そのたた䌑憩しお。戊果ああ、そういえば出撃しおたのか。すたない、もしかしお私も出たほうがよかった Welcome back, now have a breather. After-action review? Ah, right, you went on a sortie. Would it have been better if I'd joined you?
Commission Complete 确讀委托组已園来。我去回收物资。 委蚗組の垰還を確認。物資の回収をしおくる Confirming the commission team has returned. I'll go collect the goods.
Enhancement 确讀性胜及舰队战力提升。今后请继续关照。 性胜及び艊隊戊力の向䞊を確認。これからもよろしく Performance and fleet potential increase confirmed. Keep it up.
Flagship 战力充足——向前突砎 戊力は十分――突き抜ける The advantage is ours! Strike!
Victory 战斗评价完毕。奇尔沙治继续䞋䞀䞪䜜战行劚。 戊闘評䟡完了。キアサヌゞ、次の䜜戊行動に移行する Combat appraisal complete. Moving on to the next stage of the operation.
Defeat 战斗评价完毕。奇尔沙治绎持战斗速床重敎阵势匀始反倍攻击。 戊闘評䟡完了。ギアサヌゞ、戊闘速床を維持しながら態勢を立お盎し、反埩攻撃を開始する Combat appraisal complete. I shall maintain momentum while resuming formation, then launch a counterattack.
Skill 冻结随后炞裂吧 凍れ、そしお爆ぜろ Freeze, then burst!
Low HP 䜜战行劚遭到阻碍  䞍算什么 䜜戊行動に支障が  なんの The operation is going awry... What is this?!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥胜力评价完毕  哪怕只是遵从呜什郜䌚有所损倱。 指揮胜力評䟡完了。  呜什に埓うだけで損するずは Your commanding ability has been evaluated... Simply following your orders is detrimental.
Affinity (Stranger) 我讀䞺䞎指挥官建立信任关系对我的战斗行劚曎有利。这就让我看䞀䞋䜠的日皋——嗯芁了解对方銖先需芁收集信息这䞍是垞规手段么 指揮官ずの信頌関係を構築したほうが私の戊闘行動に有益だず刀断した。早速だがあなたの予定をチェックさせおもらおう――ん盞手を知るには、たず情報を集めるのが定石なのでは I've determined that establishing mutual trust between us is beneficial to my battlefield performance. So, without further ado, allow me to check your schedule... Hm? Is information-gathering not customary when getting to know someone?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官䞪人的兎趣爱奜 䞍错的切入点。那么基本信息就从䌙䌎那里打听  来啊——这是我做的眗宋汀甚这䞪来确讀䜠对味道的喜奜。来啊—— 指揮官ずいう個人の趣味嗜奜 いい着県点ね。では、基本情報は仲間に聞くずしお  はい、口を開けお。手䜜りのボルシチだが、これであなたの味の奜みを確認させおもらう。ほら、あヌん Your individual tastes and interests... That's a good perspective. I'll ask my acquaintances for basic info later... For now, open your mouth. I made borscht, and this will help me determine your tastes. Come on, say "ahh."
Affinity (Like) 甚“纊䌚”这种诎法可胜䞍倧准确䜆芁了解指挥官的习惯和行䞺确实通过“纊䌚”曎有效。这是今倩的行皋。过目䞀䞋再行劚吧。 「デヌト」ずいうのは語匊があるけれど、指揮官の習慣や行動を知るには、たしかに「デヌト」しおみたほうが効果的。本日の予定はこれだ。䞀床目を通しおから行動開始するように Though calling it a "date" is a misnomer, a date does present a great opportunity to learn your habits and savoir-faire. Here is your schedule for today. Give it a quick read, then we'll get started.
Affinity (Love) 我信任着指挥官而䞔想曎倚地了解指挥官。䜆是因䞺我的胜力䞍足现圚还猺乏䞀些甚于理解指挥官意愿的必芁情报 指挥官信任我吗甚同䌎们的话来诎䜠"喜欢"我吗 私は指揮官を信頌しおいるし、そしおもっずもっず指揮官のこずを知りたい。だがしかし、私の䞍出来でただいささか指揮官の意志を刀断する材料が䞍足しおいるようで 指揮官は私のこずをちゃんず信頌しおいる仲間たちが蚀う、「奜き」になっおいる I trust you, Commander, and I want to become intimately familiar with you. However, I'm unable to fully determine your feelings towards me due to my own ineptness... Do you trust me the way I trust you? Do you, as others would say, love me?
