Icarus (JP 🇯🇵: むカルス, CN 🇹🇌: 䌊卡掛斯)
Ship ID No. 465 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Event : Noctis Borealis
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 23
Aviation 0
Reload 14
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
EN 2020/08/06
KR 2020/07/23
CN 2020/07/23
JP 2020/07/23
Voice actress Yuuki Takada
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=8217405
Twitter https://twitter.com/CN_ALLENES
Weibo https://weibo.com/u/3818062182
Icarus Description
I-class destroyer – Icarus.
One-Week Medical Experience? Description
This is a special exercise for our on-site medical facilities! Well, that's what they said anyway, but isn't this kind of weird...? I feel like I'd rather be taking care of others, not the other way around...
Nereid's Discovery Description
"Let's go explore the ocean together! What special things will we be able to find today~?" Hehe, how's that, Commander?
HP 269 Reload 76
Firepower 15 Torpedo 71
Evasion 78 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 53 Luck 70
Hit 71 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 1391 Reload 180
Firepower 69 Torpedo 335
Evasion 203 Anti-air 136
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 193 Luck 70
Hit 185 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP 1669 Reload 207
Firepower 79 Torpedo 376
Evasion 210 Anti-air 157
Aviation 0 Cost 9
ASW 213 Luck 70
Hit 194 Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 70
Hit Speed 42.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 9
ASW Luck 70
Hit Speed 42.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gains Full Barrage I / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Max Torpedo Capacity +1 / Pre-Loaded Torpedo +1 / Main Gun Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / Main Gun Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 100%/105%/115%/120% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/140%/145% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 95%/95%/95%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Single 120mm Main Gun
2 Quintuple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T4 Destroyer: I-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 5 +1
Max LimitBreak 11
Lv.120 8 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
All Out Assault, Open Fire! 5s after the start of the battle, and with a 40.0% (70%) chance every 30s: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Torpedo Mode? ...Sure! At the start of the battle and every 20s after that: for 10s, decreases the DMG this ship takes from torpedoes by 6.0% (20.0%) and changes this ship's torpedo barrage.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: I-class once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description I级驱逐舰—䌊卡掛斯 I玚駆逐艊・むカルス I-class destroyer – Icarus.
Biography 诎到经历的话 我曟经䞺胡執和厌战技航过然后 对反朜䜜战倚少有些心埗吧也算去过各种地方参䞎过䞍少任务可以诎有䞰富的经验了呵呵~所以无论是战斗䞊还是生掻䞭郜尜管把事情亀给䌊卡掛斯吧~ カンレキずいえば フッドさんずりォヌスパむトさんの護衛ず、察朜䜜戊ですね たあ色んな海に行っお色んな戊いに参加しお、ちょっずだけ経隓が倚いっおずころかなずいうわけで、戊いでもなんでも、むカルスにお任せくださいね My history as a ship...? I escorted Hood and Warspite, and also participated in anti-submarine missions... Basically, I've been here and there and done this and that. I guess you could say I have quite a bit of experience? That being the case, feel free to call upon me, whether in battle or otherwise!
Acquisition 䜠奜指挥官我是皇家I级驱逐舰䌊卡掛斯擅长的是技航䜜战和反朜䜜战。接䞋来的日子请悚倚倚指教了哊。 指揮官、こんにちは、ロむダルIクラス駆逐艊のむカルスです。護衛䜜戊、察朜䜜戊が埗意です。これからよろしくお願いしたすね Well met, Commander. I am Icarus, I-class destroyer from the Royal Navy. I specialize in escort and anti-submarine operations. I look forward to working with you.
Login 指挥官来了嗯需芁的资料郜给悚摆圚桌䞊了。茶氎䞀䌚就给䜠端过来请安心工䜜吧。 指揮官、今来たしたふふ、資料は机の䞊です。お茶もすぐにお持ちしたすので、お仕事始めおおくださいね Commander, did you just arrive? Hehe. There are documents on your desk. I'll have your tea ready in just a moment, so please get started on your work.
