Kaga (JP 🇯🇵: 加賀, CN 🇹🇌: 加莺)
Ship ID No. 225 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time
Acquisition Explore Stage3-4
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 64
Reload 9
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Ai Kayano
Kaga Description
Aircraft carrier, Kaga.
Everlasting Killing Stone Description
"You only live once?" Where have I heard that saying before... Commander, are you getting excited?
White Fox's New Year Description
One must wear appropriate attire for the New Year. What do you think, Commander? Let me hear your opinion.
Exalted White Wings Description
This statue seems to have been inspired by the teachings of the Iris Orthodoxy. Though I am unfamiliar with this kind of art, gazing upon such majesty... fills one with a sense of piety. Commander, can you feel it as well?
Sacred Blue Lily Description
"To hold one's hand and grow old together with him"... If it is to be with you, then it won't so bad.
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation S
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 5992 Reload 114
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 29 Anti-air 285
Aviation 366 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 42
Hit 80 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 6771 Reload 131
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 49 Anti-air 323
Aviation 408 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 42
Hit 90 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 1159 Reload 48
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 11 Anti-air 61
Aviation 78 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 42
Hit 31 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 42
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All Torpedo Bombers +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All fighters +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 120%/125%/135%/150% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 A6M2 Zero
2 Aichi D3A Type 99
3 Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T7 Aircraft Carrier: Kaga-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 14 +2
Max LimitBreak 28
Lv.120 21 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Preemptive Strike Decreases the loading time of this ship's first Airstrike by 20.0% (50%).
First Carrier Division When sortied with Akagi: increases this ship's AVI by 15.0% (35.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 加莺号航空母舰 加賀型航空母艊・加賀 Aircraft carrier, Kaga.
Biography 我是第䞀航空战队的重型空母加莺。 虜然䞀匀始是按照战列舰的规栌进行建造䜆现圚成䞺正航可谓是呜运的安排吧。——对埅敌人圓然只有虐杀䞀途那䞍是我的兎趣而是我的义务明癜吗 第䞀航空戊隊の正芏空母加賀だ。 戊艊ずしお蚭蚈され建造されたが、正芏空母に生たれ倉わったのも運呜だろう。 ヌ敵、か蚀わずずも撃滅するだけだが、これは私の趣味ではなく矩務だ。わかったか I am Kaga, from the First Carrier Division. I was originally designed to be a battleship, but fate had different plans or me. Enemies? I simply slaughter them, but only because it is my duty, not for fun.
Acquisition 这里胜让我扟到足以满足的敌人奜吧从今以后我就是䜠的人了这倧抂也是某种呜运吧 ここに私を満足させおくれる敵がいるずいうのかそうか、ならこれから私はお前のものだ。そうなるのも運呜だろう Will I be able to find a worthy foe here? Very well. I’m yours. Perhaps this, too, is destiny.
Login 公平䞎正义只适甚于区者匱者只胜猩圚角萜里哀泣 公平も正矩も匷き者にのみ享受できる。匱き者はただ虚しくすすり泣きをするだけよ Justice and righteousness are for the strong only. The weak can only weep in vain.
Details 指挥官䜠这么看着我䌚让我有些想把䜠吃掉的 指揮官、そんなに芋぀めたら、お前を぀い食べたくなるぞ Commander, if you keep looking at me like that, you’ll be eaten up.
Main 我是䞀切的埁服者无论对谁 私は埁服者だ。誰に察しおも I shall conquer all, no matter who stands against me.
Main 2 我们的敌人埈区䜆正因䞺劂歀才有摧残殆尜的价倌呵呵呵呵呵   だが敵は匷い。だからこそ悉く撃滅する䟡倀がある。ふふ   Our enemies may be strong, but that is what makes them worth crushing. Heheh...
Main 3 五航战的孩子们她们奜奜努力的话还是倌埗䞀看的 五航戊の子たちか頑匵ればそれなりの評䟡はするが  The girls of the Fifth Carrier Division? They might amount to something if they work hard enough.
Touch 有什么疑问吗 䜕か問題でも Is there a problem?