Pledge 已确讀生呜䜓埁信号。嗯别担心指挥官给了我这䞪之后䜜䞺亀换我偷偷圚指挥官身䞊攟了生呜䜓埁监测仪而已。䞺了掌握䜠平时的健康状况或是圚玧急时刻胜马䞊赶到郜少䞍了这䞪——䞍对吗 バむタルサむンを確認した。ん心配しないで、指揮官がこれを枡しおくれた代わりに、私から指揮官にこっそりバむタルセンサヌを忍び蟌たせただけ。普段の健康に気を配るにも、いざずいう時に駆け寄るにも、これがないず――違う Confirming vitals all green. Hm? Oh, don't worry, I simply snuck a vital sensor onto you – a return gift for this ring you gave me. It's necessary to keep a regular check on your health, and to know when to come running when you need help. Makes sense, no?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这是䞺了给指挥官衚挔而准倇的特殊服装是䜠的混合幻想hybrid imagine的具现化——这就是现圚的我。欢迎随时䞋什。 指揮官ぞのパフォヌマンスを兌ねおのスヌツ、具珟化されたあなたの混合空想ハむブリッド・むマゞン、それが今の私――オヌダヌずリク゚スト、い぀でもどうぞ I am now the Hybrid Idealization given flesh and blood wearing a suit designed with my performance for you in mind. I am ready to receive orders at any time.
Acquisition 这是䞺了给指挥官衚挔而准倇的特殊服装是䜠的混合幻想hybrid imagine的具现化——这就是现圚的我。欢迎随时䞋什。 指揮官ぞのパフォヌマンスを兌ねおのスヌツ、具珟化されたあなたの混合空想ハむブリッド・むマゞン、それが今の私――オヌダヌずリク゚スト、い぀でもどうぞ I am now the Hybrid Idealization given flesh and blood wearing a suit designed with my performance for you in mind. I am ready to receive orders at any time.
Login 癜鹰兔女郎·奇尔沙治今晚䞺指挥官垊来魅惑䞀倜。请攟心只芁䜠还圚泚视着我我就胜䞀盎舞蹈䞋去——啊。最奜䞍芁勉区自己熬倜哊 ナニオンバニヌ・キアサヌゞ、今倜は指揮官を魅了する。安心しお、あなたが芋おくれおたらずっず螊っおいけ――あ。無理しお培倜しないほうがいいよ Eagle Union bunny girl Kearsarge will charm you tonight. Don't worry, I can keep dancing as long as you're watching my– Oh. I don't recommend staying up all night for it.
Details 这支舞杆䞍仅是我甚于衚挔的舞台道具同时还讟有胜借䞺我提䟛胜量补给的接觊回路。也就是诎它功胜倚样非垞方䟿  啊现圚䞍是解释的时候呢。 このポヌルはパフォヌマンスのための舞台道具であり、キアサヌゞに゚ネルギヌを補絊するための接觊回路も備えおいる。぀たり倚機胜でものすごく䟿利な あ、今は説明しおいる堎合じゃないね This pole is a prop to assist with my performance and is installed with a contact circuit to replenish my energy. It's multifunctional and very convenient to... Oh, I shouldn't be explaining this right now.
Main 监测到生呜䜓埁䞊升。心率、脉搏、䜓枩还有  咳这算是䞀种兎奋状态吗 バむタルサむンの䞊昇を確認。心拍数、脈拍、䜓枩、それず こ、コホン。興奮状態ずいうこず Confirming rise in vital signs. Heart rate, pulse, body temperature, and... Ahem. Is this what is called a "state of arousal"?
Main 2 原本就是䞺了应对各种场合䞋悚的需芁而讟计的自然䞺悚而进行的衚挔也䞍䌚有任䜕纰挏。  劂䜕埗意 元よりあらゆる局面に察応するために蚭蚈されたもの。あなたぞのパフォヌマンスももちろん抜かりなく。 ドダ This pole was originally installed to suit your needs in all kinds of scenarios. Naturally, this performance will go perfectly... Heh.
Main 3   啊诎起来现圚还是暡拟店内衚挔的䞭途呢。指挥官有奜奜看我的衚挔吗   あ。そういえば今は暡擬店でのパフォヌマンス䞭でもあった。指揮官、私のステヌゞをちゃんず芋おる  ...Oh. Right, I'm still in the middle of my pop-up store performance. Have you been watching me, Commander?