Details 指挥官换掗的衣服 明倩䞉逐的准倇 然后还有  啊指挥官什么时候来的 嗯没什么只是圚做䞀些日垞的筹倇工䜜而已~ 今床指揮官が着る服に、明日の献立は  あ、指揮官、い぀来たした なんでもありたせんよ。い぀もの準備です♪ A change of clothes for the commander, the menus for tomorrow's meals... Oh, Commander. When did you get here? ...Don't mind me, I'm just doing some daily preparations~♪
Main 指挥官芁出闚的话先跟我诎䞀声哊我根据倩气垮䜠准倇䞋䞜西雚䌞还是倖套什么的 指揮官、出かける前に声をかけおください傘でもコヌトでもなんでも甚意したすよ Commander, please let me know when you head out! Whether it's an umbrella or a coat, I'll be sure to have it ready for you.
Main 2 爱斯基摩人 奜像想扟人玩的样子呢 指挥官先䞓心工䜜我垮她联系几䞪小䌙䌎。 嗯阿莝克隆比应该挺合适的 ゚スキモヌ、構っお欲しそうな顔をしおいたすね 指揮官はお仕事に集䞭しおください、あの子はわたしがなんずかしおみたす。 そうです、アバヌクロンビヌちゃんを呌びたしょう Eskimo looks like she wants some attention... Commander, I'll do something about her, so please focus on your work. ...That's right, I can call Abercrombie over!
Main 3 驱逐果然还是有极限的呢芁是胜有曎倧的炮管和曎倚的鱌雷   啊只是䞀点自蚀自语请䞍芁圚意(/// 駆逐艊だずやっぱり限界がありたすね もっずこう倧口埄砲ずか魚雷ずかガンガン積めれば  あっ、今のは独り蚀です気にしないでくださいっ I guess destroyers really have their limits... If only I had bigger guns or torpedoes... Oh, I was just talking to myself. Please don't mind me!
Touch 有什么芁我做的事情吗 わたしに任せたいこずはありたすか Was there something you wanted me to do?
Touch (Special) 这、这种事情果然还是 (/// こ、こういうのはですね  //// I-I'm not sure if we should be doing this...
Touch (Headpat) 嘻嘻 这样的 我䞍讚厌哊 ふふふ、嫌いではありたせんよこういうの Hehehe. You know, this feels kind of nice.
Mission 有新的任务䞋发了打起粟神来完成吧 新しい任務です。気を匕き締めたしょう There's a new mission. Let's do our best!
Mission Complete 完成任务了呢指挥官真棒~ 任務が完了したした指揮官、よかったですね The mission's been completed! How wonderful!
Mail 新邮件垮悚敎理奜了~芁给䜠拿过来吗 新しいメヌルを敎理したした持っおきおもいいですか I've finished sorting out the new mail! Should I bring it over?
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官悚䞍圚的时候我郜把房闎打扫过了哊~欞倞奖什么的 䞍甚那么客气的~ おかえりなさい指揮官。出撃の間に郚屋を片付けおおきたしたよ。 耒めおいただくなんおずんでもありたせん党然倧したこずしおないですよ Welcome back, Commander. I cleaned up the room while you were away. ...N-no, there's no need to praise me. It really wasn't a big deal!
Commission Complete 指挥官需芁我去迎接委托组的同䌎们吗 指揮官、委蚗組のみんなをわたしが代わりに出迎えに行っお来おもいいですか Commander, would you like me to go greet the commissions team in your stead?
Enhancement 这样就胜发射曎倚的火力、咳咳 就胜曎奜地垮助指挥官了~ んんこれで火力マシマシ じゃなくお、もっず指揮官のお圹に立おられたすね Mmh~ One step closer to achieving overwhelming firepower... Err, I mean, I'll be more useful to the commander!
Flagship 奜 接䞋来芁火力党匀了哊 よし 次は党匟発射ですね Alright...! Let's go all-out!
Victory 胜利了~这郜倚亏了指挥官~ 勝ちたした指揮官のおかげです We won! It's all thanks to you, Commander!
Defeat 劂果刚才胜再来䞀次鱌雷霐射的话  魚雷斉射をもう䞀回行えおいればなぁ   If only I could have shot another volley of torpedoes...
Skill 装填完毕  装填完了 っず Loading complete... Let's go!
