Kisaragi Chihaya (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. C072Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyIdolm@sterBuild TimeN/A
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Kisaragi ChihayaDescription
HP1128 Reload53
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion13 Anti-air60
Aviation82 Cost0
ASW0 Luck72
HP5013 Reload101
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion54 Anti-air222
Aviation214 Cost0
ASW0 Luck76
Limit Break
Tier 1All Dive Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Cerulean SongWhen this ship launches her first Airstrike in a battle: 50.0% (80%) chance (100.0% on subsequent Airstrikes) to launch a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). At the start of the battle, if there is another The Idolmaster collab ship in your fleet: increases the first activation chance to 100.0%.???
The Fruits of LaborWhen this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's AVI and RLD by 1.0% (5.0%) until the end of the battle (can be stacked up to 3 times). At the start of the battle, if there is another The Idolmaster collab ship in your fleet: adds 3 stacks of this buff.???
Alongside the Ocean's WingsDecreases the loading time of this ship's first Airstrike by 10.0% (30.0%) . Decreases DMG taken by 1.0% (10.0%) for all The Idolmaster collab ships in your fleet.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description初次见面,我是如月千早。您就是港区的负责人吧?以后请多多关照了。はじめまして、如月千早です。あなたがこの母港の責任者ですか?これからどうぞよろしくお願いしますPleased to meet you. My name is Chihaya Kisaragi. Are you the one in charge of this port? I look forward to working with you.
Biography我是如月千早,目标是成为最顶尖的歌手。……欸,想听我唱歌…吗?好的…那就来一首吧。如月千早です。誰よりも高いレベルの歌い手になることを目指しています。…え、歌って欲しい、ですか?はい……では1曲My name is Chihaya Kisaragi. I aim to become a singer that's on a higher level than anyone else. You... want me to sing for you? Well... just one song then.
Acquisition初次见面,我是如月千早。您就是港区的负责人吧?以后请多多关照了。はじめまして、如月千早です。あなたがこの母港の責任者ですか?これからどうぞよろしくお願いしますPleased to meet you. My name is Chihaya Kisaragi. Are you the one in charge of this port? I look forward to working with you.
Login早上好,指挥官。我想确认一下今天的日程安排,可以吗?おはようございます、指揮官。今日の予定を確認したいのですが、よろしいでしょうか?Good morning to you, Commander. I'd like to go over today's schedule with you, if you don't mind.
Details找我有什么事吗?我正要开始自主练习来着…私に用事ですか?これから自主レッスンを始める所なのですが……Is there something you need me for? I was just about to start practicing singing though...
Main没什么事的话,我可以看乐谱吗?想练习下次演出的表演曲目。用事がなければ、楽譜を読んでいてもいいでしょうか?次のステージで披露する歌を練習しておきたくてIf there's nothing you need me to do, can I read some sheet music to pass the time? I'd like to practice the songs I'm singing at my next performance.
Main 2港区的大家都操纵着很大的机械呢…真厉害呀,我就…不太擅长机械类的东西…この場所にいる方は、みんな大きな機械を扱っているんですね。……感心します。私、機械は少し苦手なのでThe people at this port all operate such huge machinery... It's very impressive. I'm not very good with machines, you see.
Main 3啦啦啦~♪不对,这里应该更有感情一点…啊,指挥官,抱歉打扰到你了,这首歌稍微有点难把握…ラララ~♪ううん、ここはもう少し感情を込めて……あ、指揮官。すみません、なかなか歌に納得がいかなくて……Lalala~♪ No, I need to put a bit more emotion into this part... Oh, Commander. I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding this song...
Touch不好意思…我想先做一下发声练习…すみません……発声練習をしておきたくて……I'm sorry... I'd like to do some vocal exercises to warm up my voice...
Touch (Special)请、请别这样。你在碰哪里啊!や、やめてください。どこを触ってるんですか!P-please stop. Where do you think you're touching me!
Touch (Headpat)怎么了吗?どうかしましたか?Is something wrong?
Mission指挥官,还有没做完的工作哦。まだ終わっていない仕事があるようですねIt looks like there's still work left to be done.
Mission Complete看来任务都完成了呢。我也该回去上声乐课了。お仕事、終わったみたいですね。では、私はレッスンに戻りますIt looks like you've finished up the rest of your work. Well, I'll be getting back to practicing singing.
Mail指挥官,新邮件到了。还是尽快确认一下吧。指揮官、メールが届いています。早めに確認しておいた方がいいかとCommander, we've received some mail. I think it's a good idea to go check it soon.
Return to Port辛苦了,指挥官。可以稍微休息一下…是吗?我明白了。お疲れ様でした、指揮官。少し休憩……ですか。わかりましたGood work, Commander. Will... you be taking a short break? Understood.