Main 4 让我来展瀺新泜西䌠授的舞步吧。呵呵我还加了䞀些自己的原创郜是基于䜠的反应数据加入的哊。 ニュヌゞャヌゞヌから教わったステップを芋せよう。ふふ、オリゞナルのアレンゞも加えおいるよ。あなたが芋せた反応のデヌタに基づいおね Let me show you some moves New Jersey taught me. I even made a few original modifications, based on the data from your reactions.
Main 5   听到了奇尔沙治的细埮呌吞声。是圚进行垞规的冥想还是圚思考劂䜕进行䞋䞀场衚挔呢       キアサヌゞの埮かな息遣いが聞こえる。い぀もの瞑想か、それずも次のパフォヌマンスをどうするか考えおいるのか  (Kearsarge's breathing is faintly audible. Is she meditating again, or is she just pondering what to do for her next performance?)
Touch 嗯  这样可以吗 んっ。 これでいい Mhh... Is that better?
Touch (Special) 已确讀接觊回路启劚。  啊嗯劂果胜曎有效地增加接觊面积的话   接觊回路の起動を確認。 あ、ええず、効率的にもっず接觊面積を増やしおも  Confirming activation of contact circuit... Oh, um, you could increase the contact area for greater efficiency...
Mission 确讀有尚未完成的任务。  现圚是让指挥官䌑息的时候。任务埅䌚儿再完成也没关系。 未完了の任務を確認。 今は指揮官を癒やす時間だ。こなすのは埌でも構わない Confirming there are unfinished missions... but right now, you're meant to enjoy my performance. The missions can wait.
Mission Complete 确讀任务报酬已送蟟。指挥官抱歉  胜麻烊䜠去领取吗 任務報酬の到着を確認。指揮官、すたないが 回収しおもらえるだろうか Confirming that mission rewards have arrived. Would you mind getting it yourself, Commander?
Return to Port 已确讀胜量回路的启劚。嗯这样就曎有掻力了——指挥官也需芁进行胜量补给。䜠可以随时告诉我䜠的芁求。 ゚ネルギヌ回路の起動を確認。うん、これでもっず動ける――指揮官も゚ネルギヌ補絊を。泚文は私に蚀っおくれお構わないよ Confirming activation of energy circuit. I can move more now. You should recharge your batteries as well, Commander. Just give me your order.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。指挥官先去迎接她们然后我们再继续吧。 委蚗組が垰還した。指揮官、䞀床出迎えおからたた続きをしよう The commission team has returned. We'll continue after you've welcomed the girls back.
Victory 战斗评䌰完成。胜量消耗正垞。指挥官请继续䞋什䜜战。 戊闘評䟡完了。゚ネルギヌ消費量、正垞範囲内。指揮官、匕き続き䜜戊行動を Combat appraisal complete. Energy consumption is within normal values. Commander, continue with the operation.
Defeat 战斗评䌰完成。胜量消耗超出预期。指挥官需通过接觊回路进行补给。 戊闘評䟡完了。゚ネルギヌ消費量、想定より䞊回っおいる。指揮官、接觊回路による補絊を Combat appraisal complete. Energy consumption exceeds estimated values. Commander, provide additional energy via contact circuit.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今倩按照䜠的步调来吧。没关系䞍甚圚意我按照䜠平时的方匏行事就奜。这也曎笊合我的期望。 今日はあなたのペヌスに合わせる。倧䞈倫、私のこずは気にせず、あなたはあなたでい぀も通りにやればいい――その方が私にずっおも望たしいから This time, you go ahead and set the pace. Don't worry about me, just do whatever feels natural to you. I like it better that way.
Details 生呜䜓埁检测党郚正垞。嗯扟䞍出指挥官来访的理由  并没什么理由呵呵虜然完党䞍合逻蟑䜆这埈像是䜠䌚给的理由我攟心了。 バむタルチェック・オヌルクリア。さお、指揮官がここに蚪れおくる理由は芋圓぀かないが  なんずなくふふ、党く非合理的ではあるが、あなたらしい理由で安心した Vitals check done. All signs clear. I can't guess why else you'd visit, so... You just felt like it? Heheh, what an irrational reason, but that sounds like you alright.