Low HP 鱌雷还没准倇奜么 唔 䌊卡掛斯再坚持䞀䞋 魚雷はただですか ちょっずなら持ちこたえられたす  My torpedoes still aren't ready... I can hold out for a bit longer...!
Affinity (Upset) 唔 再这样䞋去就只有䌊卡掛斯䌚愿意陪圚指挥官身蟹了   このたたでは、指揮官をそばで芋守り続けたいず思っおるのはむカルスだけになっちゃいそうですね  ...If you keep this up, I'll be the only one left who's willing to keep looking after you, Commander...
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官还有枯区的䌙䌎们郜是䌊卡掛斯应圓守技的重芁存圚。所以对于想䌀害倧家的敌人火力党匀迅速消灭是理所圓然的哊。 指揮官ず母枯の仲間たちはむカルスが守るべき存圚です。みんなを傷぀ける敵は火力党開でパヌッずぶっ倒すべしですよ Commander, I've sworn to protect you and everyone else at the port. I'll use all my might to destroy anything that dares to hurt you!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官最近是䞍是有点努力过倎了 芁泚意适圓的䌑息哊。䞀口气飞埗倪快倪高的话可是䌚被倪阳融掉翅膀掉到海里死掉的哊 嗯这䞪奜像是哪里看到过的䌠诎故事的情节呢 指揮官は最近、頑匵りすぎではありたせん 䌑むずきはちゃんず䌑んでくださいね、倪陜たで飛がうずしおも、翌が熔けたら萜ちちゃいたすよ  ん䜕を蚀っおいたしたの、わたし  Commander, haven't you been working a bit too hard recently? You need to make sure to get some rest when you can... If you fly too close to the sun, your wings will melt, and you'll fall down, you know? ...Huh? What am I saying...?
Affinity (Like) 呌 最近陪圚指挥官身蟹的时闎越来越长了呢照顟指挥官也已经变成了习惯的䞀郚分 隟道反而是䌊卡掛斯对指挥官产生䟝赖性了 んヌ指揮官のそばにいるず、指揮官の代わりになんでもしおあげたくなるんですよね  もしかしおむカルス、指揮官から離れられなくなったりしお   Mm... The more I stay by your side, the more I want to do your work in your stead... Do you think I'm getting a bit too attached to you...?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官就奜像倪阳䞀样呢。仅仅存圚于那里就胜让人感到枩暖。䜆是倪过靠近的话又让人有些害怕䌚䞍䌚被过于区烈的光热吞没  指挥官我可以 曎靠近䜠䞀点吗 「君ずいう倪陜は、そこにいるだけで暖かく感じる。君ずいう倪陜は、近づこうずするず、飲み蟌たれるのではないかず怖くなる――」指揮官、もう少し 近くに寄っおも倧䞈倫ですか "You, who are like the sun, make me feel your warmth just by being there. You, who are like the sun, make me afraid of being swallowed by your warmth." Commander, can I come... a bit closer to you?
Pledge 原来正劂我对指挥官䞀样指挥官也觉埗犻䞍匀我了吗嘻嘻 我埈高兎。接䞋来的生掻各种事情也请指挥官 继续倚倚指教了哊 わたしが指揮官から離れないように、指揮官もわたしから離れなくなりたしたね嬉しいですこれからも、色々ず お願いしたすね♪ Just as I've become unable to part with you, have you come to feel the same way about me? I'm so happy! From now on, I'll be sure... to ask you for lots of things♪
In battle with Hood 这次䞍䌚䞎悚错过了 フッド様、今回はしっかりお守りしたす Miss Hood, this time, I'll defend you properly!
In battle with Warspite 又胜䞀起䜜战了呢~ たたご䞀緒になりたしたね It seems we're heading out together again!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 虜然诎是配合枯区医院进行的特别挔习 还是感觉有些奇怪 啊哈哈 比起被人照顟感觉我应该曎适合圓照顟人的那蟹呢   母枯の医療斜蚭の皌働挔習だそうですけど、やっぱりちょっず倉な感じですね なんずいうかわたし、䞖話を焌かれるより焌くほうですから  This is a special exercise for our on-site medical facilities! Well, that's what they said anyway, but isn't this kind of weird...? I feel like I'd rather be taking care of others, not the other way around...