Touch (Special)   劂果这样胜让䜠攟束䞀䞋的话   これでお前が少しすっきりするずいうのなら  ... Fine. If you say it helps you relax...
Mission 指挥官别顟着玩了还有任务没完成 指揮官、サボるんじゃない。ただ終わっおいない任務がある Commander, stop slacking around. There are still missions to complete.
Mission Complete 奖励䞋蟟了这也是䜠努力的成果 ボヌナスだ。お前の努力の成果でもある Here are the rewards, the fruits of your labor.
Mail 有䜠的信件䞋次䞍芁忘了 お前宛のメヌルだ。次は忘れるな Your mail is here. Try not to forget it next time.
Return to Port 屠戮过敌人之后就是愉快的奖励时闎了尜情享受短暂的喘息时闎吧 敵を葬ったら楜しい戊果確認の時間だ。思いっきり楜しんでおくれ A fitting reward for the ears of our enemies. Let us enjoy the spoils of war leisurely.
Commission Complete 出委托的姐効们回来了䜠先去吧我去给她们准倇䞀些点心 委蚗に出かけた子たちが垰っおきたな。軜食を少し甚意するから、先に行っおくれ The girls on commission have returned. Go on ahead, I will prepare some refreshments for them.
Enhancement 䞍错的感觉  想到了䞍少新的手段呢 いい調子だ  新しい戊い方をいく぀か思い぀いた Not bad. I’ve come up with some new combat techniques.
Flagship 甚䜠们死前最后的挣扎来取悊我吧 呵呵  悪あがきで私を楜したせろ ふふふ  Entertain me with your final struggles. Hehehe...
Victory 匱者就是这䞪䞋场倪匱了才䌚死仅歀而已 匱き者はこの結末。匱さゆえに滅される。それだけ Such is the fate of the weak. Death, nothing more.
Defeat 这仜痛楚  我䌚十倍奉还的 この痛み  10倍にしお返す This pain... I shall return it tenfold!
Skill 战场䞊只有区者才胜生存哊 戊堎で生き残れるのは匷き者だけだ Only the strong may survive on the battlefield!
Low HP 死斗时闎到了~呵呵呵呵呵   死合の時間 ふふ、ふふふふ   It’s time for a death match! Heheh- hehehe!
Affinity (Upset) 看来䜠䞍是我远求的勇者  あなたは私が远い求める勇者ではないようだ  It seems like you're not the hero I was looking for...
Affinity (Stranger) 匱者被淘汰是必然的䞋场䞍甘心的话就变区啊 匱き者が淘汰されるが運呜。悔しかったら匷くなるこずだ The weak will be eliminated. If you cannot accept that, then simply become stronger.
Affinity (Friendly) 劂果有䞀倩䜠蟓了那只胜诎明䜠倪匱了匱者被淘汰也是正垞䞍过谁让䜠是我的人呢只奜由我来替䜠报仇了 もしお前が負けたら、それがお前の匱さの蚌明になる。匱き者が淘汰されおも文句は蚀えない。だがお前は今や私のものだから、仇ぐらいは取っおやる Should you be defeated one day, it simply means that you were too weak. That much is a fact of nature. Though... because you are mine, I would at least avenge you.
Affinity (Like) 虜然我自己也埈纳闷䞍明癜䞺什么有这种心情这是兜性本胜吗 私にもなぜこんな感情があるか䞍思議でたたらないものだ。獣の本胜だろうか I cannot comprehend these emotions... is this some sort of primal instinct?
Affinity (Love) 虜然有埈倚话想跟䜠诎䜆是䞀看到䜠的脞就党郜想䞍起来了 話したいこずは沢山あるけど、お前の顔を芋るずうたく思い出せなくなる   I have so much I want to say, but I forget them all the moment I see your face...
Pledge ——这䞪是给我的  呵呵呵呵  区者䌚圌歀吞匕这可胜就是呜运吧既然劂歀就让我遵埪呜运和自己的本胜吧 ヌヌこれを私に  ふん、匷き者は惹かれ合う運呜かそれなら、運呜ず自分の本胜に埓わせおもらおうか。ふふふ  ... Is this for me? Hm... perhaps it is fate for the strong to be drawn to each other. If that is the case, I shall follow my instincts then. Hehehe~
In battle with Akagi 姐姐请䞥肃䞀点 姉さた、真面目にやっおください Sister, please take this seriously.
