Kako (JP 🇯🇵: 加古, CN 🇹🇼: 加古)
Ship ID No. 191 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Common
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Explore Stage3-3
Enhance Income
Firepower 22
Torpedo 12
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Akari Kageyama
Kako Description
Second ship of Furutaka-class heavy cruisers, Kako.
Kako (Retrofit) Description
Performance upgraded, improvements complete. This way I can finally... *cough* Oh, it's nothing, Commander. I must simply be more strict with you in the future. Are you ready for your psychological examination?
Firepower C
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 3043 Reload 142
Firepower 187 Torpedo 165
Evasion 33 Anti-air 140
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 0 Luck 34
Hit 99 Speed 31.05
Armor Medium
HP 3439 Reload 163
Firepower 215 Torpedo 190
Evasion 75 Anti-air 161
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 0 Luck 34
Hit 111 Speed 31.05
Armor Medium
HP 589 Reload 60
Firepower 40 Torpedo 35
Evasion 13 Anti-air 30
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 34
Hit 38 Speed 31.05
Armor Medium
HP 3323 Reload 147
Firepower 217 Torpedo 210
Evasion 33 Anti-air 155
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 0 Luck 34
Hit 99 Speed 31.05
Armor Medium
HP 3719 Reload 168
Firepower 245 Torpedo 235
Evasion 75 Anti-air 176
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 0 Luck 34
Hit 111 Speed 31.05
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 145%/145%/155%/170% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 203mm Mounted Gun
2 Quadruple 610mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Heavy Cruiser: Furutaka-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 11
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Full Firepower Every 20s: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to increase this ship's FP by 20.0% (40.0%) for 10s.
Double Torpedo When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a second wave of Torpedoes.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Furutaka Class once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 古鹰级重巡洋舰二番舰—加古 古鷹型重巡洋艦二番艦・加古 Second ship of Furutaka-class heavy cruisers, Kako.
Biography 古鹰型重巡洋舰二号舰,加古,算是第一艘本国产重巡吧,虽然在第一次所罗门海战出了力,不过最后不小心被潜艇击沉了,这也是没办法的事……性格?那只是对你才使用的态度哦。总之,重巡的好处,就睁大你的双眼好好体会吧 古鷹型重巡の二番艦、加古です。国産の重巡としては一番艦、といったところですね。何かおかしいですか?性格?この態度はあなたに対してですが。とにかく、重巡の強さ、刮目しなさい Second ship of the Furutaka-class heavy cruisers, Kako! I was perhaps the first real heavy cruiser made for my country. Despite contributing to the first Battle of the Solomon Sea, I took too many risks and ended up being sunk by a submarine... My personality? I'm only like this when I'm around you. Open your eyes and learn the advantages of a real heavy cruiser!
Acquisition 古鹰级二号舰,加古,听候差遣……话是这么说,还是让我看看,你是不是真的值得我追随吧 古鷹型二番艦、加古、指示を待ってます……ということになりましたけど、私を従える指揮官にふさわしいかどうか、見定めさせてもらいますよ Second ship of the Furutaka-class, Kako, ready for orders. Why don't you show me whether you're worthy or not.
Login 正好,文档我已经归纳完了,你能完成的了吗? ちょうどいいところです。書類の仕分けが終わりました。こちらは全部やりきれるのしら? Good timing, I just finished sorting your documents. Can you actually finish these?
Details 有什么想说的就直说 言いたいことがありましたら、はっきり言ったらどうです? If you want to say something, just give it to me straight!
Main 这支舰队真不错呢,除了指挥官 この艦隊はいいですね、指揮官を除いて This fleet is quite impressive, except for their commander.
Main 2 这里错了,还有这里,别连这种事都让我教你 ここ、間違えています。あとここ。こんなことまで教えさせないでください。 You made a mistake here. And here. Do I have to tell you how to do everything?
Main 3 青叶那家伙现在在干什么呢…… 青葉のやつ、今頃何してるだろう…… I wonder how Aoba is doing right now...
Touch 你是笨蛋吗? あなたは馬鹿ですか? Are you an idiot?
Touch (Special) 你这……!喂,海军部吗? あなたって人は……!…もしもし、憲兵さんですか? Why you little... Hello? Could I speak with the Military Police?
Mission 新任务,别告诉我你这都做不到 新しい任務です。流石にできないとは言わないでしょうね New missions, Commander. Surely you can handle these.
Mission Complete 你还是挺努力的嘛,这是任务奖励哦 頑張りましたね。ボーナスです So you can work hard as well, huh? Here are the rewards.
Mail 信。你原来还有不少朋友嘛 メールです。意外と友達多いのですね Mail's here. I'm surprised you have so many friends.
Return to Port 要休息吗?看在你努力的份上这批文件就先放放 休憩ですか?まあ、先の努力に免じて今の事務処理は少し先延ばしにしてあげます Taking a break? Well... since you put in your fair share of work, why don't you set the rest of these files aside for later?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了,你该不会还想要坐着等她们自己把成果拿过来吧? 委託のメンバーたちが帰ってきました。まさかあなた、成果を持ってくるまでここで待つとか思っていないでしょうね The commission fleet has returned. Do you plan to sit here and wait for them to bring the resources to you?