Commission Complete指挥官,执行委托的大家好像回来了。最好去迎接一下她们吧。指揮官、委託の方が戻られたみたいです。出迎えに行った方が良いかとCommander, it seems like people are back from commissions. Shouldn't we go and greet them?
Enhancement非常感谢,学到了不少东西呢。ありがとうございます。いい経験になりましたThank you very much. This has been an invaluable experience for me.
Flagship发声练习很充分,一定没问题!発声練習は万全ですI'm all done warming up and ready to sing!
Victory赢了……不过,距离顶点还有很远的路…勝利です。ですが、頂点にはまだ遠いかもしれません……It's a victory. But I'm still a long way from reaching the top...
Defeat……唔!还得再多加练习才行………くっ!もっと歌のレッスンをしなければ……...Ugh! If only I had practiced singing a bit more...
Skill把这首歌…送给大家!この歌を……みんなに届ける!Let this song... reach the hearts of everyone!
Low HP还…没有结束!まだ…終わっていません!It's... not over yet!
Affinity (Upset)有事吗?何かご用でしょうかDid you need something?
Affinity (Stranger)啦啦啦~♪啊,指挥官,我正在做发声练习哦。ラララ~♪ああ、指揮官。今、発声練習をしていたところですLalala~♪ Oh, Commander. I was just warming up my voice.
Affinity (Friendly)虽然偶像的工作不仅仅是唱歌而已。 但是提高自己的唱功,对于什么样的工作都会有所帮助…我是这么想的アイドルの仕事は、歌うことだけではありません。ですが、どんな仕事でも、歌を高めることに繋がっている……そう考えていますAn idol's work isn't limited to only singing. However, improving your singing skills will aid in any job... That's what I think.
Affinity (Like)港区里有很多小朋友呢。实际上,我受大家的拜托,最近正在教她们唱歌哦。呵呵,大家的歌声都很棒呢。この場所には、小さな子もたくさんいますね。実はお願いをされて、今彼女たちに歌を教えているんです。ふふっ、みんなとても素敵な歌声なんですよ。There are a lot of children here at the port. You know, I've been teaching some of them how to sing at their request. Hehe, everyone has such pretty singing voices.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,那个…如果方便的话,能陪我一下吗?练习新歌的时候遇到了瓶颈,想听一下指挥官对这首歌的看法。あの、指揮官。良ければ少し付き合っていただけますか?新しい歌を練習しているんですが、行き詰まってしまって。指揮官から歌の感想をお聞きできればとUm, Commander, would you mind accompanying me for a little bit? I've been practicing a new song, but I've been stuck on a part. I was hoping to get your opinion.
Pledge能来到这里,唱歌给许多人听,真的是一段非常棒的经历…感谢指挥官给了我这样的机会,我会用最好的歌来回应指挥官期待的…!この場所に来て、いろんな人に歌を届けて……とても素晴らしい経験ができています。こんな機会を与えてくれた指揮官の思いに、私も歌で応えたいです……!Having come here and been able to sing for many people... I consider this a very valuable experience. To express my feelings for the Commander who gave me this opportunity... I'd like to sing you a song!
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Amami Haruka春香!一起歌唱吧!春香!一緒に歌いましょう!Haruka! Let us sing together!
In battle with Miura Azusa梓小姐,请多关照。あずささん、よろしくお願いします。Azusa, let us do our best.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description啊,烟花大会开始了呢。本来打算之后和大家会合…指挥官想在这里先看一会吗?あっ、花火大会、始まってしまいましたね。この後みんなと合流する予定ですが……もう少しここで見ていきますか?Oh, the fireworks display is starting. I'm planning to meet up with the others after this, but... Why don't we spend some time enjoying the view here first?
Acquisition啊,烟花大会开始了呢。本来打算之后和大家会合…指挥官想在这里先看一会吗?あっ、花火大会、始まってしまいましたね。この後みんなと合流する予定ですが……もう少しここで見ていきますか?Oh, the fireworks display is starting. I'm planning to meet up with the others after this, but... Why don't we spend some time enjoying the view here first?
Login晚上好,指挥官。欸?我、我也是刚到,没有等很久,没关系的。こんばんは、指揮官。……え?待ったか、ですか?大丈夫です。私も今来たばかりですからGood afternoon, Commander. Huh...? How long have I been waiting? There's nothing to worry about, I just got here myself.
Details这件浴衣,我穿着不会很奇怪吧…欸,很适合我吗?那就好…この浴衣、変ではないでしょうか……えっ、似合っている?そうだといいのですが……How does this yukata look? ...It looks pretty on me? I'd be happy if that were the case...