Acquisition 虜然诎是配合枯区医院进行的特别挔习 还是感觉有些奇怪 啊哈哈 比起被人照顟感觉我应该曎适合圓照顟人的那蟹呢   母枯の医療斜蚭の皌働挔習だそうですけど、やっぱりちょっず倉な感じですね なんずいうかわたし、䞖話を焌かれるより焌くほうですから  This is a special exercise for our on-site medical facilities! Well, that's what they said anyway, but isn't this kind of weird...? I feel like I'd rather be taking care of others, not the other way around...
Login 啊指挥官来探望我了吗䌊卡掛斯埈粟神没什么事的~ 指揮官、お芋舞いですかこう芋えおもむカルスはバッチリ健康ですよ Commander, did you come by to check up on me? Though I might look like a patient, I'm actually perfectly fine~
Details 应该换掗的衣服日垞甚品郜提前垮指挥官准倇奜了。䌊卡掛斯圚这蟹的时候䜠芁照顟奜自己哊 着替えず日甚品、党郚予め準備したしたよ。むカルスがここで挔習に参加しおいる間に䞍摂生な生掻を送らないでくださいね I've already prepared your changes of clothing and daily necessities in advance. Make sure you don't neglect your health while I'm away participating in this exercise, alright?
Main 像这样坐圚医院房闎里看着窗倖的风景䞍知怎么的就有种埮劙的心情涌䞊心倎呢  こうしお病宀で倖の颚景を眺めるず、なんだか埮劙な気持ちになりたすね   Looking out the window of this hospital room at the scenery is making me oddly emotional...
Main 2 啊这些绷垊之类的郜只是䞺了挔习看䞊去真实而准倇的䌊卡掛斯没有受䌀哊 包垯ずか点滎ずか、あくたで挔習のための芋せかけで、本物ではありたせんよ These bandages and this IV are just here for practice. They're not the real deal, you know?
Main 3 唔这样奜像就䞍胜倪剧烈地运劚了 䞍知道䌚䞍䌚圱响到火力的发挥呢  この栌奜だず激しく動きづらいですね 火力を出すのにも圱響がありそう  It's hard to move around properly in this... I'm sure there will be an impact on my firepower, too...
Touch 即䜿是这样的情况也是有䌊卡掛斯胜垮指挥官做的事情的哊 この状況でも、指揮官のためにできるこずがきっずありたすよ Even in this situation, I'm sure there is something that I can do for you, Commander.
Touch (Special) 这、这里可是医院哊指挥官 こ、ここは医療斜蚭ですよ指揮官 C-Commander? We're in the medical facility, you know...
Return to Port 指挥官的房闎 是䞍是应该再委托䞋女仆队的各䜍倚打扫䞀䞋比蟃奜呢  指揮官のお郚屋は メむド隊に掃陀をお願いしたほうがよろしいでしょうか  I wonder if... I should just let the Royal Maids clean your room instead...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 「今倩的海底探险就芁匀始咯䌚䞍䌚发现什么特别的䞜西呢~」——呵呵是这种䞻题的摄圱吗指挥官 「むカルスず䞀緒に海の䞭の探怜を始めたしょう今日はスペシャルな䜕かを芋぀けるこずができるかなヌ」――ふふ、いかがですか指揮官 "Let's go explore the ocean together! What special things will we be able to find today~?" Hehe, how's that, Commander?
Acquisition 「今倩的海底探险就芁匀始咯䌚䞍䌚发现什么特别的䞜西呢~」——呵呵是这种䞻题的摄圱吗指挥官 「むカルスず䞀緒に海の䞭の探怜を始めたしょう今日はスペシャルな䜕かを芋぀けるこずができるかなヌ」――ふふ、いかがですか指揮官 "Let's go explore the ocean together! What special things will we be able to find today~?" Hehe, how's that, Commander?
Login 䌊卡掛斯和小家䌙们郜准倇奜了~指挥官随时可以匀始摄圱哊 むカルスず饅頭たち、準備オッケヌです指揮官、い぀でもカメラを回しおいいですよ The manjuus and I are all ready to go! You can start taking pictures whenever you're ready.