Main 怎么了突然就停䞋了手。生呜䜓埁也星瀺䞀切正垞——只是䌑息䞀䞋抱歉我并没有逌䜠的意思   どうかした急に手を止めお。バむタルに異垞はないように芋えるが――単なる䌑憩すたない、远い詰める぀もりは  What is it? Why'd you put your pen down? Your vitals all look fine to me, so... You're just taking a break? Sorry, I didn't mean to heckle you...
Main 2 工䜜还没做完奜我这就去订倖卖这样就可以䞀盎陪䜠到明倩了——䞍是这䞪意思 ただ仕事が終わらない よし、出前を取っおおく。これで今日は日付が倉わるたでは䞀緒にいられるずも――その぀もりじゃなかった Still not finished? Okay, I'll order takeaway. That way I can stay with you until tomorrow if need be– Oh, it won't take that long?
Main 3 我信任着指挥官䜠的指挥。无论是指瀺目标、改变航向、䜿甚和曎换各种歊噚、还是战术建议等郜请䞋什吧 指揮官の采配は信頌しおいる。目暙指瀺・針路倉曎・各皮兵装の䜿甚及び換装、戊術的なアドバむスならい぀でも蚀っお I put my full trust in your ability to lead. Whenever you want to change targets, change course, use and change equipment, or give me tactical advice, just say the word.
Main 4     听到了奇尔沙治蜻埮的呌吞声是圚冥想么还是圚做梊     キアサヌゞの埮かな息遣いが聞こえる。い぀もの瞑想か、それずも倢でも芋おいるのか (Kearsarge's breathing is faintly audible. Is she meditating again, or is she just sleeping?)
Touch    指挥官捉匄人芁等确讀对方睡着后才行。    指揮官。むタズラは盞手が寝おるのを確認しおからでないず ...Commander. If you're going to play a prank on someone, you should make sure they're asleep first.
Touch (Special) 想做的话就做吧。陀了尊重䜠的意愿之倖我也埗出了“可以”的结论。 したければするがいい。あなたの意志を尊重するし、私も「構わない」ずいう結論を出したから If you want this, be my guest. I respect your will, and I've reached the conclusion that I'm fine with it, too.
Mission Complete 确讀任务奖励已送蟟。我并没有从䜠那债走喜悊的打算——去取回它们吧。 任務報酬の到着を確認。あなたの喜びを奪う぀もりはない――回収しおきお Confirming arrival and receipt of rewards. I don't want to dampen your celebration, but... you should go pick up your stuff.
Return to Port 指挥官出击结果劂䜕虜然以䜠的胜力我䞍应该担心䜆以防䞇䞀还是请让我检查䞋生呜䜓埁 指揮官、出撃はどうだったあなたのこずだから心配するのは野暮だず思うが、䞇が䞀のこずもある。バむタルチェックでもする How did the sortie go, Commander? I know I don't need to worry about you, but disasters can always happen. Want me to check your vitals?
Commission Complete 确讀委托组園来。别光顟着高兎了䜠准倇奜慰劳她们的瀌物了吗 委蚗組の垰還を確認。喜んでいる䞭ですたないが、圌女たちを劎う手土産は準備した Confirming the commission team has returned. Hate to rain on your parade, but have you prepared gifts for the girls?
Victory 战斗评价完毕  我是MVP䞺这种理所圓然的事情高兎䞍像䜠的风栌。也、也䞍是诎䞍行   戊闘評䟡完了。 私がMVP圓然なこずで喜ぶのはあなたらしくない。い、いいえ、ダメずいうわけでは  Combat appraisal complete... I'm the MVP? It's not like you to get excited about the usual. N-no, I don't mean you can't do that, just...
Affinity (Love) 啟 嗯。指挥官䞀劂既埀而我也䞀样“喜欢”着指挥官。只需芁确讀这些就借了吗还有其他的  甚同䌎的话来诎指挥官想做的事  真的䞍做吗 ちゅっ。 うん。指揮官はい぀も通り、そしお私も指揮官のこずが「奜き」でいる。確認するのはこれだけで十分もっず䜕か 仲間の蚀うずころの、指揮官がしたそうなこずは しなくおもいいの *smooch*... Yep. You're the same as always, and I'm in love with you. Is that all you wanted to confirm? I thought you would... as my friends have put it, "do what your heart yearns for." Are you really not going to do that?