Enhancement 这还是要对你说一声谢谢的 礼は言ってあげます I suppose I should thank you for this.
Flagship 我好歹也算是重巡的代表…… 私、これでも代表的な重巡よ……! In any case, I shall set the standard for heavy cruisers!
Victory 做到这份上那我还是夸奖你一下吧 ここまでうまくできるなんて、一応評価してあげます To think that you could do this much... I suppose I can offer you a word of praise.
Defeat 切……你能再努力一点吗? ちっ……もう少し努力してみては? Tsk... Can't you work a bit harder?
Skill 也让你见识一下我的实力吧 私の実力、見せてあげます! Let me show my true strength!
Affinity (Upset) 看来你这辈子都得不到我的承认了呢 一生私には認めてもらえないようですね It seems that you'll never be able to earn my respect.
Affinity (Stranger) 看来还是要我从头开始教你怎么当一个合格的指挥官……想要我承认你可没那么简单,给我做好心理准备 どんな行動が一人前の指揮官にふさわしいか、一から教えないといけませんね……私に認めてもらうのはそう簡単にはいきませんよ。覚悟しなさい I suppose I'll have to teach you how to behave in a respectable manner, Commander. Earning my acknowledgement is no easy feat, so I hope you've steeled yourself.
Affinity (Friendly) 这个姿势手要这样摆好……怎么,这点肢体接触你也要害羞吗?……是我在脸红?说什么蠢话! この姿勢はこう……なに?このぐらいで恥ずかしがるんですか?……私のほうが赤くなってるって?!何を言っているんですか?! To make this pose, put your hands here... What? You're embarrassed by me touching you? ...I'm blushing? Wh-what nonsense!
Affinity (Like) 虽然还差得远,不过姑且算你合格了吧——你想抱着我到什么时候?得意忘形,看来这门课有的上了…… まだまだですけど、ひとまず及第点って所ですねーーっていつまで抱きついてるつもり?この浮かれっぶりではまだまだ精進しないといけませんね…… You still have a long way to go, but I suppose you're doing well for now... Just how long do you plan to cling to me anyway? How despicable... it seems like you haven't learned anything yet.
Affinity (Love) 最近学得很快呢……那个……唔……你要是想要对我做些什么奇怪的事,也没关系哦 最近飲み込みが早いですね……あの……っ……まあ少しだけならいつもの変なことしてきても、いい…です…よ? You've been learning quickly lately... About that... hm... If you want to experiment with me, I'm ready.
Pledge 勉勉强强合格了吧,不过这才是刚刚开始哦,接下来还有很长的路要走呢……我?要陪陪你也不是不可以就是了 まあギリギリ合格って所じゃない?でもこれはただの始まりです。これからの道のりは長い……私?つ、付き合ってって言うなら、別に一緒にいてあげてもいいんですよ? You've passed, but just barely! This is only the beginning... there's still a long way to go! What about me? If you want to spend the rest of your life with me, I'm ready!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 改造作业完毕,性能全方位提升,这样就能多帮上忙了……咳咳,没什么,指挥官,往后我会更加严格要求你的,做好心理准备吧 改修作業完了、全性能向上しました。これでもっとお役に立てるはず……コホン!いいえ、なんでもありません。指揮官、これからはもっと厳しくしますので、覚悟してくださいね Performance upgraded, improvements complete. This way I can finally... *cough* Oh, it's nothing, Commander. I must simply be more strict with you in the future. Are you ready for your psychological examination?
Acquisition 改造作业完毕,性能全方位提升,这样就能多帮上忙了……咳咳,没什么,指挥官,往后我会更加严格要求你的,做好心理准备吧 改修作業完了、全性能向上しました。これでもっとお役に立てるはず……コホン!いいえ、なんでもありません。指揮官、これからはもっと厳しくしますので、覚悟してくださいね Performance upgraded, improvements complete. This way I can finally... *cough* Oh, it's nothing, Commander. I must simply be more strict with you in the future. Are you ready for your psychological examination?
Login 比预定时间慢了5分钟呢,指挥官 予定時間より5分遅れです。指揮官 You're five minutes late, Commander!
Details 有什么事,难道想听我说教吗? 何か用ですか。まさか説教されたい、というわけではないでしょうね What do you want? Surely you didn't come to get lectured.
Main 2 比以前是有了长进,不过这里还是错了……指挥官,你该不会是在故意出错让我生气吧? 昔より少しはマシになりましたが、やっぱりここ、間違えています。……指揮官、まさかわざと間違えているのではないでしょうね? What am I writing? Your agenda, of course. Without it, you'd just slide right back to your old habits.
Main 3 我在写什么?是你的日程表哦,毕竟我不做的话你马上就会露出原形…… 何を書いているかって?今後の指揮官の予定です。私が用意しないとすぐいい加減になりますから……ね
Touch 有问题的话我随时都在 質問ならいつでもお受けします I'll be here any time you have questions.
Victory 看到了吗,这就是我们舰队真正的实力 見たか、これが我が艦隊の真の力です Did you see that? This is the true power of our fleet!