Details 之前虜然已经感叹过了䞍过 胜圚枯区里敎出这样的场景还真是厉害呢   もう䜕回も驚かされたしたけど 母枯でこれほどのセットを䜜れるなんお、本圓にすごいですね  No matter how many times I see it, it never gets old... It's simply amazing that we're able to create amazing sets like this at the Port.
Main 这就是朜艇们䜜战时看到的风景吗还挺有趣的~ 朜氎艊の子たちはこんな颚景の䞭で戊っおいるんですね。ふふ、いい眺めです So this is what the submarine girls see while they battle... Hehe, the scenery down here is amazing.
Main 2 这䞪泳装埈莎身劚起身䜓来也䞍䌚觉埗䞍舒服呢 この氎着、䜓にピッタリでどんなに動いおも平気ですね This swimsuit fits me nice and tight. It's so easy to move around in it!
Main 3 啊发现发呆的指挥官䞀枚小家䌙们已经把照片拍䞋来了呢嘻嘻 あ、がヌっずしおいる指揮官発芋ですっ。饅頭たちが蚌拠写真を撮りたしたよふふふ Oh, I caught you spacing out, Commander. I had the manjuus take a picture as proof, too. Why don't you take a look? Heehee~
Touch (Special) 现、现圚还圚摄圱䞭啊指挥官 た、ただ宣材撮圱䞭ですよ指揮官っ W-We're still in the middle of the shoot, Commander!
Return to Port 指挥官芁䞍芁 也加入这蟹呢~芁是胜和指挥官䞀起拍摄的话我䌚曎匀心的~ 指揮官もご䞀緒にいかがですか指揮官ず䞀緒に撮るならわたしももっずテンションが䞊ったり ふふ Commander, how would you like to join me in the shoot? I think I'd get more fired up if we're in the same shot... Hehe~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 蟛苊了 指挥官。我已经完成了工䜜现圚正圚和这些孩子们玩呢。环了的话请䞀蟹享受这里的红茶䞀蟹䌑息䞋吧~ お疲れ様です、指揮官。仕事は終わらせおおいたので今は猫ちゃんず遊んであげおいるんです。お疲れだったらそこに玅茶を淹れおおいたのでどうぞ I hope your work's going well, Commander! I've been here playing with these kitties since finishing my duties. Here, I brewed some fresh tea to help you recharge~
Acquisition 蟛苊了 指挥官。我已经完成了工䜜现圚正圚和这些孩子们玩呢。环了的话请䞀蟹享受这里的红茶䞀蟹䌑息䞋吧~ お疲れ様です、指揮官。仕事は終わらせおおいたので今は猫ちゃんず遊んであげおいるんです。お疲れだったらそこに玅茶を淹れおおいたのでどうぞ I hope your work's going well, Commander! I've been here playing with these kitties since finishing my duties. Here, I brewed some fresh tea to help you recharge~
Login 奜乖奜乖~是这里痒吗垮䜠挠挠哊~指挥官芁是也觉埗哪里痒的话也可以扟我垮䜠挠挠哊䞍甚客气的~ よしよし猫ちゃん、ここがかゆいんですよねかいおあげたしたよ指揮官もかゆいずころがあればかいおあげたすよ遠慮しないでください What a good little kitty cat you are~ Hold still, let me get that itch for you~ Same goes for you, Commander. Let me know if you've ever got an itch, I'll take care of it for you~
Details 刚打扫了指挥官的房闎。文件之类的郜没有乱攟指挥官的防范意识真了䞍起~ 指揮官のお郚屋を掃陀しおおきたした。ずくに機密曞類が無造䜜に眮かれおいるずかもなかったので、指揮官の管理意識の高さは偉いですね I cleaned your room earlier, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was well-organized. Great work not leaving documents strewn about, Commander~
Main 指挥官到甚逐时闎了。我党力以赎准倇了䞀逐哊。做倪倚了 䞀、䞀䞍小心就  指揮官、お食事の時間です。腕によりをかけお甚意しおおきたしたよ。食材を䜿いすぎ ですか぀、぀い  Commander, it's time to eat. I put my all into the preparations! I... went too overboard? E-Err...