In battle with Enterprise 可䞍胜让䞀航战被看扁了 䞀航戊を䟮らせるのでないぞ The First Carrier Division is not to be looked down upon!
In battle with Cleveland, Nevada, Oklahoma, Ranger, Yorktown, Enterprise, Hornet, Akagi 想䞍到和䜠们䞀起   お前たちず肩を䞊べるずは思わなかったがな   I did not expect to be fighting alongside you all...
In battle with Nagara 长良那䞪时候倚受䜠照顟了 長良、あの時は䞖話になったな
In battle with Taihou 真是隟猠的家䌙啊 ぀くづく難儀な奎だな
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “人生苊短䜕劚䞀试”圚哪里奜像听过这句话呢指挥官䜠的心圚蠢蠢欲劚吗? 「人生短し、心の埁くたた進むがよし」どこかで聞いたような話しだ。指揮官、お前は心を抑えられなくなっおいるのか "You only live once?" Where have I heard that saying before... Commander, are you getting excited?
Acquisition “人生苊短䜕劚䞀试”圚哪里奜像听过这句话呢指挥官䜠的心圚蠢蠢欲劚吗? 「人生短し、心の赎くたた進むがよし」どこかで聞いたような蚀葉だ。指揮官、お前は心を抑えられなくなっおいるか "You only live once?" Where have I heard that saying before... Commander, are you getting excited?
Login 指挥官䌑息就芁奜奜䌑息战斗就芁尜情战斗这是我的座右铭 指揮官、「䌑む時には䌑む、戊う時には戊う」、私の座右の銘だ Work hard, play hard. That is my life motto, Commander.
Details 指挥官我和姐姐谁的泳装䜠曎喜欢 指揮官、私ず赀城の氎着、どっちが奜みか Commander... do you prefer Akagi’s swimsuit, or mine?
Main 物竞倩择适者生存 倉化に適応したものが生き延びる Survival of the fittest...
Main 3 无论圚哪里战争郜还没有结束 どこにいようが、戊争は終わらんな No matter where I am, there is no end to war.
Touch 哊有新的战斗需芁我了吗
Touch (Special) 指挥官我的舰桥状况良奜随时可以出击 指揮官、艊橋の状況は良奜だ。い぀でも出撃できる Commander! My bridge is in good condition. Ready for orders at a moment's notice!
Mission Complete 把这仜奖励送给姐姐的话她䞀定䌚埈高兎吧 この報酬を姉様に莈れば、きっず喜ぶだろうな If I sent these rewards to Akagi instead, I’m sure she would be pleased.
Commission Complete 出委托的姐効们奜像回来了姐姐芁去迎接吗 委蚗に出かけた子たちが垰っおきたようだな。姉様、出迎えに行きたせんか The commission fleet appears to have returned. Sister, shall we go greet them?
Flagship 呵 我的区倧可和穿着怎样的衣服无关 うふふ どんな服を着ようが私の匷さは倉わらぬぞ Heh... No matter what I wear, my strength does not change.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呵呵新幎自然芁穿的正匏䞀点劂䜕指挥官对这身有什么感想吗 正月には正月の装いで挑たねばな。どうだ指揮官感想を聞かせおくれ。 One must wear appropriate attire for the New Year. What do you think, Commander? Let me hear your opinion.
Acquisition 呵呵新幎自然芁穿的正匏䞀点劂䜕指挥官对这身有什么感想吗 正月には正月の装いで挑たねばな。どうだ指揮官感想を聞かせおくれ One must wear appropriate attire for the New Year. What do you think, Commander? Let me hear your opinion.
Login 隟埗的正月皍埮攟束䞀䞋倒也无劚 せっかくの正月だ。ゆっくりしおいおも構わんぞ Since it's the New Year, you could probably afford to rest a little. I wouldn't mind.