Main这把伞的内侧是花朵的纹饰。 举起伞抬头看的时候,就像朵朵鲜花在头上盛放一样,非常漂亮哦。この傘、内側に花柄の模様がついているんです。これを差している時に上を向くと、頭の上に花が咲いているみたいで綺麗なんですよThere's a flower pattern on the inside of this umbrella. I love to look up whenever I use it because it looks as if flowers are blooming above my head, and that's so pretty.
Main 2夜空中绽放的烟花,和水面倒映的烟花…都非常漂亮呢。夜空に咲く花火と、水面に映った花火……どちらもとても綺麗ですねThe fireworks exploding above our heads and the fireworks reflected on the surface of the water... they're both very pretty.
Main 3虽然在会场附近的人群中欣赏烟花很有节日的味道,但像这样从稍远的地方悠闲地欣赏烟花,也挺不错的呢。会場近くの人混みの中で大きな花火を見るのもお祭りらしいですが、こうして少し離れたところから楽しむのも、ゆっくりできていいですねWatching fireworks next to the other people really feels exciting and festive, but I also like the relaxed atmosphere of watching fireworks from afar like this.
Touch这块石头有点滑…呀啊……谢、谢谢指挥官,差点就摔倒了……石がぬれて足場が……きゃっ……あ、ありがとうございます、指揮官。危うく転ぶところでしたThis stone is so slippery, it's hard to stand on... Eek! T-thank you, Commander... That was a close one.
Touch (Special)呀!突然做这种事…很危险的啊!差点就要摔倒了……きゃあ!突然そんな……転びそうになったじゃないですか!Eeek! ...Don't do something like that all of a sudden! I almost tripped!
Return to Port夏天就算到了晚上也挺热的呢…我去买点冷饮来吧。夏は夜でも暑いですね……私、少し冷たい飲み物を買ってきますIn the summer, it's so hot, even in the evening... I'm going to go buy something cool to drink.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官早上好,感觉今天的状态不错!可以轻松地唱出歌来…!おはようございます、指揮官。今日の調子は良好です!気持ちよく歌えそう……!Good morning, Commander. I'm in tip-top condition today! I feel like I can sing without a worry...!
Details指挥官,如果有空的话,可以陪我练习吗?指揮官、良ければ少し、レッスンに付き合ってくれませんか?Commander, if you're free, could you accompany me for singing practice?
Main指挥官,不好意思打扰您忙了…我有点搞不明白这个设备应该怎么操作…是先这样,然后这样?那个…它好像不动了…お忙しいところすみません、指揮官。この装置の操作方法が分からなくて。ここをこうして、こうですか?あの、今度は動かなくなってしまいましたが……Commander, I'm sorry for calling you over when you're so busy, but I don't really understand how to operate this equipment. I'm supposed to press this and do that? Um, it's not moving at all now...
Main 2请问…我可以在这里拍些照吗?想为以后留下些在这里生活的回忆。あの、写真を撮ってきても良いですか? ここでの生活を残しておきたくなってExcuse me Commander, could I go and take some pictures of the port? I wanted to have something to remember my time at this place by.
Main 3您累了吗?在指挥室放些古典乐怎么样?据说这样有放松身心的效果…お疲れですか?執務室でクラシックを流してみるのはどうでしょう?リラックス効果もあるそうですし……Are you feeling tired? How about playing some classical music over at the office? I've heard that it helps you feel more relaxed...
Touch (Special)呀......!! 请住手..! !突然在做什么…!?きゃ……!!やめてください……!!突然何を……!?Eek...!!! Please, stop it...!!! What are you doing all of a sudden...?!
Mission还剩下一些工作哦。残っている仕事があるようですLooks like you've still got some work left to finish.
Mission Complete工作辛苦了。可以的话,下次也让我来帮忙吧。お仕事お疲れ様です。良ければ次回もお手伝いしますよGood job wrapping everything up, Commander. Please allow me to help next time as well.
Flagship我想……登上更高的舞台!私は……もっと高く飛び立てる!I... can soar even higher!
Victory赢了呢。这次获得的经验,一定能成为未来成长的养料。勝てましたね。この経験は、さらなる成長につながると思いますLooks like we've won. This experience is sure to be a catalyst for my further growth.
Affinity (Love)刚来的时候,尽是些搞不明白的事情,搞得有些手忙脚乱的,多亏了指挥官和大家,才能像现在这样愉快地待在这里。真的…非常感谢。ここに来て間もない頃は、分からない事ばかりで戸惑いましたが、指揮官やみんなのおかげで楽しく過ごすことができています。本当に、ありがとうございますWhen I first arrived in port, there were so many things I didn't understand, but thanks to the help you and the others have given me, I've come to really enjoy my time here. I'm truly grateful for all you've done for me.