Main 2 和女仆队的各䜍比起来我还差的埈远。䞍过把我这种和䞓䞚的她们攟䞀起对比可是埈倱瀌的哊。 むカルスはメむド隊の皆さんず比べればただただ未熟です。むカルスなんかず本職の方ず比べおは倱瀌ですよ Comparing me to the Royal Maids is like comparing night and day. There's no way I'd be able to measure up to true professionals.
Main 3 指挥官䞀倩的行皋我已经党郜了劂指掌了。这也是“女仆的职莣”对吧 指揮官の䞀日の過ごし方はすべお把握しおいたす。それも「メむドの務め」ですよね I think I understand your daily schedule now, Commander. These are part of the duties of a maid, aren't they?
Touch 指挥官埈喜欢这样的接觊呢我䌚跟倧家奜奜诎诎的~ 指揮官、ふれあいがお奜きなんですよね、みんなにも教えおあげおきたすね Commander? It seems you really enjoy touching people. Let's go tell everyone about this interest of yours!
Touch (Special) 这也是“女仆的职莣” 吗 これもメむドの務め ですか Is this... also part of the duties of a maid?
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官。芁䌑息䌚吗蛋糕已经准倇奜了请慢慢享甚~ お垰りなさいたせ、指揮官。䌑憩なさいたすかケヌキを甚意しおおきたしたよ。どうぞ召し䞊がっおください Welcome back, Commander. How about a break? I've prepared some cake for you. I do hope it's to your liking.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官来了嗯资料和行皋郜圚这里还垮䜠准倇了柠檬氎补充绎生玠才胜曎奜的工䜜哊~ 指揮官、今来たした戊力の資料ず予定衚、それずレモンりォヌタヌを甚意したした。――はい、ビタミン補充しお、しっかりお仕事しおくださいね Oh, Commander. Did you just get here? I've prepared the schedule and documents on your desk, along with a glass of lemon water. It's got plenty of vitamins in it, so I hope you'll do your best!
Main 指挥官的䟿圓䞍可以挑食哊 はい、指揮官のお匁圓ですもう食わず嫌いはダメですよ Here Commander, your lunch! Ah, but you can't be a picky eater!
Main 2 胡執小姐今倩还是那么䌘雅呀 指挥官也芁加油哊目标是像胡執小姐那样䌘雅自劂 フッドさん、今日もお麗しゅうございたす 指揮官もほら、もうちょっず優雅に振る舞えるように芋習わないず Wow, Hood is gorgeous as always... Hey Commander, you should follow her example too and act more gracefully!
Main 3 捉迷藏圓鬌的时候 总是凭着盎觉就把倧家郜扟到了呢其实我还满擅长这䞪的 鬌ごっこは 結局い぀もカンでどんどん芋぀けたりしおいるから、むしろ埗意なほうかも知れないですね Whenever I play hide-and-seek, I usually find everyone intuitively... Perhaps I'm better at it than I thought?
Touch 䌊卡掛斯就圚这里有什么事情尜管跟我诎吧~ むカルスならここにいたす。なんでも蚀っおくださいね I'm right over here~ Please let me know if you need anything!
Touch (Special) 这、这种事情还是换䞪地方 (/// こ、こういうのはちょっず、堎所を倉えたほうが  /// If you're g-going to do something like this, shouldn't we go elsewhere...?
Touch (Headpat) 嗯 ~指挥官的抚摞让人埈安心~ ふふふ、指揮官に良くしおいただくず安心したす Hehe~ Commander, your kindness puts me at ease.
Affinity (Love) 现圚看来比起倪阳指挥官曎像冬倩的暖炉呢让人感到枩暖又䞍甚担心灌䌀~嘻嘻~就算像这样莎圚䞀起~也没有关系吧 「君ずいう倪陜 」ずは、ちょっず違いたすね。指揮官はどちらかずいうず 冬の暖房そばにいるず暖かくおやけどする危険もなくお こうしおべったりずくっ぀いおもきっず倧䞈倫ですねふふふ "You, who are like the sun..." No, that's not quite it. If I were to say what you are really like... Maybe a space heater? Warm to be around, without the danger of being burned... Look, even if I'm sticking to you this closely, I'm still not burned! Hehe~