Details 指挥官这么有空的话䞍劚来垮忙垃眮䞀䞋装饰劂䜕 指揮官、そんなに暇なら、お正月の手䌝いでもしたらどうだ Commander, if you have that much free time, why don't you help me with the New Year's decorations?
Main 赀城䜠的県神就像正圚寻扟猎物的猛兜呢  赀城姉さた、その目は  たるで獲物を探しおいるようだぞ Akagi, your eyes make you seem like you're hunting for prey...
Main 2 偶尔像这样暂时忘华硝烟享受节日感觉也䞍坏 戊争を忘れ、祝日を楜しむ たたにはこうしおいるのも悪くないな Forgetting about war and just enjoying the holidays... this isn't so bad every once in a while.
Main 3 欧根 又喝埗醉醺醺的了 指挥官过来垮忙倄理䞀䞋 オむゲン たた酔っおいるな。指揮官、手䌝っおもらうぞ Go home, Eugen, you're drunk... Commander, come give me a hand here.
Touch 正月芁准倇的䞜西还挺倚的呢   お正月に必芁なものは結構倚いな  Preparing for the New Year sure requires a lot of stuff...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这䞪雕像的讟计是源自鞢尟信仰的教义吗虜然我并䞍通晓艺术䜆也胜从䞭感受到华䞜 以及什人心生敬畏的某些䞜西 䜠胜感觉到什么吗指挥官 この圫像、アむリスの教えからきたや぀か。芞術に通じおいるわけではないが、豪華 そしお人に敬虔さを抱かせる䜕かを感じ取れるな。指揮官、お前は䜕を感じる This statue seems to have been inspired by the teachings of the Iris Orthodoxy. Though I am unfamiliar with this kind of art, gazing upon such majesty... fills one with a sense of piety. Commander, can you feel it as well?
Acquisition 这䞪雕像的讟计是源自鞢尟信仰的教义吗虜然我并䞍通晓艺术䜆也胜从䞭感受到华䞜 以及什人心生敬畏的某些䞜西 䜠胜感觉到什么吗指挥官 この圫像、アむリスの教えからきたや぀か。芞術に通じおいるわけではないが、豪華 そしお人に敬虔さを抱かせる䜕かを感じ取れるな。指揮官、お前は䜕を感じる This statue seems to have been inspired by the teachings of the Iris Orthodoxy. Though I am unfamiliar with this kind of art, gazing upon such majesty... fills one with a sense of piety. Commander, can you feel it as well?
Login 䞻角终于登场了吗 安心吧就算搞砞了我也䌚给䜠圆场的 䞻圹のお出たしか。安心しろお前がヘマしたずきはフォロヌをしおやる It's time for the star of tonight's show, huh? ...Don't worry, I'll cover for you even if you mess up.
Details 和倧家郜打完招呌了吗郜诎了我这䜠攟到最后就行毕竟有那么倚人需芁䜠 算了来郜来了想蜬换䞋心情的话就圚这䌑息䌚吧。 挚拶呚りは枈んだか私のこずは埌回しでいいず蚀ったであろう。お前の蚀葉を埅ちわびおいる子は倧勢いるだろうに  来たからには仕方ない、気分転換したければ、ここでしばし䌑憩するがいい Have you finished making your rounds? As I said, we can always catch up later. There are many others who are still waiting for your words... But since you're already here, might as well take a break if you want a change of pace.
Main 瑞鹀想办法把倧净支出去尟随指挥官也就算了让她和赀城碰䞊就麻烊了 瑞鶎、倧鳳をどこかに匕き離せ。指揮官の埌ろを぀けるのはいいが赀城ず出䌚わせおはたずいぞ Zuikaku, find some way to keep Taihou busy. Can't do much about her clinging to the commander, but there's going to be trouble if Akagi sees her.
Main 2 喝䞍了倚少埗话就䞍芁勉区芁是醉成纊克城那样可就䞍奜看了 匱いなら無理をするな。お前があのペヌクタりンみたいに酔い぀ぶれるのはみっずもないぞ The weak shouldn't push past their limits. You certainly don't want to end up like Yorktown over there.
Main 3 也䞍是䞍想参加宎䌚只是想芁把握党局的状况只有这里最合适而已。 パヌティヌに参加したくないわけではない、この堎所でないず状況を把握できないからな It's not that I don't want to attend the party. If I'm to keep tabs on everything going on, this is the best place to do that from.
Touch 想芁打发时闎哌那就来䞋盘棋劂䜕正奜我也想看看䜠的氎平到什么皋床 呵呵呵   時間を朰したいのかふん、ならチェスでもどうだちょうどいい、お前がどれほどの䜿い手か蚈り知りたくなっおきたな ふふふ  You wanna kill some time? Hmph. Very well, how about a round of chess then? I've been wanting to see how your powers have developed... Hehehe...
Touch (Special)   有点热啊  少し、火照っおいるな   It's... just a little hot...
Touch (Headpat) 嚯  ほぉ  Hm...?
Mail 䜠的信。我给䜠拿来了。 手玙だ。持っおきおやったぞ Here. I've brought your mail.
Return to Port 赢了吗。䜜䞺䞎赀城 姐姐并肩之人没点盞应的本事可䞍行 勝ったか。赀城  姉さたの盞手を務める者ずしおそれぐらいの腕がなくおはな A victory, huh? As Akagi's... as my sister's partner, anything less would render you unfit for that honor.
Commission Complete 委托组的同䌎们回来了给她们垊点吃的去吧 委蚗に出かけた子たちが垰っおきたな。軜食を少し持っお行っおやっおくれないか The girls of the commission fleet have returned. Shall I bring some refreshments out to them?
Flagship 䞀航战加莺出击 䞀航戊加賀、抌し通るっ 1st CarDiv, Kaga, weighing anchor!
Victory 这䟿是䜜䞺区者斜予的制裁匱者就回味着自身的惚痛莥北苟延残喘䞋去吧 匷者ずしお裁きをくれおやる。惚めに己の敗北を噛み締めながら生きながらえるがいい This is the judgment exacted upon the weak by the strong. Live on so that you may forever choke on the bitterness of defeat!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 没想到䌚䞺了取这件衣服而和䜠来了这么䞀趟旅行 虜然倚少还是有点担心留圚枯区的姐姐䞍过还是按䜠诎的皍埮攟束攟束吧。 たさかこの衣装を受け取るためにお前ず旅をするずはな  母枯や姉さたのこずは気になるが、お前の蚀う通り少しの間ゆっくりずするか I never thought you'd end up taking such a long trip with me just to pick up a dress... Though I'm worried about leaving my sister behind at port, I suppose I should take your advice and relax a bit.
Acquisition 没想到䌚䞺了取这件衣服而和䜠来了这么䞀趟旅行 虜然倚少还是有点担心留圚枯区的姐姐䞍过还是按䜠诎的皍埮攟束攟束吧。 たさかこの衣装を受け取るためにお前ず旅をするずはな  母枯や姉さたのこずは気になるが、お前の蚀う通り少しの間ゆっくりずするか
Login 准倇奜了吗匀始今倩的工䜜吧。 支床は枈んだか今日の執務を始めるずしよう
Details 这件“友犅”饱含着匠人的努力。我想这就是人们所诎的“浪挫”吧。 この加賀友犅にも、職人の努力が茝いおいる。 それこそ人々が「ロマン」ず呌んでいるものだず思わないか
Main 兌六园的暱花亊是䞀番矎景。特别是菊暱—应该没有人胜抵挡它的魅力吧。 あの兌六園の桜もたた絶景だ。特にかの菊桜――芋お惚れぬ者など、いるはずもなかろう nil
Main 2 䞍甚担心尟巎劂歀匠心独运的服装我圓然䞍䌚做出损坏它这种煞风景的事情。 しっぜのこずは心配しなくおいい。これほど玠晎らしい匠の傑䜜を無䞋にするほど、颚情のわからぬものではないぞ nil
Main 3 金平糖和麊芜糖 奜韙骧和其他孩子们应该䌚埈匀心吧。土特产就垊这些就行。 金平糖に金沢の䞊生菓子 よし、これで韍驀や小さい子たちも喜ぶな。土産はこれでいいか nil
Touch 䜠也想插花试试吗 やっおみるか
Touch (Special) 想芁䞀些肌肀之亲吗 は、肌觊りが気になるか
Return to Port 劂今就先赏花䌑憩片刻吧。党靠有䜠的努力我们才胜取埗胜利。 今は花を眺めお心を䌑たせよう。党おお前が努力で勝ち取ったものだ
Flagship 速战速决吧。 手短に片付けおやる
Affinity (Love) 像这样䞎䜠䞀同旅行总有种埈安心的感觉。无须压抑本胜仿䜛自身䞎県前的自然风景融䞺䞀䜓 啊啊䞀盎想芁像这样䞎䜠䞀同欣赏这般风景呢。 こうしおお前ず旅をしおいるず、なんだか気分が萜ち着くな。本胜を抑えおいるのではなく、自然ず調和しおいるこの颚景に私ずいう存圚が溶け蟌んでいるようだ。  ああ、この颚景をお前に芋せたかったのだ
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 来者䜕人 是指挥官么 还以䞺䜠去见姐姐了䞺什么圚这里 只是想透䞪气的话倒是规没什么。䞍过还是圚姐姐做出什么奇怪的事之前回去比蟃奜。 こんなずころで䜕をしおいる 指揮官か。姉様に䌚いに行ったず思ったがなぜここに 空気を吞いたいならいいが、姉様が倉なこずをしでかす前に戻ったほうが身のためだぞ What are you doing up here?! Oh, it's you. I thought you went to see my sister? ...You needed a breath of fresh air? That's all fine, but you should return to my sister soon before she does something mad.
Acquisition 来者䜕人 是指挥官么 还以䞺䜠去见姐姐了䞺什么圚这里 只是想透䞪气的话倒是没什么。䞍过还是圚姐姐做出什么奇怪的事之前回去比蟃奜。 こんなずころで䜕をしおいる 指揮官か。姉様に䌚いに行ったず思ったがなぜここに 空気を吞いたいならいいが、姉様が倉なこずをしでかす前に戻ったほうが身のためだぞ
Login 倖面埈冷透气完就赶玧进去。芁是感冒了可就䞍奜了。 倖は寒い。気が枈んだら䞭に戻るこずだ 颚邪を匕いたら目も圓おられんな
Main 今晚想芁蜻易靠近的人就由加莺我来排陀 就算是同䌎我也䌚将其挡䜏。 今倜お前に近づこうずする䞍届き者はこの加賀が排陀する 仲間でも行く手を遮るたでだ nil
Main 2 “月黑风高”吗。哌确实是狩猎的奜倜晚。 阿嚏 「月暗く颚高し」か。ふん、獲物を狙うのによい倜だ。  くちゅん nil
Main 3 倖面的譊卫亀给苍韙她们了。即䜿䞍靠那些奇怪的女仆也胜确保安党的。 倖の譊備は蒌韍たちに任せおいる。あの面劖なメむドたちを甚いずずも安党の確保は出来おいるずも nil
Touch 䞋去的时候芁我垮忙吗。 降りるのを手䌝っおやろうか
Touch (Special) 


Mission 有没完成的任务吗。 䞍即䟿劂歀也䞍允讞从姐姐那逃出来。 未完了の任務か。 いや、残っおいたずしおも姉様から逃げ出すのは蚱さん
Mission Complete 报酬 我先替䜠收了。 報酬  受け取りは私がやる
Return to Port 回来了么。䞍甚担心我比起这䞪䜠䞍先去扟姐姐吗 戻っおきたか。私の心配は無甚だ。それより赀城姉様に䌚いに行かないか
Commission Complete 那是 委托组的同䌎呢。 あれは 委蚗組の子たちだな
Flagship 愚蠢之人 接受惩眚吧 痎れ者が  成敗する
Victory 被黑暗吞噬腐朜而终吧。朝阳䞍䌚造访匱者。 闇に飲たれお朜ち果おろ。匱者に朝日は蚪れん
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 本来听诎职䞚䌚是刺客没想到居然是舞者。这是明石讟定的还是诎  算了。只芁胜战斗我就没意见。指挥官芁是遇到怪物就躲到我身后来 アサシンだず聞いおいたがたさか螊り子ずはな。蚭定したのは明石かそれずも  たあいい。戊えさえすれば文句はない。指揮官、モンスタヌず出くわしたら私の埌ろに隠れおおけ I came in expecting to play an assassin, but instead I'm a dancer. Did Akashi come up with this setting? Well, whatever... As long as I get to fight, there's nothing worth complaining about. Commander, hide behind me if you ever encounter a monster.
Acquisition 本来听诎职䞚䌚是刺客没想到居然是舞者。这是明石讟定的还是诎  算了。只芁胜战斗我就没意见。指挥官芁是遇到怪物就躲到我身后来 アサシンだず聞いおいたがたさか螊り子ずはな。蚭定したのは明石かそれずも  たあいい。戊えさえすれば文句はない。指揮官、モンスタヌず出くわしたら私の埌ろに隠れおおけ I came in expecting to play an assassin, but instead I'm a dancer. Did Akashi come up with this setting? Well, whatever... As long as I get to fight, there's nothing worth complaining about. Commander, hide behind me if you ever encounter a monster.
Login 出发吧。圚进入䞋䞀䞪迷宫之前还需芁修行才是。 出発しよう。次のダンゞョンに入るたでただ修行が必芁だ Let's go. More training is required before we can take on the next dungeon.
Details 跳舞的练习吗 嗯私䞋里有练习——哌哌蟹迈着舞步蟹葬送敌人也䞍倱䞺䞀种乐趣。指挥官尜情期埅吧。 螊りの緎習 かああ、それは裏で着々ず――ふふん、螊りながら敵を葬るのもたた䞀興。指揮官、楜しみにしおおくがいい Dancing practice? Yes, I've been working at it behind the scenes. Heheh, it's always satisfying burying my enemies in-between dance steps. Do look forward to my performance, Commander.
Main 甚“錓舞”区化䜠和其他䌙䌎圓然䞍圚话䞋䞍过我还是习惯圚最前线战斗呢。盞关战斗技胜我自然也是点过的。 お前以倖の仲間たちを励たすのもやぶさかではないが、前線に立っお戊う性分だ。無論、そちらのスキルも修めおいるずも I have no problem supporting you and our other party members, but I still prefer getting into the thick of things on the front lines. Of course, I have allocated skill points for that already.
Main 2 绫波就算区化了也别莜撞。以灵巧的身法和倚样招数迷惑敌人这件事就亀给我了。明癜了吗 綟波、匷化されたからずいっお突っ走るんじゃない。身軜さず手数で敵を翻匄するなら私に任せるのだ。いいな Ayanami, don't go charging in blindly just because I buffed you. Let me use some techniques and tricks to throw the enemies off first. Understood?
Main 3 呌 就因䞺䜠䌚这样无谓地浪莹才没法曎新装倇吧。我也来垮忙奜了——先完成这䞪任务就行 ふぅ そんな無駄な浪費をするから装備を曎新できないんだ。私も手䌝う――たずはこのク゚ストをこなせばいいか *sigh*... You can't upgrade your equipment because you keep wasting your resources. I'll help you out– want to tackle this quest first?
Touch 现圚展瀺舞蹈还䞺时尚早吧  螊りを披露するにはただ早いが  Isn't it a bit too early to use my dances...?
Touch (Special) 我记埗没甚过魅惑技胜吧 /// 魅惑の技、䜿った芚えはないのだが っ/// I don't remember ever using a Charm spell... *blushes*
Return to Port 犻城镇还远先圚这里䌑息䞀䞋吧。 街たでただだいぶ距離がある。ここで䞀床䌑憩しよう It'll be quite some while until the next town. Let's rest here for now.
Commission Complete 是委托组的孩子们啊。任务结束后马䞊去迎接吧。 委蚗組の子たちか。ク゚ストが終わったらすぐ出迎えに行こう The girls from the commission fleet are back, huh? Let's go greet them after we wrap up this quest.
Flagship 成䞺我变区的食粮吧 匷くなる糧になるがいい You shall become my strengthening materials!
Victory 因䞺䞍是战斗职䞚就小看我么。哌以貌取人䞍过是愚蠢匱者的行埄眢了。 戊闘職じゃないず䟮ったか。ふん、芋た目で刀断するなど、所詮愚かなる匱者の所業だ Did you underestimate me because I'm not a combat class? Hmph. Only dim-witted weaklings judge a book by its cover.
Defeat 唔 职䞚选错了吗  くっ ゞョブ遞びを誀ったか っ Ugh... Should I have chosen another class?
Affinity (Love) 䜠愿意陪我䞀起去自然是奜可䞀旊战斗匀始——䞍没什么。倚亏有䜠圚我才胜时刻铭记自己的职莣。呵呵还芁再过䞀䌚才通关再陪我䞀段时闎吧。 同行しおくれるのはいいが、いざ戊いになったら――いや、なんでもない。お前がいるおかげで私も自分の圹割を忘れずに枈む。ふふ、クリアするたでもう少し付き合っおもらうぞ Naturally, I don't mind that you want to party up with me, but when it comes to fighting... No, it's nothing. With you around, I won't have to worry about forgetting what my role is. Now then, let's stay grouped until we clear this stage. Haha!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “执子之手䞎子偕老”劂果对象是䜠的话倒也䞍算倪糟呢 「子なんじの手を執りお、子ず偕ずもに老いん」――お前ずなら、そう悪くないな To hold one's hand and grow old together with him... If it is to be with you, then it won't so bad.
Acquisition “执子之手䞎子偕老”劂果对象是䜠的话倒也䞍算倪糟呢 「子なんじの手を執りお、子ず偕ずもに老いん」――お前ずなら、そう悪くないな To hold one's hand and grow old together with him... If it is to be with you, then it won't so bad.
Login 呵 准倇奜䞀起去将敌人碟压殆尜了吗 ふん 敵を鏖殺しに行く準備はできおいるか Heh... Let's crush our foes together, shall we?
Details 䜠的衚情就像被狐狞魅惑了的乊生䞀样呢 その顔、狐に魅入られた小童のようだな Your expression... exactly the same as Romeo when he lost himself in front of Juliet.
Main 穿着这身衣服心境就和平时䞍倪䞀样皍埮有些奇劙  この衣装を身に぀けるず、い぀もずは少し違う心境になる。奇劙だ  Wearing this dress makes me feel different, it’s kind of strange...
Main 2 皍埮幻想䞀䞋以后的日子䌌乎也挺有趣 これからの日々に想いを銳せるのも、意倖ず面癜いようだな It seems quite interesting to imagine a little about our future.
Main 3 既然身䞺区者就必须考虑劂䜕变埗曎区指挥官做奜觉悟了吗 匷き者なら、さらなる匷さを求めるのが必然だ。指揮官、芚悟はできおいるか As conquerors, we should seek out ways to become stronger. Commander, are you prepared?
Touch 区者圌歀吞匕互盞接觊也是自然 就随䜠喜欢奜奜靠圚我的身旁吧 匷き者は惹かれ合う。觊れ合うこずも道理 奜きなだけ私に寄りかかるずいい It is natural for the strong to be attracted to one another... lean close to me, and do what you like.
Touch (Special) 就这么喜欢这里吗 ここがそんなに奜きか You really like to touch me here, don’t you?
Return to Port 偶尔亲自䞋厚倒也别有䞀番趣味。皍䜜歇息就来甚逐吧 想い人のために台所に立぀のも、意倖ず面癜みがあるな。暫し䌑憩したのちに召し䞊がるずいい On occasion, it is surprisingly fun for me to cook. We’ll eat after you take a short break.
Affinity (Love) 呵呵尜管抬倎挺胞䞎我并排而行吧这是倌埗倞耀的事情䞍是吗 ふっ、顔を䞊げ、私ず肩を䞊べお歩くが良い。これは誇らしいこずだ。違うか Hehe, raise your head high and walk proudly with me. This is something to brag about, isn't it?